Advanced tools
Comparing version 6.5.1-alpha.a1d9796.0 to 6.5.1-alpha.f361d94.0
@@ -114,3 +114,3 @@ 'use strict'; | ||
const hasMore = notInstalledProviders.length > 0; | ||
return (index.h("div", { class: "modal-container animate-in fade-in fixed inset-0 z-[8999] box-border flex h-full w-full items-end bg-[#00000040] md:items-center md:justify-center" }, index.h("div", { class: "fixed inset-0 z-[8999]", onClick: () => this.handleCloseModal() }), index.h("div", { class: "modal-body animate-in md:zoom-in-50 slide-in-from-bottom md:slide-in-from-bottom-0 z-[9000] box-border flex max-h-[calc(100%-24px)] w-full max-w-full cursor-default flex-col overflow-y-scroll rounded-2xl rounded-b-none bg-white p-6 text-sm leading-snug shadow-[0_4px_5px_0_#00000005,0_16px_40px_0_#00000014] md:max-h-[calc(100%-48px)] md:w-[400px] md:rounded-b-2xl" }, index.h("div", { class: "flex flex-col space-y-[10px]" }, index.h("div", { class: "flex items-center" }, index.h("div", { class: "flex-1 text-xl font-medium text-[#242629]" }, "Connect a wallet"), index.h("button", { class: "rounded-full bg-transparent p-1 transition-colors hover:bg-gray-100 active:scale-95", onClick: () => this.handleCloseModal() }, index.h("span", { class: "sr-only" }, "Close popup"), index.h("img", { src: closeIconSvg }))), hasInstalled ? (index.h("p", null, "Select the wallet you want to connect to.")) : (index.h("p", null, "You don't have any wallets in your browser that support this app. You need to install a wallet to proceed."))), !mobile && !browser && (index.h("div", { class: "mx-auto mt-4 rounded-xl bg-gray-200 px-3 py-1.5 text-sm font-medium text-gray-500" }, "Unfortunately, your browser isn't supported")), hasInstalled && (index.h("div", { class: "mt-6" }, index.h("p", { class: "mb-4 text-sm font-medium" }, "Installed wallets"), index.h("ul", { class: "space-y-3" }, this.installedProviders.map((provider) => (index.h("li", { class: "flex items-center gap-3 rounded-[10px] border border-[#EFEFF2] p-[14px]" }, index.h("div", { class: "aspect-square basis-9 overflow-hidden" }, index.h("img", { src: provider.icon, class: "h-full w-full rounded-[10px] bg-gray-700" })), index.h("div", { class: "flex-1" }, index.h("div", { class: "text-sm font-medium text-[#242629]" }, provider.name), provider.webUrl && (index.h("a", { href: provider.webUrl, class: "text-sm", rel: "noopener noreferrer" }, new URL(provider.webUrl).hostname))), index.h("button", { class: "rounded-[10px] border border-[#333] bg-[#323232] px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[#EFEFEF] shadow-[0_1px_2px_0_#0000000A] outline-[#FFBD7A] transition-all hover:bg-[#0C0C0D] hover:text-white hover:shadow-[0_8px_16px_0_#00000020] focus:outline focus:outline-[3px] active:scale-95", onClick: () => this.handleSelectProvider(provider.id) }, "Connect"))))))), hasMore && (index.h("div", { class: "mt-6" }, hasInstalled ? (index.h("p", { class: "mb-4 text-sm font-medium" }, "Other wallets")) : (index.h("div", { class: "mb-5 flex justify-between" }, index.h("p", { class: "text-sm font-medium" }, "Recommended wallets"), index.h("a", { class: "flex cursor-pointer items-center space-x-[5px] text-xs transition-colors hover:text-[#242629] hover:underline focus:underline", href: "https://docs.hiro.so/what-is-a-wallet", rel: "noopener noreferrer", target: "_blank" }, index.h("svg", { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", width: "14", height: "14", viewBox: "0 0 16 16", fill: "none" }, index.h("path", { stroke: "#74777D", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-width": "1.2", d: "M8.006 15a7 7 0 1 0 0-14 7 7 0 0 0 0 14Z" }), index.h("path", { stroke: "#74777D", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-width": "1.2", d: "M5.97 5.9a2.1 2.1 0 0 1 4.08.7c0 1.4-2.1 2.1-2.1 2.1M8.006 11.5h.01" })), index.h("p", null, "What is a wallet?\u2009", index.h("span", { class: "align-text-bottom text-[9px]" }, "\u2197"))))), index.h("ul", { class: "space-y-3" }, notInstalledProviders.map((provider) => (index.h("li", { class: "flex items-center gap-3 rounded-[10px] border border-[#EFEFF2] p-[14px]" }, index.h("div", { class: "aspect-square basis-9 overflow-hidden" }, index.h("img", { src: provider.icon, class: "h-full w-full rounded-[10px] bg-gray-700" })), index.h("div", { class: "flex-1" }, index.h("div", { class: "text-sm font-medium text-[#242629]" }, provider.name), provider.webUrl && (index.h("a", { href: provider.webUrl, class: "text-sm", rel: "noopener noreferrer" }, new URL(provider.webUrl).hostname))), this.getInstallUrl(provider, browser, mobile) && (index.h("a", { class: "rounded-[10px] border border-[#EFEFF2] px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium shadow-[0_1px_2px_0_#0000000A] outline-[#FFBD7A] transition-colors hover:text-[#242629] hover:shadow-[0_1px_2px_0_#00000010] focus:outline focus:outline-[3px] active:scale-95", href: this.getInstallUrl(provider, browser, mobile), rel: "noopener noreferrer", target: "_blank" }, "Install \u2192"))))))))))); | ||
return (index.h("div", { class: "modal-container animate-in fade-in fixed inset-0 z-[8999] box-border flex h-full w-full items-end bg-[#00000040] md:items-center md:justify-center" }, index.h("div", { class: "fixed inset-0 z-[8999]", onClick: () => this.handleCloseModal() }), index.h("div", { class: "modal-body animate-in md:zoom-in-50 slide-in-from-bottom md:slide-in-from-bottom-0 z-[9000] box-border flex max-h-[calc(100%-24px)] w-full max-w-full cursor-default flex-col overflow-y-scroll rounded-2xl rounded-b-none bg-white p-6 text-sm leading-snug shadow-[0_4px_5px_0_#00000005,0_16px_40px_0_#00000014] md:max-h-[calc(100%-48px)] md:w-[400px] md:rounded-b-2xl" }, index.h("div", { class: "flex flex-col space-y-[10px]" }, index.h("div", { class: "flex items-center" }, index.h("div", { class: "flex-1 text-xl font-medium text-[#242629]" }, "Connect a wallet"), index.h("button", { class: "rounded-full bg-transparent p-1 transition-colors hover:bg-gray-100 active:scale-95", onClick: () => this.handleCloseModal() }, index.h("span", { class: "sr-only" }, "Close popup"), index.h("img", { src: closeIconSvg }))), hasInstalled ? (index.h("p", null, "Select the wallet you want to connect to.")) : (index.h("p", null, "You don't have any wallets in your browser that support this app. You need to install a wallet to proceed."))), !mobile && !browser && (index.h("div", { class: "mx-auto mt-4 rounded-xl bg-gray-200 px-3 py-1.5 text-sm font-medium text-gray-500" }, "Unfortunately, your browser isn't supported")), hasInstalled && (index.h("div", { class: "mt-6" }, index.h("p", { class: "mb-4 text-sm font-medium" }, "Installed wallets"), index.h("ul", { class: "space-y-3" }, this.installedProviders.map((provider) => (index.h("li", { class: "flex items-center gap-3 rounded-[10px] border border-[#EFEFF2] p-[14px]" }, index.h("div", { class: "aspect-square basis-9 overflow-hidden" }, index.h("img", { src: provider.icon, class: "h-full w-full rounded-[10px] bg-gray-700" })), index.h("div", { class: "flex-1" }, index.h("div", { class: "text-sm font-medium text-[#242629]" }, provider.name), provider.webUrl && (index.h("a", { href: provider.webUrl, class: "text-sm", rel: "noopener noreferrer" }, new URL(provider.webUrl).hostname))), index.h("button", { class: "rounded-[10px] border border-[#333] bg-[#323232] px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[#EFEFEF] shadow-[0_1px_2px_0_#0000000A] outline-[#FFBD7A] transition-all hover:bg-[#0C0C0D] hover:text-white hover:shadow-[0_8px_16px_0_#00000020] focus:outline focus:outline-[3px] active:scale-95", onClick: () => this.handleSelectProvider(provider.id) }, "Connect"))))))), hasMore && (index.h("div", { class: "mt-6" }, hasInstalled ? (index.h("p", { class: "mb-4 text-sm font-medium" }, "Other wallets")) : (index.h("div", { class: "mb-5 flex justify-between" }, index.h("p", { class: "text-sm font-medium" }, "Recommended wallets"), index.h("a", { class: "flex cursor-pointer items-center space-x-[5px] text-xs transition-colors hover:text-[#242629] hover:underline focus:underline", href: "https://docs.hiro.so/what-is-a-wallet", rel: "noopener noreferrer", target: "_blank" }, index.h("svg", { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", width: "14", height: "14", viewBox: "0 0 16 16", fill: "none" }, index.h("path", { stroke: "#74777D", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-width": "1.2", d: "M8.006 15a7 7 0 1 0 0-14 7 7 0 0 0 0 14Z" }), index.h("path", { stroke: "#74777D", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-width": "1.2", d: "M5.97 5.9a2.1 2.1 0 0 1 4.08.7c0 1.4-2.1 2.1-2.1 2.1M8.006 11.5h.01" })), index.h("p", null, "What is a wallet?\u2009", index.h("span", { class: "align-text-bottom text-[9px]" }, "\u2197"))))), index.h("ul", { class: "space-y-3" }, notInstalledProviders.map((provider) => (index.h("li", { class: "flex items-center gap-3 rounded-[10px] border border-[#EFEFF2] p-[14px]" }, index.h("div", { class: "aspect-square basis-9 overflow-hidden" }, index.h("img", { src: provider.icon, class: "h-full w-full rounded-[10px] bg-gray-700" })), index.h("div", { class: "flex-1" }, index.h("div", { class: "text-sm font-medium text-[#242629]" }, provider.name), provider.webUrl && (index.h("a", { href: provider.webUrl, class: "text-sm", rel: "noopener noreferrer" }, new URL(provider.webUrl).hostname))), this.getInstallUrl(provider, browser, mobile) && (index.h("a", { class: "rounded-[10px] border border-[#EFEFF2] px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium shadow-[0_1px_2px_0_#0000000A] outline-[#FFBD7A] transition-colors hover:text-[#242629] hover:shadow-[0_1px_2px_0_#00000010] focus:outline focus:outline-[3px] active:scale-95", href: this.getInstallUrl(provider, browser, mobile), rel: "noopener noreferrer", target: "_blank" }, provider.id === 'AsignaProvider' ? 'Open' : 'Install', " \u2192"))))))))))); | ||
} | ||
@@ -117,0 +117,0 @@ static get assetsDirs() { return ["assets"]; } |
@@ -65,3 +65,3 @@ import { h } from '@stencil/core'; | ||
const hasMore = notInstalledProviders.length > 0; | ||
return (h("div", { class: "modal-container animate-in fade-in fixed inset-0 z-[8999] box-border flex h-full w-full items-end bg-[#00000040] md:items-center md:justify-center" }, h("div", { class: "fixed inset-0 z-[8999]", onClick: () => this.handleCloseModal() }), h("div", { class: "modal-body animate-in md:zoom-in-50 slide-in-from-bottom md:slide-in-from-bottom-0 z-[9000] box-border flex max-h-[calc(100%-24px)] w-full max-w-full cursor-default flex-col overflow-y-scroll rounded-2xl rounded-b-none bg-white p-6 text-sm leading-snug shadow-[0_4px_5px_0_#00000005,0_16px_40px_0_#00000014] md:max-h-[calc(100%-48px)] md:w-[400px] md:rounded-b-2xl" }, h("div", { class: "flex flex-col space-y-[10px]" }, h("div", { class: "flex items-center" }, h("div", { class: "flex-1 text-xl font-medium text-[#242629]" }, "Connect a wallet"), h("button", { class: "rounded-full bg-transparent p-1 transition-colors hover:bg-gray-100 active:scale-95", onClick: () => this.handleCloseModal() }, h("span", { class: "sr-only" }, "Close popup"), h("img", { src: CloseIcon }))), hasInstalled ? (h("p", null, "Select the wallet you want to connect to.")) : (h("p", null, "You don't have any wallets in your browser that support this app. You need to install a wallet to proceed."))), !mobile && !browser && (h("div", { class: "mx-auto mt-4 rounded-xl bg-gray-200 px-3 py-1.5 text-sm font-medium text-gray-500" }, "Unfortunately, your browser isn't supported")), hasInstalled && (h("div", { class: "mt-6" }, h("p", { class: "mb-4 text-sm font-medium" }, "Installed wallets"), h("ul", { class: "space-y-3" }, this.installedProviders.map((provider) => (h("li", { class: "flex items-center gap-3 rounded-[10px] border border-[#EFEFF2] p-[14px]" }, h("div", { class: "aspect-square basis-9 overflow-hidden" }, h("img", { src: provider.icon, class: "h-full w-full rounded-[10px] bg-gray-700" })), h("div", { class: "flex-1" }, h("div", { class: "text-sm font-medium text-[#242629]" }, provider.name), provider.webUrl && (h("a", { href: provider.webUrl, class: "text-sm", rel: "noopener noreferrer" }, new URL(provider.webUrl).hostname))), h("button", { class: "rounded-[10px] border border-[#333] bg-[#323232] px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[#EFEFEF] shadow-[0_1px_2px_0_#0000000A] outline-[#FFBD7A] transition-all hover:bg-[#0C0C0D] hover:text-white hover:shadow-[0_8px_16px_0_#00000020] focus:outline focus:outline-[3px] active:scale-95", onClick: () => this.handleSelectProvider(provider.id) }, "Connect"))))))), hasMore && (h("div", { class: "mt-6" }, hasInstalled ? (h("p", { class: "mb-4 text-sm font-medium" }, "Other wallets")) : (h("div", { class: "mb-5 flex justify-between" }, h("p", { class: "text-sm font-medium" }, "Recommended wallets"), h("a", { class: "flex cursor-pointer items-center space-x-[5px] text-xs transition-colors hover:text-[#242629] hover:underline focus:underline", href: "https://docs.hiro.so/what-is-a-wallet", rel: "noopener noreferrer", target: "_blank" }, h("svg", { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", width: "14", height: "14", viewBox: "0 0 16 16", fill: "none" }, h("path", { stroke: "#74777D", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-width": "1.2", d: "M8.006 15a7 7 0 1 0 0-14 7 7 0 0 0 0 14Z" }), h("path", { stroke: "#74777D", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-width": "1.2", d: "M5.97 5.9a2.1 2.1 0 0 1 4.08.7c0 1.4-2.1 2.1-2.1 2.1M8.006 11.5h.01" })), h("p", null, "What is a wallet?\u2009", h("span", { class: "align-text-bottom text-[9px]" }, "\u2197"))))), h("ul", { class: "space-y-3" }, notInstalledProviders.map((provider) => (h("li", { class: "flex items-center gap-3 rounded-[10px] border border-[#EFEFF2] p-[14px]" }, h("div", { class: "aspect-square basis-9 overflow-hidden" }, h("img", { src: provider.icon, class: "h-full w-full rounded-[10px] bg-gray-700" })), h("div", { class: "flex-1" }, h("div", { class: "text-sm font-medium text-[#242629]" }, provider.name), provider.webUrl && (h("a", { href: provider.webUrl, class: "text-sm", rel: "noopener noreferrer" }, new URL(provider.webUrl).hostname))), this.getInstallUrl(provider, browser, mobile) && (h("a", { class: "rounded-[10px] border border-[#EFEFF2] px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium shadow-[0_1px_2px_0_#0000000A] outline-[#FFBD7A] transition-colors hover:text-[#242629] hover:shadow-[0_1px_2px_0_#00000010] focus:outline focus:outline-[3px] active:scale-95", href: this.getInstallUrl(provider, browser, mobile), rel: "noopener noreferrer", target: "_blank" }, "Install \u2192"))))))))))); | ||
return (h("div", { class: "modal-container animate-in fade-in fixed inset-0 z-[8999] box-border flex h-full w-full items-end bg-[#00000040] md:items-center md:justify-center" }, h("div", { class: "fixed inset-0 z-[8999]", onClick: () => this.handleCloseModal() }), h("div", { class: "modal-body animate-in md:zoom-in-50 slide-in-from-bottom md:slide-in-from-bottom-0 z-[9000] box-border flex max-h-[calc(100%-24px)] w-full max-w-full cursor-default flex-col overflow-y-scroll rounded-2xl rounded-b-none bg-white p-6 text-sm leading-snug shadow-[0_4px_5px_0_#00000005,0_16px_40px_0_#00000014] md:max-h-[calc(100%-48px)] md:w-[400px] md:rounded-b-2xl" }, h("div", { class: "flex flex-col space-y-[10px]" }, h("div", { class: "flex items-center" }, h("div", { class: "flex-1 text-xl font-medium text-[#242629]" }, "Connect a wallet"), h("button", { class: "rounded-full bg-transparent p-1 transition-colors hover:bg-gray-100 active:scale-95", onClick: () => this.handleCloseModal() }, h("span", { class: "sr-only" }, "Close popup"), h("img", { src: CloseIcon }))), hasInstalled ? (h("p", null, "Select the wallet you want to connect to.")) : (h("p", null, "You don't have any wallets in your browser that support this app. You need to install a wallet to proceed."))), !mobile && !browser && (h("div", { class: "mx-auto mt-4 rounded-xl bg-gray-200 px-3 py-1.5 text-sm font-medium text-gray-500" }, "Unfortunately, your browser isn't supported")), hasInstalled && (h("div", { class: "mt-6" }, h("p", { class: "mb-4 text-sm font-medium" }, "Installed wallets"), h("ul", { class: "space-y-3" }, this.installedProviders.map((provider) => (h("li", { class: "flex items-center gap-3 rounded-[10px] border border-[#EFEFF2] p-[14px]" }, h("div", { class: "aspect-square basis-9 overflow-hidden" }, h("img", { src: provider.icon, class: "h-full w-full rounded-[10px] bg-gray-700" })), h("div", { class: "flex-1" }, h("div", { class: "text-sm font-medium text-[#242629]" }, provider.name), provider.webUrl && (h("a", { href: provider.webUrl, class: "text-sm", rel: "noopener noreferrer" }, new URL(provider.webUrl).hostname))), h("button", { class: "rounded-[10px] border border-[#333] bg-[#323232] px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[#EFEFEF] shadow-[0_1px_2px_0_#0000000A] outline-[#FFBD7A] transition-all hover:bg-[#0C0C0D] hover:text-white hover:shadow-[0_8px_16px_0_#00000020] focus:outline focus:outline-[3px] active:scale-95", onClick: () => this.handleSelectProvider(provider.id) }, "Connect"))))))), hasMore && (h("div", { class: "mt-6" }, hasInstalled ? (h("p", { class: "mb-4 text-sm font-medium" }, "Other wallets")) : (h("div", { class: "mb-5 flex justify-between" }, h("p", { class: "text-sm font-medium" }, "Recommended wallets"), h("a", { class: "flex cursor-pointer items-center space-x-[5px] text-xs transition-colors hover:text-[#242629] hover:underline focus:underline", href: "https://docs.hiro.so/what-is-a-wallet", rel: "noopener noreferrer", target: "_blank" }, h("svg", { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", width: "14", height: "14", viewBox: "0 0 16 16", fill: "none" }, h("path", { stroke: "#74777D", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-width": "1.2", d: "M8.006 15a7 7 0 1 0 0-14 7 7 0 0 0 0 14Z" }), h("path", { stroke: "#74777D", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-width": "1.2", d: "M5.97 5.9a2.1 2.1 0 0 1 4.08.7c0 1.4-2.1 2.1-2.1 2.1M8.006 11.5h.01" })), h("p", null, "What is a wallet?\u2009", h("span", { class: "align-text-bottom text-[9px]" }, "\u2197"))))), h("ul", { class: "space-y-3" }, notInstalledProviders.map((provider) => (h("li", { class: "flex items-center gap-3 rounded-[10px] border border-[#EFEFF2] p-[14px]" }, h("div", { class: "aspect-square basis-9 overflow-hidden" }, h("img", { src: provider.icon, class: "h-full w-full rounded-[10px] bg-gray-700" })), h("div", { class: "flex-1" }, h("div", { class: "text-sm font-medium text-[#242629]" }, provider.name), provider.webUrl && (h("a", { href: provider.webUrl, class: "text-sm", rel: "noopener noreferrer" }, new URL(provider.webUrl).hostname))), this.getInstallUrl(provider, browser, mobile) && (h("a", { class: "rounded-[10px] border border-[#EFEFF2] px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium shadow-[0_1px_2px_0_#0000000A] outline-[#FFBD7A] transition-colors hover:text-[#242629] hover:shadow-[0_1px_2px_0_#00000010] focus:outline focus:outline-[3px] active:scale-95", href: this.getInstallUrl(provider, browser, mobile), rel: "noopener noreferrer", target: "_blank" }, provider.id === 'AsignaProvider' ? 'Open' : 'Install', " \u2192"))))))))))); | ||
} | ||
@@ -68,0 +68,0 @@ static get is() { return "connect-modal"; } |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
import{p as e,b as o}from"./p-31bd3998.js";export{s as setNonce}from"./p-31bd3998.js";(()=>{const s=import.meta.url,o={};return""!==s&&(o.resourcesUrl=new URL(".",s).href),e(o)})().then((e=>o([["p-065b3b1c",[[1,"connect-modal",{defaultProviders:[16],installedProviders:[16],persistSelection:[4,"persist-selection"],callback:[16],cancelCallback:[16]}]]]],e))); | ||
import{p as e,b as o}from"./p-31bd3998.js";export{s as setNonce}from"./p-31bd3998.js";(()=>{const s=import.meta.url,o={};return""!==s&&(o.resourcesUrl=new URL(".",s).href),e(o)})().then((e=>o([["p-149a9c8b",[[1,"connect-modal",{defaultProviders:[16],installedProviders:[16],persistSelection:[4,"persist-selection"],callback:[16],cancelCallback:[16]}]]]],e))); |
@@ -110,3 +110,3 @@ import { r as registerInstance, h, g as getElement } from './index-f9076013.js'; | ||
const hasMore = notInstalledProviders.length > 0; | ||
return (h("div", { class: "modal-container animate-in fade-in fixed inset-0 z-[8999] box-border flex h-full w-full items-end bg-[#00000040] md:items-center md:justify-center" }, h("div", { class: "fixed inset-0 z-[8999]", onClick: () => this.handleCloseModal() }), h("div", { class: "modal-body animate-in md:zoom-in-50 slide-in-from-bottom md:slide-in-from-bottom-0 z-[9000] box-border flex max-h-[calc(100%-24px)] w-full max-w-full cursor-default flex-col overflow-y-scroll rounded-2xl rounded-b-none bg-white p-6 text-sm leading-snug shadow-[0_4px_5px_0_#00000005,0_16px_40px_0_#00000014] md:max-h-[calc(100%-48px)] md:w-[400px] md:rounded-b-2xl" }, h("div", { class: "flex flex-col space-y-[10px]" }, h("div", { class: "flex items-center" }, h("div", { class: "flex-1 text-xl font-medium text-[#242629]" }, "Connect a wallet"), h("button", { class: "rounded-full bg-transparent p-1 transition-colors hover:bg-gray-100 active:scale-95", onClick: () => this.handleCloseModal() }, h("span", { class: "sr-only" }, "Close popup"), h("img", { src: closeIconSvg }))), hasInstalled ? (h("p", null, "Select the wallet you want to connect to.")) : (h("p", null, "You don't have any wallets in your browser that support this app. You need to install a wallet to proceed."))), !mobile && !browser && (h("div", { class: "mx-auto mt-4 rounded-xl bg-gray-200 px-3 py-1.5 text-sm font-medium text-gray-500" }, "Unfortunately, your browser isn't supported")), hasInstalled && (h("div", { class: "mt-6" }, h("p", { class: "mb-4 text-sm font-medium" }, "Installed wallets"), h("ul", { class: "space-y-3" }, this.installedProviders.map((provider) => (h("li", { class: "flex items-center gap-3 rounded-[10px] border border-[#EFEFF2] p-[14px]" }, h("div", { class: "aspect-square basis-9 overflow-hidden" }, h("img", { src: provider.icon, class: "h-full w-full rounded-[10px] bg-gray-700" })), h("div", { class: "flex-1" }, h("div", { class: "text-sm font-medium text-[#242629]" }, provider.name), provider.webUrl && (h("a", { href: provider.webUrl, class: "text-sm", rel: "noopener noreferrer" }, new URL(provider.webUrl).hostname))), h("button", { class: "rounded-[10px] border border-[#333] bg-[#323232] px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[#EFEFEF] shadow-[0_1px_2px_0_#0000000A] outline-[#FFBD7A] transition-all hover:bg-[#0C0C0D] hover:text-white hover:shadow-[0_8px_16px_0_#00000020] focus:outline focus:outline-[3px] active:scale-95", onClick: () => this.handleSelectProvider(provider.id) }, "Connect"))))))), hasMore && (h("div", { class: "mt-6" }, hasInstalled ? (h("p", { class: "mb-4 text-sm font-medium" }, "Other wallets")) : (h("div", { class: "mb-5 flex justify-between" }, h("p", { class: "text-sm font-medium" }, "Recommended wallets"), h("a", { class: "flex cursor-pointer items-center space-x-[5px] text-xs transition-colors hover:text-[#242629] hover:underline focus:underline", href: "https://docs.hiro.so/what-is-a-wallet", rel: "noopener noreferrer", target: "_blank" }, h("svg", { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", width: "14", height: "14", viewBox: "0 0 16 16", fill: "none" }, h("path", { stroke: "#74777D", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-width": "1.2", d: "M8.006 15a7 7 0 1 0 0-14 7 7 0 0 0 0 14Z" }), h("path", { stroke: "#74777D", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-width": "1.2", d: "M5.97 5.9a2.1 2.1 0 0 1 4.08.7c0 1.4-2.1 2.1-2.1 2.1M8.006 11.5h.01" })), h("p", null, "What is a wallet?\u2009", h("span", { class: "align-text-bottom text-[9px]" }, "\u2197"))))), h("ul", { class: "space-y-3" }, notInstalledProviders.map((provider) => (h("li", { class: "flex items-center gap-3 rounded-[10px] border border-[#EFEFF2] p-[14px]" }, h("div", { class: "aspect-square basis-9 overflow-hidden" }, h("img", { src: provider.icon, class: "h-full w-full rounded-[10px] bg-gray-700" })), h("div", { class: "flex-1" }, h("div", { class: "text-sm font-medium text-[#242629]" }, provider.name), provider.webUrl && (h("a", { href: provider.webUrl, class: "text-sm", rel: "noopener noreferrer" }, new URL(provider.webUrl).hostname))), this.getInstallUrl(provider, browser, mobile) && (h("a", { class: "rounded-[10px] border border-[#EFEFF2] px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium shadow-[0_1px_2px_0_#0000000A] outline-[#FFBD7A] transition-colors hover:text-[#242629] hover:shadow-[0_1px_2px_0_#00000010] focus:outline focus:outline-[3px] active:scale-95", href: this.getInstallUrl(provider, browser, mobile), rel: "noopener noreferrer", target: "_blank" }, "Install \u2192"))))))))))); | ||
return (h("div", { class: "modal-container animate-in fade-in fixed inset-0 z-[8999] box-border flex h-full w-full items-end bg-[#00000040] md:items-center md:justify-center" }, h("div", { class: "fixed inset-0 z-[8999]", onClick: () => this.handleCloseModal() }), h("div", { class: "modal-body animate-in md:zoom-in-50 slide-in-from-bottom md:slide-in-from-bottom-0 z-[9000] box-border flex max-h-[calc(100%-24px)] w-full max-w-full cursor-default flex-col overflow-y-scroll rounded-2xl rounded-b-none bg-white p-6 text-sm leading-snug shadow-[0_4px_5px_0_#00000005,0_16px_40px_0_#00000014] md:max-h-[calc(100%-48px)] md:w-[400px] md:rounded-b-2xl" }, h("div", { class: "flex flex-col space-y-[10px]" }, h("div", { class: "flex items-center" }, h("div", { class: "flex-1 text-xl font-medium text-[#242629]" }, "Connect a wallet"), h("button", { class: "rounded-full bg-transparent p-1 transition-colors hover:bg-gray-100 active:scale-95", onClick: () => this.handleCloseModal() }, h("span", { class: "sr-only" }, "Close popup"), h("img", { src: closeIconSvg }))), hasInstalled ? (h("p", null, "Select the wallet you want to connect to.")) : (h("p", null, "You don't have any wallets in your browser that support this app. You need to install a wallet to proceed."))), !mobile && !browser && (h("div", { class: "mx-auto mt-4 rounded-xl bg-gray-200 px-3 py-1.5 text-sm font-medium text-gray-500" }, "Unfortunately, your browser isn't supported")), hasInstalled && (h("div", { class: "mt-6" }, h("p", { class: "mb-4 text-sm font-medium" }, "Installed wallets"), h("ul", { class: "space-y-3" }, this.installedProviders.map((provider) => (h("li", { class: "flex items-center gap-3 rounded-[10px] border border-[#EFEFF2] p-[14px]" }, h("div", { class: "aspect-square basis-9 overflow-hidden" }, h("img", { src: provider.icon, class: "h-full w-full rounded-[10px] bg-gray-700" })), h("div", { class: "flex-1" }, h("div", { class: "text-sm font-medium text-[#242629]" }, provider.name), provider.webUrl && (h("a", { href: provider.webUrl, class: "text-sm", rel: "noopener noreferrer" }, new URL(provider.webUrl).hostname))), h("button", { class: "rounded-[10px] border border-[#333] bg-[#323232] px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[#EFEFEF] shadow-[0_1px_2px_0_#0000000A] outline-[#FFBD7A] transition-all hover:bg-[#0C0C0D] hover:text-white hover:shadow-[0_8px_16px_0_#00000020] focus:outline focus:outline-[3px] active:scale-95", onClick: () => this.handleSelectProvider(provider.id) }, "Connect"))))))), hasMore && (h("div", { class: "mt-6" }, hasInstalled ? (h("p", { class: "mb-4 text-sm font-medium" }, "Other wallets")) : (h("div", { class: "mb-5 flex justify-between" }, h("p", { class: "text-sm font-medium" }, "Recommended wallets"), h("a", { class: "flex cursor-pointer items-center space-x-[5px] text-xs transition-colors hover:text-[#242629] hover:underline focus:underline", href: "https://docs.hiro.so/what-is-a-wallet", rel: "noopener noreferrer", target: "_blank" }, h("svg", { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", width: "14", height: "14", viewBox: "0 0 16 16", fill: "none" }, h("path", { stroke: "#74777D", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-width": "1.2", d: "M8.006 15a7 7 0 1 0 0-14 7 7 0 0 0 0 14Z" }), h("path", { stroke: "#74777D", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-width": "1.2", d: "M5.97 5.9a2.1 2.1 0 0 1 4.08.7c0 1.4-2.1 2.1-2.1 2.1M8.006 11.5h.01" })), h("p", null, "What is a wallet?\u2009", h("span", { class: "align-text-bottom text-[9px]" }, "\u2197"))))), h("ul", { class: "space-y-3" }, notInstalledProviders.map((provider) => (h("li", { class: "flex items-center gap-3 rounded-[10px] border border-[#EFEFF2] p-[14px]" }, h("div", { class: "aspect-square basis-9 overflow-hidden" }, h("img", { src: provider.icon, class: "h-full w-full rounded-[10px] bg-gray-700" })), h("div", { class: "flex-1" }, h("div", { class: "text-sm font-medium text-[#242629]" }, provider.name), provider.webUrl && (h("a", { href: provider.webUrl, class: "text-sm", rel: "noopener noreferrer" }, new URL(provider.webUrl).hostname))), this.getInstallUrl(provider, browser, mobile) && (h("a", { class: "rounded-[10px] border border-[#EFEFF2] px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium shadow-[0_1px_2px_0_#0000000A] outline-[#FFBD7A] transition-colors hover:text-[#242629] hover:shadow-[0_1px_2px_0_#00000010] focus:outline focus:outline-[3px] active:scale-95", href: this.getInstallUrl(provider, browser, mobile), rel: "noopener noreferrer", target: "_blank" }, provider.id === 'AsignaProvider' ? 'Open' : 'Install', " \u2192"))))))))))); | ||
} | ||
@@ -113,0 +113,0 @@ static get assetsDirs() { return ["assets"]; } |
{ | ||
"name": "@stacks/connect-ui", | ||
"version": "6.5.1-alpha.a1d9796.0", | ||
"version": "6.5.1-alpha.f361d94.0", | ||
"license": "MIT", | ||
@@ -51,3 +51,3 @@ "scripts": { | ||
}, | ||
"gitHead": "e743ee2ac6e3c4bd76847db7db9915d4bd6c6ca6" | ||
"gitHead": "f47a4012efc7fc40c94e7b663c64b2fe76ec297c" | ||
} |