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@stencil/vue-output-target - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.4.3 to 0.5.0-0


import { ComponentCompilerMeta } from '@stencil/core/internal';
import { ComponentModelConfig } from './types';
export declare const createComponentDefinition: (importTypes: string, componentModelConfig: ComponentModelConfig[] | undefined) => (cmpMeta: Pick<ComponentCompilerMeta, 'properties' | 'tagName' | 'methods' | 'events'>) => string;
export declare const createComponentDefinition: (importTypes: string, componentModelConfig: ComponentModelConfig[] | undefined, includeCustomElement?: boolean) => (cmpMeta: Pick<ComponentCompilerMeta, 'properties' | 'tagName' | 'methods' | 'events'>) => string;
import { dashToPascalCase } from './utils';
export const createComponentDefinition = (importTypes, componentModelConfig) => (cmpMeta) => {
export const createComponentDefinition = (importTypes, componentModelConfig, includeCustomElement = false) => (cmpMeta) => {
const tagNameAsPascal = dashToPascalCase(cmpMeta.tagName);
const importAs = (includeCustomElement) ? tagNameAsPascal + 'Cmp' : 'undefined';
let props = [];

@@ -15,3 +16,4 @@ if (Array.isArray( && > 0) {

let templateString = `
export const ${tagNameAsPascal} = /*@__PURE__*/ defineContainer<${importTypes}.${tagNameAsPascal}>('${cmpMeta.tagName}'`;
export const ${tagNameAsPascal} = /*@__PURE__*/ defineContainer<${importTypes}.${tagNameAsPascal}>('${cmpMeta.tagName}', ${importAs}`;
const findModel = componentModelConfig && componentModelConfig.find(config => config.elements.includes(cmpMeta.tagName));
if (props.length > 0) {

@@ -21,13 +23,29 @@ templateString += `, [

* If there are no props,
* but but v-model is stil used,
* make sure we pass in an empty array
* otherwise all of the defineContainer properties
* will be off by one space.
* Note: If you are using v-model then
* the props array should never be empty
* as there must be a prop for v-model to update,
* but this check is there so builds do not crash.
let options = {};
const findModel = componentModelConfig && componentModelConfig.find(config => config.elements.includes(cmpMeta.tagName));
else if (findModel) {
templateString += `, []`;
if (findModel) {
options.modelProp = findModel.targetAttr;
options.modelUpdateEvent = findModel.event;
options.externalModelUpdateEvent = findModel.externalEvent;
if (Object.keys(options).length > 0) {
const targetProp = findModel.targetAttr;
* If developer is trying to bind v-model support to a component's
* prop, but that prop was not defined, warn them of this otherwise
* v-model will not work as expected.
if (!props.includes(`'${targetProp}'`)) {
console.warn(`Your '${cmpMeta.tagName}' component is configured to have v-model support bound to '${targetProp}', but '${targetProp}' is not defined as a property on the component. v-model integration may not work as expected.`);
templateString += `,\n`;
templateString += JSON.stringify(options, null, 2);
templateString += `'${targetProp}', '${findModel.event}', '${findModel.externalEvent}'`;

@@ -34,0 +52,0 @@ templateString += `);\n`;

@@ -90,4 +90,5 @@ 'use strict';

const createComponentDefinition = (importTypes, componentModelConfig) => (cmpMeta) => {
const createComponentDefinition = (importTypes, componentModelConfig, includeCustomElement = false) => (cmpMeta) => {
const tagNameAsPascal = dashToPascalCase(cmpMeta.tagName);
const importAs = (includeCustomElement) ? tagNameAsPascal + 'Cmp' : 'undefined';
let props = [];

@@ -104,3 +105,4 @@ if (Array.isArray( && > 0) {

let templateString = `
export const ${tagNameAsPascal} = /*@__PURE__*/ defineContainer<${importTypes}.${tagNameAsPascal}>('${cmpMeta.tagName}'`;
export const ${tagNameAsPascal} = /*@__PURE__*/ defineContainer<${importTypes}.${tagNameAsPascal}>('${cmpMeta.tagName}', ${importAs}`;
const findModel = componentModelConfig && componentModelConfig.find(config => config.elements.includes(cmpMeta.tagName));
if (props.length > 0) {

@@ -110,13 +112,29 @@ templateString += `, [

* If there are no props,
* but but v-model is stil used,
* make sure we pass in an empty array
* otherwise all of the defineContainer properties
* will be off by one space.
* Note: If you are using v-model then
* the props array should never be empty
* as there must be a prop for v-model to update,
* but this check is there so builds do not crash.
let options = {};
const findModel = componentModelConfig && componentModelConfig.find(config => config.elements.includes(cmpMeta.tagName));
else if (findModel) {
templateString += `, []`;
if (findModel) {
options.modelProp = findModel.targetAttr;
options.modelUpdateEvent = findModel.event;
options.externalModelUpdateEvent = findModel.externalEvent;
if (Object.keys(options).length > 0) {
const targetProp = findModel.targetAttr;
* If developer is trying to bind v-model support to a component's
* prop, but that prop was not defined, warn them of this otherwise
* v-model will not work as expected.
if (!props.includes(`'${targetProp}'`)) {
console.warn(`Your '${cmpMeta.tagName}' component is configured to have v-model support bound to '${targetProp}', but '${targetProp}' is not defined as a property on the component. v-model integration may not work as expected.`);
templateString += `,\n`;
templateString += JSON.stringify(options, null, 2);
templateString += `'${targetProp}', '${findModel.event}', '${findModel.externalEvent}'`;

@@ -147,8 +165,21 @@ templateString += `);\n`;

import { defineContainer } from './vue-component-lib/utils';\n`;
const typeImports = !outputTarget.componentCorePackage
? `import type { ${IMPORT_TYPES} } from '${normalizePath(componentsTypeFile)}';\n`
: `import type { ${IMPORT_TYPES} } from '${normalizePath(outputTarget.componentCorePackage)}';\n`;
const generateTypeImports = () => {
if (outputTarget.componentCorePackage !== undefined) {
const dirPath = outputTarget.includeImportCustomElements ? `/${outputTarget.customElementsDir || 'components'}` : '';
return `import type { ${IMPORT_TYPES} } from '${normalizePath(outputTarget.componentCorePackage)}${dirPath}';\n`;
return `import type { ${IMPORT_TYPES} } from '${normalizePath(componentsTypeFile)}';\n`;
const typeImports = generateTypeImports();
let sourceImports = '';
let registerCustomElements = '';
if (outputTarget.includePolyfills && outputTarget.includeDefineCustomElements) {
if (outputTarget.includeImportCustomElements && outputTarget.componentCorePackage !== undefined) {
const cmpImports = => {
const pascalImport = dashToPascalCase(component.tagName);
return `import { ${pascalImport} as ${pascalImport}Cmp } from '${normalizePath(outputTarget.componentCorePackage)}/${outputTarget.customElementsDir ||
sourceImports = cmpImports.join('\n');
else if (outputTarget.includePolyfills && outputTarget.includeDefineCustomElements) {
sourceImports = `import { ${APPLY_POLYFILLS}, ${REGISTER_CUSTOM_ELEMENTS} } from '${pathToCorePackageLoader}';\n`;

@@ -167,3 +198,3 @@ registerCustomElements = `${APPLY_POLYFILLS}().then(() => ${REGISTER_CUSTOM_ELEMENTS}());`;

.map(createComponentDefinition(IMPORT_TYPES, outputTarget.componentModels))
.map(createComponentDefinition(IMPORT_TYPES, outputTarget.componentModels, outputTarget.includeImportCustomElements))

@@ -228,2 +259,8 @@ ];

if (outputTarget.includeDefineCustomElements && outputTarget.includeImportCustomElements) {
throw new Error('includeDefineCustomElements cannot be used at the same time as includeImportCustomElements since includeDefineCustomElements is used for lazy loading components. Set `includeDefineCustomElements: false` in your Vue output target config to resolve this.');
if (outputTarget.includeImportCustomElements && outputTarget.includePolyfills) {
throw new Error('includePolyfills cannot be used at the same time as includeImportCustomElements. Set `includePolyfills: false` in your Vue output target config to resolve this.');
if (outputTarget.directivesProxyFile && !path__default['default'].isAbsolute(outputTarget.directivesProxyFile)) {

@@ -230,0 +267,0 @@ results.proxiesFile = normalizePath(path__default['default'].join(config.rootDir, outputTarget.proxiesFile));

@@ -81,4 +81,5 @@ import path from 'path';

const createComponentDefinition = (importTypes, componentModelConfig) => (cmpMeta) => {
const createComponentDefinition = (importTypes, componentModelConfig, includeCustomElement = false) => (cmpMeta) => {
const tagNameAsPascal = dashToPascalCase(cmpMeta.tagName);
const importAs = (includeCustomElement) ? tagNameAsPascal + 'Cmp' : 'undefined';
let props = [];

@@ -95,3 +96,4 @@ if (Array.isArray( && > 0) {

let templateString = `
export const ${tagNameAsPascal} = /*@__PURE__*/ defineContainer<${importTypes}.${tagNameAsPascal}>('${cmpMeta.tagName}'`;
export const ${tagNameAsPascal} = /*@__PURE__*/ defineContainer<${importTypes}.${tagNameAsPascal}>('${cmpMeta.tagName}', ${importAs}`;
const findModel = componentModelConfig && componentModelConfig.find(config => config.elements.includes(cmpMeta.tagName));
if (props.length > 0) {

@@ -101,13 +103,29 @@ templateString += `, [

* If there are no props,
* but but v-model is stil used,
* make sure we pass in an empty array
* otherwise all of the defineContainer properties
* will be off by one space.
* Note: If you are using v-model then
* the props array should never be empty
* as there must be a prop for v-model to update,
* but this check is there so builds do not crash.
let options = {};
const findModel = componentModelConfig && componentModelConfig.find(config => config.elements.includes(cmpMeta.tagName));
else if (findModel) {
templateString += `, []`;
if (findModel) {
options.modelProp = findModel.targetAttr;
options.modelUpdateEvent = findModel.event;
options.externalModelUpdateEvent = findModel.externalEvent;
if (Object.keys(options).length > 0) {
const targetProp = findModel.targetAttr;
* If developer is trying to bind v-model support to a component's
* prop, but that prop was not defined, warn them of this otherwise
* v-model will not work as expected.
if (!props.includes(`'${targetProp}'`)) {
console.warn(`Your '${cmpMeta.tagName}' component is configured to have v-model support bound to '${targetProp}', but '${targetProp}' is not defined as a property on the component. v-model integration may not work as expected.`);
templateString += `,\n`;
templateString += JSON.stringify(options, null, 2);
templateString += `'${targetProp}', '${findModel.event}', '${findModel.externalEvent}'`;

@@ -138,8 +156,21 @@ templateString += `);\n`;

import { defineContainer } from './vue-component-lib/utils';\n`;
const typeImports = !outputTarget.componentCorePackage
? `import type { ${IMPORT_TYPES} } from '${normalizePath(componentsTypeFile)}';\n`
: `import type { ${IMPORT_TYPES} } from '${normalizePath(outputTarget.componentCorePackage)}';\n`;
const generateTypeImports = () => {
if (outputTarget.componentCorePackage !== undefined) {
const dirPath = outputTarget.includeImportCustomElements ? `/${outputTarget.customElementsDir || 'components'}` : '';
return `import type { ${IMPORT_TYPES} } from '${normalizePath(outputTarget.componentCorePackage)}${dirPath}';\n`;
return `import type { ${IMPORT_TYPES} } from '${normalizePath(componentsTypeFile)}';\n`;
const typeImports = generateTypeImports();
let sourceImports = '';
let registerCustomElements = '';
if (outputTarget.includePolyfills && outputTarget.includeDefineCustomElements) {
if (outputTarget.includeImportCustomElements && outputTarget.componentCorePackage !== undefined) {
const cmpImports = => {
const pascalImport = dashToPascalCase(component.tagName);
return `import { ${pascalImport} as ${pascalImport}Cmp } from '${normalizePath(outputTarget.componentCorePackage)}/${outputTarget.customElementsDir ||
sourceImports = cmpImports.join('\n');
else if (outputTarget.includePolyfills && outputTarget.includeDefineCustomElements) {
sourceImports = `import { ${APPLY_POLYFILLS}, ${REGISTER_CUSTOM_ELEMENTS} } from '${pathToCorePackageLoader}';\n`;

@@ -158,3 +189,3 @@ registerCustomElements = `${APPLY_POLYFILLS}().then(() => ${REGISTER_CUSTOM_ELEMENTS}());`;

.map(createComponentDefinition(IMPORT_TYPES, outputTarget.componentModels))
.map(createComponentDefinition(IMPORT_TYPES, outputTarget.componentModels, outputTarget.includeImportCustomElements))

@@ -219,2 +250,8 @@ ];

if (outputTarget.includeDefineCustomElements && outputTarget.includeImportCustomElements) {
throw new Error('includeDefineCustomElements cannot be used at the same time as includeImportCustomElements since includeDefineCustomElements is used for lazy loading components. Set `includeDefineCustomElements: false` in your Vue output target config to resolve this.');
if (outputTarget.includeImportCustomElements && outputTarget.includePolyfills) {
throw new Error('includePolyfills cannot be used at the same time as includeImportCustomElements. Set `includePolyfills: false` in your Vue output target config to resolve this.');
if (outputTarget.directivesProxyFile && !path.isAbsolute(outputTarget.directivesProxyFile)) {

@@ -221,0 +258,0 @@ results.proxiesFile = normalizePath(path.join(config.rootDir, outputTarget.proxiesFile));

import path from 'path';
import { createComponentDefinition } from './generate-vue-component';
import { normalizePath, readPackageJson, relativeImport, sortBy } from './utils';
import { normalizePath, readPackageJson, relativeImport, sortBy, dashToPascalCase } from './utils';
export async function vueProxyOutput(config, compilerCtx, outputTarget, components) {

@@ -24,8 +24,21 @@ const filteredComponents = getFilteredComponents(outputTarget.excludeComponents, components);

import { defineContainer } from './vue-component-lib/utils';\n`;
const typeImports = !outputTarget.componentCorePackage
? `import type { ${IMPORT_TYPES} } from '${normalizePath(componentsTypeFile)}';\n`
: `import type { ${IMPORT_TYPES} } from '${normalizePath(outputTarget.componentCorePackage)}';\n`;
const generateTypeImports = () => {
if (outputTarget.componentCorePackage !== undefined) {
const dirPath = outputTarget.includeImportCustomElements ? `/${outputTarget.customElementsDir || 'components'}` : '';
return `import type { ${IMPORT_TYPES} } from '${normalizePath(outputTarget.componentCorePackage)}${dirPath}';\n`;
return `import type { ${IMPORT_TYPES} } from '${normalizePath(componentsTypeFile)}';\n`;
const typeImports = generateTypeImports();
let sourceImports = '';
let registerCustomElements = '';
if (outputTarget.includePolyfills && outputTarget.includeDefineCustomElements) {
if (outputTarget.includeImportCustomElements && outputTarget.componentCorePackage !== undefined) {
const cmpImports = => {
const pascalImport = dashToPascalCase(component.tagName);
return `import { ${pascalImport} as ${pascalImport}Cmp } from '${normalizePath(outputTarget.componentCorePackage)}/${outputTarget.customElementsDir ||
sourceImports = cmpImports.join('\n');
else if (outputTarget.includePolyfills && outputTarget.includeDefineCustomElements) {
sourceImports = `import { ${APPLY_POLYFILLS}, ${REGISTER_CUSTOM_ELEMENTS} } from '${pathToCorePackageLoader}';\n`;

@@ -44,3 +57,3 @@ registerCustomElements = `${APPLY_POLYFILLS}().then(() => ${REGISTER_CUSTOM_ELEMENTS}());`;

.map(createComponentDefinition(IMPORT_TYPES, outputTarget.componentModels))
.map(createComponentDefinition(IMPORT_TYPES, outputTarget.componentModels, outputTarget.includeImportCustomElements))

@@ -47,0 +60,0 @@ ];

@@ -25,2 +25,8 @@ import { normalizePath } from './utils';

if (outputTarget.includeDefineCustomElements && outputTarget.includeImportCustomElements) {
throw new Error('includeDefineCustomElements cannot be used at the same time as includeImportCustomElements since includeDefineCustomElements is used for lazy loading components. Set `includeDefineCustomElements: false` in your Vue output target config to resolve this.');
if (outputTarget.includeImportCustomElements && outputTarget.includePolyfills) {
throw new Error('includePolyfills cannot be used at the same time as includeImportCustomElements. Set `includePolyfills: false` in your Vue output target config to resolve this.');
if (outputTarget.directivesProxyFile && !path.isAbsolute(outputTarget.directivesProxyFile)) {

@@ -27,0 +33,0 @@ results.proxiesFile = normalizePath(path.join(config.rootDir, outputTarget.proxiesFile));

@@ -9,8 +9,5 @@ export interface OutputTargetVue {

includeDefineCustomElements?: boolean;
includeImportCustomElements?: boolean;
customElementsDir?: string;
export interface ComponentOptions {
modelProp?: string;
modelUpdateEvent?: string | string[];
externalModelUpdateEvent?: string;
export interface ComponentModelConfig {

@@ -17,0 +14,0 @@ elements: string | string[];

"name": "@stencil/vue-output-target",
"version": "0.4.3",
"version": "0.5.0-0",
"description": "Vue output target for @stencil/core components.",

@@ -35,3 +35,3 @@ "main": "dist/index.cjs.js",

"peerDependencies": {
"@stencil/core": ">=1.8.0"
"@stencil/core": ">=1.8.0 || ^2.0.0"

@@ -38,0 +38,0 @@ "jest": {

@@ -17,8 +17,2 @@ import { VNode, defineComponent, getCurrentInstance, h, inject, ref, Ref } from 'vue';

interface ComponentOptions {
modelProp?: string;
modelUpdateEvent?: string | string[];
externalModelUpdateEvent?: string;
const getComponentClasses = (classes: unknown) => {

@@ -40,10 +34,32 @@ return (classes as string)?.split(' ') || [];

* in each component's TSX file.
* @prop componentOptions - An object that defines additional
* options for the component such as router or v-model
* integrations.
* @prop customElement - An option custom element instance to pass
* to customElements.define. Only set if `includeImportCustomElements: true` in your config.
* @prop modelProp - The prop that v-model binds to (i.e. value)
* @prop modelUpdateEvent - The event that is fired from your Web Component when the value changes (i.e. ionChange)
* @prop externalModelUpdateEvent - The external event to fire from your Vue component when modelUpdateEvent fires. This is used for ensuring that v-model references have been
* correctly updated when a user's event callback fires.
export const defineContainer = <Props>(name: string, componentProps: string[] = [], componentOptions: ComponentOptions = {}) => {
const { modelProp, modelUpdateEvent, externalModelUpdateEvent } = componentOptions;
export const defineContainer = <Props>(
name: string,
customElement: any,
componentProps: string[] = [],
modelProp?: string,
modelUpdateEvent?: string,
externalModelUpdateEvent?: string
) => {
* If importing custom elements, register it
* with the custom elements registry only if
* it has not already been registered.
if (
customElement !== undefined &&
typeof customElements !== 'undefined' &&
) {
customElements.define(name, customElement);
* Create a Vue component wrapper around a Web Component.

@@ -50,0 +66,0 @@ * Note: The `props` here are not all properties on a component.

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