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@steveyuowo/vue-hot-toast - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.0-alpha-testing5 to 1.0.0



import _sfc_main from "/Users/steveyu/VscodeProjects/vue-hot-toast/src/components/Toast.vue?vue&type=script&setup=true&lang.ts";
export * from "/Users/steveyu/VscodeProjects/vue-hot-toast/src/components/Toast.vue?vue&type=script&setup=true&lang.ts";
import "/Users/steveyu/VscodeProjects/vue-hot-toast/src/components/Toast.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&lang.css";
export default _sfc_main;
import Toast from "@/components/Toast.vue";
import { toast } from "@/core/store";
import "./styles/index.scss";
export { Toast, toast };

@@ -1,22 +0,12 @@

import { openBlock as s, createElementBlock as _, defineComponent as y, ref as u, onMounted as m, normalizeStyle as g, withModifiers as h, createElementVNode as i, createBlock as r, createCommentVNode as l, toDisplayString as k, reactive as T, Teleport as C, createVNode as I, TransitionGroup as $, withCtx as V, Fragment as H, renderList as w, unref as v } from "vue";
const p = (e, t) => {
const n = e.__vccOpts || e;
for (const [a, o] of t)
n[a] = o;
return n;
}, B = {}, D = { class: "loading" };
function E(e, t) {
return s(), _("div", D);
const M = /* @__PURE__ */ p(B, [["render", E], ["__scopeId", "data-v-5f922e80"]]);
const S = {}, b = { class: "error" };
function L(e, t) {
return s(), _("div", b);
const N = /* @__PURE__ */ p(S, [["render", L], ["__scopeId", "data-v-75aa13c2"]]);
const O = {}, U = { class: "checkmark" };
function j(e, t) {
return s(), _("div", U);
const z = /* @__PURE__ */ p(O, [["render", j], ["__scopeId", "data-v-6ff5e11a"]]), A = ["onClick"], F = { class: "VueHotToast__icon" }, G = { class: "content" }, q = { class: "content__message" }, J = /* @__PURE__ */ y({
import { defineComponent as f, ref as u, onMounted as y, openBlock as n, createElementBlock as r, normalizeStyle as g, withModifiers as v, createElementVNode as c, createCommentVNode as d, toDisplayString as T, reactive as h, createBlock as x, Teleport as k, createVNode as C, TransitionGroup as V, withCtx as H, Fragment as w, renderList as B, unref as m } from "vue";
const D = ["onClick"], M = { class: "VueHotToast__icon" }, S = {
key: 0,
class: "VueHotToast__checkmark"
}, b = {
key: 1,
class: "VueHotToast__error"
}, I = {
key: 2,
class: "VueHotToast__loading"
}, N = { class: "content" }, $ = { class: "content__message" }, E = /* @__PURE__ */ f({
__name: "ToastItem",

@@ -31,26 +21,26 @@ props: {

emits: ["close"],
setup(e, { emit: t }) {
const n = e, a = u(null), o = u(0), x = u(0);
m(() => {
n.autoClose && (o.value =, x.value = n.duration * 1e3, a.value = setTimeout(f, x.value));
setup(t, { emit: o }) {
const s = t, a = u(null), e = u(0), _ = u(0);
y(() => {
s.autoClose && (e.value =, _.value = s.duration * 1e3, a.value = setTimeout(p, _.value));
const f = () => {
const p = () => {
return (c, W) => (s(), _("div", {
return (i, A) => (n(), r("div", {
class: "VueHotToast__toast",
style: g(`--toast-duration: ${c.duration}s;`),
onClick: h(f, ["prevent"])
style: g(`--toast-duration: ${i.duration}s;`),
onClick: v(p, ["prevent"])
}, [
i("div", F, [
c.type === "loading" ? (s(), r(M, { key: 0 })) : l("", !0),
c.type === "error" ? (s(), r(N, { key: 1 })) : l("", !0),
c.type === "success" ? (s(), r(z, { key: 2 })) : l("", !0)
c("div", M, [
i.type === "success" ? (n(), r("div", S)) : d("", !0),
i.type === "error" ? (n(), r("div", b)) : d("", !0),
i.type === "loading" ? (n(), r("div", I)) : d("", !0)
i("div", G, [
i("p", q, k(c.message), 1)
c("div", N, [
c("p", $, T(i.message), 1)
], 12, A));
], 12, D));
}), K = {
}), O = {
type: "info",

@@ -61,27 +51,27 @@ message: "Here's your toast.",

function P() {
let e = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime();
var t = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function(n) {
var a = (e + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0;
return e = Math.floor(e / 16), (n == "x" ? a : a & 3 | 8).toString(16);
function U() {
let t = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime();
var o = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function(s) {
var a = (t + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0;
return t = Math.floor(t / 16), (s == "x" ? a : a & 3 | 8).toString(16);
return t;
return o;
const d = T({
const l = h({
notifications: []
}), Y = (e) => {
const t = Object.assign({ ...K }, e);
id: P(),
}), G = (t) => {
const o = Object.assign({ ...O }, t);
id: U(),
}, Q = (e) => {
const t = d.notifications.findIndex((n) => === e);
t !== -1 && d.notifications.splice(t, 1);
}, R = { class: "VueHotToast__toast-container" }, Z = /* @__PURE__ */ y({
}, j = (t) => {
const o = l.notifications.findIndex((s) => === t);
o !== -1 && l.notifications.splice(o, 1);
}, z = { class: "VueHotToast__toast-container" }, L = /* @__PURE__ */ f({
__name: "Toast",
setup(e) {
const t = d.notifications;
return (n, a) => (s(), r(C, { to: "body" }, [
I($, {
setup(t) {
const o = l.notifications;
return (s, a) => (n(), x(k, { to: "body" }, [
C(V, {
name: "VueHotToast__teleport-transition",

@@ -91,13 +81,13 @@ tag: "div",

}, {
default: V(() => [
i("div", R, [
(s(!0), _(H, null, w(v(t), (o) => (s(), r(J, {
type: o.type,
message: o.message,
"auto-close": o.autoClose,
duration: o.duration,
default: H(() => [
c("div", z, [
(n(!0), r(w, null, B(m(o), (e) => (n(), x(E, {
type: e.type,
message: e.message,
"auto-close": e.autoClose,
duration: e.duration,
onClose: () => {

@@ -113,4 +103,4 @@ }, null, 8, ["id", "type", "message", "auto-close", "duration", "onClose"]))), 128))

export {
Z as Toast,
Y as toast
L as Toast,
G as toast

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

(function(c,e){typeof exports=="object"&&typeof module<"u"?e(exports,require("vue")):typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(["exports","vue"],e):(c=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:c||self,e(c["vue-hot-toast"]={},c.Vue))})(this,function(c,e){"use strict";const O="",_=(t,o)=>{const s=t.__vccOpts||t;for(const[a,n]of o)s[a]=n;return s},p={},f={class:"loading"};function x(t,o){return e.openBlock(),e.createElementBlock("div",f)}const m=_(p,[["render",x],["__scopeId","data-v-5f922e80"]]),j="",u={},y={class:"error"};function k(t,o){return e.openBlock(),e.createElementBlock("div",y)}const h=_(u,[["render",k],["__scopeId","data-v-75aa13c2"]]),L="",g={},B={class:"checkmark"};function T(t,o){return e.openBlock(),e.createElementBlock("div",B)}const C=_(g,[["render",T],["__scopeId","data-v-6ff5e11a"]]),V=["onClick"],I={class:"VueHotToast__icon"},E={class:"content"},$={class:"content__message"},N=e.defineComponent({__name:"ToastItem",props:{id:{},type:{},message:{},autoClose:{type:Boolean},duration:{}},emits:["close"],setup(t,{emit:o}){const s=t,a=e.ref(null),n=e.ref(0),l=e.ref(0);e.onMounted(()=>{s.autoClose&&(,l.value=s.duration*1e3,a.value=setTimeout(d,l.value))});const d=()=>{o("close")};return(r,z)=>(e.openBlock(),e.createElementBlock("div",{class:"VueHotToast__toast",style:e.normalizeStyle(`--toast-duration: ${r.duration}s;`),onClick:e.withModifiers(d,["prevent"])},[e.createElementVNode("div",I,[r.type==="loading"?(e.openBlock(),e.createBlock(m,{key:0})):e.createCommentVNode("",!0),r.type==="error"?(e.openBlock(),e.createBlock(h,{key:1})):e.createCommentVNode("",!0),r.type==="success"?(e.openBlock(),e.createBlock(C,{key:2})):e.createCommentVNode("",!0)]),e.createElementVNode("div",E,[e.createElementVNode("p",$,e.toDisplayString(r.message),1)])],12,V))}}),H={type:"info",message:"Here's your toast.",autoClose:!0,duration:5};function S(){let t=new Date().getTime();var o="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g,function(s){var a=(t+Math.random()*16)%16|0;return t=Math.floor(t/16),(s=="x"?a:a&3|8).toString(16)});return o}const i=e.reactive({notifications:[]}),b=t=>{const o=Object.assign({...H},t);i.notifications.push({id:S(),...o})},M=t=>{const o=i.notifications.findIndex(s=>;o!==-1&&i.notifications.splice(o,1)},w={class:"VueHotToast__toast-container"},D=e.defineComponent({__name:"Toast",setup(t){const o=i.notifications;return(s,a)=>(e.openBlock(),e.createBlock(e.Teleport,{to:"body"},[e.createVNode(e.TransitionGroup,{name:"VueHotToast__teleport-transition",tag:"div",class:"VueHotToast__teleport-transition"},{default:e.withCtx(()=>[e.createElementVNode("div",w,[(e.openBlock(!0),e.createElementBlock(e.Fragment,null,e.renderList(e.unref(o),n=>(e.openBlock(),e.createBlock(N,{,,type:n.type,message:n.message,"auto-close":n.autoClose,duration:n.duration,onClose:()=>{e.unref(M)(}},null,8,["id","type","message","auto-close","duration","onClose"]))),128))])]),_:1})]))}}),U="",q="";c.Toast=D,c.toast=b,Object.defineProperty(c,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"})});
(function(s,t){typeof exports=="object"&&typeof module<"u"?t(exports,require("vue")):typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(["exports","vue"],t):(s=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:s||self,t(s["vue-hot-toast"]={},s.Vue))})(this,function(s,t){"use strict";const _=["onClick"],p={class:"VueHotToast__icon"},f={key:0,class:"VueHotToast__checkmark"},m={key:1,class:"VueHotToast__error"},u={key:2,class:"VueHotToast__loading"},x={class:"content"},y={class:"content__message"},k=t.defineComponent({__name:"ToastItem",props:{id:{},type:{},message:{},autoClose:{type:Boolean},duration:{}},emits:["close"],setup(e,{emit:o}){const a=e,i=t.ref(null),n=t.ref(0),l=t.ref(0);t.onMounted(()=>{a.autoClose&&(,l.value=a.duration*1e3,i.value=setTimeout(d,l.value))});const d=()=>{o("close")};return(c,E)=>(t.openBlock(),t.createElementBlock("div",{class:"VueHotToast__toast",style:t.normalizeStyle(`--toast-duration: ${c.duration}s;`),onClick:t.withModifiers(d,["prevent"])},[t.createElementVNode("div",p,[c.type==="success"?(t.openBlock(),t.createElementBlock("div",f)):t.createCommentVNode("",!0),c.type==="error"?(t.openBlock(),t.createElementBlock("div",m)):t.createCommentVNode("",!0),c.type==="loading"?(t.openBlock(),t.createElementBlock("div",u)):t.createCommentVNode("",!0)]),t.createElementVNode("div",x,[t.createElementVNode("p",y,t.toDisplayString(c.message),1)])],12,_))}}),h={type:"info",message:"Here's your toast.",autoClose:!0,duration:5};function T(){let e=new Date().getTime();var o="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g,function(a){var i=(e+Math.random()*16)%16|0;return e=Math.floor(e/16),(a=="x"?i:i&3|8).toString(16)});return o}const r=t.reactive({notifications:[]}),g=e=>{const o=Object.assign({...h},e);r.notifications.push({id:T(),...o})},V=e=>{const o=r.notifications.findIndex(a=>;o!==-1&&r.notifications.splice(o,1)},B={class:"VueHotToast__toast-container"},C=t.defineComponent({__name:"Toast",setup(e){const o=r.notifications;return(a,i)=>(t.openBlock(),t.createBlock(t.Teleport,{to:"body"},[t.createVNode(t.TransitionGroup,{name:"VueHotToast__teleport-transition",tag:"div",class:"VueHotToast__teleport-transition"},{default:t.withCtx(()=>[t.createElementVNode("div",B,[(t.openBlock(!0),t.createElementBlock(t.Fragment,null,t.renderList(t.unref(o),n=>(t.openBlock(),t.createBlock(k,{,,type:n.type,message:n.message,"auto-close":n.autoClose,duration:n.duration,onClose:()=>{t.unref(V)(}},null,8,["id","type","message","auto-close","duration","onClose"]))),128))])]),_:1})]))}});s.Toast=C,s.toast=g,Object.defineProperty(s,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"})});
"name": "@steveyuowo/vue-hot-toast",
"version": "0.0.0-alpha-testing5",
"version": "1.0.0",
"type": "module",

@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ "files": [

"dev": "vite",
"build": "vue-tsc && vite build",
"preview": "vite preview"
"compile-css": "node-sass ./src/styles/index.scss ./dist/vue-hot-toast.css",
"build": "vue-tsc && vite build && pnpm compile-css"

@@ -35,2 +35,3 @@ "dependencies": {

"@vitejs/plugin-vue": "^4.2.3",
"node-sass": "^9.0.0",
"prettier": "^3.0.3",

@@ -37,0 +38,0 @@ "rollup-plugin-typescript2": "^0.36.0",

import Toast from "@/components/Toast.vue";
import { toast } from "@/core/store";
import "./styles/index.scss";

@@ -5,0 +4,0 @@ export {

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