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@storefront-ui/shared - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.0-rc.3 to 2.0.0-rc.4




@@ -1,2 +0,1 @@

export * from './progress';
export * from './scrollable';

@@ -3,0 +2,0 @@ export * from './utils';

var L = Object.defineProperty;
var v = (e, t, s) => t in e ? L(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: s }) : e[t] = s;
var r = (e, t, s) => (v(e, typeof t != "symbol" ? t + "" : t, s), s);
const B = {
xs: {
icon: 16,
r: 7.2,
dash: 45.216
sm: {
icon: 20,
r: 9,
dash: 56.52
base: {
icon: 24,
r: 11,
dash: 69.08
lg: {
icon: 32,
r: 14.67,
dash: 92.127
xl: {
icon: 40,
r: 19,
dash: 119.32
"2xl": {
icon: 56,
r: 26,
dash: 163.28
"3xl": {
icon: 96,
r: 44,
dash: 276.32
"4xl": {
icon: 192,
r: 88,
dash: 552.64
}, p = {
var f = (t, s, e) => s in t ? L(t, s, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: e }) : t[s] = e;
var i = (t, s, e) => (f(t, typeof s != "symbol" ? s + "" : s, e), e);
const m = {
reduceMotion: !1,

@@ -50,28 +9,28 @@ snap: !1,

vertical: !1
}, u = "vsf-scrollable__container--dragging";
class j {
constructor(t, s) {
r(this, "container");
r(this, "options");
r(this, "debounceId");
r(this, "isDragged");
r(this, "dragScrollX");
r(this, "dragScrollLeft");
r(this, "dragScrollY");
r(this, "dragScrollTop");
r(this, "scrollListenerInstance", () => {
}, u = "sf-scrollable__container--dragging";
class z {
constructor(s, e) {
i(this, "container");
i(this, "options");
i(this, "debounceId");
i(this, "isDragged");
i(this, "dragScrollX");
i(this, "dragScrollLeft");
i(this, "dragScrollY");
i(this, "dragScrollTop");
i(this, "scrollListenerInstance", () => {
r(this, "resizeListenerInstance", () => {
i(this, "resizeListenerInstance", () => {
r(this, "mouseDownListenerInstance", () => {
i(this, "mouseDownListenerInstance", () => {
r(this, "mouseUpListenerInstance", () => {
i(this, "mouseUpListenerInstance", () => {
r(this, "mouseMoveListenerInstance", () => {
i(this, "mouseMoveListenerInstance", () => {
r(this, "mouseLeaveListenerInstance", () => {
i(this, "mouseLeaveListenerInstance", () => {
if (!(t instanceof HTMLElement))
throw new Error(`VsfScrollable: Container is not a HTMLElement! Received: ${t}`);
this.container = t, this.options = { ...p, ...s }, this.dragScrollX = 0, this.dragScrollLeft = 0, this.dragScrollY = 0, this.dragScrollTop = 0, this.init();
if (!(s instanceof HTMLElement))
throw new Error(`SfScrollable: Container is not a HTMLElement! Received: ${s}`);
this.container = s, this.options = { ...m, ...e }, this.dragScrollX = 0, this.dragScrollLeft = 0, this.dragScrollY = 0, this.dragScrollTop = 0, this.init();

@@ -81,4 +40,4 @@ init() {

update(t) {
this.options = { ...p, ...t }, this.removeListeners(), this.init();
update(s) {
this.options = { ...m, ...s }, this.removeListeners(), this.init();

@@ -89,20 +48,20 @@ destroy() {

prev() {
const { container: t, options: s } = this;
s.vertical ? this.scrollTo({ top: t.scrollTop - t.clientHeight }) : this.scrollTo({ left: t.scrollLeft - t.clientWidth });
const { container: s, options: e } = this;
e.vertical ? this.scrollTo({ top: s.scrollTop - s.clientHeight }) : this.scrollTo({ left: s.scrollLeft - s.clientWidth });
next() {
const { container: t, options: s } = this;
s.vertical ? this.scrollTo({ top: t.scrollTop + t.clientHeight }) : this.scrollTo({ left: t.scrollLeft + t.clientWidth });
const { container: s, options: e } = this;
e.vertical ? this.scrollTo({ top: s.scrollTop + s.clientHeight }) : this.scrollTo({ left: s.scrollLeft + s.clientWidth });
scrollToIndex(t) {
const s = this.children();
if (s[t]) {
const { container: n } = this, i = s[t].getBoundingClientRect(), o = i.left - n.getBoundingClientRect().left, l = - n.getBoundingClientRect().top, c = n.clientWidth / 2 - i.width / 2, m = n.clientHeight / 2 - i.height / 2;
this.options.vertical ? this.scrollTo({ top: n.scrollTop + l - m }) : this.scrollTo({ left: n.scrollLeft + o - c });
scrollToIndex(s) {
const e = this.children();
if (e[s]) {
const { container: n } = this, r = e[s].getBoundingClientRect(), o = r.left - n.getBoundingClientRect().left, c = - n.getBoundingClientRect().top, l = n.clientWidth / 2 - r.width / 2, x = n.clientHeight / 2 - r.height / 2;
this.options.vertical ? this.scrollTo({ top: n.scrollTop + c - x }) : this.scrollTo({ left: n.scrollLeft + o - l });
refresh(t) {
refresh(s) {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
const s = this.calculate();
t == null || t(s);
const e = this.calculate();
s == null || s(e);

@@ -118,19 +77,19 @@ }

onMouseDown(t) {
const { container: s, options: n } = this;
this.isDragged = !0, s.classList.add(u), n.vertical ? (this.dragScrollY = t.pageY - s.offsetTop, this.dragScrollTop = s.scrollTop) : (this.dragScrollX = t.pageX - s.offsetLeft, this.dragScrollLeft = s.scrollLeft);
onMouseDown(s) {
const { container: e, options: n } = this;
this.isDragged = !0, e.classList.add(u), n.vertical ? (this.dragScrollY = s.pageY - e.offsetTop, this.dragScrollTop = e.scrollTop) : (this.dragScrollX = s.pageX - e.offsetLeft, this.dragScrollLeft = e.scrollLeft);
onMouseMove(t) {
onMouseMove(s) {
var o;
if (!this.isDragged)
const s = ((o = this.options.drag) == null ? void 0 : o.sensitivity) ?? 4, { container: n, options: i } = this;
if (i.vertical) {
const c = (t.pageY - n.offsetTop - this.dragScrollY) * s;
n.scrollTop = this.dragScrollTop - c;
const e = ((o = this.options.drag) == null ? void 0 : o.sensitivity) ?? 4, { container: n, options: r } = this;
if (r.vertical) {
const l = (s.pageY - n.offsetTop - this.dragScrollY) * e;
n.scrollTop = this.dragScrollTop - l;
} else {
const c = (t.pageX - n.offsetLeft - this.dragScrollX) * s;
n.scrollLeft = this.dragScrollLeft - c;
const l = (s.pageX - n.offsetLeft - this.dragScrollX) * e;
n.scrollLeft = this.dragScrollLeft - l;

@@ -147,5 +106,5 @@ }

scrollTo({ left: t, top: s }) {
scrollTo({ left: s, top: e }) {
const n = this.options.reduceMotion ? "auto" : "smooth";
this.container.scrollTo({ left: t, top: s, behavior: n });
this.container.scrollTo({ left: s, top: e, behavior: n });

@@ -156,26 +115,26 @@ onScroll() {

onResize() {
this.container && this.refresh((s) => {
var n, i;
return (i = (n = this.options).onScroll) == null ? void 0 :, s);
this.container && this.refresh((e) => {
var n, r;
return (r = (n = this.options).onScroll) == null ? void 0 :, e);
onScrollHandler() {
this.refresh((t) => {
var s, n;
return (n = (s = this.options).onScroll) == null ? void 0 :, t);
this.refresh((s) => {
var e, n;
return (n = (e = this.options).onScroll) == null ? void 0 :, s);
calculate() {
const { container: t, options: s } = this;
const { container: s, options: e } = this;
function n() {
return s.vertical ? t.scrollHeight > Math.ceil(t.scrollTop) + t.clientHeight : t.scrollWidth > Math.ceil(t.scrollLeft) + t.clientWidth;
return e.vertical ? s.scrollHeight > Math.ceil(s.scrollTop) + s.clientHeight : s.scrollWidth > Math.ceil(s.scrollLeft) + s.clientWidth;
function i() {
return s.vertical ? !!t.scrollTop : !!t.scrollLeft;
function r() {
return e.vertical ? !!s.scrollTop : !!s.scrollLeft;
return {
left: t.scrollLeft,
width: t.clientWidth,
scrollWidth: t.scrollWidth,
hasPrev: i(),
left: s.scrollLeft,
width: s.clientWidth,
scrollWidth: s.scrollWidth,
hasPrev: r(),
hasNext: n()

@@ -185,147 +144,158 @@ };

const g = typeof window < "u", z = g && (window == null ? void 0 : window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)").matches), h = g && /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator == null ? void 0 : navigator.userAgent);
let I = -1;
const _ = (e) => `vsf-${e}--${++I}`, $ = (e) => e.key === "Tab" && e.shiftKey, q = (e) => e.key === "Tab" && !e.shiftKey, K = () => {
const p = typeof window < "u", S = p && (window == null ? void 0 : window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)").matches), h = p && /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator == null ? void 0 : navigator.userAgent);
let v = -1;
const tt = (t) => `sf-${t}--${++v}`, st = (t) => t.key === "Tab" && t.shiftKey, et = (t) => t.key === "Tab" && !t.shiftKey, nt = () => {
function F(e, t, s) {
return Math.min(Math.max(e, t), s);
function rt(t, s, e) {
return Math.min(Math.max(t, s), e);
function k(e, t) {
return Math.round(e / t) * t;
function it(t, s) {
return Math.round(t / s) * s;
function x(e, t) {
if (e === t)
function I(t, s) {
if (t === s)
return !0;
const s = typeof e;
if (s !== typeof t)
const e = typeof t;
if (e !== typeof s)
return !1;
if (s === "object" && e !== null && t !== null) {
if (e.length !== t.length || Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).length !== Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t).length)
if (e === "object" && t !== null && s !== null) {
if (t.length !== s.length || Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t).length !== Object.getOwnPropertyNames(s).length)
return !1;
for (const i in e)
if (!x(e[i], t[i]))
for (const r in t)
if (!I(t[r], s[r]))
return !1;
} else
return s === "function" ? e.toString() === t.toString() : !1;
return e === "function" ? t.toString() === s.toString() : !1;
return !0;
var M = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => (e.gray = "gray", e.secondary = "secondary", e.positive = "positive", e.warning = "warning", e.error = "error", e))(M || {}), w = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => (e.temporary = "temporary", e.persistent = "persistent", e))(w || {}), T = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => ( = "top", e.middle = "middle", e))(T || {}), D = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => ( = "top", e.middle = "middle", e.bottom = "bottom", e))(D || {}), S = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => (e.category = "category", e.subcategory = "subcategory", = "contact", e.contactDescription = "contact-description", e.socialMedia = "social-media", e.bottomLinks = "bottom-links", e.companyName = "company-name", e))(S || {}), y = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => (e.xs = "xs", = "sm", e.base = "base", e.lg = "lg", e.xl = "xl", e["2xl"] = "2xl", e["3xl"] = "3xl", e["4xl"] = "4xl", e))(y || {});
const d = (e, t) => t.findIndex((s) => s === e), E = (e, t) => {
const s = d(e, t);
return t[s + 1];
}, N = (e, t) => {
const s = d(e, t);
return t[s - 1];
}, a = ({ focusables: e, event: t }) => {
t == null || t.preventDefault();
const s = e[0];
return s == null || s.focus(), s;
}, f = ({ focusables: e, event: t }) => {
t == null || t.preventDefault();
const s = e[e.length - 1];
return s == null || s.focus(), s;
}, H = (e, t) => {
const s = E(e, t);
return s == null || s.focus(), s;
}, P = (e, t) => {
const s = N(e, t);
return s == null || s.focus(), s;
}, O = (e, t) => d(e, t) === 0, R = (e, t) => d(e, t) === t.length - 1, W = (e, t, s) => {
const n = [...s].reverse(), i = n.findIndex((o) => o === e);
return n.find((o, l) => {
var c;
if (l > i && o.closest(t) && e.closest(t) !== o.closest(t) && ((c = n[l + 1]) == null ? void 0 : c.closest(t)) !== o.closest(t))
var b = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t.neutral = "neutral", t.secondary = "secondary", t.positive = "positive", t.warning = "warning", t.error = "error", t))(b || {}), T = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t.temporary = "temporary", t.persistent = "persistent", t))(T || {}), M = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => ( = "sm", t.base = "base", t.lg = "lg", t))(M || {}), y = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t.primary = "primary", t.secondary = "secondary", t.tertiary = "tertiary", t))(y || {}), w = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => ( = "sm", t.base = "base", t))(w || {}), D = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t["3xs"] = "3xs", t["2xs"] = "2xs", t.xs = "xs", = "sm", t.base = "base", t.lg = "lg", t))(D || {}), E = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => ( = "top", t.bottom = "bottom", t.left = "left", t.right = "right", t))(E || {}), N = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => ( = "sm", t.base = "base", t.lg = "lg", t))(N || {}), H = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t.xs = "xs", = "sm", t.base = "base", t.lg = "lg", t.xl = "xl", t["2xl"] = "2xl", t["3xl"] = "3xl", t["4xl"] = "4xl", t))(H || {}), F = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t.primary = "primary", t.secondary = "secondary", t))(F || {}), O = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => ( = "sm", t.base = "base", t.lg = "lg", t))(O || {}), W = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t.xs = "xs", = "sm", t.base = "base", t.lg = "lg", t.xl = "xl", t["2xl"] = "2xl", t["3xl"] = "3xl", t["4xl"] = "4xl", t))(W || {}), U = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t.xs = "xs", = "sm", t.base = "base", t.lg = "lg", t.xl = "xl", t["2xl"] = "2xl", t["3xl"] = "3xl", t["4xl"] = "4xl", t))(U || {}), X = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t.xs = "xs", = "sm", t.base = "base", t.lg = "lg", t.xl = "xl", t))(X || {}), Y = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => ( = "sm", t.base = "base", t.lg = "lg", t))(Y || {}), G = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => ( = "sm", t.base = "base", t.lg = "lg", t.xl = "xl", t))(G || {}), R = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t["top-start"] = "top-start", = "top", t["top-end"] = "top-end", t["bottom-start"] = "bottom-start", t.bottom = "bottom", t["bottom-end"] = "bottom-end", t["left-start"] = "left-start", t.left = "left", t["left-end"] = "left-end", t["right-start"] = "right-start", t.right = "right", t["right-end"] = "right-end", t))(R || {}), j = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t.fixed = "fixed", t.absolute = "absolute", t))(j || {});
const d = (t, s) => s.findIndex((e) => e === t), _ = (t, s) => {
const e = d(t, s);
return s[e + 1];
}, $ = (t, s) => {
const e = d(t, s);
return s[e - 1];
}, a = ({ focusables: t, event: s }) => {
s == null || s.preventDefault();
const e = t[0];
return e == null || e.focus(), e;
}, g = ({ focusables: t, event: s }) => {
s == null || s.preventDefault();
const e = t[t.length - 1];
return e == null || e.focus(), e;
}, q = (t, s) => {
const e = _(t, s);
return e == null || e.focus(), e;
}, C = (t, s) => {
const e = $(t, s);
return e == null || e.focus(), e;
}, K = (t, s) => d(t, s) === 0, A = (t, s) => d(t, s) === s.length - 1, B = (t, s, e) => {
const n = [...e].reverse(), r = n.findIndex((o) => o === t);
return n.find((o, c) => {
var l;
if (c > r && o.closest(s) && t.closest(s) !== o.closest(s) && ((l = n[c + 1]) == null ? void 0 : l.closest(s)) !== o.closest(s))
return o;
}, C = (e, t, s) => {
const n = s.findIndex((i) => i === e);
return s.find((i, o) => {
if (o > n && i.closest(t) && e.closest(t) !== i.closest(t))
return i;
}, J = (t, s, e) => {
const n = e.findIndex((r) => r === t);
return e.find((r, o) => {
if (o > n && r.closest(s) && t.closest(s) !== r.closest(s))
return r;
}, U = ({
current: e,
focusables: t,
arrowFocusGroupSelector: s
}, Q = ({
current: t,
focusables: s,
arrowFocusGroupSelector: e
}) => {
if (!e)
return a({ focusables: t });
const n = C(e, s, t);
return e && n ? (n == null || n.focus(), n) : a({ focusables: t });
}, X = ({
current: e,
focusables: t,
arrowFocusGroupSelector: s
if (!t)
return a({ focusables: s });
const n = J(t, e, s);
return t && n ? (n == null || n.focus(), n) : a({ focusables: s });
}, Z = ({
current: t,
focusables: s,
arrowFocusGroupSelector: e
}) => {
if (!e)
return a({ focusables: t });
const n = W(e, s, t);
return e && n ? (n == null || n.focus(), n) : f({ focusables: t });
}, Y = ({
current: e,
focusables: t,
event: s
if (!t)
return a({ focusables: s });
const n = B(t, e, s);
return t && n ? (n == null || n.focus(), n) : g({ focusables: s });
}, k = ({
current: t,
focusables: s,
event: e
}) => {
if (h && (s == null || s.preventDefault()), e) {
if (R(e, t))
return a({ focusables: t, event: s });
if (h || !s)
return H(e, t);
if (h && (e == null || e.preventDefault()), t) {
if (A(t, s))
return a({ focusables: s, event: e });
if (h || !e)
return q(t, s);
} else
return a({ focusables: t, event: s });
}, G = ({
current: e,
focusables: t,
event: s
return a({ focusables: s, event: e });
}, V = ({
current: t,
focusables: s,
event: e
}) => {
if (h && (s == null || s.preventDefault()), e) {
if (O(e, t))
return f({ focusables: t, event: s });
if (h || !s)
return P(e, t);
if (h && (e == null || e.preventDefault()), t) {
if (K(t, s))
return g({ focusables: s, event: e });
if (h || !e)
return C(t, s);
} else
return f({ focusables: t, event: s });
}, A = ({
current: e,
event: t,
return g({ focusables: s, event: e });
}, ot = ({
current: t,
event: s,
focusables: e,
arrowFocusGroupSelector: n
}) => n ? Q({ current: t, focusables: e, arrowFocusGroupSelector: n }) : k({ current: t, focusables: e, event: s }), lt = ({
current: t,
focusables: s,
event: e,
arrowFocusGroupSelector: n
}) => n ? U({ current: e, focusables: s, arrowFocusGroupSelector: n }) : Y({ current: e, focusables: s, event: t }), J = ({
current: e,
focusables: t,
event: s,
arrowFocusGroupSelector: n
}) => n ? X({ current: e, focusables: t, arrowFocusGroupSelector: n }) : G({ current: e, focusables: t, event: s });
}) => n ? Z({ current: t, focusables: s, arrowFocusGroupSelector: n }) : V({ current: t, focusables: s, event: e });
export {
j as VSFScrollable,
w as VsfAlertType,
M as VsfAlertVariant,
T as VsfFooterColumnType,
S as VsfFooterLabelType,
D as VsfFooterSectionType,
y as VsfLoaderSize,
F as clamp,
x as equal,
z as SFScrollable,
T as SfAlertType,
b as SfAlertVariant,
M as SfButtonSize,
y as SfButtonVariant,
w as SfChipSize,
D as SfCounterSize,
E as SfDrawerPlacement,
H as SfIconSize,
N as SfInputSize,
F as SfLinkVariant,
O as SfListItemSize,
W as SfLoaderSize,
R as SfPopoverPlacement,
j as SfPopoverStrategy,
U as SfProgressSize,
X as SfRatingSize,
Y as SfSelectSize,
G as SfThumbnailSize,
rt as clamp,
I as equal,
d as findCurrentFocusableIndex,
E as findNextFocusable,
N as findPrevFocusable,
_ as findNextFocusable,
$ as findPrevFocusable,
a as focusFirstElement,
f as focusLastElement,
A as focusNext,
H as focusNextElement,
Y as focusNextOrFirst,
J as focusPrev,
P as focusPrevElement,
G as focusPrevOrLast,
_ as generateId,
g as isBrowser,
O as isCurrentFirstElement,
R as isCurrentLastElement,
z as isReduceMotionEnabled,
g as focusLastElement,
ot as focusNext,
q as focusNextElement,
k as focusNextOrFirst,
lt as focusPrev,
C as focusPrevElement,
V as focusPrevOrLast,
tt as generateId,
p as isBrowser,
K as isCurrentFirstElement,
A as isCurrentLastElement,
S as isReduceMotionEnabled,
h as isSafari,
q as isTab,
$ as isTabAndShift,
K as noop,
B as progressSvgSizes,
k as roundToNearest
et as isTab,
st as isTabAndShift,
nt as noop,
it as roundToNearest

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

(function(i,c){typeof exports=="object"&&typeof module<"u"?c(exports):typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(["exports"],c):(i=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:i||self,c(i["storefront-ui-shared"]={}))})(this,function(i){"use strict";var k=Object.defineProperty;var J=(i,c,a)=>c in i?k(i,c,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:a}):i[c]=a;var o=(i,c,a)=>(J(i,typeof c!="symbol"?c+"":c,a),a);const c={xs:{icon:16,r:7.2,dash:45.216},sm:{icon:20,r:9,dash:56.52},base:{icon:24,r:11,dash:69.08},lg:{icon:32,r:14.67,dash:92.127},xl:{icon:40,r:19,dash:119.32},"2xl":{icon:56,r:26,dash:163.28},"3xl":{icon:96,r:44,dash:276.32},"4xl":{icon:192,r:88,dash:552.64}},a={reduceMotion:!1,snap:!1,drag:void 0,vertical:!1},L="vsf-scrollable__container--dragging";class F{constructor(t,n){o(this,"container");o(this,"options");o(this,"debounceId");o(this,"isDragged");o(this,"dragScrollX");o(this,"dragScrollLeft");o(this,"dragScrollY");o(this,"dragScrollTop");o(this,"scrollListenerInstance",()=>{});o(this,"resizeListenerInstance",()=>{});o(this,"mouseDownListenerInstance",()=>{});o(this,"mouseUpListenerInstance",()=>{});o(this,"mouseMoveListenerInstance",()=>{});o(this,"mouseLeaveListenerInstance",()=>{});if(!(t instanceof HTMLElement))throw new Error(`VsfScrollable: Container is not a HTMLElement! 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0:navigator.userAgent);let R=-1;const W=e=>`vsf-${e}--${++R}`,U=e=>e.key==="Tab"&&e.shiftKey,X=e=>e.key==="Tab"&&!e.shiftKey,Y=()=>{};function j(e,t,n){return Math.min(Math.max(e,t),n)}function z(e,t){return Math.round(e/t)*t}function p(e,t){if(e===t)return!0;const n=typeof e;if(n!==typeof t)return!1;if(n==="object"&&e!==null&&t!==null){if(e.length!==t.length||Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).length!==Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t).length)return!1;for(const r in e)if(!p(e[r],t[r]))return!1}else return n==="function"?e.toString()===t.toString():!1;return!0}var 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n=D(e,t);return n==null||n.focus(),n},P=(e,t)=>m(e,t)===0,x=(e,t)=>m(e,t)===t.length-1,B=(e,t,n)=>{const s=[...n].reverse(),r=s.findIndex(l=>l===e);return s.find((l,u)=>{var d;if(u>r&&l.closest(t)&&e.closest(t)!==l.closest(t)&&((d=s[u+1])==null?void 0:d.closest(t))!==l.closest(t))return l})},G=(e,t,n)=>{const s=n.findIndex(r=>r===e);return n.find((r,l)=>{if(l>s&&r.closest(t)&&e.closest(t)!==r.closest(t))return r})},q=({current:e,focusables:t,arrowFocusGroupSelector:n})=>{if(!e)return h({focusables:t});const s=G(e,n,t);return e&&s?(s==null||s.focus(),s):h({focusables:t})},A=({current:e,focusables:t,arrowFocusGroupSelector:n})=>{if(!e)return h({focusables:t});const s=B(e,n,t);return e&&s?(s==null||s.focus(),s):g({focusables:t})},O=({current:e,focusables:t,event:n})=>{if(f&&(n==null||n.preventDefault()),e){if(x(e,t))return h({focusables:t,event:n});if(f||!n)return N(e,t)}else return h({focusables:t,event:n})},C=({current:e,focusables:t,event:n})=>{if(f&&(n==null||n.preventDefault()),e){if(P(e,t))return g({focusables:t,event:n});if(f||!n)return b(e,t)}else return g({focusables:t,event:n})},_=({current:e,event:t,focusables:n,arrowFocusGroupSelector:s})=>s?q({current:e,focusables:n,arrowFocusGroupSelector:s}):O({current:e,focusables:n,event:t}),$=({current:e,focusables:t,event:n,arrowFocusGroupSelector:s})=>s?A({current:e,focusables:t,arrowFocusGroupSelector:s}):C({current:e,focusables:t,event:n});i.VSFScrollable=F,i.VsfAlertType=T,i.VsfAlertVariant=I,i.VsfFooterColumnType=M,i.VsfFooterLabelType=w,i.VsfFooterSectionType=S,i.VsfLoaderSize=y,i.clamp=j,i.equal=p,i.findCurrentFocusableIndex=m,i.findNextFocusable=E,i.findPrevFocusable=D,i.focusFirstElement=h,i.focusLastElement=g,i.focusNext=_,i.focusNextElement=N,i.focusNextOrFirst=O,i.focusPrev=$,i.focusPrevElement=b,i.focusPrevOrLast=C,i.generateId=W,i.isBrowser=v,i.isCurrentFirstElement=P,i.isCurrentLastElement=x,i.isReduceMotionEnabled=H,i.isSafari=f,i.isTab=X,i.isTabAndShift=U,i.noop=Y,i.progressSvgSizes=c,i.roundToNearest=z,Object.defineProperty(i,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"})});
(function(n,l){typeof exports=="object"&&typeof module<"u"?l(exports):typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(["exports"],l):(n=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:n||self,l(n["storefront-ui-shared"]={}))})(this,function(n){"use strict";var ot=Object.defineProperty;var lt=(n,l,a)=>l in n?ot(n,l,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:a}):n[l]=a;var o=(n,l,a)=>(lt(n,typeof l!="symbol"?l+"":l,a),a);const l={reduceMotion:!1,snap:!1,drag:void 0,vertical:!1},a="sf-scrollable__container--dragging";class ${constructor(e,s){o(this,"container");o(this,"options");o(this,"debounceId");o(this,"isDragged");o(this,"dragScrollX");o(this,"dragScrollLeft");o(this,"dragScrollY");o(this,"dragScrollTop");o(this,"scrollListenerInstance",()=>{});o(this,"resizeListenerInstance",()=>{});o(this,"mouseDownListenerInstance",()=>{});o(this,"mouseUpListenerInstance",()=>{});o(this,"mouseMoveListenerInstance",()=>{});o(this,"mouseLeaveListenerInstance",()=>{});if(!(e instanceof HTMLElement))throw new Error(`SfScrollable: Container is not a HTMLElement! Received: ${e}`);this.container=e,this.options={...l,...s},this.dragScrollX=0,this.dragScrollLeft=0,this.dragScrollY=0,this.dragScrollTop=0,this.init()}init(){this.addListeners(),this.onScrollHandler()}update(e){this.options={...l,...e},this.removeListeners(),this.init()}destroy(){this.removeListeners()}prev(){const{container:e,options:s}=this;s.vertical?this.scrollTo({top:e.scrollTop-e.clientHeight}):this.scrollTo({left:e.scrollLeft-e.clientWidth})}next(){const{container:e,options:s}=this;s.vertical?this.scrollTo({top:e.scrollTop+e.clientHeight}):this.scrollTo({left:e.scrollLeft+e.clientWidth})}scrollToIndex(e){const s=this.children();if(s[e]){const{container:r}=this,i=s[e].getBoundingClientRect(),c=i.left-r.getBoundingClientRect().left,,d=r.clientWidth/2-i.width/2,it=r.clientHeight/2-i.height/2;this.options.vertical?this.scrollTo({top:r.scrollTop+h-it}):this.scrollTo({left:r.scrollLeft+c-d})}}refresh(e){requestAnimationFrame(()=>{const s=this.calculate();e==null||e(s)})}onMouseUp(){this.isDragged=!1,setTimeout(()=>{this.container.classList.remove(a)},50)}onMouseLeave(){this.isDragged=!1,this.container.classList.remove(a)}onMouseDown(e){e.preventDefault();const{container:s,options:r}=this;this.isDragged=!0,s.classList.add(a),r.vertical?(this.dragScrollY=e.pageY-s.offsetTop,this.dragScrollTop=s.scrollTop):(this.dragScrollX=e.pageX-s.offsetLeft,this.dragScrollLeft=s.scrollLeft)}onMouseMove(e){var c;if(!this.isDragged)return;e.preventDefault();const s=((c=this.options.drag)==null?void 0:c.sensitivity)??4,{container:r,options:i}=this;if(i.vertical){const d=(e.pageY-r.offsetTop-this.dragScrollY)*s;r.scrollTop=this.dragScrollTop-d}else{const d=(e.pageX-r.offsetLeft-this.dragScrollX)*s;r.scrollLeft=this.dragScrollLeft-d}}addListeners(){this.scrollListenerInstance=this.onScroll.bind(this),this.resizeListenerInstance=this.onResize.bind(this),this.container.addEventListener("scroll",this.scrollListenerInstance,{passive:!0}),window.addEventListener("resize",this.resizeListenerInstance),this.options.drag&&(this.mouseDownListenerInstance=this.onMouseDown.bind(this),this.mouseUpListenerInstance=this.onMouseUp.bind(this),this.mouseMoveListenerInstance=this.onMouseMove.bind(this),this.mouseLeaveListenerInstance=this.onMouseLeave.bind(this),this.container.addEventListener("mousedown",this.mouseDownListenerInstance,{passive:!1}),this.container.addEventListener("mouseup",this.mouseUpListenerInstance,{passive:!0}),this.container.addEventListener("mousemove",this.mouseMoveListenerInstance,{passive:!1}),this.container.addEventListener("mouseleave",this.mouseLeaveListenerInstance,{passive:!0}))}removeListeners(){this.container.removeEventListener("scroll",this.scrollListenerInstance),window.removeEventListener("resize",this.resizeListenerInstance),this.options.drag||(this.container.removeEventListener("mousedown",this.mouseDownListenerInstance),this.container.removeEventListener("mouseup",this.mouseUpListenerInstance),this.container.removeEventListener("mousemove",this.mouseMoveListenerInstance),this.container.removeEventListener("mouseleave",this.mouseLeaveListenerInstance))}children(){return this.container.children}scrollTo({left:e,top:s}){const r=this.options.reduceMotion?"auto":"smooth";this.container.scrollTo({left:e,top:s,behavior:r})}onScroll(){this.container&&(clearTimeout(this.debounceId),this.debounceId=setTimeout(this.onScrollHandler.bind(this),50))}onResize(){this.container&&this.refresh(s=>{var r,i;return(i=(r=this.options).onScroll)==null?void,s)})}onScrollHandler(){this.refresh(e=>{var s,r;return(r=(s=this.options).onScroll)==null?void,e)})}calculate(){const{container:e,options:s}=this;function r(){return s.vertical?e.scrollHeight>Math.ceil(e.scrollTop)+e.clientHeight:e.scrollWidth>Math.ceil(e.scrollLeft)+e.clientWidth}function i(){return s.vertical?!!e.scrollTop:!!e.scrollLeft}return{left:e.scrollLeft,width:e.clientWidth,scrollWidth:e.scrollWidth,hasPrev:i(),hasNext:r()}}}const L=typeof window<"u",K=L&&(window==null?void 0:window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)").matches),f=L&&/^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator==null?void 0:navigator.userAgent);let J=-1;const Q=t=>`sf-${t}--${++J}`,Z=t=>t.key==="Tab"&&t.shiftKey,k=t=>t.key==="Tab"&&!t.shiftKey,V=()=>{};function P(t,e,s){return Math.min(Math.max(t,e),s)}function z(t,e){return Math.round(t/e)*e}function v(t,e){if(t===e)return!0;const s=typeof t;if(s!==typeof e)return!1;if(s==="object"&&t!==null&&e!==null){if(t.length!==e.length||Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t).length!==Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).length)return!1;for(const i in t)if(!v(t[i],e[i]))return!1}else return s==="function"?t.toString()===e.toString():!1;return!0}var b=(t=>(t.neutral="neutral",t.secondary="secondary",t.positive="positive",t.warning="warning",t.error="error",t))(b||{}),p=(t=>(t.temporary="temporary",t.persistent="persistent",t))(p||{}),I=(t=>("sm",t.base="base",t.lg="lg",t))(I||{}),T=(t=>(t.primary="primary",t.secondary="secondary",t.tertiary="tertiary",t))(T||{}),x=(t=>("sm",t.base="base",t))(x||{}),y=(t=>(t["3xs"]="3xs",t["2xs"]="2xs",t.xs="xs","sm",t.base="base",t.lg="lg",t))(y||{}),M=(t=>("top",t.bottom="bottom",t.left="left",t.right="right",t))(M||{}),w=(t=>("sm",t.base="base",t.lg="lg",t))(w||{}),E=(t=>(t.xs="xs","sm",t.base="base",t.lg="lg",t.xl="xl",t["2xl"]="2xl",t["3xl"]="3xl",t["4xl"]="4xl",t))(E||{}),F=(t=>(t.primary="primary",t.secondary="secondary",t))(F||{}),N=(t=>("sm",t.base="base",t.lg="lg",t))(N||{}),D=(t=>(t.xs="xs","sm",t.base="base",t.lg="lg",t.xl="xl",t["2xl"]="2xl",t["3xl"]="3xl",t["4xl"]="4xl",t))(D||{}),O=(t=>(t.xs="xs","sm",t.base="base",t.lg="lg",t.xl="xl",t["2xl"]="2xl",t["3xl"]="3xl",t["4xl"]="4xl",t))(O||{}),H=(t=>(t.xs="xs","sm",t.base="base",t.lg="lg",t.xl="xl",t))(H||{}),W=(t=>("sm",t.base="base",t.lg="lg",t))(W||{}),C=(t=>("sm",t.base="base",t.lg="lg",t.xl="xl",t))(C||{}),R=(t=>(t["top-start"]="top-start","top",t["top-end"]="top-end",t["bottom-start"]="bottom-start",t.bottom="bottom",t["bottom-end"]="bottom-end",t["left-start"]="left-start",t.left="left",t["left-end"]="left-end",t["right-start"]="right-start",t.right="right",t["right-end"]="right-end",t))(R||{}),U=(t=>(t.fixed="fixed",t.absolute="absolute",t))(U||{});const m=(t,e)=>e.findIndex(s=>s===t),X=(t,e)=>{const s=m(t,e);return e[s+1]},Y=(t,e)=>{const s=m(t,e);return e[s-1]},u=({focusables:t,event:e})=>{e==null||e.preventDefault();const s=t[0];return s==null||s.focus(),s},g=({focusables:t,event:e})=>{e==null||e.preventDefault();const s=t[t.length-1];return s==null||s.focus(),s},j=(t,e)=>{const s=X(t,e);return s==null||s.focus(),s},G=(t,e)=>{const s=Y(t,e);return s==null||s.focus(),s},q=(t,e)=>m(t,e)===0,A=(t,e)=>m(t,e)===e.length-1,S=(t,e,s)=>{const r=[...s].reverse(),i=r.findIndex(c=>c===t);return r.find((c,h)=>{var d;if(h>i&&c.closest(e)&&t.closest(e)!==c.closest(e)&&((d=r[h+1])==null?void 0:d.closest(e))!==c.closest(e))return c})},tt=(t,e,s)=>{const r=s.findIndex(i=>i===t);return s.find((i,c)=>{if(c>r&&i.closest(e)&&t.closest(e)!==i.closest(e))return i})},et=({current:t,focusables:e,arrowFocusGroupSelector:s})=>{if(!t)return u({focusables:e});const r=tt(t,s,e);return t&&r?(r==null||r.focus(),r):u({focusables:e})},st=({current:t,focusables:e,arrowFocusGroupSelector:s})=>{if(!t)return u({focusables:e});const r=S(t,s,e);return t&&r?(r==null||r.focus(),r):g({focusables:e})},B=({current:t,focusables:e,event:s})=>{if(f&&(s==null||s.preventDefault()),t){if(A(t,e))return u({focusables:e,event:s});if(f||!s)return j(t,e)}else return u({focusables:e,event:s})},_=({current:t,focusables:e,event:s})=>{if(f&&(s==null||s.preventDefault()),t){if(q(t,e))return g({focusables:e,event:s});if(f||!s)return G(t,e)}else return g({focusables:e,event:s})},nt=({current:t,event:e,focusables:s,arrowFocusGroupSelector:r})=>r?et({current:t,focusables:s,arrowFocusGroupSelector:r}):B({current:t,focusables:s,event:e}),rt=({current:t,focusables:e,event:s,arrowFocusGroupSelector:r})=>r?st({current:t,focusables:e,arrowFocusGroupSelector:r}):_({current:t,focusables:e,event:s});n.SFScrollable=$,n.SfAlertType=p,n.SfAlertVariant=b,n.SfButtonSize=I,n.SfButtonVariant=T,n.SfChipSize=x,n.SfCounterSize=y,n.SfDrawerPlacement=M,n.SfIconSize=E,n.SfInputSize=w,n.SfLinkVariant=F,n.SfListItemSize=N,n.SfLoaderSize=D,n.SfPopoverPlacement=R,n.SfPopoverStrategy=U,n.SfProgressSize=O,n.SfRatingSize=H,n.SfSelectSize=W,n.SfThumbnailSize=C,n.clamp=P,n.equal=v,n.findCurrentFocusableIndex=m,n.findNextFocusable=X,n.findPrevFocusable=Y,n.focusFirstElement=u,n.focusLastElement=g,n.focusNext=nt,n.focusNextElement=j,n.focusNextOrFirst=B,n.focusPrev=rt,n.focusPrevElement=G,n.focusPrevOrLast=_,n.generateId=Q,n.isBrowser=L,n.isCurrentFirstElement=q,n.isCurrentLastElement=A,n.isReduceMotionEnabled=K,n.isSafari=f,n.isTab=k,n.isTabAndShift=Z,n.noop=V,n.roundToNearest=z,Object.defineProperty(n,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"})});

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import VSFScrollable from './scrollable';
import SFScrollable from './scrollable';
export * from './types';
export { VSFScrollable };
export { SFScrollable };

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import type { VsfScrollableOptions, VsfScrollableCallbackData } from './types';
export default class VSFScrollable {
import type { SfScrollableOptions, SfScrollableCallbackData } from './types';
export default class SFScrollable {
container: HTMLElement;

@@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ private options;

private mouseLeaveListenerInstance;
constructor(container: Element, VsfScrollableOptions?: Partial<VsfScrollableOptions>);
constructor(container: Element, SfScrollableOptions?: Partial<SfScrollableOptions>);
init(): void;
update(VsfScrollableOptions?: Partial<VsfScrollableOptions>): void;
update(SfScrollableOptions?: Partial<SfScrollableOptions>): void;
destroy(): void;

@@ -25,3 +25,3 @@ prev(): void;

scrollToIndex(index: number): void;
refresh(callback?: (data: VsfScrollableCallbackData) => void): void;
refresh(callback?: (data: SfScrollableCallbackData) => void): void;
private onMouseUp;

@@ -28,0 +28,0 @@ private onMouseLeave;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

export type VsfScrollableOptions = {
export type SfScrollableOptions = {
reduceMotion?: boolean;

@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ snap?: boolean;

vertical?: boolean;
onScroll?: (data: VsfScrollableCallbackData) => void;
onScroll?: (data: SfScrollableCallbackData) => void;
export type VsfScrollableCallbackData = {
export type SfScrollableCallbackData = {
left: number;

@@ -13,0 +13,0 @@ width: number;

@@ -1,4 +0,17 @@

export * from './VsfAlert';
export * from './VsfFooter';
export * from './VsfLoader';
export * from './SfAlert';
export * from './SfButton';
export * from './SfChip';
export * from './SfCounter';
export * from './SfDrawer';
export * from './SfInput';
export * from './SfIconBase';
export * from './SfLink';
export * from './SfListItem';
export * from './SfLoader';
export * from './SfProgress';
export * from './SfRating';
export * from './SfSelect';
export * from './SfThumbnail';
export * from './usePopover';
export * from './utils';
"name": "@storefront-ui/shared",
"description": "Shared set of utils and typings used by `@storefront-ui/*` packages",
"version": "2.0.0-rc.3",
"version": "2.0.0-rc.4",
"license": "MIT",
"sideEffects": false,

@@ -19,12 +20,5 @@ "exports": {

"dev": "vite build --watch",
"dev:shared": "vite build --watch",
"build:shared": "vite build"
"homepage": "",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+"
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"devDependencies": {

@@ -41,5 +35,13 @@ "tabbable": "^6.1.1",

"files": [
"homepage": "",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+",
"directory": "packages/sfui/shared"
"bugs": {
"url": ""

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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