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⚡ A Nx plugin package that contains various executors and generators used in a Storm workspaces.

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This package is part of the ⚡Storm-Ops monorepo. The Storm-Ops packages include CLI utility applications, tools, and various libraries used to create modern, scalable web applications.

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Version  Nx NextJs Commitizen friendly Semantic-Release documented with docusaurus GitHub Workflow Status (with event)

[!IMPORTANT] This repository, and the apps, libraries, and tools contained within, is still in it's initial development phase. As a result, bugs and issues are expected with it's usage. When the main development phase completes, a proper release will be performed, the packages will be availible through NPM (and other distributions), and this message will be removed. However, in the meantime, please feel free to report any issues you may come across.

Storm Workspace Tools

A package containing tools for managing a Storm workspace. It includes various Nx generators and executors for common development tasks.

This library was generated with Nx.


Using pnpm:

pnpm add -D @storm-software/workspace-tools
Using npm
npm install -D @storm-software/workspace-tools
Using yarn
yarn add -D @storm-software/workspace-tools


The following executors are available in this package to invoke common tasks for the workspace's projects:

Tsup Builder

Run a build on the project using ESBuild with a patched tsup configuration


This executor can be used by executing the following in a command line utility:

nx run my-project:tsup

Please note: The tsup executor should be included in the desired projects's project.json file.All required options must be included in the options property of the json.


The following executor options are available:

entrystringThe path to the entry file, relative to project."{sourceRoot}/index.ts"
outputPathstringThe output path of the generated files."dist/{projectRoot}"
tsConfig *stringThe path to the `tsconfig.json` file."tsconfig.json"
additionalEntryPointsstring[]List of additional entry points.[]
externalstring[]Mark one or more module as external. Can use * wildcards, such as *.png.
bundlebooleanWhether to bundle the main entry point and additional entry points. Set to false to keep individual output files.true
watchbooleanEnable re-building when files change.
assetsarrayList of static assets.[]
cleanbooleanRemove previous output before build.true
includeSrcbooleanShould the source files be added to the distribution folder in an `src` directory.
metafilebooleanShould a meta file be created for the build packagetrue
emitOnAllbooleanShould each file contained in the package be emitted individually.
generatePackageJsonbooleanShould a package.json file be generated in the output folder or should the existing one be copied in.true
splittingbooleanShould the build process preform *code-splitting*?true
treeshakebooleanShould the build process *tree-shake* to remove unused code?true
formatstring[]The output format for the generated JavaScript files. There are currently three possible values that can be configured: iife, cjs, and esm.[]
debugbooleanShould output be unminified with source mappings.
platform *"browser" | "neutral" | "node" | "worker"Platform target for outputs."neutral"
banner *stringA short heading added to the top of each typescript file added in the output folder's `src` directory."This code was developed by Storm Software ( and is licensed under the Apache License 2.0."
minifybooleanShould the build process minify the output files?
verbosebooleanShould write extra log outputs with details from the executor.
skipNativeModulesPluginbooleanShould we skip adding the Native Node Modules ESBuild plugin.
shimsbooleanShould the build process add shims for node.js modules that are not available in the browser?
defineobjectDefine global constants that can be used in the source code. The value will be converted into a stringified JSON.
envobjectDefine environment variables that can be used in the source code. The value will be converted into a stringified JSON.
apiReportbooleanShould API Extractor generate an API Report file.true
docModelbooleanShould API Extractor generate an Doc Model markdown file.true
tsdocMetadatabooleanShould API Extractor generate an TSDoc Metadata file.true
optionsobjectAdditional options to pass to tsup. See
pluginsobject[]List of ESBuild plugins to use during processing[]

Please note: Option names followed by * above are required, and must be provided to run the executor.

Neutral TypeScript Builder

Runs a neutral platform TypeScript build


This executor can be used by executing the following in a command line utility:

nx run my-project:tsup-neutral

Please note: The tsup-neutral executor should be included in the desired projects's project.json file.

Node TypeScript Builder

Runs a node platform TypeScript build


This executor can be used by executing the following in a command line utility:

nx run my-project:tsup-node

Please note: The tsup-node executor should be included in the desired projects's project.json file.


The following executor options are available:


Browser TypeScript Builder

Runs a browser platform TypeScript build


This executor can be used by executing the following in a command line utility:

nx run my-project:tsup-browser

Please note: The tsup-browser executor should be included in the desired projects's project.json file.

Design Tokens Code Builder

Create styling source code from design tokens json file(s) exported from Figma Tokens Studio


This executor can be used by executing the following in a command line utility:

nx run my-project:design-tokens

Please note: The design-tokens executor should be included in the desired projects's project.json file.All required options must be included in the options property of the json.


The following executor options are available:

inputPath *stringThe path to the tokens json file(s) exported from Figma Tokens Studio.
type *"tailwindcss" | "tamagui" | "all"The type of code to generate based on the supplied tokens (TailWind CSS, Tamagui, etc.)."tailwindcss"
tsConfig *stringPath to the typescript config file.
customActionsstringPath to the ts file exporting the custom actions to register.
customFileHeadersstringPath to the ts file exporting the custom file headers to register.
customFiltersstringPath to the ts file exporting the custom filters to register.
customFormatsstringPath to the ts file exporting the custom formats to register.
customParsersstringPath to the ts file exporting the custom parsers to register.
customTransformGroupsstringPath to the ts file exporting the custom transform groups to register.
customTransformsstringPath to the ts file exporting the custom transform to register.
outputPathstringThe output path of the generated files.
deleteOutputPathbooleanDelete the output path before building.true
platformstringBuild only the passed platform defined in the configuration.

Please note: Option names followed by * above are required, and must be provided to run the executor.

Typia Generate Executor

Run the Typia generator to create runtime type validators


This executor can be used by executing the following in a command line utility:

nx run my-project:typia

Please note: The typia executor should be included in the desired projects's project.json file.All required options must be included in the options property of the json.


The following executor options are available:

entryPath *stringThe path of the typescript files using `typia`."{sourceRoot}"
outputPath *stringThe output path of the generated files."{sourceRoot}/generated/typia"
tsConfig *stringThe path to the `tsconfig.json` file."{projectRoot}/tsconfig.json"
cleanbooleanRemove previous output before build.true

Please note: Option names followed by * above are required, and must be provided to run the executor.


The following generators are available with this package to assist in workspace management:

Init Storm Workspace Plugin

Init Storm Workspace Plugin.


The following executor options are available:

skipFormatbooleanSkip formatting files.

Workspace Preset

Create a Storm workspace with all of the required files and recommended packages installed.


This generator can be used by executing the following examples in a command line utility:

Generate a storm workspace with:

nx g @storm-software/workspace-tools:preset --name 'example-repo'

Generate a storm workspace with:

nx g @storm-software/workspace-tools:preset --name 'example-repo' --namespace 'example'

Generate a storm workspace with:

nx g @storm-software/workspace-tools:preset --name 'example-repo' --namespace 'example' --organization 'example-org' --description 'An example workspace'


The following executor options are available:

name *stringThe name of the workspace root.
organization *stringThe organization that owns the workspace."storm-software"
namespacestringThe npm scope used for the workspace. Defaults to the organization name.
includeApps *booleanShould a separate apps folder be created for this workspace (if Yes: apps and libs folders will be added, if No: packages folders will be added)?
descriptionstringThe description of the workspace to use in the package.json and files.
repositoryUrlstringThe URL of the workspace in GitHub. Defaults to{organization}/{name}
nxCloudbooleanShould distributed caching with Nx Cloud be enabled for the workspace?
mode *"light" | "dark"Which client mode should be used for the Nx Task Runner?"dark"
packageManager"npm" | "yarn" | "pnpm"What package manager is used for the workspace?"pnpm"

Please note: Option names followed by * above are required, and must be provided to run the executor.

Add Node Library

Create a new NodeJs TypeScript library package in the Storm workspace


The following executor options are available:

name *stringA name for the library.
descriptionstringThe library used by Storm Software for building TypeScript applications.
directory *stringA directory where the lib is placed.
projectNameAndRootFormat *"as-provided" | "derived"Whether to generate the project name and root directory as provided (as-provided) or generate them composing their values and taking the configured layout into account (derived).
tagsstringAdd tags to the library (used for linting).
strictbooleanWhether to enable tsconfig strict mode or not.true
publishable *booleanGenerate a publishable library.
importPath *stringThe library name used to import it, like @storm-software/my-awesome-lib. Required for publishable library.
buildable *booleanGenerate a buildable library.true
setParserOptionsProjectbooleanWhether or not to configure the ESLint parserOptions.project option. We do not do this by default for lint performance reasons.
rootProjectbooleanIs the current project the root project in the workspace.

Please note: Option names followed by * above are required, and must be provided to run the executor.

Configuration Schema Creator

Create a StormConfig JSON schema based on the workspace's project configurations


The following executor options are available:

outputFile *stringThe file path where the schema json will be written (relative to the workspace root)"{workspaceRoot}/storm.schema.json"

Please note: Option names followed by * above are required, and must be provided to run the executor.

Add Neutral Library

Create a new Neutral TypeScript library package in the Storm workspaces


The following executor options are available:

name *stringA name for the library.
descriptionstringThe library used by Storm Software for building TypeScript applications.
directory *stringA directory where the lib is placed.
projectNameAndRootFormat *"as-provided" | "derived"Whether to generate the project name and root directory as provided (as-provided) or generate them composing their values and taking the configured layout into account (derived).
tagsstringAdd tags to the library (used for linting).
strictbooleanWhether to enable tsconfig strict mode or not.true
publishable *booleanGenerate a publishable library.
importPath *stringThe library name used to import it, like @storm-software/my-awesome-lib. Required for publishable library.
buildable *booleanGenerate a buildable library.true
setParserOptionsProjectbooleanWhether or not to configure the ESLint parserOptions.project option. We do not do this by default for lint performance reasons.
rootProjectbooleanIs the current project the root project in the workspace.

Please note: Option names followed by * above are required, and must be provided to run the executor.

Add browser Library

Create a new browser TypeScript library package in the Storm workspace


The following executor options are available:

name *stringA name for the library.
descriptionstringThe library used by Storm Software for building TypeScript applications.
directory *stringA directory where the lib is placed.
projectNameAndRootFormat *"as-provided" | "derived"Whether to generate the project name and root directory as provided (as-provided) or generate them composing their values and taking the configured layout into account (derived).
tagsstringAdd tags to the library (used for linting).
strictbooleanWhether to enable tsconfig strict mode or not.true
publishable *booleanGenerate a publishable library.
importPath *stringThe library name used to import it, like @storm-software/my-awesome-lib. Required for publishable library.
buildable *booleanGenerate a buildable library.true
setParserOptionsProjectbooleanWhether or not to configure the ESLint parserOptions.project option. We do not do this by default for lint performance reasons.
rootProjectbooleanIs the current project the root project in the workspace.

Please note: Option names followed by * above are required, and must be provided to run the executor.

Design Tokens Code Generator

Create styling source code from design tokens json file(s) exported from Figma Tokens Studio


The following executor options are available:

inputPath *stringThe path to the tokens json file(s) exported from Figma Tokens Studio.
type *"tailwindcss" | "tamagui" | "all"The type of code to generate based on the supplied tokens (TailWind CSS, Tamagui, etc.)."tailwindcss"
tsConfig *stringPath to the typescript config file.
customActionsstringPath to the ts file exporting the custom actions to register.
customFileHeadersstringPath to the ts file exporting the custom file headers to register.
customFiltersstringPath to the ts file exporting the custom filters to register.
customFormatsstringPath to the ts file exporting the custom formats to register.
customParsersstringPath to the ts file exporting the custom parsers to register.
customTransformGroupsstringPath to the ts file exporting the custom transform groups to register.
customTransformsstringPath to the ts file exporting the custom transform to register.
outputPathstringThe output path of the generated files.
deleteOutputPathbooleanDelete the output path before building.true
platformstringBuild only the passed platform defined in the configuration.

Please note: Option names followed by * above are required, and must be provided to run the executor.


Run nx build workspace-tools to build the library.

Running unit tests

Run nx test workspace-tools to execute the unit tests via Jest.

Storm Workspaces

Storm workspaces are built using Nx, a set of extensible dev tools for monorepos, which helps you develop like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. Building on top of Nx, the Open System provides a set of tools and patterns that help you scale your monorepo to many teams while keeping the codebase maintainable.


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Reach out to the maintainer at one of the following places:


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Feel free to edit and distribute this template as you like.

See LICENSE for more information.


This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. Every release, along with the migration instructions, is documented in the CHANGELOG file


First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! Contributions are what makes the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make will benefit everybody else and are greatly appreciated.

Please try to create bug reports that are:

  • Reproducible. Include steps to reproduce the problem.
  • Specific. Include as much detail as possible: which version, what environment, etc.
  • Unique. Do not duplicate existing opened issues.
  • Scoped to a Single Bug. One bug per report.

Please adhere to this project's code of conduct.

You can use markdownlint-cli to check for common markdown style inconsistency.


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Patrick Sullivan
Patrick Sullivan

🎨 💻 🔧 📖 ⚠️
Tyler Benning
Tyler Benning


Add your contributions

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

Fingerprint: 1BD2 7192 7770 2549 F4C9 F238 E6AD C420 DA5C 4C2D

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Package last updated on 13 Feb 2024

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