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Package description

What is @storybook/preview-api?

The @storybook/preview-api package is part of the Storybook ecosystem, which is a tool for developing UI components in isolation for React, Vue, Angular, and more. This package provides APIs to interact with the Storybook preview, allowing developers to control the rendering of stories, listen to events, and manipulate the state of the Storybook UI.

What are @storybook/preview-api's main functionalities?

Fetching and rendering stories

This feature allows developers to fetch story data by ID and render it using a custom component or utility.

import { useStorybookApi } from '@storybook/api';

function MyComponent() {
  const api = useStorybookApi();
  const story = api.getData('some-story-id');

  return <StoryRenderer story={story} />;

Listening to Storybook events

This feature enables components to listen to Storybook-specific events and react accordingly, as well as emit events to the Storybook environment.

import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useChannel } from '@storybook/api';

function MyComponent() {
  const emit = useChannel({
    'storybook/my-event': (eventData) => {
      console.log('Event data:', eventData);

  useEffect(() => {
    emit('storybook/my-event', { payload: 'data' });
  }, [emit]);

  return <div>Check the console for event data.</div>;

Manipulating the Storybook UI

Developers can use this feature to programmatically control the Storybook UI, such as changing the current story displayed.

import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';

addons.setChannel(new Channel({ transport: new PostmsgTransport({ key: 'iframe-key' }) }));

addons.getChannel().emit('setCurrentStory', { storyId: 'some-story-id' });

Other packages similar to @storybook/preview-api




Storybook 8.1 is here with a tone of new features and bug fixes:

  • 🏷️ Static tag-based filtering
  • 🦺 Type-safe, standards-based module mocking
  • 🐣 New beforeEach test hook
  • 🧳 Portable Stories API for Playwright Component Testing
  • 🐕‍🦺 Support the new signal-based input & output functions in Angular
  • 2️⃣ Two new ways to create stories: generating them from story controls or from your components directly!
<details> <summary>List of all updates</summary>
  • Addon-actions: Fix falsy args printing as object - 22163 - #26917, thanks @Fatcat560!
  • Addon-docs: Fix MDX compilation with @vitejs/plugin-react-swc and plugins - #26837, thanks @JReinhold!
  • Addon-docs: Fix providerImportSource extension - #26868, thanks @bashmish!
  • Addon-docs: Fix react-dom/server imports breaking stories and docs - #26557, thanks @JReinhold!
  • Addon-docs: Support Stencil based display names in source snippets - #26592, thanks @yannbf!
  • Addon-docs: Fix [Object object] displayName in some JSX components - #26566, thanks @yannbf!
  • Angular: Add type support for Angular's input signals - #26413, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Angular: Add type support for Angular's output signals - #26546, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • API: Add API access to sidebar renderLabel - #27099, thanks @shilman!
  • Args: Add possibility to mark controls as read-only - #26577, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Automigrations: Fix name of VTA addon - #26816, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Automigrations: Add migration note about new react-docgen default - #26620, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Automigrations: Fix missing support for mts vite config - #26441, thanks @drik98!
  • Automigrations: Improve react-docgen automigration prompt - #27106, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Blocks: Add of prop to Subtitle - #22552, thanks @joaonunomota!
  • Blocks: Add of prop to Title - #23728, thanks @Sidnioulz!
  • CLI: Add --config-dir flag to add command - #26771, thanks @eric-blue!
  • CLI: Add --config-dir flag to migrate command - #26721, thanks @yannbf!
  • CLI: Add main.js docs.autodocs automigration - #27089, thanks @shilman!
  • CLI: Add Visual Tests addon install auto-migration when upgrading to 8.0.x - #26766, thanks @ndelangen!
  • CLI: Automigrate improve upgrade storybook related packages - #26497, thanks @ndelangen!
  • CLI: Automigrations copy edits - #26342, thanks @joevaugh4n!
  • CLI: Fix eslint configuration for string extends - #27097, thanks @shilman!
  • CLI: Improve Yarn berry error parsing - #26616, thanks @yannbf!
  • CLI: Improve vite-config-file.ts - #26375, thanks @joevaugh4n!
  • CLI: Instruct the correct auto-migration command - #26515, thanks @ndelangen!
  • CLI: Introduce package manager fallback for initializing Storybook in an empty directory with yarn1 - #26500, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • CLI: Throw an error when running upgrade command in incorrect cwd - #26585, thanks @yannbf!
  • Codemods: Escape filename given as argument - #26430, thanks @YukiKitagata!
  • Controls: Add Channels API to search for files in the project root - #26726, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Controls: Added server channel to create a new story - #26769, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Controls: Add UI to create new story files - #26875, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Controls: Fix crashing when docgen extraction partially fails - #26862, thanks @yannbf!
  • Controls: Fix disable condition in ArgControl component - #26567, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Controls: Fix number controls do not reset - #26372, thanks @jiyiru!
  • Core: Add duration and onClick support to Notification API and improve Notification UI - #26696, thanks @ghengeveld!
  • Core: Drop unneeded UPDATE_STORY_ARGS which was for SSv6 - #25993, thanks @tmeasday!
  • Core: Ensure that simultaneous onStoriesChanged don't clobber each other - #26882, thanks @tmeasday!
  • Core: Fix filters not being applied in WebKit - #26949, thanks @JReinhold!
  • Core: Fix preloading too early - #26442, thanks @ndelangen!
  • Core: Implement file formatter - #26809, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Core: Optimize clearNotification - #26415, thanks @ndelangen!
  • Core: Save from controls - #26827, thanks @ndelangen!
  • CSF: Allow default export without title or component attributes - #26516, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • CSF: Fix typings for control and other properties of argTypes - #26824, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • CSF: Make sure loaders/decorators can be used as array - #26514, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • Dependencies: Upgrade @storybook/csf to 0.1.5 - #26958, thanks @Cherry!
  • Dependencies: Upgrade @joshwooding/vite-plugin-react-docgen-typescript to 0.3.1 - #26673, thanks @joshwooding!
  • Dependencies: Upgrade ejs to 3.1.10 - #27054, thanks @RiuSalvi!
  • Dependencies: Bump es-module-lexer - #26737, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Dependencies: Update globby dependency - #26733, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Dependencies: Update postcss-loader in Next.js framework - #26707, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Doc Tools: Signature Type Error Handling - #26774, thanks @ethriel3695!
  • Indexer: Escape special characters in storyImport regex - #22545, thanks @VojGin!
  • Maintenance: Fix performance regressions - #26411, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • MDX: Do not transform http:// links - #26488, thanks @JReinhold!
  • Next.js: Fix Compatibility with <v14.0.4 - #27082, thanks @JReinhold!
  • Next.js: Fix next/font usage on Windows machines - #26700, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Next.js: Move sharp into optional deps - #26787, thanks @shuta13!
  • Next.js: Support v14.2 useParams functionality - #26874, thanks @yannbf!
  • Next.js: Implement next redirect and the RedirectBoundary - #27050, thanks @yannbf!
  • Next.js: Support path aliases when no base url is set - #26651, thanks @yannbf!
  • Node: Safe use of document for preview - #24248, thanks @DylanPiercey!
  • Onboarding: Improve UI - #27074, thanks @ndelangen!
  • Portable stories: Introduce experimental Playwright CT API and Support for more renderers - #26063, thanks @yannbf!
  • Portable stories: Make setProjectAnnotations accept multiple types of imports - #26316, thanks @yannbf!
  • Portable Stories: Remove link to missing docs - #27075, thanks @JReinhold!
  • Portable Stories: Warn when rendering stories without cleaning up first - #27008, thanks @JReinhold!
  • React-Docgen: Make sure to be able to handle empty unions - #26639, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • React: Support v19 betas in peer dependencies - #26960, thanks @JReinhold!
  • React: Support v19 in react-dom-shim - #26898, thanks @Tobbe!
  • Tags: Add project tags, negation, dev/autodocs/test system tags - #26634, thanks @shilman!
  • Tags: Fix missing default tags if no preview.js - #27098, thanks @shilman!
  • Test: Add @storybook/test as dev dependency - #26458, thanks @arnabsen!
  • Test: Make spies reactive so that they can be logged by addon-actions - #26740, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • Test: Remove chai as dependency of @storybook/test - #26852, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • Test: Support module mocking with conditional subpath imports in package.json - #26688, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • Theming: Update emotion dependencies - #26623, thanks @SimenB!
  • Typescript: Add types for experimental-playwright entries without type:bundler - #27107, thanks @ndelangen!
  • UI: Add key property to list children in Highlight component - #26471, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • UI: Fix not re-rendering tabs on state change - #26899, thanks @lifeiscontent!
  • UI: Fix panel layout resizing do not apply when done too fast - #26460, thanks @jorge-ji!
  • UI: Fix search result color contrast - #26287, thanks @winchesHe!
  • UI: Fix sidebar search hanging when selecting a story in touch mode - #26807, thanks @JReinhold!
  • UI: Fix theming of elements inside bars - #26527, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • UI: Improve empty state of addon panel - #26481, thanks @yannbf!
  • UI: Replace the icon prop in the Manager API - #26477, thanks @cdedreuille!
  • Viewport: Fix missing style - #26530, thanks @jpzwarte!
  • Vite: Merge assetsInclude property with Storybook default values - #26860, thanks @yuemori!
  • Vue: Disable controls for events, slots, and expose - #26751, thanks @shilman!
  • Webpack: Bump webpack-dev-middleware to patch high security issue - #26655, thanks @jwilliams-met!
  • Webpack: Fix sourcemap generation in webpack react-docgen-loader - #26676, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Webpack: Hide runtime errors - #23175, thanks @donaldpipowitch!



Preview API

TODO write proper documentation of this package

"Sub packages" README documents

This package used to be multiple packages (they have been combined into this one):



Last updated on 14 May 2024

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