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@stylable/runtime - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.4 to 2.0.0



@@ -1,4 +0,5 @@

import { RuntimeStylesheet } from './types';
export declare function create(root: string, namespace: string, locals: Partial<RuntimeStylesheet>, css: string, depth: number, id: string | number): RuntimeStylesheet;
export declare function createTheme(css: string, depth: number | string, id: number | string): {
import { RuntimeRenderer } from './css-runtime-renderer';
import { RuntimeStylesheet, StylableExports } from './types';
export declare function create(namespace: string, exports: StylableExports, css: string, depth: number, id: string | number, renderer: RuntimeRenderer | null): RuntimeStylesheet;
export declare function createRenderable(css: string, depth: number | string, id: number | string): {
$css: string;

@@ -5,0 +6,0 @@ $depth: string | number;

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
function create(root, namespace, locals, css, depth, id) {
var dataNamespace = 'data-' + namespace.toLowerCase() + '-';
var stateMiddleDelimiter = '-';
var booleanStateDelimiter = '--';
var stateWithParamDelimiter = '---';
function create(namespace, exports, css, depth, id, renderer) {
var stylesheet = {
namespace: namespace,
classes: exports.classes,
keyframes: exports.keyframes,
vars: exports.vars,
stVars: exports.stVars,
cssStates: cssStates,
style: style,
$id: id,
$depth: depth,
$css: css
if (renderer) {
function cssStates(stateMapping) {
return stateMapping
? Object.keys(stateMapping).reduce(function (states, key) {
var stateValue = stateMapping[key];
if (stateValue === undefined ||
stateValue === null ||
stateValue === false) {
return states;
states[dataNamespace + key.toLowerCase()] = stateValue;
return states;
}, {})
: {};
var classNames = [];
for (var stateName in stateMapping) {
var stateValue = stateMapping[stateName];
var stateClass = createStateClass(stateName, stateValue);
if (stateClass) {
return classNames.join(' ');
function get(localName) {
return locals[localName];
function createBooleanStateClassName(stateName) {
return "" + namespace + booleanStateDelimiter + stateName;
function mapClasses(className) {
return className
.map(function (className) { return get(className) || className; })
.join(' ');
function createStateWithParamClassName(stateName, param) {
// tslint:disable-next-line: max-line-length
return "" + namespace + stateWithParamDelimiter + stateName + param.length + stateMiddleDelimiter + param.replace(/\s/gm, '_');
locals.$root = root;
locals.$namespace = namespace;
locals.$depth = depth;
locals.$id = id;
locals.$css = css;
locals.$get = get;
locals.$cssStates = cssStates;
function stylable_runtime_stylesheet(className, states, inheritedAttributes) {
className = className ? mapClasses(className) : '';
var base = cssStates(states);
if (inheritedAttributes) {
for (var k in inheritedAttributes) {
if (k.match(/^data-/)) {
base[k] = inheritedAttributes[k];
function createStateClass(stateName, stateValue) {
if (stateValue === false ||
stateValue === undefined ||
stateValue === null ||
stateValue !== stateValue // check NaN
) {
return '';
if (stateValue === true) { // boolean state
return createBooleanStateClassName(stateName);
var valueAsString = stateValue.toString();
return createStateWithParamClassName(stateName, valueAsString);
function style() {
var classNames = [];
// tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-for-of
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var item = arguments[i];
if (typeof item === 'string') {
else if (i >= 1) {
for (var stateName in item) {
var stateValue = item[stateName];
var stateClass = createStateClass(stateName, stateValue);
if (stateClass) {
if (inheritedAttributes.className) {
className += ' ' + inheritedAttributes.className;
if (className) {
base.className = className;
return base;
return classNames.join(' ');
Object.setPrototypeOf(stylable_runtime_stylesheet, locals);
stylable_runtime_stylesheet[locals.$root] = locals[locals.$root];
return stylable_runtime_stylesheet;
return stylesheet;
exports.create = create;
function createTheme(css, depth, id) {
function createRenderable(css, depth, id) {
return { $css: css, $depth: depth, $id: id, $theme: true };
exports.createTheme = createTheme;
exports.createRenderable = createRenderable;

@@ -13,14 +13,13 @@ export declare type StateValue = boolean | number | string;

export declare type RuntimeStylesheet = {
(className: string, states?: StateMap, inheritedAttributes?: InheritedAttributes): AttributeMap;
$root: string;
$namespace: string;
$depth: number;
$id: string | number;
$css?: string;
$get(localName: string): string | undefined;
$cssStates(stateMapping?: StateMap | null): StateMap;
} & {
[localName: string]: string;
export interface StylableExports {
classes: Record<string, string>;
keyframes: Record<string, string>;
vars: Record<string, string>;
stVars: Record<string, string>;
export interface RuntimeStylesheet extends StylableExports, RenderableStylesheet {
namespace: string;
cssStates: (stateMap: StateMap) => string;
style: (context: string, stateOrClass: string | StateMap, ...classes: string[]) => string;
export interface NodeRenderer<I, O extends Element> {

@@ -27,0 +26,0 @@ update(stylesheet: I, node: O): O;

"name": "@stylable/runtime",
"version": "1.0.4",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "Stylable runtime DOM integration",

@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@ "main": "cjs/index.js",

"clean": "rimraf ./cjs",
"build": "ts-build ./src --cjs & yarn build:lib",
"build:lib": "node -r @ts-tools/node/r ./scripts/build-runtime.ts",
"build": "ts-build ./src --cjs && yarn bundle",
"bundle": "node -r @ts-tools/node/r ./scripts/build-runtime.ts",
"lint": "run-p lint:src lint:test",
"lint:src": "tslint -p src",
"lint:test": "tslint -p test",
"test": "mocha -r @ts-tools/node/r \"test/**/*.spec.ts?(x)\" --watch-extensions ts,tsx",
"lint:src": "tslint -p ./src",
"lint:test": "tslint -p ./test",
"test:unit": "mocha -r @ts-tools/node/r \"test/unit/**/*.spec.ts?(x)\" --watch-extensions ts,tsx",
"test:e2e": "mocha -r @ts-tools/node/r \"test/e2e/**/*.spec.[tj]s?(x)\" --watch-extensions js,ts,tsx --timeout 20000",
"test": "run-p test:unit test:e2e",
"prepack": "yarn build"

@@ -21,2 +23,3 @@ },


@@ -33,3 +36,3 @@ ],

"license": "BSD-3-Clause",
"gitHead": "c8b12cc3c64557c6721beec89353b25adb8cc78c"
"gitHead": "feb73fcd4e1045b44b095f589638892859d3ffd7"

@@ -15,43 +15,64 @@ # @stylable/runtime

The stylesheet function is returned when importing a Stylable stylesheet. It is used for creating the DOM-attributes required for CSS to be applied.
When importing a Stylable stylesheet, there are multiple named exports that are exposed for usage.
style(className: string, states?: StateMap, props: InheritedAttributes)
import {
} from './';
|Import name|Description|
|`style`|utility function that returns a string to be used as a node class name for classes and states passed to it |
|`classes`|an object mapping exported classes from their source name to their scoped name |
|`vars`|an object mapping exported css custom properties (vars) from their source name to their scoped name |
|`stVars`|an object mapping build time Stylable variables to their build time values (these cannot be overriden in runtime) |
|`stVarskeyframes`|an object mapping exported keyframes from their source name to their scoped name |
|`cssStates`|utility function that maps an object representing states and their values to a string with all required classes |
#### Style utility function
The `style` function is useful for creating the `root` node of you component, passing along classes passed through props, or whenever a state is being defined.
contextClassName: string, stateOrClass: string | StateMap, ...classes: string[]
|className|string|`className` to be namespaced|true|
|states|[StateMap](|object containing states and their values|false|
|inheritedAttributes|[InheritedAttributes](|`props` passed to the root node from the parent component (automatically passing through `className` and `data-*` attributes) |false|
|contextClassName|`string`|`className` to be namespaced|`true`|
|stateOrClass|`StateMap` \| `string`|either an object containing states and their values, or a class string|`false`|
|classes|`string`|any other argument passed will represent a classes that should be applied. In any root node of a component, props.className should be passed along to maintain external customization |`false`|
import style from './';
import { style, classes } from './';
props = {
className: "app1211903207--root",
"data-app1211903207-propstate": true
// properties passed to the component externally
props = { className: "app__root app--propstate" };
// returns "{
// "className": "local1211372639--root"
// }"
// The classes export exposes a map of classNames and their namespaced values.
// returns "local__root"
style('root', {localState: true});
// returns "{
// "data-local1211372639-localstate": true,
// "className": "local1211372639--root"
// }"
<div className={style(classes.root)} />
// becomes <div className="local__root" />
style('root', {localState: true}, props);
// returns "{
// "data-local1211372639-localstate": true,
// "data-app1211903207-propstate": true,
// "className": "local1211372639--root app1211903207--root"
// }"
<div className={style(classes.root, { localState: true })} />
// becomes <div className="local__root local--localstate" />
// The stylesheet function also exposes a map of classNames and their namespaced values.
// returns "local1211372639--root"
<div className={style(classes.root, { localState: true }, props.className)} />
// becomes <div className="local__root local--localstate app__root app--propstate" />
<div className={style(classes.root, 'global-class', props.className)} />
// becomes <div className="local__root global-class app__root app--propstate" />
<div className={classes.part} />
// becomes <div className="local__part" />

@@ -63,4 +84,16 @@

## TypeScript integration
When importing a Stylable stylesheet in TypeScript, a global module declaration needs to be defined in order to not receive type errors about unknown imports.
Add the following file to your `/src` directory.
// globals.d.ts
declare module '*.st.css' {
const stylesheet: import('@stylable/runtime').RuntimeStylesheet;
export = stylesheet;
## License
Copyright (c) 2017 Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a [BSD license](./LICENSE).

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

/* runtime version: 1.0.4 */
/* runtime version: 2.0.0 */
function StylableRuntime(exports){

@@ -170,64 +170,82 @@ exports = exports || {};

(function(){/* source: css-runtime-stylesheet.ts */
function create(root, namespace, locals, css, depth, id) {
var dataNamespace = 'data-' + namespace.toLowerCase() + '-';
var stateMiddleDelimiter = '-';
var booleanStateDelimiter = '--';
var stateWithParamDelimiter = '---';
function create(namespace, exports, css, depth, id, renderer) {
var stylesheet = {
namespace: namespace,
classes: exports.classes,
keyframes: exports.keyframes,
vars: exports.vars,
stVars: exports.stVars,
cssStates: cssStates,
style: style,
$id: id,
$depth: depth,
$css: css
if (renderer) {
function cssStates(stateMapping) {
return stateMapping
? Object.keys(stateMapping).reduce(function (states, key) {
var stateValue = stateMapping[key];
if (stateValue === undefined ||
stateValue === null ||
stateValue === false) {
return states;
states[dataNamespace + key.toLowerCase()] = stateValue;
return states;
}, {})
: {};
var classNames = [];
for (var stateName in stateMapping) {
var stateValue = stateMapping[stateName];
var stateClass = createStateClass(stateName, stateValue);
if (stateClass) {
return classNames.join(' ');
function get(localName) {
return locals[localName];
function createBooleanStateClassName(stateName) {
return "" + namespace + booleanStateDelimiter + stateName;
function mapClasses(className) {
return className
.map(function (className) { return get(className) || className; })
.join(' ');
function createStateWithParamClassName(stateName, param) {
// tslint:disable-next-line: max-line-length
return "" + namespace + stateWithParamDelimiter + stateName + param.length + stateMiddleDelimiter + param.replace(/\s/gm, '_');
locals.$root = root;
locals.$namespace = namespace;
locals.$depth = depth;
locals.$id = id;
locals.$css = css;
locals.$get = get;
locals.$cssStates = cssStates;
function stylable_runtime_stylesheet(className, states, inheritedAttributes) {
className = className ? mapClasses(className) : '';
var base = cssStates(states);
if (inheritedAttributes) {
for (var k in inheritedAttributes) {
if (k.match(/^data-/)) {
base[k] = inheritedAttributes[k];
function createStateClass(stateName, stateValue) {
if (stateValue === false ||
stateValue === undefined ||
stateValue === null ||
stateValue !== stateValue // check NaN
) {
return '';
if (stateValue === true) { // boolean state
return createBooleanStateClassName(stateName);
var valueAsString = stateValue.toString();
return createStateWithParamClassName(stateName, valueAsString);
function style() {
var classNames = [];
// tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-for-of
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var item = arguments[i];
if (typeof item === 'string') {
else if (i >= 1) {
for (var stateName in item) {
var stateValue = item[stateName];
var stateClass = createStateClass(stateName, stateValue);
if (stateClass) {
if (inheritedAttributes.className) {
className += ' ' + inheritedAttributes.className;
if (className) {
base.className = className;
return base;
return classNames.join(' ');
Object.setPrototypeOf(stylable_runtime_stylesheet, locals);
stylable_runtime_stylesheet[locals.$root] = locals[locals.$root];
return stylable_runtime_stylesheet;
return stylesheet;
exports.create = create;
function createTheme(css, depth, id) {
function createRenderable(css, depth, id) {
return { $css: css, $depth: depth, $id: id, $theme: true };
exports.createTheme = createTheme;
exports.createRenderable = createRenderable;
return exports;

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ import { NodeRenderer, RenderableStylesheet } from './types';

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ import { CacheStyleNodeRenderer } from './cached-node-renderer';

@@ -1,89 +0,106 @@

import { AttributeMap, InheritedAttributes, RuntimeStylesheet, StateMap } from './types';
import { RuntimeRenderer } from './css-runtime-renderer';
import {
} from './types';
const stateMiddleDelimiter = '-';
const booleanStateDelimiter = '--';
const stateWithParamDelimiter = '---';
export function create(
root: string,
namespace: string,
locals: Partial<RuntimeStylesheet>,
css: string,
depth: number,
id: string | number
namespace: string,
exports: StylableExports,
css: string,
depth: number,
id: string | number,
renderer: RuntimeRenderer | null
): RuntimeStylesheet {
const dataNamespace = 'data-' + namespace.toLowerCase() + '-';
const stylesheet: RuntimeStylesheet = {
classes: exports.classes,
keyframes: exports.keyframes,
vars: exports.vars,
stVars: exports.stVars,
$id: id,
$depth: depth,
$css: css
function cssStates(stateMapping: StateMap) {
return stateMapping
? Object.keys(stateMapping).reduce((states, key) => {
const stateValue = stateMapping[key];
if (renderer) {
if (
stateValue === undefined ||
stateValue === null ||
stateValue === false
) {
return states;
function cssStates(stateMapping?: StateMap | null): string {
const classNames = [];
for (const stateName in stateMapping) {
const stateValue = stateMapping[stateName];
const stateClass = createStateClass(stateName, stateValue);
if (stateClass) {
return classNames.join(' ');
states[dataNamespace + key.toLowerCase()] = stateValue;
function createBooleanStateClassName(stateName: string) {
return `${namespace}${booleanStateDelimiter}${stateName}`;
return states;
}, {} as StateMap)
: {};
function createStateWithParamClassName(stateName: string, param: string) {
// tslint:disable-next-line: max-line-length
return `${namespace}${stateWithParamDelimiter}${stateName}${param.length}${stateMiddleDelimiter}${param.replace(/\s/gm, '_')}`;
function get(localName: string) {
return locals[localName];
function createStateClass(stateName: string, stateValue: StateValue): string {
if (
stateValue === false ||
stateValue === undefined ||
stateValue === null ||
stateValue !== stateValue // check NaN
) {
return '';
function mapClasses(className: string) {
return className
.map(className => get(className) || className)
.join(' ');
if (stateValue === true) { // boolean state
return createBooleanStateClassName(stateName);
locals.$root = root;
locals.$namespace = namespace;
locals.$depth = depth;
locals.$id = id;
locals.$css = css;
const valueAsString = stateValue.toString();
locals.$get = get;
locals.$cssStates = cssStates;
return createStateWithParamClassName(stateName, valueAsString);
function stylable_runtime_stylesheet(className: string, states: StateMap, inheritedAttributes: InheritedAttributes) {
className = className ? mapClasses(className) : '';
function style() {
const classNames = [];
const base: AttributeMap = cssStates(states);
// tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-for-of
for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
const item = arguments[i];
if (inheritedAttributes) {
for (const k in inheritedAttributes) {
if (k.match(/^data-/)) {
base[k] = inheritedAttributes[k];
if (typeof item === 'string') {
} else if (i >= 1) {
for (const stateName in item) {
const stateValue = item[stateName];
const stateClass = createStateClass(stateName, stateValue);
if (stateClass) {
if (inheritedAttributes.className) {
className += ' ' + inheritedAttributes.className;
return classNames.join(' ');
if (className) {
base.className = className;
return base;
Object.setPrototypeOf(stylable_runtime_stylesheet, locals);
(stylable_runtime_stylesheet as any)[locals.$root] = locals[locals.$root];
return stylable_runtime_stylesheet as RuntimeStylesheet;
return stylesheet;
export function createTheme(css: string, depth: number | string, id: number | string) {
return { $css: css, $depth: depth, $id: id, $theme: true };
export function createRenderable(css: string, depth: number | string, id: number | string) {
return { $css: css, $depth: depth, $id: id, $theme: true };
export * from './css-runtime-renderer';
export * from './css-runtime-stylesheet';
export * from './types';

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ import { NodeRenderer } from './types';

@@ -17,13 +17,14 @@ export type StateValue = boolean | number | string;

export type RuntimeStylesheet = {
(className: string, states?: StateMap, inheritedAttributes?: InheritedAttributes): AttributeMap
$root: string,
$namespace: string,
$depth: number,
$id: string | number,
$css?: string,
export interface StylableExports {
classes: Record<string, string>;
keyframes: Record<string, string>;
vars: Record<string, string>;
stVars: Record<string, string>;
$get(localName: string): string | undefined;
$cssStates(stateMapping?: StateMap | null): StateMap;
} & { [localName: string]: string };
export interface RuntimeStylesheet extends StylableExports, RenderableStylesheet {
namespace: string;
cssStates: (stateMap: StateMap) => string;
style: (context: string, stateOrClass: string | StateMap, ...classes: string[]) => string;

@@ -30,0 +31,0 @@ export interface NodeRenderer<I, O extends Element> {

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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