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@stylexjs/shared - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.2.0-beta.8 to 0.2.0-beta.9




@@ -6,3 +6,2 @@ "use strict";

exports.BANNED_PROPERTIES = void 0;
exports.default = flatMapExpandedShorthands;

@@ -46,65 +45,41 @@ exports.expandedKeys = void 0;

// TODO: to be added later.
// const aliases = {
// marginInlineStart: (rawValue) => [['marginStart', rawValue]],
// marginInlineEnd: (rawValue) => [['marginEnd', rawValue]],
// marginInline: (rawValue) => [
// ['marginStart', rawValue],
// ['marginEnd', rawValue],
// ],
// paddingInlineStart: (rawValue) => [['paddingStart', rawValue]],
// paddingInlineEnd: (rawValue) => [['paddingEnd', rawValue]],
// paddingInline: (rawValue) => [
// ['paddingStart', rawValue],
// ['paddingEnd', rawValue],
// ],
// // 'borderInlineStart': (rawValue) => [['borderStart', rawValue]],
// // 'borderInlineEnd': (rawValue) => [['borderEnd', rawValue]],
// // // This will need to change.
// // 'borderInline': (rawValue) => [
// // ['borderStart', rawValue],
// // ['borderEnd', rawValue],
// // ],
// };
* Shorthand properties:
* - [!] all - BANNED
* - [!] animation - BANNED
* - [!] background - BANNED
* - [x] border - Expanded to border-{direction}. Not to border-*-(width|style|color).
* This is to limit the number of atoms to 4 instead of 12.
* - [o] border-top - Only the shorthand is allowed.
* - [o] border-end - Only the shorthand is allowed.
* - [o] border-bottom - Only the shorthand is allowed.
* - [o] border-start - Only the shorthand is allowed.
* - [!] border-left - BANNED
* - [!] border-right
* - [!] border-*-width - BANNED
* - [!] border-*-style - BANNED
* - [!] border-*-color - BANNED
* - [ ] border-block-end
* - [ ] border-block-start
* - [ ] border-inline-start
* - [ ] border-inline-end
* - [!] border-image - BANNED
* - [x] all - Should be banned
* - [x] animation
* - [x] background
* - [x] border
* - [x] border-block-end
* - [x] border-block-start
* - [x] border-bottom
* - [x] border-color
* - [x] border-image
* - [x] border-inline-end
* - [x] border-inline-start
* - [x] border-left
* - [x] border-radius
* - [o] column-rule - Only the shorthand is allowed.
* - [!] columns - BANNED
* - [!] flex - BANNED
* - [!] flex-flow - BANNED
* - [!] font - BANNED
* - [x] border-right
* - [x] border-style
* - [x] border-top
* - [x] border-width
* - [x] column-rule
* - [x] columns
* - [x] container
* - [x] flex
* - [x] flex-flow
* - [x] font
* - [x] gap
* - [!] grid - BANNED
* - [!] grid-area - BANNED
* - [!] grid-column - BANNED
* - [!] grid-row - BANNED
* - [!] grid-template - BANNED
* - [!] grid-template-areas - BANNED
* - [o] list-style - Only the shorthand is allowed.
* - [x] grid
* - [x] grid-area
* - [x] grid-column
* - [x] grid-row
* - [x] grid-template
* - [x] inset
* - [x] inset-block
* - [x] inset-inline
* - [x] list-style
* - [x] margin
* - [o] mask - Only the shorthand is allowed.
* - [o] offset - Only the shorthand is allowed.
* - [o] outline - Only the shorthand is allowed.
* - [x] mask
* - [x] offset
* - [x] outline
* - [x] overflow

@@ -115,265 +90,233 @@ * - [x] padding

* - [x] place-self
* - [X] scroll-margin
* - [x] scroll-margin
* - [x] scroll-padding
* - [o] text-decoration - Only the shorthand is allowed.
* - [o] text-emphasis - Only the shorthand is allowed.
* - [!] transition - BANNED
* - [x] text-decoration
* - [x] text-emphasis
* - [x] transition
all: '`all` is not supported. Use individual properties instead.',
animation: '`animation` is not supported. Use individual properties like `animationName`, `animationDuration`, etc. instead.',
background: '`background` is not supported. Use individual properties like `backgroundImage`, `backgroundPosition`, etc. instead.',
borderColor: '`borderColor` is not supported. Use `border`, `borderTop`, `borderEnd`, `borderBottom` or `borderStart` instead.',
borderStyle: '`borderStyle` is not supported. Use `border`, `borderTop`, `borderEnd`, `borderBottom` or `borderStart` instead.',
borderWidth: '`borderWidth` is not supported. Use `border`, `borderTop`, `borderEnd`, `borderBottom` or `borderStart` instead.',
borderTopColor: '`borderTopColor` is not supported. Use `borderTop` instead.',
borderTopStyle: '`borderTopStyle` is not supported. Use `borderTop` instead.',
borderTopWidth: '`borderTopWidth` is not supported. Use `borderTop` instead.',
borderEndColor: '`borderEndColor` is not supported. Use `borderEnd` instead.',
borderEndStyle: '`borderEndStyle` is not supported. Use `borderEnd` instead.',
borderEndWidth: '`borderEndWidth` is not supported. Use `borderEnd` instead.',
borderBottomColor: '`borderBottomColor` is not supported. Use `borderBottom` instead.',
borderBottomStyle: '`borderBottomStyle` is not supported. Use `borderBottom` instead.',
borderBottomWidth: '`borderBottomWidth` is not supported. Use `borderBottom` instead.',
borderStartColor: '`borderStartColor` is not supported. Use `borderStart` instead.',
borderStartStyle: '`borderStartStyle` is not supported. Use `borderStart` instead.',
borderStartWidth: '`borderStartWidth` is not supported. Use `borderStart` instead.',
borderBlockStartColor: '`borderBlockStartColor` is not supported. Use `borderTop` instead.',
borderBlockStartStyle: '`borderBlockStartStyle` is not supported. Use `borderTop` instead.',
borderBlockStartWidth: '`borderBlockStartWidth` is not supported. Use `borderTop` instead.',
borderBlockEndColor: '`borderBlockEndColor` is not supported. Use `borderBottom` instead.',
borderBlockEndStyle: '`borderBlockEndStyle` is not supported. Use `borderBottom` instead.',
borderBlockEndWidth: '`borderBlockEndWidth` is not supported. Use `borderBottom` instead.',
borderInlineStartColor: '`borderInlineStartColor` is not supported. Use `borderStart` instead.',
borderInlineStartStyle: '`borderInlineStartStyle` is not supported. Use `borderStart` instead.',
borderInlineStartWidth: '`borderInlineStartWidth` is not supported. Use `borderStart` instead.',
borderInlineEndColor: '`borderInlineEndColor` is not supported. Use `borderEnd` instead.',
borderInlineEndStyle: '`borderInlineEndStyle` is not supported. Use `borderEnd` instead.',
borderInlineEndWidth: '`borderInlineEndWidth` is not supported. Use `borderEnd` instead.',
borderLeft: '`borderLeft` is not supported. Use `borderStart` instead.',
borderLeftColor: '`borderLeftColor` is not supported. Use `borderStart` instead.',
borderLeftStyle: '`borderLeftStyle` is not supported. Use `borderStart` instead.',
borderLeftWidth: '`borderLeftWidth` is not supported. Use `borderStart` instead.',
borderRight: '`borderRight` is not supported. Use `borderEnd` instead.',
borderRightColor: '`borderRightColor` is not supported. Use `borderEnd` instead.',
borderRightStyle: '`borderRightStyle` is not supported. Use `borderEnd` instead.',
borderRightWidth: '`borderRightWidth` is not supported. Use `borderEnd` instead.',
borderTopLeftRadius: '`borderTopLeftRadius` is not supported. Use `borderTopStartRadius` instead.',
borderTopRightRadius: '`borderTopRightRadius` is not supported. Use `borderTopEndRadius` instead.',
borderBottomLeftRadius: '`borderBottomLeftRadius` is not supported. Use `borderBottomStartRadius` instead.',
borderBottomRightRadius: '`borderBottomRightRadius` is not supported. Use `borderBottomEndRadius` instead.',
borderImageSource: '`borderImageSource` is not supported. Use `borderImage` instead.',
borderImageSlice: '`borderImageSlice` is not supported. Use `borderImage` instead.',
borderImageWidth: '`borderImageWidth` is not supported. Use `borderImage` instead.',
borderImageOutset: '`borderImageOutset` is not supported. Use `borderImage` instead.',
borderImageRepeat: '`borderImageRepeat` is not supported. Use `borderImage` instead.',
marginLeft: '`marginLeft` is not supported. Use `marginStart` instead.',
marginRight: '`marginRight` is not supported. Use `marginEnd` instead.',
paddingLeft: '`paddingLeft` is not supported. Use `paddingStart` instead.',
paddingRight: '`paddingRight` is not supported. Use `paddingEnd` instead.',
columnRuleWidth: '`columnRuleWidth` is not supported. Use `columnRule` instead.',
columnRuleStyle: '`columnRuleStyle` is not supported. Use `columnRule` instead.',
columnRuleColor: '`columnRuleColor` is not supported. Use `columnRule` instead.',
columns: '`columns` is not supported. Use `columnCount` and `columnWidth` instead.',
flex: '`flex` is not supported. Use `flexGrow`, `flexShrink`, and `flexBasis` instead.',
flexFlow: '`flexFlow` is not supported. Use `flexDirection` and `flexWrap` instead.',
font: '`font` is not supported. Use individual properties like `fontFamily`, `fontSize`, etc. instead.',
grid: '`grid` is not supported. Use individual properties like `gridTemplateColumns`, `gridTemplateRows`, etc. instead.',
gridColumn: '`gridColumn` is not supported. Use `gridColumnStart` and `gridColumnEnd` instead.',
gridRow: '`gridRow` is not supported. Use `gridRowStart` and `gridRowEnd` instead.',
gridArea: '`gridArea` is not supported. Use `gridRowStart`, `gridColumnStart`, `gridRowEnd`, and `gridColumnEnd` instead.',
gridTemplate: '`gridTemplate` is not supported. Use individual properties like `gridTemplateColumns`, `gridTemplateRows`, etc. instead.',
gridTemplateAreas: '`gridTemplateAreas` is not supported. Use `gridTemplateRows` and `gridTemplateColumns` instead.',
listStyleImage: '`listStyleImage` is not supported. Use `listStyle` instead.',
listStylePosition: '`listStylePosition` is not supported. Use `listStyle` instead.',
listStyleType: '`listStyleType` is not supported. Use `listStyle` instead.',
maskClip: '`maskClip` is not supported. Use `mask` instead.',
maskComposite: '`maskComposite` is not supported. Use `mask` instead.',
maskImage: '`maskImage` is not supported. Use `mask` instead.',
maskMode: '`maskMode` is not supported. Use `mask` instead.',
maskOrigin: '`maskOrigin` is not supported. Use `mask` instead.',
maskPosition: '`maskPosition` is not supported. Use `mask` instead.',
maskRepeat: '`maskRepeat` is not supported. Use `mask` instead.',
maskSize: '`maskSize` is not supported. Use `mask` instead.',
offsetAnchor: '`offsetAnchor` is not supported. Use `offset` instead.',
offsetDistance: '`offsetDistance` is not supported. Use `offset` instead.',
offsetPath: '`offsetPath` is not supported. Use `offset` instead.',
offsetPosition: '`offsetPosition` is not supported. Use `offset` instead.',
offsetRotate: '`offsetRotate` is not supported. Use `offset` instead.',
outlineColor: '`outlineColor` is not supported. Use `outline` instead.',
outlineStyle: '`outlineStyle` is not supported. Use `outline` instead.',
outlineWidth: '`outlineWidth` is not supported. Use `outline` instead.',
textDecorationColor: '`textDecorationColor` is not supported. Use `textDecoration` instead.',
textDecorationLine: '`textDecorationLine` is not supported. Use `textDecoration` instead.',
textDecorationStyle: '`textDecorationStyle` is not supported. Use `textDecoration` instead.',
textDecorationThickness: '`textDecorationThickness` is not supported. Use `textDecoration` instead.',
textEmphasisColor: '`textEmphasisColor` is not supported. Use `textEmphasis` instead.',
textEmphasisStyle: '`textEmphasisStyle` is not supported. Use `textEmphasis` instead.',
transition: '`transition` is not supported. Use individual properties like `transitionProperty`, `transitionDuration`, etc. instead.'
const expansions = {
const shorthands = {
all: _ => {
throw new Error('all is not supported');
animation: value => [['animation', value], ['animationName', null], ['animationDuration', null], ['animationTimingFunction', null], ['animationDelay', null], ['animationIterationCount', null], ['animationDirection', null], ['animationFillMode', null], ['animationPlayState', null]],
background: value => [['background', value], ['backgroundAttachment', null], ['backgroundClip', null], ['backgroundColor', null], ['backgroundImage', null], ['backgroundOrigin', null], ['backgroundPosition', null], ['backgroundRepeat', null], ['backgroundSize', null]],
// These will be removed later, matching the properties with React Native.
// For now, we're compiling them to the React Native properties.
// @Deprecated
border: rawValue => {
return [['borderTop', rawValue], ['borderEnd', rawValue], ['borderBottom', rawValue], ['borderStart', rawValue]];
if (typeof rawValue === 'number') {
return shorthands.borderWidth(rawValue);
const [width, style, color] = splitValue(rawValue);
return [...shorthands.borderWidth(width), ...shorthands.borderStyle(style), ...shorthands.borderColor(color)];
// border: (rawValue: string) => {
// if (typeof rawValue === 'number') {
// return expansions.borderWidth(rawValue);
// }
// const [width, style, color, more] = splitValue(rawValue);
// if (more != null) {
// throw new Error(messages.MULTIPLE_DIRECTIONS_IN_SHORTHAND);
// }
// if (style == null || color == null) {
// throw new Error(
// 'Border shorthand requires at least 2 values - width, style and color.'
// );
// }
// return [
// ...expansions.borderWidth(width),
// ...expansions.borderStyle(style),
// ...expansions.borderColor(color),
// ];
// },
// borderTop: (rawValue: string) => {
// if (typeof rawValue === 'number') {
// return [['borderTopWidth', rawValue + 'px']];
// }
// const [width, style, color] = splitValue(rawValue);
// if (style == null || color == null) {
// throw new Error(
// 'BorderTop shorthand requires at least 2 values - width, style and color.'
// );
// }
// return [
// ['borderTopWidth', width],
// ['borderTopStyle', style],
// ['borderTopColor', color],
// ];
// },
// borderEnd: (rawValue: string) => {
// if (typeof rawValue === 'number') {
// return [['borderEndWidth', rawValue + 'px']];
// }
// const [width, style, color] = splitValue(rawValue);
// if (style == null || color == null) {
// throw new Error(
// 'BorderEnd shorthand requires at least 2 values - width, style and color.'
// );
// }
// return [
// ['borderEndWidth', width],
// ['borderEndStyle', style],
// ['borderEndColor', color],
// ];
// },
// borderBottom: (rawValue: string) => {
// if (typeof rawValue === 'number') {
// return [['borderBottomWidth', rawValue + 'px']];
// }
// const [width, style, color] = splitValue(rawValue);
// if (style == null || color == null) {
// throw new Error(
// 'BorderBottom shorthand requires at least 2 values - width, style and color.'
// );
// }
// return [
// ['borderBottomWidth', width],
// ['borderBottomStyle', style],
// ['borderBottomColor', color],
// ];
// },
// borderStart: (rawValue: string) => {
// if (typeof rawValue === 'number') {
// return [['borderStartWidth', rawValue + 'px']];
// }
// const [width, style, color] = splitValue(rawValue);
// if (style == null || color == null) {
// throw new Error(
// 'BorderStart shorthand requires at least 2 values - width, style and color.'
// );
// }
// return [
// ['borderStartWidth', width],
// ['borderStartStyle', style],
// ['borderStartColor', color],
// ];
// },
borderColor: rawValue => {
const [top, right = top, bottom = top, left = right] = splitValue(rawValue);
return [['borderTopColor', top], ['borderEndColor', right], ['borderBottomColor', bottom], ['borderStartColor', left]];
// @Deprecated
borderInline: rawValue => {
if (typeof rawValue === 'number') {
return [['borderInlineWidth', rawValue], ['borderInlineStartWidth', null], ['borderInlineEndWidth', null]];
const [width, style, color] = splitValue(rawValue);
return [...shorthands.borderInlineWidth(width), ...shorthands.borderInlineStyle(style), ...shorthands.borderInlineColor(color)];
borderHorizontal: rawValue => {
return [['borderStart', rawValue], ['borderEnd', rawValue]];
// @Deprecated
borderBlock: rawValue => {
if (typeof rawValue === 'number') {
return [['borderBlockWidth', rawValue], ['borderTopWidth', null], ['borderBottomWidth', null]];
const [width, style, color] = splitValue(rawValue);
return [...shorthands.borderBlockWidth(width), ...shorthands.borderBlockStyle(style), ...shorthands.borderBlockColor(color)];
borderStyle: rawValue => {
const [top, right = top, bottom = top, left = right] = splitValue(rawValue);
return [['borderTopStyle', top], ['borderEndStyle', right], ['borderBottomStyle', bottom], ['borderStartStyle', left]];
// @Deprecated
borderTop: rawValue => {
if (typeof rawValue === 'number') {
return [['borderTopWidth', rawValue]];
const [width, style, color] = splitValue(rawValue);
return [['borderTopWidth', width], ['borderTopStyle', style], ['borderTopColor', color]];
borderVertical: rawValue => {
return [['borderTop', rawValue], ['borderBottom', rawValue]];
// @Deprecated
borderInlineEnd: rawValue => {
if (typeof rawValue === 'number') {
return [['borderInlineEndWidth', rawValue]];
const [width, style, color] = splitValue(rawValue);
return [['borderInlineEndWidth', width], ['borderInlineEndStyle', style], ['borderInlineEndColor', color]];
borderWidth: rawValue => {
const [top, right = top, bottom = top, left = right] = typeof rawValue === 'number' ? [rawValue] : splitValue(rawValue);
return [['borderTopWidth', top], ['borderEndWidth', right], ['borderBottomWidth', bottom], ['borderStartWidth', left]];
// @Deprecated
borderRight: rawValue => {
throw new Error(['`borderRight` is not supported.', 'You could use `borderRightWidth`, `borderRightStyle` and `borderRightColor`,', 'but it is preferable to use `borderInlineEndWidth`, `borderInlineEndStyle` and `borderInlineEndColor`.'].join(' '));
borderRadius: rawValue => {
const [top, right = top, bottom = top, left = right] = typeof rawValue === 'string' ? splitValue(rawValue) : typeof rawValue === 'number' ? [rawValue] : rawValue; // remove
return [['borderTopStartRadius', top], ['borderTopEndRadius', right], ['borderBottomEndRadius', bottom], ['borderBottomStartRadius', left]];
// @Deprecated
borderBottom: rawValue => {
if (typeof rawValue === 'number') {
return [['borderBottomWidth', rawValue]];
const [width, style, color] = splitValue(rawValue);
return [['borderBottomWidth', width], ['borderBottomStyle', style], ['borderBottomColor', color]];
margin: rawValue => {
const [top, right = top, bottom = top, left = right] = typeof rawValue === 'number' ? [rawValue] : splitValue(rawValue);
return [['marginTop', top], ['marginEnd', right], ['marginBottom', bottom], ['marginStart', left]];
// @Deprecated
borderInlineStart: rawValue => {
if (typeof rawValue === 'number') {
return [['borderInlineStartWidth', rawValue]];
const [width, style, color] = splitValue(rawValue);
return [['borderInlineStartWidth', width], ['borderInlineStartStyle', style], ['borderInlineStartColor', color]];
marginHorizontal: rawValue => {
return [['marginStart', rawValue], ['marginEnd', rawValue]];
// @Deprecated
borderLeft: rawValue => {
throw new Error(['`borderLeft` is not supported.', 'You could use `borderLeftWidth`, `borderLeftStyle` and `borderLeftColor`,', 'but it is preferable to use `borderInlineStartWidth`, `borderInlineStartStyle` and `borderInlineStartColor`.'].join(' '));
marginVertical: rawValue => {
return [['marginTop', rawValue], ['marginBottom', rawValue]];
borderInlineWidth: rawValue => [['borderInlineWidth', rawValue], ['borderInlineStartWidth', null], ['borderLeftWidth', null], ['borderInlineEndWidth', null], ['borderRightWidth', null]],
borderInlineStyle: rawValue => [['borderInlineStyle', rawValue], ['borderInlineStartStyle', null], ['borderLeftStyle', null], ['borderInlineEndStyle', null], ['borderRightStyle', null]],
borderInlineColor: rawValue => [['borderInlineColor', rawValue], ['borderInlineStartColor', null], ['borderLeftColor', null], ['borderInlineEndColor', null], ['borderRightColor', null]],
borderBlockWidth: rawValue => [['borderBlockWidth', rawValue], ['borderTopWidth', null], ['borderBottomWidth', null]],
borderBlockStyle: rawValue => [['borderBlockStyle', rawValue], ['borderTopStyle', null], ['borderBottomStyle', null]],
borderBlockColor: rawValue => [['borderBlockColor', rawValue], ['borderTopColor', null], ['borderBottomColor', null]],
borderColor: value => [['borderColor', value], ['borderTopColor', null], ['borderInlineEndColor', null], ['borderRightColor', null], ['borderBottomColor', null], ['borderInlineStartColor', null], ['borderLeftColor', null]],
borderStyle: value => [['borderStyle', value], ['borderTopStyle', null], ['borderInlineEndStyle', null], ['borderRightStyle', null], ['borderBottomStyle', null], ['borderInlineStartStyle', null], ['borderLeftStyle', null]],
borderWidth: value => [['borderWidth', value], ['borderTopWidth', null], ['borderInlineEndWidth', null], ['borderRightWidth', null], ['borderBottomWidth', null], ['borderInlineStartWidth', null], ['borderLeftWidth', null]],
borderRadius: value => {
const values = typeof value === 'number' ? [value] : splitValue(value);
if (values.length === 1) {
return [['borderRadius', value],
// // logical constituents
['borderStartStartRadius', null], ['borderStartEndRadius', null], ['borderEndStartRadius', null], ['borderEndEndRadius', null],
// physical constituents
['borderTopLeftRadius', null], ['borderTopRightRadius', null], ['borderBottomLeftRadius', null], ['borderBottomRightRadius', null]];
// @Deprecated
const [startStart, startEnd = startStart, endEnd = startStart, endStart = startEnd] = values;
return [
// split into logical consituents
['borderStartStartRadius', startStart], ['borderStartEndRadius', startEnd], ['borderEndEndRadius', endEnd], ['borderEndStartRadius', endStart],
// unset physical consituents
['borderTopLeftRadius', null], ['borderTopRightRadius', null], ['borderBottomLeftRadius', null], ['borderBottomRightRadius', null]];
overflow: rawValue => {
const [x, y = x] = splitValue(rawValue);
return [['overflowX', x], ['overflowY', y]];
columnRule: value => [['columnRule', value], ['columnRuleWidth', null], ['columnRuleStyle', null], ['columnRuleColor', null]],
columns: value => [['columns', value], ['columnCount', null], ['columnWidth', null]],
container: value => [['container', value], ['containerName', null], ['containerType', null]],
flex: value => [['flex', value], ['flexGrow', null], ['flexShrink', null], ['flexBasis', null]],
flexFlow: value => [['flexFlow', value], ['flexDirection', null], ['flexWrap', null]],
// @Deprecated ?
font: value => [['font', value], ['fontFamily', null], ['fontSize', null], ['fontStretch', null], ['fontStyle', null], ['fontVariant', null], ['fontWeight', null], ['lineHeight', null]],
gap: value => [['gap', value], ['rowGap', null], ['columnGap', null]],
grid: value => [['grid', value], ['gridTemplate', null], ['gridTemplateAreas', null], ['gridTemplateColumns', null], ['gridTemplateRows', null], ['gridAutoRows', null], ['gridAutoColumns', null], ['gridAutoFlow', null]
// This is for grid items only
// Not a constituent of `grid`
// ['gridRow', null],
// ['gridRowStart', null],
// ['gridRowEnd', null],
// ['gridColumn', null],
// ['gridColumnStart', null],
// ['gridColumnEnd', null],
// ['gridArea', null],
gridArea: value => [['gridArea', value], ['gridRow', null], ['gridRowStart', null], ['gridRowEnd', null], ['gridColumn', null], ['gridColumnStart', null], ['gridColumnEnd', null]],
gridRow: value => [['gridRow', value], ['gridRowStart', null], ['gridRowEnd', null]],
gridColumn: value => [['gridColumn', value], ['gridColumnStart', null], ['gridColumnEnd', null]],
gridTemplate: value => [['gridTemplate', value], ['gridTemplateAreas', null], ['gridTemplateColumns', null], ['gridTemplateRows', null]],
inset: value => [['inset', value], ['insetInline', null], ['insetBlock', null], ['insetInlineStart', null], ['insetInlineEnd', null], ['top', null], ['right', null], ['bottom', null], ['left', null]],
insetInline: value => [['insetInline', value], ['insetInlineStart', null], ['insetInlineEnd', null], ['left', null], ['right', null]],
insetBlock: value => [['insetBlock', value], ['top', null], ['bottom', null]],
listStyle: value => [['listStyle', value], ['listStyleImage', null], ['listStylePosition', null], ['listStyleType', null]],
margin: value => {
const values = typeof value === 'number' ? [value] : splitValue(value);
if (values.length === 1) {
return [['margin', values[0]], ['marginInlineStart', null], ['marginLeft', null], ['marginInlineEnd', null], ['marginRight', null], ['marginTop', null], ['marginBottom', null]];
// @Deprecated
const [top, right = top, bottom = top, left = right] = values;
return [['marginTop', top], ['marginInlineEnd', right], ['marginBottom', bottom], ['marginInlineStart', left], ['marginLeft', null], ['marginRight', null]];
marginInline: value => [['marginInline', value], ['marginInlineStart', null], ['marginLeft', null], ['marginInlineEnd', null], ['marginRight', null]],
marginBlock: value => [['marginBlock', value], ['marginTop', null], ['marginBottom', null]],
mask: value => [['mask', value], ['maskClip', null], ['maskComposite', null], ['maskImage', null], ['maskMode', null], ['maskOrigin', null], ['maskPosition', null], ['maskRepeat', null], ['maskSize', null]],
offset: value => [['offset', value], ['offsetAnchor', null], ['offsetDistance', null], ['offsetPath', null], ['offsetPosition', null], ['offsetRotate', null]],
outline: value => [['outline', value], ['outlineColor', null], ['outlineStyle', null], ['outlineWidth', null]],
overflow: value => [['overflow', value], ['overflowX', null], ['overflowY', null]],
padding: rawValue => {
const [top, right = top, bottom = top, left = right] = typeof rawValue === 'number' ? [rawValue] : splitValue(rawValue);
const values = typeof rawValue === 'number' ? [rawValue] : splitValue(rawValue);
if (values.length === 1) {
return [['padding', values[0]], ['paddingStart', null], ['paddingLeft', null], ['paddingEnd', null], ['paddingRight', null], ['paddingTop', null], ['paddingBottom', null]];
// @Deprecated
const [top, right = top, bottom = top, left = right] = values;
return [['paddingTop', top], ['paddingEnd', right], ['paddingBottom', bottom], ['paddingStart', left]];
paddingHorizontal: rawValue => {
return [['paddingStart', rawValue], ['paddingEnd', rawValue]];
paddingVertical: rawValue => {
return [['paddingTop', rawValue], ['paddingBottom', rawValue]];
gap: rawValue => {
if (typeof rawValue === 'number') {
return [['rowGap', rawValue], ['columnGap', rawValue]];
const [row, column = row] = splitValue(rawValue);
return [['rowGap', row], ['columnGap', column]];
placeContent: rawValue => {
const [align, justify = align] = splitValue(rawValue);
return [['alignContent', align], ['justifyContent', justify]];
placeItems: rawValue => {
const [align, justify = align] = splitValue(rawValue);
return [['alignItems', align], ['justifyItems', justify]];
placeSelf: rawValue => {
const [align, justify = align] = splitValue(rawValue);
return [['alignSelf', align], ['justifySelf', justify]];
scrollMargin: rawValue => {
const [top, right = top, bottom = top, left = right] = typeof rawValue === 'number' ? [rawValue] : splitValue(rawValue);
return [['scrollMarginTop', top], ['scrollMarginEnd', right], ['scrollMarginBottom', bottom], ['scrollMarginStart', left]];
scrollPadding: rawValue => {
const [top, right = top, bottom = top, left = right] = typeof rawValue === 'number' ? [rawValue] : splitValue(rawValue);
return [['scrollPaddingTop', top], ['scrollPaddingEnd', right], ['scrollPaddingBottom', bottom], ['scrollPaddingStart', left]];
paddingInline: rawValue => [['paddingInline', rawValue], ['paddingStart', null], ['paddingLeft', null], ['paddingEnd', null], ['paddingRight', null]],
paddingBlock: rawValue => [['paddingBlock', rawValue], ['paddingTop', null], ['paddingBottom', null]],
placeContent: value => [['placeContent', value], ['alignContent', null], ['justifyContent', null]],
placeItems: value => [['placeItems', value], ['alignItems', null], ['justifyItems', null]],
placeSelf: value => [['placeSelf', value], ['alignSelf', null], ['justifySelf', null]],
scrollMargin: value => [['scrollMargin', value], ['scrollMarginBottom', null], ['scrollMarginLeft', null], ['scrollMarginStart', null], ['scrollMarginRight', null], ['scrollMarginEnd', null], ['scrollMarginTop', null]],
scrollPadding: value => [['scrollPadding', value], ['scrollPaddingBottom', null], ['scrollPaddingLeft', null], ['scrollPaddingStart', null], ['scrollPaddingRight', null], ['scrollPaddingEnd', null], ['scrollPaddingTop', null]],
scrollTimeline: value => [['scrollTimeline', value], ['scrollTimelineName', null], ['scrollTimelineAxis', null]],
textDecoration: value => [['textDecoration', value], ['textDecorationColor', null], ['textDecorationLine', null], ['textDecorationStyle', null], ['textDecorationThickness', null]],
textEmphasis: value => [['textEmphasis', value], ['textEmphasisColor', null], ['textEmphasisStyle', null]],
transition: value => [['transition', value], ['transitionDelay', null], ['transitionDuration', null], ['transitionProperty', null], ['transitionTimingFunction', null]]
const expandedKeys = [...Object.keys(expansions), ...Object.keys(BANNED_PROPERTIES)];
const aliases = {
// @Deprecated
borderHorizontal: shorthands.borderInline,
// @Deprecated
borderVertical: shorthands.borderBlock,
// @Deprecated
borderBlockStart: shorthands.borderTop,
// @Deprecated
borderEnd: shorthands.borderInlineEnd,
// @Deprecated
borderBlockEnd: shorthands.borderBottom,
// @Deprecated
borderStart: shorthands.borderInlineStart,
borderHorizontalWidth: shorthands.borderInlineWidth,
borderHorizontalStyle: shorthands.borderInlineStyle,
borderHorizontalColor: shorthands.borderInlineColor,
borderVerticalWidth: shorthands.borderBlockWidth,
borderVerticalStyle: shorthands.borderBlockStyle,
borderVerticalColor: shorthands.borderBlockColor,
borderBlockStartColor: value => [['borderTopColor', value]],
borderBlockEndColor: value => [['borderBottomColor', value]],
borderStartColor: value => [['borderInlineStartColor', value]],
borderEndColor: value => [['borderInlineEndColor', value]],
borderBlockStartStyle: value => [['borderTopStyle', value]],
borderBlockEndStyle: value => [['borderBottomStyle', value]],
borderStartStyle: value => [['borderInlineStartStyle', value]],
borderEndStyle: value => [['borderInlineEndStyle', value]],
borderBlockStartWidth: value => [['borderTopWidth', value]],
borderBlockEndWidth: value => [['borderBottomWidth', value]],
borderStartWidth: value => [['borderInlineStartWidth', value]],
borderEndWidth: value => [['borderInlineEndWidth', value]],
borderTopStartRadius: value => [['borderStartStartRadius', value]],
borderTopEndRadius: value => [['borderStartEndRadius', value]],
borderBottomStartRadius: value => [['borderEndStartRadius', value]],
borderBottomEndRadius: value => [['borderEndEndRadius', value]],
marginBlockStart: value => [['marginTop', value]],
marginBlockEnd: value => [['marginBottom', value]],
marginStart: value => [['marginInlineStart', value]],
marginEnd: value => [['marginInlineEnd', value]],
marginHorizontal: shorthands.marginInline,
marginVertical: shorthands.marginBlock,
paddingBlockStart: rawValue => [['paddingTop', rawValue]],
paddingBlockEnd: rawValue => [['paddingBottom', rawValue]],
paddingStart: rawValue => [['paddingInlinStart', rawValue]],
paddingEnd: rawValue => [['paddingInlineEnd', rawValue]],
paddingHorizontal: shorthands.paddingInline,
paddingVertical: shorthands.paddingBlock,
insetBlockStart: value => [['top', value]],
insetBlockEnd: value => [['bottom', value]],
start: value => [['insetInlineStart', value]],
end: value => [['insetInlineEnd', value]]
const expansions = {
// TODO: It should be possible to remove this as we should no longer have
// to disallow shorthand properties with object values.
const expandedKeys = Object.keys(expansions);
exports.expandedKeys = expandedKeys;

@@ -380,0 +323,0 @@ function flatMapExpandedShorthands(objEntry) {

@@ -10,2 +10,3 @@ "use strict";

var _genCSSRule = _interopRequireDefault(require("./utils/genCSSRule"));
var _propertyPriorities = _interopRequireDefault(require("./utils/property-priorities"));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }

@@ -21,3 +22,5 @@ /**

function generateCSSRule(className, key, value, pseudo) {
function generateCSSRule(className, key,
// pre-dashed
value, pseudo) {
const pairs = Array.isArray(value) ? => [key, eachValue]) : [[key, value]];

@@ -29,20 +32,3 @@ const ltrPairs =;

const rtlRule = !rtlDecls ? null : (0, _genCSSRule.default)(className, rtlDecls, pseudo);
let priority = 1;
if (pseudo != null) {
if (pseudo[0] === '@') {
priority = 2;
} else if (pseudo[0] === ':') {
priority = pseudoPriorities[pseudo] ?? 2;
if (pseudo.startsWith(':nth-child')) {
priority = 6;
if (pseudo.startsWith(':nth-of-type')) {
priority = 7;
if (key.toLowerCase().includes('left') || key.toLowerCase().includes('right')) {
// Bump priority for physical left/right values.
priority += 0.1;
const priority = (0, _propertyPriorities.default)(key) + (pseudo ? (0, _propertyPriorities.default)(pseudo) : 0);
return {

@@ -53,16 +39,2 @@ priority,

const pseudoPriorities = {
// Might become unsupported:
':first-child': 3,
':last-child': 4,
':only-child': 5,
':nth-child': 6,
':nth-of-type': 7,
':hover': 8,
':focus': 9,
':active': 10,
':disabled': 11,
'::placeholder': 12,
'::thumb': 13

@@ -67,3 +67,3 @@ /**

definedStylexCSSVariables?: { [key: string]: any };
allowUnsafeProperties: boolean;
skipShorthandExpansion?: boolean;
[key: string]: any;

@@ -70,0 +70,0 @@ };

@@ -16,3 +16,3 @@ /**

const ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_LENGTH = 'stylex() should have 1 argument.';


const ILLEGAL_NESTED_PSEUDO = "Pseudo objects can't be nested.";
const ILLEGAL_NESTED_PSEUDO = "Pseudo objects can't be nested more than one level deep.";

@@ -60,4 +60,2 @@ const ILLEGAL_PROP_VALUE = 'A style value can only contain an array, string or number.';

const NO_PARENT_PATH = 'Unexpected AST node without a parent path.';
const MULTIPLE_DIRECTIONS_IN_SHORTHAND = 'Shorthand properties cannot contain different values for different directions.';

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ "use strict";

var _convertToClassName = _interopRequireDefault(require("./convert-to-className"));
var _expandShorthands = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./expand-shorthands"));
var _index = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./preprocess-rules/index"));
var _objectUtils = require("./utils/object-utils");

@@ -44,2 +44,5 @@ var messages = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./messages"));

// namespace = preflatten(namespace);
const [resolvedNamespace, injected] = styleXCreateNamespace(namespace, options);

@@ -77,12 +80,14 @@ const compiledNamespace = (0, _objectUtils.flattenObject)(resolvedNamespace);

// First the shorthand properties are expanded.
// e.g. `margin` gets expanded to `marginTop`, `marginBottom`, `marginStart`, `marginEnd`.
// `entries` is an array of [key, value] pairs.
// First handle shorthands. The strategy for this is based on the `styleResolution` option.
const entries = namespaceEntries.flatMap(_ref => {
let [key, value] = _ref;
// Detect style ...spreads and leave them unmodified
if (value instanceof _stylexInclude.IncludedStyles) {
return [[key, value]];
// Detect nested style objects.
if (value != null && typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value)) {
if (!key.startsWith(':') && !key.startsWith('@') && _expandShorthands.expandedKeys.includes(key)) {
// Nested Objects are only allowed for legacy :pseudo, @media or long-hand properties for now.
// In the future, we will try to support shorthands as well.
if (!key.startsWith(':') && !key.startsWith('@') && (0, _index.getExpandedKeys)(options).includes(key)) {
throw new Error(messages.INVALID_PSEUDO);

@@ -95,6 +100,3 @@ }

if (!options.allowUnsafeProperties && _expandShorthands.BANNED_PROPERTIES[key]) {
throw new Error(_expandShorthands.BANNED_PROPERTIES[key]);
return (0, _expandShorthands.default)([innerKey, innerValue]);
return (0, _index.default)([innerKey, innerValue], options);

@@ -108,6 +110,3 @@ } else {

if (!options.allowUnsafeProperties && _expandShorthands.BANNED_PROPERTIES[key]) {
throw new Error(_expandShorthands.BANNED_PROPERTIES[key]);
return (0, _expandShorthands.default)([key, value]);
return (0, _index.default)([key, value], options);

@@ -133,2 +132,4 @@ });

innerObj[innerKey] = null;
} else if (typeof innerVal === 'object' && !Array.isArray(innerVal)) {
throw new Error(messages.ILLEGAL_NESTED_PSEUDO);
} else {

@@ -148,2 +149,5 @@ const [updatedKey, className, cssRule] = (0, _convertToClassName.default)([innerKey, innerVal], pseudo, options);

if (typeof innerVal === 'object' && !Array.isArray(innerVal)) {
throw new Error(messages.ILLEGAL_NESTED_PSEUDO);
if (innerVal !== null) {

@@ -150,0 +154,0 @@ const [updatedKey, className, cssRule] = (0, _convertToClassName.default)([propKey, innerVal], pseudo === 'default' ? undefined : pseudo, options);

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ "use strict";

var _hash = _interopRequireDefault(require("./hash"));
var _expandShorthands = _interopRequireDefault(require("./expand-shorthands"));
var _index = _interopRequireDefault(require("./preprocess-rules/index"));
var _generateLtr = _interopRequireDefault(require("./physical-rtl/generate-ltr"));

@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ var _generateRtl = _interopRequireDefault(require("./physical-rtl/generate-rtl"));

function styleXKeyframes(frames) {
let {
let options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
const {
stylexSheetName = '<>',
classNamePrefix = 'x'
} = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
const expandedObject = (0, _objectUtils.objMap)(frames, frame => _objectUtils.Pipe.create(frame).pipe(expandFrameShorthands).pipe(x => (0, _objectUtils.objMapKeys)(x, _dashify.default)).pipe(x => (0, _objectUtils.objMap)(x, (value, key) => (0, _transformValue.default)(key, value))).done());
} = options;
const expandedObject = (0, _objectUtils.objMap)(frames, frame => _objectUtils.Pipe.create(frame).pipe(frame => expandFrameShorthands(frame, options)).pipe(x => (0, _objectUtils.objMapKeys)(x, _dashify.default)).pipe(x => (0, _objectUtils.objMap)(x, (value, key) => (0, _transformValue.default)(key, value))).done());
const ltrStyles = (0, _objectUtils.objMap)(expandedObject, frame => (0, _objectUtils.objMapEntry)(frame, _generateLtr.default));

@@ -52,4 +53,15 @@ const rtlStyles = (0, _objectUtils.objMap)(expandedObject, frame => (0, _objectUtils.objMapEntry)(frame, entry => (0, _generateRtl.default)(entry) ?? entry));

function expandFrameShorthands(frame) {
return (0, _objectUtils.objFromEntries)((0, _objectUtils.objEntries)(frame).flatMap(pair => (0, _expandShorthands.default)(pair)));
function expandFrameShorthands(frame, options) {
return (0, _objectUtils.objFromEntries)((0, _objectUtils.objEntries)(frame).flatMap(pair => (0, _index.default)(pair, options).map(_ref => {
let [key, value] = _ref;
if (typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'number') {
return [key, value];
return null;
// Keyframes are not combined. The nulls can be skipped
.filter(_ref2 => {
let [key, value] = _ref2;
return value != null;

@@ -59,6 +71,6 @@

function constructKeyframesObj(frames) {
return (0, _objectUtils.objEntries)(frames).map(_ref => {
let [key, value] = _ref;
return `${key}{${(0, _objectUtils.objEntries)(value).map(_ref2 => {
let [k, v] = _ref2;
return (0, _objectUtils.objEntries)(frames).map(_ref3 => {
let [key, value] = _ref3;
return `${key}{${(0, _objectUtils.objEntries)(value).map(_ref4 => {
let [k, v] = _ref4;
return `${k}:${v};`;

@@ -65,0 +77,0 @@ }).join('')}}`;

@@ -30,4 +30,7 @@ /**

function normalizeValue(value, key) {
if (value == null) {
return value;
const parsedAST = (0, _postcssValueParser.default)(value);
return normalizers.reduce((ast, fn) => fn(ast, key), parsedAST).toString();
"name": "@stylexjs/shared",
"version": "0.2.0-beta.8",
"version": "0.2.0-beta.9",
"description": "Shared Code for Stylex compile and runtime.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "lib/index.js",

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