Autocompletion Library
This autocompletion library is loosely-coupled from the DOM and other dependencies, making it a lightweight lightning-fast solution to autocomplete. It can be used in Node or in the browser.
View NPM Package here.
View demo here.
- utilizes an internal trie to process data
- options to ignoreCasing and return only a certain amount of strings
- loosely coupled for functionality server-side and in the browser
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Browser Installation
Install the library into your project.
npm install @t0ri/autocomplete --save
Import the library content into a JS file using ES6 import syntax at the top of your file.
import Autocomplete from './node_modules/@t0ri/autocomplete/esm/autocomplete.js'
To Do
- autocomplete() stops traversal once length of returned array hits
- preserve casing for return when
is true (rewrite method non-destructively) - expand documentation