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@talentia/angular-d3-cloud - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.4.1 to 1.4.2



import { ElementRef, EventEmitter, OnChanges, AfterViewInit, SimpleChanges, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { AngularD3Word } from './angular-d3-cloud.interfaces';
import { AngularD3CloudService } from './angular-d3-cloud.service';
import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
export declare class AngularD3CloudComponent implements OnChanges, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {
private cloudService;
wordcloud: ElementRef<HTMLDivElement> | undefined;
data?: AngularD3Word[];
width?: number;
height?: number;
padding?: number | ((word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => number);
font?: string | ((word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => string);
fontSizeMapper?: number | ((word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => number);
rotate?: number | ((word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => number);
autoFill?: boolean;
fillMapper?: (word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => string;
animations?: boolean;
fontWeight?: string | number | ((word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => string | number);
data: AngularD3Word[];
width: number;
height: number;
padding: number;
font: string;
fontSizeMapper: number | ((word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => number);
rotate: number | ((word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => number);
autoFill: boolean;
fillMapper: (word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => string;
animations: boolean;
speed: number;
fontWeight: string | number;
fontStyle: string;
wordClick: EventEmitter<{

@@ -31,14 +31,16 @@ event: MouseEvent;

private cloudService;
private options;
private wordMouseClickSubscriber;
private wordMouseOverSubscriber;
private wordMouseOutSubscriber;
constructor(cloudService: AngularD3CloudService);
ngAfterViewInit(): Promise<void>;
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): Promise<void>;
ngAfterViewInit(): void;
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void;
ngOnDestroy(): void;
private renderCloudAsync;
private cloneData;
private renderCloud;
private createOptions;
private applyOptions;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AngularD3CloudComponent, never>;
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration<AngularD3CloudComponent, "angular-d3-cloud", never, { "data": "data"; "width": "width"; "height": "height"; "padding": "padding"; "font": "font"; "fontSizeMapper": "fontSizeMapper"; "rotate": "rotate"; "autoFill": "autoFill"; "fillMapper": "fillMapper"; "animations": "animations"; "fontWeight": "fontWeight"; }, { "wordClick": "wordClick"; "wordMouseOver": "wordMouseOver"; "wordMouseOut": "wordMouseOut"; }, never, never, false, never>;
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration<AngularD3CloudComponent, "angular-d3-cloud", never, { "data": "data"; "width": "width"; "height": "height"; "padding": "padding"; "font": "font"; "fontSizeMapper": "fontSizeMapper"; "rotate": "rotate"; "autoFill": "autoFill"; "fillMapper": "fillMapper"; "animations": "animations"; "speed": "speed"; "fontWeight": "fontWeight"; "fontStyle": "fontStyle"; }, { "wordClick": "wordClick"; "wordMouseOver": "wordMouseOver"; "wordMouseOut": "wordMouseOut"; }, never, never, false, never>;
export interface AngularD3Word {
text: string;
value: number;
font: string;
style: string;
weight: string | number;
rotate: number;
size: number;
padding: number;
x: number;
y: number;
hasText: boolean;
export interface AngularD3CloudOptions {
data?: AngularD3Word[];
width?: number;
height?: number;
padding?: number | ((word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => number);
font?: string | ((word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => string);
fontSizeMapper?: number | ((word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => number);
rotate?: number | ((word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => number);
autoFill?: boolean;
fillMapper?: (word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => string;
animations?: boolean;
fontWeight?: string | number | ((word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => string | number);
mouseClickObserved?: boolean;
mouseOverObserved?: boolean;
mouseOutObserved?: boolean;
data: AngularD3Word[];
width: number;
height: number;
padding: number;
font: string;
fontSizeMapper: number | ((word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => number);
rotate: number | ((word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => number);
autoFill: boolean;
fillMapper: (word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => string;
animations: boolean;
speed: number;
fontWeight: string | number;
fontStyle: string;
mouseClickObserved: boolean;
mouseOverObserved: boolean;
mouseOutObserved: boolean;

@@ -7,2 +7,3 @@ import { Subject } from 'rxjs';

private static TAG;
private ngZone;
private document;

@@ -22,9 +23,25 @@ wordMouseClick: Subject<{

renderCloudSync(node: Element, options?: AngularD3CloudOptions): TypeError | null;
renderCloudAsync(node: Element, options?: AngularD3CloudOptions): Promise<void>;
private renderCloud;
renderCloud(node: Element | null, options?: AngularD3CloudOptions): TypeError[] | null;
private render;
private canvasGenerator;
private applyFill;
private applyAnimation;
private applyEventListeners;
private validateData;
private validateNode;
private validateOptionsData;
private validateHeight;
private validateWidth;
private validatePadding;
private validateFont;
private validateFontSizeMapper;
private validateFillMapper;
private validateRotate;
private validateAnimations;
private validateSpeed;
private validateAutoFill;
private validateFontWeight;
private validateFontStyle;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AngularD3CloudService, never>;
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<AngularD3CloudService>;

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ {

"description": "D3 word cloud component for Angular built upon d3-cloud",
"version": "1.4.1",
"version": "1.4.2",
"dependencies": {

@@ -17,3 +17,8 @@ "d3-cloud": "^1.2.5",

"@angular/common": "^15.0.1",
"@angular/core": "^15.0.1"
"@angular/core": "^15.0.1",
"@types/d3-cloud": "^1.2.5",
"@types/d3-scale": "^4.0.2",
"@types/d3-scale-chromatic": "^3.0.0",
"@types/d3-selection": "^3.0.3",
"@types/d3-transition": "^3.0.2"

@@ -20,0 +25,0 @@ "schematics": "./schematics/collection.json",

@@ -11,3 +11,2 @@ # Angular D3 Word Cloud

- [Version 1.4.0](
- [Version 1.3.0](

@@ -17,8 +16,14 @@

<img src="./demo.png">
# Installation
npm install --save @talentia/angular-d3-cloud@1.4.1
npm install --save @talentia/angular-d3-cloud@1.4.2
Installing the package does not install the type definitions for d3-cloud, d3-scale, d3-scale-chromatic, d3-selection and d3-transition libraries.
If you need to use these libraries in your project then install the type definitions with the following command:
npm i --save-dev @types/d3-cloud@1.2.5 @types/d3-scale@4.0.2 @types/d3-scale-chromatic@3.0.0 @types/d3-selection@3.0.3 @types/d3-transition@3.0.2
# Usage

@@ -48,35 +53,36 @@ First import the package to your app module

private words = ['Exercitation', 'duis', 'ex', 'laboris', 'laboris', 'est', 'aliqua', 'Lorem', 'veniam', 'ad.', 'Minim', 'aliqua', 'enim', 'do', 'exercitation', 'duis', 'eiusmod', 'sunt', 'do', 'exercitation', 'qui', 'ex.', 'Aliqua', 'velit', 'sunt', 'in', 'commodo', 'anim.', 'Sunt', 'labore', 'sunt', 'dolor', 'exercitation', 'non', 'commodo', 'laboris', 'culpa', 'culpa', 'exercitation', 'ex', 'proident', 'laborum.\n\nId', 'dolore', 'commodo', 'occaecat', 'in', 'velit.', 'Aliqua', 'mollit', 'ea', 'qui', 'ad', 'aute', 'est', 'excepteur', 'non', 'aliqua', 'occaecat', 'ad', 'non', 'ea.', 'Labore', 'incididunt', 'excepteur', 'tempor', 'culpa', 'proident', 'ex', 'commodo.', 'Nisi', 'nostrud', 'tempor', 'deserunt', 'ipsum', 'adipisicing', 'aute', 'do', 'adipisicing.\n\nOfficia', 'pariatur', 'eiusmod', 'tempor', 'magna', 'occaecat.', 'Ut', 'proident', 'anim', 'aute', 'aliquip', 'pariatur', 'et.', 'Pariatur', 'ad', 'ea', 'sint', 'ut', 'excepteur', 'amet', 'id', 'do.', 'Labore', 'eu', 'velit', 'non', 'cillum', 'nulla.\n\nIncididunt', 'duis', 'tempor', 'sunt', 'dolor', 'magna', 'occaecat', 'esse', 'elit', 'consequat.', 'Ea', 'sint', 'et', 'labore', 'amet', 'ullamco', 'non', 'tempor.', 'Ad', 'voluptate', 'nisi', 'duis', 'minim', 'elit', 'in', 'adipisicing', 'et', 'laboris', 'nulla', 'culpa', 'ad'];
private words = ["Exercitation","duis","ex","laboris","est","aliqua","Lorem","veniam","ad","Minim","enim","do","exercitation","eiusmod","sunt","qui","Aliqua","velit","in","commodo","anim","Sunt","labore","dolor","non","culpa","proident","laborum","dolore","occaecat","mollit","ea","aute","excepteur","Labore","incididunt","tempor","Nisi","nostrud","deserunt","ipsum","adipisicing","pariatur","magna","Ut","aliquip","et","Pariatur","sint","ut","amet","id","eu","cillum","nulla","esse","elit","consequat","Ea","ullamco","Ad","voluptate","nisi","minim"];
ngOnInit(): void {
refresh(): void {
ngOnInit(): void { = => {
return { text: word, value: 10 + Math.random() * 90 };
return { text: word, value: 10 + Math.random() * 90 } as AngularD3Word;
# Props
| Name | Description | Type | Required | Default |
| data | The input data for rendering | Array<{ text: string, value: number }> | ✓ | |
| width | Width of component (px) | number | | 700 |
| height | Height of component (px) | number | | 600 |
| fontSizeMapper | Map each element of data to font size (px) | Function: (word: string, idx: number): number | | word => word.value; |
| rotate | Map each element of data to font rotation degree. Or simply provide a number for global rotation. (degree) | Function \| number | | 0 |
| padding | Map each element of data to font padding. Or simply provide a number for global padding. (px) | Function \| number | | 5 |
| font | The font of text shown | Function \| string | | serif |
| fontWeight | Weight of the font | string \| number | | 'normal' |
| autoFill | Whether texts should be fill with random color or not | boolean | | false |
| fillMapper | Function used by autoFill to map each data item to a fill color. Can be used to customize the way autoFill generate colors | Function: (word: Word, index: number): string | | A function based on schemeCategory10 of d3-scale-chromatic|
| animations | Whether animated transitions is active or not | boolean | | false |
| Name | Description | Type | Required | Default |
| data | The input data for rendering | AngularD3Word[] | ✓ | |
| width | Width of component (px) | number | | 700 |
| height | Height of component (px) | number | | 600 |
| padding | Map each element of data to font padding. Or simply provide a number for global padding. (px) | number | | 5 |
| font | The font of text shown | string | | Arial |
| fontSizeMapper | Map each element of data to font size (px) | number or ((word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => number) | | word => word.value |
| rotate | Map each element of data to font rotation degree. | number or ((word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => number) | | 0 |
| | Or simply provide a number for global rotation. (degree) | | | |
| autoFill | Whether texts should be fill with random color or not | boolean | | false |
| fillMapper | Function used by autoFill to map each data item to a fill color. | (word: AngularD3Word, index: number) => string | | function based on |
| | | | | schemeCategory10 |
| animations | Whether animated transitions is active or not | boolean | | false |
| speed | Animation speed (ms) | number | | 600 |
| fontWeight | Weight of the font | string or number | | normal |
| fontStyle | Style of the font | string | | normal |
# Events
| Name | Description | Payload |
| wordClick | Event triggered when click event triggered on a word | { event: MouseEvent, word: Word } |
| wordMouseOver | Event triggered when mouseover event triggered on a word | { event: MouseEvent, word: Word } |
| wordMouseOut | Event triggered when mouseout event triggered on a word | { event: MouseEvent, word: Word } |
| Name | Description | Payload |
| wordClick | Event triggered when click event triggered on a word | { event: MouseEvent, word: AngularD3Word } |
| wordMouseOver | Event triggered when mouseover event triggered on a word | { event: MouseEvent, word: AngularD3Word } |
| wordMouseOut | Event triggered when mouseout event triggered on a word | { event: MouseEvent, word: AngularD3Word } |

@@ -83,0 +89,0 @@ > The `Word` interface imported from `d3-cloud`

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