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@tauri-apps/plugin-shell - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.0-alpha.0 to 2.0.0-alpha.1


* Access the system shell.
* Allows you to spawn child processes and manage files and URLs using their default application.
* ## Security
* This API has a scope configuration that forces you to restrict the programs and arguments that can be used.
* ### Restricting access to the {@link open | `open`} API
* On the configuration object, `open: true` means that the {@link open} API can be used with any URL,
* as the argument is validated with the `^((mailto:\w+)|(tel:\w+)|(https?://\w+)).+` regex.
* You can change that regex by changing the boolean value to a string, e.g. `open: ^`.
* ### Restricting access to the {@link Command | `Command`} APIs
* The plugin configuration object has a `scope` field that defines an array of CLIs that can be used.
* Each CLI is a configuration object `{ name: string, cmd: string, sidecar?: bool, args?: boolean | Arg[] }`.
* - `name`: the unique identifier of the command, passed to the {@link Command.create | Command.create function}.
* If it's a sidecar, this must be the value defined on `tauri.conf.json > tauri > bundle > externalBin`.
* - `cmd`: the program that is executed on this configuration. If it's a sidecar, this value is ignored.
* - `sidecar`: whether the object configures a sidecar or a system program.
* - `args`: the arguments that can be passed to the program. By default no arguments are allowed.
* - `true` means that any argument list is allowed.
* - `false` means that no arguments are allowed.
* - otherwise an array can be configured. Each item is either a string representing the fixed argument value
* or a `{ validator: string }` that defines a regex validating the argument value.
* #### Example scope configuration
* CLI: `git commit -m "the commit message"`
* Configuration:
* ```json
* {
* "plugins": {
* "shell": {
* "scope": [
* {
* "name": "run-git-commit",
* "cmd": "git",
* "args": ["commit", "-m", { "validator": "\\S+" }]
* }
* ]
* }
* }
* }
* ```
* Usage:
* ```typescript
* import { Command } from '@tauri-apps/plugin-shell'
* Command.create('run-git-commit', ['commit', '-m', 'the commit message'])
* ```
* Trying to execute any API with a program not configured on the scope results in a promise rejection due to denied access.
* @module
declare global {
interface Window {
__TAURI_INVOKE__: <T>(cmd: string, args?: unknown) => Promise<T>;
__TAURI__: {
transformCallback: <T>(cb: (payload: T) => void) => number;
* @since 2.0.0

@@ -70,0 +3,0 @@ */



@@ -0,1 +1,5 @@

var f$1=Object.defineProperty;var g=(a,b)=>{for(var c in b)f$1(a,c,{get:b[c],enumerable:!0});};var e=(a,b,c)=>{if(!b.has(a))throw TypeError("Cannot "+c)};var h$1=(a,b,c)=>(e(a,b,"read from private field"),c?,i$1=(a,b,c)=>{if(b.has(a))throw TypeError("Cannot add the same private member more than once");b instanceof WeakSet?b.add(a):b.set(a,c);},j=(a,b,c,d)=>(e(a,b,"write to private field"),d?,c):b.set(a,c),c);
var h={};g(h,{Channel:()=>o,PluginListener:()=>a,addPluginListener:()=>m,convertFileSrc:()=>y,invoke:()=>u,transformCallback:()=>s});function f(){return window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0]}function s(n,e=!1){let t=f(),r=`_${t}`;return Object.defineProperty(window,r,{value:c=>(e&&Reflect.deleteProperty(window,r),n?.(c)),writable:!1,configurable:!0}),t}var i,o=class{constructor(){this.__TAURI_CHANNEL_MARKER__=!0;i$1(this,i,()=>{});>{h$1(this,i).call(this,e);});}set onmessage(e){j(this,i,e);}get onmessage(){return h$1(this,i)}toJSON(){return `__CHANNEL__:${}`}};i=new WeakMap;var a=class{constructor(e,t,r){this.plugin=e,this.event=t,this.channelId=r;}async unregister(){return u(`plugin:${this.plugin}|remove_listener`,{event:this.event,channelId:this.channelId})}};async function m(n,e,t){let r=new o;return r.onmessage=t,u(`plugin:${n}|register_listener`,{event:e,handler:r}).then(()=>new a(n,e,}async function u(n,e={},t){return new Promise((r,c)=>{let g=s(d=>{r(d),Reflect.deleteProperty(window,`_${_}`);},!0),_=s(d=>{c(d),Reflect.deleteProperty(window,`_${g}`);},!0);window.__TAURI_IPC__({cmd:n,callback:g,error:_,payload:e,options:t});})}function y(n,e="asset"){return window.__TAURI__.convertFileSrc(n,e)}
// Copyright 2019-2023 Tauri Programme within The Commons Conservancy

@@ -5,2 +9,61 @@ // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

* Access the system shell.
* Allows you to spawn child processes and manage files and URLs using their default application.
* ## Security
* This API has a scope configuration that forces you to restrict the programs and arguments that can be used.
* ### Restricting access to the {@link open | `open`} API
* On the configuration object, `open: true` means that the {@link open} API can be used with any URL,
* as the argument is validated with the `^((mailto:\w+)|(tel:\w+)|(https?://\w+)).+` regex.
* You can change that regex by changing the boolean value to a string, e.g. `open: ^`.
* ### Restricting access to the {@link Command | `Command`} APIs
* The plugin configuration object has a `scope` field that defines an array of CLIs that can be used.
* Each CLI is a configuration object `{ name: string, cmd: string, sidecar?: bool, args?: boolean | Arg[] }`.
* - `name`: the unique identifier of the command, passed to the {@link Command.create | Command.create function}.
* If it's a sidecar, this must be the value defined on `tauri.conf.json > tauri > bundle > externalBin`.
* - `cmd`: the program that is executed on this configuration. If it's a sidecar, this value is ignored.
* - `sidecar`: whether the object configures a sidecar or a system program.
* - `args`: the arguments that can be passed to the program. By default no arguments are allowed.
* - `true` means that any argument list is allowed.
* - `false` means that no arguments are allowed.
* - otherwise an array can be configured. Each item is either a string representing the fixed argument value
* or a `{ validator: string }` that defines a regex validating the argument value.
* #### Example scope configuration
* CLI: `git commit -m "the commit message"`
* Configuration:
* ```json
* {
* "plugins": {
* "shell": {
* "scope": [
* {
* "name": "run-git-commit",
* "cmd": "git",
* "args": ["commit", "-m", { "validator": "\\S+" }]
* }
* ]
* }
* }
* }
* ```
* Usage:
* ```typescript
* import { Command } from '@tauri-apps/plugin-shell'
* Command.create('run-git-commit', ['commit', '-m', 'the commit message'])
* ```
* Trying to execute any API with a program not configured on the scope results in a promise rejection due to denied access.
* @module
* Spawns a process.

@@ -10,3 +73,3 @@ *

* @param program The name of the scoped command.
* @param onEvent Event handler.
* @param onEventHandler Event handler.
* @param args Program arguments.

@@ -18,11 +81,13 @@ * @param options Configuration for the process spawn.

async function execute(onEvent, program, args = [], options) {
async function execute(onEventHandler, program, args = [], options) {
if (typeof args === "object") {
return window.__TAURI_INVOKE__("plugin:shell|execute", {
const onEvent = new o();
onEvent.onmessage = onEventHandler;
return u("plugin:shell|execute", {
onEventFn: window.__TAURI__.transformCallback(onEvent),

@@ -219,3 +284,3 @@ }

async write(data) {
return window.__TAURI_INVOKE__("plugin:shell|stdin_write", {
return u("plugin:shell|stdin_write", {

@@ -234,3 +299,3 @@ // correctly serialize Uint8Arrays

async kill() {
return window.__TAURI_INVOKE__("plugin:shell|kill", {
return u("plugin:shell|kill", {
cmd: "killChild",

@@ -416,3 +481,3 @@ pid:,

async function open(path, openWith) {
return window.__TAURI_INVOKE__("plugin:shell|open", {
return u("plugin:shell|open", {

@@ -419,0 +484,0 @@ with: openWith,

"name": "@tauri-apps/plugin-shell",
"version": "2.0.0-alpha.0",
"version": "2.0.0-alpha.1",
"license": "MIT or APACHE-2.0",

@@ -27,3 +27,3 @@ "authors": [

"dependencies": {
"@tauri-apps/api": "2.0.0-alpha.4"
"@tauri-apps/api": "2.0.0-alpha.6"

@@ -30,0 +30,0 @@ "scripts": {

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

# Shell

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ Access the system shell. Allows you to spawn child processes and manage files and URLs using their default application.

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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