ENVIRONMENT | "development" | No | No | production | If set to anything but production , prints trace level logs |
FUNCTION_IDENTITY | "" | No | Yes | my-project-123@appspot.gserviceaccount.com | Email address associated with service account |
GCLOUD_PROJECT | "" | No | Yes | my-project-123 | Project ID the service account belongs to |
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS | "" | No | Yes | service-account/my-project-123.serviceaccount.json | Path to service account credentials file |
TRACE_ENABLED | "false" | No | No | true | Whether or to enable opencensus tracing |
TRACE_PREFIX | "vault" | No | No | my-company | Prefix added to name of tracing spans |
VAULT_ADDR | "" | Yes | Yes | https://vault.my-company.com | Vault address including protocol |
VAULT_ROLE | "" | Yes | Yes | vault-role-cloud-functions | Name of role created in Vault for GCP auth |