✍️ @thecolvinco/lint
A package for easy control of all standardization of code in all our projects.
View code format config here:
🚀 Installation
npm install @thecolvinco/lint --save-dev
When you install the package, add the configuration of eslint and prettier in your package.json
"prettier": "./node_modules/@thecolvinco/lint/.prettierrc.js",
"eslintConfig": {
"extends": ["./node_modules/@thecolvinco/lint/.eslintrc.js"]
"stylelint": {
"extends": "./node_modules/@thecolvinco/lint/.stylelintrc.js"
🅰️ Scripts
When you execute the command they will only be launched for the the patern .js[x], .ts[x]
colvin-lint js
When you execute the command they will only be launched for the the patern .[s]css, .js[x], .ts[x]
colvin-lint css
Format JS and CSS files
It attempts to fix problems automatically. Similar to eslint --fix
and stylelint --fix
colvin-lint js --fix
colvin-lint css --fix
Only format staged files
Use flag for lint only staged files of a project. It is useful to reduce times in continuous integration, since the lining will only be carried out on the files that have been modified.
colvin-lint js --staged
colvin-lint css --staged
⌨️ IDE Extensions
Configure your extensions in your favourite editor:
Visual Studio Code
Configure VS Code preferences with esbenp.prettier-vscode
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"