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@@ -1,12 +0,6 @@

* Aligns `addr` to next multiple of `size`. The latter must be a power
* of 2.
* @param addr - value to align
* @param size - alignment value
export const align = (addr, size) => (size--, (addr + size) & ~size);
* Returns true if `addr` is aligned to wordsize `size`.
export const isAligned = (addr, size) => !(addr & (size - 1));
const align = (addr, size) => (size--, addr + size & ~size);
const isAligned = (addr, size) => !(addr & size - 1);
export {
import { floatToUintBits, floatToUintBits64 } from "./float.js";
export const bytes16 = (x, le = false) => {
const b0 = x & 0xff;
const b1 = (x >> 8) & 0xff;
return le ? [b0, b1] : [b1, b0];
const bytes16 = (x, le = false) => {
const b0 = x & 255;
const b1 = x >> 8 & 255;
return le ? [b0, b1] : [b1, b0];
export const bytes24 = (x, le = false) => {
const b0 = x & 0xff;
const b1 = (x >> 8) & 0xff;
const b2 = (x >> 16) & 0xff;
return le ? [b0, b1, b2] : [b2, b1, b0];
const bytes24 = (x, le = false) => {
const b0 = x & 255;
const b1 = x >> 8 & 255;
const b2 = x >> 16 & 255;
return le ? [b0, b1, b2] : [b2, b1, b0];
export const bytes32 = (x, le = false) => {
const b0 = x & 0xff;
const b1 = (x >> 8) & 0xff;
const b2 = (x >> 16) & 0xff;
const b3 = (x >> 24) & 0xff;
return le ? [b0, b1, b2, b3] : [b3, b2, b1, b0];
const bytes32 = (x, le = false) => {
const b0 = x & 255;
const b1 = x >> 8 & 255;
const b2 = x >> 16 & 255;
const b3 = x >> 24 & 255;
return le ? [b0, b1, b2, b3] : [b3, b2, b1, b0];
export const bytes64 = (hi, lo, le = false) => {
return le
? bytes32(lo, le).concat(bytes32(hi, le))
: bytes32(hi, le).concat(bytes32(lo, le));
const bytes64 = (hi, lo, le = false) => {
return le ? bytes32(lo, le).concat(bytes32(hi, le)) : bytes32(hi, le).concat(bytes32(lo, le));
export const bytesF32 = (x, le = false) => bytes32(floatToUintBits(x), le);
export const bytesF64 = (x, le = false) =>
bytes64(...floatToUintBits64(x), le);
const bytesF32 = (x, le = false) => bytes32(floatToUintBits(x), le);
const bytesF64 = (x, le = false) => (
bytes64(...floatToUintBits64(x), le)
export {
# Change Log
- **Last updated**: 2023-12-09T19:12:03Z
- **Last updated**: 2023-12-11T10:07:09Z
- **Generator**: [](

@@ -12,2 +12,13 @@

## [3.4.0]( (2023-12-11)
#### 🚀 Features
- add signed/unsigned int conversions ([9f23ae6](
#### 🩹 Bug fixes
- update precision for float/uint conversions (both ways) ([5289c40](
- add tests
### [3.3.36]( (2023-11-09)

@@ -14,0 +25,0 @@

@@ -1,14 +0,11 @@

const defBits = (n) => new Array(n).fill(0).map((_, i) => 1 << (n - 1 - i));
* 8bit values in MSB order (i.e. MSB_BITS[0] = 0x80)
export const MSB_BITS8 = defBits(8);
* 16bit values in MSB order (i.e. MSB_BITS[0] = 0x8000)
export const MSB_BITS16 = defBits(16);
* 32bit values in MSB order (i.e. MSB_BITS[0] = 0x80000000)
export const MSB_BITS32 = defBits(32);
export const MASKS = new Array(33).fill(0).map((_, i) => Math.pow(2, i) - 1);
const defBits = (n) => new Array(n).fill(0).map((_, i) => 1 << n - 1 - i);
const MSB_BITS8 = defBits(8);
const MSB_BITS16 = defBits(16);
const MSB_BITS32 = defBits(32);
const MASKS = new Array(33).fill(0).map((_, i) => Math.pow(2, i) - 1);
export {

@@ -1,58 +0,31 @@

* Returns number of 1 bits in `x`.
* @param x -
export const popCount = (x) => ((x = x - ((x >>> 1) & 0x55555555)),
(x = (x & 0x33333333) + ((x >>> 2) & 0x33333333)),
(((x + (x >>> 4)) & 0xf0f0f0f) * 0x1010101) >>> 24);
* Returns number of set bits (1's) in the given array (index range).
* @param data -
* @param start -
* @param n -
export const popCountArray = (data, start = 0, n = data.length) => {
let num = 0;
for (let end = start + n; start < end; start++) {
const x = data[start];
x > 0 && (num += popCount(x));
return num;
const popCount = (x) => (x = x - (x >>> 1 & 1431655765), x = (x & 858993459) + (x >>> 2 & 858993459), (x + (x >>> 4) & 252645135) * 16843009 >>> 24);
const popCountArray = (data, start = 0, n = data.length) => {
let num = 0;
for (let end = start + n; start < end; start++) {
const x = data[start];
x > 0 && (num += popCount(x));
return num;
* Returns number of bit changes between `x` and `y`.
* @param x -
* @param y -
export const hammingDist = (x, y) => popCount(x ^ y);
* Math.clz32() polyfill (corrected).
* @param x -
export const clz32 = (x) => x !== 0 ? 31 - ((Math.log(x >>> 0) / Math.LN2) | 0) : 32;
export const ctz32 = (x) => {
let c = 32;
x &= -x;
x && c--;
x & 0x0000ffff && (c -= 16);
x & 0x00ff00ff && (c -= 8);
x & 0x0f0f0f0f && (c -= 4);
x & 0x33333333 && (c -= 2);
x & 0x55555555 && (c -= 1);
return c;
const hammingDist = (x, y) => popCount(x ^ y);
const clz32 = (x) => x !== 0 ? 31 - (Math.log(x >>> 0) / Math.LN2 | 0) : 32;
const ctz32 = (x) => {
let c = 32;
x &= -x;
x && c--;
x & 65535 && (c -= 16);
x & 16711935 && (c -= 8);
x & 252645135 && (c -= 4);
x & 858993459 && (c -= 2);
x & 1431655765 && (c -= 1);
return c;
* Returns the number of bits required to encode `x`. Returns zero if
* `x` <= 1.
* @param x -
export const bitSize = (x) => (x > 1 ? Math.ceil(Math.log2(x)) : 0);
const bitSize = (x) => x > 1 ? Math.ceil(Math.log2(x)) : 0;
export {
import { defMask } from "./mask.js";
* Clears bit in given uint `x`.
* @param x - value
* @param bit - bit number (0..31)
export const bitClear = (x, bit) => (x & ~(1 << bit)) >>> 0;
* Toggles bit in given uint `x`.
* @param x - value
* @param bit - bit ID
export const bitFlip = (x, bit) => (x ^ (1 << bit)) >>> 0;
* Sets bit in given uint `x`.
* @param x - value
* @param bit - bit number (0..31)
export const bitSet = (x, bit) => (x | (1 << bit)) >>> 0;
export const bitSetWindow = (x, y, from, to) => {
const m = defMask(from, to);
return (x & ~m) | ((y << (1 << from)) & m);
const bitClear = (x, bit) => (x & ~(1 << bit)) >>> 0;
const bitFlip = (x, bit) => (x ^ 1 << bit) >>> 0;
const bitSet = (x, bit) => (x | 1 << bit) >>> 0;
const bitSetWindow = (x, y, from, to) => {
const m = defMask(from, to);
return x & ~m | y << (1 << from) & m;
export const bitClearWindow = (x, from, to) => x & ~defMask(from, to);
const bitClearWindow = (x, from, to) => x & ~defMask(from, to);
export {

@@ -6,109 +6,51 @@ const F64 = new Float64Array(1);

const U32 = new Uint32Array(F64.buffer);
* This value is true iff the environment is Little Endian.
export const IS_LE = ((U32[0] = 1), U8[0] === 1);
export const floatToIntBits = (x) => ((F32[0] = x), I32[0]);
export const floatToUintBits = (x) => ((F32[0] = x), U32[0]);
export const intBitsToFloat = (x) => ((I32[0] = x), F32[0]);
export const uintBitsToFloat = (x) => ((U32[0] = x), F32[0]);
* Returns i32 representation of f64 as [hi, lo] tuple (takes
* environment's Little Endianess into account).
* @param x -
export const floatToIntBits64 = (x) => ((F64[0] = x), IS_LE ? [I32[1], I32[0]] : [I32[0], I32[1]]);
* Returns u32 representation of f64 as [hi, lo] tuple (takes
* environment's Little Endianess into account).
* @param x -
export const floatToUintBits64 = (x) => ((F64[0] = x), IS_LE ? [U32[1], U32[0]] : [U32[0], U32[1]]);
* Reverse op of {@link floatToIntBits64}.
* @param hi -
* @param lo -
export const intBitsToFloat64 = (hi, lo) => {
IS_LE ? ((I32[1] = hi), (I32[0] = lo)) : ((I32[0] = hi), (I32[1] = lo));
return F64[0];
const IS_LE = (U32[0] = 1, U8[0] === 1);
const floatToIntBits = (x) => (F32[0] = x, I32[0]);
const floatToUintBits = (x) => (F32[0] = x, U32[0]);
const intBitsToFloat = (x) => (I32[0] = x, F32[0]);
const uintBitsToFloat = (x) => (U32[0] = x, F32[0]);
const floatToIntBits64 = (x) => (F64[0] = x, IS_LE ? [I32[1], I32[0]] : [I32[0], I32[1]]);
const floatToUintBits64 = (x) => (F64[0] = x, IS_LE ? [U32[1], U32[0]] : [U32[0], U32[1]]);
const intBitsToFloat64 = (hi, lo) => {
IS_LE ? (I32[1] = hi, I32[0] = lo) : (I32[0] = hi, I32[1] = lo);
return F64[0];
* Reverse op of {@link floatToUintBits64}.
* @param hi -
* @param lo -
export const uintBitsToFloat64 = (hi, lo) => {
IS_LE ? ((U32[1] = hi), (U32[0] = lo)) : ((U32[0] = hi), (U32[1] = lo));
return F64[0];
const uintBitsToFloat64 = (hi, lo) => {
IS_LE ? (U32[1] = hi, U32[0] = lo) : (U32[0] = hi, U32[1] = lo);
return F64[0];
* Converts given float (f32) into a sortable integer representation, using raw
* bitwise conversion via {@link floatToIntBits}.
* @remarks
* References:
* - (page
* 3)
* @param x - value to convert
export const floatToSortableInt = (x) => {
if (x === -0)
x = 0;
const i = floatToIntBits(x);
return x < 0 ? ~i | (1 << 31) : i;
const floatToSortableInt = (x) => {
if (x === -0)
x = 0;
const i = floatToIntBits(x);
return x < 0 ? ~i | 1 << 31 : i;
const clamp11 = (x) => (x < -1 ? -1 : x > 1 ? 1 : x);
* Converts normalized float ([-1..1] range) to u8.
* @param x -
export const f32u8 = (x) => (clamp11(x) * 0x7f) & 0xff;
* Converts normalized float ([-1..1] range) to u16.
* @param x -
export const f32u16 = (x) => (clamp11(x) * 0x7fff) & 0xffff;
* Converts normalized float ([-1..1] range) to u24.
* @param x -
export const f32u24 = (x) => (clamp11(x) * 0x7fffff) & 0xffffff;
* Converts normalized float ([-1..1] range) to u32.
* @param x -
export const f32u32 = (x) => (clamp11(x) * 0x7fffffff) >>> 0;
* Reverse op of {@link f32u8}.
* @param x -
export const u8f32 = (x) => ((x &= 0xff), (x | ((x >> 7) * 0xffffff00)) / 0x7f);
* Reverse op of {@link f32u16}.
* @param x -
export const u16f32 = (x) => ((x &= 0xffff), (x | ((x >> 15) * 0xffff0000)) / 0x7fff);
* Reverse op of {@link f32u24}.
* @param x -
export const u24f32 = (x) => ((x &= 0xffffff), (x | ((x >> 23) * 0xff000000)) / 0x7fffff);
* Reverse op of {@link f32u32}.
* @param x -
export const u32f32 = (x) => (x | 0) / 0x7fffffff;
const __f2u = (x, n, p) => x < 0 ? x < -1 ? n : x * n : x > 1 ? p : x * p;
const f32u8 = (x) => __f2u(x, 128, 127) & 255;
const f32u16 = (x) => __f2u(x, 32768, 32767) & 65535;
const f32u24 = (x) => __f2u(x, 8388608, 8388607) & 16777215;
const f32u32 = (x) => __f2u(x, 2147483648, 2147483647) >>> 0;
const u8f32 = (x) => (x &= 255, (x | (x >> 7) * 4294967040) / (127 + (x >> 7)));
const u16f32 = (x) => (x &= 65535, (x | (x >> 15) * 4294901760) / (32767 + (x >> 15)));
const u24f32 = (x) => (x &= 16777215, (x | (x >> 23) * 4278190080) / (8388607 + (x >> 23)));
const u32f32 = (x) => (x | 0) / (2147483647 + (x >>> 31));
export {

@@ -1,27 +0,13 @@

* Converts 32bit unsigned int to Gray code (reflected binary). Gray codes of
* successive values always have a Hamming distance of 1 (i.e. only 1 bit
* changes at a time).
* @remarks
* Reference:
* -
* @param x - u32
export const encodeGray32 = (x) => (x ^ (x >>> 1)) >>> 0;
* Converts 32bit Gray code to binary / unsigned int.
* @remarks
* Reference:
* -
export const decodeGray32 = (x) => {
x = x ^ (x >>> 16);
x = x ^ (x >>> 8);
x = x ^ (x >>> 4);
x = x ^ (x >>> 2);
x = x ^ (x >>> 1);
return x >>> 0;
const encodeGray32 = (x) => (x ^ x >>> 1) >>> 0;
const decodeGray32 = (x) => {
x = x ^ x >>> 16;
x = x ^ x >>> 8;
x = x ^ x >>> 4;
x = x ^ x >>> 2;
x = x ^ x >>> 1;
return x >>> 0;
export {

@@ -9,2 +9,3 @@ export * from "./align.js";

export * from "./gray.js";
export * from "./int.js";
export * from "./logic.js";

@@ -11,0 +12,0 @@ export * from "./mask.js";

@@ -9,2 +9,3 @@ export * from "./align.js";

export * from "./gray.js";
export * from "./int.js";
export * from "./logic.js";

@@ -11,0 +12,0 @@ export * from "./mask.js";

import { maskL } from "./mask.js";
export const bitNot = (x) => ~x;
export const bitAnd = (a, b) => a & b;
export const bitNand = (a, b) => ~(a & b);
export const bitOr = (a, b) => a | b;
export const bitNor = (a, b) => ~(a | b);
export const bitXor = (a, b) => a ^ b;
export const bitXnor = (a, b) => ~(a ^ b);
export const bitImply = (a, b) => ~a | b;
export const bitAoi21 = (a, b, c) => ~(a | (b & c));
export const bitOai21 = (a, b, c) => ~(a & (b | c));
export const bitAoi22 = (a, b, c, d) => ~((a & b) | (c & d));
export const bitOai22 = (a, b, c, d) => ~((a | b) & (c | d));
export const bitMux = (a, b, s) => ((a & ~s) | (b & s)) >>> 0;
export const bitDemux = (a, b, s) => [
(a & ~s) >>> 0,
(b & s) >>> 0,
const bitNot = (x) => ~x;
const bitAnd = (a, b) => a & b;
const bitNand = (a, b) => ~(a & b);
const bitOr = (a, b) => a | b;
const bitNor = (a, b) => ~(a | b);
const bitXor = (a, b) => a ^ b;
const bitXnor = (a, b) => ~(a ^ b);
const bitImply = (a, b) => ~a | b;
const bitAoi21 = (a, b, c) => ~(a | b & c);
const bitOai21 = (a, b, c) => ~(a & (b | c));
const bitAoi22 = (a, b, c, d) => ~(a & b | c & d);
const bitOai22 = (a, b, c, d) => ~((a | b) & (c | d));
const bitMux = (a, b, s) => (a & ~s | b & s) >>> 0;
const bitDemux = (a, b, s) => [
(a & ~s) >>> 0,
(b & s) >>> 0
export const bitNotM = (n, x) => maskL(n, ~x);
export const bitAndM = (n, a, b) => maskL(n, a & b);
export const bitNandM = (n, a, b) => maskL(n, ~(a & b));
export const bitOrM = (n, a, b) => maskL(n, a | b);
export const bitNorM = (n, a, b) => maskL(n, ~(a | b));
export const bitXorM = (n, a, b) => maskL(n, a ^ b);
export const bitXnorM = (n, a, b) => maskL(n, ~(a ^ b));
export const bitImplyM = (n, a, b) => maskL(n, ~a | b);
export const bitAoi21M = (n, a, b, c) => maskL(n, ~(a | (b & c)));
export const bitOai21M = (n, a, b, c) => maskL(n, ~(a & (b | c)));
export const bitAoi22M = (n, a, b, c, d) => maskL(n, ~((a & b) | (c & d)));
export const bitOai22M = (n, a, b, c, d) => maskL(n, ~((a | b) & (c | d)));
export const bitMuxM = (n, a, b, s) => maskL(n, (a & ~s) | (b & s));
export const bitDemuxM = (n, a, b, s) => [
maskL(n, a & ~s),
maskL(n, b & s),
const bitNotM = (n, x) => maskL(n, ~x);
const bitAndM = (n, a, b) => maskL(n, a & b);
const bitNandM = (n, a, b) => maskL(n, ~(a & b));
const bitOrM = (n, a, b) => maskL(n, a | b);
const bitNorM = (n, a, b) => maskL(n, ~(a | b));
const bitXorM = (n, a, b) => maskL(n, a ^ b);
const bitXnorM = (n, a, b) => maskL(n, ~(a ^ b));
const bitImplyM = (n, a, b) => maskL(n, ~a | b);
const bitAoi21M = (n, a, b, c) => maskL(n, ~(a | b & c));
const bitOai21M = (n, a, b, c) => maskL(n, ~(a & (b | c)));
const bitAoi22M = (n, a, b, c, d) => maskL(n, ~(a & b | c & d));
const bitOai22M = (n, a, b, c, d) => maskL(n, ~((a | b) & (c | d)));
const bitMuxM = (n, a, b, s) => maskL(n, a & ~s | b & s);
const bitDemuxM = (n, a, b, s) => [
maskL(n, a & ~s),
maskL(n, b & s)
export {
import { MASKS } from "./constants.js";
* Creates bit mask by enabling bit `a` to bit `b-1`, both in range
* 0-32. `b` MUST be >= `a`.
* @example
* ```ts
* defMask(1,31).toString(16) // 7ffffffe
* defMask(3,8).toString(16) // f8
* ```
* @param a - first bit
* @param b - last bit
export const defMask = (a, b) => (~MASKS[a] & MASKS[b]) >>> 0;
* Returns unsigned version of `x` with only lowest `n` bits.
* @param n - number of LSB bits
* @param x - value
export const maskL = (n, x) => (x & MASKS[n]) >>> 0;
* Returns unsigned version of `x` with only highest `n` bits.
* @param n - number of MSB bits
* @param x - value
export const maskH = (n, x) => (x & ~MASKS[n]) >>> 0;
const defMask = (a, b) => (~MASKS[a] & MASKS[b]) >>> 0;
const maskL = (n, x) => (x & MASKS[n]) >>> 0;
const maskH = (n, x) => (x & ~MASKS[n]) >>> 0;
export {
import { clz32 } from "./count.js";
* Converts binary `x` to one-hot format.
* @remarks
* Reference:
* @param x -
export const binaryOneHot = (x) => (1 << x) >>> 0;
* Converts one-hot `x` into binary, i.e. the position of the hot bit.
* @remarks
* Reference:
* @param x -
export const oneHotBinary = (x) => 31 - clz32(x);
const binaryOneHot = (x) => 1 << x >>> 0;
const oneHotBinary = (x) => 31 - clz32(x);
export {
"name": "",
"version": "3.3.40",
"version": "3.4.0",
"description": "100+ assorted binary / bitwise operations, conversions, utilities, lookup tables",

@@ -27,3 +27,5 @@ "type": "module",

"scripts": {
"build": "yarn clean && tsc --declaration",
"build": "yarn build:esbuild && yarn build:decl",
"build:decl": "tsc --declaration --emitDeclarationOnly",
"build:esbuild": "esbuild --format=esm --platform=neutral --target=es2022 --tsconfig=tsconfig.json --outdir=. src/**/*.ts",
"clean": "rimraf --glob '*.js' '*.d.ts' '*.map' doc",

@@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ "doc": "typedoc --excludePrivate --excludeInternal --out doc src/index.ts",

"dependencies": {
"": "^8.9.11"
"": "^8.9.12"
"devDependencies": {
"@microsoft/api-extractor": "^7.38.3",
"esbuild": "^0.19.8",
"rimraf": "^5.0.5",

@@ -132,3 +135,3 @@ "tools": "^0.0.1",

"gitHead": "25f2ac8ff795a432a930119661b364d4d93b59a0\n"
"gitHead": "5e7bafedfc3d53bc131469a28de31dd8e5b4a3ff\n"

@@ -1,20 +0,24 @@

export const isPow2 = (x) => !!x && !(x & (x - 1));
export const ceilPow2 = (x) => {
x += (x === 0);
x |= x >>> 1;
x |= x >>> 2;
x |= x >>> 4;
x |= x >>> 8;
x |= x >>> 16;
return x + 1;
const isPow2 = (x) => !!x && !(x & x - 1);
const ceilPow2 = (x) => {
x += x === 0;
x |= x >>> 1;
x |= x >>> 2;
x |= x >>> 4;
x |= x >>> 8;
x |= x >>> 16;
return x + 1;
export const floorPow2 = (x) => {
x |= x >>> 1;
x |= x >>> 2;
x |= x >>> 4;
x |= x >>> 8;
x |= x >>> 16;
return x - (x >>> 1);
const floorPow2 = (x) => {
x |= x >>> 1;
x |= x >>> 2;
x |= x >>> 4;
x |= x >>> 8;
x |= x >>> 16;
return x - (x >>> 1);
export {

@@ -57,3 +57,3 @@ <!-- This file is generated - DO NOT EDIT! -->

Package sizes (brotli'd, pre-treeshake): ESM: 2.08 KB
Package sizes (brotli'd, pre-treeshake): ESM: 2.19 KB

@@ -60,0 +60,0 @@ ## Dependencies

@@ -1,22 +0,8 @@

* Rotates `x` `n` bits to the left.
* @param x - value
* @param n - rotation step
export const rotateLeft = (x, n) => ((x << n) | (x >>> (32 - n))) >>> 0;
* Rotates `x` `n` bits to the right.
* @param x - value
* @param n - rotation step
export const rotateRight = (x, n) => ((x >>> n) | (x << (32 - n))) >>> 0;
* Shifts `x` by `n` bits left or right. If `n` >= 0, the value will be `>>>`
* shifted to right, if `n` < 0 the value will be shifted left.
* @param x -
* @param n -
export const shiftRL = (x, n) => (n < 0 ? x << -n : x >>> n);
const rotateLeft = (x, n) => (x << n | x >>> 32 - n) >>> 0;
const rotateRight = (x, n) => (x >>> n | x << 32 - n) >>> 0;
const shiftRL = (x, n) => n < 0 ? x << -n : x >>> n;
export {

@@ -1,58 +0,20 @@

* Repeats lowest nibble of `x` as 24 bit uint.
* @param x -
export const splat4_24 = (x) => (x & 0xf) * 0x111111;
* Repeats lowest nibble of `x` as 32 bit uint.
* @param x -
export const splat4_32 = (x) => ((x & 0xf) * 0x11111111) >>> 0;
* Repeats lowest byte of `x` as 24 bit uint.
* @param x -
export const splat8_24 = (x) => (x & 0xff) * 0x010101;
* Repeats lowest byte of `x` as 32 bit uint.
* @param x -
export const splat8_32 = (x) => ((x & 0xff) * 0x01010101) >>> 0;
* Repeats lowest 16bit of `x` as 32 bit uint.
* @param x -
export const splat16_32 = (x) => ((x &= 0xffff), ((x << 16) | x) >>> 0);
* Returns true if bits 0-3 are same as bits 4-7.
* @param x -
export const same4 = (x) => ((x >> 4) & 0xf) === (x & 0xf);
* Returns true if bits 0-7 are same as bits 8-15.
* @param x -
export const same8 = (x) => ((x >> 8) & 0xff) === (x & 0xff);
* Expands 3x4bit value like `0xabc` to 24bits: `0xaabbcc`
* @param x -
export const interleave4_12_24 = (x) => ((x & 0xf00) * 0x1100) | ((x & 0xf0) * 0x110) | ((x & 0xf) * 0x11);
* Expands 4x4bit value like `0xabcd` to 32bits: `0xaabbccdd`
* @param x -
export const interleave4_16_32 = (x) => (((x & 0xf000) * 0x11000) |
((x & 0xf00) * 0x1100) |
((x & 0xf0) * 0x110) |
((x & 0xf) * 0x11)) >>>
const splat4_24 = (x) => (x & 15) * 1118481;
const splat4_32 = (x) => (x & 15) * 286331153 >>> 0;
const splat8_24 = (x) => (x & 255) * 65793;
const splat8_32 = (x) => (x & 255) * 16843009 >>> 0;
const splat16_32 = (x) => (x &= 65535, (x << 16 | x) >>> 0);
const same4 = (x) => (x >> 4 & 15) === (x & 15);
const same8 = (x) => (x >> 8 & 255) === (x & 255);
const interleave4_12_24 = (x) => (x & 3840) * 4352 | (x & 240) * 272 | (x & 15) * 17;
const interleave4_16_32 = (x) => ((x & 61440) * 69632 | (x & 3840) * 4352 | (x & 240) * 272 | (x & 15) * 17) >>> 0;
export {

@@ -1,176 +0,43 @@

* Extracts 16-bit lane from given 32bit uint and returns as unsigned
* half word [0x0000 .. 0xffff].
* - Lane #0: bits 16-31
* - Lane #1: bits 0-15
* @param x -
* @param lane - lane ID enum
export const lane16 = (x, lane) => (x >>> ((1 - lane) << 4)) & 0xffff;
* Extracts 8-bit lane from given 32bit uint and returns as unsigned
* byte [0x00 .. 0xff].
* - Lane #0: bits 24-31
* - Lane #1: bits 16-23
* - Lane #2: bits 8-15
* - Lane #3: bits 0-7
* @param x -
* @param lane - lane ID enum
export const lane8 = (x, lane) => (x >>> ((3 - lane) << 3)) & 0xff;
* Extracts 4-bit lane from given 32bit uint and returns as unsigned
* nibble [0x00 .. 0x0f].
* - Lane #0: bits 28-31
* - Lane #1: bits 24-27
* - Lane #2: bits 20-23
* - Lane #3: bits 16-19
* - Lane #4: bits 12-15
* - Lane #5: bits 8-11
* - Lane #6: bits 4-7
* - Lane #7: bits 0-3
* @param x -
* @param lane - lane ID enum
export const lane4 = (x, lane) => (x >>> ((7 - lane) << 2)) & 0xf;
export const lane2 = (x, lane) => (x >>> ((15 - lane) << 1)) & 0x3;
export const setLane16 = (x, y, lane) => lane ? mux(x, y, 0xffff) : mux(x, y << 16, 0xffff0000);
* Sets 8-bit `lane` with value`y` in `x`.
* {@link lane8}
* @param x -
* @param y -
* @param lane - lane ID enum
export const setLane8 = (x, y, lane) => {
const l = (3 - lane) << 3;
return ((~(0xff << l) & x) | ((y & 0xff) << l)) >>> 0;
const lane16 = (x, lane) => x >>> (1 - lane << 4) & 65535;
const lane8 = (x, lane) => x >>> (3 - lane << 3) & 255;
const lane4 = (x, lane) => x >>> (7 - lane << 2) & 15;
const lane2 = (x, lane) => x >>> (15 - lane << 1) & 3;
const setLane16 = (x, y, lane) => lane ? mux(x, y, 65535) : mux(x, y << 16, 4294901760);
const setLane8 = (x, y, lane) => {
const l = 3 - lane << 3;
return (~(255 << l) & x | (y & 255) << l) >>> 0;
* Sets 4-bit `lane` with value `y` in `x`.
* {@link lane4}
* @param x -
* @param y -
* @param lane - lane ID enum
export const setLane4 = (x, y, lane) => {
const l = (7 - lane) << 2;
return ((~(0xf << l) & x) | ((y & 0xf) << l)) >>> 0;
const setLane4 = (x, y, lane) => {
const l = 7 - lane << 2;
return (~(15 << l) & x | (y & 15) << l) >>> 0;
* Sets 2-bit `lane` with value `y` in `x`.
* {@link lane2}
* @param x -
* @param y -
* @param lane - lane ID enum
export const setLane2 = (x, y, lane) => {
const l = (15 - lane) << 1;
return ((~(0x3 << l) & x) | ((y & 0x3) << l)) >>> 0;
const setLane2 = (x, y, lane) => {
const l = 15 - lane << 1;
return (~(3 << l) & x | (y & 3) << l) >>> 0;
* Re-orders byte lanes in given order (MSB).
* @example
* ```ts
* swizzle(0x12345678, 3, 2, 1, 0) // 0x78563412
* swizzle(0x12345678, 1, 0, 3, 2) // 0x34127856
* swizzle(0x12345678, 2, 2, 0, 0) // 0x56561212
* ```
* @param x - value
* @param a - lane ID enum
* @param b - lane ID enum
* @param c - lane ID enum
* @param d - lane ID enum
export const swizzle8 = (x, a, b, c, d) => ((lane8(x, a) << 24) |
(lane8(x, b) << 16) |
(lane8(x, c) << 8) |
lane8(x, d)) >>>
* @param x - value
* @param a - lane ID enum
* @param b - lane ID enum
* @param c - lane ID enum
* @param d - lane ID enum
* @param e - lane ID enum
* @param f - lane ID enum
* @param g - lane ID enum
* @param h - lane ID enum
export const swizzle4 = (x, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) => ((lane4(x, a) << 28) |
(lane4(x, b) << 24) |
(lane4(x, c) << 20) |
(lane4(x, d) << 16) |
(lane4(x, e) << 12) |
(lane4(x, f) << 8) |
(lane4(x, g) << 4) |
lane4(x, h)) >>>
* Merges bits of `a` and `b`, selecting bits from `b` where `mask` bits
* are set.
* @example
* ```ts
* mux(0x12345678, 0xaaaa5555, 0xffff0000)
* // 0xaaaa5678
* mux(0x12345678, 0xaaaa5555, 0x0000ffff)
* // 0x12345555
* ```
* @param a -
* @param b -
* @param mask -
export const mux = (a, b, mask) => (~mask & a) | (mask & b);
* Same as `swizzle8(x, 3, 2, 1, 0)`, but faster.
* @param x -
export const flip8 = (x) => ((x >>> 24) | ((x >> 8) & 0xff00) | ((x & 0xff00) << 8) | (x << 24)) >>> 0;
* Swaps the highest & lowest 16 bits in `x`.
* @example
* ```ts
* flip16(0x12345678)
* // 0x56781234
* ```
* @param x -
export const flip16 = (x) => mux(x << 16, x >>> 16, 0xffff);
* @deprecated renamed to {@link flip8}
export const flipBytes = flip8;
* Swaps bytes lanes 0 & 2 (i.e. bits 24-31 with bits 8-15)
* @param x -
export const swapLane02 = (x) => ((x & 0xff00) << 16) | ((x >>> 16) & 0xff00) | (x & 0x00ff00ff);
* Swaps bytes lanes 1 & 3 (i.e. bits 16-23 with bits 0-7)
* @param x -
export const swapLane13 = (x) => ((x & 0xff) << 16) | ((x >> 16) & 0xff) | (x & 0xff00ff00);
const swizzle8 = (x, a, b, c, d) => (lane8(x, a) << 24 | lane8(x, b) << 16 | lane8(x, c) << 8 | lane8(x, d)) >>> 0;
const swizzle4 = (x, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) => (lane4(x, a) << 28 | lane4(x, b) << 24 | lane4(x, c) << 20 | lane4(x, d) << 16 | lane4(x, e) << 12 | lane4(x, f) << 8 | lane4(x, g) << 4 | lane4(x, h)) >>> 0;
const mux = (a, b, mask) => ~mask & a | mask & b;
const flip8 = (x) => (x >>> 24 | x >> 8 & 65280 | (x & 65280) << 8 | x << 24) >>> 0;
const flip16 = (x) => mux(x << 16, x >>> 16, 65535);
const flipBytes = flip8;
const swapLane02 = (x) => (x & 65280) << 16 | x >>> 16 & 65280 | x & 16711935;
const swapLane13 = (x) => (x & 255) << 16 | x >> 16 & 255 | x & 4278255360;
export {
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