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Comparing version 0.3.2 to 0.3.3


@@ -6,2 +6,10 @@ # Change Log

## [0.3.3]( (2019-07-31)
**Note:** Version bump only for package
## [0.3.2]( (2019-07-12)

@@ -8,0 +16,0 @@



@@ -1,133 +0,1 @@

(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require(''), require('')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', '', ''], factory) :
(global = global || self, factory((global.thi = global.thi || {}, = || {}, = {}),,;
}(this, function (exports, math, vectors) { 'use strict';
const closestT = (p, a, b) => {
const d = vectors.sub([], b, a);
const l = vectors.magSq(d);
return l > 1e-6 ?[], p, a), d) / l : undefined;
const closestPointLine = (p, a, b) => vectors.mixN([], a, b, closestT(p, a, b) || 0);
const distToLine = (p, a, b) => vectors.dist(p, closestPointLine(p, a, b) || a);
const closestPointSegment = (p, a, b, out, insideOnly = false, eps = 0) => {
const t = closestT(p, a, b);
if (t !== undefined && (!insideOnly || (t >= eps && t <= 1 - eps))) {
out = out || vectors.empty(p);
return t <= 0 ? vectors.set(out, a) : t >= 1 ? vectors.set(out, b) : vectors.mixN(out, a, b, t);
const distToSegment = (p, a, b) => vectors.dist(p, closestPointSegment(p, a, b) || a);
const closestPointPolyline = (p, pts, closed = false, out = []) => {
if (!pts.length)
const tmp = [];
const n = pts.length - 1;
let minD = Infinity, i, j;
if (closed) {
i = n;
j = 0;
else {
i = 0;
j = 1;
for (; j <= n; i = j, j++) {
if (closestPointSegment(p, pts[i], pts[j], tmp)) {
const d = vectors.distSq(p, tmp);
if (d < minD) {
minD = d;
vectors.set(out, tmp);
return out;
const farthestPointSegment = (a, b, points, from = 0, to = points.length) => {
let maxD = -1;
let maxIdx = -1;
const tmp = vectors.empty(a);
for (let i = from; i < to; i++) {
const p = points[i];
const d = vectors.distSq(p, closestPointSegment(p, a, b, tmp) || a);
if (d > maxD) {
maxD = d;
maxIdx = i;
return [maxIdx, Math.sqrt(maxD)];
const closestPointArray = (p, pts, out = []) => {
let minD = Infinity;
let closest;
for (let i = pts.length; --i >= 0;) {
const d = vectors.distSq(pts[i], p);
if (d < minD) {
minD = d;
closest = pts[i];
return closest ? vectors.set(out, closest) : undefined;
const distToPlane = (p, n, w) =>, p) - w;
const closestPointPlane = (p, normal, w, out = []) => vectors.sub(out, p, vectors.normalize(out, normal, distToPlane(p, normal, w)));
const closestPointCircle = (p, c, r, out = []) => vectors.add(out, c, vectors.normalize(out, vectors.sub(out, p, c), r));
const closestPointSphere = closestPointCircle;
const closestPointRect = (p, bmin, bmax, out = []) => {
let minD = Infinity;
let minID;
let minW;
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
const j = i >> 1;
const w = (i & 1 ? bmax : bmin)[j];
const d = Math.abs(p[j] - w);
if (d < minD) {
minD = d;
minID = j;
minW = w;
return minID === 0
? vectors.setC2(out, minW, math.clamp(p[1], bmin[1], bmax[1]))
: vectors.setC2(out, math.clamp(p[0], bmin[0], bmax[0]), minW);
const closestPointAABB = (p, bmin, bmax, out = []) => {
let minD = Infinity;
let minID;
let minW;
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
const j = i >> 1;
const w = (i & 1 ? bmax : bmin)[j];
const d = Math.abs(p[j] - w);
if (d < minD) {
minD = d;
minID = j;
minW = w;
return minID === 0
? vectors.setC3(out, minW, math.clamp(p[1], bmin[1], bmax[1]), math.clamp(p[2], bmin[2], bmax[2]))
: minID === 1
? vectors.setC3(out, math.clamp(p[0], bmin[0], bmax[0]), minW, math.clamp(p[2], bmin[2], bmax[2]))
: vectors.setC3(out, math.clamp(p[0], bmin[0], bmax[0]), math.clamp(p[1], bmin[1], bmax[1]), minW);
exports.closestPointAABB = closestPointAABB;
exports.closestPointArray = closestPointArray;
exports.closestPointCircle = closestPointCircle;
exports.closestPointLine = closestPointLine;
exports.closestPointPlane = closestPointPlane;
exports.closestPointPolyline = closestPointPolyline;
exports.closestPointRect = closestPointRect;
exports.closestPointSegment = closestPointSegment;
exports.closestPointSphere = closestPointSphere;
exports.closestT = closestT;
exports.distToLine = distToLine;
exports.distToPlane = distToPlane;
exports.distToSegment = distToSegment;
exports.farthestPointSegment = farthestPointSegment;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
!function(t,e){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?e(exports,require(""),require("")):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports","",""],e):e(((t=t||self).thi=t.thi||{},||{},{}),,}(this,function(t,e,s){"use strict";const o=(t,e,o)=>{const n=s.sub([],o,e),i=s.magSq(n);return i>1e-6?[],t,e),n)/i:void 0},n=(t,e,n)=>s.mixN([],e,n,o(t,e,n)||0),i=(t,e,n,i,l=!1,r=0)=>{const c=o(t,e,n);if(void 0!==c&&(!l||c>=r&&c<=1-r))return i=i||s.empty(t),c<=0?s.set(i,e):c>=1?s.set(i,n):s.mixN(i,e,n,c)},l=(t,e,o)=>,t)-o,r=(t,e,o,n=[])=>s.add(n,e,s.normalize(n,s.sub(n,t,e),o)),c=r;t.closestPointAABB=(t,o,n,i=[])=>{let l,r,c=1/0;for(let e=0;e<6;e++){const s=e>>1,i=(1&e?n:o)[s],a=Math.abs(t[s]-i);a<c&&(c=a,l=s,r=i)}return 0===l?s.setC3(i,r,e.clamp(t[1],o[1],n[1]),e.clamp(t[2],o[2],n[2])):1===l?s.setC3(i,e.clamp(t[0],o[0],n[0]),r,e.clamp(t[2],o[2],n[2])):s.setC3(i,e.clamp(t[0],o[0],n[0]),e.clamp(t[1],o[1],n[1]),r)},t.closestPointArray=(t,e,o=[])=>{let n,i=1/0;for(let o=e.length;--o>=0;){const l=s.distSq(e[o],t);l<i&&(i=l,n=e[o])}return n?s.set(o,n):void 0},t.closestPointCircle=r,t.closestPointLine=n,t.closestPointPlane=(t,e,o,n=[])=>s.sub(n,t,s.normalize(n,e,l(t,e,o))),t.closestPointPolyline=(t,e,o=!1,n=[])=>{if(!e.length)return;const l=[],r=e.length-1;let c,a,d=1/0;for(o?(c=r,a=0):(c=0,a=1);a<=r;c=a,a++)if(i(t,e[c],e[a],l)){const e=s.distSq(t,l);e<d&&(d=e,s.set(n,l))}return n},t.closestPointRect=(t,o,n,i=[])=>{let l,r,c=1/0;for(let e=0;e<4;e++){const s=e>>1,i=(1&e?n:o)[s],a=Math.abs(t[s]-i);a<c&&(c=a,l=s,r=i)}return 0===l?s.setC2(i,r,e.clamp(t[1],o[1],n[1])):s.setC2(i,e.clamp(t[0],o[0],n[0]),r)},t.closestPointSegment=i,t.closestPointSphere=c,t.closestT=o,t.distToLine=(t,e,o)=>s.dist(t,n(t,e,o)||e),t.distToPlane=l,t.distToSegment=(t,e,o)=>s.dist(t,i(t,e,o)||e),t.farthestPointSegment=(t,e,o,n=0,l=o.length)=>{let r=-1,c=-1;const a=s.empty(t);for(let d=n;d<l;d++){const n=o[d],l=s.distSq(n,i(n,t,e,a)||t);l>r&&(r=l,c=d)}return[c,Math.sqrt(r)]},Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0})});
"name": "",
"version": "0.3.2",
"version": "0.3.3",
"description": "Closest point / proximity helpers",

@@ -17,22 +17,23 @@ "module": "./index.js",

"scripts": {
"build": "yarn clean && yarn build:es6 && yarn build:bundle",
"build": "yarn clean && yarn build:es6 && node ../../scripts/bundle-module",
"build:release": "yarn clean && yarn build:es6 && node ../../scripts/bundle-module all",
"build:es6": "tsc --declaration",
"build:bundle": "../../scripts/bundle-module",
"test": "rimraf build && tsc -p test/tsconfig.json && nyc mocha build/test/*.js",
"build:test": "rimraf build && tsc -p test/tsconfig.json",
"test": "yarn build:test && mocha build/test/*.js",
"cover": "yarn build:test && nyc mocha build/test/*.js && nyc report --reporter=lcov",
"clean": "rimraf *.js *.d.ts .nyc_output build coverage doc lib",
"cover": "yarn test && nyc report --reporter=lcov",
"doc": "node_modules/.bin/typedoc --mode modules --out doc --ignoreCompilerErrors src",
"pub": "yarn build && yarn publish --access public"
"pub": "yarn build:release && yarn publish --access public"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/mocha": "^5.2.6",
"@types/node": "^12.0.8",
"@types/node": "^12.6.3",
"mocha": "^6.1.4",
"nyc": "^14.0.0",
"typedoc": "^0.14.2",
"typescript": "^3.5.2"
"typescript": "^3.5.3"
"dependencies": {
"": "^1.4.1",
"": "^3.0.2"
"": "^1.4.2",
"": "^3.0.3"

@@ -54,3 +55,3 @@ "keywords": [

"sideEffects": false,
"gitHead": "47075afc37f3a16adee7c903a2935304c7cf5daf"
"gitHead": "53eec7988c378fc37ae140e7174f36ef9b6208fe"
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