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Comparing version 0.3.2 to 0.3.3


@@ -6,2 +6,10 @@ # Change Log

## [0.3.3]( (2019-07-31)
**Note:** Version bump only for package
## [0.3.2]( (2019-07-12)

@@ -8,0 +16,0 @@



@@ -1,363 +0,1 @@

(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require(''), require(''), require('')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', '', '', ''], factory) :
(global = global || self, factory((global.thi = global.thi || {}, = || {}, = {}),,,;
}(this, function (exports, geomClosestPoint, math, vectors) { 'use strict';
const pointInSegment = (p, a, b, eps = math.EPS) => {
const t = geomClosestPoint.closestT(p, a, b);
return t !== undefined
? vectors.distSq(p, vectors.mixN([], a, b, math.clamp01(t))) < eps * eps
: false;
const pointInCircle = (p, pos, r) => vectors.distSq(pos, p) <= r * r;
const pointInSphere = pointInCircle;
const classifyPointInCircle = (p, pos, r, eps = math.EPS) => math.sign(r * r - vectors.distSq(pos, p), eps);
const pointInCircumCircle = (a, b, c, d) => vectors.magSq(a) * vectors.signedArea2(b, c, d) -
vectors.magSq(b) * vectors.signedArea2(a, c, d) +
vectors.magSq(c) * vectors.signedArea2(a, b, d) -
vectors.magSq(d) * vectors.signedArea2(a, b, c) >
const pointInTriangle2 = (p, a, b, c) => {
const s = vectors.clockwise2(a, b, c) ? 1 : -1;
return (s * vectors.signedArea2(a, c, p) >= 0 &&
s * vectors.signedArea2(b, a, p) >= 0 &&
s * vectors.signedArea2(c, b, p) >= 0);
const classifyPointInTriangle2 = (p, a, b, c, eps = math.EPS) => {
const s = vectors.clockwise2(a, b, c) ? 1 : -1;
return math.sign(Math.min(s * vectors.signedArea2(a, c, p), s * vectors.signedArea2(b, a, p), s * vectors.signedArea2(c, b, p)), eps);
const pointInPolygon2 = (p, pts) => {
const n = pts.length - 1;
const px = p[0];
const py = p[1];
let a = pts[n];
let b = pts[0];
let inside = 0;
for (let i = 0; i <= n; a = b, b = pts[++i]) {
inside = classifyPointPolyPair(px, py, a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1], inside);
return inside;
const classifyPointPolyPair = (px, py, ax, ay, bx, by, inside) => ((ay < py && by >= py) || (by < py && ay >= py)) && (ax <= px || bx <= px)
? inside ^ (ax + ((py - ay) / (by - ay)) * (bx - ax) < px ? 1 : 0)
: inside;
const pointInAABB = ([x, y, z], pos, size) => x >= pos[0] &&
x <= pos[0] + size[0] &&
y >= pos[1] &&
y <= pos[1] + size[1] &&
z >= pos[2] &&
z <= pos[2] + size[2];
const pointInRect = ([x, y], pos, size) => x >= pos[0] &&
x <= pos[0] + size[0] &&
y >= pos[1] &&
y <= pos[1] + size[1];
const NONE = Object.freeze({
type: 0
const intersectCircleCircle = (a, b, ar, br) => {
const delta = vectors.sub([], b, a);
const d = vectors.mag(delta);
if (math.eqDeltaFixed(d, 0)) {
return { type: 2 };
if (d <= ar + br && d >= Math.abs(ar - br)) {
ar *= ar;
const alpha = (ar - br * br + d * d) / (2 * d);
const h = Math.sqrt(ar - alpha * alpha);
const p = vectors.maddN([], delta, alpha / d, a);
const t = vectors.mulN(null, vectors.perpendicularCCW(null, delta), h / d);
return {
type: 4 ,
isec: [vectors.add([], p, t), vectors.sub([], p, t)]
return NONE;
const testCircleCircle = (a, b, ar, br) => vectors.distSq(a, b) <= Math.pow(ar + br, 2);
const intersectLineLine = (a, b, c, d, eps = math.EPS) => {
const bax = b[0] - a[0];
const bay = b[1] - a[1];
const dcx = d[0] - c[0];
const dcy = d[1] - c[1];
const acx = a[0] - c[0];
const acy = a[1] - c[1];
const det = dcy * bax - dcx * bay;
let alpha = dcx * acy - dcy * acx;
let beta = bax * acy - bay * acx;
if (math.eqDeltaFixed(det, 0, eps)) {
if (math.eqDeltaFixed(alpha, 0, eps) && math.eqDeltaFixed(beta, 0, eps)) {
let isec = geomClosestPoint.closestPointSegment(c, a, b, undefined, true) ||
geomClosestPoint.closestPointSegment(d, a, b, undefined, true);
return {
type: isec
? 2
: 3 ,
return { type: 1 };
alpha /= det;
beta /= det;
const ieps = 1 - eps;
return {
type: eps < alpha && alpha < ieps && (eps < beta && beta < ieps)
? 4
: 5 ,
isec: vectors.mixN2([], a, b, alpha),
const isParallelLine = (a, b, c, d) => math.eqDeltaFixed((d[1] - c[1]) * (b[0] - a[0]) - (d[0] - c[0]) * (b[1] - a[1]), 0);
const intersectPlanePlane = (na, wa, nb, wb) => {
const dn = vectors.dot3(na, nb);
if (math.eqDeltaFixed(dn, 1)) {
return math.eqDelta(wa, wb) ? { type: 2 } : NONE;
const det = 1 / (1 - dn * dn);
const da = (wa - wb * dn) * det;
const db = (wb - wa * dn) * det;
return {
type: 4 ,
isec: [
vectors.add3(null, vectors.mulN3([], na, da), vectors.mulN3([], nb, db)),
vectors.cross3([], na, nb)
const intersectRayCircle = (rpos, dir, spos, r) => {
const delta = vectors.sub([], spos, rpos);
const w =, dir);
let d = r * r + w * w - vectors.magSq(delta);
if (d >= 0) {
d = Math.sqrt(d);
const a = w + d;
const b = w - d;
const isec = a >= 0
? b >= 0
? a > b
? [vectors.maddN(delta, dir, b, rpos), vectors.maddN([], dir, a, rpos)]
: [vectors.maddN(delta, dir, a, rpos), vectors.maddN([], dir, b, rpos)]
: [vectors.maddN(delta, dir, a, rpos)]
: b >= 0
? [vectors.maddN(delta, dir, b, rpos)]
: undefined;
return isec ? { type: 4 , isec } : NONE;
return NONE;
const intersectRayLine = (rpos, dir, a, b) => {
const bax = b[0] - a[0];
const bay = b[1] - a[1];
const d = dir[0] * bay - dir[1] * bax;
if (math.eqDeltaFixed(d, 0)) {
return NONE;
const arx = a[0] - rpos[0];
const ary = a[1] - rpos[1];
const t = (bay * arx - bax * ary) / d;
const s = (dir[1] * arx - dir[0] * ary) / d;
return t >= 0 && s >= 0 && s <= 1
? {
type: 4 ,
isec: vectors.maddN([], dir, t, rpos),
alpha: t
const intersectRayPlane = (rpos, dir, normal, w, eps = math.EPS) => {
const d =, dir);
const cp = math.sign(, rpos) - w, eps);
if ((d > eps && cp < 0) || (d < -eps && cp > 0)) {
const isec = vectors.sub(null, vectors.mulN([], normal, w), rpos);
const alpha =, isec) / d;
return {
type: 4 ,
isec: vectors.maddN(isec, dir, alpha, rpos),
return cp === 0
? {
type: 2 ,
isec: vectors.copy(rpos)
const intersectRayPolyline = (rpos, dir, pts, closed = false) => {
const n = pts.length - 1;
let minD = Infinity;
let cross = 0;
let i, j;
if (closed) {
i = pts[n];
j = pts[0];
else {
i = pts[0];
j = pts[1];
for (let k = 0; k <= n; i = j, j = pts[++k]) {
const d = intersectRayLine(rpos, dir, i, j).alpha;
if (d !== undefined) {
if (d < minD)
minD = d;
return cross > 0
? {
type: 4 ,
isec: vectors.maddN2([], dir, minD, rpos),
inside: !(cross & 1),
alpha: minD
const intersectRayPolylineAll = (rpos, dir, pts, closed = false) => {
const n = pts.length - 1;
let i, j;
if (closed) {
i = pts[n];
j = pts[0];
else {
i = pts[0];
j = pts[1];
const res = [];
for (let k = 0; k <= n; i = j, j = pts[++k]) {
const d = intersectRayLine(rpos, dir, i, j).alpha;
if (d !== undefined) {
res.push([d, vectors.maddN2([], dir, d, rpos)]);
return res.length
? {
type: 4 ,
isec: res.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]).map((x) => x[1])
const min = Math.min;
const max = Math.max;
const rayRect = (rpos, dir, bmin, bmax) => {
let p = rpos[0], d = 1 / dir[0];
let t1 = (bmin[0] - p) * d;
let t2 = (bmax[0] - p) * d;
let tmin = min(t1, t2);
let tmax = max(t1, t2);
(p = rpos[1]), (d = 1 / dir[1]);
t1 = (bmin[1] - p) * d;
t2 = (bmax[1] - p) * d;
return [max(tmin, min(t1, t2)), min(tmax, max(t1, t2))];
const rayBox = (rpos, dir, bmin, bmax) => {
let p = rpos[0], d = 1 / dir[0];
let t1 = (bmin[0] - p) * d;
let t2 = (bmax[0] - p) * d;
let tmin = min(t1, t2);
let tmax = max(t1, t2);
(p = rpos[1]), (d = 1 / dir[1]);
t1 = (bmin[1] - p) * d;
t2 = (bmax[1] - p) * d;
(p = rpos[2]), (d = 1 / dir[2]);
t1 = (bmin[2] - p) * d;
t2 = (bmax[2] - p) * d;
tmin = max(tmin, min(t1, t2));
tmax = min(tmax, max(t1, t2));
return [max(tmin, min(t1, t2)), min(tmax, max(t1, t2))];
const intersectWith = (fn) => (rpos, dir, bmin, bmax) => {
const t = fn(rpos, dir, bmin, bmax);
const tmin = t[0];
const tmax = t[1];
const inside = tmin < 0;
return tmax > max(tmin, 0)
? inside
? {
type: 4 ,
isec: [vectors.maddN([], dir, tmax, rpos)],
alpha: tmax
: {
type: 4 ,
isec: [
vectors.maddN([], dir, tmin, rpos),
vectors.maddN([], dir, tmax, rpos)
alpha: tmin,
beta: tmax
const intersectRayRect = intersectWith(rayRect);
const intersectRayAABB = intersectWith(rayBox);
const testRayRect = (rpos, dir, bmin, bmax) => {
const t = rayRect(rpos, dir, bmin, bmax);
return t[1] > max(t[0], 0);
const testRayAABB = (rpos, dir, bmin, bmax) => {
const t = rayBox(rpos, dir, bmin, bmax);
return t[1] > max(t[0], 0);
const testRectCircle = ([rx, ry], [w, h], [cx, cy], r) => axis(cx, rx, w) + axis(cy, ry, h) <= r * r;
const testAABBSphere = ([rx, ry, rz], [w, h, d], [cx, cy, cz], r) => axis(cx, rx, w) + axis(cy, ry, h) + axis(cz, rz, d) <= r * r;
const axis = (a, b, c) => Math.pow(a < b ? a - b : a > b + c ? a - b - c : 0, 2);
const testRectRect = ([ax, ay], [aw, ah], [bx, by], [bw, bh]) => !(ax > bx + bw || bx > ax + aw || ay > by + bh || by > ay + ah);
const testAabbAabb = ([ax, ay, az], [aw, ah, ad], [bx, by, bz], [bw, bh, bd]) => !(ax > bx + bw ||
bx > ax + aw ||
ay > by + bh ||
by > ay + ah ||
az > bz + bd ||
bz > az + ad);
exports.classifyPointInCircle = classifyPointInCircle;
exports.classifyPointInTriangle2 = classifyPointInTriangle2;
exports.classifyPointPolyPair = classifyPointPolyPair;
exports.intersectCircleCircle = intersectCircleCircle;
exports.intersectLineLine = intersectLineLine;
exports.intersectPlanePlane = intersectPlanePlane;
exports.intersectRayAABB = intersectRayAABB;
exports.intersectRayCircle = intersectRayCircle;
exports.intersectRayLine = intersectRayLine;
exports.intersectRayPlane = intersectRayPlane;
exports.intersectRayPolyline = intersectRayPolyline;
exports.intersectRayPolylineAll = intersectRayPolylineAll;
exports.intersectRayRect = intersectRayRect;
exports.isParallelLine = isParallelLine;
exports.pointInAABB = pointInAABB;
exports.pointInCircle = pointInCircle;
exports.pointInCircumCircle = pointInCircumCircle;
exports.pointInPolygon2 = pointInPolygon2;
exports.pointInRect = pointInRect;
exports.pointInSegment = pointInSegment;
exports.pointInSphere = pointInSphere;
exports.pointInTriangle2 = pointInTriangle2;
exports.testAABBSphere = testAABBSphere;
exports.testAabbAabb = testAabbAabb;
exports.testCircleCircle = testCircleCircle;
exports.testRayAABB = testRayAABB;
exports.testRayRect = testRayRect;
exports.testRectCircle = testRectCircle;
exports.testRectRect = testRectRect;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?t(exports,require(""),require(""),require("")):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports","","",""],t):t(((e=e||self).thi=e.thi||{},||{},{}),,,}(this,function(e,t,n,i){"use strict";const s=(e,t,n)=>i.distSq(t,e)<=n*n,r=s,a=(e,t,n,i,s,r,a)=>(i<t&&r>=t||r<t&&i>=t)&&(n<=e||s<=e)?a^(n+(t-i)/(r-i)*(s-n)<e?1:0):a,o=Object.freeze({type:0}),c=(e,t,s,r)=>{const a=r[0]-s[0],c=r[1]-s[1],l=t[0]*c-t[1]*a;if(n.eqDeltaFixed(l,0))return o;const d=s[0]-e[0],p=s[1]-e[1],u=(c*d-a*p)/l,g=(t[1]*d-t[0]*p)/l;return u>=0&&g>=0&&g<=1?{type:4,isec:i.maddN([],t,u,e),alpha:u}:o},l=Math.min,d=Math.max,p=(e,t,n,i)=>{let s=e[0],r=1/t[0],a=(n[0]-s)*r,o=(i[0]-s)*r,c=l(a,o),p=d(a,o);return s=e[1],r=1/t[1],a=(n[1]-s)*r,o=(i[1]-s)*r,[d(c,l(a,o)),l(p,d(a,o))]},u=(e,t,n,i)=>{let s=e[0],r=1/t[0],a=(n[0]-s)*r,o=(i[0]-s)*r,c=l(a,o),p=d(a,o);return s=e[1],r=1/t[1],a=(n[1]-s)*r,o=(i[1]-s)*r,s=e[2],r=1/t[2],a=(n[2]-s)*r,o=(i[2]-s)*r,c=d(c,l(a,o)),p=l(p,d(a,o)),[d(c,l(a,o)),l(p,d(a,o))]},g=e=>(t,n,s,r)=>{const a=e(t,n,s,r),c=a[0],l=a[1],p=c<0;return l>d(c,0)?p?{type:4,inside:p,isec:[i.maddN([],n,l,t)],alpha:l}:{type:4,isec:[i.maddN([],n,c,t),i.maddN([],n,l,t)],alpha:c,beta:l}:o},m=g(p),h=g(u),y=(e,t,n)=>Math.pow(e<t?e-t:e>t+n?e-t-n:0,2);e.classifyPointInCircle=(e,t,s,r=n.EPS)=>n.sign(s*s-i.distSq(t,e),r),e.classifyPointInTriangle2=(e,t,s,r,a=n.EPS)=>{const o=i.clockwise2(t,s,r)?1:-1;return n.sign(Math.min(o*i.signedArea2(t,r,e),o*i.signedArea2(s,t,e),o*i.signedArea2(r,s,e)),a)},e.classifyPointPolyPair=a,e.intersectCircleCircle=(e,t,s,r)=>{const a=i.sub([],t,e),c=i.mag(a);if(n.eqDeltaFixed(c,0))return{type:2};if(c<=s+r&&c>=Math.abs(s-r)){const t=((s*=s)-r*r+c*c)/(2*c),n=Math.sqrt(s-t*t),o=i.maddN([],a,t/c,e),l=i.mulN(null,i.perpendicularCCW(null,a),n/c);return{type:4,isec:[i.add([],o,l),i.sub([],o,l)]}}return o},e.intersectLineLine=(e,s,r,a,o=n.EPS)=>{const c=s[0]-e[0],l=s[1]-e[1],d=a[0]-r[0],p=a[1]-r[1],u=e[0]-r[0],g=e[1]-r[1],m=p*c-d*l;let h=d*g-p*u,y=c*g-l*u;if(n.eqDeltaFixed(m,0,o)){if(n.eqDeltaFixed(h,0,o)&&n.eqDeltaFixed(y,0,o)){let n=t.closestPointSegment(r,e,s,void 0,!0)||t.closestPointSegment(a,e,s,void 0,!0);return{type:n?2:3,isec:n}}return{type:1}}y/=m;const f=1-o;return{type:o<(h/=m)&&h<f&&o<y&&y<f?4:5,isec:i.mixN2([],e,s,h),alpha:h,beta:y,det:m}},e.intersectPlanePlane=(e,t,s,r)=>{const a=i.dot3(e,s);if(n.eqDeltaFixed(a,1))return n.eqDelta(t,r)?{type:2}:o;const c=1/(1-a*a),l=(t-r*a)*c,d=(r-t*a)*c;return{type:4,isec:[i.add3(null,i.mulN3([],e,l),i.mulN3([],s,d)),i.cross3([],e,s)]}},e.intersectRayAABB=h,e.intersectRayCircle=(e,t,n,s)=>{const r=i.sub([],n,e),,t);let c=s*s+a*a-i.magSq(r);if(c>=0){const n=a+(c=Math.sqrt(c)),s=a-c,l=n>=0?s>=0?n>s?[i.maddN(r,t,s,e),i.maddN([],t,n,e)]:[i.maddN(r,t,n,e),i.maddN([],t,s,e)]:[i.maddN(r,t,n,e)]:s>=0?[i.maddN(r,t,s,e)]:void 0;return l?{type:4,isec:l}:o}return o},e.intersectRayLine=c,e.intersectRayPlane=(e,t,s,r,a=n.EPS)=>{const,t),l=n.sign(,e)-r,a);if(c>a&&l<0||c<-a&&l>0){const n=i.sub(null,i.mulN([],s,r),e),,n)/c;return{type:4,isec:i.maddN(n,t,a,e),alpha:a}}return 0===l?{type:2,isec:i.copy(e)}:o},e.intersectRayPolyline=(e,t,n,s=!1)=>{const r=n.length-1;let a,l,d=1/0,p=0;s?(a=n[r],l=n[0]):(a=n[0],l=n[1]);for(let i=0;i<=r;a=l,l=n[++i]){const n=c(e,t,a,l).alpha;void 0!==n&&(p++,n<d&&(d=n))}return p>0?{type:4,isec:i.maddN2([],t,d,e),inside:!(1&p),alpha:d}:o},e.intersectRayPolylineAll=(e,t,n,s=!1)=>{const r=n.length-1;let a,l;s?(a=n[r],l=n[0]):(a=n[0],l=n[1]);const d=[];for(let s=0;s<=r;a=l,l=n[++s]){const n=c(e,t,a,l).alpha;void 0!==n&&d.push([n,i.maddN2([],t,n,e)])}return d.length?{type:4,isec:d.sort((e,t)=>e[0]-t[0]).map(e=>e[1])}:o},e.intersectRayRect=m,e.isParallelLine=(e,t,i,s)=>n.eqDeltaFixed((s[1]-i[1])*(t[0]-e[0])-(s[0]-i[0])*(t[1]-e[1]),0),e.pointInAABB=([e,t,n],i,s)=>e>=i[0]&&e<=i[0]+s[0]&&t>=i[1]&&t<=i[1]+s[1]&&n>=i[2]&&n<=i[2]+s[2],e.pointInCircle=s,e.pointInCircumCircle=(e,t,n,s)=>i.magSq(e)*i.signedArea2(t,n,s)-i.magSq(t)*i.signedArea2(e,n,s)+i.magSq(n)*i.signedArea2(e,t,s)-i.magSq(s)*i.signedArea2(e,t,n)>0,e.pointInPolygon2=(e,t)=>{const n=t.length-1,i=e[0],s=e[1];let r=t[n],o=t[0],c=0;for(let e=0;e<=n;r=o,o=t[++e])c=a(i,s,r[0],r[1],o[0],o[1],c);return c},e.pointInRect=([e,t],n,i)=>e>=n[0]&&e<=n[0]+i[0]&&t>=n[1]&&t<=n[1]+i[1],e.pointInSegment=(e,s,r,a=n.EPS)=>{const o=t.closestT(e,s,r);return void 0!==o&&i.distSq(e,i.mixN([],s,r,n.clamp01(o)))<a*a},e.pointInSphere=r,e.pointInTriangle2=(e,t,n,s)=>{const r=i.clockwise2(t,n,s)?1:-1;return r*i.signedArea2(t,s,e)>=0&&r*i.signedArea2(n,t,e)>=0&&r*i.signedArea2(s,n,e)>=0},e.testAABBSphere=([e,t,n],[i,s,r],[a,o,c],l)=>y(a,e,i)+y(o,t,s)+y(c,n,r)<=l*l,e.testAabbAabb=([e,t,n],[i,s,r],[a,o,c],[l,d,p])=>!(e>a+l||a>e+i||t>o+d||o>t+s||n>c+p||c>n+r),e.testCircleCircle=(e,t,n,s)=>i.distSq(e,t)<=Math.pow(n+s,2),e.testRayAABB=(e,t,n,i)=>{const s=u(e,t,n,i);return s[1]>d(s[0],0)},e.testRayRect=(e,t,n,i)=>{const s=p(e,t,n,i);return s[1]>d(s[0],0)},e.testRectCircle=([e,t],[n,i],[s,r],a)=>y(s,e,n)+y(r,t,i)<=a*a,e.testRectRect=([e,t],[n,i],[s,r],[a,o])=>!(e>s+a||s>e+n||t>r+o||r>t+i),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})});
"name": "",
"version": "0.3.2",
"version": "0.3.3",
"description": "2D/3D shape intersection checks",

@@ -17,25 +17,26 @@ "module": "./index.js",

"scripts": {
"build": "yarn clean && yarn build:es6 && yarn build:bundle",
"build": "yarn clean && yarn build:es6 && node ../../scripts/bundle-module",
"build:release": "yarn clean && yarn build:es6 && node ../../scripts/bundle-module all",
"build:es6": "tsc --declaration",
"build:bundle": "../../scripts/bundle-module",
"test": "rimraf build && tsc -p test/tsconfig.json && nyc mocha build/test/*.js",
"build:test": "rimraf build && tsc -p test/tsconfig.json",
"test": "yarn build:test && mocha build/test/*.js",
"cover": "yarn build:test && nyc mocha build/test/*.js && nyc report --reporter=lcov",
"clean": "rimraf *.js *.d.ts .nyc_output build coverage doc lib",
"cover": "yarn test && nyc report --reporter=lcov",
"doc": "node_modules/.bin/typedoc --mode modules --out doc --ignoreCompilerErrors src",
"pub": "yarn build && yarn publish --access public"
"pub": "yarn build:release && yarn publish --access public"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/mocha": "^5.2.6",
"@types/node": "^12.0.8",
"@types/node": "^12.6.3",
"mocha": "^6.1.4",
"nyc": "^14.0.0",
"typedoc": "^0.14.2",
"typescript": "^3.5.2"
"typescript": "^3.5.3"
"dependencies": {
"": "^6.3.1",
"": "^0.3.0",
"": "^0.3.2",
"": "^1.4.1",
"": "^3.0.2"
"": "^6.3.2",
"": "^0.3.1",
"": "^0.3.3",
"": "^1.4.2",
"": "^3.0.3"

@@ -60,3 +61,3 @@ "keywords": [

"sideEffects": false,
"gitHead": "47075afc37f3a16adee7c903a2935304c7cf5daf"
"gitHead": "53eec7988c378fc37ae140e7174f36ef9b6208fe"
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