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@thisway/next - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.10.0 to 0.10.1-beta.0



@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ var io = Object.defineProperty;

import { onMount as lo, onDestroy as Re, createEventDispatcher as co } from "svelte";
import { isValidNumber as jt, transformX as vt, transformY as yt, toPx as lt, isElement as Be, isTextInputElement as Ve, deltaTransform as Gt, defaults as le, NOOP_TRANSFORM as po, pick$ as V, clamp as Wt, noFinite as ce, animationFrameThrottle as pe, resizeObserver as Fe, reverseX as he, reverseY as fe, getElementsBounding as ho, getFrameElement as fo, EMPTY_SIZE as uo } from "@thisway/utils";
import { get as k, writable as wt, derived as M, readable as gt } from "svelte/store";
import { PRIMARY_COLOR_WHITE as De, PRIMARY_COLOR_BLACK as He, PRIMARY_COLOR_BLUE as wo, EMPTY_POINT as _o, POSITION_AUTO as qt, ORIENTATIONS as de, ALIGNMENTS as go, NO_ELEMENT as ht, ORIENTATIONS_TO_START_END as mo, ORIENTATIONS_Y as vo, popoverDefaultValues as yo, highlightDefaultValues as bo, LAYOUT_MODE_1 as St, LAYOUT_MODE_3 as We } from "@thisway/base";
import { isValidNumber as jt, transformX as _t, transformY as gt, toPx as lt, isElement as Be, isTextInputElement as Ve, deltaTransform as Gt, defaults as le, NOOP_TRANSFORM as po, pick$ as V, clamp as Wt, finite as ce, animationFrameThrottle as pe, resizeObserver as Fe, reverseX as he, reverseY as fe, getElementsBounding as ho, getFrameElement as fo, EMPTY_SIZE as uo } from "@thisway/utils";
import { get as k, writable as wt, derived as L, readable as mt } from "svelte/store";
import { PRIMARY_COLOR_WHITE as De, PRIMARY_COLOR_BLACK as He, PRIMARY_COLOR_BLUE as wo, EMPTY_POINT as _o, POSITION_AUTO as qt, ORIENTATIONS as de, ALIGNMENTS as go, NO_ELEMENT as ht, ORIENTATIONS_TO_START_END as vo, ORIENTATIONS_Y as mo, popoverDefaultValues as yo, highlightDefaultValues as bo, LAYOUT_MODE_1 as St, LAYOUT_MODE_3 as We } from "@thisway/base";
export * from "@thisway/base";
import { SvelteComponent as It, init as Mt, safe_not_equal as Lt, append_styles as Kt, space as Q, empty as Xt, insert as W, noop as bt, detach as j, component_subscribe as N, svg_element as Yt, attr as S, set_style as Y, append as X, listen as Rt, element as U, action_destroyer as je, is_function as Ye, binding_callbacks as Ge, construct_svelte_component as ue, create_component as Ot, mount_component as Et, group_outros as ct, transition_out as R, destroy_component as Pt, check_outros as pt, transition_in as T, run_all as $o, text as Bt, set_data as Vt, compute_slots as Co, create_slot as $t, update_slot_base as Ct, get_all_dirty_from_scope as xt, get_slot_changes as kt } from "svelte/internal";
import { SvelteComponent as It, init as Mt, safe_not_equal as Lt, append_styles as Kt, space as Q, empty as Xt, insert as W, noop as bt, detach as j, component_subscribe as I, svg_element as Yt, attr as S, set_style as Y, append as X, listen as Rt, element as U, action_destroyer as je, is_function as Ye, binding_callbacks as Ge, construct_svelte_component as ue, create_component as Ot, mount_component as Et, group_outros as ct, transition_out as B, destroy_component as Pt, check_outros as pt, transition_in as T, run_all as $o, text as Bt, set_data as Vt, compute_slots as Co, create_slot as $t, update_slot_base as Ct, get_all_dirty_from_scope as xt, get_slot_changes as kt } from "svelte/internal";
import "svelte/internal/disclose-version";

@@ -100,3 +100,3 @@ import { getHighlightOptions as xo, NO_ELEMENT as ko, CLICK_MASK_ACTION_NEXT as To, CLICK_MASK_ACTION_CLOSE as So, getRenderIndex as Oo } from "@thisway/next";

const Mo = (o, t) => {
const e = wt(o), s = wt(t), n = M(e, (l) => l.filter((c) => !c.isHidden)), r = M([e, s], Zt), i = M([n, s], Zt), a = M([e, r], ([l, c]) => c != null ? l[c] : void 0);
const e = wt(o), s = wt(t), n = L(e, (l) => l.filter((c) => !c.isHidden)), r = L([e, s], Zt), i = L([n, s], Zt), a = L([e, r], ([l, c]) => c != null ? l[c] : void 0);
return {

@@ -114,3 +114,3 @@ steps$: e,

const ne = (o, t) => {
const e = o.window || window, s = vt(e.document.documentElement.clientWidth, 0, t), n = yt(0, e.document.documentElement.clientHeight, t);
const e = o.window || window, s = _t(e.document.documentElement.clientWidth, 0, t), n = gt(0, e.document.documentElement.clientHeight, t);
return {

@@ -138,3 +138,3 @@ width: s,

function mt(o, t, e) {
function yt(o, t, e) {
if (!o)

@@ -160,6 +160,6 @@ return Tt;

const { x: n, y: r, padding: i, borderWidth: a } = o, l = Gt(s);
let c = vt(i, 0, l), u = yt(0, i, l);
let c = _t(i, 0, l), u = gt(0, i, l);
t && (c += a, u += a);
const p = a * 2, d = n - c + p, v = r - u, h = o.width + (c - p) * 2, _ = o.height + (u - p) * 2, g = e.width, C = e.height;
return `M${g},0L0,0L0,${C}L${g},${C}L${g},0ZM${d},${v}h${h}a${p},${p} 0 0 1 ${p},${p}v${_}a${p},${p} 0 0 1 -${p},${p}h-${h}a${p},${p} 0 0 1 -${p},-${p}v-${_}a${p},${p} 0 0 1 ${p},-${p}z`;
const f = a * 2, d = n - c + f, g = r - u, p = o.width + (c - f) * 2, _ = o.height + (u - f) * 2, v = e.width, $ = e.height;
return `M${v},0L0,0L0,${$}L${v},${$}L${v},0ZM${d},${g}h${p}a${f},${f} 0 0 1 ${f},${f}v${_}a${f},${f} 0 0 1 -${f},${f}h-${p}a${f},${f} 0 0 1 -${f},-${f}v-${_}a${f},${f} 0 0 1 ${f},-${f}z`;
}, Ze = (o, t = o) => o === De ? He : t, Vo = (o, t, e) => {

@@ -170,3 +170,3 @@ const s = le({ ...t }, o);

const { effectiveSteps$: o } = H(Ft).store, t = H(re);
return M([o, t], ([e, { step: s }]) => Zt([e, s == null ? void 0 :]));
return L([o, t], ([e, { step: s }]) => Zt([e, s == null ? void 0 :]));
}, Je = () => H(zt).popover, Hs = () => H(zt).highlight, Do = (o) => {

@@ -181,3 +181,3 @@ const t = (o == null ? void 0 : o.primaryColor) || wo, e = (o == null ? void 0 : o.textColor) || Ze(t, De), s = (o == null ? void 0 : o.descColor) || He;

const { effectiveSteps$: e } = o;
return M([t, e], ([s, n]) => jt(s) ? + 1) : void 0);
return L([t, e], ([s, n]) => jt(s) ? + 1) : void 0);
}, { assign: we } = Object, eo = (o, t) => (we(, t), {

@@ -190,5 +190,5 @@ update(e) {

let { x: e, y: s, width: n, height: r } = o;
e = vt(e, s, t), s = yt(e, s, t);
e = _t(e, s, t), s = gt(e, s, t);
const i = Gt(t);
return n = vt(n, 0, i), r = yt(0, r, i), {
return n = _t(n, 0, i), r = gt(0, r, i), {
x: e,

@@ -200,3 +200,3 @@ y: s,

const ae = gt(po);
const ae = mt(po);
function Wo(o) {

@@ -252,3 +252,3 @@ Kt(o, "svelte-1ge2xpm", ".thisway-mask{position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;display:block}.thisway-mask path{pointer-events:auto}.thisway-highlight{position:absolute;overflow:visible;pointer-events:none;border-style:solid;border-color:var(--thisway-highlight-border-color);box-sizing:content-box;border-width:var(--thisway-highlight-border-width);border-radius:calc(var(--thisway-highlight-border-width) * 2)}.thisway-highlight-pulse{position:absolute;animation:hotspot-pulse 1.5s infinite;opacity:0.4;width:100%;height:100%;top:0;left:0;box-sizing:content-box;padding:var(--thisway-highlight-border-width);border-radius:calc(var(--thisway-highlight-border-width) * 2);transform:translate(calc(var(--thisway-highlight-border-width) * -1), calc(var(--thisway-highlight-border-width) * -1))}@keyframes hotspot-pulse{0%{box-shadow:0 0 0 0 var(--thisway-highlight-border-color, #3082ed)}50%{box-shadow:0 0 0 10px var(--thisway-highlight-border-color, #3082ed)}100%{box-shadow:0 0 0 0 var(--thisway-highlight-border-color, #3082ed)}}");

o[8] && me()
o[8] && ve()

@@ -279,3 +279,3 @@ return {

i[8] ? r || (r = me(), r.c(), r.m(t, null)) : r && (r.d(1), r = null), e && Ye(e.update) && a & /*$borderBoundingStyle$*/
i[8] ? r || (r = ve(), r.c(), r.m(t, null)) : r && (r.d(1), r = null), e && Ye(e.update) && a & /*$borderBoundingStyle$*/
128 &&

@@ -304,3 +304,3 @@ null,

function me(o) {
function ve(o) {
let t;

@@ -347,13 +347,13 @@ return {

function Yo(o, t, e) {
let s, n, r, i, a, l, c, u, p;
const d = H(Ft), v = H(Xe), h = H(se), _ = Qe(), g = xo(), C = V(g, "showMask");
N(o, C, (y) => e(0, s = y));
const $ = V(g, "showBorder");
N(o, $, (y) => e(4, a = y));
const b = V(g, "showHeartbeat"), x = V(g, "padding"), B = V(g, "maskOpacity");
N(o, B, (y) => e(3, i = y));
const L = V(g, "borderWidth");
let P, A = wt(void 0);
N(o, A, (y) => e(1, n = y));
const I = h.transform$ ?? ae, O = M([v, L, x], ([y, F, z], tt) => {
let s, n, r, i, a, l, c, u, f;
const d = H(Ft), g = H(Xe), p = H(se), _ = Qe(), v = xo(), $ = V(v, "showMask");
I(o, $, (y) => e(0, s = y));
const b = V(v, "showBorder");
I(o, b, (y) => e(4, a = y));
const x = V(v, "showHeartbeat"), C = V(v, "padding"), R = V(v, "maskOpacity");
I(o, R, (y) => e(3, i = y));
const O = V(v, "borderWidth");
let A, N = wt(void 0);
I(o, N, (y) => e(1, n = y));
const M = p.transform$ ?? ae, E = L([g, O, C], ([y, F, z], tt) => {
const K = y ? k(y) : void 0, D = {

@@ -368,3 +368,3 @@ x: 0,

if (!K || K === ko) {
const dt = ne(h, k(I)), w = P ? k(P) : {
const dt = ne(p, k(M)), w = A ? k(A) : {
x: dt.width / 2,

@@ -380,3 +380,3 @@ y: dt.height / 2,

D.x = K.x, D.y = K.y, D.width = K.width, D.height = K.height;
P || (P = At(
A || (A = At(

@@ -392,29 +392,29 @@ x: D.x + D.width / 2,

const it = P.subscribe(tt);
return P.set(D), () => {
const it = A.subscribe(tt);
return A.set(D), () => {
}), f = M([O, $, C, A], ([y, F, z, tt], K) => {
}), h = L([E, b, $, N], ([y, F, z, tt], K) => {
if (!y || !z || !tt)
const D = Bo(y, F, tt.getBoundingClientRect(), k(I));
const D = Bo(y, F, tt.getBoundingClientRect(), k(M));
N(o, f, (y) => e(2, r = y));
const E = M(O, (y, F) => {
I(o, h, (y) => e(2, r = y));
const P = L(E, (y, F) => {
if (!y)
const z = Gt(k(I)), { x: tt, y: K, borderWidth: D, padding: it, width: dt, height: w } = y, J = vt(it, 0, z), _t = yt(0, it, z);
const z = Gt(k(M)), { x: tt, y: K, borderWidth: D, padding: it, width: dt, height: w } = y, J = _t(it, 0, z), vt = gt(0, it, z);
left: lt(tt - D - J),
top: lt(K - D - _t),
top: lt(K - D - vt),
width: lt(dt),
height: lt(w),
padding: `${lt(_t)} ${lt(J)}`
padding: `${lt(vt)} ${lt(J)}`
N(o, E, (y) => e(7, u = y));
const q = M(O, (y) => lt(y == null ? void 0 : y.borderWidth));
N(o, q, (y) => e(5, l = y));
const st = M([g, _], ([y, F]) => {
I(o, P, (y) => e(7, u = y));
const q = L(E, (y) => lt(y == null ? void 0 : y.borderWidth));
I(o, q, (y) => e(5, l = y));
const st = L([v, _], ([y, F]) => {
if (y != null && y.borderColor)

@@ -425,8 +425,8 @@ return y.borderColor;

N(o, st, (y) => e(6, c = y));
const Z = M([b, O], ([y, F]) => !!(y && (F != null && F.width) && (F != null && F.height)));
N(o, Z, (y) => e(8, p = y));
I(o, st, (y) => e(6, c = y));
const Z = L([x, E], ([y, F]) => !!(y && (F != null && F.width) && (F != null && F.height)));
I(o, Z, (y) => e(8, f = y));
const ft = () => {
var F;
switch ((F = k(g)) == null ? void 0 : F.clickMask) {
switch ((F = k(v)) == null ? void 0 : F.clickMask) {
case So: {

@@ -444,3 +444,3 @@ d.onClose();

Ge[y ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
n = y, A.set(n);
n = y, N.set(n);

@@ -457,9 +457,9 @@ }


@@ -477,3 +477,3 @@ st,

const ve = 0.05, oo = (o) => {
const me = 0.05, oo = (o) => {
if (!o || o === qt)

@@ -488,6 +488,6 @@ return [qt, void 0];

return e;
const i = o.x + o.width, a = o.y + o.height, c = o.y - t.height - n >= 0, p = r.height - (a + t.height) - n >= 0, v = o.x - t.width - s >= 0, _ = r.width - (i + t.width) - s >= 0;
if (e === "BOTTOM" && p)
const i = o.x + o.width, a = o.y + o.height, c = o.y - t.height - n >= 0, f = r.height - (a + t.height) - n >= 0, g = o.x - t.width - s >= 0, _ = r.width - (i + t.width) - s >= 0;
if (e === "BOTTOM" && f)
return "BOTTOM";
if (e === "LEFT" && v)
if (e === "LEFT" && g)
return "LEFT";

@@ -498,4 +498,4 @@ if (e === "TOP" && c)

return "RIGHT";
const g = r.width * ve, C = r.height * ve;
return o.y < C && p ? "BOTTOM" : r.width - i < g && v ? "LEFT" : r.height - a < C && c ? "TOP" : o.x < g && _ ? "RIGHT" : p ? "BOTTOM" : v ? "LEFT" : c ? "TOP" : _ ? "RIGHT" : "SCREEN";
const v = r.width * me, $ = r.height * me;
return o.y < $ && f ? "BOTTOM" : r.width - i < v && g ? "LEFT" : r.height - a < $ && c ? "TOP" : o.x < v && _ ? "RIGHT" : f ? "BOTTOM" : g ? "LEFT" : c ? "TOP" : _ ? "RIGHT" : "SCREEN";
}, Jt = {

@@ -511,10 +511,10 @@ ..._o,

END: e - s + r.borderWidth + r.padding
}, l = ((c, u, p) => {
}, l = ((c, u, f) => {
let d;
for (const v of c) {
const h = i[v], _ = Xo(h, h + s, u, p);
for (const g of c) {
const p = i[g], _ = Xo(p, p + s, u, f);
if (_ > 0)
d ? _ < d.overflowPx && (d = { adjustAlignment: v, overflowPx: _ }) : d = { adjustAlignment: v, overflowPx: _ };
d ? _ < d.overflowPx && (d = { adjustAlignment: g, overflowPx: _ }) : d = { adjustAlignment: g, overflowPx: _ };
return { adjustAlignment: v, value: h };
return { adjustAlignment: g, value: p };

@@ -536,13 +536,13 @@ return {

return l;
}, zo = (o, t, e, s, n, r, i, a, l) => {
const c = {
}, zo = (o, t, e, s, n, r, i, a, l, c) => {
const u = {
visibility: "visible"
let u, p, d;
let f, d, g;
if (!e || e === ht || o === "SCREEN")
p = (i.height - s.height) / 2, d = (i.width - s.width) / 2;
d = (i.height - s.height) / 2, g = (i.width - s.width) / 2;
else {
const v = e.x + e.width, h = e.y + e.height, _ = () => {
const b = ye(
const v = e.x + e.width, $ = e.y + e.height, b = () => {
const O = ye(

@@ -555,8 +555,8 @@ e.x,

d = b.value, u = b.adjustAlignment;
}, g = () => {
const b = ye(
g = O.value, f = O.adjustAlignment;
}, x = () => {
const O = ye(

@@ -566,23 +566,23 @@ i.height,

p = b.value, u = b.adjustAlignment;
}, C = i.height - s.height, $ = i.width - s.width;
d = O.value, f = O.adjustAlignment;
}, C = i.height - s.height, R = i.width - s.width;
switch (o) {
case "OVER": {
p = e.y + (e.height - s.height) / 2, d = e.x + (e.width - s.width) / 2;
d = e.y + (e.height - s.height) / 2, g = e.x + (e.width - s.width) / 2;
case "TOP": {
p = Wt(e.y - s.height - l, 0, C), _();
d = Wt(e.y - s.height - l, 0, C), b();
case "BOTTOM": {
p = Wt(h + l, n, C), _();
d = Wt($ + l, n, C), b();
case "LEFT": {
d = Wt(e.x - s.width - a, 0, $), g();
g = Wt(e.x - s.width - a, 0, R), x();
case "RIGHT": {
d = Wt(v + a, n, $), g();
g = Wt(v + a, n, R), x();

@@ -592,3 +592,4 @@ }

return c.x = ce(d), c.y = ce(p), { style: c, alignment: u || "CENTER" };
const p = ce(g), _ = ce(d);
return u.x = _t(p, _, c), u.y = gt(p, _, c), { style: u, alignment: f || "CENTER" };
}, Uo = (o, t) => {

@@ -599,19 +600,20 @@ let e, s;

const l = k(t.popover), c = l.offset, u = oo(l.position), p = k(t.highlight), { padding: d, borderWidth: v } = p, h = k(r), _ = n == null ? void 0 :, g = u[0], C = u[1], $ = ne(o, a), b = vt(d, 0, a) + c + v, x = yt(0, d, a) + c + v, B = h === ht ? "SCREEN" : Ko(h, i, g, b, x, $), { style: L, alignment: P } = zo(
C === e ? s : C,
const l = k(t.popover), c = l.offset, u = oo(l.position), f = k(t.highlight), { padding: d, borderWidth: g } = f, p = k(r), _ = n == null ? void 0 :, v = u[0], $ = u[1], b = ne(o, a), x = _t(d, 0, a) + c + g, C = gt(0, d, a) + c + g, R = p === ht ? "SCREEN" : Ko(p, i, v, x, C, b), { style: O, alignment: A } = zo(
$ === e ? s : $,
return e = C, s = P, {
orientation: B,
alignment: P,
return e = $, s = A, {
orientation: R,
alignment: A,
stepId: _,
stepOrientation: g,
style: L
stepOrientation: v,
style: O

@@ -624,3 +626,3 @@ };

function Zo(o) {
let t, e, s, n, r, i, a, l, c, u, p;
let t, e, s, n, r, i, a, l, c, u, f;
e = new Go({});

@@ -631,6 +633,6 @@ var d = (

function v(h, _) {
function g(p, _) {
return {};
return d && (r = ue(d, v()), r.$on(
return d && (r = ue(d, g()), r.$on(

@@ -683,4 +685,4 @@ /*onClose*/

m(h, _) {
W(h, t, _), Et(e, t, null), X(t, s), X(t, n), r && Et(r, n, null), o[20](n), c = !0, u || (p = [
m(p, _) {
W(p, t, _), Et(e, t, null), X(t, s), X(t, n), r && Et(r, n, null), o[20](n), c = !0, u || (f = [

@@ -700,25 +702,25 @@ window,

p(h, _) {
p(p, _) {
if (_[0] & /*$popoverComponent$*/
256 && d !== (d = /*$popoverComponent$*/
h[8])) {
p[8])) {
if (r) {
const g = r;
R(g.$$.fragment, 1, 0, () => {
Pt(g, 1);
const v = r;
B(v.$$.fragment, 1, 0, () => {
Pt(v, 1);
}), pt();
d ? (r = ue(d, v()), r.$on(
d ? (r = ue(d, g()), r.$on(
), r.$on(
), r.$on(
), Ot(r.$$.fragment), T(r.$$.fragment, 1), Et(r, n, null)) : r = null;

@@ -728,10 +730,10 @@ }

64 && i !== (i = "thisway-popover__container " + /*$popoverClassName$*/
h[6])) && S(n, "class", i), a && Ye(a.update) && _[0] & /*$popoverStyle$*/
p[6])) && S(n, "class", i), a && Ye(a.update) && _[0] & /*$popoverStyle$*/
128 &&
), (!c || _[0] & /*$className$*/
4 && l !== (l = "thisway " + /*$className$*/
h[2])) && S(t, "class", l), _[0] & /*position*/
p[2])) && S(t, "class", l), _[0] & /*position*/
1 && Y(

@@ -741,3 +743,3 @@ t,

), _[0] & /*$step$*/

@@ -748,3 +750,3 @@ 8 && Y(

h[3] ? "block" : "none"
p[3] ? "block" : "none"
), _[0] & /*$zIndex$*/

@@ -755,3 +757,3 @@ 16 && Y(

), _[0] & /*$theme$*/

@@ -762,3 +764,3 @@ 32 && Y(

), _[0] & /*$theme$*/

@@ -769,3 +771,3 @@ 32 && Y(

), _[0] & /*$theme$*/

@@ -776,13 +778,13 @@ 32 && Y(

i(h) {
c || (T(e.$$.fragment, h), r && T(r.$$.fragment, h), c = !0);
i(p) {
c || (T(e.$$.fragment, p), r && T(r.$$.fragment, p), c = !0);
o(h) {
R(e.$$.fragment, h), r && R(r.$$.fragment, h), c = !1;
o(p) {
B(e.$$.fragment, p), r && B(r.$$.fragment, p), c = !1;
d(h) {
h && j(t), Pt(e), r && Pt(r), o[20](null), u = !1, $o(p);
d(p) {
p && j(t), Pt(e), r && Pt(r), o[20](null), u = !1, $o(f);

@@ -792,20 +794,20 @@ };

function Jo(o, t, e) {
let s, n, r, i, a, l, c, { position: u = "fixed" } = t, p;
const d = H(Qt), v = H(te), h = H(se), _ = Je(), g = H(ze), C = H(re), $ = V(C, "step");
N(o, $, (m) => e(3, n = m));
const b = V(C, "index"), x = M([$, d], ([m, G]) => {
let s, n, r, i, a, l, c, { position: u = "fixed" } = t, f;
const d = H(Qt), g = H(te), p = H(se), _ = Je(), v = H(ze), $ = H(re), b = V($, "step");
I(o, b, (m) => e(3, n = m));
const x = V($, "index"), C = L([b, d], ([m, G]) => {
if (m)
return h.getPopoverComponent(m, G);
return p.getPopoverComponent(m, G);
N(o, x, (m) => e(8, c = m));
const B = V(d, "zIndex", 1e4);
N(o, B, (m) => e(4, r = m));
const L = V(d, "className", "");
N(o, L, (m) => e(2, s = m));
const P = V(_, "className", "");
N(o, P, (m) => e(6, a = m));
const A = H(oe), I = V(A, "style");
let O, f, E, q = -1;
I(o, C, (m) => e(8, c = m));
const R = V(d, "zIndex", 1e4);
I(o, R, (m) => e(4, r = m));
const O = V(d, "className", "");
I(o, O, (m) => e(2, s = m));
const A = V(_, "className", "");
I(o, A, (m) => e(6, a = m));
const N = H(oe), M = V(N, "style");
let E, h, P, q = -1;
const st = () => {
const m = k($);
const m = k(b);
return !(m != null && m.survey || m != null &&;

@@ -815,8 +817,8 @@ }, Z = () => st() ? void 0 : "MoveIn", ft = (m, G, at) => {

return { x: rt, y: Ut };
}, nt = h.transform$ ?? ae;
}, nt = p.transform$ ?? ae;
let y = !0;
const F = M(
const F = L(
(m, G) => {
const at = k(C).index;
const at = k($).index;
if (!m) {

@@ -826,38 +828,38 @@ G(Jt);

const rt = ne(h, k(nt)), Ut = k(g), Dt = { x: m.x, y: m.y };
const rt = ne(p, k(nt)), Ut = k(v), Dt = { x: m.x, y: m.y };
let ro = Z();
if (q === -1 || q < at ? y = !0 : q > at && (y = !1), ro) {
const ut = ft(rt, Ut, y), Ht = Math.max(Math.abs(Dt.x - ut.x), Math.abs(Dt.y - ut.y)) / 1e3 * 600;
!f || q !== k(b) ? f = At(ut, { duration: Ht, easing: Nt }) : ut.y !== k(f).y && (f = At(
!h || q !== k(x) ? h = At(ut, { duration: Ht, easing: Nt }) : ut.y !== k(h).y && (h = At(
x: k(f).x,
x: k(h).x,
y: ut.y
{ duration: Ht, easing: Nt }
)), E = f;
)), P = h;
} else
O || (G(m), O = At(Dt, { duration: 300, easing: Nt })), E = O;
const no = E.subscribe(({ x: ut, y: Ht }) => {
E || (G(m), E = At(Dt, { duration: 300, easing: Nt })), P = E;
const no = P.subscribe(({ x: ut, y: Ht }) => {
G({ ...m, x: ut, y: Ht });
return E.set(Dt), q = at, no;
return P.set(Dt), q = at, no;
), z = M(F, (m) => {
), z = L(F, (m) => {
const G = Lo(m);
return k(_).showPopover === !1 && st() && (G.visibility = "hidden"), G;
N(o, z, (m) => e(7, l = m));
I(o, z, (m) => e(7, l = m));
const tt = Qe();
N(o, tt, (m) => e(5, i = m));
I(o, tt, (m) => e(5, i = m));
const K = H(Ft), { onPrev: D, onNext: it, onClose: dt } = K, w = (m) => {
if (!K.isActive() || k(d).keyboardControl === !1)
const G = h.onKeydown ? h.onKeydown(m) : Ro(m);
const G = p.onKeydown ? p.onKeydown(m) : Ro(m);
}, J = M(C, ({ element: m }, G) => {
}, J = L($, ({ element: m }, G) => {
if (!m || m === ht || k(d).interactive === !1 || k(_).position === "SCREEN")
return Tt;
const at = m.ownerDocument.defaultView;
return mt(at, "click", (rt) => {
return yt(at, "click", (rt) => {
G(rt), !( === document.body || !qe( || !Be( || Ve( || !m.contains( && it();

@@ -867,9 +869,9 @@ });

lo(() => {
}), Re(() => {
v.set(void 0), J();
g.set(void 0), J();
function _t(m) {
function vt(m) {
Ge[m ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
p = m, e(1, p);
f = m, e(1, f);

@@ -881,3 +883,3 @@ }


@@ -890,7 +892,7 @@ n,


@@ -902,3 +904,3 @@ tt,


@@ -924,4 +926,4 @@ }

), l = a.subscribe(({ x: u, y: p }) => {
e.scrollLeft = u, e.scrollTop = p, u === n && p === s && c();
), l = a.subscribe(({ x: u, y: f }) => {
e.scrollLeft = u, e.scrollTop = f, u === n && f === s && c();

@@ -939,3 +941,3 @@ function c() {

function es(o, t, e, s, n, r, i) {
const a = (o == null ? void 0 : o.scrollOffset) || {}, l = e ? mo[e] : "nearest", c = s ? s.toLocaleLowerCase() : "nearest", { padding: u, borderWidth: p } = r, d = (n.offset < 10 ? 10 : n.offset) + p, v = {
const a = (o == null ? void 0 : o.scrollOffset) || {}, l = e ? vo[e] : "nearest", c = s ? s.toLocaleLowerCase() : "nearest", { padding: u, borderWidth: f } = r, d = (n.offset < 10 ? 10 : n.offset) + f, g = {
left: d + (a.left || 0),

@@ -946,10 +948,10 @@ right: d + (a.right || 0),

let h = "nearest", _ = "nearest";
e && e !== "OVER" && (vo.includes(e) ? (h = l, _ = c, v[e.toLocaleLowerCase()] += (t == null ? void 0 : t.height) || 0) : (h = c, _ = l, v[e.toLocaleLowerCase()] += (t == null ? void 0 : t.width) || 0));
const g = Gt(i);
return v.left = he(v.left, 0, g) + u, v.right = he(v.right, 0, g) + u, = fe(0,, g) + u, v.bottom = fe(0, v.bottom, g) + u, {
let p = "nearest", _ = "nearest";
e && e !== "OVER" && (mo.includes(e) ? (p = l, _ = c, g[e.toLocaleLowerCase()] += (t == null ? void 0 : t.height) || 0) : (p = c, _ = l, g[e.toLocaleLowerCase()] += (t == null ? void 0 : t.width) || 0));
const v = Gt(i);
return g.left = he(g.left, 0, v) + u, g.right = he(g.right, 0, v) + u, = fe(0,, v) + u, g.bottom = fe(0, g.bottom, v) + u, {
scrollMode: "if-needed",
block: h,
block: p,
inline: _,
offset: v
offset: g

@@ -959,53 +961,53 @@ }

let c = [], u = [];
const { highlight: p, popover: d } = s, v = k(p), h = k(d), _ = oo(h.position), g = _[0], C = _[1];
const { highlight: f, popover: d } = s, g = k(f), p = k(d), _ = oo(p.position), v = _[0], $ = _[1];
if (o !== ht) {
({ elements: c, iframes: u } = Eo(o, !0, r));
const $ = es(
const b = es(
), b = Po(c, u, o, $);
await ts(b, l);
), x = Po(c, u, o, b);
await ts(x, l);
return gt(a && gt(a), ($) => {
return mt(a && mt(a), (b) => {
if (!o)
const b = [];
let x = Tt;
if (o === ht || g === "SCREEN") {
x = pe(() => {
l.signal.aborted || $(gt(ht));
const x = [];
let C = Tt;
if (o === ht || v === "SCREEN") {
C = pe(() => {
l.signal.aborted || b(mt(ht));
for (const B of u) {
const { contentWindow: L } = B;
L && b.push(mt(window, "resize", x));
for (const R of u) {
const { contentWindow: O } = R;
O && x.push(yt(window, "resize", C));
} else {
const B = t != null && t.onlyHighlightChildren ? Array.from(o.children) : [o], L = () => Ho(Ao(ho(B), u), n);
x = pe(() => {
const R = t != null && t.onlyHighlightChildren ? Array.from(o.children) : [o], O = () => Ho(Ao(ho(R), u), n);
C = pe(() => {
if (l.signal.aborted)
const P = L();
P.width === 0 || P.height === 0 ? $(gt(ht)) : $(gt(P));
}), b.push( => Fe(P, () => {
const A = P.getBoundingClientRect();
A.width === 0 && A.height === 0 || x();
const A = O();
A.width === 0 || A.height === 0 ? b(mt(ht)) : b(mt(A));
}), x.push( => Fe(A, () => {
const N = A.getBoundingClientRect();
N.width === 0 && N.height === 0 || C();
for (const P of u) {
const { contentWindow: A } = P;
A && b.push(mt(A.window, "resize", x), mt(A.window, "scroll", x));
for (const A of u) {
const { contentWindow: N } = A;
N && x.push(yt(N.window, "resize", C), yt(N.window, "scroll", C));
mt(window, "resize", x),
mt(window, "scroll", x),
), x(), ie(l, () => {
yt(window, "resize", C),
yt(window, "scroll", C),
), C(), ie(l, () => {

@@ -1017,3 +1019,3 @@ });

const { activeStep$: s, activeIndex$: n } = o;
return M(
return L(

@@ -1046,3 +1048,3 @@ (r, i) => {

}, rs = (o) => M(o, (t, e) => t ? Fe(t, () => {
}, rs = (o) => L(o, (t, e) => t ? Fe(t, () => {

@@ -1083,46 +1085,46 @@ }) : (e(uo), Tt));

this.renderState$ = l;
const c = V(l, "step"), u = is(r, c), p = {
const c = V(l, "step"), u = is(r, c), f = {
popover: u("popover", yo),
highlight: u("highlight", bo),
theme: M(u("theme", {}), Do)
}, d = wt(void 0), v = rs(d);
let h;
const _ = s.transform$ ?? ae, g = V(p.popover, "position"), C = wt(void 0), $ = Uo(s, p), b = M(
[l, v, _, g],
theme: L(u("theme", {}), Do)
}, d = wt(void 0), g = rs(d);
let p;
const _ = s.transform$ ?? ae, v = V(f.popover, "position"), $ = wt(void 0), b = Uo(s, f), x = L(
[l, g, _, v],
/* position */
], I) => {
const { element: O, step: f } = L;
if (!O || !f)
], M) => {
const { element: E, step: h } = O;
if (!E || !h)
return Tt;
const E = new AbortController();
const P = new AbortController();
return os(
).then((q) => {
const st = q.subscribe((Z) => {
const ft = Z && k(Z);
I(Z), h = ft;
const nt = $(L, Z, P, A);
nt && C.set(nt);
M(Z), p = ft;
const nt = b(O, Z, A, N);
nt && $.set(nt);
ie(E, st);
ie(P, st);
}), () => {
), x = s.getTotalCount(e), B = Ke(n);
B.set(Ft, this).set(Xe, b).set(Qt, r).set(te, d).set(ze, v).set(ee, x).set(se, s).set(re, l).set(zt, p).set(oe, C), this.subscriptions = a, this.view = new Qo({
), C = s.getTotalCount(e), R = Ke(n);
R.set(Ft, this).set(Xe, x).set(Qt, r).set(te, d).set(ze, g).set(ee, C).set(se, s).set(re, l).set(zt, f).set(oe, $), this.subscriptions = a, this.view = new Qo({
target: i,
context: B,
context: R,
props: {

@@ -1164,3 +1166,3 @@ position: i.tagName.toLowerCase() === "body" ? "fixed" : "absolute"

const n = V(o, e), r = V(t, e);
return M([n, r], (i) => Vo(s, ...i));
return L([n, r], (i) => Vo(s, ...i));

@@ -1200,4 +1202,4 @@ }

let s;
const n = H(ee), r = Oo(), i = M([r, n], ([a, l]) => l > 1 ? `${a + 1}/${l}` : "");
return N(o, i, (a) => e(0, s = a)), [s, i];
const n = H(ee), r = Oo(), i = L([r, n], ([a, l]) => l > 1 ? `${a + 1}/${l}` : "");
return I(o, i, (a) => e(0, s = a)), [s, i];

@@ -1214,14 +1216,14 @@ class so extends It {

function Te(o) {
let t, e, s, n, r, i, a, l, c, u, p, d, v, h, _, g, C = (
let t, e, s, n, r, i, a, l, c, u, f, d, g, p, _, v, $ = (
o[6] && Se(o)
), $ = (
), b = (
(o[28].title || /*$title$*/
o[1]) && Oe(o)
), b = (
), x = (
(o[28].description || /*$description$*/
o[2]) && Ee(o)
), x = (
), C = (

@@ -1231,7 +1233,7 @@ o[4] !== St && /*$showProgress$*/

const B = (
const R = (
), L = $t(
), O = $t(

@@ -1241,7 +1243,7 @@ /*$$scope*/

), P = (
), A = (
), A = $t(
), N = $t(

@@ -1252,7 +1254,7 @@ /*$$scope*/

let I = (
let M = (
o[4] === St && /*$showProgress$*/
o[7] && Ae()
), O = (
), E = (

@@ -1263,4 +1265,4 @@ o[8] && Ne(o)

c() {
t = U("div"), e = U("div"), n = Q(), C && C.c(), r = Q(), $ && $.c(), i = Q(), b && b.c(), a = Q(), x && x.c(), l = Q(), L && L.c(), c = Q(), u = U("div"), A && A.c(), p = Q(), I && I.c(), d = Q(), v = U("div"), h = Q(), O && O.c(), S(e, "class", s = "thisway-popover__arrow " + /*$arrowClass$*/
o[5]), S(v, "class", "thisway-stretch"), S(u, "class", "thisway-popover-footer"), S(t, "class", _ = "thisway-popover " + /*$popoverClass$*/
t = U("div"), e = U("div"), n = Q(), $ && $.c(), r = Q(), b && b.c(), i = Q(), x && x.c(), a = Q(), C && C.c(), l = Q(), O && O.c(), c = Q(), u = U("div"), N && N.c(), f = Q(), M && M.c(), d = Q(), g = U("div"), p = Q(), E && E.c(), S(e, "class", s = "thisway-popover__arrow " + /*$arrowClass$*/
o[5]), S(g, "class", "thisway-stretch"), S(u, "class", "thisway-popover-footer"), S(t, "class", _ = "thisway-popover " + /*$popoverClass$*/
o[3] + " thisway-popover__" + /*$layout$*/

@@ -1270,83 +1272,83 @@ o[4] + " " + /*cssClassName*/

m(f, E) {
W(f, t, E), X(t, e), X(t, n), C && C.m(t, null), X(t, r), $ && $.m(t, null), X(t, i), b && b.m(t, null), X(t, a), x && x.m(t, null), X(t, l), L && L.m(t, null), X(t, c), X(t, u), A && A.m(u, null), X(u, p), I && I.m(u, null), X(u, d), X(u, v), X(u, h), O && O.m(u, null), g = !0;
m(h, P) {
W(h, t, P), X(t, e), X(t, n), $ && $.m(t, null), X(t, r), b && b.m(t, null), X(t, i), x && x.m(t, null), X(t, a), C && C.m(t, null), X(t, l), O && O.m(t, null), X(t, c), X(t, u), N && N.m(u, null), X(u, f), M && M.m(u, null), X(u, d), X(u, g), X(u, p), E && E.m(u, null), v = !0;
p(f, E) {
(!g || E[0] & /*$arrowClass$*/
p(h, P) {
(!v || P[0] & /*$arrowClass$*/
32 && s !== (s = "thisway-popover__arrow " + /*$arrowClass$*/
f[5])) && S(e, "class", s), /*$showCloseButton$*/
f[6] ? C ? C.p(f, E) : (C = Se(f), C.c(), C.m(t, r)) : C && (C.d(1), C = null), /*$$slots*/
f[28].title || /*$title$*/
f[1] ? $ ? ($.p(f, E), E[0] & /*$$slots, $title$*/
268435458 && T($, 1)) : ($ = Oe(f), $.c(), T($, 1), $.m(t, i)) : $ && (ct(), R($, 1, 1, () => {
$ = null;
h[5])) && S(e, "class", s), /*$showCloseButton$*/
h[6] ? $ ? $.p(h, P) : ($ = Se(h), $.c(), $.m(t, r)) : $ && ($.d(1), $ = null), /*$$slots*/
h[28].title || /*$title$*/
h[1] ? b ? (b.p(h, P), P[0] & /*$$slots, $title$*/
268435458 && T(b, 1)) : (b = Oe(h), b.c(), T(b, 1), b.m(t, i)) : b && (ct(), B(b, 1, 1, () => {
b = null;
}), pt()), /*$$slots*/
f[28].description || /*$description$*/
f[2] ? b ? (b.p(f, E), E[0] & /*$$slots, $description$*/
268435460 && T(b, 1)) : (b = Ee(f), b.c(), T(b, 1), b.m(t, a)) : b && (ct(), R(b, 1, 1, () => {
b = null;
h[28].description || /*$description$*/
h[2] ? x ? (x.p(h, P), P[0] & /*$$slots, $description$*/
268435460 && T(x, 1)) : (x = Ee(h), x.c(), T(x, 1), x.m(t, a)) : x && (ct(), B(x, 1, 1, () => {
x = null;
}), pt()), /*$layout$*/
f[4] !== St && /*$showProgress$*/
f[7] ? x ? E[0] & /*$layout$, $showProgress$*/
144 && T(x, 1) : (x = Pe(), x.c(), T(x, 1), x.m(t, l)) : x && (ct(), R(x, 1, 1, () => {
x = null;
}), pt()), L && L.p && (!g || E[0] & /*$$scope*/
h[4] !== St && /*$showProgress$*/
h[7] ? C ? P[0] & /*$layout$, $showProgress$*/
144 && T(C, 1) : (C = Pe(), C.c(), T(C, 1), C.m(t, l)) : C && (ct(), B(C, 1, 1, () => {
C = null;
}), pt()), O && O.p && (!v || P[0] & /*$$scope*/
536870912) && Ct(
g ? kt(
v ? kt(
) : xt(
), A && A.p && (!g || E[0] & /*$$scope*/
), N && N.p && (!v || P[0] & /*$$scope*/
536870912) && Ct(
g ? kt(
v ? kt(
) : xt(
), /*$layout$*/
f[4] === St && /*$showProgress$*/
f[7] ? I ? E[0] & /*$layout$, $showProgress$*/
144 && T(I, 1) : (I = Ae(), I.c(), T(I, 1), I.m(u, d)) : I && (ct(), R(I, 1, 1, () => {
I = null;
h[4] === St && /*$showProgress$*/
h[7] ? M ? P[0] & /*$layout$, $showProgress$*/
144 && T(M, 1) : (M = Ae(), M.c(), T(M, 1), M.m(u, d)) : M && (ct(), B(M, 1, 1, () => {
M = null;
}), pt()), /*$showCtrlBtns$*/
f[8] ? O ? (O.p(f, E), E[0] & /*$showCtrlBtns$*/
256 && T(O, 1)) : (O = Ne(f), O.c(), T(O, 1), O.m(u, null)) : O && (ct(), R(O, 1, 1, () => {
O = null;
}), pt()), (!g || E[0] & /*$popoverClass$, $layout$, cssClassName*/
h[8] ? E ? (E.p(h, P), P[0] & /*$showCtrlBtns$*/
256 && T(E, 1)) : (E = Ne(h), E.c(), T(E, 1), E.m(u, null)) : E && (ct(), B(E, 1, 1, () => {
E = null;
}), pt()), (!v || P[0] & /*$popoverClass$, $layout$, cssClassName*/
25 && _ !== (_ = "thisway-popover " + /*$popoverClass$*/
f[3] + " thisway-popover__" + /*$layout$*/
f[4] + " " + /*cssClassName*/
f[0])) && S(t, "class", _);
h[3] + " thisway-popover__" + /*$layout$*/
h[4] + " " + /*cssClassName*/
h[0])) && S(t, "class", _);
i(f) {
g || (T($), T(b), T(x), T(L, f), T(A, f), T(I), T(O), g = !0);
i(h) {
v || (T(b), T(x), T(C), T(O, h), T(N, h), T(M), T(E), v = !0);
o(f) {
R($), R(b), R(x), R(L, f), R(A, f), R(I), R(O), g = !1;
o(h) {
B(b), B(x), B(C), B(O, h), B(N, h), B(M), B(E), v = !1;
d(f) {
f && j(t), C && C.d(), $ && $.d(), b && b.d(), x && x.d(), L && L.d(f), A && A.d(f), I && I.d(), O && O.d();
d(h) {
h && j(t), $ && $.d(), b && b.d(), x && x.d(), C && C.d(), O && O.d(h), N && N.d(h), M && M.d(), E && E.d();

@@ -1420,3 +1422,3 @@ };

o(i) {
R(r, i), e = !1;
B(r, i), e = !1;

@@ -1498,3 +1500,3 @@ d(i) {

o(i) {
R(r, i), e = !1;
B(r, i), e = !1;

@@ -1544,3 +1546,3 @@ d(i) {

o(s) {
R(t.$$.fragment, s), e = !1;
B(t.$$.fragment, s), e = !1;

@@ -1565,3 +1567,3 @@ d(s) {

o(s) {
R(t.$$.fragment, s), e = !1;
B(t.$$.fragment, s), e = !1;

@@ -1591,7 +1593,7 @@ d(s) {

i[9] ? n ? (n.p(i, a), a[0] & /*$previousButtonVisible$*/
512 && T(n, 1)) : (n = Ie(i), n.c(), T(n, 1), n.m(t.parentNode, t)) : n && (ct(), R(n, 1, 1, () => {
512 && T(n, 1)) : (n = Ie(i), n.c(), T(n, 1), n.m(t.parentNode, t)) : n && (ct(), B(n, 1, 1, () => {
n = null;
}), pt()), /*$hasSteps$*/
i[11] ? r ? (r.p(i, a), a[0] & /*$hasSteps$*/
2048 && T(r, 1)) : (r = Me(i), r.c(), T(r, 1), r.m(e.parentNode, e)) : r && (ct(), R(r, 1, 1, () => {
2048 && T(r, 1)) : (r = Me(i), r.c(), T(r, 1), r.m(e.parentNode, e)) : r && (ct(), B(r, 1, 1, () => {
r = null;

@@ -1604,3 +1606,3 @@ }), pt());

o(i) {
R(n), R(r), s = !1;
B(n), B(r), s = !1;

@@ -1662,3 +1664,3 @@ d(i) {

o(l) {
R(a, l), e = !1;
B(a, l), e = !1;

@@ -1670,3 +1672,3 @@ d(l) {

function ms(o) {
function vs(o) {
let t, e;

@@ -1686,3 +1688,3 @@ return {

function vs(o) {
function ms(o) {
let t;

@@ -1717,3 +1719,3 @@ return {

r[4] !== We ? vs : ms
r[4] !== We ? ms : vs

@@ -1787,3 +1789,3 @@ }

o(l) {
R(a, l), e = !1;
B(a, l), e = !1;

@@ -1841,3 +1843,3 @@ d(l) {

n[28].description ? s ? (s.p(n, r), r[0] & /*$title$, $description$, $$slots*/
268435462 && T(s, 1)) : (s = Te(n), s.c(), T(s, 1), s.m(t.parentNode, t)) : s && (ct(), R(s, 1, 1, () => {
268435462 && T(s, 1)) : (s = Te(n), s.c(), T(s, 1), s.m(t.parentNode, t)) : s && (ct(), B(s, 1, 1, () => {
s = null;

@@ -1850,3 +1852,3 @@ }), pt());

o(n) {
R(s), e = !1;
B(s), e = !1;

@@ -1859,33 +1861,33 @@ d(n) {

function Cs(o, t, e) {
let s, n, r, i, a, l, c, u, p, d, v, h, { $$slots: _ = {}, $$scope: g } = t;
const C = Co(_);
let { cssClassName: $ = "" } = t;
const b = co(), x = H(Ft), B = Fo(), L = H(ee), P = H(oe), A = H(Qt), I = M(P, (w) => {
let s, n, r, i, a, l, c, u, f, d, g, p, { $$slots: _ = {}, $$scope: v } = t;
const $ = Co(_);
let { cssClassName: b = "" } = t;
const x = co(), C = H(Ft), R = Fo(), O = H(ee), A = H(oe), N = H(Qt), M = L(A, (w) => {
var J;
return `thisway-popover-${(J = w == null ? void 0 : w.orientation) == null ? void 0 : J.toLowerCase()}`;
N(o, I, (w) => e(3, r = w));
const O = M(P, (w) => `thisway-popover__arrow-${w == null ? void 0 : w.alignment.toLowerCase()}`);
N(o, O, (w) => e(5, a = w));
const f = Je(), E = M(L, (w) => w > 1);
N(o, E, (w) => e(11, v = w));
const q = M([E, B], ([w, J]) => w && (J || 0) > 0);
N(o, q, (w) => e(9, p = w));
const st = V(f, "title");
N(o, st, (w) => e(1, s = w));
const Z = V(f, "description");
N(o, Z, (w) => e(2, n = w));
const ft = V(f, "showCloseBtn");
N(o, ft, (w) => e(6, l = w));
const nt = V(f, "showCtrlBtns");
N(o, nt, (w) => e(8, u = w));
const y = V(f, "showProgress", !0);
N(o, y, (w) => e(7, c = w));
const F = V(f, "prevBtnText");
N(o, F, (w) => e(10, d = w));
const z = V(A, "layout", St);
N(o, z, (w) => e(4, i = w));
const tt = to(, B), K = M([f, tt, B, z], ([w, J, _t, m]) => {
I(o, M, (w) => e(3, r = w));
const E = L(A, (w) => `thisway-popover__arrow-${w == null ? void 0 : w.alignment.toLowerCase()}`);
I(o, E, (w) => e(5, a = w));
const h = Je(), P = L(O, (w) => w > 1);
I(o, P, (w) => e(11, g = w));
const q = L([P, R], ([w, J]) => w && (J || 0) > 0);
I(o, q, (w) => e(9, f = w));
const st = V(h, "title");
I(o, st, (w) => e(1, s = w));
const Z = V(h, "description");
I(o, Z, (w) => e(2, n = w));
const ft = V(h, "showCloseBtn");
I(o, ft, (w) => e(6, l = w));
const nt = V(h, "showCtrlBtns");
I(o, nt, (w) => e(8, u = w));
const y = V(h, "showProgress", !0);
I(o, y, (w) => e(7, c = w));
const F = V(h, "prevBtnText");
I(o, F, (w) => e(10, d = w));
const z = V(N, "layout", St);
I(o, z, (w) => e(4, i = w));
const tt = to(, R), K = L([h, tt, R, z], ([w, J, vt, m]) => {
var G;
if (_t === 0)
if (vt === 0)
return w.startBtnText;

@@ -1901,8 +1903,8 @@ if (J)

N(o, K, (w) => e(12, h = w));
const D = () => b("close"), it = () => b("previous"), dt = () => b("next");
I(o, K, (w) => e(12, p = w));
const D = () => x("close"), it = () => x("previous"), dt = () => x("next");
return o.$$set = (w) => {
"cssClassName" in w && e(0, $ = w.cssClassName), "$$scope" in w && e(29, g = w.$$scope);
"cssClassName" in w && e(0, b = w.cssClassName), "$$scope" in w && e(29, v = w.$$scope);
}, [

@@ -1916,9 +1918,9 @@ n,


@@ -1936,4 +1938,4 @@ st,


@@ -1953,3 +1955,3 @@ ];

getTotalCount(t) {
return M(t.effectiveSteps$, (e) => e.length);
return L(t.effectiveSteps$, (e) => e.length);

@@ -1956,0 +1958,0 @@ async waitForElement(t) {

@@ -20,3 +20,3 @@ import type { Alignment, HighlightOptionsWithDefaultValues, IComputePlacementState, ITourDelegate, NoElement, Orientation, PopoverPlacement, PopoverPosition, PopoverPositionParsed, Rect } from '@thisway/base';

export declare const getStyleFromOrientation: (orientation: Orientation, stepAlignment: Alignment | undefined, elementRect: Rect | NoElement | undefined, popoverSize: Size, popoverOffset: number, highlightOption: HighlightOptionsWithDefaultValues, viewport: Size, offsetX: number, offsetY: number) => {
export declare const getStyleFromOrientation: (orientation: Orientation, stepAlignment: Alignment | undefined, elementRect: Rect | NoElement | undefined, popoverSize: Size, popoverOffset: number, highlightOption: HighlightOptionsWithDefaultValues, viewport: Size, offsetX: number, offsetY: number, transform: readonly [number, number, number, number, number, number]) => {
style: PopoverPlacement;

@@ -23,0 +23,0 @@ alignment: Alignment;

"name": "@thisway/next",
"version": "0.10.0",
"version": "0.10.1-beta.0",
"type": "module",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "dependencies": {

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