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@thisway/next - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.4.5 to 0.4.6


var eo = Object.defineProperty;
var oo = (e, t, o) => t in e ? eo(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: o }) : e[t] = o;
var lt = (e, t, o) => (oo(e, typeof t != "symbol" ? t + "" : t, o), o);
var at = (e, t, o) => (oo(e, typeof t != "symbol" ? t + "" : t, o), o);
import * as Re from "svelte";
import { onMount as ro, onDestroy as Fe, createEventDispatcher as so } from "svelte";
import { isValidNumber as Dt, toPx as ut, defaults as pe, pick$ as D, clamp as Rt, noFinite as fe, getKeyByValue as io, isNode as he, isElement as de, isTextInputElement as ue, animationFrameThrottle as no, resizeObserver as Be, EMPTY_SIZE as lo } from "@thisway/utils";
import { get as I, writable as Nt, derived as P, readable as Ft } from "svelte/store";
import { PRIMARY_COLOR_WHITE as De, PRIMARY_COLOR_BLACK as Ye, PRIMARY_COLOR_BLUE as ao, EMPTY_POINT as co, POSITION_AUTO as Jt, ORIENTATIONS as we, ALIGNMENTS as po, NO_ELEMENT as pt, ORIENTATIONS_TO_START_END as fo, ORIENTATIONS_Y as ho, popoverDefaultValues as uo, highlightDefaultValues as wo, LAYOUT_MODE_1 as xt, LAYOUT_MODE_3 as je } from "@thisway/base";
import { isValidNumber as jt, toPx as wt, defaults as pe, pick$ as D, clamp as Bt, noFinite as fe, getKeyByValue as io, isNode as he, isElement as de, isTextInputElement as ue, animationFrameThrottle as no, resizeObserver as Be, EMPTY_SIZE as lo } from "@thisway/utils";
import { get as S, writable as Pt, derived as P, readable as Dt } from "svelte/store";
import { PRIMARY_COLOR_WHITE as De, PRIMARY_COLOR_BLACK as Ye, PRIMARY_COLOR_BLUE as ao, EMPTY_POINT as co, POSITION_AUTO as Jt, ORIENTATIONS as we, ALIGNMENTS as po, NO_ELEMENT as ft, ORIENTATIONS_TO_START_END as fo, ORIENTATIONS_Y as ho, popoverDefaultValues as uo, highlightDefaultValues as wo, LAYOUT_MODE_1 as kt, LAYOUT_MODE_3 as je } from "@thisway/base";
export * from "@thisway/base";
import { SvelteComponent as Et, init as Pt, safe_not_equal as Mt, append_styles as Kt, space as it, empty as zt, insert as Y, noop as vt, detach as j, component_subscribe as A, svg_element as Yt, attr as N, set_style as X, append as J, listen as Lt, element as st, action_destroyer as Ge, is_function as Xe, construct_svelte_component as _e, create_component as St, mount_component as Ot, group_outros as at, transition_out as H, destroy_component as It, check_outros as ct, transition_in as O, run_all as _o, globals as mo, binding_callbacks as go, text as At, set_data as Wt, compute_slots as vo, create_slot as yt, update_slot_base as bt, get_all_dirty_from_scope as $t, get_slot_changes as Ct } from "svelte/internal";
import { SvelteComponent as Mt, init as Lt, safe_not_equal as At, append_styles as Kt, space as it, empty as zt, insert as Y, noop as yt, detach as j, component_subscribe as A, svg_element as Gt, attr as N, set_style as X, append as J, listen as Wt, element as st, action_destroyer as Ge, is_function as Xe, construct_svelte_component as _e, create_component as St, mount_component as Ot, group_outros as ct, transition_out as H, destroy_component as It, check_outros as pt, transition_in as I, run_all as _o, globals as mo, binding_callbacks as go, text as Ht, set_data as Vt, compute_slots as vo, create_slot as bt, update_slot_base as $t, get_all_dirty_from_scope as Ct, get_slot_changes as Tt } from "svelte/internal";
import "svelte/internal/disclose-version";
import { getHighlightOptions as yo, NO_ELEMENT as bo, CLICK_MASK_ACTION_NEXT as $o, CLICK_MASK_ACTION_CLOSE as Co, getRenderIndex as To } from "@thisway/next";
import { tweened as jt } from "svelte/motion";
import { cubicOut as Gt } from "svelte/easing";
import { tweened as Nt } from "svelte/motion";
import { cubicOut as Et } from "svelte/easing";
const nt = (e) => Symbol(e), B = (e) => {

@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ const t = Re.getContext(e);

return t;
}, ko = (e, t) => {
}, xo = (e, t) => {
Re.setContext(e, t);
}, Ke = (e) => new Map(e), Ht = nt("Tour"), re = nt("Options"), se = nt("ElementBounding"), ie = nt("PopoverContainer"), ne = nt("PopoverSize"), le = nt("TotalStepCount"), ze = nt("PopoverPosition"), Ut = nt("Delegate"), xo = nt("ForeignView"), qt = nt("RenderState"), Zt = nt("StepOptions");
}, Ke = (e) => new Map(e), Rt = nt("Tour"), re = nt("Options"), se = nt("ElementBounding"), ie = nt("PopoverContainer"), ne = nt("PopoverSize"), le = nt("TotalStepCount"), ze = nt("PopoverPosition"), Ut = nt("Delegate"), ko = nt("ForeignView"), qt = nt("RenderState"), Zt = nt("StepOptions");
class So {
constructor(t) {
lt(this, "store");
at(this, "store"); = t;

@@ -35,3 +35,3 @@ }

getAllSteps(t = !1) {
return t ? I($) : I($);
return t ? S($) : S($);

@@ -43,3 +43,3 @@ /**

getActiveStep() {
return { step: I($), index: I($) };
return { step: S($), index: S($) };

@@ -56,13 +56,13 @@ // public getStep(id: string): Step | undefined {

const { effectiveSteps$: t } =;
return I(t)[0];
return S(t)[0];
getLastStep() {
const { effectiveSteps$: t } =;
return I(t).at(-1);
return S(t).at(-1);
goPrevStep() {
const { effectiveIndex$: t, effectiveSteps$: o } =, r = I(t);
if (!Dt(r) || r < 1)
const { effectiveIndex$: t, effectiveSteps$: o } =, r = S(t);
if (!jt(r) || r < 1)
const n = I(o)[r - 1];
const n = S(o)[r - 1];

@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ }

isActive() {
return I($) !== void 0;
return S($) !== void 0;
getNextStepId() {
const { effectiveIndex$: t, effectiveSteps$: o } =, r = I(t), n = I(o);
if (!(!Dt(r) || r === n.length - 1))
const { effectiveIndex$: t, effectiveSteps$: o } =, r = S(t), n = S(o);
if (!(!jt(r) || r === n.length - 1))
return n[r + 1].id;

@@ -103,3 +103,3 @@ }

const Oo = (e, t) => {
const o = Nt(e), r = Nt(t), n = P(o, (a) => a.filter((c) => !c.isHidden)), s = P([o, r], ee), i = P([n, r], ee), l = P([o, s], ([a, c]) => c != null ? a[c] : void 0);
const o = Pt(e), r = Pt(t), n = P(o, (a) => a.filter((p) => !p.isHidden)), s = P([o, r], ee), i = P([n, r], ee), l = P([o, s], ([a, p]) => p != null ? a[p] : void 0);
return {

@@ -114,3 +114,3 @@ steps$: o,

function gt() {
function vt() {

@@ -124,9 +124,9 @@ const Xt = (e) => {

}, Io = ({ x: e, y: t, ...o }) => Object.assign(o, {
left: ut(e),
top: ut(t)
left: wt(e),
top: wt(t)
}), No = (e, t, o, r, n) => {
if (!e)
return "";
const s = r ? o + t : o, i = t * 2, l = e.x - s + i, a = e.y - s, c = e.width + (s - i) * 2, f = e.height + (s - i) * 2, _ = n.width, m = n.height;
return `M${_},0L0,0L0,${m}L${_},${m}L${_},0ZM${l},${a}h${c}a${i},${i} 0 0 1 ${i},${i}v${f}a${i},${i} 0 0 1 -${i},${i}h-${c}a${i},${i} 0 0 1 -${i},-${i}v-${f}a${i},${i} 0 0 1 ${i},-${i}z`;
const s = r ? o + t : o, i = t * 2, l = e.x - s + i, a = e.y - s, p = e.width + (s - i) * 2, f = e.height + (s - i) * 2, _ = n.width, m = n.height;
return `M${_},0L0,0L0,${m}L${_},${m}L${_},0ZM${l},${a}h${p}a${i},${i} 0 0 1 ${i},${i}v${f}a${i},${i} 0 0 1 -${i},${i}h-${p}a${i},${i} 0 0 1 -${i},-${i}v-${f}a${i},${i} 0 0 1 ${i},-${i}z`;
}, Ue = (e, t = e) => e === De ? Ye : t, Eo = (e, t, o) => {

@@ -136,3 +136,3 @@ const r = pe({ ...t }, e);

}, Po = () => {
const { effectiveSteps$: e } = B(Ht).store, t = B(qt);
const { effectiveSteps$: e } = B(Rt).store, t = B(qt);
return P([e, t], ([o, { step: r }]) => ee([o, r == null ? void 0 :]));

@@ -148,3 +148,3 @@ }, ae = () => B(Zt).popover, Mo = () => B(Zt).highlight, Lo = (e) => {

const { effectiveSteps$: o } = e;
return P([t, o], ([r, n]) => Dt(r) ? + 1) : void 0);
return P([t, o], ([r, n]) => jt(r) ? + 1) : void 0);
}, { assign: me } = Object, Je = (e, t) => (me(, t), {

@@ -162,3 +162,3 @@ update(o) {

c() {
t = Yt("svg"), o = Yt("path"), N(
t = Gt("svg"), o = Gt("path"), N(

@@ -176,3 +176,3 @@ "d",

m(s, i) {
Y(s, t, i), J(t, o), r || (n = Lt(
Y(s, t, i), J(t, o), r || (n = Wt(

@@ -291,4 +291,4 @@ "click",

i: vt,
o: vt,
i: yt,
o: yt,
d(s) {

@@ -300,13 +300,13 @@ s && (j(t), j(o)), r && r.d(s), n && n.d(s);

function Ho(e, t, o) {
let r, n, s, i, l, a, c, f;
const _ = B(Ht), m = B(se), $ = B(Ut), d = qe(), h = yo(), g = D(h, "showMask");
let r, n, s, i, l, a, p, f;
const _ = B(Rt), m = B(se), $ = B(Ut), d = qe(), h = yo(), g = D(h, "showMask");
A(e, g, (w) => o(0, r = w));
const C = D(h, "showBorder");
A(e, C, (w) => o(3, i = w));
const v = D(h, "showHeartbeat"), T = D(h, "padding"), k = D(h, "maskOpacity");
A(e, k, (w) => o(2, s = w));
const v = D(h, "showHeartbeat"), T = D(h, "padding"), x = D(h, "maskOpacity");
A(e, x, (w) => o(2, s = w));
const M = D(h, "borderWidth");
let S;
let O;
const V = P([m, M, T], ([w, W, K], ot) => {
const Z = w ? I(w) : void 0, F = {
const Z = w ? S(w) : void 0, F = {
x: 0,

@@ -320,3 +320,3 @@ y: 0,

if (!Z || Z === bo) {
const rt = Xt($.window || window), Q = S ? I(S) : {
const rt = Xt($.window || window), Q = O ? S(O) : {
x: rt.width / 2,

@@ -332,3 +332,3 @@ y: rt.height / 2,

F.x = Z.x, F.y = Z.y, F.width = Z.width, F.height = Z.height;
S || (S = jt(
O || (O = Nt(

@@ -342,8 +342,8 @@ x: F.x + F.width / 2,

{ duration: 300, easing: Gt }
{ duration: 300, easing: Et }
const L = S.subscribe((rt) => {
const L = O.subscribe((rt) => {
return S.set(F), () => {
return O.set(F), () => {

@@ -360,13 +360,13 @@ };

w && W({
left: ut(w.x - w.borderWidth - w.padding),
top: ut(w.y - w.borderWidth - w.padding),
width: ut(w.width),
height: ut(w.height),
padding: ut(w.padding)
left: wt(w.x - w.borderWidth - w.padding),
top: wt(w.y - w.borderWidth - w.padding),
width: wt(w.width),
height: wt(w.height),
padding: wt(w.padding)
A(e, E, (w) => o(6, c = w));
const b = P(V, (w) => ut(w == null ? void 0 : w.borderWidth));
A(e, E, (w) => o(6, p = w));
const b = P(V, (w) => wt(w == null ? void 0 : w.borderWidth));
A(e, b, (w) => o(4, l = w));
const p = P([h, d], ([w, W]) => {
const c = P([h, d], ([w, W]) => {
if (w != null && w.borderColor)

@@ -377,5 +377,5 @@ return w.borderColor;

A(e, p, (w) => o(5, a = w));
const x = P([v, V], ([w, W]) => !!(w && (W != null && W.width) && (W != null && W.height)));
return A(e, x, (w) => o(7, f = w)), [
A(e, c, (w) => o(5, a = w));
const k = P([v, V], ([w, W]) => !!(w && (W != null && W.width) && (W != null && W.height)));
return A(e, k, (w) => o(7, f = w)), [

@@ -387,15 +387,15 @@ n,

() => {
var W;
switch ((W = I(h)) == null ? void 0 : W.clickMask) {
switch ((W = S(h)) == null ? void 0 : W.clickMask) {
case Co: {

@@ -413,5 +413,5 @@ _.onClose();

class Vo extends Et {
class Vo extends Mt {
constructor(t) {
super(), Pt(this, t, Ho, Wo, Mt, {}, Ao);
super(), Lt(this, t, Ho, Wo, At, {}, Ao);

@@ -455,4 +455,4 @@ }

return d ? l(d, _, m, $) : f;
}, a = l(i[e], Object.values(i), 0, n), c = io(i, a);
return { adjustAlignment: c, value: i[c] };
}, a = l(i[e], Object.values(i), 0, n), p = io(i, a);
return { adjustAlignment: p, value: i[p] };
}, Bo = (e, t, o, r, n, s, i) => {

@@ -463,4 +463,4 @@ const l = n + s.padding + s.borderWidth, a = {

let c, f, _;
if (!o || o === pt || e == "SCREEN")
let p, f, _;
if (!o || o === ft || e == "SCREEN")
f = (i.height - r.height) / 2, _ = (i.width - r.width) / 2;

@@ -477,3 +477,3 @@ else {

_ = v.value, c = v.adjustAlignment;
_ = v.value, p = v.adjustAlignment;
}, h = () => {

@@ -488,3 +488,3 @@ const v = $e(

f = v.value, c = v.adjustAlignment;
f = v.value, p = v.adjustAlignment;
}, g = i.height - r.height, C = i.width - r.width;

@@ -497,15 +497,15 @@ switch (e) {

case "TOP": {
f = Rt(o.y - r.height - l, 0, g), d();
f = Bt(o.y - r.height - l, 0, g), d();
case "BOTTOM": {
f = Rt($ + l, n, g), d();
f = Bt($ + l, n, g), d();
case "LEFT": {
_ = Rt(o.x - r.width - l, 0, C), h();
_ = Bt(o.x - r.width - l, 0, C), h();
case "RIGHT": {
_ = Rt(m + l, n, C), h();
_ = Bt(m + l, n, C), h();

@@ -515,16 +515,16 @@ }

return a.x = fe(_), a.y = fe(f), { style: a, alignment: c || "CENTER" };
return a.x = fe(_), a.y = fe(f), { style: a, alignment: p || "CENTER" };
}, Do = () => {
const e = B(se), t = B(ne), o = B(Ut), r = B(qt), n = ae(), s = I(Mo());
const e = B(se), t = B(ne), o = B(Ut), r = B(qt), n = ae(), s = S(Mo());
return P([e], ([i], l) => {
if (!i)
const a = I(n), c = a.offset, f = Qe(a.position), _ = I(t), m = I(i), { step: $ } = I(r), d = $ == null ? void 0 : $.id;
const a = S(n), p = a.offset, f = Qe(a.position), _ = S(t), m = S(i), { step: $ } = S(r), d = $ == null ? void 0 : $.id;
if (_.width === 0 || _.height === 0)
const h = f[0], g = Xt(o.window || window), C = m === pt ? "SCREEN" : Ro(
const h = f[0], g = Xt(o.window || window), C = m === ft ? "SCREEN" : Ro(
c + s.padding + s.borderWidth,
p + s.padding + s.borderWidth,

@@ -536,3 +536,3 @@ ), { style: v, alignment: T } = Bo(

{ padding: s.padding, borderWidth: s.borderWidth },

@@ -554,3 +554,3 @@ g

function Go(e) {
let t, o, r, n, s, i, l, a, c, f, _;
let t, o, r, n, s, i, l, a, p, f, _;
o = new Vo({});

@@ -613,4 +613,4 @@ var m = (

m(d, h) {
Y(d, t, h), Ot(o, t, null), J(t, r), J(t, n), s && Ot(s, n, null), e[20](n), c = !0, f || (_ = [
Y(d, t, h), Ot(o, t, null), J(t, r), J(t, n), s && Ot(s, n, null), e[20](n), p = !0, f || (_ = [

@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ "keydown",

if (s) {
const g = s;
H(g.$$.fragment, 1, 0, () => {
It(g, 1);
}), ct();
}), pt();

@@ -653,5 +653,5 @@ m ? (s = _e(m, $()), s.$on(

), St(s.$$.fragment), O(s.$$.fragment, 1), Ot(s, n, null)) : s = null;
), St(s.$$.fragment), I(s.$$.fragment, 1), Ot(s, n, null)) : s = null;
(!c || h[0] & /*$popoverClassName$*/
(!p || h[0] & /*$popoverClassName$*/
64 && i !== (i = "thisway-popover__container " + /*$popoverClassName$*/

@@ -663,3 +663,3 @@ d[6])) && N(n, "class", i), l && Xe(l.update) && h[0] & /*$popoverStyle$*/

), (!c || h[0] & /*$className$*/
), (!p || h[0] & /*$className$*/
4 && a !== (a = "thisway " + /*$className$*/

@@ -705,6 +705,6 @@ d[2])) && N(t, "class", a), h[0] & /*position*/

i(d) {
c || (O(o.$$.fragment, d), s && O(s.$$.fragment, d), c = !0);
p || (I(o.$$.fragment, d), s && I(s.$$.fragment, d), p = !0);
o(d) {
H(o.$$.fragment, d), s && H(s.$$.fragment, d), c = !1;
H(o.$$.fragment, d), s && H(s.$$.fragment, d), p = !1;

@@ -717,22 +717,22 @@ d(d) {

function Xo(e, t, o) {
let r, n, s, i, l, a, c, { position: f = "fixed" } = t, _;
let r, n, s, i, l, a, p, { position: f = "fixed" } = t, _;
const m = B(re), $ = B(ie), d = B(Ut), h = ae(), g = B(ne), C = B(qt), v = D(C, "step");
A(e, v, (u) => o(3, n = u));
const T = D(C, "index"), k = P([v, m], ([u, G]) => {
const T = D(C, "index"), x = P([v, m], ([u, G]) => {
if (u)
return d.getPopoverComponent(u, G);
A(e, k, (u) => o(8, c = u));
A(e, x, (u) => o(8, p = u));
const M = D(m, "zIndex", 1e4);
A(e, M, (u) => o(4, s = u));
const S = D(m, "className", "");
A(e, S, (u) => o(2, r = u));
const O = D(m, "className", "");
A(e, O, (u) => o(2, r = u));
const V = D(h, "className", "");
A(e, V, (u) => o(6, l = u));
const R = Do();
ko(ze, R);
xo(ze, R);
const E = D(R, "style");
let b, p, x, q = -1;
let b, c, k, q = -1;
const w = () => {
const u = I(v);
const u = S(v);
return u.survey || ? "MoveIn" : null;

@@ -747,3 +747,3 @@ }, W = (u, G, et) => {

(u, G) => {
const et = I(C).index;
const et = S(C).index;
if (!u) {

@@ -753,9 +753,19 @@ G(oe);

const z = Xt(d.window || window), U = I(g), _t = { x: u.x, y: u.y };
let mt = w();
q === -1 || q < et ? K = !0 : q > et && (K = !1), mt ? ((!p || q !== I(T)) && (p = jt(W(z, U, K), { duration: 600, easing: Gt })), x = p) : (b || (G(u), b = jt(_t, { duration: 300, easing: Gt })), x = b);
const Tt = x.subscribe(({ x: kt, y: Vt }) => {
G({ ...u, x: kt, y: Vt });
const z = Xt(d.window || window), U = S(g), mt = { x: u.x, y: u.y };
let gt = w();
if (q === -1 || q < et ? K = !0 : q > et && (K = !1), gt) {
const lt = W(z, U, K);
!c || q !== S(T) ? c = Nt(lt, { duration: 600, easing: Et }) : lt.y !== S(c).y && (c = Nt(
x: S(c).x,
y: lt.y
{ duration: 600, easing: Et }
)), k = c;
} else
b || (G(u), b = Nt(mt, { duration: 300, easing: Et })), k = b;
const xt = k.subscribe(({ x: lt, y: Ft }) => {
G({ ...u, x: lt, y: Ft });
return x.set(_t), q = et, Tt;
return k.set(mt), q = et, xt;

@@ -765,3 +775,3 @@ oe

const G = Io(u);
return I(h).hidden === !0 && (G.visibility = "hidden"), G;
return S(h).hidden === !0 && (G.visibility = "hidden"), G;

@@ -771,21 +781,21 @@ A(e, Z, (u) => o(7, a = u));

A(e, F, (u) => o(5, i = u));
const L = B(Ht), { onPrev: rt, onNext: Q, onClose: ft } = L, wt = (u) => {
!L.isActive() || I(m).keyboardControl === !1 || he( && de( && ue( || u.key !== "Escape" && (u.key === "ArrowRight" ? Q() : u.key === "ArrowLeft" && rt());
}, ht = (u) => {
I(m).interactive === !1 || === document.body || I(h).position === "SCREEN" || !he(, d.window) || !de( || ue( || Q();
const L = B(Rt), { onPrev: rt, onNext: Q, onClose: ht } = L, _t = (u) => {
!L.isActive() || S(m).keyboardControl === !1 || he( && de( && ue( || u.key !== "Escape" && (u.key === "ArrowRight" ? Q() : u.key === "ArrowLeft" && rt());
}, dt = (u) => {
S(m).interactive === !1 || === document.body || S(h).position === "SCREEN" || !he(, d.window) || !de( || ue( || Q();
}, y = P(C, ({ element: u }, G) => {
if (!u || u === pt)
return gt;
if (!u || u === ft)
return vt;
const et = { capture: !0 };
return u.addEventListener("click", ht, et), () => {
u.removeEventListener("click", ht, et);
return u.addEventListener("click", dt, et), () => {
u.removeEventListener("click", dt, et);
let tt = gt;
let tt = vt;
ro(() => {
$.set(_), tt = y.subscribe(gt);
$.set(_), tt = y.subscribe(vt);
}), Fe(() => {
$.set(void 0), tt();
function dt(u) {
function ut(u) {
go[u ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {

@@ -806,7 +816,7 @@ _ = u, o(1, _);


@@ -817,10 +827,10 @@ Z,

class Ko extends Et {
class Ko extends Mt {
constructor(t) {
super(), Pt(this, t, Xo, Go, Mt, { position: 0 }, jo, [-1, -1]);
super(), Lt(this, t, Xo, Go, At, { position: 0 }, jo, [-1, -1]);

@@ -845,3 +855,3 @@ }

return !1;
}, Bt = (e, t, o, r, n, s, i, l) => s < e && i > t || s > e && i < t ? 0 : s <= e && l <= o || i >= t && l >= o ? s - e - r : i > t && l < o || s < e && l > o ? i - t + n : 0, qo = (e) => {
}, Yt = (e, t, o, r, n, s, i, l) => s < e && i > t || s > e && i < t ? 0 : s <= e && l <= o || i >= t && l >= o ? s - e - r : i > t && l < o || s < e && l > o ? i - t + n : 0, qo = (e) => {
const t = e.parentElement;

@@ -864,23 +874,23 @@ return t ?? (e.getRootNode().host || null);

throw new TypeError("Invalid target");
const a = document.scrollingElement || document.documentElement, c = [];
const a = document.scrollingElement || document.documentElement, p = [];
let f = e;
for (; Ce(f) && l(f); ) {
if (f = qo(f), f === a) {
f != null && f === document.body && Qt(f) && !Qt(document.documentElement) || f != null && Qt(f, i) && c.push(f);
f != null && f === document.body && Qt(f) && !Qt(document.documentElement) || f != null && Qt(f, i) && p.push(f);
const _ = ((q = window.visualViewport) == null ? void 0 : q.width) ?? innerWidth, m = ((w = window.visualViewport) == null ? void 0 : w.height) ?? innerHeight, { scrollX: $, scrollY: d } = window, h = e.getBoundingClientRect(), g = - (((W = t.offset) == null ? void 0 : ?? 0), C = h.bottom + (((K = t.offset) == null ? void 0 : K.bottom) ?? 0), v = h.left - (((ot = t.offset) == null ? void 0 : ot.left) ?? 0), T = h.right + (((Z = t.offset) == null ? void 0 : Z.right) ?? 0), k = C - g, M = T - v, { top: S, right: V, bottom: R, left: E } = Zo(e);
let b = r === "start" || r === "nearest" ? g - S : r === "end" ? C + R : g + k / 2 - S + R, p = n === "center" ? v + M / 2 - E + V : n === "end" ? T + V : v - E;
const x = [];
for (let F = 0; F < c.length; F++) {
const L = c[F], { height: rt, width: Q, top: ft, right: wt, bottom: ht, left: y } = L.getBoundingClientRect();
if (o === "if-needed" && g >= 0 && v >= 0 && C <= m && T <= _ && g >= ft && C <= ht && v >= y && T <= wt)
return x;
const tt = getComputedStyle(L), dt = parseInt(tt.borderLeftWidth, 10), u = parseInt(tt.borderTopWidth, 10), G = parseInt(tt.borderRightWidth, 10), et = parseInt(tt.borderBottomWidth, 10);
const _ = ((q = window.visualViewport) == null ? void 0 : q.width) ?? innerWidth, m = ((w = window.visualViewport) == null ? void 0 : w.height) ?? innerHeight, { scrollX: $, scrollY: d } = window, h = e.getBoundingClientRect(), g = - (((W = t.offset) == null ? void 0 : ?? 0), C = h.bottom + (((K = t.offset) == null ? void 0 : K.bottom) ?? 0), v = h.left - (((ot = t.offset) == null ? void 0 : ot.left) ?? 0), T = h.right + (((Z = t.offset) == null ? void 0 : Z.right) ?? 0), x = C - g, M = T - v, { top: O, right: V, bottom: R, left: E } = Zo(e);
let b = r === "start" || r === "nearest" ? g - O : r === "end" ? C + R : g + x / 2 - O + R, c = n === "center" ? v + M / 2 - E + V : n === "end" ? T + V : v - E;
const k = [];
for (let F = 0; F < p.length; F++) {
const L = p[F], { height: rt, width: Q, top: ht, right: _t, bottom: dt, left: y } = L.getBoundingClientRect();
if (o === "if-needed" && g >= 0 && v >= 0 && C <= m && T <= _ && g >= ht && C <= dt && v >= y && T <= _t)
return k;
const tt = getComputedStyle(L), ut = parseInt(tt.borderLeftWidth, 10), u = parseInt(tt.borderTopWidth, 10), G = parseInt(tt.borderRightWidth, 10), et = parseInt(tt.borderBottomWidth, 10);
let z = 0, U = 0;
const _t = "offsetWidth" in L ? L.offsetWidth - L.clientWidth - dt - G : 0, mt = "offsetHeight" in L ? L.offsetHeight - L.clientHeight - u - et : 0, Tt = "offsetWidth" in L ? L.offsetWidth === 0 ? 0 : Q / L.offsetWidth : 0, kt = "offsetHeight" in L ? L.offsetHeight === 0 ? 0 : rt / L.offsetHeight : 0;
const mt = "offsetWidth" in L ? L.offsetWidth - L.clientWidth - ut - G : 0, gt = "offsetHeight" in L ? L.offsetHeight - L.clientHeight - u - et : 0, xt = "offsetWidth" in L ? L.offsetWidth === 0 ? 0 : Q / L.offsetWidth : 0, lt = "offsetHeight" in L ? L.offsetHeight === 0 ? 0 : rt / L.offsetHeight : 0;
if (a === L)
r === "start" ? z = b : r === "end" ? z = b - m : r === "nearest" ? z = Bt(
r === "start" ? z = b : r === "end" ? z = b - m : r === "nearest" ? z = Yt(

@@ -892,56 +902,56 @@ d + m,

d + b,
d + b + k,
) : z = b - m / 2, n === "start" ? U = p : n === "center" ? U = p - _ / 2 : n === "end" ? U = p - _ : U = Bt(
d + b + x,
) : z = b - m / 2, n === "start" ? U = c : n === "center" ? U = c - _ / 2 : n === "end" ? U = c - _ : U = Yt(
$ + _,
$ + p,
$ + p + M,
$ + c,
$ + c + M,
), z = Math.max(0, z + d), U = Math.max(0, U + $);
else {
r === "start" ? z = b - ft - u : r === "end" ? z = b - ht + et + mt : r === "nearest" ? z = Bt(
r === "start" ? z = b - ht - u : r === "end" ? z = b - dt + et + gt : r === "nearest" ? z = Yt(
et + mt,
et + gt,
b + k,
) : z = b - (ft + rt / 2) + mt / 2, n === "start" ? U = p - y - dt : n === "center" ? U = p - (y + Q / 2) + _t / 2 : n === "end" ? U = p - wt + G + _t : U = Bt(
b + x,
) : z = b - (ht + rt / 2) + gt / 2, n === "start" ? U = c - y - ut : n === "center" ? U = c - (y + Q / 2) + mt / 2 : n === "end" ? U = c - _t + G + mt : U = Yt(
G + _t,
p + M,
G + mt,
c + M,
const { scrollLeft: Vt, scrollTop: ce } = L;
z = kt === 0 ? 0 : Math.max(
const { scrollLeft: Ft, scrollTop: ce } = L;
z = lt === 0 ? 0 : Math.max(
Math.min(ce + z / kt, L.scrollHeight - rt / kt + mt)
), U = Tt === 0 ? 0 : Math.max(
Math.min(ce + z / lt, L.scrollHeight - rt / lt + gt)
), U = xt === 0 ? 0 : Math.max(
Math.min(Vt + U / Tt, L.scrollWidth - Q / Tt + _t)
), b += ce - z, p += Vt - U;
Math.min(Ft + U / xt, L.scrollWidth - Q / xt + mt)
), b += ce - z, c += Ft - U;
x.push({ el: L, top: z, left: U });
k.push({ el: L, top: z, left: U });
return x;
return k;
}, Qo = (e, t, o) => {
const r = o.popover, n = o.highlight, s = D(r, "position");
return P([e, t, s], ([{ element: i, step: l }, a, c], f) => {
if (!i || i === pt) {
return P([e, t, s], ([{ element: i, step: l }, a, p], f) => {
if (!i || i === ft) {
f({ status: "STOP" });
const _ = I(r), m = Qe(c), $ = m[0], d = m[1], h = I(n), g = (_.offset < 10 ? 10 : _.offset) + h.padding + h.borderWidth, C = $ ? fo[$] : "nearest", v = d ? d.toLocaleLowerCase() : "nearest";
let T = "nearest", k = "nearest";
const M = (l == null ? void 0 : l.scrollOffset) || {}, S = {
const _ = S(r), m = Qe(p), $ = m[0], d = m[1], h = S(n), g = (_.offset < 10 ? 10 : _.offset) + h.padding + h.borderWidth, C = $ ? fo[$] : "nearest", v = d ? d.toLocaleLowerCase() : "nearest";
let T = "nearest", x = "nearest";
const M = (l == null ? void 0 : l.scrollOffset) || {}, O = {
left: g + (M.left || 0),

@@ -952,8 +962,8 @@ right: g + (M.right || 0),

$ && $ !== "OVER" && (ho.includes($) ? (T = C, k = v, S[$.toLocaleLowerCase()] += (a == null ? void 0 : a.height) || 0) : (T = v, k = C, S[$.toLocaleLowerCase()] += (a == null ? void 0 : a.width) || 0));
$ && $ !== "OVER" && (ho.includes($) ? (T = C, x = v, O[$.toLocaleLowerCase()] += (a == null ? void 0 : a.height) || 0) : (T = v, x = C, O[$.toLocaleLowerCase()] += (a == null ? void 0 : a.width) || 0));
const V = Jo(i, {
scrollMode: "if-needed",
block: T,
inline: k,
offset: S
inline: x,
offset: O
}), R = [], E = [];

@@ -963,10 +973,10 @@ if (V.length > 0) {

let b = -1;
for (const { el: p, top: x, left: q } of V) {
if (b++, p.scrollTop == x && p.scrollLeft == q)
for (const { el: c, top: k, left: q } of V) {
if (b++, c.scrollTop == k && c.scrollLeft == q)
const w = Math.max(Math.abs(x - p.scrollTop), Math.abs(q - p.scrollLeft));
E[b] = jt(
const w = Math.max(Math.abs(k - c.scrollTop), Math.abs(q - c.scrollLeft));
E[b] = Nt(
top: p.scrollTop,
left: p.scrollTop
top: c.scrollTop,
left: c.scrollTop

@@ -976,9 +986,9 @@ {

// 300ms maximum
easing: Gt
easing: Et
const W = E[b].subscribe(({ top: K, left: ot }) => {
p.scrollTop = K, p.scrollLeft = ot, ot == q && K === x && f({ status: "STOP" });
c.scrollTop = K, c.scrollLeft = ot, ot == q && K === k && f({ status: "STOP" });
R.push(W), E[b].set({ top: x, left: q });
R.push(W), E[b].set({ top: k, left: q });

@@ -1000,9 +1010,9 @@ E.length === 0 && f({ status: "STOP" });

const a = I(s);
if (!i || !Dt(a))
const a = S(s);
if (!i || !jt(a))
const c = new AbortController();
return t.waitForElement(i, c).then((f) => {
c.signal.aborted || (o.set(!0), l({
element: f ?? pt,
const p = new AbortController();
return t.waitForElement(i, p).then((f) => {
p.signal.aborted || (o.set(!0), l({
element: f ?? ft,
step: i,

@@ -1012,3 +1022,3 @@ index: a

}), () => {
r = i, c.abort();
r = i, p.abort();

@@ -1024,3 +1034,3 @@ },

if (!e)
return gt;
return vt;
const r = {

@@ -1037,16 +1047,16 @@ passive: !0,

return P(e, (s, i) => {
const { element: l, step: a } = I(t);
const { element: l, step: a } = S(t);
if (!l)
return i(void 0), gt;
if (l === pt || I(o.popover).position === "SCREEN") {
return i(void 0), vt;
if (l === ft || S(o.popover).position === "SCREEN") {
const h = te(n || window, "resize", () => {
return i(Ft(pt)), h;
return i(Dt(ft)), h;
const c = a != null && a.onlyHighlightChildren ? Array.from(l.children) : [l], f = () => {
const p = a != null && a.onlyHighlightChildren ? Array.from(l.children) : [l], f = () => {
for (const T of c) {
const { x: k, y: M, right: S, bottom: V } = T.getBoundingClientRect();
k < h && (h = k), M < g && (g = M), S > C && (C = S), V > v && (v = V);
for (const T of p) {
const { x, y: M, right: O, bottom: V } = T.getBoundingClientRect();
x < h && (h = x), M < g && (g = M), O > C && (C = O), V > v && (v = V);

@@ -1060,5 +1070,5 @@ return {

}, _ = no(() => {
if (I(r) && s.status === "STOP") {
if (S(r) && s.status === "STOP") {
const h = f();
h.width === 0 || h.height === 0 ? i(Ft(pt)) : i(Ft(h));
h.width === 0 || h.height === 0 ? i(Dt(ft)) : i(Dt(h));

@@ -1071,3 +1081,3 @@ });

}), d = => Be(h, () => {
}), d = => Be(h, () => {
const g = h.getBoundingClientRect();

@@ -1089,15 +1099,15 @@ h.clientWidth === 0 && h.clientHeight === 0 && g.width === 0 && g.height === 0 || _();

}) : (o(lo), gt));
}) : (o(lo), vt));
class rr extends So {
constructor(o, r, n, s) {
lt(this, "subscriptions", []);
lt(this, "view");
lt(this, "delegate");
lt(this, "onPrev", () => {
at(this, "subscriptions", []);
at(this, "view");
at(this, "delegate");
at(this, "onPrev", () => {
lt(this, "onNext", async () => {
at(this, "onNext", async () => {
var r, n;
const o = I(Ze(,$));
const o = S(Ze(,$));
if (o) {

@@ -1116,11 +1126,11 @@ const s = (r = this.getActiveStep().step) == null ? void 0 :;

lt(this, "onClose", () => {
at(this, "onClose", () => {
this.delegate.onClose ? this.delegate.onClose() : this.dispose();
this.delegate = r;
const i = r.container ?? document.body, l = [], a = Nt(!0), c = tr(o, r, a), f = D(c, "step"), _ = (T, k) => {
const M = D(s, T), S = D(f, T);
const i = r.container ?? document.body, l = [], a = Pt(!0), p = tr(o, r, a), f = D(p, "step"), _ = (T, x) => {
const M = D(s, T), O = D(f, T);
return P(
[M, S],
(V) => Eo(k, ...V)
[M, O],
(V) => Eo(x, ...V)

@@ -1131,9 +1141,9 @@ }, m = {

theme: P(_("theme", {}), Lo)
}, $ = Nt(void 0), d = or($), h = Qo(c, d, m), g = er(
}, $ = Pt(void 0), d = or($), h = Qo(p, d, m), g = er(
), C = r.getTotalCount(o), v = Ke(n);
v.set(Ht, this).set(se, g).set(re, s).set(ie, $).set(ne, d).set(le, C).set(Ut, r).set(qt, c).set(Zt, m), this.subscriptions = l, this.view = new Ko({
v.set(Rt, this).set(se, g).set(re, s).set(ie, $).set(ne, d).set(le, C).set(Ut, r).set(qt, p).set(Zt, m), this.subscriptions = l, this.view = new Ko({
target: i,

@@ -1160,3 +1170,3 @@ context: v,

c() {
t = st("div"), o = At(
t = st("div"), o = Ht(

@@ -1171,3 +1181,3 @@ e[0]

n & /*$progress$*/
1 && Wt(
1 && Vt(

@@ -1178,4 +1188,4 @@ /*$progress$*/

i: vt,
o: vt,
i: yt,
o: yt,
d(r) {

@@ -1191,5 +1201,5 @@ r && j(t);

class to extends Et {
class to extends Mt {
constructor(t) {
super(), Pt(this, t, nr, ir, Mt, {}, sr);
super(), Lt(this, t, nr, ir, At, {}, sr);

@@ -1200,5 +1210,5 @@ }

const ar = (e) => ({}), ke = (e) => ({}), cr = (e) => ({}), xe = (e) => ({}), pr = (e) => ({}), Se = (e) => ({}), fr = (e) => ({}), Oe = (e) => ({}), hr = (e) => ({}), Ie = (e) => ({});
const ar = (e) => ({}), xe = (e) => ({}), cr = (e) => ({}), ke = (e) => ({}), pr = (e) => ({}), Se = (e) => ({}), fr = (e) => ({}), Oe = (e) => ({}), hr = (e) => ({}), Ie = (e) => ({});
function Ne(e) {
let t, o, r, n, s, i, l, a, c, f, _, m, $, d, h, g, C = (
let t, o, r, n, s, i, l, a, p, f, _, m, $, d, h, g, C = (

@@ -1214,5 +1224,5 @@ e[6] && Ee(e)

e[2]) && Me(e)
), k = (
), x = (
e[4] !== xt && /*$showProgress$*/
e[4] !== kt && /*$showProgress$*/
e[7] && Le()

@@ -1223,3 +1233,3 @@ );

), S = yt(
), O = bt(

@@ -1233,3 +1243,3 @@ e,

), R = yt(
), R = bt(

@@ -1243,3 +1253,3 @@ e,

e[4] === xt && /*$showProgress$*/
e[4] === kt && /*$showProgress$*/
e[7] && Ae()

@@ -1252,3 +1262,3 @@ ), b = (

c() {
t = st("div"), o = st("div"), n = it(), C && C.c(), s = it(), v && v.c(), i = it(), T && T.c(), l = it(), k && k.c(), a = it(), S && S.c(), c = it(), f = st("div"), R && R.c(), _ = it(), E && E.c(), m = it(), $ = st("div"), d = it(), b && b.c(), N(o, "class", r = "thisway-popover__arrow " + /*$arrowClass$*/
t = st("div"), o = st("div"), n = it(), C && C.c(), s = it(), v && v.c(), i = it(), T && T.c(), l = it(), x && x.c(), a = it(), O && O.c(), p = it(), f = st("div"), R && R.c(), _ = it(), E && E.c(), m = it(), $ = st("div"), d = it(), b && b.c(), N(o, "class", r = "thisway-popover__arrow " + /*$arrowClass$*/
e[5]), N($, "class", "thisway-stretch"), N(f, "class", "thisway-popover-footer"), N(t, "class", h = "thisway-popover " + /*$popoverClass$*/

@@ -1259,83 +1269,83 @@ e[3] + " thisway-popover__" + /*$layout$*/

m(p, x) {
Y(p, t, x), J(t, o), J(t, n), C && C.m(t, null), J(t, s), v && v.m(t, null), J(t, i), T && T.m(t, null), J(t, l), k && k.m(t, null), J(t, a), S && S.m(t, null), J(t, c), J(t, f), R && R.m(f, null), J(f, _), E && E.m(f, null), J(f, m), J(f, $), J(f, d), b && b.m(f, null), g = !0;
m(c, k) {
Y(c, t, k), J(t, o), J(t, n), C && C.m(t, null), J(t, s), v && v.m(t, null), J(t, i), T && T.m(t, null), J(t, l), x && x.m(t, null), J(t, a), O && O.m(t, null), J(t, p), J(t, f), R && R.m(f, null), J(f, _), E && E.m(f, null), J(f, m), J(f, $), J(f, d), b && b.m(f, null), g = !0;
p(p, x) {
(!g || x[0] & /*$arrowClass$*/
p(c, k) {
(!g || k[0] & /*$arrowClass$*/
32 && r !== (r = "thisway-popover__arrow " + /*$arrowClass$*/
p[5])) && N(o, "class", r), /*$showCloseButton$*/
p[6] ? C ? C.p(p, x) : (C = Ee(p), C.c(), C.m(t, s)) : C && (C.d(1), C = null), /*$$slots*/
p[28].title || /*$title$*/
p[1] ? v ? (v.p(p, x), x[0] & /*$$slots, $title$*/
268435458 && O(v, 1)) : (v = Pe(p), v.c(), O(v, 1), v.m(t, i)) : v && (at(), H(v, 1, 1, () => {
c[5])) && N(o, "class", r), /*$showCloseButton$*/
c[6] ? C ? C.p(c, k) : (C = Ee(c), C.c(), C.m(t, s)) : C && (C.d(1), C = null), /*$$slots*/
c[28].title || /*$title$*/
c[1] ? v ? (v.p(c, k), k[0] & /*$$slots, $title$*/
268435458 && I(v, 1)) : (v = Pe(c), v.c(), I(v, 1), v.m(t, i)) : v && (ct(), H(v, 1, 1, () => {
v = null;
}), ct()), /*$$slots*/
p[28].description || /*$description$*/
p[2] ? T ? (T.p(p, x), x[0] & /*$$slots, $description$*/
268435460 && O(T, 1)) : (T = Me(p), T.c(), O(T, 1), T.m(t, l)) : T && (at(), H(T, 1, 1, () => {
}), pt()), /*$$slots*/
c[28].description || /*$description$*/
c[2] ? T ? (T.p(c, k), k[0] & /*$$slots, $description$*/
268435460 && I(T, 1)) : (T = Me(c), T.c(), I(T, 1), T.m(t, l)) : T && (ct(), H(T, 1, 1, () => {
T = null;
}), ct()), /*$layout$*/
p[4] !== xt && /*$showProgress$*/
p[7] ? k ? x[0] & /*$layout$, $showProgress$*/
144 && O(k, 1) : (k = Le(), k.c(), O(k, 1), k.m(t, a)) : k && (at(), H(k, 1, 1, () => {
k = null;
}), ct()), S && S.p && (!g || x[0] & /*$$scope*/
536870912) && bt(
}), pt()), /*$layout$*/
c[4] !== kt && /*$showProgress$*/
c[7] ? x ? k[0] & /*$layout$, $showProgress$*/
144 && I(x, 1) : (x = Le(), x.c(), I(x, 1), x.m(t, a)) : x && (ct(), H(x, 1, 1, () => {
x = null;
}), pt()), O && O.p && (!g || k[0] & /*$$scope*/
536870912) && $t(
g ? Ct(
g ? Tt(
) : $t(
) : Ct(
), R && R.p && (!g || x[0] & /*$$scope*/
536870912) && bt(
), R && R.p && (!g || k[0] & /*$$scope*/
536870912) && $t(
g ? Ct(
g ? Tt(
) : $t(
) : Ct(
), /*$layout$*/
p[4] === xt && /*$showProgress$*/
p[7] ? E ? x[0] & /*$layout$, $showProgress$*/
144 && O(E, 1) : (E = Ae(), E.c(), O(E, 1), E.m(f, m)) : E && (at(), H(E, 1, 1, () => {
c[4] === kt && /*$showProgress$*/
c[7] ? E ? k[0] & /*$layout$, $showProgress$*/
144 && I(E, 1) : (E = Ae(), E.c(), I(E, 1), E.m(f, m)) : E && (ct(), H(E, 1, 1, () => {
E = null;
}), ct()), /*$showCtrlBtns$*/
p[8] ? b ? (b.p(p, x), x[0] & /*$showCtrlBtns$*/
256 && O(b, 1)) : (b = We(p), b.c(), O(b, 1), b.m(f, null)) : b && (at(), H(b, 1, 1, () => {
}), pt()), /*$showCtrlBtns$*/
c[8] ? b ? (b.p(c, k), k[0] & /*$showCtrlBtns$*/
256 && I(b, 1)) : (b = We(c), b.c(), I(b, 1), b.m(f, null)) : b && (ct(), H(b, 1, 1, () => {
b = null;
}), ct()), (!g || x[0] & /*$popoverClass$, $layout$, cssClassName*/
}), pt()), (!g || k[0] & /*$popoverClass$, $layout$, cssClassName*/
25 && h !== (h = "thisway-popover " + /*$popoverClass$*/
p[3] + " thisway-popover__" + /*$layout$*/
p[4] + " " + /*cssClassName*/
p[0])) && N(t, "class", h);
c[3] + " thisway-popover__" + /*$layout$*/
c[4] + " " + /*cssClassName*/
c[0])) && N(t, "class", h);
i(p) {
g || (O(v), O(T), O(k), O(S, p), O(R, p), O(E), O(b), g = !0);
i(c) {
g || (I(v), I(T), I(x), I(O, c), I(R, c), I(E), I(b), g = !0);
o(p) {
H(v), H(T), H(k), H(S, p), H(R, p), H(E), H(b), g = !1;
o(c) {
H(v), H(T), H(x), H(O, c), H(R, c), H(E), H(b), g = !1;
d(p) {
p && j(t), C && C.d(), v && v.d(), T && T.d(), k && k.d(), S && S.d(p), R && R.d(p), E && E.d(), b && b.d();
d(c) {
c && j(t), C && C.d(), v && v.d(), T && T.d(), x && x.d(), O && O.d(c), R && R.d(c), E && E.d(), b && b.d();

@@ -1351,3 +1361,3 @@ };

m(n, s) {
Y(n, t, s), o || (r = Lt(
Y(n, t, s), o || (r = Wt(

@@ -1359,3 +1369,3 @@ "click",

p: vt,
p: yt,
d(n) {

@@ -1371,3 +1381,3 @@ n && j(t), o = !1, r();

), n = yt(
), n = bt(

@@ -1388,3 +1398,3 @@ e,

n ? n.p && (!o || l[0] & /*$$scope*/
536870912) && bt(
536870912) && $t(

@@ -1395,3 +1405,3 @@ r,

o ? Ct(
o ? Tt(

@@ -1402,3 +1412,3 @@ /*$$scope*/

) : $t(
) : Ct(

@@ -1412,3 +1422,3 @@ i[29]

i(i) {
o || (O(s, i), o = !0);
o || (I(s, i), o = !0);

@@ -1427,3 +1437,3 @@ o(i) {

c() {
t = At(
t = Ht(

@@ -1438,3 +1448,3 @@ e[1]

r[0] & /*$title$*/
2 && Wt(
2 && Vt(

@@ -1455,3 +1465,3 @@ /*$title$*/

), n = yt(
), n = bt(

@@ -1472,3 +1482,3 @@ e,

n ? n.p && (!o || l[0] & /*$$scope*/
536870912) && bt(
536870912) && $t(

@@ -1479,3 +1489,3 @@ r,

o ? Ct(
o ? Tt(

@@ -1486,3 +1496,3 @@ /*$$scope*/

) : $t(
) : Ct(

@@ -1496,3 +1506,3 @@ i[29]

i(i) {
o || (O(s, i), o = !0);
o || (I(s, i), o = !0);

@@ -1511,3 +1521,3 @@ o(i) {

c() {
t = At(
t = Ht(

@@ -1522,3 +1532,3 @@ e[2]

r[0] & /*$description$*/
4 && Wt(
4 && Vt(

@@ -1544,3 +1554,3 @@ /*$description$*/

i(r) {
o || (O(t.$$.fragment, r), o = !0);
o || (I(t.$$.fragment, r), o = !0);

@@ -1565,3 +1575,3 @@ o(r) {

i(r) {
o || (O(t.$$.fragment, r), o = !0);
o || (I(t.$$.fragment, r), o = !0);

@@ -1594,12 +1604,12 @@ o(r) {

i[9] ? n ? (n.p(i, l), l[0] & /*$previousButtonVisible$*/
512 && O(n, 1)) : (n = He(i), n.c(), O(n, 1), n.m(t.parentNode, t)) : n && (at(), H(n, 1, 1, () => {
512 && I(n, 1)) : (n = He(i), n.c(), I(n, 1), n.m(t.parentNode, t)) : n && (ct(), H(n, 1, 1, () => {
n = null;
}), ct()), /*$hasSteps$*/
}), pt()), /*$hasSteps$*/
i[11] ? s ? (s.p(i, l), l[0] & /*$hasSteps$*/
2048 && O(s, 1)) : (s = Ve(i), s.c(), O(s, 1), s.m(o.parentNode, o)) : s && (at(), H(s, 1, 1, () => {
2048 && I(s, 1)) : (s = Ve(i), s.c(), I(s, 1), s.m(o.parentNode, o)) : s && (ct(), H(s, 1, 1, () => {
s = null;
}), ct());
}), pt());
i(i) {
r || (O(n), O(s), r = !0);
r || (I(n), I(s), r = !0);

@@ -1619,3 +1629,3 @@ o(i) {

), i = yt(
), i = bt(

@@ -1625,3 +1635,3 @@ e,

), l = i || mr(e);

@@ -1632,4 +1642,4 @@ return {

m(a, c) {
Y(a, t, c), l && l.m(t, null), o = !0, r || (n = Lt(
m(a, p) {
Y(a, t, p), l && l.m(t, null), o = !0, r || (n = Wt(

@@ -1641,5 +1651,5 @@ "click",

p(a, c) {
i ? i.p && (!o || c[0] & /*$$scope*/
536870912) && bt(
p(a, p) {
i ? i.p && (!o || p[0] & /*$$scope*/
536870912) && $t(

@@ -1650,18 +1660,18 @@ s,

o ? Ct(
o ? Tt(
) : $t(
) : Ct(
) : l && l.p && (!o || c[0] & /*$previousText$, $layout$*/
1040) && l.p(a, o ? c : [-1, -1]);
) : l && l.p && (!o || p[0] & /*$previousText$, $layout$*/
1040) && l.p(a, o ? p : [-1, -1]);
i(a) {
o || (O(l, a), o = !0);
o || (I(l, a), o = !0);

@@ -1680,3 +1690,3 @@ o(a) {

c() {
t = Yt("svg"), o = Yt("path"), N(o, "d", "M19 12H6M12 5l-7 7 7 7"), X(t, "pointer-events", "none"), N(t, "width", "20"), N(t, "height", "14"), N(t, "xmlns", ""), N(t, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), N(t, "fill", "none"), N(t, "stroke", "currentColor"), N(t, "stroke-width", "2"), N(t, "stroke-linecap", "round"), N(t, "stroke-linejoin", "round");
t = Gt("svg"), o = Gt("path"), N(o, "d", "M19 12H6M12 5l-7 7 7 7"), X(t, "pointer-events", "none"), N(t, "width", "20"), N(t, "height", "14"), N(t, "xmlns", ""), N(t, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), N(t, "fill", "none"), N(t, "stroke", "currentColor"), N(t, "stroke-width", "2"), N(t, "stroke-linecap", "round"), N(t, "stroke-linejoin", "round");

@@ -1686,3 +1696,3 @@ m(r, n) {

p: vt,
p: yt,
d(r) {

@@ -1697,3 +1707,3 @@ r && j(t);

c() {
t = At(
t = Ht(

@@ -1708,3 +1718,3 @@ e[10]

r[0] & /*$previousText$*/
1024 && Wt(
1024 && Vt(

@@ -1749,3 +1759,3 @@ /*$previousText$*/

), i = yt(
), i = bt(

@@ -1755,3 +1765,3 @@ e,

), l = i || gr(e);

@@ -1762,4 +1772,4 @@ return {

m(a, c) {
Y(a, t, c), l && l.m(t, null), o = !0, r || (n = Lt(
m(a, p) {
Y(a, t, p), l && l.m(t, null), o = !0, r || (n = Wt(

@@ -1771,5 +1781,5 @@ "click",

p(a, c) {
i ? i.p && (!o || c[0] & /*$$scope*/
536870912) && bt(
p(a, p) {
i ? i.p && (!o || p[0] & /*$$scope*/
536870912) && $t(

@@ -1780,18 +1790,18 @@ s,

o ? Ct(
o ? Tt(
) : $t(
) : Ct(
) : l && l.p && (!o || c[0] & /*$nextButtonText$*/
4096) && l.p(a, o ? c : [-1, -1]);
) : l && l.p && (!o || p[0] & /*$nextButtonText$*/
4096) && l.p(a, o ? p : [-1, -1]);
i(a) {
o || (O(l, a), o = !0);
o || (I(l, a), o = !0);

@@ -1810,3 +1820,3 @@ o(a) {

c() {
t = At(
t = Ht(

@@ -1821,3 +1831,3 @@ e[12]

r[0] & /*$nextButtonText$*/
4096 && Wt(
4096 && Vt(

@@ -1854,8 +1864,8 @@ /*$nextButtonText$*/

n[28].description ? r ? (r.p(n, s), s[0] & /*$title$, $description$, $$slots*/
268435462 && O(r, 1)) : (r = Ne(n), r.c(), O(r, 1), r.m(t.parentNode, t)) : r && (at(), H(r, 1, 1, () => {
268435462 && I(r, 1)) : (r = Ne(n), r.c(), I(r, 1), r.m(t.parentNode, t)) : r && (ct(), H(r, 1, 1, () => {
r = null;
}), ct());
}), pt());
i(n) {
o || (O(r), o = !0);
o || (I(r), o = !0);

@@ -1871,6 +1881,6 @@ o(n) {

function yr(e, t, o) {
let r, n, s, i, l, a, c, f, _, m, $, d, { $$slots: h = {}, $$scope: g } = t;
let r, n, s, i, l, a, p, f, _, m, $, d, { $$slots: h = {}, $$scope: g } = t;
const C = vo(h);
let { cssClassName: v = "" } = t;
const T = so(), k = B(Ht), M = Po(), S = B(le), V = B(ze), R = B(re), E = P(V, (y) => {
const T = so(), x = B(Rt), M = Po(), O = B(le), V = B(ze), R = B(re), E = P(V, (y) => {
var tt;

@@ -1882,23 +1892,23 @@ return `thisway-popover-${(tt = y == null ? void 0 : y.orientation) == null ? void 0 : tt.toLowerCase()}`;

A(e, b, (y) => o(5, l = y));
const p = ae(), x = P(S, (y) => y > 1);
A(e, x, (y) => o(11, $ = y));
const q = P([x, M], ([y, tt]) => y && (tt || 0) > 0);
const c = ae(), k = P(O, (y) => y > 1);
A(e, k, (y) => o(11, $ = y));
const q = P([k, M], ([y, tt]) => y && (tt || 0) > 0);
A(e, q, (y) => o(9, _ = y));
const w = D(p, "title");
const w = D(c, "title");
A(e, w, (y) => o(1, r = y));
const W = D(p, "description");
const W = D(c, "description");
A(e, W, (y) => o(2, n = y));
const K = D(p, "showCloseBtn");
const K = D(c, "showCloseBtn");
A(e, K, (y) => o(6, a = y));
const ot = D(p, "showCtrlBtns");
const ot = D(c, "showCtrlBtns");
A(e, ot, (y) => o(8, f = y));
const Z = D(p, "showProgress", !0);
A(e, Z, (y) => o(7, c = y));
const F = D(p, "prevBtnText");
const Z = D(c, "showProgress", !0);
A(e, Z, (y) => o(7, p = y));
const F = D(c, "prevBtnText");
A(e, F, (y) => o(10, m = y));
const L = D(R, "layout", xt);
const L = D(R, "layout", kt);
A(e, L, (y) => o(4, i = y));
const rt = Ze(, M), Q = P([p, rt, M, L], ([y, tt, dt, u]) => {
const rt = Ze(, M), Q = P([c, rt, M, L], ([y, tt, ut, u]) => {
var G;
if (dt === 0)
if (ut === 0)
return y.startBtnText;

@@ -1915,3 +1925,3 @@ if (tt)

A(e, Q, (y) => o(12, d = y));
const ft = () => T("close"), wt = () => T("previous"), ht = () => T("next");
const ht = () => T("close"), _t = () => T("previous"), dt = () => T("next");
return e.$$set = (y) => {

@@ -1927,3 +1937,3 @@ "cssClassName" in y && o(0, v = y.cssClassName), "$$scope" in y && o(29, g = y.$$scope);


@@ -1936,3 +1946,3 @@ _,


@@ -1947,5 +1957,5 @@ w,


@@ -1956,5 +1966,5 @@ g,

class br extends Et {
class br extends Mt {
constructor(t) {
super(), Pt(this, t, yr, vr, Mt, { cssClassName: 0 }, lr, [-1, -1]);
super(), Lt(this, t, yr, vr, At, { cssClassName: 0 }, lr, [-1, -1]);

@@ -1964,3 +1974,3 @@ }

constructor(t) {
lt(this, "options$");
at(this, "options$");
this.options$ = t;

@@ -1981,4 +1991,4 @@ }

constructor(t) {
const { steps: o, beforeStepChange: r, waitForElement: n, afterStepChanged: s, onClose: i, onDone: l } = t, a = Nt(t), c = new $r(a);
r && (c.beforeStepChange = r), n && (c.waitForElement = n), s && (c.afterStepChanged = s), i && (c.onClose = i), l && (c.onDone = l), super(Oo(Tr(o), void 0), c, Ke(), a);
const { steps: o, beforeStepChange: r, waitForElement: n, afterStepChanged: s, onClose: i, onDone: l } = t, a = Pt(t), p = new $r(a);
r && (p.beforeStepChange = r), n && (p.waitForElement = n), s && (p.afterStepChanged = s), i && (p.onClose = i), l && (p.onDone = l), super(Oo(Tr(o), void 0), p, Ke(), a);

@@ -2015,4 +2025,4 @@ }

function kr(e) {
const t = B(ie), { onMount: o, onDestroy: r } = B(xo), n = t.subscribe((s) => {
function xr(e) {
const t = B(ie), { onMount: o, onDestroy: r } = B(ko), n = t.subscribe((s) => {
s ? o(s) : r();

@@ -2024,5 +2034,5 @@ });

class Hr extends Et {
class Hr extends Mt {
constructor(t) {
super(), Pt(this, t, kr, null, Mt, {});
super(), Lt(this, t, xr, null, At, {});

@@ -2033,3 +2043,3 @@ }

se as ElementBoundingContext,
xo as ForeignViewContext,
ko as ForeignViewContext,
Hr as ForeignViewHost,

@@ -2048,3 +2058,3 @@ re as OptionsContext,

rr as Tour,
Ht as TourContext,
Rt as TourContext,
Ke as createContexts,

@@ -2065,3 +2075,3 @@ Oo as createStepsStore,

Qe as parsePlacement,
ko as setContext
xo as setContext
"name": "@thisway/next",
"version": "0.4.5",
"version": "0.4.6",
"type": "module",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "dependencies": {

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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