Core library for sharing state (Redux) and business logic in general between our (React) frontend projects.
Available Scripts
In the project directory, you can run:
yarn install
Installs all dependencies.
yarn dev
Run the compiler in watch mode. Watch input files and trigger recompilation on changes. The implementation of watching files and directories can be configured using environment variable. See configuring watch for more details.
yarn test
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
import { Core } from '@timetac/js-core
Actions and parameters
PayloadAction<{ account: string }>
username: string;
password: string;
clientId: string;
clientSecret: string;}>)
User slice
Timetrackings slice
TimeTracking types: TimeTracking, TimeTrackingCreate
interface TimeTracking {
id: number;
user_id: number;
task_id: number;
start_time?: string; // dateTimeString ??
end_time?: string; // dateTimeString ??
* Timezone, eg. Europe/Vienna, that is mandatory if action is CREATE
start_time_timezone?: string;
* Timezone id for start_time
start_time_timezone_id?: number;
* Timezone needs to be set if end_time field value is set
end_time_timezone?: string;
* Timezone id for end_time
end_time_timezone_id?: number;
* The department id to which the timetrackings user (pm_time_tracking.user_id)
* was assigned at the time start_date of the timeTracking.
department_id?: number;
* The department role id to which the timetrackings user (pm_time_tracking.user_id)
* was assigned at the time start_date of the timeTracking.
department_role_id?: number;
start_time_offset?: number;
end_time_offset?: number;
timezone?: string;
* Whether the start of the timer was booked live or not
is_start_live?: boolean;
* Whether the end of the timer was booked live or not
is_end_live?: boolean;
time?: string;
duration?: number;
status?: number;
start_ip?: string;
end_ip?: string;
is_statistic_countable?: boolean;
max_hours_alert?: boolean;
input_type?: number;
t_iv_1?: string;
* if 1, admin has approved time tracking entry (no change possible)
approved_by_admin?: boolean;
geo_start_lat?: number;
geo_start_long?: number;
geo_start_accuracy?: number;
geo_end_lat?: number;
geo_end_long?: number;
geo_end_accuracy?: number;
geo_lat?: number;
geo_long?: number;
geo_accuracy?: number;
updated?: string;
* Id of latest time tracking change request
last_change_time_tracking_request_id?: number;
* Special unique case: If a to-be-inserted value is not null and exists already,
* the create action should successfully return the existing row instead of creating
* (and no unique error)
client_unique_id?: string;
* 0 = post-dated, 1 = live, 2 = nfc
start_type_id?: number;
* 0 = post-dated, 1 = live, 2 = nfc
end_type_id?: number;
notes?: string;
is_billable?: boolean;
is_nonworking?: boolean;
interface TimeTrackingCreate extends Omit<TimeTracking, 'id'> {}
State structure
Structure of js-core
redux state:
error: {
timestamp?: number;
host?: string;
Error?: number;
ErrorMessage?: string;
ErrorExtended?: Record<string, unknown>;
login: {
account?: string;
serverCommunication?: {
host: string;
user?: User;
state?: number | string;
codeVerifier?: string;
tokens?: {
accessToken?: string;
refreshToken?: string;
rehydrated: boolean;
initialLoad: {
completed: boolean;
startedAt: string | null;
completedAt: string | null;
blockingResourcesCompleted: {
absenceTypes: boolean;
generalSettings: boolean;
projects: boolean;
tasks: boolean;
users: boolean;
entities: {
absenceDays: {
ids: [],
entities: {}
absences: {
ids: [],
entities: {}
absenceTypes: {
ids: [],
entities: {}
favouriteTasks: {
ids: [],
entities: {}
generalSettings: {
ids: [],
entities: {}
projects: {
ids: [],
entities: {}
recentTasks: {
ids: [],
entities: {}
tasks: {
ids: [],
entities: {}
timesheetAccountings: {
ids: [],
entities: {}
todoTasks: {
ids: [],
entities: {}
users: {
ids: [],
entities: {}
userStatusOverviews: {
ids: [],
entities: {}