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@tldraw/tlstore - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.1-alpha.0 to 0.0.1-alpha.1




@@ -1,671 +0,2 @@

import { Atom, Computed } from '@tldraw/tlstate';
type ID<R extends BaseRecord = BaseRecord> = string & {
__type__: R;
* The base record that all records must extend.
interface BaseRecord<TypeName extends string = string> {
readonly id: ID<this>;
readonly typeName: TypeName;
type OmitMeta<R extends BaseRecord> = R extends R ? Omit<R, 'id' | 'typeName'> : R;
declare function defineMigrations<FirstVersion extends number, CurrentVersion extends number>({ firstVersion, currentVersion, migrators, subTypeKey, subTypeMigrations, }: {
firstVersion: FirstVersion;
currentVersion: CurrentVersion;
migrators: {
[version in Exclude<Range<FirstVersion, CurrentVersion>, FirstVersion>]: Migration;
subTypeKey?: string;
subTypeMigrations?: Record<string, BaseMigrationsInfo>;
}): Migrations;
type Migration<T = any> = {
up: (oldState: T) => T;
down: (newState: T) => T;
interface BaseMigrationsInfo {
firstVersion: number;
currentVersion: number;
migrators: {
[version: number]: Migration;
interface Migrations extends BaseMigrationsInfo {
subTypeKey?: string;
subTypeMigrations?: Record<string, BaseMigrationsInfo>;
type MigrationResult<T> = {
type: 'success';
value: T;
} | {
type: 'error';
reason: MigrationFailureReason;
declare enum MigrationFailureReason {
IncompatibleSubtype = "incompatible-subtype",
UnknownType = "unknown-type",
TargetVersionTooNew = "target-version-too-new",
TargetVersionTooOld = "target-version-too-old",
MigrationError = "migration-error",
UnrecognizedSubtype = "unrecognized-subtype"
type RecordVersion = {
rootVersion: number;
subTypeVersion?: number;
declare function getRecordVersion(record: BaseRecord, serializedSchema: SerializedSchema): RecordVersion;
declare function compareRecordVersions(a: RecordVersion, b: RecordVersion): 0 | 1 | -1;
declare function migrateRecord<R extends BaseRecord>({ record, migrations, fromVersion, toVersion, }: {
record: unknown;
migrations: Migrations;
fromVersion: number;
toVersion: number;
}): MigrationResult<R>;
declare function migrate<T>({ value, migrations, fromVersion, toVersion, }: {
value: unknown;
migrations: Migrations;
fromVersion: number;
toVersion: number;
}): MigrationResult<T>;
type Range<From extends number, To extends number> = To extends From ? From : To | Range<From, Decrement<To>>;
type Decrement<n extends number> = n extends 0 ? never : n extends 1 ? 0 : n extends 2 ? 1 : n extends 3 ? 2 : n extends 4 ? 3 : n extends 5 ? 4 : n extends 6 ? 5 : n extends 7 ? 6 : n extends 8 ? 7 : n extends 9 ? 8 : n extends 10 ? 9 : n extends 11 ? 10 : n extends 12 ? 11 : n extends 13 ? 12 : n extends 14 ? 13 : n extends 15 ? 14 : n extends 16 ? 15 : n extends 17 ? 16 : n extends 18 ? 17 : n extends 19 ? 18 : n extends 20 ? 19 : n extends 21 ? 20 : n extends 22 ? 21 : n extends 23 ? 22 : n extends 24 ? 23 : n extends 25 ? 24 : n extends 26 ? 25 : n extends 27 ? 26 : n extends 28 ? 27 : n extends 29 ? 28 : n extends 30 ? 29 : n extends 31 ? 30 : n extends 32 ? 31 : n extends 33 ? 32 : n extends 34 ? 33 : n extends 35 ? 34 : n extends 36 ? 35 : n extends 37 ? 36 : n extends 38 ? 37 : n extends 39 ? 38 : n extends 40 ? 39 : n extends 41 ? 40 : n extends 42 ? 41 : n extends 43 ? 42 : n extends 44 ? 43 : n extends 45 ? 44 : n extends 46 ? 45 : n extends 47 ? 46 : n extends 48 ? 47 : n extends 49 ? 48 : n extends 50 ? 49 : n extends 51 ? 50 : never;
* A record type is a type that can be stored in a record store. It is created with
* `createRecordType`.
declare class RecordType<R extends BaseRecord, RequiredProperties extends keyof Omit<R, 'id' | 'typeName'>> {
* The unique type associated with this record.
* @public
* @readonly
readonly typeName: R['typeName'];
readonly config: {
readonly createDefaultProperties: () => Exclude<OmitMeta<R>, RequiredProperties>;
readonly migrations: Migrations;
* The unique type associated with this record.
* @public
* @readonly
typeName: R['typeName'], config: {
readonly createDefaultProperties: () => Exclude<OmitMeta<R>, RequiredProperties>;
readonly migrations: Migrations;
* Create a new record of this type.
* @param properties The properties of the record.
* @returns The new record.
create(properties: Pick<R, RequiredProperties> & Omit<Partial<R>, RequiredProperties>): R;
* Clone a record of this type.
* @param record The record to clone.
* @public
* @returns The cloned record.
clone(record: R): R;
* Create a new ID for this record type.
* @example
* const id = recordType.createId()
* @public
* @returns The new ID.
createId(): ID<R>;
* Create a new ID for this record type based on the given ID.
* @example
* const id = recordType.createCustomId("myId")
* @param id The ID to base the new ID on.
* @returns The new ID.
createCustomId(id: string): ID<R>;
* Check whether a record is an instance of this record type.
* @example
* const result = recordType.isInstance(someRecord)
* @param record The record to check.
* @returns Whether the record is an instance of this record type.
isInstance: (record?: BaseRecord) => record is R;
* Check whether an id is an id of this type.
* @example
* const result = recordType.isIn("someId")
* @param id The id to check.
* @returns Whether the id is an id of this type.
isId(id?: string): id is ID<R>;
* Create a new RecordType that has the same type name as this RecordType and includes the given default properties.
* @example
* const authorType = createRecordType('author', () => ({ living: true }))
* const deadAuthorType = authorType.withDefaultProperties({ living: false })
* @param fn A function that returns the default properties of the new RecordType.
* @returns The new RecordType.
withDefaultProperties<DefaultProps extends Omit<Partial<R>, 'typeName' | 'id'>>(createDefaultProperties: () => DefaultProps): RecordType<R, Exclude<RequiredProperties, keyof DefaultProps>>;
* Create a record type.
* @example
* const Book = createRecordType<Book>('book')
* @param typeName The name of the type to create.
declare function createRecordType<R extends BaseRecord>(typeName: R['typeName'], config?: Omit<Partial<ConstructorParameters<typeof RecordType>[1]>, 'defaultProperties' | 'onLoad'>): RecordType<R, keyof Omit<R, 'id' | 'typeName'>>;
* Assert whether an id correspond to a record type.
* @example
* assertIdType(myId, ID<MyRecord>)
* @param id The id to check.
* @param type The type of the record.
declare function assertIdType<R extends BaseRecord>(id: string | undefined, type: RecordType<R, any>): asserts id is ID<R>;
type ValueMatcher<T> = {
eq: T;
} | {
neq: T;
type QueryExpression<R extends object> = {
[k in keyof R & string]?: ValueMatcher<R[k]>;
type RSIndexDiff<R extends BaseRecord = BaseRecord, Property extends string & keyof R = string & keyof R> = Map<R[Property], CollectionDiff<ID<R>>>;
type RSIndex<R extends BaseRecord = BaseRecord, Property extends string & keyof R = string & keyof R> = Computed<Map<R[Property], Set<ID<R>>>, RSIndexDiff<R, Property>>;
* A class that provides a 'namespace' for the various kinds of indexes
* one may wish to derive from the record store.
declare class StoreQueries<R extends BaseRecord = BaseRecord> {
private readonly atoms;
private readonly history;
constructor(atoms: Atom<Record<ID<R>, Atom<R>>>, history: Atom<number, RecordsDiff<R>>);
* A cache of derivations (indexes).
* @private
private indexCache;
* A cache of derivations (filtered histories).
* @private
private historyCache;
* Create a derivation that contains the hisotry for a given type
* @param typeName The name of the type to filter by.
* @returns A derivation that returns the ids of all records of the given type.
* @public
filterHistory<TypeName extends R['typeName']>(typeName: TypeName): Computed<number, RecordsDiff<Extract<R, {
typeName: TypeName;
* Create a derivation that returns an index on a property for the given type.
* @param typeName The name of the type.
* @param property The name of the property.
* @public
index<TypeName extends R['typeName'], Property extends string & keyof Extract<R, {
typeName: TypeName;
}>>(typeName: TypeName, property: Property): RSIndex<Extract<R, {
typeName: TypeName;
}>, Property>;
* Create a derivation that returns an index on a property for the given type.
* @param typeName The name of the type?.
* @param property The name of the property?.
* @private
__uncached_createIndex<TypeName extends R['typeName'], Property extends string & keyof Extract<R, {
typeName: TypeName;
}>>(typeName: TypeName, property: Property): RSIndex<Extract<R, {
typeName: TypeName;
}>, Property>;
* Create a derivation that will return a signle record matching the given query.
* It will return undefined if there is no matching record
* @param typeName The name of the type?
* @param queryCreator A function that returns the query expression.
* @param name (optinal) The name of the query.
record<TypeName extends R['typeName']>(typeName: TypeName, queryCreator?: () => QueryExpression<Extract<R, {
typeName: TypeName;
}>>, name?: string): Computed<Extract<R, {
typeName: TypeName;
}> | undefined>;
* Create a derivation that will return an array of records matching the given query
* @param typeName The name of the type?
* @param queryCreator A function that returns the query expression.
* @param name (optinal) The name of the query.
records<TypeName extends R['typeName']>(typeName: TypeName, queryCreator?: () => QueryExpression<Extract<R, {
typeName: TypeName;
}>>, name?: string): Computed<Array<Extract<R, {
typeName: TypeName;
* Create a derivation that will return the ids of all records of the given type.
* @param typeName The name of the type.
* @param queryCreator A function that returns the query expression.
* @param name (optinal) The name of the query.
ids<TypeName extends R['typeName']>(typeName: TypeName, queryCreator?: () => QueryExpression<Extract<R, {
typeName: TypeName;
}>>, name?: string): Computed<Set<ID<Extract<R, {
typeName: TypeName;
}>>>, CollectionDiff<ID<Extract<R, {
typeName: TypeName;
exec<TypeName extends R['typeName']>(typeName: TypeName, query: QueryExpression<Extract<R, {
typeName: TypeName;
}>>): Array<Extract<R, {
typeName: TypeName;
type RecFromId<K extends ID> = K extends ID<infer R> ? R : never;
/** A diff describing the changes to a record. */
type RecordsDiff<R extends BaseRecord> = {
added: Record<string, R>;
updated: Record<string, [from: R, to: R]>;
removed: Record<string, R>;
/** A diff describing the changes to a collection. */
type CollectionDiff<T> = {
added?: Set<T>;
removed?: Set<T>;
/** An entry containing changes that originated either by user actions or remote changes. */
type HistoryEntry<R extends BaseRecord = BaseRecord> = {
changes: RecordsDiff<R>;
source: 'user' | 'remote';
/** A function that will be called when the history changes. */
type StoreListener<R extends BaseRecord> = (entry: HistoryEntry<R>) => void;
/** A record store is a collection of records of different types. */
type ComputedCache<Data, R extends BaseRecord> = {
get(id: ID<R>): Data | undefined;
/** A serialized snapshot of the record store's values. */
type StoreSnapshot<R extends BaseRecord> = {
[id: string]: R;
type StoreValidator<R extends BaseRecord> = {
validate: (record: unknown) => R;
type StoreValidators<R extends BaseRecord> = {
[K in R['typeName']]: StoreValidator<Extract<R, {
typeName: K;
/** A store of records. */
declare class Store<R extends BaseRecord = BaseRecord> {
* An atom containing the store's atoms.
* @private
* @readonly
private readonly atoms;
* An atom containing the store's history.
* @public
* @readonly
readonly history: Atom<number, RecordsDiff<R>>;
* A StoreQueries instance for this store.
* @public
* @readonly
readonly query: StoreQueries<R>;
* A set containing listeners that have been added to this store.
* @private
private listeners;
* An array of history entries that have not yet been flushed.
* @private
private historyAccumulator;
* A reactor that responds to changes to the history by squashing the
* accumulated history and notifying listeners of the changes.
* @private
private historyReactor;
private onError?;
validators: StoreValidators<R>;
constructor(config: {
* The store's initial data.
initialData?: StoreSnapshot<R>;
* A map of validators for each record type. A record's validator will be
* called when the record is created or updated. It should throw an error if the record is invalid.
validators: StoreValidators<R>;
onError?: (error: Error) => void;
_flushHistory(): void;
private validateRecord;
* Update the history with a diff of changes.
* @param changes The changes to add to the history.
private updateHistory;
validate(): void;
* A callback fired after a record is created. Use this to perform
* related updates to other records in the store.
* @param record The record to be created
onAfterCreate?: (record: R) => void;
* A callback fired after each record's change.
* @param prev The previous value, if any.
* @param next The next value.
onAfterChange?: (prev: R, next: R) => void;
* A callback fired before a record is deleted.
* @param prev The record that will be deleted.
onBeforeDelete?: (prev: R) => void;
* A callback fired after a record is deleted.
* @param prev The record that will be deleted.
onAfterDelete?: (prev: R) => void;
private _runCallbacks;
* Add some records to the store. It's an error if they already exist.
* @param records The records to add.
* @public
put: (records: R[]) => void;
* Remove some records from the store via their ids.
* @param ids The ids of the records to remove.
* @public
remove: (ids: ID<R>[]) => void;
* Get the value of a store record by its id.
* @param id The id of the record to get.
* @public
get: <K extends ID<R>>(id: K) => RecFromId<K> | undefined;
* Opposite of `deserialize`. Creates a JSON payload from the record store.
* @param filter (optional) A function to filter structs that do not satisfy the predicate.
* @returns The record store snapshot as a JSON payload.
serialize: (filter?: ((record: R) => boolean) | undefined) => StoreSnapshot<R>;
* Opposite of `serialize`. Replace the store's current records with records as defined by a simple JSON structure into the stores.
* @param snapshot The JSON snapshot to deserialize.
* @public
deserialize: (snapshot: StoreSnapshot<R>) => void;
* Get an array of all values in the store.
* @public
* @returns An array of all values in the store.
allRecords: () => R[];
* Removes all records from the store.
* @public
clear: () => void;
* Update a record. To update multiple records at once, use the `update` method of the `TypedStore` class.
* @param id The id of the record to update.
* @param updater A function that updates the record.
update: <K extends ID<R>>(id: K, updater: (record: RecFromId<K>) => RecFromId<K>) => void;
* Get whether the record store has a id.
* @param id The id of the record to check.
* @public
has: <K extends ID<R>>(id: K) => boolean;
* Add a new listener to the store.
* @param listener The listener to call when the store updates.
* @returns A function to remove the listener.
listen: (listener: StoreListener<R>) => () => void;
private isMergingRemoteChanges;
* Merge changes from a remote source without triggering listeners.
* @param fn A function that merges the external changes.
* @public
mergeRemoteChanges: (fn: () => void) => void;
extractingChanges(fn: () => void): RecordsDiff<R>;
applyDiff(diff: RecordsDiff<R>, runCallbacks?: boolean): void;
* Create a computed cache.
* @param name The name of the derivation cache.
* @param derive A function used to derive the value of the cache.
* @public
createComputedCache: <T, V extends R = R>(name: string, derive: (record: V) => T | undefined) => ComputedCache<T, V>;
* Create a computed cache from a selector
* @param name The name of the derivation cache.
* @param selector A function that returns a subset of the original shape
* @param derive A function used to derive the value of the cache.
* @public
createSelectedComputedCache: <T, J, V extends R = R>(name: string, selector: (record: V) => T | undefined, derive: (input: T) => J | undefined) => ComputedCache<J, V>;
* Squash a collection of diffs into a single diff.
* @param diffs An array of diffs to squash.
* @returns A single diff that represents the squashed diffs.
declare function squashRecordDiffs<T extends BaseRecord>(diffs: RecordsDiff<T>[]): RecordsDiff<T>;
declare function reverseRecordsDiff(diff: RecordsDiff<any>): RecordsDiff<any>;
interface SerializedSchema {
* Schema version is the version for this type you're looking at right now
schemaVersion: number;
* Store version is the version for the structure of the store. e.g. higher level
* structure like removing or renaming a record type.
storeVersion: number;
* Record versions are the versions for each record type. e.g. adding a new field to a record
recordVersions: Record<string, {
version: number;
} | {
version: number;
subTypeVersions: Record<string, number>;
subTypeKey: string;
declare class StoreSchema<R extends BaseRecord> {
readonly typeArray: RecordType<R, any>[];
readonly storeMigrations: Migrations;
types: Record<string, RecordType<R, any>>;
constructor(typeArray: RecordType<R, any>[], storeMigrations: Migrations);
migratePersistedRecord(record: R, persistedSchema: SerializedSchema, direction?: 'up' | 'down'): MigrationResult<R>;
migrateStore(store: Store<R>, persistedSchema: SerializedSchema): MigrationResult<void>;
serialize(): SerializedSchema;
serializeEarliestVersion(): SerializedSchema;
declare const compareSchemas: (a: SerializedSchema, b: SerializedSchema) => number;
* Freeze an object when in development mode.
* Copied from
* @example
* const frozen = devFreeze({ a: 1 })
* @param object The object to freeze.
* @returns The frozen object when in development mode, or else the object when in other modes.
declare function devFreeze<T>(object: T): T;
* A class that can be used to incrementally construct a set of records.
declare class IncrementalSetConstructor<T> {
* The previous value of the set.
* @private
* @readonly
private readonly previousValue;
* The next value of the set.
* @private
private nextValue?;
* The diff of the set.
* @private
private diff?;
* The previous value of the set.
* @private
* @readonly
previousValue: Set<T>);
* Get the next value of the set.
* @public
get(): {
value: Set<T>;
diff: CollectionDiff<T>;
} | undefined;
* Add an item to the set.
* @param item The item to add.
* @param wasAlreadyPresent Whether the item was already present in the set.
* @private
private _add;
* Add an item to the set.
* @param item The item to add.
* @public
add(item: T): void;
* Remove an item from the set.
* @param item The item to remove.
* @param wasAlreadyPresent Whether the item was already present in the set.
* @private
private _remove;
* Remove an item from the set.
* @param item The item to remove.
* @public
remove(item: T): void;
type ExtractRecordType<T extends Store<any>> = T extends Store<infer R> ? R : never;
type ExtractR<T extends RecordType<any, any>> = T extends RecordType<infer S, any> ? S : never;
* Get the type of all records in a record store.
type AllRecords<T extends Store<any>> = ExtractR<ExtractRecordType<T>>;
export { AllRecords, BaseRecord, CollectionDiff, ComputedCache, HistoryEntry, ID, IncrementalSetConstructor, Migration, MigrationFailureReason, MigrationResult, Migrations, RecordType, RecordVersion, RecordsDiff, SerializedSchema, Store, StoreListener, StoreSchema, StoreSnapshot, assertIdType, compareRecordVersions, compareSchemas, createRecordType, defineMigrations, devFreeze, getRecordVersion, migrate, migrateRecord, reverseRecordsDiff, squashRecordDiffs };
export * from './lib';

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ {

"description": "A tiny little drawing app (store).",
"version": "0.0.1-alpha.0",
"version": "0.0.1-alpha.1",
"author": "tldraw GB Ltd.",

@@ -17,2 +17,5 @@ "homepage": "",

"main": "./src/index.ts",
"files": [
"scripts": {

@@ -25,7 +28,4 @@ "test": "jest",

"files": [
"dependencies": {
"@tldraw/tlstate": "0.0.1-alpha.0",
"@tldraw/tlstate": "0.0.1-alpha.1",
"lodash.isequal": "^4.5.0",

@@ -32,0 +32,0 @@ "nanoid": "^3.0.0"

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