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@tolgee/core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 4.9.2 to 4.9.3-rc.d287ae9.0



export { Tolgee } from './Tolgee';
export { TolgeeConfig } from './TolgeeConfig';
export { ModifierKey } from './Constants/ModifierKey';
export { TOLGEE_WRAPPED_ONLY_DATA_ATTRIBUTE } from './Constants/Global';
export * from './modules';
export * from './types/DTOs';
export * from './types';
export * from './Constants/Global';
export * from './helpers/NodeHelper';
export * from './helpers/TextHelper';
export { getTranslateParams } from './TranslateParams';
export { getFallback, getFallbackArray } from './Controller/State/helpers';

@@ -1,68 +0,2 @@

import { TolgeeConfig } from './TolgeeConfig';
import { InstantProps, InstantPropsTags, TolgeeModule, TranslateProps, TranslatePropsTags, TranslationTags, TranslationParams, TranslationParamsTags } from './types';
export declare class Tolgee {
private dependencyService;
private constructor();
get properties(): import("./Properties").Properties;
get lang(): string;
* This sets a new language.
* Using this setter can behave buggy when you change languages
* too fast, since it changes the language property before
* translations are actually loaded.
* @deprecated use asynchronous changeLanguage method.
set lang(newLanguage: string);
get defaultLanguage(): string;
get onLangChange(): import("./services/EventEmitter").EventEmitter<string>;
get onTranslationChange(): import("./services/EventEmitter").EventEmitter<import(".").TranslationData>;
* Is emitted when language is loaded for the first time
get onLangLoaded(): import("./services/EventEmitter").EventEmitter<string>;
* True if loading is needed to wait for Tolgee init.
* When translation data are provided statically (using import
* as staticData config property) then there is no need for translation
* fetching so initial loading is not needed at all.
get initialLoading(): boolean;
private get coreService();
static use(module: TolgeeModule): Tolgee;
static init(config: TolgeeConfig): Tolgee;
* Sets the new language.
* Emits the onLangChange and onLangChangeAndLoad events after
* the translations are loaded.
* @return Promise<void> Resolves when translations are loaded
changeLanguage(newLanguage: string): Promise<void>;
use(module: TolgeeModule): this;
init(config: TolgeeConfig): this;
run(): Promise<void>;
refresh(): Promise<void>;
translate(props: TranslateProps): Promise<string>;
translate<T>(props: TranslatePropsTags<T>): Promise<TranslationTags<T>>;
translate(key: string, params?: TranslationParams, noWrap?: boolean, defaultValue?: string): Promise<string>;
translate<T>(key: string, params?: TranslationParamsTags<T>, noWrap?: boolean, defaultValue?: string): Promise<TranslationTags<T>>;
wrap(key: string, params?: TranslationParams, defaultValue?: string | undefined, translation?: string): string;
wrap<T>(key: string, params?: TranslationTags<T>, defaultValue?: string | undefined, translation?: TranslationTags<T>): TranslationTags<T>;
instant(key: string, params?: TranslationParams, noWrap?: boolean, orEmpty?: boolean, defaultValue?: string): string;
instant<T>(key: string, params?: TranslationParamsTags<T>, noWrap?: boolean, orEmpty?: boolean, defaultValue?: string): TranslationTags<T>;
instant(props: InstantProps): string;
instant<T>(props: InstantPropsTags<T>): TranslationTags<T>;
* Get currently cached translations for all languages
getCachedTranslations(): Map<string, import("./types").Translations>;
* Loads translations for given language or returns them from cache
* @returns Loaded translations
loadTranslations(lang: string): Promise<import("./types").Translations>;
stop: () => void;
private emitLangChangeEvent;
import { Options, TolgeeInstance } from './types';
export declare const Tolgee: (options?: Partial<Options>) => TolgeeInstance;

@@ -1,82 +0,208 @@

export interface TextInputElementData {
oldValue: string;
valueInputs: string[];
touched: boolean;
oldPlaceholder: string;
placeholderInputs: string[];
export declare type TreeTranslationsData = {
[key: string]: string | TreeTranslationsData;
export declare type Translations = Record<string, string>;
export declare type TranslationParams = {
[key: string]: string | number | bigint;
export declare type TranslationParamsTags<T> = {
[key: string]: string | number | bigint | ((value: T | T[]) => T);
export declare type TranslateProps = {
key: string;
defaultValue?: string;
params?: TranslationParams;
import type { Options } from './Controller/State/initState';
import type { ObserverOptions } from './Controller/State/initObserverOptions';
export type { State, Options } from './Controller/State/initState';
export type { ObserverOptions, ModifierKey, } from './Controller/State/initObserverOptions';
export type { EventEmitterType } from './Controller/Events/EventEmitter';
export type { EventEmitterSelectiveType } from './Controller/Events/EventEmitterSelective';
export declare type FallbackGeneral = undefined | false | string | string[];
export declare type FallbackNS = FallbackGeneral;
export declare type NsType = string;
export declare type KeyType = string;
export declare type FallbackNSTranslation = undefined | NsType | NsType[];
export declare type FallbackLanguage = FallbackGeneral;
export declare type FallbackLanguageObject = Record<string, FallbackLanguage>;
export declare type FallbackLanguageOption = FallbackLanguage | FallbackLanguageObject;
export declare type TranslateOptions<T> = {
ns?: FallbackNSTranslation;
noWrap?: boolean;
orEmpty?: boolean;
params?: TranslateParams<T>;
export declare type TranslatePropsTags<T> = {
key: string;
export declare type TranslateProps<T = DefaultParamType> = {
key: KeyType;
defaultValue?: string;
params?: TranslationParamsTags<T>;
noWrap?: boolean;
orEmpty?: boolean;
} & TranslateOptions<T>;
export declare type TranslatePropsInternal = TranslateProps & {
translation?: string;
export declare type InstantProps = {
key: string;
defaultValue?: string;
params?: TranslationParams;
noWrap?: boolean;
orEmpty?: boolean;
export declare type TranslationValue = string | undefined | null;
export declare type TranslationsFlat = Map<string, TranslationValue>;
export declare type TreeTranslationsData = {
[key: string]: TranslationValue | TreeTranslationsData;
export declare type InstantPropsTags<T> = {
key: string;
defaultValue?: string;
params?: TranslationParamsTags<T>;
noWrap?: boolean;
orEmpty?: boolean;
export declare type CacheAsyncRequests = Map<string, Promise<TreeTranslationsData | undefined> | undefined>;
export declare type CacheDescriptor = {
language: string;
namespace?: string;
export declare type CacheDescriptorInternal = {
language: string;
namespace: string;
export declare type CacheDescriptorWithKey = CacheDescriptorInternal & {
key?: string;
export declare type KeyAndParams = {
key: string;
params: TranslationParams;
params?: TranslateParams;
defaultValue?: string;
ns?: FallbackNSTranslation;
export declare type KeyAndParamsTags<T> = {
key: string;
params: TranslationParamsTags<T>;
defaultValue?: string;
export declare type Unwrapped = {
text: string;
keys: KeyAndParams[];
export declare type TranslatedWithMetadata = {
translated: string;
key: string;
params: TranslationParams;
defaultValue: string | undefined;
declare type PropType<TObj> = TObj[keyof TObj];
export declare type DefaultParamType = string | number | bigint;
export declare type TranslateParams<T = DefaultParamType> = {
[key: string]: T;
export declare type TranslatedWithMetadataTags<T> = {
translated: TranslationTags<T>;
key: string;
params: TranslationParamsTags<T>;
defaultValue: string | undefined;
export declare type CombinedOptions<T> = TranslateOptions<T> & {
[key: string]: T | PropType<TranslateOptions<T>>;
export declare type TranslationTags<T> = string | T[];
export declare type NodeWithMeta = Node & {
_tolgee: NodeMeta;
export declare type TFnType<T = DefaultParamType, R = string> = {
(key: string, defaultValue?: string, options?: CombinedOptions<T>): R;
(key: string, options?: CombinedOptions<T>): R;
(props: TranslateProps<T>): R;
export declare type NodeWithLock = Node & {
_tolgee: NodeLock;
export declare type WrapperWrapProps = Pick<TranslatePropsInternal, 'key' | 'params' | 'defaultValue' | 'ns' | 'translation'>;
export declare type WrapperWrapFunction = (props: WrapperWrapProps) => string;
export declare type WrapperUnwrapFunction = (text: string) => Unwrapped;
export declare type WrapperAttributeXPathGetter = (props: {
tag: string;
attribute: string;
}) => string;
export declare type WrapperInterface = {
unwrap: WrapperUnwrapFunction;
wrap: WrapperWrapFunction;
getTextXPath: () => string;
getAttributeXPath: WrapperAttributeXPathGetter;
export declare type ElementWithMeta = Element & ElementCSSInlineStyle & {
_tolgee: ElementMeta;
export declare type FormatterInterfaceFormatParams = {
translation: string;
language: string;
params: Record<string, any> | undefined;
export declare type FormatterInterface = {
format: (props: FormatterInterfaceFormatParams) => string;
export declare type FinalFormatterInterface = {
format: (props: FormatterInterfaceFormatParams) => any;
export declare type ObserverProps = {
translate: (params: TranslatePropsInternal) => string;
onClick: TranslationOnClick;
options: ObserverOptions;
export declare type HighlightInterface = (key?: string, ns?: FallbackNSTranslation) => {
unhighlight(): void;
export declare type ObserverRunProps = {
mouseHighlight: boolean;
export declare type ObserverInterface = (props: ObserverProps) => {
unwrap: (text: string) => Unwrapped;
wrap: WrapperWrapFunction;
retranslate: () => void;
stop: () => void;
run: (props: ObserverRunProps) => void;
highlight: HighlightInterface;
outputNotFormattable: boolean;
export declare type LanguageDetectorProps = {
availableLanguages: string[];
export declare type LanguageDetectorInterface = {
getLanguage: (props: LanguageDetectorProps) => string | undefined | Promise<string | undefined>;
export declare type LanguageStorageInterface = {
getLanguage: () => string | undefined | Promise<string | undefined>;
setLanguage: (language: string) => void | Promise<void>;
export declare type DevCredentials = undefined | {
apiUrl?: string;
apiKey?: string;
export declare type BackendDevProps = {
apiUrl?: string;
apiKey?: string;
projectId?: number;
export declare type BackendGetRecordProps = {
language: string;
namespace?: string;
export declare type BackendGetRecord = (data: BackendGetRecordProps) => Promise<TreeTranslationsData | undefined> | undefined;
export interface BackendInterface {
getRecord: BackendGetRecord;
export declare type BackendGetDevRecord = (data: BackendGetRecordProps & BackendDevProps) => Promise<TreeTranslationsData | undefined> | undefined;
export declare type BackendDevInterface = {
getRecord: BackendGetDevRecord;
export declare type TolgeeEvent = 'pendingLanguage' | 'language' | 'key' | 'loading' | 'fetching' | 'initialLoad' | 'running' | 'cache' | 'keyUpdate';
export declare type TolgeeOn = {
(event: 'pendingLanguage', handler: ListenerHandler<string>): Listener;
(event: 'language', handler: ListenerHandler<string>): Listener;
(event: 'key', handler: ListenerHandler<string>): Listener;
(event: 'loading', handler: ListenerHandler<boolean>): Listener;
(event: 'fetching', handler: ListenerHandler<boolean>): Listener;
(event: 'initialLoad', handler: ListenerHandler<void>): Listener;
(event: 'running', handler: ListenerHandler<boolean>): Listener;
(event: 'keyUpdate', handler: ListenerHandler<void>): Listener;
(event: TolgeeEvent, handler: ListenerHandler<any>): Listener;
export declare type TolgeeInstance = Readonly<{
on: TolgeeOn;
onKeyUpdate: (handler: ListenerHandler<void>) => ListenerSelective;
use: (plugin: TolgeePlugin | undefined) => TolgeeInstance;
getLanguage: () => string | undefined;
getPendingLanguage: () => string | undefined;
changeLanguage: (language: string) => Promise<void>;
changeTranslation: ChangeTranslationInterface;
addActiveNs: (ns: FallbackNSTranslation, forget?: boolean) => Promise<void>;
removeActiveNs: (ns: FallbackNSTranslation) => void;
loadRecords: (descriptors: CacheDescriptor[]) => Promise<TranslationsFlat[]>;
loadRecord: (descriptors: CacheDescriptor) => Promise<TranslationsFlat>;
addStaticData: (data: Options['staticData']) => void;
getRecord: (descriptor: CacheDescriptor) => TranslationsFlat | undefined;
getAllRecords: () => CachePublicRecord[];
isInitialLoading: () => boolean;
isLoading: (ns?: FallbackNSTranslation) => boolean;
isLoaded: (ns?: FallbackNSTranslation) => boolean;
isFetching: (ns?: FallbackNSTranslation) => boolean;
isRunning: () => boolean;
highlight: HighlightInterface;
getInitialOptions: () => Options;
isDev: () => boolean;
init: (options: Partial<Options>) => TolgeeInstance;
run: () => Promise<void>;
stop: () => void;
t: TFnType;
wrap: (params: TranslatePropsInternal) => string | undefined;
unwrap: (text: string) => Unwrapped;
setObserverOptions: (options: Partial<ObserverOptions>) => TolgeeInstance;
export declare type PluginServicePublic = Readonly<{
setFinalFormatter: (formatter: FinalFormatterInterface | undefined) => void;
addFormatter: (formatter: FormatterInterface | undefined) => void;
setObserver: (observer: ObserverInterface | undefined) => void;
hasObserver: () => boolean;
setUi: (ui: UiLibInterface | undefined) => void;
hasUi: () => boolean;
addBackend: (backend: BackendInterface | undefined) => void;
setDevBackend: (backend: BackendInterface | undefined) => void;
setLanguageDetector: (languageDetector: LanguageDetectorInterface | undefined) => void;
setLanguageStorage: (languageStorage: LanguageStorageInterface | undefined) => void;
overrideCredentials: (credentials: DevCredentials) => void;
export declare type NodeMeta = {
oldTextContent: string;
keys: KeyAndParams[];
keyAttributeOnly?: boolean;
export declare type ElementMeta = {
wrappedWithElementOnlyKey?: string;
wrappedWithElementOnlyDefaultHtml?: string;
nodes: Set<NodeWithMeta>;
nodes: Map<Node, NodeMeta>;
highlightEl?: HTMLDivElement;

@@ -97,28 +223,62 @@ highlight?: () => void;

export declare type NodeMeta = {
oldTextContent: string;
keys: KeyAndParamsTags<any>[];
} & NodeLock;
export declare type NodeLock = {
locked?: boolean;
export declare type ChangeTranslationInterface = (descriptor: CacheDescriptor, key: string, value: string) => {
revert: () => void;
export declare type Scope = 'translations.edit' | 'translations.view' | 'keys.edit' | 'screenshots.upload' | 'screenshots.view' | 'screenshots.delete';
export declare type Mode = 'development' | 'production';
export declare type Unwrapped = {
text: string;
keys: KeyAndParamsTags<any>[];
export declare type UiProps = {
apiUrl: string;
apiKey: string;
highlight: HighlightInterface;
changeTranslation: ChangeTranslationInterface;
export interface Formatter {
format: FormatFunction;
export interface UiInterface {
handleElementClick(event: MouseEvent, keysAndDefaults: UiKeyOption[]): Promise<void>;
interface FormatterStatic {
type: 'formatter';
new (): Formatter;
export declare type TolgeeModule = FormatterStatic;
export declare type FormatFunction = (props: {
translation: string;
params: Record<string, any>;
export declare type UiConstructor = new (props: UiProps) => UiInterface;
export declare type UiLibInterface = {
UI: UiConstructor;
export declare type UiType = UiConstructor | UiLibInterface;
export declare type UiKeyOption = {
key: string;
defaultValue?: string;
ns: FallbackNSTranslation;
translation: string | undefined;
export declare type KeyWithDefault = {
key: string;
defaultValue?: string;
ns: FallbackNSTranslation;
export declare type TranslationOnClick = (event: MouseEvent, data: {
keysAndDefaults: KeyWithDefault[];
el: Element;
meta: ElementMeta;
}) => void;
export declare type Listener = {
unsubscribe: () => void;
export declare type KeyDescriptorInternal = {
key?: string;
ns?: string[] | undefined;
export declare type KeyDescriptor = {
key: string;
ns?: string | string[];
export declare type ListenerSelective = {
unsubscribe: () => void;
subscribeNs: (ns: FallbackNSTranslation) => ListenerSelective;
unsubscribeNs: (ns: FallbackNSTranslation) => ListenerSelective;
subscribeKey: (descriptor: KeyDescriptor) => ListenerSelective;
unsubscribeKey: (descriptor: KeyDescriptor) => ListenerSelective;
export declare type ListenerHandlerEvent<T> = {
value: T;
export declare type ListenerHandler<T> = (e: ListenerHandlerEvent<T>) => void;
export declare type TolgeePlugin = (tolgee: TolgeeInstance, tools: PluginServicePublic) => TolgeeInstance;
export declare type CachePublicRecord = {
data: TranslationsFlat;
language: string;
}) => string | any[];
export {};
namespace: string;
"name": "@tolgee/core",
"version": "4.9.2",
"version": "4.9.3-rc.d287ae9.0",
"description": "Library providing ability to translate messages directly in context of developed application.",
"main": "index.js",
"main": "./dist/tolgee.cjs.js",
"module": "./dist/tolgee.esm.mjs",

@@ -22,2 +22,6 @@ "types": "./lib/index.d.ts",

"declaration": true,
"exports": {
"require": "./dist/tolgee.cjs.js",
"import": "./dist/tolgee.esm.mjs"
"directories": {

@@ -28,14 +32,11 @@ "lib": "lib",

"scripts": {
"build": "rollup -c rollup.config.js && tsc --project",
"clean": "rm -rf build build-e2e dist dist-e2e lib",
"test": "jest --config ./jest.config.js",
"develop": "concurrently \"rollup -c rollup.config.js -w\" \"tsc --watch --preserveWatchOutput --project\" ",
"schema": "openapi-typescript http://localhost:8080/v3/api-docs/All%20Internal%20-%20for%20Tolgee%20Web%20application --output ./src/types/apiSchema.generated.ts",
"typedoc": "typedoc --entryPointStrategy expand --out docs src/index.ts src/Tolgee.ts src/types.ts src/services/EventEmitter.ts src/services/Subscription.ts",
"tsc": "tsc --noEmit --emitDeclarationOnly false"
"build": "rollup -c rollup.config.js && tsc --declaration --emitDeclarationOnly --project",
"clean": "rm -rf dist lib",
"test": "jest --collect-coverage",
"develop": "concurrently \"rollup -c rollup.config.js -w\" \"tsc --declaration --emitDeclarationOnly --watch --preserveWatchOutput --project\" ",
"tsc": "tsc --noEmit"
"author": "JanCizmar",
"author": "Tolgee",
"license": "MIT",
"files": [

@@ -47,6 +48,4 @@ "dist/**/*",

"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "13.3.0",
"@rollup/plugin-replace": "^4.0.0",
"@rollup/plugin-typescript": "8.3.4",
"@testing-library/dom": "^8.7.1",
"@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.11.4",
"@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.16.5",
"@types/jest": "^27.0.2",

@@ -56,23 +55,15 @@ "@types/node": "^17.0.8",

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"intl-messageformat": "^9.9.1",
"jest": "^27.2.4",
"jest-environment-jsdom": "^27.5.1",
"jest-fetch-mock": "^3.0.3",
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"rollup": "^2.56.3",
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"rollup-plugin-terser": "7.0.2",
"ts-jest": "^27.0.5",
"tslib": "^2.4.0",
"typedoc": "0.22.15",
"typedoc-plugin-markdown": "3.13.2",
"typescript": "4.7.4"
"rollup-plugin-visualizer": "^5.8.0",
"ts-jest": "^27.1.5",
"typescript": "^4.7.4"
"exports": {
"require": "./dist/tolgee.cjs.js",
"import": "./dist/tolgee.esm.mjs"
"gitHead": "dcbded7f7d158facb5eac126baf2ec1e1dc5699e",
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public"
"gitHead": "c62a3f1d518c5c8067f7ca807106d7b8dfc1b24c"
export { Tolgee } from './Tolgee';
export { TolgeeConfig } from './TolgeeConfig';
export { ModifierKey } from './Constants/ModifierKey';
export { TOLGEE_WRAPPED_ONLY_DATA_ATTRIBUTE } from './Constants/Global';
export * from './modules';
export * from './types/DTOs';
export {
} from './constants';
export * from './types';
export * from './Constants/Global';
export * from './helpers/NodeHelper';
export * from './helpers/TextHelper';
export { getTranslateParams } from './TranslateParams';
export { getFallback, getFallbackArray } from './Controller/State/helpers';

@@ -1,335 +0,84 @@

import { TolgeeConfig } from './TolgeeConfig';
import { Controller } from './Controller/Controller';
import {
} from './types';
import { EventEmitterImpl } from './services/EventEmitter';
import { DependencyService } from './services/DependencyService';
export const Tolgee = (options?: Partial<Options>): TolgeeInstance => {
const controller = Controller({
export class Tolgee {
private dependencyService: DependencyService;
const pluginTools = Object.freeze({
setFinalFormatter: controller.setFinalFormatter,
addFormatter: controller.addFormatter,
setObserver: controller.setObserver,
hasObserver: controller.hasObserver,
setUi: controller.setUi,
hasUi: controller.hasUi,
setDevBackend: controller.setDevBackend,
addBackend: controller.addBackend,
setLanguageDetector: controller.setLanguageDetector,
setLanguageStorage: controller.setLanguageStorage,
overrideCredentials: controller.overrideCredentials,
private constructor() {
this.dependencyService = new DependencyService();
const withRestart = (callback: () => void) => {
const wasRunning = controller.isRunning();
wasRunning && controller.stop();
wasRunning &&;
get properties() {
const tolgee: TolgeeInstance = Object.freeze({
// event listeners
on: controller.on,
onKeyUpdate: controller.onKeyUpdate.listenSome,
public get lang() {
// state
getLanguage: controller.getLanguage,
getPendingLanguage: controller.getPendingLanguage,
changeLanguage: controller.changeLanguage,
changeTranslation: controller.changeTranslation,
addActiveNs: controller.addActiveNs,
removeActiveNs: controller.removeActiveNs,
loadRecords: controller.loadRecords,
loadRecord: controller.loadRecord,
addStaticData: controller.addStaticData,
getRecord: controller.getRecord,
getAllRecords: controller.getAllRecords,
isLoaded: controller.isLoaded,
isInitialLoading: controller.isInitialLoading,
isLoading: controller.isLoading,
isFetching: controller.isFetching,
isRunning: controller.isRunning,
stop: controller.stop,
t: controller.t,
highlight: controller.highlight,
getInitialOptions: controller.getInitialOptions,
isDev: controller.isDev,
wrap: controller.wrap,
unwrap: controller.unwrap,
* This sets a new language.
* Using this setter can behave buggy when you change languages
* too fast, since it changes the language property before
* translations are actually loaded.
* @deprecated use asynchronous changeLanguage method.
public set lang(newLanguage) { = newLanguage;
.then(() => {
public get defaultLanguage() {
public get onLangChange() {
return this.dependencyService.eventService.LANGUAGE_CHANGED;
public get onTranslationChange() {
return this.dependencyService.eventService.TRANSLATION_CHANGED;
* Is emitted when language is loaded for the first time
public get onLangLoaded() {
return this.dependencyService.eventService.LANGUAGE_LOADED;
* True if loading is needed to wait for Tolgee init.
* When translation data are provided statically (using import
* as staticData config property) then there is no need for translation
* fetching so initial loading is not needed at all.
get initialLoading(): boolean {
const currentLang =;
const fallbackLang =;
const fallbackPreloading =;
const isStaticDataProvided = (data?: any) => {
return data !== undefined && typeof data !== 'function';
return (
!isStaticDataProvided([currentLang]) ||
(!!fallbackPreloading &&
private get coreService() {
return this.dependencyService.coreService;
static use(module: TolgeeModule) {
return new Tolgee().use(module);
static init(config: TolgeeConfig) {
return new Tolgee().init(config);
* Sets the new language.
* Emits the onLangChange and onLangChangeAndLoad events after
* the translations are loaded.
* @return Promise<void> Resolves when translations are loaded
public async changeLanguage(newLanguage: string): Promise<void> {
await this.dependencyService.translationService.loadTranslations(
); = newLanguage;
use(module: TolgeeModule) {
return this;
init(config: TolgeeConfig) {
const { apiKey, apiUrl } =; =
apiKey && apiUrl ? 'development' : 'production';
return this;
public async run(): Promise<void> {;
if ( === 'development') {
try {
await this.coreService.loadApiKeyDetails();
} catch (e) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.error("Couldn't connect to Tolgee");
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.error(e); = 'production';
// plugins
setObserverOptions: (options: Partial<ObserverOptions>) => {
return tolgee;
use: (plugin: TolgeePlugin | undefined) => {
if (plugin) {
withRestart(() => plugin(tolgee, pluginTools));
return tolgee;
init: (options: Partial<Options>) => {
withRestart(() => controller.init(options));
return tolgee;
await this.dependencyService.translationService.loadTranslations();
if ( {
await this.dependencyService.translationService.loadTranslations(
await this.refresh();
if ( {;
public async refresh() {
return this.dependencyService.wrapper.handleSubtree(
async translate(props: TranslateProps): Promise<string>;
async translate<T>(props: TranslatePropsTags<T>): Promise<TranslationTags<T>>;
async translate(
key: string,
params?: TranslationParams,
noWrap?: boolean,
defaultValue?: string
): Promise<string>;
async translate<T>(
key: string,
params?: TranslationParamsTags<T>,
noWrap?: boolean,
defaultValue?: string
): Promise<TranslationTags<T>>;
async translate(
keyOrProps: string | TranslatePropsTags<any>,
params: TranslationParamsTags<any> = {},
noWrap = false,
defaultValue: string | undefined = undefined
): Promise<TranslationTags<any>> {
const key = typeof keyOrProps === 'string' ? keyOrProps : keyOrProps.key;
let orEmpty = undefined;
if (typeof keyOrProps === 'object') {
const props = keyOrProps as TranslateProps;
// if values are not provided in props object, get them from function
// params defaults
params = props.params !== undefined ? props.params : params;
noWrap = props.noWrap !== undefined ? props.noWrap : noWrap;
defaultValue =
props.defaultValue !== undefined ? props.defaultValue : defaultValue;
orEmpty = props.orEmpty;
const translation = await this.dependencyService.textService.translate(
if ( === 'development' && !noWrap) {
await this.coreService.loadApiKeyDetails();
return this.dependencyService.wrapper.wrap(
return translation;
key: string,
params?: TranslationParams,
defaultValue?: string | undefined,
translation?: string
): string;
key: string,
params?: TranslationTags<T>,
defaultValue?: string | undefined,
translation?: TranslationTags<T>
): TranslationTags<T>;
key: string,
params?: any,
defaultValue?: string | undefined,
translation?: TranslationTags<any>
): TranslationTags<any> {
if ( === 'development') {
return this.dependencyService.wrapper.wrap(
} else {
return translation || defaultValue;
key: string,
params?: TranslationParams,
noWrap?: boolean,
orEmpty?: boolean,
defaultValue?: string
): string;
key: string,
params?: TranslationParamsTags<T>,
noWrap?: boolean,
orEmpty?: boolean,
defaultValue?: string
): TranslationTags<T>;
instant(props: InstantProps): string;
instant<T>(props: InstantPropsTags<T>): TranslationTags<T>;
keyOrProps: string | InstantPropsTags<any>,
params: TranslationParams = {},
noWrap = false,
orEmpty?: boolean,
defaultValue?: string
) {
const key = typeof keyOrProps === 'string' ? keyOrProps : keyOrProps.key;
if (typeof keyOrProps === 'object') {
const props = keyOrProps as InstantProps;
// if values are not provided in props object, get them from function
// params defaults
params = props.params !== undefined ? props.params : params;
noWrap = props.noWrap !== undefined ? props.noWrap : noWrap;
defaultValue =
props.defaultValue !== undefined ? props.defaultValue : defaultValue;
orEmpty = props.orEmpty !== undefined ? props.orEmpty : orEmpty;
const translation = this.dependencyService.textService.instant(
if ( === 'development' && !noWrap) {
return this.dependencyService.wrapper.wrap(
return translation;
* Get currently cached translations for all languages
public getCachedTranslations() {
return this.dependencyService.translationService.getCachedTranslations();
* Loads translations for given language or returns them from cache
* @returns Loaded translations
public loadTranslations(lang: string) {
return this.dependencyService.translationService.loadTranslations(lang);
public stop = () => {
private emitLangChangeEvent(value: string) {
const langChangedEmitter = this.onLangChange as EventEmitterImpl<any>;
return tolgee;

@@ -1,94 +0,293 @@

export interface TextInputElementData {
oldValue: string;
valueInputs: string[];
touched: boolean;
oldPlaceholder: string;
placeholderInputs: string[];
import type { Options } from './Controller/State/initState';
import type { ObserverOptions } from './Controller/State/initObserverOptions';
export type TreeTranslationsData = {
[key: string]: string | TreeTranslationsData;
export type { State, Options } from './Controller/State/initState';
export type {
} from './Controller/State/initObserverOptions';
export type Translations = Record<string, string>;
export type TranslationParams = {
[key: string]: string | number | bigint;
export type TranslationParamsTags<T> = {
[key: string]: string | number | bigint | ((value: T | T[]) => T);
export type { EventEmitterType } from './Controller/Events/EventEmitter';
export type { EventEmitterSelectiveType } from './Controller/Events/EventEmitterSelective';
export type TranslateProps = {
key: string;
defaultValue?: string;
params?: TranslationParams;
export type FallbackGeneral = undefined | false | string | string[];
export type FallbackNS = FallbackGeneral;
export type NsType = string;
export type KeyType = string;
export type FallbackNSTranslation = undefined | NsType | NsType[];
export type FallbackLanguage = FallbackGeneral;
export type FallbackLanguageObject = Record<string, FallbackLanguage>;
export type FallbackLanguageOption = FallbackLanguage | FallbackLanguageObject;
export type TranslateOptions<T> = {
ns?: FallbackNSTranslation;
noWrap?: boolean;
orEmpty?: boolean;
params?: TranslateParams<T>;
export type TranslatePropsTags<T> = {
key: string;
export type TranslateProps<T = DefaultParamType> = {
key: KeyType;
defaultValue?: string;
params?: TranslationParamsTags<T>;
noWrap?: boolean;
orEmpty?: boolean;
} & TranslateOptions<T>;
export type TranslatePropsInternal = TranslateProps & {
translation?: string;
export type InstantProps = {
key: string;
defaultValue?: string;
params?: TranslationParams;
noWrap?: boolean;
orEmpty?: boolean;
export type TranslationValue = string | undefined | null;
export type TranslationsFlat = Map<string, TranslationValue>;
export type TreeTranslationsData = {
[key: string]: TranslationValue | TreeTranslationsData;
export type InstantPropsTags<T> = {
key: string;
defaultValue?: string;
params?: TranslationParamsTags<T>;
noWrap?: boolean;
orEmpty?: boolean;
export type CacheAsyncRequests = Map<
Promise<TreeTranslationsData | undefined> | undefined
export type CacheDescriptor = {
language: string;
namespace?: string;
export type CacheDescriptorInternal = {
language: string;
namespace: string;
export type CacheDescriptorWithKey = CacheDescriptorInternal & {
key?: string;
export type KeyAndParams = {
key: string;
params: TranslationParams;
params?: TranslateParams;
defaultValue?: string;
ns?: FallbackNSTranslation;
export type KeyAndParamsTags<T> = {
key: string;
params: TranslationParamsTags<T>;
defaultValue?: string;
export type Unwrapped = { text: string; keys: KeyAndParams[] };
type PropType<TObj> = TObj[keyof TObj];
export type DefaultParamType = string | number | bigint;
export type TranslateParams<T = DefaultParamType> = {
[key: string]: T;
export type TranslatedWithMetadata = {
translated: string;
key: string;
params: TranslationParams;
defaultValue: string | undefined;
export type CombinedOptions<T> = TranslateOptions<T> & {
[key: string]: T | PropType<TranslateOptions<T>>;
export type TranslatedWithMetadataTags<T> = {
translated: TranslationTags<T>;
key: string;
params: TranslationParamsTags<T>;
defaultValue: string | undefined;
export type TFnType<T = DefaultParamType, R = string> = {
(key: string, defaultValue?: string, options?: CombinedOptions<T>): R;
(key: string, options?: CombinedOptions<T>): R;
(props: TranslateProps<T>): R;
export type TranslationTags<T> = string | T[];
export type WrapperWrapProps = Pick<
'key' | 'params' | 'defaultValue' | 'ns' | 'translation'
export type WrapperWrapFunction = (props: WrapperWrapProps) => string;
export type WrapperUnwrapFunction = (text: string) => Unwrapped;
export type NodeWithMeta = Node & {
_tolgee: NodeMeta;
export type WrapperAttributeXPathGetter = (props: {
tag: string;
attribute: string;
}) => string;
export type WrapperInterface = {
unwrap: WrapperUnwrapFunction;
wrap: WrapperWrapFunction;
getTextXPath: () => string;
getAttributeXPath: WrapperAttributeXPathGetter;
export type NodeWithLock = Node & {
_tolgee: NodeLock;
export type FormatterInterfaceFormatParams = {
translation: string;
language: string;
params: Record<string, any> | undefined;
export type ElementWithMeta = Element &
ElementCSSInlineStyle & {
_tolgee: ElementMeta;
export type FormatterInterface = {
format: (props: FormatterInterfaceFormatParams) => string;
export type FinalFormatterInterface = {
format: (props: FormatterInterfaceFormatParams) => any;
export type ObserverProps = {
translate: (params: TranslatePropsInternal) => string;
onClick: TranslationOnClick;
options: ObserverOptions;
export type HighlightInterface = (
key?: string,
ns?: FallbackNSTranslation
) => {
unhighlight(): void;
export type ObserverRunProps = {
mouseHighlight: boolean;
export type ObserverInterface = (props: ObserverProps) => {
unwrap: (text: string) => Unwrapped;
wrap: WrapperWrapFunction;
retranslate: () => void;
stop: () => void;
run: (props: ObserverRunProps) => void;
highlight: HighlightInterface;
outputNotFormattable: boolean;
export type LanguageDetectorProps = {
availableLanguages: string[];
export type LanguageDetectorInterface = {
getLanguage: (
props: LanguageDetectorProps
) => string | undefined | Promise<string | undefined>;
export type LanguageStorageInterface = {
getLanguage: () => string | undefined | Promise<string | undefined>;
setLanguage: (language: string) => void | Promise<void>;
export type DevCredentials =
| undefined
| {
apiUrl?: string;
apiKey?: string;
export type BackendDevProps = {
apiUrl?: string;
apiKey?: string;
projectId?: number;
export type BackendGetRecordProps = {
language: string;
namespace?: string;
export type BackendGetRecord = (
data: BackendGetRecordProps
) => Promise<TreeTranslationsData | undefined> | undefined;
export interface BackendInterface {
getRecord: BackendGetRecord;
export type BackendGetDevRecord = (
data: BackendGetRecordProps & BackendDevProps
) => Promise<TreeTranslationsData | undefined> | undefined;
export type BackendDevInterface = {
getRecord: BackendGetDevRecord;
export type TolgeeEvent =
| 'pendingLanguage'
| 'language'
| 'key'
| 'loading'
| 'fetching'
| 'initialLoad'
| 'running'
| 'cache'
| 'keyUpdate';
export type TolgeeOn = {
(event: 'pendingLanguage', handler: ListenerHandler<string>): Listener;
(event: 'language', handler: ListenerHandler<string>): Listener;
(event: 'key', handler: ListenerHandler<string>): Listener;
(event: 'loading', handler: ListenerHandler<boolean>): Listener;
(event: 'fetching', handler: ListenerHandler<boolean>): Listener;
(event: 'initialLoad', handler: ListenerHandler<void>): Listener;
(event: 'running', handler: ListenerHandler<boolean>): Listener;
(event: 'keyUpdate', handler: ListenerHandler<void>): Listener;
(event: TolgeeEvent, handler: ListenerHandler<any>): Listener;
export type TolgeeInstance = Readonly<{
on: TolgeeOn;
onKeyUpdate: (handler: ListenerHandler<void>) => ListenerSelective;
use: (plugin: TolgeePlugin | undefined) => TolgeeInstance;
getLanguage: () => string | undefined;
getPendingLanguage: () => string | undefined;
changeLanguage: (language: string) => Promise<void>;
changeTranslation: ChangeTranslationInterface;
addActiveNs: (ns: FallbackNSTranslation, forget?: boolean) => Promise<void>;
removeActiveNs: (ns: FallbackNSTranslation) => void;
loadRecords: (descriptors: CacheDescriptor[]) => Promise<TranslationsFlat[]>;
loadRecord: (descriptors: CacheDescriptor) => Promise<TranslationsFlat>;
addStaticData: (data: Options['staticData']) => void;
getRecord: (descriptor: CacheDescriptor) => TranslationsFlat | undefined;
getAllRecords: () => CachePublicRecord[];
isInitialLoading: () => boolean;
isLoading: (ns?: FallbackNSTranslation) => boolean;
isLoaded: (ns?: FallbackNSTranslation) => boolean;
isFetching: (ns?: FallbackNSTranslation) => boolean;
isRunning: () => boolean;
highlight: HighlightInterface;
getInitialOptions: () => Options;
isDev: () => boolean;
init: (options: Partial<Options>) => TolgeeInstance;
run: () => Promise<void>;
stop: () => void;
t: TFnType;
wrap: (params: TranslatePropsInternal) => string | undefined;
unwrap: (text: string) => Unwrapped;
setObserverOptions: (options: Partial<ObserverOptions>) => TolgeeInstance;
export type PluginServicePublic = Readonly<{
setFinalFormatter: (formatter: FinalFormatterInterface | undefined) => void;
addFormatter: (formatter: FormatterInterface | undefined) => void;
setObserver: (observer: ObserverInterface | undefined) => void;
hasObserver: () => boolean;
setUi: (ui: UiLibInterface | undefined) => void;
hasUi: () => boolean;
addBackend: (backend: BackendInterface | undefined) => void;
setDevBackend: (backend: BackendInterface | undefined) => void;
setLanguageDetector: (
languageDetector: LanguageDetectorInterface | undefined
) => void;
setLanguageStorage: (
languageStorage: LanguageStorageInterface | undefined
) => void;
overrideCredentials: (credentials: DevCredentials) => void;
export type NodeMeta = {
oldTextContent: string;
keys: KeyAndParams[];
keyAttributeOnly?: boolean;
export type ElementMeta = {
wrappedWithElementOnlyKey?: string;
wrappedWithElementOnlyDefaultHtml?: string;
nodes: Set<NodeWithMeta>;
nodes: Map<Node, NodeMeta>;
highlightEl?: HTMLDivElement;

@@ -107,41 +306,90 @@ highlight?: () => void;

preventClean?: boolean;
export type NodeMeta = {
oldTextContent: string;
keys: KeyAndParamsTags<any>[];
} & NodeLock;
export type ChangeTranslationInterface = (
descriptor: CacheDescriptor,
key: string,
value: string
) => { revert: () => void };
export type NodeLock = {
locked?: boolean;
export type UiProps = {
apiUrl: string;
apiKey: string;
highlight: HighlightInterface;
changeTranslation: ChangeTranslationInterface;
export type Scope =
| 'translations.edit'
| 'translations.view'
| 'keys.edit'
| 'screenshots.upload'
| 'screenshots.view'
| 'screenshots.delete';
export interface UiInterface {
event: MouseEvent,
keysAndDefaults: UiKeyOption[]
): Promise<void>;
export type Mode = 'development' | 'production';
export type UiConstructor = new (props: UiProps) => UiInterface;
export type Unwrapped = { text: string; keys: KeyAndParamsTags<any>[] };
export type UiLibInterface = {
UI: UiConstructor;
export interface Formatter {
format: FormatFunction;
export type UiType = UiConstructor | UiLibInterface;
interface FormatterStatic {
type: 'formatter';
new (): Formatter;
export type UiKeyOption = {
key: string;
defaultValue?: string;
ns: FallbackNSTranslation;
translation: string | undefined;
export type TolgeeModule = FormatterStatic;
export type KeyWithDefault = {
key: string;
defaultValue?: string;
ns: FallbackNSTranslation;
export type FormatFunction = (props: {
translation: string;
params: Record<string, any>;
export type TranslationOnClick = (
event: MouseEvent,
data: {
keysAndDefaults: KeyWithDefault[];
el: Element;
meta: ElementMeta;
) => void;
export type Listener = {
unsubscribe: () => void;
export type KeyDescriptorInternal = {
key?: string;
ns?: string[] | undefined;
export type KeyDescriptor = {
key: string;
ns?: string | string[];
export type ListenerSelective = {
unsubscribe: () => void;
subscribeNs: (ns: FallbackNSTranslation) => ListenerSelective;
unsubscribeNs: (ns: FallbackNSTranslation) => ListenerSelective;
subscribeKey: (descriptor: KeyDescriptor) => ListenerSelective;
unsubscribeKey: (descriptor: KeyDescriptor) => ListenerSelective;
export type ListenerHandlerEvent<T> = { value: T };
export type ListenerHandler<T> = (e: ListenerHandlerEvent<T>) => void;
export type TolgeePlugin = (
tolgee: TolgeeInstance,
tools: PluginServicePublic
) => TolgeeInstance;
export type CachePublicRecord = {
data: TranslationsFlat;
language: string;
}) => string | any[];
namespace: string;

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