The Antelope Identity Working Group is an open working group where we, the Antelope community, discuss identity on Antelope chains and progress work such as this DID specification and it's implementation. We have a weekly meeting and a Slack channel.
Comments regarding this document are welcome. Please file issues and PRs directly on Github. Contributors are recognized through adding commits to the code base.
See for instructions on how to run, build, test and test this library.
Antelope DID
This library is intended to use Antelope accounts as fully self managed Decentralized Identifiers and wrap them in a DID Document
It supports the proposed Decentralized Identifiers spec from the W3C Credentials Community Group.
The DID specification can be found at antelope-did-spec.
DID Create
const antelopeDid = new AntelopeDID({
chain: 'eos:testnet:jungle',
signatureProvider: new JsSignatureProvider(['PVT_K1_27yS4sdX86VDahQRABMLCcDABH5Vzy8vgLLS7wBeKESyrXetMf'])
const myPermission = {
threshold: 1,
keys: [{
key: 'PUB_K1_5irHomACLB3oRbkqdgYTdh1GHGt8yvzQ7no5dxvEw5eYAiUiut',
weight: 1,
accounts: [],
waits: [],
const didCreateResult = await antelopeDid.create('didtester333', 'newaccount11', myPermission, myPermission);
DID Resolve
const antelopeDid = new AntelopeDID();
const didResolveResult = await antelopeDid.resolve('did:antelope:eos:testnet:jungle:didtester333');
DID Update
const antelopeDID = new AntelopeDID({
account: 'didtester333',
signatureProvider: new JsSignatureProvider(['PVT_K1_27yS4sdX86VDahQRABMLCcDABH5Vzy8vgLLS7wBeKESyrXetMf']),
chain: 'eos:testnet:jungle'
const myNewPermission = {
threshold: 1,
keys: [{
key: 'PUB_K1_5irHomACLB3oRbkqdgYTdh1GHGt8yvzQ7no5dxvEw5eYAiUiut',
weight: 1,
accounts: [],
waits: [],
const didUpdateResult = await antelopeDID.update('didtester333', 'active', 'owner', myNewPermission);
DID Deactivate
Note: DID Deactive always throws an error as it is not supported by default on an Antelope chain. See the Antelope DID Spec for more information.
const antelopeDID = new AntelopeDID({
account: 'didtester333',
signatureProvider: new JsSignatureProvider(['PVT_K1_27yS4sdX86VDahQRABMLCcDABH5Vzy8vgLLS7wBeKESyrXetMf']),
chain: 'eos:testnet:jungle'
await antelopeDID.deactivate('did:antelope:eos:testnet:jungle:didtester333');
All function calls (create, resolve, update, deactivate) can be called with an optional options
argument with the following optional properties:
chain?: string;
fetch?: any;
account?: string;
signatureProvider?: SignatureProvider;
accountPermission?: string;
registry?: ChainRegistry;
transactionOptions?: {
blocksBehind?: number;
expireSeconds?: number;
chain - the chain id or the registered chain name (see the DID method schema part of the Antelope DID spec). This must be provided to know which chain to contact and a corresponding item in the antelope-did-chain-registry.json or registry
property must exist e.g.
fetch - fetch object used to communicate with the antelope API. If using nodejs then you need to import the node-fetch
npm package and use this. See the eosjs documentation for more details.
signatureProvider - the SignatureProvider object that will be used to sign txs
accountPermission - the permission name that will be used to send txs
registry - additional ChainRegisries that are used to find the API endpoints of the antelope API. This should be used when communicating with Antelope blockchain nodes that have not been registed in the antelope-did-chain-registry.json
transactionOptions - overrides the tx options when the tx is sent. See the eosjs documentation for more details.
Create configuration
The create function can be called with the following additional optional properties:
buyrambytes?: number;
stakeNetQuantity?: string;
stakeCpuQuantity?: string;
transfer?: boolean;
buyrambytes - amount of RAM to allocate to the new account in bytes (default = 8192)
stakeNetQuantity - amout of NET to stake to the new account (default = "1.0000 EOS")
stakeCpuQuantity - amount of CPU to stake to the new account (default = "1.0000 EOS")
transfer - transfer the ownership of the staked tokens to the new account (default = false)
Error handling
All function calls (create, resolve, update, deactivate) return an object containing an errors encountered. They do not throw errors.
For example
const didResolveResult = await antelopeDid.resolve('did:antelope:invalid_did_string');