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@tresjs/core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.6.0-next.0 to 3.6.0



@@ -33,2 +33,3 @@ import type { WebGLRendererParameters, ColorSpace, ShadowMapType, ToneMapping } from 'three';

context: Ref<TresContext | null> | import("vue").ShallowRef<TresContext | null>;
dispose: () => void;
}, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import("vue").VNodeProps & import("vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("vue").ComponentCustomProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<TresCanvasProps>, {

@@ -35,0 +36,0 @@ alpha: undefined;


* name: @tresjs/core
* version: v3.6.0-next.0
* version: v3.6.0
* (c) 2023

@@ -8,19 +8,19 @@ * description: Declarative ThreeJS using Vue Components

import { ref as S, computed as k, watchEffect as D, onUnmounted as $, shallowRef as L, watch as re, reactive as pe, readonly as ve, provide as V, inject as de, createRenderer as ge, defineComponent as q, useSlots as ye, getCurrentInstance as J, onMounted as we, openBlock as Ee, createElementBlock as _e, normalizeClass as Ce, normalizeStyle as Me, h as K, Fragment as he } from "vue";
import { ref as B, computed as b, watchEffect as D, onUnmounted as $, shallowRef as L, watch as re, reactive as pe, readonly as de, provide as V, inject as ve, createRenderer as ge, defineComponent as q, useSlots as ye, getCurrentInstance as J, onMounted as we, openBlock as Ee, createElementBlock as Ce, normalizeClass as _e, normalizeStyle as Me, h as K, Fragment as he } from "vue";
import * as Pe from "three";
import { PerspectiveCamera as G, OrthographicCamera as Ae, Camera as ke, Clock as be, Vector3 as De, Color as F, REVISION as Te, SRGBColorSpace as Le, ACESFilmicToneMapping as xe, PCFSoftShadowMap as Se, WebGLRenderer as I, LoadingManager as Be, TextureLoader as Oe, Vector2 as Re, Raycaster as He, BufferAttribute as Fe, Scene as je } from "three";
import { createEventHook as x, useRafFn as ne, toValue as h, unrefElement as ze, useDevicePixelRatio as $e, usePointer as Ne, useElementBounding as Ie, useWindowSize as Ve, useElementSize as Ge, useFps as We, useMemory as Ue } from "@vueuse/core";
import { PerspectiveCamera as G, OrthographicCamera as Ae, Camera as ke, Clock as be, Vector3 as De, Color as F, REVISION as Te, SRGBColorSpace as Le, ACESFilmicToneMapping as Se, PCFSoftShadowMap as Be, WebGLRenderer as I, LoadingManager as xe, TextureLoader as Oe, Vector2 as Re, Raycaster as He, BufferAttribute as Fe, Scene as je } from "three";
import { createEventHook as S, useRafFn as ne, toValue as M, unrefElement as ze, useDevicePixelRatio as $e, usePointer as Ne, useElementBounding as Ie, useWindowSize as Ve, useElementSize as Ge, useFps as We, useMemory as Ue } from "@vueuse/core";
const Ye = ({ sizes: e, scene: a }) => {
const t = S([]), r = k(
const t = B([]), r = b(
() => t.value[0]
), n = (s, c = !1) => {
t.value.some(({ uuid: i }) => i === s.uuid) || (c ? l(s) : t.value.push(s));
), n = (s, l = !1) => {
t.value.some(({ uuid: i }) => i === s.uuid) || (l ? c(s) : t.value.push(s));
}, o = (s) => {
t.value = t.value.filter(({ uuid: c }) => c !== s.uuid);
}, l = (s) => {
const c = s instanceof ke ? s : t.value.find((p) => p.uuid === s);
if (!c)
t.value = t.value.filter(({ uuid: l }) => l !== s.uuid);
}, c = (s) => {
const l = s instanceof ke ? s : t.value.find((p) => p.uuid === s);
if (!l)
const i = t.value.filter(({ uuid: p }) => p !== c.uuid);
t.value = [c, ...i];
const i = t.value.filter(({ uuid: p }) => p !== l.uuid);
t.value = [l, ...i];

@@ -38,5 +38,5 @@ return D(() => {

deregisterCamera: o,
setCameraActive: l
setCameraActive: c
}, ae = x(), oe = x(), U = x(), T = new be();
}, ae = S(), oe = S(), U = S(), T = new be();
let j = 0, z = 0;

@@ -60,3 +60,3 @@ const { pause: qe, resume: Je, isActive: Ke } = ne(

}), Pt = !0, X = "[TresJS ▲ ■ ●] ";
function B() {
function x() {
function e(r, n) {

@@ -113,3 +113,3 @@ console.error(`${X} ${r}`, n || "");

const r = Array.isArray(a) ? a : a.match(/([^[.\]])+/g);
r && r.reduce((n, o, l) => (n[o] === void 0 && (n[o] = {}), l === r.length - 1 && (n[o] = t), n[o]), e);
r && r.reduce((n, o, c) => (n[o] === void 0 && (n[o] = {}), c === r.length - 1 && (n[o] = t), n[o]), e);

@@ -119,3 +119,3 @@ function ue(e, a) {

const n = e.attributes, o = a.attributes;
return n.length !== o.length ? !1 : Array.from(n).every(({ name: l, value: s }) => a.getAttribute(l) === s);
return n.length !== o.length ? !1 : Array.from(n).every(({ name: c, value: s }) => a.getAttribute(c) === s);

@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ if (e === a)

outputColorSpace: Le,
toneMapping: xe,
toneMapping: Se,
toneMappingExposure: 3,
shadowMap: {
enabled: !0,
type: Se
type: Be

@@ -163,61 +163,61 @@ }

}) {
const l = k(() => ({
alpha: h(t.alpha),
depth: h(t.depth),
const c = b(() => ({
alpha: M(t.alpha),
depth: M(t.depth),
canvas: ze(a),
context: h(t.context),
stencil: h(t.stencil),
antialias: h(t.antialias) === void 0 ? !0 : h(t.antialias),
precision: h(t.precision),
powerPreference: h(t.powerPreference),
premultipliedAlpha: h(t.premultipliedAlpha),
preserveDrawingBuffer: h(t.preserveDrawingBuffer),
logarithmicDepthBuffer: h(t.logarithmicDepthBuffer),
failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: h(t.failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat)
})), s = L(new I(l.value));
re(l, () => {
s.value.dispose(), s.value = new I(l.value);
context: M(t.context),
stencil: M(t.stencil),
antialias: M(t.antialias) === void 0 ? !0 : M(t.antialias),
precision: M(t.precision),
powerPreference: M(t.powerPreference),
premultipliedAlpha: M(t.premultipliedAlpha),
preserveDrawingBuffer: M(t.preserveDrawingBuffer),
logarithmicDepthBuffer: M(t.logarithmicDepthBuffer),
failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: M(t.failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat)
})), s = L(new I(c.value));
re(c, () => {
s.value.dispose(), s.value = new I(c.value);
}), D(() => {
s.value.setSize(n.width.value, n.height.value);
const { pixelRatio: c } = $e();
const { pixelRatio: l } = $e();
D(() => {
const { logError: i } = B(), f = (() => {
const d = new I(), C = {
const { logError: i } = x(), f = (() => {
const m = new I(), w = {
shadowMap: {
enabled: d.shadowMap.enabled,
type: d.shadowMap.type
enabled: m.shadowMap.enabled,
type: m.shadowMap.type
toneMapping: d.toneMapping,
toneMappingExposure: d.toneMappingExposure,
outputColorSpace: d.outputColorSpace
toneMapping: m.toneMapping,
toneMappingExposure: m.toneMappingExposure,
outputColorSpace: m.outputColorSpace
return d.dispose(), C;
return m.dispose(), w;
D(() => {
const d = h(t.preset);
d && (d in H || i(`Renderer Preset must be one of these: ${Object.keys(H).join(", ")}`), ie(s.value, H[d]));
const C = (E, _) => {
const A = h(E), b = () => {
if (d)
return Z(H[d], _);
const m = M(t.preset);
m && (m in H || i(`Renderer Preset must be one of these: ${Object.keys(H).join(", ")}`), ie(s.value, H[m]));
const w = (P, A) => {
const C = M(P), k = () => {
if (m)
return Z(H[m], A);
if (A !== void 0)
return A;
const g = b();
return g !== void 0 ? g : Z(f, _);
}, w = (E, _) => rt(s.value, _, C(E, _));
w(t.shadows, "shadowMap.enabled"), w(t.toneMapping, "toneMapping"), w(t.shadowMapType, "shadowMap.type"), ot < 150 && w(!t.useLegacyLights, "physicallyCorrectLights"), w(t.outputColorSpace, "outputColorSpace"), w(t.toneMappingExposure, "toneMappingExposure");
const P = C(t.clearColor, "clearColor");
P && s.value.setClearColor(
P ? Xe(P) : new F(0)
if (C !== void 0)
return C;
const g = k();
return g !== void 0 ? g : Z(f, A);
}, d = (P, A) => rt(s.value, A, w(P, A));
d(t.shadows, "shadowMap.enabled"), d(t.toneMapping, "toneMapping"), d(t.shadowMapType, "shadowMap.type"), ot < 150 && d(!t.useLegacyLights, "physicallyCorrectLights"), d(t.outputColorSpace, "outputColorSpace"), d(t.toneMappingExposure, "toneMappingExposure");
const h = w(t.clearColor, "clearColor");
h && s.value.setClearColor(
h ? Xe(h) : new F(0)
// default clear color is not easily/efficiently retrievable from three
const { pause: u, resume: m, onLoop: v } = se();
return v(() => {
o.value && !h(r) && s.value.render(e, o.value);
}), m(), $(() => {
const { pause: u, resume: v, onLoop: E } = se();
return E(() => {
o.value && !M(r) && s.value.render(e, o.value);
}), v(), $(() => {
u(), s.value.dispose(), s.value.forceContextLoss();

@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ }), {

async function kt(e, a, t, r, n) {
const { logError: o } = B(), l = new e();
n && n(l), t && t(l);
const c = (Array.isArray(a) ? a : [a]).map(
const { logError: o } = x(), c = new e();
n && n(c), t && t(c);
const l = (Array.isArray(a) ? a : [a]).map(
(i) => new Promise((p, f) => {

@@ -251,6 +251,6 @@ (u) => {

return it(a) ? await Promise.all(c) : await c[0];
return it(a) ? await Promise.all(l) : await l[0];
async function bt(e) {
const a = new Be(), t = new Oe(a), r = (n) => new Promise((o, l) => {
const a = new xe(), t = new Oe(a), r = (n) => new Promise((o, c) => {

@@ -261,3 +261,3 @@ n,

() => {
l(new Error("[useTextures] - Failed to load texture"));
c(new Error("[useTextures] - Failed to load texture"));

@@ -273,5 +273,5 @@ );

displacementMap: o,
normalMap: l,
normalMap: c,
roughnessMap: s,
metalnessMap: c,
metalnessMap: l,
aoMap: i,

@@ -284,5 +284,5 @@ alphaMap: p,

displacementMap: o ? await r(o) : null,
normalMap: l ? await r(l) : null,
normalMap: c ? await r(c) : null,
roughnessMap: s ? await r(s) : null,
metalnessMap: c ? await r(c) : null,
metalnessMap: l ? await r(l) : null,
aoMap: i ? await r(i) : null,

@@ -295,57 +295,57 @@ alphaMap: p ? await r(p) : null,

const lt = (e, { renderer: a, camera: t, raycaster: r }) => {
const n = k(() => a.value.domElement), { x: o, y: l } = Ne({ target: n }), { width: s, height: c, top: i, left: p } = Ie(n), f = ({ x: g, y: M }) => {
const n = b(() => a.value.domElement), { x: o, y: c } = Ne({ target: n }), { width: s, height: l, top: i, left: p } = Ie(n), f = ({ x: g, y: _ }) => {
if (n.value)
return {
x: (g - p.value) / s.value * 2 - 1,
y: -((M - i.value) / c.value) * 2 + 1
y: -((_ - i.value) / l.value) * 2 + 1
}, u = ({ x: g, y: M }) => {
}, u = ({ x: g, y: _ }) => {
if (t.value)
return r.value.setFromCamera(new Re(g, M), t.value), r.value.intersectObjects(e.value, !1);
}, m = (g) => {
const M = f({
return r.value.setFromCamera(new Re(g, _), t.value), r.value.intersectObjects(e.value, !1);
}, v = (g) => {
const _ = f({
x: (g == null ? void 0 : g.clientX) ?? o.value,
y: (g == null ? void 0 : g.clientY) ?? l.value
y: (g == null ? void 0 : g.clientY) ?? c.value
return M ? u(M) || [] : [];
}, v = k(() => m()), d = x(), C = x(), w = (g, M) => {
g.trigger({ event: M, intersects: m(M) });
}, P = (g) => {
w(C, g);
return _ ? u(_) || [] : [];
}, E = b(() => v()), m = S(), w = S(), d = (g, _) => {
g.trigger({ event: _, intersects: v(_) });
}, h = (g) => {
d(w, g);
let E;
const _ = (g) => {
var M;
E = (M = m(g)[0]) == null ? void 0 : M.object;
}, A = (g) => {
var M;
g instanceof PointerEvent && E === ((M = m(g)[0]) == null ? void 0 : M.object) && w(d, g);
}, b = (g) => C.trigger({ event: g, intersects: [] });
return n.value.addEventListener("pointerup", A), n.value.addEventListener("pointerdown", _), n.value.addEventListener("pointermove", P), n.value.addEventListener("pointerleave", b), $(() => {
n != null && n.value && (n.value.removeEventListener("pointerup", A), n.value.removeEventListener("pointerdown", _), n.value.removeEventListener("pointermove", P), n.value.removeEventListener("pointerleave", b));
let P;
const A = (g) => {
var _;
P = (_ = v(g)[0]) == null ? void 0 : _.object;
}, C = (g) => {
var _;
g instanceof PointerEvent && P === ((_ = v(g)[0]) == null ? void 0 : _.object) && d(m, g);
}, k = (g) => w.trigger({ event: g, intersects: [] });
return n.value.addEventListener("pointerup", C), n.value.addEventListener("pointerdown", A), n.value.addEventListener("pointermove", h), n.value.addEventListener("pointerleave", k), $(() => {
n != null && n.value && (n.value.removeEventListener("pointerup", C), n.value.removeEventListener("pointerdown", A), n.value.removeEventListener("pointermove", h), n.value.removeEventListener("pointerleave", k));
}), {
intersects: v,
onClick: (g) => d.on(g).off,
onPointerMove: (g) => C.on(g).off
intersects: E,
onClick: (g) => m.on(g).off,
onPointerMove: (g) => w.on(g).off
function Dt() {
const { logWarning: e } = B();
function a(o, l, s) {
let c = null;
const { logWarning: e } = x();
function a(o, c, s) {
let l = null;
return o.traverse((i) => {
i[l] === s && (c = i);
}), c || e(`Child with ${l} '${s}' not found.`), c;
i[c] === s && (l = i);
}), l || e(`Child with ${c} '${s}' not found.`), l;
function t(o, l, s) {
const c = [];
function t(o, c, s) {
const l = [];
return o.traverse((i) => {
i[l].includes(s) && c.push(i);
}), c.length || e(`Children with ${l} '${s}' not found.`), c;
i[c].includes(s) && l.push(i);
}), l.length || e(`Children with ${c} '${s}' not found.`), l;
function r(o, l) {
return a(o, "name", l);
function r(o, c) {
return a(o, "name", c);
function n(o, l) {
return t(o, "name", l);
function n(o, c) {
return t(o, "name", c);

@@ -365,14 +365,14 @@ return {

pointerLeave: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()
}), r = S(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), n = (u) => {
}), r = B(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), n = (u) => {
}, o = (u) => {
}, l = (u) => {
Object.values(t).forEach((m) => m.delete(u)), o(u);
}, c = (u) => {
Object.values(t).forEach((v) => v.delete(u)), o(u);
}, s = (u) => {
const { onClick: m, onPointerMove: v, onPointerEnter: d, onPointerLeave: C } = u;
m &&, m), v && t.pointerMove.set(u, v), d && t.pointerEnter.set(u, d), C && t.pointerLeave.set(u, C);
const { onClick: v, onPointerMove: E, onPointerEnter: m, onPointerLeave: w } = u;
v &&, v), E && t.pointerMove.set(u, E), m && t.pointerEnter.set(u, m), w && t.pointerLeave.set(u, w);
e.userData.tres__registerAtPointerEventHandler = s, e.userData.tres__deregisterAtPointerEventHandler = l, e.userData.tres__registerBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler = n, e.userData.tres__deregisterBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler = o;
const c = k(
e.userData.tres__registerAtPointerEventHandler = s, e.userData.tres__deregisterAtPointerEventHandler = c, e.userData.tres__registerBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler = n, e.userData.tres__deregisterBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler = o;
const l = b(
() => tt(

@@ -385,15 +385,15 @@ [

), { onClick: i, onPointerMove: p } = lt(c, a);
i(({ intersects: u, event: m }) => {
var v;
u.length && ((v =[0].object)) == null || v(u[0], m));
), { onClick: i, onPointerMove: p } = lt(l, a);
i(({ intersects: u, event: v }) => {
var E;
u.length && ((E =[0].object)) == null || E(u[0], v));
let f;
return p(({ intersects: u, event: m }) => {
var P, E, _, A;
const v = (P = u == null ? void 0 : u[0]) == null ? void 0 : P.object, { pointerLeave: d, pointerEnter: C, pointerMove: w } = t;
f && f !== v && ((E = d.get(f)) == null || E(f, m)), v && (f !== v && ((_ = C.get(v)) == null || _(u[0], m)), (A = w.get(v)) == null || A(u[0], m)), f = v || null;
return p(({ intersects: u, event: v }) => {
var h, P, A, C;
const E = (h = u == null ? void 0 : u[0]) == null ? void 0 : h.object, { pointerLeave: m, pointerEnter: w, pointerMove: d } = t;
f && f !== E && ((P = m.get(f)) == null || P(f, v)), E && (f !== E && ((A = w.get(E)) == null || A(u[0], v)), (C = d.get(E)) == null || C(u[0], v)), f = E || null;
}), {
registerObject: s,
deregisterObject: l
deregisterObject: c

@@ -405,8 +405,8 @@ };

if (t.isMesh && t.geometry) {
const r = t.geometry, n = r.attributes.position.count * 3 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, o = r.index ? r.index.count * Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT : 0, l = r.attributes.normal ? r.attributes.normal.count * 3 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT : 0, s = r.attributes.uv ? r.attributes.uv.count * 2 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT : 0, c = n + o + l + s;
a += c;
const r = t.geometry, n = r.attributes.position.count * 3 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, o = r.index ? r.index.count * Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT : 0, c = r.attributes.normal ? r.attributes.normal.count * 3 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT : 0, s = r.attributes.uv ? r.attributes.uv.count * 2 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT : 0, l = n + o + c + s;
a += l;
}), a;
const W = S({}), Y = (e) => Object.assign(W.value, e);
const W = B({}), Y = (e) => Object.assign(W.value, e);
function mt({

@@ -419,15 +419,15 @@ scene: e,

}) {
const o = k(
() => h(t) ? Ve() : Ge(h(a).parentElement)
), l = k(() => o.value.width.value), s = k(() => o.value.height.value), c = k(() => l.value / s.value), i = {
const o = b(
() => M(t) ? Ve() : Ge(M(a).parentElement)
), c = b(() => o.value.width.value), s = b(() => o.value.height.value), l = b(() => c.value / s.value), i = {
height: s,
width: l,
aspectRatio: c
width: c,
aspectRatio: l
}, p = L(e), {
camera: f,
cameras: u,
registerCamera: m,
deregisterCamera: v,
setCameraActive: d
} = Ye({ sizes: i, scene: e }), { renderer: C } = st(
registerCamera: v,
deregisterCamera: E,
setCameraActive: m
} = Ye({ sizes: i, scene: e }), { renderer: w } = st(

@@ -440,10 +440,10 @@ scene: e,

), w = {
), d = {
sizes: i,
scene: p,
camera: f,
cameras: ve(u),
renderer: C,
cameras: de(u),
renderer: w,
raycaster: L(new He()),
controls: S(null),
controls: B(null),
perf: {

@@ -462,22 +462,22 @@ maxFrames: 160,

extend: Y,
registerCamera: m,
setCameraActive: d,
deregisterCamera: v
registerCamera: v,
setCameraActive: m,
deregisterCamera: E
V("useTres", w);
const P = 100, E = We({ every: P }), { isSupported: _, memory: A } = Ue({ interval: P }), b = 160;
V("useTres", d);
const h = 100, P = We({ every: h }), { isSupported: A, memory: C } = Ue({ interval: h }), k = 160;
let g =;
const M = ({ timestamp: O }) => {
w.scene.value && (w.perf.memory.allocatedMem = ft(w.scene.value)), O - g >= P && (g = O, w.perf.fps.accumulator.push(E.value), w.perf.fps.accumulator.length > b && w.perf.fps.accumulator.shift(), w.perf.fps.value = E.value, _.value && A.value && (w.perf.memory.accumulator.push(A.value.usedJSHeapSize / 1024 / 1024), w.perf.memory.accumulator.length > b && w.perf.memory.accumulator.shift(), w.perf.memory.currentMem = w.perf.memory.accumulator.reduce((fe, me) => fe + me, 0) / w.perf.memory.accumulator.length));
const _ = ({ timestamp: O }) => {
d.scene.value && (d.perf.memory.allocatedMem = ft(d.scene.value)), O - g >= h && (g = O, d.perf.fps.accumulator.push(P.value), d.perf.fps.accumulator.length > k && d.perf.fps.accumulator.shift(), d.perf.fps.value = P.value, A.value && C.value && (d.perf.memory.accumulator.push(C.value.usedJSHeapSize / 1024 / 1024), d.perf.memory.accumulator.length > k && d.perf.memory.accumulator.shift(), d.perf.memory.currentMem = d.perf.memory.accumulator.reduce((fe, me) => fe + me, 0) / d.perf.memory.accumulator.length));
let N = 0;
const le = 1, { pause: ce, resume: _t } = ne(({ delta: O }) => {
window.__TRES__DEVTOOLS__ && (M({ timestamp: }), N += O, N >= le && (window.__TRES__DEVTOOLS__.cb(w), N = 0));
const le = 1, { pause: ce, resume: Ct } = ne(({ delta: O }) => {
window.__TRES__DEVTOOLS__ && (_({ timestamp: }), N += O, N >= le && (window.__TRES__DEVTOOLS__.cb(d), N = 0));
}, { immediate: !0 });
return $(() => {
}), w;
}), d;
function pt() {
const e = de("useTres");
const e = ve("useTres");
if (!e)

@@ -489,5 +489,5 @@ throw new Error("useTresContext must be used together with useTresContextProvider");

let y = null;
const { logError: te } = B(), vt = {
const { logError: te } = x(), dt = {
createElement(e, a, t, r) {
var l, s;
var c, s;
if (r || (r = {}), r.args || (r.args = []), e === "template" || Ze(e))

@@ -498,9 +498,9 @@ return null;

(r == null ? void 0 : r.object) === void 0 && te("Tres primitives need a prop 'object'");
const c = r.object;
n = c.type, o = Object.assign(c, { type: n, attach: r.attach, primitive: !0 });
const l = r.object;
n = l.type, o = Object.assign(l, { type: n, attach: r.attach, primitive: !0 });
} else {
const c = W.value[n];
c || te(`${n} is not defined on the THREE namespace. Use extend to add it to the catalog.`), o = new c(...r.args);
const l = W.value[n];
l || te(`${n} is not defined on the THREE namespace. Use extend to add it to the catalog.`), o = new l(...r.args);
return o.isCamera && (r != null && r.position || o.position.set(3, 3, 3), r != null && r.lookAt || o.lookAt(0, 0, 0)), (r == null ? void 0 : r.attach) === void 0 && (o.isMaterial ? o.attach = "material" : o.isBufferGeometry && (o.attach = "geometry")), o.isObject3D && ((l = r == null ? void 0 : r.material) != null && l.isMaterial && (o.userData.tres__materialViaProp = !0), (s = r == null ? void 0 : r.geometry) != null && s.isBufferGeometry && (o.userData.tres__geometryViaProp = !0)), o.userData = {
return o.isCamera && (r != null && r.position || o.position.set(3, 3, 3), r != null && r.lookAt || o.lookAt(0, 0, 0)), (r == null ? void 0 : r.attach) === void 0 && (o.isMaterial ? o.attach = "material" : o.isBufferGeometry && (o.attach = "geometry")), o.isObject3D && ((c = r == null ? void 0 : r.material) != null && c.isMaterial && (o.userData.tres__materialViaProp = !0), (s = r == null ? void 0 : r.geometry) != null && s.isBufferGeometry && (o.userData.tres__geometryViaProp = !0)), o.userData = {

@@ -511,3 +511,3 @@ tres__name: n

insert(e, a) {
var r, n, o, l;
var r, n, o, c;
a && a.isScene && (y = a);

@@ -524,3 +524,3 @@ const t = a || y;

throw "could not find tres__registerAtPointerEventHandler on scene's userData";
(l = y == null ? void 0 : (o = y.userData).tres__registerAtPointerEventHandler) == null ||, e);
(c = y == null ? void 0 : (o = y.userData).tres__registerAtPointerEventHandler) == null ||, e);

@@ -537,6 +537,6 @@ }

const p = i;
i.userData.tres__materialViaProp || (f = p.material) == null || f.dispose(), i.userData.tres__geometryViaProp || (u = p.geometry) == null || u.dispose();
}, o = y == null ? void 0 : y.userData.tres__deregisterAtPointerEventHandler, l = y == null ? void 0 : y.userData.tres__deregisterBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler, s = (i) => {
i.userData.tres__materialViaProp || ((f = p.material) == null || f.dispose(), p.material = void 0), i.userData.tres__geometryViaProp || ((u = p.geometry) == null || u.dispose(), p.geometry = void 0);
}, o = y == null ? void 0 : y.userData.tres__deregisterAtPointerEventHandler, c = y == null ? void 0 : y.userData.tres__deregisterBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler, s = (i) => {
var p, f;
if (!l)
if (!c)
throw "could not find tres__deregisterBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler on scene's userData";

@@ -546,3 +546,3 @@ if ((f = y == null ? void 0 : (p = y.userData).tres__deregisterBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler) == null ||, i), !o)

(i != null && i.onClick || i != null && i.onPointerMove || i != null && i.onPointerEnter || i != null && i.onPointerLeave) && (o == null || o(i));
}, c = (i) => {
}, l = (i) => {
const p = y == null ? void 0 : y.userData.tres__deregisterCamera;

@@ -553,27 +553,27 @@ if (!p)

r.traverse((i) => {
n(i), c(i), s == null || s(i);
}), n(r), c(r), s == null || s(r);
(a = e.removeFromParent) == null ||, r.traverse((i) => {
n(i), l(i), s == null || s(i);
}), n(r), l(r), s == null || s(r);
(a = e.removeFromParent) == null ||, (t = e.dispose) == null ||;
(t = e.dispose) == null ||;
patchProp(e, a, t, r) {
var n, o, l, s;
var n, o, c, s;
if (e) {
let c = e, i = a;
let l = e, i = a;
if (e.isObject3D && i === "blocks-pointer-events") {
r || r === "" ? (o = y == null ? void 0 : (n = y.userData).tres__registerBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler) == null ||, e) : (s = y == null ? void 0 : (l = y.userData).tres__deregisterBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler) == null ||, e);
r || r === "" ? (o = y == null ? void 0 : (n = y.userData).tres__registerBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler) == null ||, e) : (s = y == null ? void 0 : (c = y.userData).tres__deregisterBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler) == null ||, e);
let p = R(i), f = c == null ? void 0 : c[p];
let p = R(i), f = l == null ? void 0 : l[p];
if (i === "args") {
const m = e, v = t ?? [], d = r ?? [], C = e.userData.tres__name || e.type;
C && v.length && !nt(v, d) && (c = Object.assign(m, new W.value[C](...r)));
const v = e, E = t ?? [], m = r ?? [], w = e.userData.tres__name || e.type;
w && E.length && !nt(E, m) && (l = Object.assign(v, new W.value[w](...r)));
if (c.type === "BufferGeometry") {
if (l.type === "BufferGeometry") {
if (i === "args")

@@ -585,4 +585,4 @@ new Fe(...r)

if (i.includes("-") && f === void 0) {
const m = i.split("-");
f = m.reduce((v, d) => v[R(d)], c), i = m.pop(), p = i.toLowerCase(), f != null && f.set || (c = m.reduce((v, d) => v[R(d)], c));
const v = i.split("-");
f = v.reduce((E, m) => E[R(m)], l), i = v.pop(), p = i.toLowerCase(), f != null && f.set || (l = v.reduce((E, m) => E[R(m)], l));

@@ -594,3 +594,3 @@ let u = r;

!(f != null && f.set) && !ee(f) ? c[p] = u : f.constructor === u.constructor && (f != null && f.copy) ? f == null || f.copy(u) : Array.isArray(u) ? f.set(...u) : !f.isColor && f.setScalar ? f.setScalar(u) : f.set(u);
!(f != null && f.set) && !ee(f) ? l[p] = u : f.constructor === u.constructor && (f != null && f.copy) ? f == null || f.copy(u) : Array.isArray(u) ? f.set(...u) : !f.isColor && f.setScalar ? f.setScalar(u) : f.set(u);

@@ -610,3 +610,3 @@ },

insertStaticContent: () => void 0
}, { render: dt } = ge(vt);
}, { render: vt } = ge(dt);

@@ -640,28 +640,28 @@ const gt = ["data-scene"], yt = /* @__PURE__ */ q({

setup(e, { expose: a }) {
var u;
const t = e, { logWarning: r } = B(), n = S(), o = L(new je());
const l = ye(), s = (u = J()) == null ? void 0 :, c = (m) => q({
var E;
const t = e, { logWarning: r } = x(), n = B(), o = L(new je()), { resume: c } = se(), s = ye(), l = (E = J()) == null ? void 0 :, i = (m) => q({
setup() {
var d;
const v = (d = J()) == null ? void 0 : d.appContext;
return v && ( = s), V("useTres", m), V("extend", Y), () => K(he, null, l != null && l.default ? l.default() : []);
const w = (d = J()) == null ? void 0 : d.appContext;
return w && ( = l), V("useTres", m), V("extend", Y), () => K(he, null, s != null && s.default ? s.default() : []);
}), i = (m) => {
const v = c(m);
dt(K(v), o.value);
}, p = k(() => t.disableRender), f = L(null);
return a({ context: f }), we(() => {
}), p = (m) => {
const w = i(m);
vt(K(w), o.value);
}, f = (m, w = !1) => {
o.value.children = [], w && (m.renderer.value.dispose(), m.renderer.value.renderLists.dispose(), m.renderer.value.forceContextLoss()), p(m), c();
}, u = b(() => t.disableRender), v = L(null);
return a({ context: v, dispose: () => f(v.value, !0) }), we(() => {
const m = n;
f.value = mt({
v.value = mt({
scene: o.value,
canvas: m,
windowSize: t.windowSize,
disableRender: p,
disableRender: u,
rendererOptions: t
}), ct({ scene: o.value, contextParts: f.value });
const { registerCamera: v, camera: d, cameras: C, deregisterCamera: w } = f.value;
const P = () => {
const E = new G(
}), ct({ scene: o.value, contextParts: v.value });
const { registerCamera: w, camera: d, cameras: h, deregisterCamera: P } = v.value;
const A = () => {
const C = new G(

@@ -672,5 +672,5 @@ window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight,

E.position.set(3, 3, 3), E.lookAt(0, 0, 0), v(E);
const _ = D(() => {
C.value.length >= 2 && (E.removeFromParent(), w(E), _ == null || _());
C.position.set(3, 3, 3), C.lookAt(0, 0, 0), w(C);
const k = D(() => {
h.value.length >= 2 && (C.removeFromParent(), P(C), k == null || k());

@@ -680,4 +680,4 @@ };

() =>,
(E, _) => {
E && v(E), _ && (_.removeFromParent(), w(_));
(C, k) => {
C && w(C), k && (k.removeFromParent(), P(k));

@@ -689,8 +689,8 @@ {

"No camera found. Creating a default perspective camera. To have full control over a camera, please add one to the scene."
), P());
}), (m, v) => (Ee(), _e("canvas", {
), A());
}), (m, w) => (Ee(), Ce("canvas", {
ref_key: "canvas",
ref: n,
"data-scene": o.value.uuid,
class: Ce(m.$attrs.class),
class: _e(m.$attrs.class),
style: Me({

@@ -719,3 +719,3 @@ display: "block",

}, Lt = Et, xt = {
}, Lt = Et, St = {
install(e) {

@@ -728,3 +728,3 @@ e.component("TresCanvas", yt);

W as catalogue,
xt as default,
St as default,
Y as extend,

@@ -738,3 +738,3 @@ Pt as isProd,

kt as useLoader,
B as useLogger,
x as useLogger,
ct as usePointerEventHandler,

@@ -741,0 +741,0 @@ lt as useRaycaster,

"name": "@tresjs/core",
"type": "module",
"version": "3.6.0-next.0",
"version": "3.6.0",
"packageManager": "pnpm@8.10.2",

@@ -69,3 +69,3 @@ "description": "Declarative ThreeJS using Vue Components",

"@alvarosabu/utils": "^3.1.1",
"@vueuse/core": "^10.5.0"
"@vueuse/core": "^10.7.0"

@@ -77,36 +77,36 @@ "devDependencies": {

"@tresjs/eslint-config-vue": "^0.2.1",
"@types/three": "^0.158.3",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^6.13.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^6.13.0",
"@vitejs/plugin-vue": "^4.5.0",
"@types/three": "^0.159.0",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^6.14.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^6.14.0",
"@vitejs/plugin-vue": "^4.5.2",
"@vitest/coverage-c8": "^0.33.0",
"@vitest/ui": "^0.34.6",
"@vue/test-utils": "^2.4.2",
"eslint": "^8.54.0",
"eslint-plugin-vue": "^9.18.1",
"@vitest/ui": "^1.0.4",
"@vue/test-utils": "^2.4.3",
"eslint": "^8.55.0",
"eslint-plugin-vue": "^9.19.2",
"esno": "^4.0.0",
"gsap": "^3.12.2",
"jsdom": "^23.0.0",
"gsap": "^3.12.3",
"jsdom": "^23.0.1",
"kolorist": "^1.8.0",
"ohmyfetch": "^0.4.21",
"pathe": "^1.1.1",
"release-it": "^17.0.0",
"release-it": "^17.0.1",
"rollup-plugin-analyzer": "^4.0.0",
"rollup-plugin-copy": "^3.5.0",
"rollup-plugin-visualizer": "^5.9.3",
"three": "^0.158.0",
"unocss": "^0.57.7",
"rollup-plugin-visualizer": "^5.11.0",
"three": "^0.159.0",
"unocss": "^0.58.0",
"unplugin": "^1.5.1",
"unplugin-vue-components": "^0.25.2",
"vite": "^5.0.2",
"unplugin-vue-components": "^0.26.0",
"vite": "^5.0.8",
"vite-plugin-banner": "^0.7.1",
"vite-plugin-dts": "3.6.3",
"vite-plugin-inspect": "^0.8.0",
"vite-plugin-dts": "3.6.4",
"vite-plugin-inspect": "^0.8.1",
"vite-plugin-require-transform": "^1.0.21",
"vite-svg-loader": "^5.1.0",
"vitepress": "1.0.0-rc.31",
"vitest": "^0.34.6",
"vue": "^3.3.9",
"vitest": "^1.0.4",
"vue": "^3.3.11",
"vue-demi": "^0.14.6"

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