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@tresjs/core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 4.0.0-next.1 to 4.0.0-next.2


* name: @tresjs/core
* version: v4.0.0-next.1
* version: v4.0.0-next.2
* (c) 2024

@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ * description: Declarative ThreeJS using Vue Components

var He = Object.defineProperty;
var Ne = (t, e, r) => e in t ? He(t, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: r }) : t[e] = r;
var Y = (t, e, r) => (Ne(t, typeof e != "symbol" ? e + "" : e, r), r);
import { ref as T, computed as x, watchEffect as se, onUnmounted as J, shallowRef as $, watch as I, reactive as be, readonly as Z, provide as ee, inject as Fe, defineComponent as le, useSlots as We, getCurrentInstance as ue, onMounted as Ue, openBlock as Ge, createElementBlock as ze, normalizeClass as Ve, unref as Je, normalizeStyle as Qe, createRenderer as Ye, h as ce, Fragment as qe } from "vue";
var $e = Object.defineProperty;
var He = (e, r, t) => r in e ? $e(e, r, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: t }) : e[r] = t;
var Y = (e, r, t) => (He(e, typeof r != "symbol" ? r + "" : r, t), t);
import { ref as k, computed as x, watchEffect as se, onUnmounted as J, shallowRef as $, watch as I, reactive as be, readonly as Z, provide as ee, inject as Ne, defineComponent as le, useSlots as Fe, getCurrentInstance as ue, onMounted as We, openBlock as Ue, createElementBlock as Ge, normalizeClass as ze, unref as Ve, normalizeStyle as Je, createRenderer as Qe, h as ce, Fragment as Ye } from "vue";
import * as Me from "three";
import { PerspectiveCamera as te, Camera as Ke, Clock as Xe, Vector3 as _e, Color as G, MeshBasicMaterial as Ee, DoubleSide as Ze, REVISION as et, SRGBColorSpace as tt, ACESFilmicToneMapping as Ce, PCFSoftShadowMap as rt, NoToneMapping as nt, WebGLRenderer as q, LoadingManager as ot, TextureLoader as st, Vector2 as it, Raycaster as at, BufferAttribute as lt, Scene as ut, Line as ct, BufferGeometry as de, Float32BufferAttribute as fe, LineBasicMaterial as dt, Mesh as ft, BackSide as pt, DirectionalLightHelper as mt, PointLightHelper as vt, SpotLightHelper as gt, HemisphereLightHelper as ht, ArrowHelper as yt } from "three";
import { createEventHook as H, useRafFn as Se, toValue as M, unrefElement as wt, useDevicePixelRatio as bt, usePointer as Mt, useElementBounding as _t, useWindowSize as Et, useElementSize as Ct, refDebounced as pe, useFps as St, useMemory as xt } from "@vueuse/core";
const kt = "@tresjs/core", Tt = "module", Pt = "4.0.0-next.1", At = "pnpm@8.10.2", Lt = "Declarative ThreeJS using Vue Components", Ot = "Alvaro Saburido <> (", Bt = "MIT", jt = [
import { PerspectiveCamera as te, Camera as qe, Clock as Ke, Vector3 as _e, Color as G, MeshBasicMaterial as Ce, DoubleSide as Xe, REVISION as Ze, SRGBColorSpace as et, ACESFilmicToneMapping as Ee, PCFSoftShadowMap as tt, NoToneMapping as nt, WebGLRenderer as q, LoadingManager as rt, TextureLoader as ot, Vector2 as st, Raycaster as it, BufferAttribute as at, Scene as lt, Line as ut, BufferGeometry as de, Float32BufferAttribute as fe, LineBasicMaterial as ct, Mesh as dt, BackSide as ft, DirectionalLightHelper as pt, PointLightHelper as mt, SpotLightHelper as vt, HemisphereLightHelper as gt, ArrowHelper as ht } from "three";
import { createEventHook as H, useRafFn as Se, toValue as _, unrefElement as yt, useDevicePixelRatio as wt, usePointer as bt, useElementBounding as Mt, useWindowSize as _t, useElementSize as Ct, refDebounced as pe, useFps as Et, useMemory as St } from "@vueuse/core";
const xt = "@tresjs/core", Tt = "module", kt = "4.0.0-next.2", Pt = "pnpm@8.10.2", At = "Declarative ThreeJS using Vue Components", Lt = "Alvaro Saburido <> (", Ot = "MIT", Bt = [

@@ -22,3 +22,3 @@ "3d",

], Dt = !1, It = {
], jt = !1, Dt = {
".": {

@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ types: "./dist/index.d.ts",

"./*": "./*"
}, Rt = "./dist/tres.js", $t = "./dist/tres.js", Ht = "./dist/index.d.ts", Nt = [
}, It = "./dist/tres.js", Rt = "./dist/tres.js", $t = "./dist/index.d.ts", Ht = [
], Ft = {
], Nt = {
access: "public"
}, Wt = {
}, Ft = {
dev: "cd playground && npm run dev",

@@ -63,102 +63,103 @@ build: "vite build",

"docs:contributors": "esno scripts/update-contributors.ts"
}, Ut = {
}, Wt = {
three: ">=0.133",
vue: ">=3.4"
}, Ut = {
"@alvarosabu/utils": "^3.2.0",
"@vue/devtools-api": "^6.6.1",
"@vueuse/core": "^10.9.0"
}, Gt = {
"@alvarosabu/utils": "^3.1.1",
"@vueuse/core": "^10.7.1"
}, zt = {
"@release-it/conventional-changelog": "^8.0.1",
"@stackblitz/sdk": "^1.9.0",
"@tresjs/cientos": "3.7.0",
"@tresjs/cientos": "3.8.0",
"@tresjs/eslint-config-vue": "^0.2.1",
"@types/three": "^0.160.0",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^6.17.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^6.17.0",
"@vitejs/plugin-vue": "^5.0.2",
"@types/three": "^0.162.0",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^7.4.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^7.4.0",
"@vitejs/plugin-vue": "^5.0.4",
"@vitest/coverage-c8": "^0.33.0",
"@vitest/ui": "^1.1.1",
"@vue/test-utils": "^2.4.3",
eslint: "^8.56.0",
"eslint-plugin-vue": "^9.19.2",
esno: "^4.0.0",
gsap: "^3.12.4",
jsdom: "^23.0.1",
"@vitest/ui": "^1.4.0",
"@vue/test-utils": "^2.4.5",
eslint: "^8.57.0",
"eslint-plugin-vue": "^9.24.0",
esno: "^4.7.0",
gsap: "^3.12.5",
jsdom: "^24.0.0",
kolorist: "^1.8.0",
ohmyfetch: "^0.4.21",
pathe: "^1.1.1",
"release-it": "^17.0.1",
pathe: "^1.1.2",
"release-it": "^17.1.1",
"rollup-plugin-analyzer": "^4.0.0",
"rollup-plugin-copy": "^3.5.0",
"rollup-plugin-visualizer": "^5.12.0",
three: "^0.160.0",
unocss: "^0.58.3",
unplugin: "^1.6.0",
three: "^0.162.0",
unocss: "^0.58.7",
unplugin: "^1.10.0",
"unplugin-vue-components": "^0.26.0",
vite: "^5.0.10",
vite: "^5.2.6",
"vite-plugin-banner": "^0.7.1",
"vite-plugin-dts": "3.7.0",
"vite-plugin-inspect": "^0.8.1",
"vite-plugin-dts": "3.7.3",
"vite-plugin-inspect": "^0.8.3",
"vite-plugin-require-transform": "^1.0.21",
"vite-svg-loader": "^5.1.0",
vitepress: "1.0.0-rc.34",
vitest: "^1.1.1",
vue: "^3.4.3",
"vue-demi": "^0.14.6"
}, Vt = {
name: kt,
vitepress: "1.0.1",
vitest: "^1.4.0",
vue: "^3.4.21",
"vue-demi": "^0.14.7"
}, zt = {
name: xt,
type: Tt,
version: Pt,
packageManager: At,
description: Lt,
author: Ot,
license: Bt,
keywords: jt,
sideEffects: Dt,
exports: It,
main: Rt,
module: $t,
types: Ht,
files: Nt,
publishConfig: Ft,
scripts: Wt,
peerDependencies: Ut,
dependencies: Gt,
devDependencies: zt
}, Jt = ({ sizes: t, scene: e }) => {
const r = T([]), s = x(
() => r.value[0]
), o = (a, l = !1) => {
r.value.some(({ uuid: f }) => f === a.uuid) || (l ? n(a) : r.value.push(a));
}, i = (a) => {
r.value = r.value.filter(({ uuid: l }) => l !== a.uuid);
}, n = (a) => {
const l = a instanceof Ke ? a : r.value.find((c) => c.uuid === a);
if (!l)
version: kt,
packageManager: Pt,
description: At,
author: Lt,
license: Ot,
keywords: Bt,
sideEffects: jt,
exports: Dt,
main: It,
module: Rt,
types: $t,
files: Ht,
publishConfig: Nt,
scripts: Ft,
peerDependencies: Wt,
dependencies: Ut,
devDependencies: Gt
}, Vt = ({ sizes: e, scene: r }) => {
const t = k([]), s = x(
() => t.value[0]
), i = (o, u = !1) => {
t.value.some(({ uuid: c }) => c === o.uuid) || (u ? n(o) : t.value.push(o));
}, l = (o) => {
t.value = t.value.filter(({ uuid: u }) => u !== o.uuid);
}, n = (o) => {
const u = o instanceof qe ? o : t.value.find((f) => f.uuid === o);
if (!u)
const f = r.value.filter(({ uuid: c }) => c !== l.uuid);
r.value = [l, ...f];
const c = t.value.filter(({ uuid: f }) => f !== u.uuid);
t.value = [u, ...c];
return se(() => {
t.aspectRatio.value && r.value.forEach((a) => {
!a.manual && (a instanceof te || Qt(a)) && (a instanceof te ? a.aspect = t.aspectRatio.value : (a.left = t.width.value * -0.5, a.right = t.width.value * 0.5, = t.height.value * 0.5, a.bottom = t.height.value * -0.5), a.updateProjectionMatrix());
e.aspectRatio.value && t.value.forEach((o) => {
!o.manual && (o instanceof te || Jt(o)) && (o instanceof te ? o.aspect = e.aspectRatio.value : (o.left = e.width.value * -0.5, o.right = e.width.value * 0.5, = e.height.value * 0.5, o.bottom = e.height.value * -0.5), o.updateProjectionMatrix());
}), J(() => {
r.value = [];
t.value = [];
}), {
camera: s,
cameras: r,
registerCamera: o,
deregisterCamera: i,
cameras: t,
registerCamera: i,
deregisterCamera: l,
setCameraActive: n
function Qt(t) {
return t.hasOwnProperty("isOrthographicCamera") && t.isOrthographicCamera;
function Jt(e) {
return e.hasOwnProperty("isOrthographicCamera") && e.isOrthographicCamera;
const xe = H(), ke = H(), ie = H(), R = new Xe();
const xe = H(), Te = H(), ie = H(), R = new Ke();
let z = 0, V = 0;
const { pause: Yt, resume: qt, isActive: Kt } = Se(
const { pause: Qt, resume: Yt, isActive: qt } = Se(
() => {
xe.trigger({ delta: z, elapsed: V, clock: R }), ke.trigger({ delta: z, elapsed: V, clock: R }), ie.trigger({ delta: z, elapsed: V, clock: R });
xe.trigger({ delta: z, elapsed: V, clock: R }), Te.trigger({ delta: z, elapsed: V, clock: R }), ie.trigger({ delta: z, elapsed: V, clock: R });

@@ -172,32 +173,32 @@ { immediate: !1 }

onBeforeLoop: xe.on,
onLoop: ke.on,
onLoop: Te.on,
onAfterLoop: ie.on,
pause: Yt,
resume: qt,
isActive: Kt
}), Wr = !0, me = "[TresJS ▲ ■ ●] ";
pause: Qt,
resume: Yt,
isActive: qt
}), Un = !0, me = "[TresJS ▲ ■ ●] ";
function P() {
function t(s, o) {
console.error(`${me} ${s}`, o || "");
function e(s, i) {
console.error(`${me} ${s}`, i || "");
function e(s) {
function r(s) {
console.warn(`${me} ${s}`);
function r(s, o) {
function t(s, i) {
return {
logError: t,
logWarning: e,
logMessage: r
logError: e,
logWarning: r,
logMessage: t
function Ur(t) {
return typeof t == "number" ? [t, t, t] : t instanceof _e ? [t.x, t.y, t.z] : t;
function Gn(e) {
return typeof e == "number" ? [e, e, e] : e instanceof _e ? [e.x, e.y, e.z] : e;
function Xt(t) {
return t instanceof G ? t : Array.isArray(t) ? new G(...t) : new G(t);
function Kt(e) {
return e instanceof G ? e : Array.isArray(e) ? new G(...e) : new G(e);
class Zt extends Me.Mesh {
constructor(...r) {
class Xt extends Me.Mesh {
constructor(...t) {
Y(this, "type", "HightlightMesh");

@@ -212,88 +213,88 @@ Y(this, "createTime");

const Te = (t, e) => {
for (const r of Object.keys(e))
e[r] instanceof Object && Object.assign(e[r], Te(t[r], e[r]));
return Object.assign(t || {}, e), t;
}, er = "html,body,base,head,link,meta,style,title,address,article,aside,footer,header,hgroup,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,nav,section,div,dd,dl,dt,figcaption,figure,picture,hr,img,li,main,ol,p,pre,ul,a,b,abbr,bdi,bdo,br,cite,code,data,dfn,em,i,kbd,mark,q,rp,rt,ruby,s,samp,small,span,strong,sub,sup,time,u,var,wbr,area,audio,map,track,video,embed,object,param,source,canvas,script,noscript,del,ins,caption,col,colgroup,table,thead,tbody,td,th,tr,button,datalist,fieldset,form,input,label,legend,meter,optgroup,option,output,progress,select,textarea,details,dialog,menu,summary,template,blockquote,iframe,tfoot", tr = /* @__PURE__ */ rr(er);
function ve(t) {
return t && t.nodeType === 1;
const ke = (e, r) => {
for (const t of Object.keys(r))
r[t] instanceof Object && Object.assign(r[t], ke(e[t], r[t]));
return Object.assign(e || {}, r), e;
}, Zt = "html,body,base,head,link,meta,style,title,address,article,aside,footer,header,hgroup,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,nav,section,div,dd,dl,dt,figcaption,figure,picture,hr,img,li,main,ol,p,pre,ul,a,b,abbr,bdi,bdo,br,cite,code,data,dfn,em,i,kbd,mark,q,rp,rt,ruby,s,samp,small,span,strong,sub,sup,time,u,var,wbr,area,audio,map,track,video,embed,object,param,source,canvas,script,noscript,del,ins,caption,col,colgroup,table,thead,tbody,td,th,tr,button,datalist,fieldset,form,input,label,legend,meter,optgroup,option,output,progress,select,textarea,details,dialog,menu,summary,template,blockquote,iframe,tfoot", en = /* @__PURE__ */ tn(Zt);
function ve(e) {
return e && e.nodeType === 1;
function F(t) {
return t.replace(/-([a-z])/g, (e, r) => r.toUpperCase());
function F(e) {
return e.replace(/-([a-z])/g, (r, t) => t.toUpperCase());
function rr(t, e) {
const r = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), s = t.split(",");
for (let o = 0; o < s.length; o++)
r[s[o]] = !0;
return e ? (o) => !!r[o.toLowerCase()] : (o) => !!r[o];
function tn(e, r) {
const t = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), s = e.split(",");
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
t[s[i]] = !0;
return r ? (i) => !!t[i.toLowerCase()] : (i) => !!t[i];
const nr = (t, e) => {
const r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), s = [];
for (const o of t) {
const i = e(o);
r.has(i) || (r.add(i), s.push(o));
const nn = (e, r) => {
const t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), s = [];
for (const i of e) {
const l = r(i);
t.has(l) || (t.add(l), s.push(i));
return s;
}, ge = (t, e) => {
if (!e)
}, ge = (e, r) => {
if (!r)
const r = Array.isArray(e) ? e : e.match(/([^[.\]])+/g);
return r == null ? void 0 : r.reduce((s, o) => s && s[o], t);
}, or = (t, e, r) => {
const s = Array.isArray(e) ? e : e.match(/([^[.\]])+/g);
s && s.reduce((o, i, n) => (o[i] === void 0 && (o[i] = {}), n === s.length - 1 && (o[i] = r), o[i]), t);
const t = Array.isArray(r) ? r : r.match(/([^[.\]])+/g);
return t == null ? void 0 : t.reduce((s, i) => s && s[i], e);
}, rn = (e, r, t) => {
const s = Array.isArray(r) ? r : r.match(/([^[.\]])+/g);
s && s.reduce((i, l, n) => (i[l] === void 0 && (i[l] = {}), n === s.length - 1 && (i[l] = t), i[l]), e);
function Pe(t, e) {
if (ve(t) && ve(e)) {
const o = t.attributes, i = e.attributes;
return o.length !== i.length ? !1 : Array.from(o).every(({ name: n, value: a }) => e.getAttribute(n) === a);
function Pe(e, r) {
if (ve(e) && ve(r)) {
const i = e.attributes, l = r.attributes;
return i.length !== l.length ? !1 : Array.from(i).every(({ name: n, value: o }) => r.getAttribute(n) === o);
if (t === e)
if (e === r)
return !0;
if (t === null || typeof t != "object" || e === null || typeof e != "object")
if (e === null || typeof e != "object" || r === null || typeof r != "object")
return !1;
const r = Object.keys(t), s = Object.keys(e);
if (r.length !== s.length)
const t = Object.keys(e), s = Object.keys(r);
if (t.length !== s.length)
return !1;
for (const o of r)
if (!s.includes(o) || !Pe(t[o], e[o]))
for (const i of t)
if (!s.includes(i) || !Pe(e[i], r[i]))
return !1;
return !0;
function sr(t, e) {
if (!Array.isArray(t) || !Array.isArray(e) || t.length !== e.length)
function on(e, r) {
if (!Array.isArray(e) || !Array.isArray(r) || e.length !== r.length)
return !1;
for (let r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
if (!Pe(t[r], e[r]))
for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++)
if (!Pe(e[t], r[t]))
return !1;
return !0;
const ir = Array.isArray;
function ar(t, e, r, s) {
const o = (l) => {
if (l.uuid === e)
return l;
for (const f of l.children) {
const c = o(f);
if (c)
return c;
const sn = Array.isArray;
function an(e, r, t, s) {
const i = (u) => {
if (u.uuid === r)
return u;
for (const c of u.children) {
const f = i(c);
if (f)
return f;
}, i = o(t);
if (!i) {
}, l = i(e);
if (!l) {
console.warn("Object with UUID not found in the scene.");
let n = i;
for (let l = 0; l < r.length - 1; l++)
if (n[r[l]] !== void 0)
n = n[r[l]];
let n = l;
for (let u = 0; u < t.length - 1; u++)
if (n[t[u]] !== void 0)
n = n[t[u]];
else {
console.warn(`Property path is not valid: ${r.join(".")}`);
console.warn(`Property path is not valid: ${t.join(".")}`);
const a = r[r.length - 1];
n[a] !== void 0 ? n[a] = s : console.warn(`Property path is not valid: ${r.join(".")}`);
const o = t[t.length - 1];
n[o] !== void 0 ? n[o] = s : console.warn(`Property path is not valid: ${t.join(".")}`);
function lr(t) {
const e = new Ee({
function ln(e) {
const r = new Ce({
color: 11003607,

@@ -305,22 +306,22 @@ // Highlight color, e.g., yellow

// So the highlight is always visible
side: Ze
side: Xe
// To e
return new Zt(t.geometry.clone(), e);
return new Xt(e.geometry.clone(), r);
function Ae(t) {
var r;
let e = t.value;
return t.value && ((r = t.value) != null && r.isMesh) && (e = t.value.position), Array.isArray(t.value) && (e = new _e(...e)), e;
function Ae(e) {
var t;
let r = e.value;
return e.value && ((t = e.value) != null && t.isMesh) && (r = e.value.position), Array.isArray(e.value) && (r = new _e(...r)), r;
const ur = Number.parseInt(et.replace("dev", "")), W = {
const un = Number.parseInt(Ze.replace("dev", "")), W = {
realistic: {
shadows: !0,
physicallyCorrectLights: !0,
outputColorSpace: tt,
toneMapping: Ce,
outputColorSpace: et,
toneMapping: Ee,
toneMappingExposure: 3,
shadowMap: {
enabled: !0,
type: rt
type: tt

@@ -333,63 +334,63 @@ },

function cr({
scene: t,
canvas: e,
options: r,
function cn({
scene: e,
canvas: r,
options: t,
disableRender: s,
emit: o,
contextParts: { sizes: i, camera: n, render: a, invalidate: l, advance: f }
emit: i,
contextParts: { sizes: l, camera: n, render: o, invalidate: u, advance: c }
}) {
const c = x(() => ({
alpha: M(r.alpha) ?? !0,
depth: M(r.depth),
canvas: wt(e),
context: M(r.context),
stencil: M(r.stencil),
antialias: M(r.antialias) ?? !0,
precision: M(r.precision),
powerPreference: M(r.powerPreference),
premultipliedAlpha: M(r.premultipliedAlpha),
preserveDrawingBuffer: M(r.preserveDrawingBuffer),
logarithmicDepthBuffer: M(r.logarithmicDepthBuffer),
failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: M(r.failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat)
})), u = $(new q(c.value));
function d() {
r.renderMode === "on-demand" && l();
const f = x(() => ({
alpha: _(t.alpha) ?? !0,
depth: _(t.depth),
canvas: yt(r),
context: _(t.context),
stencil: _(t.stencil),
antialias: _(t.antialias) ?? !0,
precision: _(t.precision),
powerPreference: _(t.powerPreference),
premultipliedAlpha: _(t.premultipliedAlpha),
preserveDrawingBuffer: _(t.preserveDrawingBuffer),
logarithmicDepthBuffer: _(t.logarithmicDepthBuffer),
failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: _(t.failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat)
})), a = $(new q(f.value));
function g() {
t.renderMode === "on-demand" && u();
I(c, () => {
u.value.dispose(), u.value = new q(c.value), d();
}), I([i.width, i.height], () => {
u.value.setSize(i.width.value, i.height.value), d();
I(f, () => {
a.value.dispose(), a.value = new q(f.value), g();
}), I([l.width, l.height], () => {
a.value.setSize(l.width.value, l.height.value), g();
}, {
immediate: !0
}), I(() => r.clearColor, d);
const { pixelRatio: p } = bt();
I(p, () => {
}), I(() => t.clearColor, g);
const { pixelRatio: d } = wt();
I(d, () => {
const { logError: h } = P(), { resume: _, onLoop: y } = ae();
y(() => {
n.value && !M(s) && a.frames.value > 0 && (u.value.render(t, n.value), o("render", u.value)), a.priority.value = 0, M(r.renderMode) === "always" ? a.frames.value = 1 : a.frames.value = Math.max(0, a.frames.value - 1);
}), _();
const g = (() => {
const w = new q(), m = {
const { logError: h } = P(), { resume: y, onLoop: p } = ae();
p(() => {
n.value && !_(s) && o.frames.value > 0 && (a.value.render(e, n.value), i("render", a.value)), o.priority.value = 0, _(t.renderMode) === "always" ? o.frames.value = 1 : o.frames.value = Math.max(0, o.frames.value - 1);
}), y();
const v = (() => {
const M = new q(), w = {
shadowMap: {
enabled: w.shadowMap.enabled,
type: w.shadowMap.type
enabled: M.shadowMap.enabled,
type: M.shadowMap.type
toneMapping: w.toneMapping,
toneMappingExposure: w.toneMappingExposure,
outputColorSpace: w.outputColorSpace
toneMapping: M.toneMapping,
toneMappingExposure: M.toneMappingExposure,
outputColorSpace: M.outputColorSpace
return w.dispose(), m;
})(), E = M(r.renderMode);
return E === "on-demand" && l(), E === "manual" && setTimeout(() => {
return M.dispose(), w;
})(), C = _(t.renderMode);
return C === "on-demand" && u(), C === "manual" && setTimeout(() => {
}, 1), se(() => {
const w = M(r.preset);
w && (w in W || h(`Renderer Preset must be one of these: ${Object.keys(W).join(", ")}`), Te(u.value, W[w])), E === "always" && (a.frames.value = Math.max(1, a.frames.value));
const m = (L, A) => {
const O = M(L), Q = () => {
if (w)
return ge(W[w], A);
const M = _(t.preset);
M && (M in W || h(`Renderer Preset must be one of these: ${Object.keys(W).join(", ")}`), ke(a.value, W[M])), C === "always" && (o.frames.value = Math.max(1, o.frames.value));
const w = (L, A) => {
const O = _(L), Q = () => {
if (M)
return ge(W[M], A);

@@ -399,45 +400,45 @@ if (O !== void 0)

const N = Q();
return N !== void 0 ? N : ge(g, A);
}, v = (L, A) => or(u.value, A, m(L, A));
v(r.shadows, "shadowMap.enabled"), v(r.toneMapping ?? Ce, "toneMapping"), v(r.shadowMapType, "shadowMap.type"), ur < 150 && v(!r.useLegacyLights, "physicallyCorrectLights"), v(r.outputColorSpace, "outputColorSpace"), v(r.toneMappingExposure, "toneMappingExposure");
const C = m(r.clearColor, "clearColor");
C && u.value.setClearColor(
C ? Xt(C) : new G(0)
return N !== void 0 ? N : ge(v, A);
}, b = (L, A) => rn(a.value, A, w(L, A));
b(t.shadows, "shadowMap.enabled"), b(t.toneMapping ?? Ee, "toneMapping"), b(t.shadowMapType, "shadowMap.type"), un < 150 && b(!t.useLegacyLights, "physicallyCorrectLights"), b(t.outputColorSpace, "outputColorSpace"), b(t.toneMappingExposure, "toneMappingExposure");
const E = w(t.clearColor, "clearColor");
E && a.value.setClearColor(
E ? Kt(E) : new G(0)
// default clear color is not easily/efficiently retrievable from three
}), J(() => {
u.value.dispose(), u.value.forceContextLoss();
a.value.dispose(), a.value.forceContextLoss();
}), {
renderer: u
renderer: a
const K = (t) => typeof t == "function", dr = (t) => !!t && t.constructor === Array;
function fr(t) {
const e = { nodes: {}, materials: {} };
return t && t.traverse((r) => { && (e.nodes[] = r), r.material && !e.materials[] && (e.materials[] = r.material);
}), e;
const K = (e) => typeof e == "function", dn = (e) => !!e && e.constructor === Array;
function fn(e) {
const r = { nodes: {}, materials: {} };
return e && e.traverse((t) => { && (r.nodes[] = t), t.material && !r.materials[] && (r.materials[] = t.material);
}), r;
async function Gr(t, e, r, s, o) {
const { logError: i } = P(), n = new t();
o && o(n), r && r(n);
const l = (Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]).map(
(f) => new Promise((c, u) => {
async function zn(e, r, t, s, i) {
const { logError: l } = P(), n = new e();
i && i(n), t && t(n);
const u = (Array.isArray(r) ? r : [r]).map(
(c) => new Promise((f, a) => {
(d) => {
d.scene && Object.assign(d, fr(d.scene)), c(d);
(g) => {
g.scene && Object.assign(g, fn(g.scene)), f(g);
(d) => u(i("[useLoader] - Failed to load resource", d))
(g) => a(l("[useLoader] - Failed to load resource", g))
return dr(e) ? await Promise.all(l) : await l[0];
return dn(r) ? await Promise.all(u) : await u[0];
async function zr(t) {
const e = new ot(), r = new st(e), s = (o) => new Promise((i, n) => {
(a) => i(a),
async function Vn(e) {
const r = new rt(), t = new ot(r), s = (i) => new Promise((l, n) => {
(o) => l(o),
() => null,

@@ -449,94 +450,94 @@ () => {

if (ir(t)) {
const o = await Promise.all( => s(i)));
return t.length > 1 ? o : o[0];
if (sn(e)) {
const i = await Promise.all( => s(l)));
return e.length > 1 ? i : i[0];
} else {
const {
map: o,
displacementMap: i,
map: i,
displacementMap: l,
normalMap: n,
roughnessMap: a,
metalnessMap: l,
aoMap: f,
alphaMap: c,
matcap: u
} = t;
roughnessMap: o,
metalnessMap: u,
aoMap: c,
alphaMap: f,
matcap: a
} = e;
return {
map: o ? await s(o) : null,
displacementMap: i ? await s(i) : null,
map: i ? await s(i) : null,
displacementMap: l ? await s(l) : null,
normalMap: n ? await s(n) : null,
roughnessMap: a ? await s(a) : null,
metalnessMap: l ? await s(l) : null,
aoMap: f ? await s(f) : null,
alphaMap: c ? await s(c) : null,
matcap: u ? await s(u) : null
roughnessMap: o ? await s(o) : null,
metalnessMap: u ? await s(u) : null,
aoMap: c ? await s(c) : null,
alphaMap: f ? await s(f) : null,
matcap: a ? await s(a) : null
const pr = (t, e) => {
const r = x(() => e.renderer.value.domElement), { x: s, y: o } = Mt({ target: r }), { width: i, height: n, top: a, left: l } = _t(r), f = ({ x: m, y: v }) => {
if (r.value)
const pn = (e, r) => {
const t = x(() => r.renderer.value.domElement), { x: s, y: i } = bt({ target: t }), { width: l, height: n, top: o, left: u } = Mt(t), c = ({ x: w, y: b }) => {
if (t.value)
return {
x: (m - l.value) / i.value * 2 - 1,
y: -((v - a.value) / n.value) * 2 + 1
x: (w - u.value) / l.value * 2 - 1,
y: -((b - o.value) / n.value) * 2 + 1
}, c = ({ x: m, y: v }) => {
if (
return e.raycaster.value.setFromCamera(new it(m, v),, e.raycaster.value.intersectObjects(t.value, !1);
}, u = (m) => {
const v = f({
x: (m == null ? void 0 : m.clientX) ?? s.value,
y: (m == null ? void 0 : m.clientY) ?? o.value
}, f = ({ x: w, y: b }) => {
if (
return r.raycaster.value.setFromCamera(new st(w, b),, r.raycaster.value.intersectObjects(e.value, !1);
}, a = (w) => {
const b = c({
x: (w == null ? void 0 : w.clientX) ?? s.value,
y: (w == null ? void 0 : w.clientY) ?? i.value
return v ? c(v) || [] : [];
}, d = x(() => u()), p = H(), h = H(), _ = (m, v) => {
m.trigger({ event: v, intersects: u(v) });
}, y = (m) => {
_(h, m);
return b ? f(b) || [] : [];
}, g = x(() => a()), d = H(), h = H(), y = (w, b) => {
w.trigger({ event: b, intersects: a(b) });
}, p = (w) => {
y(h, w);
let b;
const g = (m) => {
var v;
b = (v = u(m)[0]) == null ? void 0 : v.object;
}, E = (m) => {
var v;
m instanceof PointerEvent && b === ((v = u(m)[0]) == null ? void 0 : v.object) && _(p, m);
}, w = (m) => h.trigger({ event: m, intersects: [] });
return r.value.addEventListener("pointerup", E), r.value.addEventListener("pointerdown", g), r.value.addEventListener("pointermove", y), r.value.addEventListener("pointerleave", w), J(() => {
r != null && r.value && (r.value.removeEventListener("pointerup", E), r.value.removeEventListener("pointerdown", g), r.value.removeEventListener("pointermove", y), r.value.removeEventListener("pointerleave", w));
let m;
const v = (w) => {
var b;
m = (b = a(w)[0]) == null ? void 0 : b.object;
}, C = (w) => {
var b;
w instanceof PointerEvent && m === ((b = a(w)[0]) == null ? void 0 : b.object) && y(d, w);
}, M = (w) => h.trigger({ event: w, intersects: [] });
return t.value.addEventListener("pointerup", C), t.value.addEventListener("pointerdown", v), t.value.addEventListener("pointermove", p), t.value.addEventListener("pointerleave", M), J(() => {
t != null && t.value && (t.value.removeEventListener("pointerup", C), t.value.removeEventListener("pointerdown", v), t.value.removeEventListener("pointermove", p), t.value.removeEventListener("pointerleave", M));
}), {
intersects: d,
onClick: (m) => p.on(m).off,
onPointerMove: (m) => h.on(m).off
intersects: g,
onClick: (w) => d.on(w).off,
onPointerMove: (w) => h.on(w).off
function Vr() {
const { logWarning: t } = P();
function e(i, n, a) {
let l = null;
return i.traverse((f) => {
f[n] === a && (l = f);
}), l || t(`Child with ${n} '${a}' not found.`), l;
function Jn() {
const { logWarning: e } = P();
function r(l, n, o) {
let u = null;
return l.traverse((c) => {
c[n] === o && (u = c);
}), u || e(`Child with ${n} '${o}' not found.`), u;
function r(i, n, a) {
const l = [];
return i.traverse((f) => {
f[n].includes(a) && l.push(f);
}), l.length || t(`Children with ${n} '${a}' not found.`), l;
function t(l, n, o) {
const u = [];
return l.traverse((c) => {
c[n].includes(o) && u.push(c);
}), u.length || e(`Children with ${n} '${o}' not found.`), u;
function s(i, n) {
return e(i, "name", n);
function s(l, n) {
return r(l, "name", n);
function o(i, n) {
return r(i, "name", n);
function i(l, n) {
return t(l, "name", n);
return {
seek: e,
seek: r,
seekByName: s,
seekAll: r,
seekAllByName: o
seekAll: t,
seekAllByName: i
const mr = (t) => {
const e = be({
const mn = (e) => {
const r = be({
click: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(),

@@ -546,104 +547,104 @@ pointerMove: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(),

pointerLeave: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()
}), r = T(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), s = (u) => {
}, o = (u) => {
}, i = (u) => {
Object.values(e).forEach((d) => d.delete(u)), o(u);
}, n = (u) => {
const { onClick: d, onPointerMove: p, onPointerEnter: h, onPointerLeave: _ } = u;
d &&, d), p && e.pointerMove.set(u, p), h && e.pointerEnter.set(u, h), _ && e.pointerLeave.set(u, _);
}, a = x(
() => nr(
}), t = k(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), s = (a) => {
}, i = (a) => {
}, l = (a) => {
Object.values(r).forEach((g) => g.delete(a)), i(a);
}, n = (a) => {
const { onClick: g, onPointerMove: d, onPointerEnter: h, onPointerLeave: y } = a;
g &&, g), d && r.pointerMove.set(a, d), h && r.pointerEnter.set(a, h), y && r.pointerLeave.set(a, y);
}, o = x(
() => nn(
...Object.values(e).map((u) => Array.from(u.keys())).flat()
...Object.values(r).map((a) => Array.from(a.keys())).flat()
({ uuid: u }) => u
({ uuid: a }) => a
t.registerObjectAtPointerEventHandler = n, t.deregisterObjectAtPointerEventHandler = i, t.registerBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler = s, t.deregisterBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler = o;
const { onClick: l, onPointerMove: f } = pr(a, t);
l(({ intersects: u, event: d }) => {
var p;
u.length && ((p =[0].object)) == null || p(u[0], d));
e.registerObjectAtPointerEventHandler = n, e.deregisterObjectAtPointerEventHandler = l, e.registerBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler = s, e.deregisterBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler = i;
const { onClick: u, onPointerMove: c } = pn(o, e);
u(({ intersects: a, event: g }) => {
var d;
a.length && ((d =[0].object)) == null || d(a[0], g));
let c;
return f(({ intersects: u, event: d }) => {
var b, g, E, w;
const p = (b = u == null ? void 0 : u[0]) == null ? void 0 : b.object, { pointerLeave: h, pointerEnter: _, pointerMove: y } = e;
c && c !== p && ((g = h.get(c)) == null || g(c, d)), p && (c !== p && ((E = _.get(p)) == null || E(u[0], d)), (w = y.get(p)) == null || w(u[0], d)), c = p || null;
let f;
return c(({ intersects: a, event: g }) => {
var m, v, C, M;
const d = (m = a == null ? void 0 : a[0]) == null ? void 0 : m.object, { pointerLeave: h, pointerEnter: y, pointerMove: p } = r;
f && f !== d && ((v = h.get(f)) == null || v(f, g)), d && (f !== d && ((C = y.get(d)) == null || C(a[0], g)), (M = p.get(d)) == null || M(a[0], g)), f = d || null;
}), {
registerObject: n,
deregisterObject: i,
deregisterObject: l,
registerBlockingObject: s,
deregisterBlockingObject: o
deregisterBlockingObject: i
function Le(t) {
let e = 0;
return t.traverse((r) => {
if (r.isMesh && r.geometry) {
const s = r.geometry, o = s.attributes.position.count * 3 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, i = s.index ? s.index.count * Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT : 0, n = s.attributes.normal ? s.attributes.normal.count * 3 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT : 0, a = s.attributes.uv ? s.attributes.uv.count * 2 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT : 0, l = o + i + n + a;
e += l;
function Le(e) {
let r = 0;
return e.traverse((t) => {
if (t.isMesh && t.geometry) {
const s = t.geometry, i = s.attributes.position.count * 3 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, l = s.index ? s.index.count * Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT : 0, n = s.attributes.normal ? s.attributes.normal.count * 3 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT : 0, o = s.attributes.uv ? s.attributes.uv.count * 2 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT : 0, u = i + l + n + o;
r += u;
}), e;
}), r;
function vr(t) {
return (t / 1024).toFixed(2);
function vn(e) {
return (e / 1024).toFixed(2);
const re = T({}), ne = (t) => Object.assign(re.value, t);
function gr(t, e, r = 10) {
const s = M(t) ? Et() : Ct(x(() => M(e).parentElement)), o = Z(pe(s.width, r)), i = Z(pe(s.height, r)), n = x(() => o.value / i.value);
const ne = k({}), re = (e) => Object.assign(ne.value, e);
function gn(e, r, t = 10) {
const s = _(e) ? _t() : Ct(x(() => _(r).parentElement)), i = Z(pe(s.width, t)), l = Z(pe(s.height, t)), n = x(() => i.value / l.value);
return {
height: i,
width: o,
height: l,
width: i,
aspectRatio: n
function hr({
scene: t,
canvas: e,
windowSize: r,
function hn({
scene: e,
canvas: r,
windowSize: t,
disableRender: s,
rendererOptions: o,
emit: i
rendererOptions: i,
emit: l
}) {
const { logWarning: n } = P(), a = $(t), l = gr(r, e), {
camera: f,
cameras: c,
registerCamera: u,
deregisterCamera: d,
setCameraActive: p
} = Jt({ sizes: l, scene: t }), h = {
mode: T(o.renderMode || "always"),
priority: T(0),
frames: T(0),
const { logWarning: n } = P(), o = $(e), u = gn(t, r), {
camera: c,
cameras: f,
registerCamera: a,
deregisterCamera: g,
setCameraActive: d
} = Vt({ sizes: u, scene: e }), h = {
mode: k(i.renderMode || "always"),
priority: k(0),
frames: k(0),
maxFrames: 60,
canBeInvalidated: x(() => h.mode.value === "on-demand" && h.frames.value === 0)
function _(B = 1) {
o.renderMode === "on-demand" ? h.frames.value = Math.min(h.maxFrames, h.frames.value + B) : n("`invalidate` can only be used when `renderMode` is set to `on-demand`");
function y(B = 1) {
i.renderMode === "on-demand" ? h.frames.value = Math.min(h.maxFrames, h.frames.value + B) : n("`invalidate` can only be used when `renderMode` is set to `on-demand`");
function y() {
o.renderMode === "manual" ? h.frames.value = 1 : n("`advance` can only be used when `renderMode` is set to `manual`");
function p() {
i.renderMode === "manual" ? h.frames.value = 1 : n("`advance` can only be used when `renderMode` is set to `manual`");
const { renderer: b } = cr(
const { renderer: m } = cn(
scene: t,
canvas: e,
options: o,
emit: i,
scene: e,
canvas: r,
options: i,
emit: l,
// TODO: replace contextParts with full ctx at
contextParts: { sizes: l, camera: f, render: h, invalidate: _, advance: y },
contextParts: { sizes: u, camera: c, render: h, invalidate: y, advance: p },
disableRender: s
), g = {
sizes: l,
scene: a,
camera: f,
cameras: Z(c),
renderer: b,
raycaster: $(new at()),
controls: T(null),
), v = {
sizes: u,
scene: o,
camera: c,
cameras: Z(f),
renderer: m,
raycaster: $(new it()),
controls: k(null),
perf: {

@@ -662,32 +663,32 @@ maxFrames: 160,

render: h,
advance: y,
extend: ne,
invalidate: _,
registerCamera: u,
setCameraActive: p,
deregisterCamera: d
advance: p,
extend: re,
invalidate: y,
registerCamera: a,
setCameraActive: d,
deregisterCamera: g
ee("useTres", g), g.scene.value.__tres = {
root: g
ee("useTres", v), v.scene.value.__tres = {
root: v
const E = 100, w = St({ every: E }), { isSupported: m, memory: v } = xt({ interval: E }), C = 160;
const C = 100, M = Et({ every: C }), { isSupported: w, memory: b } = St({ interval: C }), E = 160;
let L =;
const A = ({ timestamp: B }) => {
g.scene.value && (g.perf.memory.allocatedMem = Le(g.scene.value)), B - L >= E && (L = B, g.perf.fps.accumulator.push(w.value), g.perf.fps.accumulator.length > C && g.perf.fps.accumulator.shift(), g.perf.fps.value = w.value, m.value && v.value && (g.perf.memory.accumulator.push(v.value.usedJSHeapSize / 1024 / 1024), g.perf.memory.accumulator.length > C && g.perf.memory.accumulator.shift(), g.perf.memory.currentMem = g.perf.memory.accumulator.reduce((Re, $e) => Re + $e, 0) / g.perf.memory.accumulator.length));
v.scene.value && (v.perf.memory.allocatedMem = Le(v.scene.value)), B - L >= C && (L = B, v.perf.fps.accumulator.push(M.value), v.perf.fps.accumulator.length > E && v.perf.fps.accumulator.shift(), v.perf.fps.value = M.value, w.value && b.value && (v.perf.memory.accumulator.push(b.value.usedJSHeapSize / 1024 / 1024), v.perf.memory.accumulator.length > E && v.perf.memory.accumulator.shift(), v.perf.memory.currentMem = v.perf.memory.accumulator.reduce((Ie, Re) => Ie + Re, 0) / v.perf.memory.accumulator.length));
let O = 0;
const Q = 1, { pause: N } = Se(({ delta: B }) => {
window.__TRES__DEVTOOLS__ && (A({ timestamp: }), O += B, O >= Q && (window.__TRES__DEVTOOLS__.cb(g), O = 0));
window.__TRES__DEVTOOLS__ && (A({ timestamp: }), O += B, O >= Q && (window.__TRES__DEVTOOLS__.cb(v), O = 0));
}, { immediate: !0 });
return J(() => {
}), g;
}), v;
function yr() {
const t = Fe("useTres");
if (!t)
function yn() {
const e = Ne("useTres");
if (!e)
throw new Error("useTresContext must be used together with useTresContextProvider");
return t;
return e;
const Jr = yr;
const Qn = yn;
const { logError: he } = P(), X = [

@@ -699,122 +700,127 @@ "onClick",

function ye(t) {
const e = t.__tres.root;
e && e.render && e.render.canBeInvalidated.value && e.invalidate();
function ye(e) {
const r = e.__tres.root;
r && r.render && r.render.canBeInvalidated.value && r.invalidate();
const Oe = () => {
let t = null;
return {
createElement(e, r, s, o) {
if (o || (o = {}), o.args || (o.args = []), e === "template" || tr(e))
return null;
let i = e.replace("Tres", ""), n;
if (e === "primitive") {
(o == null ? void 0 : o.object) === void 0 && he("Tres primitives need a prop 'object'");
const a = o.object;
i = a.type, n = Object.assign(a.clone(), { type: i });
} else {
const a = re.value[i];
a || he(`${i} is not defined on the THREE namespace. Use extend to add it to the catalog.`), n = new a(...o.args);
const wn = () => {
let e = null;
function r(n, o, u, c) {
if (c || (c = {}), c.args || (c.args = []), n === "template" || en(n))
return null;
let f = n.replace("Tres", ""), a;
if (n === "primitive") {
(c == null ? void 0 : c.object) === void 0 && he("Tres primitives need a prop 'object'");
const g = c.object;
f = g.type, a = Object.assign(g.clone(), { type: f });
} else {
const g = ne.value[f];
g || he(`${f} is not defined on the THREE namespace. Use extend to add it to the catalog.`), a = new g(...c.args);
return a ? (a.isCamera && (c != null && c.position || a.position.set(3, 3, 3), c != null && c.lookAt || a.lookAt(0, 0, 0)), (c == null ? void 0 : c.attach) === void 0 && (a.isMaterial ? a.attach = "material" : a.isBufferGeometry && (a.attach = "geometry")), a.__tres = {
type: f,
memoizedProps: c,
eventCount: 0,
disposable: !0,
primitive: n === "primitive"
}, a.isObject3D && (c != null && c.material || c != null && c.geometry) && (a.__tres.disposable = !1), a) : null;
function t(n, o) {
if (!n)
o && o.isScene && (e = o), e && (n.__tres.root = e.__tres.root);
const u = o || e;
if (n != null && n.isObject3D) {
const { registerCamera: c, registerObjectAtPointerEventHandler: f } = n.__tres.root;
n != null && n.isCamera && c(n), n && X.some((a) => n[a]) && f(n);
n != null && n.isObject3D && (u != null && u.isObject3D) ? (u.add(n), n.dispatchEvent({ type: "added" })) : n != null && n.isFog ? u.fog = n : typeof (n == null ? void 0 : n.attach) == "string" && (n.__previousAttach = n[u == null ? void 0 : u.attach], u && (u[n.attach] = n));
function s(n) {
var f, a;
if (!n)
const o = n.__tres;
n.parent = n.parent || e;
const {
deregisterObjectAtPointerEventHandler: u,
deregisterBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler: c
} = o.root;
if (n.isObject3D) {
const g = (y) => {
var m, v;
const p = y;
o.disposable && ((m = p.material) == null || m.dispose(), p.material = void 0, (v = p.geometry) == null || v.dispose(), p.geometry = void 0);
}, d = (y) => {
c(y), y && X.some((p) => y[p]) && (u == null || u(y));
}, h = (y) => {
const p = n.__tres.root.deregisterCamera;
y.isCamera && (p == null || p(y));
(f = n.removeFromParent) == null ||, n.traverse((y) => {
g(y), h(y), d == null || d(y);
}), g(n), h(n), d == null || d(n), ye(n), (a = n.dispose) == null ||;
function i(n, o, u, c) {
if (n) {
let f = n, a = o;
if (n.__tres.primitive && a === "object" && u !== null) {
const y = r("primitive", void 0, void 0, {
object: c
for (const p in y) {
if (p === "uuid")
const m = n[p], v = y[p];
!(m != null && m.set) && !K(m) ? n[p] = v : m.constructor === v.constructor && (m != null && m.copy) ? m == null || m.copy(v) : Array.isArray(v) ? m.set(...v) : !m.isColor && m.setScalar ? m.setScalar(v) : m.set(v);
y.__tres.root = e == null ? void 0 : e.__tres.root, y.isGroup ? (n.geometry = void 0, n.material = void 0) : delete n.isGroup;
return n ? (n.isCamera && (o != null && o.position || n.position.set(3, 3, 3), o != null && o.lookAt || n.lookAt(0, 0, 0)), (o == null ? void 0 : o.attach) === void 0 && (n.isMaterial ? n.attach = "material" : n.isBufferGeometry && (n.attach = "geometry")), n.__tres = {
type: i,
memoizedProps: o,
eventCount: 0,
disposable: !0,
primitive: e === "primitive"
}, n.isObject3D && (o != null && o.material || o != null && o.geometry) && (n.__tres.disposable = !1), n) : null;
insert(e, r) {
if (!e)
r && r.isScene && (t = r), t && (e.__tres.root = t.__tres.root);
const s = r || t;
if (e != null && e.isObject3D) {
const { registerCamera: o, registerObjectAtPointerEventHandler: i } = e.__tres.root;
e != null && e.isCamera && o(e), e && X.some((n) => e[n]) && i(e);
if (n.__tres.root) {
const {
registerBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler: y,
deregisterBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler: p
} = n.__tres.root;
if (n.isObject3D && a === "blocks-pointer-events") {
c || c === "" ? y(n) : p(n);
e != null && e.isObject3D && (s != null && s.isObject3D) ? (s.add(e), e.dispatchEvent({ type: "added" })) : e != null && e.isFog ? s.fog = e : typeof (e == null ? void 0 : e.attach) == "string" && (e.__previousAttach = e[s == null ? void 0 : s.attach], s && (s[e.attach] = e));
remove(e) {
var i, n;
if (!e)
let g = F(a), d = f == null ? void 0 : f[g];
if (a === "args") {
const y = n, p = u ?? [], m = c ?? [], v = n.__tres.type || n.type;
v && p.length && !on(p, m) && (f = Object.assign(y, new ne.value[v](...c)));
const r = e.__tres;
e.parent = e.parent || t;
const {
deregisterObjectAtPointerEventHandler: s,
deregisterBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler: o
} = r.root;
if (e.isObject3D) {
const a = (c) => {
var d, p;
const u = c;
r.disposable && ((d = u.material) == null || d.dispose(), u.material = void 0, (p = u.geometry) == null || p.dispose(), u.geometry = void 0);
}, l = (c) => {
o(c), c && X.some((u) => c[u]) && (s == null || s(c));
}, f = (c) => {
const u = e.__tres.root.deregisterCamera;
c.isCamera && (u == null || u(c));
(i = e.removeFromParent) == null ||, e.traverse((c) => {
a(c), f(c), l == null || l(c);
}), a(e), f(e), l == null || l(e), ye(e), (n = e.dispose) == null ||;
patchProp(e, r, s, o) {
if (e) {
let i = e, n = r;
if (e.__tres.primitive && n === "object" && s !== null) {
const c = Oe.createElement("primitive", void 0, void 0, {
object: o
for (const u in c) {
if (u === "uuid")
const d = e[u], p = c[u];
!(d != null && d.set) && !K(d) ? e[u] = p : d.constructor === p.constructor && (d != null && d.copy) ? d == null || d.copy(p) : Array.isArray(p) ? d.set(...p) : !d.isColor && d.setScalar ? d.setScalar(p) : d.set(p);
c.__tres.root = t == null ? void 0 : t.__tres.root, c.isGroup ? (e.geometry = void 0, e.material = void 0) : delete e.isGroup;
if (e.__tres.root) {
const {
registerBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler: c,
deregisterBlockingObjectAtPointerEventHandler: u
} = e.__tres.root;
if (e.isObject3D && n === "blocks-pointer-events") {
o || o === "" ? c(e) : u(e);
let a = F(n), l = i == null ? void 0 : i[a];
if (n === "args") {
const c = e, u = s ?? [], d = o ?? [], p = e.__tres.type || e.type;
p && u.length && !sr(u, d) && (i = Object.assign(c, new re.value[p](...o)));
if (f.type === "BufferGeometry") {
if (a === "args")
if (i.type === "BufferGeometry") {
if (n === "args")
new lt(...o)
if (n.includes("-") && l === void 0) {
const c = n.split("-");
l = c.reduce((u, d) => u[F(d)], i), n = c.pop(), a = n.toLowerCase(), l != null && l.set || (i = c.reduce((u, d) => u[F(d)], i));
let f = o;
if (f === "" && (f = !0), K(l)) {
X.includes(r) || (Array.isArray(f) ? e[a](...f) : e[a](f));
!(l != null && l.set) && !K(l) ? i[a] = f : l.constructor === f.constructor && (l != null && l.copy) ? l == null || l.copy(f) : Array.isArray(f) ? l.set(...f) : !l.isColor && l.setScalar ? l.setScalar(f) : l.set(f), ye(e);
new at(...c)
parentNode(e) {
return (e == null ? void 0 : e.parent) || null;
if (a.includes("-") && d === void 0) {
const y = a.split("-");
d = y.reduce((p, m) => p[F(m)], f), a = y.pop(), g = a.toLowerCase(), d != null && d.set || (f = y.reduce((p, m) => p[F(m)], f));
let h = c;
if (h === "" && (h = !0), K(d)) {
X.includes(o) || (Array.isArray(h) ? n[g](...h) : n[g](h));
!(d != null && d.set) && !K(d) ? f[g] = h : d.constructor === h.constructor && (d != null && d.copy) ? d == null || d.copy(h) : Array.isArray(h) ? d.set(...h) : !d.isColor && d.setScalar ? d.setScalar(h) : d.set(h), ye(n);
function l(n) {
return (n == null ? void 0 : n.parent) || null;
return {
insert: t,
remove: s,
createElement: r,
patchProp: i,
parentNode: l,
createText: () => void 0,

@@ -831,31 +837,31 @@ createComment: () => void 0,

function wr() {
function bn() {
function Be() {
return typeof navigator < "u" && typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : {};
function Oe() {
return typeof navigator < "u" && typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : {};
const br = typeof Proxy == "function", Mr = "devtools-plugin:setup", _r = "plugin:settings:set";
const Mn = typeof Proxy == "function", _n = "devtools-plugin:setup", Cn = "plugin:settings:set";
let j, oe;
function Er() {
var t;
return j !== void 0 || (typeof window < "u" && window.performance ? (j = !0, oe = window.performance) : typeof global < "u" && (!((t = global.perf_hooks) === null || t === void 0) && t.performance) ? (j = !0, oe = global.perf_hooks.performance) : j = !1), j;
function En() {
var e;
return j !== void 0 || (typeof window < "u" && window.performance ? (j = !0, oe = window.performance) : typeof globalThis < "u" && (!((e = globalThis.perf_hooks) === null || e === void 0) && e.performance) ? (j = !0, oe = globalThis.perf_hooks.performance) : j = !1), j;
function Cr() {
return Er() ? :;
function Sn() {
return En() ? :;
class Sr {
constructor(e, r) { = null, this.targetQueue = [], this.onQueue = [], this.plugin = e, this.hook = r;
class xn {
constructor(r, t) { = null, this.targetQueue = [], this.onQueue = [], this.plugin = r, this.hook = t;
const s = {};
if (e.settings)
for (const n in e.settings) {
const a = e.settings[n];
s[n] = a.defaultValue;
if (r.settings)
for (const n in r.settings) {
const o = r.settings[n];
s[n] = o.defaultValue;
const o = `__vue-devtools-plugin-settings__${}`;
let i = Object.assign({}, s);
const i = `__vue-devtools-plugin-settings__${}`;
let l = Object.assign({}, s);
try {
const n = localStorage.getItem(o), a = JSON.parse(n);
Object.assign(i, a);
const n = localStorage.getItem(i), o = JSON.parse(n);
Object.assign(l, o);
} catch {

@@ -865,34 +871,34 @@ }

getSettings() {
return i;
return l;
setSettings(n) {
try {
localStorage.setItem(o, JSON.stringify(n));
localStorage.setItem(i, JSON.stringify(n));
} catch {
i = n;
l = n;
now() {
return Cr();
return Sn();
}, r && r.on(_r, (n, a) => {
n === && this.fallbacks.setSettings(a);
}, t && t.on(Cn, (n, o) => {
n === && this.fallbacks.setSettings(o);
}), this.proxiedOn = new Proxy({}, {
get: (n, a) => ?[a] : (...l) => {
get: (n, o) => ?[o] : (...u) => {
method: a,
args: l
method: o,
args: u
}), this.proxiedTarget = new Proxy({}, {
get: (n, a) => ?[a] : a === "on" ? this.proxiedOn : Object.keys(this.fallbacks).includes(a) ? (...l) => (this.targetQueue.push({
method: a,
args: l,
get: (n, o) => ?[o] : o === "on" ? this.proxiedOn : Object.keys(this.fallbacks).includes(o) ? (...u) => (this.targetQueue.push({
method: o,
args: u,
resolve: () => {
}), this.fallbacks[a](...l)) : (...l) => new Promise((f) => {
}), this.fallbacks[o](...u)) : (...u) => new Promise((c) => {
method: a,
args: l,
resolve: f
method: o,
args: u,
resolve: c

@@ -902,81 +908,81 @@ })

async setRealTarget(e) { = e;
for (const r of this.onQueue)[r.method](...r.args);
for (const r of this.targetQueue)
async setRealTarget(r) { = r;
for (const t of this.onQueue)[t.method](...t.args);
for (const t of this.targetQueue)
function xr(t, e) {
const r = t, s = Be(), o = wr(), i = br && r.enableEarlyProxy;
o.emit(Mr, t, e);
function Tn(e, r) {
const t = e, s = Oe(), i = bn(), l = Mn && t.enableEarlyProxy;
i.emit(_n, e, r);
else {
const n = i ? new Sr(r, o) : null;
const n = l ? new xn(t, i) : null;
pluginDescriptor: r,
setupFn: e,
pluginDescriptor: t,
setupFn: r,
proxy: n
}), n && e(n.proxiedTarget);
}), n && r(n.proxiedTarget);
function kr(t, e) {
const r = `▲ ■ ●${t}`;
typeof __VUE_DEVTOOLS_TOAST__ == "function" ? __VUE_DEVTOOLS_TOAST__(r, e) : e === "error" ? console.error(r) : e === "warn" ? console.warn(r) : console.log(r);
function kn(e, r) {
const t = `▲ ■ ●${e}`;
typeof __VUE_DEVTOOLS_TOAST__ == "function" ? __VUE_DEVTOOLS_TOAST__(t, r) : r === "error" ? console.error(t) : r === "warn" ? console.warn(t) : console.log(t);
const je = (t) => {
const e = {
id: t.uuid,
label: t.type,
const Be = (e) => {
const r = {
id: e.uuid,
label: e.type,
children: [],
tags: []
}; !== "" && e.tags.push({
label:, !== "" && r.tags.push({
textColor: 5750629,
backgroundColor: 15793395
const r = Le(t);
return r > 0 && e.tags.push({
label: `${vr(r)} KB`,
const t = Le(e);
return t > 0 && r.tags.push({
label: `${vn(t)} KB`,
textColor: 15707189,
backgroundColor: 16775644,
tooltip: "Memory usage"
}), t.type.includes("Light") && (e.tags.push({
label: `${t.intensity}`,
}), e.type.includes("Light") && (r.tags.push({
label: `${e.intensity}`,
textColor: 9738662,
backgroundColor: 16316922,
tooltip: "Intensity"
}), e.tags.push({
label: `#${t.color.getHexString()}`,
}), r.tags.push({
label: `#${e.color.getHexString()}`,
textColor: 9738662,
backgroundColor: 16316922,
tooltip: "Color"
})), t.type.includes("Camera") && (e.tags.push({
label: `${t.fov}°`,
})), e.type.includes("Camera") && (r.tags.push({
label: `${e.fov}°`,
textColor: 9738662,
backgroundColor: 16316922,
tooltip: "Field of view"
}), e.tags.push({
}), r.tags.push({
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
label: `x: ${Math.round(t.position.x)} y: ${Math.round(t.position.y)} z: ${Math.round(t.position.z)}`,
label: `x: ${Math.round(e.position.x)} y: ${Math.round(e.position.y)} z: ${Math.round(e.position.z)}`,
textColor: 9738662,
backgroundColor: 16316922,
tooltip: "Position"
})), e;
})), r;
function De(t, e) {
t.children.forEach((r) => {
if (r.type === "HightlightMesh")
function je(e, r) {
e.children.forEach((t) => {
if (t.type === "HightlightMesh")
const s = je(r);
e.children.push(s), De(r, s);
const s = Be(t);
r.children.push(s), je(t, s);
const Tr = [], D = "tres:inspector", Pr = be({
const Pn = [], D = "tres:inspector", An = be({
sceneGraph: null
function Ar(t, e) {
function Ln(e, r) {

@@ -988,10 +994,10 @@ id: "dev.esm.tres",

homepage: "",
componentStateTypes: Tr,
app: t
componentStateTypes: Pn,
app: e
(r) => {
typeof != "function" && kr(
(t) => {
typeof != "function" && kn(
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
"You seem to be using an outdated version of Vue Devtools. Are you still using the Beta release instead of the stable one? You can find the links at"
), r.addInspector({
), t.addInspector({
id: D,

@@ -1002,22 +1008,22 @@ label: "TresJS 🪐",

}), setInterval(() => {
}, 1e3), setInterval(() => {
}, 5e3), r.on.getInspectorTree((i) => {
if (i.inspectorId === D) {
const n = je(e.scene.value);
De(e.scene.value, n), Pr.sceneGraph = n, i.rootNodes = [n];
}, 5e3), t.on.getInspectorTree((l) => {
if (l.inspectorId === D) {
const n = Be(r.scene.value);
je(r.scene.value, n), An.sceneGraph = n, l.rootNodes = [n];
let s = null, o = null;
r.on.getInspectorState((i) => {
if (i.inspectorId === D) {
const [n] = e.scene.value.getObjectsByProperty("uuid", i.nodeId);
let s = null, i = null;
t.on.getInspectorState((l) => {
if (l.inspectorId === D) {
const [n] = r.scene.value.getObjectsByProperty("uuid", l.nodeId);
if (!n)
if (o && s && s.parent && o.remove(s), n.isMesh) {
const a = lr(n);
n.add(a), s = a, o = n;
if (i && s && s.parent && i.remove(s), n.isMesh) {
const o = ln(n);
n.add(o), s = o, i = n;
i.state = {
l.state = {
object: [

@@ -1109,4 +1115,4 @@ {

}), r.on.editInspectorState((i) => {
i.inspectorId === D && ar(e.scene.value, i.nodeId, i.path, i.state.value);
}), t.on.editInspectorState((l) => {
l.inspectorId === D && an(r.scene.value, l.nodeId, l.path, l.state.value);

@@ -1116,3 +1122,3 @@ }

const Lr = ["data-scene", "data-tres"], Or = /* @__PURE__ */ le({
const On = ["data-scene", "data-tres"], Bn = /* @__PURE__ */ le({
__name: "TresCanvas",

@@ -1145,32 +1151,32 @@ props: {

emits: ["render"],
setup(t, { expose: e, emit: r }) {
var _;
const s = t, o = r, i = T(), n = $(new ut()), { resume: a } = ae(), l = We(), f = (_ = ue()) == null ? void 0 :;
const c = (y) => le({
setup(e, { expose: r, emit: t }) {
var y;
const s = e, i = t, l = k(), n = $(new lt()), { resume: o } = ae(), u = Fe(), c = (y = ue()) == null ? void 0 :;
const f = (p) => le({
setup() {
var g;
const b = (g = ue()) == null ? void 0 : g.appContext;
return b && ( = f), ee("useTres", y), ee("extend", ne), typeof window < "u" && Ar(b == null ? void 0 :, y), () => ce(qe, null, l != null && l.default ? l.default() : []);
var v;
const m = (v = ue()) == null ? void 0 : v.appContext;
return m && ( = c), ee("useTres", p), ee("extend", re), typeof window < "u" && Ln(m == null ? void 0 :, p), () => ce(Ye, null, u != null && u.default ? u.default() : []);
}), u = (y) => {
const b = c(y), { render: g } = Ye(Oe());
g(ce(b), n.value);
}, d = (y, b = !1) => {
n.value.children = [], b && (y.renderer.value.dispose(), y.renderer.value.renderLists.dispose(), y.renderer.value.forceContextLoss()), u(y), a();
}, p = x(() => s.disableRender), h = $(null);
return e({ context: h, dispose: () => d(h.value, !0) }), Ue(() => {
const y = i;
h.value = hr({
}), a = (p) => {
const m = f(p), { render: v } = Qe(wn());
v(ce(m), n.value);
}, g = (p, m = !1) => {
n.value.children = [], m && (p.renderer.value.dispose(), p.renderer.value.renderLists.dispose(), p.renderer.value.forceContextLoss()), a(p), o();
}, d = x(() => s.disableRender), h = $(null);
return r({ context: h, dispose: () => g(h.value, !0) }), We(() => {
const p = l;
h.value = hn({
scene: n.value,
canvas: y,
canvas: p,
windowSize: s.windowSize ?? !1,
disableRender: p.value ?? !1,
disableRender: d.value ?? !1,
rendererOptions: s,
emit: o
}), mr(h.value);
const { registerCamera: b, camera: g, cameras: E, deregisterCamera: w } = h.value;
const m = () => {
const v = new te(
emit: i
}), mn(h.value);
const { registerCamera: m, camera: v, cameras: C, deregisterCamera: M } = h.value;
const w = () => {
const b = new te(

@@ -1181,5 +1187,5 @@ window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight,

v.position.set(3, 3, 3), v.lookAt(0, 0, 0), b(v);
const C = se(() => {
E.value.length >= 2 && (v.removeFromParent(), w(v), C == null || C());
b.position.set(3, 3, 3), b.lookAt(0, 0, 0), m(b);
const E = se(() => {
C.value.length >= 2 && (b.removeFromParent(), M(b), E == null || E());

@@ -1189,4 +1195,4 @@ };

() =>,
(v, C) => {
v && b(v), C && (C.removeFromParent(), w(C));
(b, E) => {
b && m(b), E && (E.removeFromParent(), M(E));

@@ -1196,14 +1202,14 @@ {

), g.value || m();
}), (y, b) => (Ge(), ze("canvas", {
), v.value || w();
}), (p, m) => (Ue(), Ge("canvas", {
ref_key: "canvas",
ref: i,
ref: l,
"data-scene": n.value.uuid,
class: Ve(y.$attrs.class),
"data-tres": `tresjs ${Je(Vt).version}`,
style: Qe({
class: ze(p.$attrs.class),
"data-tres": `tresjs ${Ve(zt).version}`,
style: Je({
display: "block",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
position: y.windowSize ? "fixed" : "relative",
position: p.windowSize ? "fixed" : "relative",
top: 0,

@@ -1213,33 +1219,33 @@ left: 0,

touchAction: "none",
}, null, 14, Lr));
}, null, 14, On));
}), Br = [
}), jn = [
], jr = {
], Dn = {
template: {
compilerOptions: {
isCustomElement: (t) => t.startsWith("Tres") && !Br.includes(t) || t === "primitive"
isCustomElement: (e) => e.startsWith("Tres") && !jn.includes(e) || e === "primitive"
}, Qr = jr, Yr = {
mounted: (t, e) => {
if (e.arg) {
console.log(`v-log:${e.arg}`, t[e.arg]);
}, Yn = Dn, qn = {
mounted: (e, r) => {
if (r.arg) {
console.log(`v-log:${r.arg}`, e[r.arg]);
console.log("v-log", t);
console.log("v-log", e);
class Ie extends ct {
constructor(e, r) {
const s = [1, 1, 0, -1, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 0], o = new de();
o.setAttribute("position", new fe(s, 3)), o.computeBoundingSphere();
const i = new dt({ fog: !1 });
super(o, i), this.light = e, this.color = r, this.type = "RectAreaLightHelper";
const n = [1, 1, 0, -1, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0], a = new de();
a.setAttribute("position", new fe(n, 3)), a.computeBoundingSphere(), this.add(new ft(a, new Ee({ side: pt, fog: !1 })));
class De extends ut {
constructor(r, t) {
const s = [1, 1, 0, -1, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 0], i = new de();
i.setAttribute("position", new fe(s, 3)), i.computeBoundingSphere();
const l = new ct({ fog: !1 });
super(i, l), this.light = r, this.color = t, this.type = "RectAreaLightHelper";
const n = [1, 1, 0, -1, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0], o = new de();
o.setAttribute("position", new fe(n, 3)), o.computeBoundingSphere(), this.add(new dt(o, new Ce({ side: ft, fog: !1 })));

@@ -1251,4 +1257,4 @@ updateMatrixWorld() {

const e = this.material.color, r = Math.max(e.r, e.g, e.b);
r > 1 && e.multiplyScalar(1 / r), this.children[0].material.color.copy(this.material.color);
const r = this.material.color, t = Math.max(r.r, r.g, r.b);
t > 1 && r.multiplyScalar(1 / t), this.children[0].material.color.copy(this.material.color);

@@ -1262,32 +1268,32 @@ this.matrixWorld.extractRotation(this.light.matrixWorld).scale(this.scale).copyPosition(this.light.matrixWorld), this.children[0].matrixWorld.copy(this.matrixWorld);

const { logWarning: we } = P();
let U, k;
const Dr = {
DirectionalLight: mt,
PointLight: vt,
SpotLight: gt,
HemisphereLight: ht,
RectAreaLight: Ie
}, qr = {
mounted: (t) => {
if (!t.isLight) {
we(`${t.type} is not a light`);
let U, T;
const In = {
DirectionalLight: pt,
PointLight: mt,
SpotLight: vt,
HemisphereLight: gt,
RectAreaLight: De
}, Kn = {
mounted: (e) => {
if (!e.isLight) {
we(`${e.type} is not a light`);
U = Dr[t.type], t.parent.add(new U(t, 1, t.color.getHex()));
U = In[e.type], e.parent.add(new U(e, 1, e.color.getHex()));
updated: (t) => {
k = t.parent.children.find((e) => e instanceof U), !(k instanceof Ie) && k.update();
updated: (e) => {
T = e.parent.children.find((r) => r instanceof U), !(T instanceof De) && T.update();
unmounted: (t) => {
if (!t.isLight) {
we(`${t.type} is not a light`);
unmounted: (e) => {
if (!e.isLight) {
we(`${e.type} is not a light`);
k = t.parent.children.find((e) => e instanceof U), k && k.dispose && k.dispose(), t.parent.remove(k);
T = e.parent.children.find((r) => r instanceof U), T && T.dispose && T.dispose(), e.parent.remove(T);
}, { logWarning: Ir } = P(), Kr = {
updated: (t, e) => {
const r = Ae(e);
if (!r) {
Ir(`v-always-look-at: problem with binding value: ${e.value}`);
}, { logWarning: Rn } = P(), Xn = {
updated: (e, r) => {
const t = Ae(r);
if (!t) {
Rn(`v-always-look-at: problem with binding value: ${r.value}`);

@@ -1297,59 +1303,59 @@ }

s(() => {
}, { logWarning: Rr } = P(), Xr = {
updated: (t, e) => {
var o;
const r = Ae(e);
if (!r) {
Rr(`v-distance-to: problem with binding value: ${e.value}`);
}, { logWarning: $n } = P(), Zn = {
updated: (e, r) => {
var i;
const t = Ae(r);
if (!t) {
$n(`v-distance-to: problem with binding value: ${r.value}`);
S && (S.dispose(), t.parent.remove(S));
const s = r.clone().sub(t.position);
s.normalize(), S = new yt(s, t.position, t.position.distanceTo(r), 16776960), t.parent.add(S), console.table(
S && (S.dispose(), e.parent.remove(S));
const s = t.clone().sub(e.position);
s.normalize(), S = new ht(s, e.position, e.position.distanceTo(t), 16776960), e.parent.add(S), console.table(
["Distance:", t.position.distanceTo(r)],
[`origin: ${ || t.type}`, `x:${t.position.x}, y:${t.position.y}, z:${(o = t.position) == null ? void 0 : o.z}`],
[`Destiny: ${ || t.type}`, `x:${r.x}, y:${r.y}, z:${r == null ? void 0 : r.z}`]
["Distance:", e.position.distanceTo(t)],
[`origin: ${ || e.type}`, `x:${e.position.x}, y:${e.position.y}, z:${(i = e.position) == null ? void 0 : i.z}`],
[`Destiny: ${ || e.type}`, `x:${t.x}, y:${t.y}, z:${t == null ? void 0 : t.z}`]
unmounted: (t) => {
S == null || S.dispose(), t.parent.remove(S);
unmounted: (e) => {
S == null || S.dispose(), e.parent.remove(S);
let S = null;
const Zr = {
install(t) {
t.component("TresCanvas", Or);
const er = {
install(e) {
e.component("TresCanvas", Bn);
export {
Or as TresCanvas,
re as catalogue,
Zr as default,
ne as extend,
Wr as isProd,
Xt as normalizeColor,
Ur as normalizeVectorFlexibleParam,
Qr as templateCompilerOptions,
fr as trasverseObjects,
Jt as useCamera,
Gr as useLoader,
Bn as TresCanvas,
ne as catalogue,
er as default,
re as extend,
Un as isProd,
Kt as normalizeColor,
Gn as normalizeVectorFlexibleParam,
Yn as templateCompilerOptions,
fn as trasverseObjects,
Vt as useCamera,
zn as useLoader,
P as useLogger,
mr as usePointerEventHandler,
pr as useRaycaster,
mn as usePointerEventHandler,
pn as useRaycaster,
ae as useRenderLoop,
cr as useRenderer,
Vr as useSeek,
zr as useTexture,
Jr as useTres,
yr as useTresContext,
hr as useTresContextProvider,
Kr as vAlwaysLookAt,
Xr as vDistanceTo,
qr as vLightHelper,
Yr as vLog
cn as useRenderer,
Jn as useSeek,
Vn as useTexture,
Qn as useTres,
yn as useTresContext,
hn as useTresContextProvider,
Xn as vAlwaysLookAt,
Zn as vDistanceTo,
Kn as vLightHelper,
qn as vLog
"name": "@tresjs/core",
"type": "module",
"version": "4.0.0-next.1",
"version": "4.0.0-next.2",
"packageManager": "pnpm@8.10.2",

@@ -68,4 +68,5 @@ "description": "Declarative ThreeJS using Vue Components",

"dependencies": {
"@alvarosabu/utils": "^3.1.1",
"@vueuse/core": "^10.7.1"
"@alvarosabu/utils": "^3.2.0",
"@vue/devtools-api": "^6.6.1",
"@vueuse/core": "^10.9.0"

@@ -75,38 +76,38 @@ "devDependencies": {

"@stackblitz/sdk": "^1.9.0",
"@tresjs/cientos": "3.7.0",
"@tresjs/cientos": "3.8.0",
"@tresjs/eslint-config-vue": "^0.2.1",
"@types/three": "^0.160.0",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^6.17.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^6.17.0",
"@vitejs/plugin-vue": "^5.0.2",
"@types/three": "^0.162.0",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^7.4.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^7.4.0",
"@vitejs/plugin-vue": "^5.0.4",
"@vitest/coverage-c8": "^0.33.0",
"@vitest/ui": "^1.1.1",
"@vue/test-utils": "^2.4.3",
"eslint": "^8.56.0",
"eslint-plugin-vue": "^9.19.2",
"esno": "^4.0.0",
"gsap": "^3.12.4",
"jsdom": "^23.0.1",
"@vitest/ui": "^1.4.0",
"@vue/test-utils": "^2.4.5",
"eslint": "^8.57.0",
"eslint-plugin-vue": "^9.24.0",
"esno": "^4.7.0",
"gsap": "^3.12.5",
"jsdom": "^24.0.0",
"kolorist": "^1.8.0",
"ohmyfetch": "^0.4.21",
"pathe": "^1.1.1",
"release-it": "^17.0.1",
"pathe": "^1.1.2",
"release-it": "^17.1.1",
"rollup-plugin-analyzer": "^4.0.0",
"rollup-plugin-copy": "^3.5.0",
"rollup-plugin-visualizer": "^5.12.0",
"three": "^0.160.0",
"unocss": "^0.58.3",
"unplugin": "^1.6.0",
"three": "^0.162.0",
"unocss": "^0.58.7",
"unplugin": "^1.10.0",
"unplugin-vue-components": "^0.26.0",
"vite": "^5.0.10",
"vite": "^5.2.6",
"vite-plugin-banner": "^0.7.1",
"vite-plugin-dts": "3.7.0",
"vite-plugin-inspect": "^0.8.1",
"vite-plugin-dts": "3.7.3",
"vite-plugin-inspect": "^0.8.3",
"vite-plugin-require-transform": "^1.0.21",
"vite-svg-loader": "^5.1.0",
"vitepress": "1.0.0-rc.34",
"vitest": "^1.1.1",
"vue": "^3.4.3",
"vue-demi": "^0.14.6"
"vitepress": "1.0.1",
"vitest": "^1.4.0",
"vue": "^3.4.21",
"vue-demi": "^0.14.7"

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