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@twilio/flex-plugins-library-utils - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.1.1 to 1.1.2-beta.0



export declare const getEnvSpecificUrl: (url: string, region: string) => string;
export declare const getEnvSpecificRecordingUrl: (url: string, region: string, accountSid: string) => string;


"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.getEnvSpecificUrl = void 0;
exports.getEnvSpecificRecordingUrl = exports.getEnvSpecificUrl = void 0;
const getEnvSpecificUrl = (url, region) => (region ? url.replace('*', region) : url.replace('.*', ''));
exports.getEnvSpecificUrl = getEnvSpecificUrl;
const getEnvSpecificRecordingUrl = (url, region, accountSid) => (region ? url.replace('*', region).replace('ACCOUNT_SID', accountSid) : url.replace('.*', '').replace('ACCOUNT_SID', accountSid));
exports.getEnvSpecificRecordingUrl = getEnvSpecificRecordingUrl;
export declare const TwilioApis: {
TaskRouter: string;
Recording: string;

@@ -4,0 +5,0 @@ export declare const enum HTTP_METHODS {

@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ "use strict";

TaskRouter: 'https://taskrouter.*',
Recording: 'https://api.*'

@@ -5,8 +5,12 @@ import { Twilio } from 'twilio';

import { CallInstance } from 'twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/call';
import { RecordingInstance, RecordingListInstanceCreateOptions } from 'twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/call/recording';
import { QueueInstance } from 'twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/queue';
import { RecordingInstance as CallRecordingInstance, RecordingListInstanceCreateOptions } from 'twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/call/recording';
import { RecordingInstance } from 'twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/recording';
import { OutgoingCallerIdInstance } from 'twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/outgoingCallerId';
import { RecordingInstance as ConferenceRecordingInstance } from 'twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/conference/recording';
import { updateCallRecordingParams, updateConferenceRecording } from './types';
import { fetchRecording, fetchVoiceQueue, updateCall, updateCallRecordingParams, updateConferenceRecording } from './types';
import { PluginUtils } from '../../common/BaseClasses/PluginUtils';
export default class ProgrammableVoiceUtils extends PluginUtils {
private config;
private api;

@@ -55,3 +59,3 @@ * Utility class for Twilio's Programmable Voice resources

}): Promise<ApiReturnType & {
recording?: RecordingInstance;
recording?: CallRecordingInstance;

@@ -67,3 +71,3 @@ /**

updateCallRecording(parameters: updateCallRecordingParams): Promise<ApiReturnType & {
recording?: RecordingInstance;
recording?: CallRecordingInstance;

@@ -81,2 +85,52 @@ /**

* @param {number} parameters.attempts the number of retry attempts performed
* @param {string} parameters.callSid the unique call SID to update
* @param {object} parameters.params recording update parameters
* @returns {Map} The call's properties
* @description updates the given call
updateCall(parameters: updateCall): Promise<ApiReturnType & {
call?: CallInstance;
* @param {number} parameters.attempts the number of retry attempts performed
* @param {string} parameters.queueSid the unique queue SID to fetch
* @param {object} parameters.params recording update parameters
* @returns {Map} The given queue's properties
* @description fetches the given queue SID's properties
fetchVoiceQueue(parameters: fetchVoiceQueue): Promise<ApiReturnType & {
queueProperties?: QueueInstance;
* @param {number} parameters.attempts the number of retry attempts performed
* @param {string} parameters.recordingSid the unique recording SID to fetch
* @param {object} parameters.params recording update parameters
* @returns {Map} The given recording's properties
* @description fetches the given recording SID's properties
fetchRecording(parameters: fetchRecording): Promise<ApiReturnType & {
recordingProperties?: RecordingInstance;
* @param {number} parameters.attempts the number of retry attempts performed
* @param {string} parameters.recordingSid the unique recording SID to fetch
* @param {object} parameters.params recording update parameters
* @returns {Map} The given recording's properties
* @description fetches the given recording SID's properties
fetchRecordingMedia(parameters: fetchRecording): Promise<ApiReturnType & {
recording?: any;
type?: string;
* @param {number} parameters.attempts the number of retry attempts performed
* @returns {Array<PhoneNumber>} An array of outbound caller ids for the account
* @description the following method is used to robustly retrieve
* the outbound caller ids for the account
listOutgoingCallerIds(parameters: Parameters): Promise<ApiReturnType & {
callerIds?: Array<OutgoingCallerIdInstance>;

@@ -11,2 +11,5 @@ "use strict";

var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });

@@ -17,2 +20,3 @@ const retryHandler_1 = require("../../common/retryHandler");

const PluginUtilsErrorManager_1 = require("../../common/PluginUtilsErrorManager");
const Api_1 = __importDefault(require("./Api"));
class ProgrammableVoiceUtils extends PluginUtils_1.PluginUtils {

@@ -31,2 +35,4 @@ /**

this.config = config;
const { accountSid, authToken, region } = config;
this.api = new Api_1.default(accountSid, authToken, region);

@@ -212,4 +218,174 @@ /**

* @param {number} parameters.attempts the number of retry attempts performed
* @param {string} parameters.callSid the unique call SID to update
* @param {object} parameters.params recording update parameters
* @returns {Map} The call's properties
* @description updates the given call
updateCall(parameters) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const { callSid, params } = parameters;
const parameterChecks = {
attempts: 'number',
callSid: 'string',
params: 'object',
try {
const inputError = PluginUtilsErrorManager_1.PluginUtilsErrorManager.checkInvalidParameters(parameters, parameterChecks);
if (inputError) {
throw new PluginUtilsErrorManager_1.PluginUtilsErrorManager(inputError, statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.BadRequest);
const call = yield this.client.calls(callSid).update(params);
return { success: true, call, status: statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.OK };
catch (error) {
if (error.code === statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.BadRequest) {
return {
success: false,
status: statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.BadRequest,
message: error.message,
return (0, retryHandler_1.retryHandler)(this.config, error, parameters, this.updateCall);
* @param {number} parameters.attempts the number of retry attempts performed
* @param {string} parameters.queueSid the unique queue SID to fetch
* @param {object} parameters.params recording update parameters
* @returns {Map} The given queue's properties
* @description fetches the given queue SID's properties
fetchVoiceQueue(parameters) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const { queueSid } = parameters;
const parameterChecks = {
attempts: 'number',
queueSid: 'string',
try {
const inputError = PluginUtilsErrorManager_1.PluginUtilsErrorManager.checkInvalidParameters(parameters, parameterChecks);
if (inputError) {
throw new PluginUtilsErrorManager_1.PluginUtilsErrorManager(inputError, statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.BadRequest);
const queueProperties = yield this.client.queues(queueSid).fetch();
return { success: true, queueProperties, status: statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.OK };
catch (error) {
if (error.code === statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.BadRequest) {
return {
success: false,
status: statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.BadRequest,
message: error.message,
return (0, retryHandler_1.retryHandler)(this.config, error, parameters, this.fetchVoiceQueue);
* @param {number} parameters.attempts the number of retry attempts performed
* @param {string} parameters.recordingSid the unique recording SID to fetch
* @param {object} parameters.params recording update parameters
* @returns {Map} The given recording's properties
* @description fetches the given recording SID's properties
fetchRecording(parameters) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const { recordingSid } = parameters;
const parameterChecks = {
attempts: 'number',
recordingSid: 'string',
try {
const inputError = PluginUtilsErrorManager_1.PluginUtilsErrorManager.checkInvalidParameters(parameters, parameterChecks);
if (inputError) {
throw new PluginUtilsErrorManager_1.PluginUtilsErrorManager(inputError, statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.BadRequest);
const recordingProperties = yield this.client.recordings(recordingSid).fetch();
return { success: true, recordingProperties, status: statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.OK };
catch (error) {
if (error.code === statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.BadRequest) {
return {
success: false,
status: statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.BadRequest,
message: error.message,
return (0, retryHandler_1.retryHandler)(this.config, error, parameters, this.fetchRecording);
* @param {number} parameters.attempts the number of retry attempts performed
* @param {string} parameters.recordingSid the unique recording SID to fetch
* @param {object} parameters.params recording update parameters
* @returns {Map} The given recording's properties
* @description fetches the given recording SID's properties
fetchRecordingMedia(parameters) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const { recordingSid } = parameters;
const parameterChecks = {
attempts: 'number',
recordingSid: 'string',
try {
const inputError = PluginUtilsErrorManager_1.PluginUtilsErrorManager.checkInvalidParameters(parameters, parameterChecks);
if (inputError) {
throw new PluginUtilsErrorManager_1.PluginUtilsErrorManager(inputError, statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.BadRequest);
const { data, headers: responseHeaders } = yield this.api.getRecordingMedia(recordingSid);
const recording = data.toString('base64');
const type = responseHeaders['content-type'];
return { success: true, recording, type, status: statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.OK };
catch (error) {
if (error.code === statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.BadRequest) {
return {
success: false,
status: statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.BadRequest,
message: error.message,
return (0, retryHandler_1.retryHandler)(this.config, error, parameters, this.fetchRecordingMedia);
* @param {number} parameters.attempts the number of retry attempts performed
* @returns {Array<PhoneNumber>} An array of outbound caller ids for the account
* @description the following method is used to robustly retrieve
* the outbound caller ids for the account
listOutgoingCallerIds(parameters) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const parameterChecks = {
attempts: 'number',
try {
const inputError = PluginUtilsErrorManager_1.PluginUtilsErrorManager.checkInvalidParameters(parameters, parameterChecks);
if (inputError) {
throw new PluginUtilsErrorManager_1.PluginUtilsErrorManager(inputError, statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.BadRequest);
const callerIds = yield this.client.outgoingCallerIds.list({});
return { success: true, callerIds, status: statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.OK };
catch (error) {
if (error.code === statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.BadRequest) {
return {
success: false,
status: statusCodes_1.HttpErrorCode.BadRequest,
message: error.message,
return (0, retryHandler_1.retryHandler)(this.config, error, parameters, this.fetchRecording);
exports.default = ProgrammableVoiceUtils;
import { RecordingContextUpdateOptions } from 'twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/call/recording';
import { CallContextUpdateOptions } from 'twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/call';
import { Parameters } from '../../types';

@@ -13,1 +14,11 @@ export interface updateCallRecordingParams extends Parameters {

export interface updateCall extends Parameters {
callSid: string;
params: CallContextUpdateOptions;
export interface fetchVoiceQueue extends Parameters {
queueSid: string;
export interface fetchRecording extends Parameters {
recordingSid: string;
"name": "@twilio/flex-plugins-library-utils",
"version": "1.1.1",
"version": "1.1.2-beta.0",
"description": "Flex Plugins Library Utils",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

export const getEnvSpecificUrl = (url: string, region: string) => (region ? url.replace('*', region) : url.replace('.*', ''));
export const getEnvSpecificRecordingUrl = (url: string, region: string, accountSid: string) => (region ? url.replace('*', region).replace('ACCOUNT_SID', accountSid) : url.replace('.*', '').replace('ACCOUNT_SID', accountSid));
// add new APIs here
export const TwilioApis = {
TaskRouter: 'https://taskrouter.*',
Recording: 'https://api.*'

@@ -5,0 +6,0 @@

@@ -7,8 +7,13 @@ import { Twilio } from 'twilio';

import { CallInstance } from 'twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/call';
import { QueueInstance } from 'twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/queue';
import {
RecordingInstance as CallRecordingInstance,
} from 'twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/call/recording';
import {
} from 'twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/recording';
import { OutgoingCallerIdInstance } from 'twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/outgoingCallerId';
import { RecordingInstance as ConferenceRecordingInstance } from 'twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/conference/recording';
import { updateCallRecordingParams, updateConferenceRecording } from './types';
import { fetchRecording, fetchVoiceQueue, updateCall, updateCallRecordingParams, updateConferenceRecording } from './types';
import { PluginUtils } from '../../common/BaseClasses/PluginUtils';

@@ -18,5 +23,7 @@ import { HttpErrorCode } from '../../constants/statusCodes';

import { PluginUtilsErrorManager } from '../../common/PluginUtilsErrorManager';
import TwilioRecordingAPI from './Api';
export default class ProgrammableVoiceUtils extends PluginUtils {
private config: PluginsUtilsMetaData;
private api: TwilioRecordingAPI;

@@ -35,2 +42,4 @@ /**

this.config = config;
const { accountSid, authToken, region } = config;
this.api = new TwilioRecordingAPI(accountSid, authToken, region);

@@ -134,3 +143,3 @@

parameters: Parameters & { callSid: string; params: RecordingListInstanceCreateOptions },
): Promise<ApiReturnType & { recording?: RecordingInstance }> {
): Promise<ApiReturnType & { recording?: CallRecordingInstance }> {
const { callSid, params } = parameters;

@@ -182,3 +191,3 @@ const parameterChecks = {

parameters: updateCallRecordingParams,
): Promise<ApiReturnType & { recording?: RecordingInstance }> {
): Promise<ApiReturnType & { recording?: CallRecordingInstance }> {
const { callSid, recordingSid, params } = parameters;

@@ -260,2 +269,207 @@

* @param {number} parameters.attempts the number of retry attempts performed
* @param {string} parameters.callSid the unique call SID to update
* @param {object} parameters.params recording update parameters
* @returns {Map} The call's properties
* @description updates the given call
public async updateCall(
parameters: updateCall,
): Promise<ApiReturnType & { call?: CallInstance }> {
const { callSid, params } = parameters;
const parameterChecks = {
attempts: 'number',
callSid: 'string',
params: 'object',
try {
const inputError = PluginUtilsErrorManager.checkInvalidParameters<updateCall>(
if (inputError) {
throw new PluginUtilsErrorManager(inputError, HttpErrorCode.BadRequest);
const call = await this.client.calls(callSid).update(params);
return { success: true, call, status: HttpErrorCode.OK };
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === HttpErrorCode.BadRequest) {
return {
success: false,
status: HttpErrorCode.BadRequest,
message: error.message,
return retryHandler<updateCall>(this.config, error, parameters, this.updateCall);
* @param {number} parameters.attempts the number of retry attempts performed
* @param {string} parameters.queueSid the unique queue SID to fetch
* @param {object} parameters.params recording update parameters
* @returns {Map} The given queue's properties
* @description fetches the given queue SID's properties
public async fetchVoiceQueue(
parameters: fetchVoiceQueue,
): Promise<ApiReturnType & { queueProperties?: QueueInstance }> {
const { queueSid } = parameters;
const parameterChecks = {
attempts: 'number',
queueSid: 'string',
try {
const inputError = PluginUtilsErrorManager.checkInvalidParameters<fetchVoiceQueue>(
if (inputError) {
throw new PluginUtilsErrorManager(inputError, HttpErrorCode.BadRequest);
const queueProperties = await this.client.queues(queueSid).fetch();
return { success: true, queueProperties, status: HttpErrorCode.OK };
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === HttpErrorCode.BadRequest) {
return {
success: false,
status: HttpErrorCode.BadRequest,
message: error.message,
return retryHandler<fetchVoiceQueue>(this.config, error, parameters, this.fetchVoiceQueue);
* @param {number} parameters.attempts the number of retry attempts performed
* @param {string} parameters.recordingSid the unique recording SID to fetch
* @param {object} parameters.params recording update parameters
* @returns {Map} The given recording's properties
* @description fetches the given recording SID's properties
public async fetchRecording(
parameters: fetchRecording,
): Promise<ApiReturnType & { recordingProperties?: RecordingInstance }> {
const { recordingSid } = parameters;
const parameterChecks = {
attempts: 'number',
recordingSid: 'string',
try {
const inputError = PluginUtilsErrorManager.checkInvalidParameters<fetchRecording>(
if (inputError) {
throw new PluginUtilsErrorManager(inputError, HttpErrorCode.BadRequest);
const recordingProperties = await this.client.recordings(recordingSid).fetch();
return { success: true, recordingProperties, status: HttpErrorCode.OK };
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === HttpErrorCode.BadRequest) {
return {
success: false,
status: HttpErrorCode.BadRequest,
message: error.message,
return retryHandler<fetchRecording>(this.config, error, parameters, this.fetchRecording);
* @param {number} parameters.attempts the number of retry attempts performed
* @param {string} parameters.recordingSid the unique recording SID to fetch
* @param {object} parameters.params recording update parameters
* @returns {Map} The given recording's properties
* @description fetches the given recording SID's properties
public async fetchRecordingMedia(
parameters: fetchRecording,
): Promise<ApiReturnType & { recording?: any , type?: string}> {
const { recordingSid } = parameters;
const parameterChecks = {
attempts: 'number',
recordingSid: 'string',
try {
const inputError = PluginUtilsErrorManager.checkInvalidParameters<fetchRecording>(
if (inputError) {
throw new PluginUtilsErrorManager(inputError, HttpErrorCode.BadRequest);
const { data, headers: responseHeaders } = await this.api.getRecordingMedia(recordingSid);
const recording = data.toString('base64');
const type = responseHeaders['content-type'];
return { success: true, recording, type, status: HttpErrorCode.OK };
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === HttpErrorCode.BadRequest) {
return {
success: false,
status: HttpErrorCode.BadRequest,
message: error.message,
return retryHandler<fetchRecording>(this.config, error, parameters, this.fetchRecordingMedia);
* @param {number} parameters.attempts the number of retry attempts performed
* @returns {Array<PhoneNumber>} An array of outbound caller ids for the account
* @description the following method is used to robustly retrieve
* the outbound caller ids for the account
public async listOutgoingCallerIds(
parameters: Parameters,
): Promise<ApiReturnType & { callerIds?: Array<OutgoingCallerIdInstance> }> {
const parameterChecks = {
attempts: 'number',
try {
const inputError = PluginUtilsErrorManager.checkInvalidParameters<Parameters>(parameters, parameterChecks);
if (inputError) {
throw new PluginUtilsErrorManager(inputError, HttpErrorCode.BadRequest);
const callerIds = await this.client.outgoingCallerIds.list({
return { success: true, callerIds, status: HttpErrorCode.OK };
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === HttpErrorCode.BadRequest) {
return {
success: false,
status: HttpErrorCode.BadRequest,
message: error.message,
return retryHandler(this.config, error, parameters, this.fetchRecording);
import { RecordingContextUpdateOptions } from 'twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/call/recording';
import { CallContextUpdateOptions } from 'twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/call';
import { Parameters } from '../../types';

@@ -15,1 +16,15 @@

export interface updateCall extends Parameters {
callSid: string;
params: CallContextUpdateOptions;
export interface fetchVoiceQueue extends Parameters {
queueSid: string;
export interface fetchRecording extends Parameters {
recordingSid: string;

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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