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@types/gm - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.17.32 to 1.17.33


// Type definitions for gm 1.17
// Project:
// Definitions by: Joel Spadin <>
// Definitions by: Joel Spadin <>, Maarten van Vliet <>
// Definitions:

@@ -10,5 +10,3 @@

declare function m(image: string): m.State;
declare function m(stream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, image?: string): m.State;
declare function m(buffer: Buffer, image?: string): m.State;
declare function m(stream: NodeJS.ReadableStream | Buffer | string, image?: string): m.State;
declare function m(width: number, height: number, color?: string): m.State;

@@ -31,3 +29,3 @@

highlightColor?: string;
highlightStyle?: string;
highlightStyle?: HighlightStyle;
tolerance?: number;

@@ -113,13 +111,3 @@ }

box(color: string): State;
channel(type: 'Red'): State;
channel(type: 'Green'): State;
channel(type: 'Blue'): State;
channel(type: 'Opacity'): State;
channel(type: 'Matte'): State;
channel(type: 'Cyan'): State;
channel(type: 'Magenta'): State;
channel(type: 'Yellow'): State;
channel(type: 'Black'): State;
channel(type: 'Gray'): State;
channel(type: string): State;
channel(type: NamedColor | string): State;
charcoal(factor: number): State;

@@ -130,58 +118,7 @@ chop(width: number, height: number, x?: number, y?: number): State;

colorize(red: number, green: number, blue: number): State;
colorMap(type: 'shared'): State;
colorMap(type: 'private'): State;
colorMap(type: string): State;
colorMap(type: 'shared' | 'private' | string): State;
colors(colors: number): State;
colorspace(space: 'CineonLog'): State;
colorspace(space: 'CMYK'): State;
colorspace(space: 'GRAY'): State;
colorspace(space: 'HSL'): State;
colorspace(space: 'HSB'): State;
colorspace(space: 'OHTA'): State;
colorspace(space: 'RGB'): State;
colorspace(space: 'Rec601Luma'): State;
colorspace(space: 'Rec709Luma'): State;
colorspace(space: 'Rec601YCbCr'): State;
colorspace(space: 'Rec709YCbCr'): State;
colorspace(space: 'Transparent'): State;
colorspace(space: 'XYZ'): State;
colorspace(space: 'YCbCr'): State;
colorspace(space: 'YIQ'): State;
colorspace(space: 'YPbPr'): State;
colorspace(space: 'YUV'): State;
colorspace(space: string): State;
compose(operator: 'Over'): State;
compose(operator: 'In'): State;
compose(operator: 'Out'): State;
compose(operator: 'Atop'): State;
compose(operator: 'Xor'): State;
compose(operator: 'Plus'): State;
compose(operator: 'Minus'): State;
compose(operator: 'Add'): State;
compose(operator: 'Subtract'): State;
compose(operator: 'Difference'): State;
compose(operator: 'Divide'): State;
compose(operator: 'Multiply'): State;
compose(operator: 'Bumpmap'): State;
compose(operator: 'Copy'): State;
compose(operator: 'CopyRed'): State;
compose(operator: 'CopyGreen'): State;
compose(operator: 'CopyBlue'): State;
compose(operator: 'CopyOpacity'): State;
compose(operator: 'CopyCyan'): State;
compose(operator: 'CopyMagenta'): State;
compose(operator: 'CopyYellow'): State;
compose(operator: 'CopyBlack'): State;
compose(operator: string): State;
compress(type: 'None'): State;
compress(type: 'BZip'): State;
compress(type: 'Fax'): State;
compress(type: 'Group4'): State;
compress(type: 'JPEG'): State;
compress(type: 'Lossless'): State;
compress(type: 'LZW'): State;
compress(type: 'RLE'): State;
compress(type: 'Zip'): State;
compress(type: 'LZMA'): State;
compress(type: string): State;
colorspace(space: ColorSpace | string): State;
compose(operator: ComposeOperator | string): State;
compress(type: CompressionType | string): State;
contrast(multiplier: number): State;

@@ -199,7 +136,3 @@ convolve(kernel: string): State;

display(xServer: string): State;
dispose(method: 'Undefined'): State;
dispose(method: 'None'): State;
dispose(method: 'Background'): State;
dispose(method: 'Previous'): State;
dispose(method: string): State;
dispose(method: DisposeMethod | string): State;
dissolve(percent: number): State;

@@ -209,19 +142,4 @@ dither(enable?: boolean): State;

emboss(radius?: number): State;
encoding(encoding: 'AdobeCustom'): State;
encoding(encoding: 'AdobeExpert'): State;
encoding(encoding: 'AdobeStandard'): State;
encoding(encoding: 'AppleRoman'): State;
encoding(encoding: 'BIG5'): State;
encoding(encoding: 'GB2312'): State;
encoding(encoding: 'Latin 2'): State;
encoding(encoding: 'None'): State;
encoding(encoding: 'SJIScode'): State;
encoding(encoding: 'Symbol'): State;
encoding(encoding: 'Unicode'): State;
encoding(encoding: 'Wansung'): State;
encoding(encoding: string): State;
endian(type: 'MSB'): State;
endian(type: 'LSB'): State;
endian(type: 'Native'): State;
endian(type: string): State;
encoding(encoding: Encoding | string): State;
endian(type: EndianType | string): State;
enhance(): State;

@@ -231,18 +149,3 @@ equalize(): State;

file(filename: string): State;
filter(type: 'Point'): State;
filter(type: 'Box'): State;
filter(type: 'Triangle'): State;
filter(type: 'Hermite'): State;
filter(type: 'Hanning'): State;
filter(type: 'Hamming'): State;
filter(type: 'Blackman'): State;
filter(type: 'Gaussian'): State;
filter(type: 'Quadratic'): State;
filter(type: 'Cubic'): State;
filter(type: 'Catrom'): State;
filter(type: 'Mitchell'): State;
filter(type: 'Lanczos'): State;
filter(type: 'Bessel'): State;
filter(type: 'Sinc'): State;
filter(type: string): State;
filter(type: FilterType | string): State;
flatten(): State;

@@ -259,48 +162,14 @@ flip(): State;

greenPrimary(x: number, y: number): State;
gravity(direction: 'NorthWest'): State;
gravity(direction: 'North'): State;
gravity(direction: 'NorthEast'): State;
gravity(direction: 'West'): State;
gravity(direction: 'Center'): State;
gravity(direction: 'East'): State;
gravity(direction: 'SouthWest'): State;
gravity(direction: 'South'): State;
gravity(direction: 'SouthEast'): State;
gravity(direction: string): State;
gravity(direction: GravityDirection | string): State;
highlightColor(color: string): State;
highlightStyle(style: 'Assign'): State;
highlightStyle(style: 'Threshold'): State;
highlightStyle(style: 'Tint'): State;
highlightStyle(style: 'XOR'): State;
highlightStyle(style: string): State;
highlightStyle(style: HighlightStyle | string): State;
iconGeometry(geometry: string): State;
implode(factor?: number): State;
intent(type: 'Absolute'): State;
intent(type: 'Perceptual'): State;
intent(type: 'Relative'): State;
intent(type: 'Saturation'): State;
intent(type: string): State;
interlace(type: 'None'): State;
interlace(type: 'Line'): State;
interlace(type: 'Plane'): State;
interlace(type: 'Partition'): State;
interlace(type: string): State;
intent(type: IntentType | string): State;
interlace(type: InterlaceType | string): State;
label(name: string): State;
lat(width: number, height: number, offset: number, percent?: boolean): State;
level(blackPoint: number, gamma: number, whitePoint: number, percent?: boolean): State;
limit(type: 'disk', val: string): State;
limit(type: 'file', val: string): State;
limit(type: 'map', val: string): State;
limit(type: 'memory', val: string): State;
limit(type: 'pixels', val: string): State;
limit(type: 'threads', val: string): State;
limit(type: string, val: string): State;
list(type: string): State;
list(type: 'Color'): State;
list(type: 'Delegate'): State;
list(type: 'Format'): State;
list(type: 'Magic'): State;
list(type: 'Module'): State;
list(type: 'Resource'): State;
list(type: 'Type'): State;
limit(type: LimitType | string, val: string): State;
list(type: ListType | string): State;
log(format: string): State;

@@ -317,11 +186,7 @@ loop(iterations: number): State;

minify(factor: number): State;
mode(mode: 'frame'): State;
mode(mode: 'unframe'): State;
mode(mode: 'concatenate'): State;
mode(mode: string): State;
mode(mode: OperationMode | string): State;
modulate(b: number, s: number, h: number): State;
monitor(): State;
monochrome(): State;
morph(otherImg: string, outName: string, callback?: WriteCallback): State;
morph(otherImg: string[], outName: string, callback?: WriteCallback): State;
morph(otherImg: string | string[], outName: string, callback?: WriteCallback): State;
mosaic(): State;

@@ -331,60 +196,10 @@ motionBlur(radius: number, sigma?: number, angle?: number): State;

negative(): State;
noise(type: 'uniform'): State;
noise(type: 'gaussian'): State;
noise(type: 'multiplicative'): State;
noise(type: 'impulse'): State;
noise(type: 'laplacian'): State;
noise(type: 'poisson'): State;
noise(type: string): State;
noise(radius: number): State;
noise(type: NoiseType | string | number): State;
noop(): State;
normalize(): State;
opaque(color: string): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Add', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'And', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Assign', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Depth', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Divide', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Gamma', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Negate', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'LShift', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Log', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Max', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Min', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Multiply', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Or', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Pow', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'RShift', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Subtract', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Threshold', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Threshold-White', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Threshold-White-Negate', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Threshold-Black', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Threshold-Black-Negate', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Xor', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Noise-Gaussian', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Noise-Impulse', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Noise-Laplacian', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Noise-Multiplicative', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Noise-Poisson', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Noise-Random', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: 'Noise-Uniform', rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: string, rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
orderedDither(channelType: 'All', NxN: string): State;
orderedDither(channelType: 'Intensity', NxN: string): State;
orderedDither(channelType: 'Red', NxN: string): State;
orderedDither(channelType: 'Green', NxN: string): State;
orderedDither(channelType: 'Blue', NxN: string): State;
orderedDither(channelType: 'Cyan', NxN: string): State;
orderedDither(channelType: 'Magenta', NxN: string): State;
orderedDither(channelType: 'Yellow', NxN: string): State;
orderedDither(channelType: 'Black', NxN: string): State;
orderedDither(channelType: 'Opacity', NxN: string): State;
orderedDither(channelType: string, NxN: string): State;
operator(channel: string, operator: ChannelOperator | string, rvalue: number, percent?: boolean): State;
orderedDither(channelType: ChannelType | string, NxN: string): State;
outputDirectory(directory: string): State;
page(width: number, height: number, arg?: '%'): State;
page(width: number, height: number, arg?: '!'): State;
page(width: number, height: number, arg?: '<'): State;
page(width: number, height: number, arg?: '>'): State;
page(width: number, height: number, arg?: string): State;
page(width: number, height: number, arg?: '%' | '!' | '<' | '>' |string): State;
pause(seconds: number): State;

@@ -395,32 +210,3 @@ pen(color: string): State;

noProfile(): State;
preview(type: 'Rotate'): State;
preview(type: 'Shear'): State;
preview(type: 'Roll'): State;
preview(type: 'Hue'): State;
preview(type: 'Saturation'): State;
preview(type: 'Brightness'): State;
preview(type: 'Gamma'): State;
preview(type: 'Spiff'): State;
preview(type: 'Dull'): State;
preview(type: 'Grayscale'): State;
preview(type: 'Quantize'): State;
preview(type: 'Despeckle'): State;
preview(type: 'ReduceNoise'): State;
preview(type: 'AddNoise'): State;
preview(type: 'Sharpen'): State;
preview(type: 'Blur'): State;
preview(type: 'Threshold'): State;
preview(type: 'EdgeDetect'): State;
preview(type: 'Spread'): State;
preview(type: 'Shade'): State;
preview(type: 'Raise'): State;
preview(type: 'Segment'): State;
preview(type: 'Solarize'): State;
preview(type: 'Swirl'): State;
preview(type: 'Implode'): State;
preview(type: 'Wave'): State;
preview(type: 'OilPaint'): State;
preview(type: 'CharcoalDrawing'): State;
preview(type: 'JPEG'): State;
preview(type: string): State;
preview(type: PreviewType | string): State;
paint(radius: number): State;

@@ -438,4 +224,3 @@ process(command: string): State;

render(): State;
repage(reset: '+'): State;
repage(reset: string): State;
repage(reset: '+' | string): State;
repage(width: number, height: number, xoff: number, yoff: number, arg?: string): State;

@@ -476,5 +261,3 @@ sample(geometry: string): State;

thumb(width: number, height: number, outName: string, quality: number, callback: WriteCallback): State;
thumb(width: number, height: number, outName: string, quality: number, align: 'topleft', callback: WriteCallback): State;
thumb(width: number, height: number, outName: string, quality: number, align: 'center', callback: WriteCallback): State;
thumb(width: number, height: number, outName: string, quality: number, align: string, callback: WriteCallback): State;
thumb(width: number, height: number, outName: string, quality: number, align: 'topleft' | 'center' | string, callback: WriteCallback): State;
tile(filename: string): State;

@@ -486,33 +269,10 @@ title(title: string): State;

trim(): State;
type(type: 'Bilevel'): State;
type(type: 'Grayscale'): State;
type(type: 'Palette'): State;
type(type: 'PaletteMatte'): State;
type(type: 'TrueColor'): State;
type(type: 'TrueColorMatte'): State;
type(type: 'ColorSeparation'): State;
type(type: 'ColorSeparationMatte'): State;
type(type: 'Optimize'): State;
type(type: string): State;
type(type: ImageType | string): State;
update(seconds: number): State;
units(type: 'Undefined'): State;
units(type: 'PixelsPerInch'): State;
units(type: 'PixelsPerCentimeter'): State;
units(type: string): State;
units(type: UnitType | string): State;
unsharp(radius: number, sigma?: number, amount?: number, threshold?: number): State;
usePixmap(): State;
view(): State;
virtualPixel(method: 'Constant'): State;
virtualPixel(method: 'Edge'): State;
virtualPixel(method: 'Mirror'): State;
virtualPixel(method: 'Tile'): State;
virtualPixel(method: string): State;
visual(type: 'StaticGray'): State;
visual(type: 'GrayScale'): State;
visual(type: 'StaticColor'): State;
visual(type: 'PseudoColor'): State;
visual(type: 'TrueColor'): State;
visual(type: 'DirectColor'): State;
visual(type: 'default'): State;
visual(type: string): State;
virtualPixel(method: VirtualPixelMethod | string): State;
visual(type: VisualType | string): State;
watermark(brightness: number, saturation: number): State;

@@ -547,5 +307,3 @@ wave(amplitude: number, wavelength: number): State;

drawArc(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number, r0: number, r1: number): State;
drawBezier(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number): State;
drawBezier(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): State;
drawBezier(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, ...coords: number[]): State;
drawBezier(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number, x2?: number, y2?: number, ...coords: number[]): State;
drawCircle(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number): State;

@@ -555,19 +313,6 @@ drawEllipse(x0: number, y0: number, rx: number, ry: number, a0: number, a1: number): State;

drawPoint(x: number, y: number): State;
drawPolygon(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): State;
drawPolygon(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, ...coords: number[]): State;
drawPolyline(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): State;
drawPolyline(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, ...coords: number[]): State;
drawRectangle(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number): State;
drawRectangle(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number, rc: number): State;
drawRectangle(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number, wc: number, hc: number): State;
drawText(x: number, y: number, text: string, gravity: 'NorthWest'): State;
drawText(x: number, y: number, text: string, gravity: 'North'): State;
drawText(x: number, y: number, text: string, gravity: 'NorthEast'): State;
drawText(x: number, y: number, text: string, gravity: 'West'): State;
drawText(x: number, y: number, text: string, gravity: 'Center'): State;
drawText(x: number, y: number, text: string, gravity: 'East'): State;
drawText(x: number, y: number, text: string, gravity: 'SouthWest'): State;
drawText(x: number, y: number, text: string, gravity: 'South'): State;
drawText(x: number, y: number, text: string, gravity: 'SouthEast'): State;
drawText(x: number, y: number, text: string, gravity?: string): State;
drawRectangle(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number, wc?: number, hc?: number): State;
drawText(x: number, y: number, text: string, gravity?: GravityDirection | string): State;
fill(color: string): State;

@@ -578,13 +323,3 @@ font(name: string, size?: number): State;

strokeWidth(width: number): State;
setDraw(property: 'color', x: number, y: number, method: 'point'): State;
setDraw(property: 'color', x: number, y: number, method: 'replace'): State;
setDraw(property: 'color', x: number, y: number, method: 'floodfill'): State;
setDraw(property: 'color', x: number, y: number, method: 'filltoborder'): State;
setDraw(property: 'color', x: number, y: number, method: 'reset'): State;
setDraw(property: 'matte', x: number, y: number, method: 'point'): State;
setDraw(property: 'matte', x: number, y: number, method: 'replace'): State;
setDraw(property: 'matte', x: number, y: number, method: 'floodfill'): State;
setDraw(property: 'matte', x: number, y: number, method: 'filltoborder'): State;
setDraw(property: 'matte', x: number, y: number, method: 'reset'): State;
setDraw(property: string, x: number, y: number, method: string): State;
setDraw(property: SetDrawProperty | string, x: number, y: number, method: SetDrawMethod | string): State;

@@ -601,4 +336,3 @@ // Commands

(image: string): State;
(stream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, image?: string): State;
(buffer: Buffer, image?: string): State;
(stream: NodeJS.ReadableStream | Buffer, image?: string): State;
(width: number, height: number, color?: string): State;

@@ -608,7 +342,36 @@ }

function compare(filename1: string, filename2: string, callback: CompareCallback): void;
function compare(filename1: string, filename2: string, tolerance: number, callback: CompareCallback): void;
function compare(filename1: string, filename2: string, options: CompareOptions, callback: CompareCallback): void;
function compare(filename1: string, filename2: string, options: CompareOptions | number, callback: CompareCallback): void;
function subClass(options: ClassOptions): SubClass;
type ChannelOperator = 'Add'
| 'And'
| 'Assign'
| 'Depth'
| 'Divide'
| 'Gamma'
| 'Negate'
| 'LShift'
| 'Log'
| 'Max'
| 'Min'
| 'Multiply'
| 'Or'
| 'Pow'
| 'RShift'
| 'Subtract'
| 'Threshold'
| 'Threshold-White'
| 'Threshold-White-Negate'
| 'Threshold-Black'
| 'Threshold-Black-Negate'
| 'Xor'
| 'Noise-Gaussian'
| 'Noise-Impulse'
| 'Noise-Laplacian'
| 'Noise-Multiplicative'
| 'Noise-Poisson'
| 'Noise-Random'
| 'Noise-Uniform';
type ChannelType = 'All'

@@ -625,6 +388,198 @@ | 'Intensity'

type ColorSpace = 'CineonLog'
| 'CMYK'
| 'GRAY'
| 'HSL'
| 'HSB'
| 'OHTA'
| 'RGB'
| 'Rec601Luma'
| 'Rec709Luma'
| 'Rec601YCbCr'
| 'Rec709YCbCr'
| 'Transparent'
| 'XYZ'
| 'YCbCr'
| 'YIQ'
| 'YPbPr'
| 'YUV';
type CompareCallback = (err: Error, isEqual: boolean, equality: number, raw: number) => any;
type ComposeOperator = 'Over'
| 'In'
| 'Out'
| 'Atop'
| 'Xor'
| 'Plus'
| 'Minus'
| 'Add'
| 'Subtract'
| 'Difference'
| 'Divide'
| 'Multiply'
| 'Bumpmap'
| 'Copy'
| 'CopyRed'
| 'CopyGreen'
| 'CopyBlue'
| 'CopyOpacity'
| 'CopyCyan'
| 'CopyMagenta'
| 'CopyYellow'
| 'CopyBlack';
type CompressionType = 'None'
| 'BZip'
| 'Fax'
| 'Group4'
| 'JPEG'
| 'Lossless'
| 'LZW'
| 'RLE'
| 'Zip'
| 'LZMA';
type DisposeMethod = 'Undefined'
| 'None'
| 'Background'
| 'Previous';
type Encoding = 'AdobeCustom'
| 'AdobeExpert'
| 'AdobeStandard'
| 'AppleRoman'
| 'BIG5'
| 'GB2312'
| 'Latin 2'
| 'None'
| 'SJIScode'
| 'Symbol'
| 'Unicode'
| 'Wansung';
type EndianType = 'MSB'
| 'LSB'
| 'Native';
type FilterType = 'Point'
| 'Box'
| 'Triangle'
| 'Hermite'
| 'Hanning'
| 'Hamming'
| 'Blackman'
| 'Gaussian'
| 'Quadratic'
| 'Cubic'
| 'Catrom'
| 'Mitchell'
| 'Lanczos'
| 'Bessel'
| 'Sinc';
type GetterCallback<T> = (err: Error, value: T) => any;
type GravityDirection = 'NorthWest'
| 'North'
| 'NorthEast'
| 'West'
| 'Center'
| 'East'
| 'SouthWest'
| 'South'
| 'SouthEast';
type HighlightStyle = 'Assign'
| 'Threshold'
| 'Tint'
| 'XOR';
type ImageType = 'Bilevel'
| 'Grayscale'
| 'Palette'
| 'PaletteMatte'
| 'TrueColor'
| 'TrueColorMatte'
| 'ColorSeparation'
| 'ColorSeparationMatte'
| 'Optimize';
type IntentType = 'Absolute'
| 'Perceptual'
| 'Relative'
| 'Saturation';
type InterlaceType = 'None'
| 'Line'
| 'Plane'
| 'Partition';
type LimitType = 'disk'
| 'file'
| 'map'
| 'memory'
| 'pixels'
| 'threads';
type ListType = 'Color'
| 'Delegate'
| 'Format'
| 'Magic'
| 'Module'
| 'Resource'
| 'Type';
type NamedColor = 'Red'
| 'Green'
| 'Blue'
| 'Opacity'
| 'Matte'
| 'Cyan'
| 'Magenta'
| 'Yellow'
| 'Black'
| 'Gray';
type NoiseType = 'uniform'
| 'gaussian'
| 'multiplicative'
| 'impulse'
| 'laplacian'
| 'poisson';
type OperationMode = 'frame'
| 'unframe'
| 'concatenate';
type PreviewType = 'Rotate'
| 'Shear'
| 'Roll'
| 'Hue'
| 'Saturation'
| 'Brightness'
| 'Gamma'
| 'Spiff'
| 'Dull'
| 'Grayscale'
| 'Quantize'
| 'Despeckle'
| 'ReduceNoise'
| 'AddNoise'
| 'Sharpen'
| 'Blur'
| 'Threshold'
| 'EdgeDetect'
| 'Spread'
| 'Shade'
| 'Raise'
| 'Segment'
| 'Solarize'
| 'Swirl'
| 'Implode'
| 'Wave'
| 'OilPaint'
| 'CharcoalDrawing'
| 'JPEG';
type ResizeOption = '%' /** Width and height are specified in percents */

@@ -637,2 +592,27 @@ | '@' /** Specify maximum area in pixels */

type SetDrawMethod = 'point'
| 'replace'
| 'floodfill'
| 'filltoborder'
| 'reset';
type SetDrawProperty = 'color' | 'matte';
type UnitType = 'Undefined'
| 'PixelsPerInch'
| 'PixelsPerCentimeter';
type VirtualPixelMethod = 'Constant'
| 'Edge'
| 'Mirror'
| 'Tile';
type VisualType = 'StaticGray'
| 'GrayScale'
| 'StaticColor'
| 'PseudoColor'
| 'TrueColor'
| 'DirectColor'
| 'default';
type WriteCallback = (err: Error, stdout: string, stderr: string, cmd: string) => any;

@@ -639,0 +619,0 @@ }

"name": "@types/gm",
"version": "1.17.32",
"version": "1.17.33",
"description": "TypeScript definitions for gm",

@@ -9,3 +9,9 @@ "license": "MIT",

"name": "Joel Spadin",
"url": ""
"url": "",
"githubUsername": "ChaosinaCan"
"name": "Maarten van Vliet",
"url": "",
"githubUsername": "maartenvanvliet"

@@ -22,5 +28,4 @@ ],

"peerDependencies": {},
"typesPublisherContentHash": "d154904dd097d5df9d59bfe3d5380c1c201d762d805783b3ccb860c4c354a335",
"typesPublisherContentHash": "4366cf0d0af4ffd20775c91b3428ecc4bb03c7869b12463da3abb3e7b9a9330f",
"typeScriptVersion": "2.0"

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ # Installation

Additional Details
* Last updated: Tue, 01 Aug 2017 14:04:54 GMT
* Last updated: Tue, 17 Oct 2017 00:14:44 GMT
* Dependencies: stream, node

@@ -17,2 +17,2 @@ * Global values: none

# Credits
These definitions were written by Joel Spadin <>.
These definitions were written by Joel Spadin <>, Maarten van Vliet <>.

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