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@types/google-apps-script - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.83 to 1.0.84



@@ -63,4 +63,34 @@ declare namespace GoogleAppsScript {

interface OtherContactsCollection {
// Copies an "Other contact" to a new contact in the user's "myContacts"
// group Mutate requests for the same user should be sent sequentially
// to avoid increased latency and failures.
resource: Schema.CopyOtherContactToMyContactsGroupRequest,
resourceName: string,
): Schema.Person;
// List all "Other contacts", that is contacts that are not in a contact group.
list(): Schema.ListOtherContactsResponse;
// List all "Other contacts", that is contacts that are not in a contact group.
list(optionalArgs: object): Schema.ListOtherContactsResponse;
// Provides a list of contacts in the authenticated user's other contacts
// that matches the search query.
search(): Schema.SearchDirectoryPeopleResponse;
// Provides a list of contacts in the authenticated user's other contacts
// that matches the search query.
search(optionalArgs: object): Schema.SearchDirectoryPeopleResponse;
interface PeopleCollection {
Connections?: Collection.People.ConnectionsCollection | undefined;
// Create a batch of new contacts and return the PersonResponses for the
// newly Mutate requests for the same user should be sent sequentially
// to avoid increased latency and failures.
batchCreateContacts(resource: Schema.BatchCreateContactsRequest): Schema.BatchCreateContactsResponse;
// Delete a batch of contacts. Any non-contact data will not be deleted.
// Mutate requests for the same user should be sent sequentially to avoid
// increased latency and failures.
batchDeleteContacts(resource: Schema.BatchDeleteContactsRequest): Schema.Empty;
// Update a batch of contacts and return a map of resource names to
// PersonResponses for the updated contacts.
batchUpdateContacts(resource: Schema.BatchUpdateContactsRequest): Schema.BatchUpdateContactsResponse;
// Create a new contact and return the person resource for that contact.

@@ -72,2 +102,8 @@ createContact(resource: Schema.Person): Schema.Person;

deleteContact(resourceName: string): void;
// Delete a contact's photo. Mutate requests for the same user should
// be done sequentially to avoid // lock contention.
deleteContactPhoto(resourceName: string): Schema.DeleteContactPhotoResponse;
// Delete a contact's photo. Mutate requests for the same user should
// be done sequentially to avoid // lock contention.
deleteContactPhoto(resourceName: string, optionalArgs: object): Schema.DeleteContactPhotoResponse;
// Provides information about a person by specifying a resource name. Use

@@ -95,2 +131,20 @@ // `people/me` to indicate the authenticated user.

getBatchGet(optionalArgs: object): Schema.GetPeopleResponse;
// Provides a list of domain profiles and domain contacts in the authenticated
// user's domain directory.
listDirectoryPeople(): Schema.ListDirectoryPeopleResponse;
// Provides a list of domain profiles and domain contacts in the authenticated
// user's domain directory.
listDirectoryPeople(optionalArgs: object): Schema.ListDirectoryPeopleResponse;
// Provides a list of contacts in the authenticated user's grouped contacts
// that matches the search query.
searchContacts(): Schema.SearchResponse;
// Provides a list of contacts in the authenticated user's grouped contacts
// that matches the search query.
searchContacts(optionalArgs: object): Schema.SearchResponse;
// Provides a list of domain profiles and domain contacts in the
// authenticated user's domain directory that match the search query.
searchDirectoryPeople(): Schema.SearchDirectoryPeopleResponse;
// Provides a list of domain profiles and domain contacts in the
// authenticated user's domain directory that match the search query.
searchDirectoryPeople(optionalArgs: object): Schema.SearchDirectoryPeopleResponse;
// Update contact data for an existing contact person. Any non-contact data

@@ -120,2 +174,8 @@ // will not be modified.

updateContact(resource: Schema.Person, resourceName: string, optionalArgs: object): Schema.Person;
// Update a contact's photo. Mutate requests for the same user should be sent
// sequentially to avoid increased latency and failures.
resource: Schema.UpdateContactPhotoRequest,
resourceName: string,
): Schema.UpdateContactPhotoResponse;

@@ -142,5 +202,25 @@ }

interface BatchCreateContactsRequest {
contacts?: People.Schema.ContactToCreate[] | undefined;
readMask?: string | undefined;
sources?: string[] | undefined;
interface BatchCreateContactsResponse {
createdPeople?: People.Schema.PersonResponse[] | undefined;
interface BatchDeleteContactsRequest {
resourceNames?: string[] | undefined;
interface BatchGetContactGroupsResponse {
responses?: People.Schema.ContactGroupResponse[] | undefined;
interface BatchUpdateContactsRequest {
contacts?: { [key: string]: People.Schema.Person } | undefined;
readMask?: string | undefined;
sources?: string[] | undefined;
updateMask?: string | undefined;
interface BatchUpdateContactsResponse {
updateResult?: { [key: string]: People.Schema.PersonResponse } | undefined;
interface Biography {

@@ -160,2 +240,13 @@ contentType?: string | undefined;

interface CalendarUrl {
formattedType?: string | undefined;
metadata?: People.Schema.FieldMetadata | undefined;
type?: string | undefined;
url?: string | undefined;
interface ClientData {
key?: string | undefined;
metadata?: People.Schema.FieldMetadata | undefined;
value?: string | undefined;
interface ContactGroup {

@@ -183,2 +274,10 @@ etag?: string | undefined;

interface ContactToCreate {
contactPerson?: People.Schema.Person | undefined;
interface CopyOtherContactToMyContactsGroupRequest {
copyMask?: string | undefined;
readMask?: string | undefined;
sources?: string[] | undefined;
interface CoverPhoto {

@@ -197,2 +296,5 @@ default?: boolean | undefined;

interface DeleteContactPhotoResponse {
person?: People.Schema.Person | undefined;
interface DomainMembership {

@@ -208,2 +310,4 @@ inViewerDomain?: boolean | undefined;

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
interface Empty {}
interface Event {

@@ -215,2 +319,8 @@ date?: People.Schema.Date | undefined;

interface ExternalId {
formattedType?: string | undefined;
metadata?: People.Schema.FieldMetadata | undefined;
type?: string | undefined;
value?: string | undefined;
interface FieldMetadata {

@@ -221,2 +331,6 @@ primary?: boolean | undefined;

interface FileAs {
metadata?: People.Schema.FieldMetadata | undefined;
value?: string | undefined;
interface Gender {

@@ -230,2 +344,6 @@ formattedValue?: string | undefined;

interface GroupClientData {
key?: string | undefined;
value?: string | undefined;
interface ImClient {

@@ -256,2 +374,13 @@ formattedProtocol?: string | undefined;

interface ListDirectoryPeopleResponse {
nextPageToken?: string | undefined;
nextSyncToken?: string | undefined;
people?: People.Schema.Person[] | undefined;
interface ListOtherContactsResponse {
nextPageToken?: string | undefined;
nextSyncToken?: string | undefined;
otherContacts?: People.Schema.Person[] | undefined;
totalSize?: number | undefined;
interface Locale {

@@ -261,2 +390,12 @@ metadata?: People.Schema.FieldMetadata | undefined;

interface Location {
buildingId?: string | undefined;
current?: boolean | undefined;
deskCode?: string | undefined;
floor?: string | undefined;
floorSection?: string | undefined;
metadata?: People.Schema.FieldMetadata | undefined;
type?: string | undefined;
value?: string | undefined;
interface Membership {

@@ -267,2 +406,8 @@ contactGroupMembership?: People.Schema.ContactGroupMembership | undefined;

interface MiscKeyword {
formattedType?: string | undefined;
metadata?: People.Schema.FieldMetadata | undefined;
type?: string | undefined;
value?: string | undefined;
interface ModifyContactGroupMembersRequest {

@@ -400,2 +545,13 @@ resourceNamesToAdd?: string[] | undefined;

interface SearchDirectoryPeopleResponse {
nextPageToken?: string | undefined;
people?: People.Schema.Person[] | undefined;
totalSize?: number | undefined;
interface SearchResponse {
results?: People.Schema.SearchResult[] | undefined;
interface SearchResult {
person?: People.Schema.Person | undefined;
interface SipAddress {

@@ -430,2 +586,10 @@ formattedType?: string | undefined;

interface UpdateContactPhotoRequest {
personFields?: string | undefined;
photoBytes?: string | undefined;
sources?: string[] | undefined;
interface UpdateContactPhotoResponse {
person?: People.Schema.Person | undefined;
interface Url {

@@ -446,2 +610,3 @@ formattedType?: string | undefined;

ContactGroups?: People.Collection.ContactGroupsCollection | undefined;
OtherContacts?: People.Collection.OtherContactsCollection | undefined;
People?: People.Collection.PeopleCollection | undefined;

@@ -452,2 +617,8 @@ // Create a new instance of Address

newAgeRangeType(): People.Schema.AgeRangeType;
// Create a new instance of BatchCreateContactsRequest
newBatchCreateContactsRequest(): People.Schema.BatchCreateContactsRequest;
// Create a new instance of BatchDeleteContactsRequest
newBatchDeleteContactsRequest(): People.Schema.BatchDeleteContactsRequest;
// Create a new instance of BatchUpdateContactsRequest
newBatchUpdateContactsRequest(): People.Schema.BatchUpdateContactsRequest;
// Create a new instance of Biography

@@ -459,2 +630,6 @@ newBiography(): People.Schema.Biography;

newBraggingRights(): People.Schema.BraggingRights;
// Create a new instance of CalendarUrl
newCalendarUrl(): People.Schema.CalendarUrl;
// Create a new instance of ClientData
newClientData(): People.Schema.ClientData;
// Create a new instance of ContactGroup

@@ -466,2 +641,6 @@ newContactGroup(): People.Schema.ContactGroup;

newContactGroupMetadata(): People.Schema.ContactGroupMetadata;
// Create a new instance of ContactToCreate
newContactToCreate(): People.Schema.ContactToCreate;
// Create a new instance of CopyOtherContactToMyContactsGroupRequest
newCopyOtherContactToMyContactsGroupRequest(): People.Schema.CopyOtherContactToMyContactsGroupRequest;
// Create a new instance of CoverPhoto

@@ -479,6 +658,12 @@ newCoverPhoto(): People.Schema.CoverPhoto;

newEvent(): People.Schema.Event;
// Create a new instance of ExternalId
newExternalId(): People.Schema.ExternalId;
// Create a new instance of FieldMetadata
newFieldMetadata(): People.Schema.FieldMetadata;
// Create a new instance of newFileAs
newFileAs(): People.Schema.FileAs;
// Create a new instance of Gender
newGender(): People.Schema.Gender;
// Create a new instance of GroupClientData
newGroupClientData(): People.Schema.GroupClientData;
// Create a new instance of ImClient

@@ -490,4 +675,8 @@ newImClient(): People.Schema.ImClient;

newLocale(): People.Schema.Locale;
// Create a new instance of Location
newLocation(): People.Schema.Location;
// Create a new instance of Membership
newMembership(): People.Schema.Membership;
// Create a new instance of MiscKeyword
newMiscKeyword(): People.Schema.MiscKeyword;
// Create a new instance of ModifyContactGroupMembersRequest

@@ -531,2 +720,4 @@ newModifyContactGroupMembersRequest(): People.Schema.ModifyContactGroupMembersRequest;

newUpdateContactGroupRequest(): People.Schema.UpdateContactGroupRequest;
// Create a new instance of UpdateContactPhotoRequest
newUpdateContactPhotoRequest(): People.Schema.UpdateContactPhotoRequest;
// Create a new instance of Url

@@ -533,0 +724,0 @@ newUrl(): People.Schema.Url;


"name": "@types/google-apps-script",
"version": "1.0.83",
"version": "1.0.84",
"description": "TypeScript definitions for google-apps-script",

@@ -38,4 +38,4 @@ "homepage": "",

"dependencies": {},
"typesPublisherContentHash": "11c48a526a2e254587f54ed663fb9a4a4cdbe357b209662626b60f73e821761c",
"typeScriptVersion": "4.7"
"typesPublisherContentHash": "bd92fac46d3824a3ac42292c2668faf5dad2fed8bdfbbbe5187dde06cac8974a",
"typeScriptVersion": "4.8"

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ # Installation

### Additional Details
* Last updated: Fri, 05 Apr 2024 14:35:36 GMT
* Last updated: Sun, 13 Oct 2024 11:07:15 GMT
* Dependencies: none

@@ -14,0 +14,0 @@

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