What is @types/react-router?
@types/react-router provides TypeScript type definitions for the react-router library, which is used for routing in React applications. These type definitions help developers use react-router with TypeScript, ensuring type safety and better developer experience.
What are @types/react-router's main functionalities?
Route Definitions
Defines a route in a React application, specifying the path and the component to render.
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';
const App = () => (
<Route path="/home" component={HomeComponent} />
Link Component
Creates navigational links in a React application, allowing users to navigate between different routes.
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
const Navigation = () => (
<Link to="/home">Home</Link>
<Link to="/about">About</Link>
useHistory Hook
Provides access to the history instance, allowing programmatic navigation within a React component.
import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
const NavigateButton = () => {
const history = useHistory();
const handleClick = () => {
return <button onClick={handleClick}>Go Home</button>;
useParams Hook
Extracts route parameters from the URL, making them available within a React component.
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
const UserProfile = () => {
const { userId } = useParams<{ userId: string }>();
return <div>User ID: {userId}</div>;
Other packages similar to @types/react-router
Provides TypeScript type definitions for the react-router-dom library, which is a specific implementation of react-router for web applications. It includes additional components like BrowserRouter and HashRouter.
Provides TypeScript type definitions for the react-router-redux library, which integrates react-router with Redux for state management. It allows for synchronized routing and state management.
Provides TypeScript type definitions for the @reach/router library, which is an alternative to react-router with a focus on accessibility and simplicity. It offers a similar API but with some differences in implementation and features.
npm install --save @types/react-router
This package contains type definitions for React Router ( https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router ).
Files were exported from https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/react-router
Additional Details
- Last updated: Thu, 07 Mar 2019 23:04:22 GMT
- Dependencies: @types/react, @types/history
- Global values: none
These definitions were written by Sergey Buturlakin https://github.com/sergey-buturlakin, Yuichi Murata https://github.com/mrk21, Václav Ostrožlík https://github.com/vasek17, Nathan Brown https://github.com/ngbrown, Alex Wendland https://github.com/awendland, Kostya Esmukov https://github.com/KostyaEsmukov, John Reilly https://github.com/johnnyreilly, Karol Janyst https://github.com/LKay, Dovydas Navickas https://github.com/DovydasNavickas, Tanguy Krotoff https://github.com/tkrotoff, Huy Nguyen https://github.com/huy-nguyen, Jérémy Fauvel https://github.com/grmiade, Daniel Roth https://github.com/DaIgeb, Egor Shulga https://github.com/egorshulga, Youen Toupin https://github.com/neuoy, Rahul Raina https://github.com/rraina, Maksim Sharipov https://github.com/pret-a-porter, Duong Tran https://github.com/t49tran, Ben Smith https://github.com/8enSmith, Wesley Tsai https://github.com/wezleytsai, Sebastian Silbermann https://github.com/eps1lon.