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@types/relay-runtime - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.3.13 to 4.0.0



@@ -1,209 +0,370 @@

// Type definitions for relay-runtime 1.3
// Type definitions for relay-runtime 4.0
// Project:,
// Definitions by: Matt Martin <>
// Eloy Durán <>
// Cameron Knight <>
// Definitions:
// TypeScript Version: 2.9
// TypeScript Version: 3.0
// Prettified with:
// $ prettier --parser typescript --tab-width 4 --semi --trailing-comma es5 --write --print-width 120 \
// types/{react-relay,relay-runtime}/{,*}/*.ts*
// ./handlers/connection/RelayConnectionHandler
export interface ConnectionMetadata {
path: ReadonlyArray<string> | null | undefined;
direction: string | null | undefined; // 'forward' | 'backward' | 'bidirectional' | null | undefined;
cursor: string | null | undefined;
count: string | null | undefined;
* Relay 1.3.0
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Maybe Fix
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
export type RelayConcreteNode = any;
export type RelayMutationTransaction = any;
export type RelayMutationRequest = any;
export type RelayQueryRequest = any;
export type ConcreteFragmentDefinition = object;
export type ConcreteOperationDefinition = object;
export type ReaderFragment = object;
// ./handlers/connection/RelayConnectionInterface
export interface Record {
[key: string]: unknown;
* FIXME: RelayContainer used to be typed with ReactClass<any>, but
* ReactClass is broken and allows for access to any property. For example
* ReactClass<any>.getFragment('foo') is valid even though ReactClass has no
* such getFragment() type definition. When ReactClass is fixed this causes a
* lot of errors in Relay code since methods like getFragment() are used often
* but have no definition in Relay's types. Suppressing for now.
export type RelayContainer = any;
export interface EdgeRecord extends Record {
cursor: unknown;
node: Record;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Used in artifacts
// emitted by
// relay-compiler
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
export interface PageInfo {
endCursor: string | null | undefined;
hasNextPage: boolean;
hasPreviousPage: boolean;
startCursor: string | null | undefined;
// File:
export type ConcreteFragment = any;
export type ConcreteRequest = any;
export type ConcreteBatchRequest = any;
// ./mutations/RelayDeclarativeMutationConfig
interface RangeAddConfig {
type: 'RANGE_ADD';
parentName?: string;
parentID?: string;
connectionInfo?: ReadonlyArray<{
key: string;
filters?: Variables;
rangeBehavior: string;
connectionName?: string;
edgeName: string;
rangeBehaviors?: RangeBehaviors;
export function getRequest(taggedNode: GraphQLTaggedNode): ConcreteRequest;
interface RangeDeleteConfig {
parentName?: string;
parentID?: string;
connectionKeys?: ReadonlyArray<{
key: string;
filters?: Variables;
connectionName?: string;
deletedIDFieldName: string | ReadonlyArray<string>;
pathToConnection: ReadonlyArray<string>;
export type RequestNode = ConcreteRequest | ConcreteBatchRequest;
interface NodeDeleteConfig {
type: 'NODE_DELETE';
parentName?: string;
parentID?: string;
connectionName?: string;
deletedIDFieldName: string;
export interface OperationBase {
variables: object;
response: object;
// Unused in Relay Modern
interface LegacyFieldsChangeConfig {
fieldIDs: { [fieldName: string]: DataID | ReadonlyArray<DataID> };
export interface OperationDefaults {
// Unused in Relay Modern
interface LegacyRequiredChildrenConfig {
children: ReadonlyArray<unknown>;
export type DeclarativeMutationConfig =
| RangeAddConfig
| RangeDeleteConfig
| NodeDeleteConfig
| LegacyFieldsChangeConfig
| LegacyRequiredChildrenConfig;
export type RangeOperation = 'append' | 'ignore' | 'prepend' | 'refetch' | 'remove';
export type RangeBehaviors =
| ((connectionArgs: { [name: string]: unknown }) => RangeOperation)
| {
[key: string]: RangeOperation;
// ./mutations/applyRelayModernOptimisticMutation
export interface OptimisticMutationConfig {
configs?: ReadonlyArray<DeclarativeMutationConfig> | null;
mutation: GraphQLTaggedNode;
variables: Variables;
response: Variables;
optimisticUpdater?: SelectorStoreUpdater | null;
optimisticResponse?: object;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Constants
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
export const ROOT_ID: string;
// ./mutations/commitRelayModernMutation
export interface MutationConfig<TOperation extends OperationType> {
configs?: ReadonlyArray<DeclarativeMutationConfig>;
mutation: GraphQLTaggedNode;
variables: TOperation['variables'];
uploadables?: UploadableMap;
| ((response: TOperation['response'], errors: ReadonlyArray<PayloadError> | null | undefined) => void)
| null;
onError?: ((error: Error) => void) | null;
optimisticUpdater?: SelectorStoreUpdater | null;
optimisticResponse?: TOperation['response'] | null;
updater?: SelectorStoreUpdater<TOperation['response']> | null;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// RelayQL
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
export type RelayQL = (strings: string[], ...substitutions: any[]) => RelayConcreteNode;
// ./network/RelayNetworkLoggerTransaction
export interface RelayNetworkLog {
label: string;
values: ReadonlyArray<unknown>;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// RelayModernGraphQLTag
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
export interface GeneratedNodeMap {
[key: string]: GraphQLTaggedNode;
export type GraphQLTaggedNode =
| (() => ConcreteFragment | RequestNode)
// ./network/RelayNetworkTypes
export type ExecuteFunction = (
request: RequestParameters,
variables: Variables,
cacheConfig: CacheConfig,
uploadables?: UploadableMap | null
) => RelayObservable<GraphQLResponse>;
export type FetchFunction = (
request: RequestParameters,
variables: Variables,
cacheConfig: CacheConfig,
uploadables?: UploadableMap | null
) => ObservableFromValue<GraphQLResponse>;
export type GraphQLResponse =
| {
modern(): ConcreteFragment | RequestNode;
classic(relayQL: RelayQL): ConcreteFragmentDefinition | ConcreteOperationDefinition;
data: PayloadData;
errors?: ReadonlyArray<PayloadError>;
extensions?: PayloadExtensions;
| {
data?: PayloadData | null;
errors: ReadonlyArray<PayloadError>;
extensions?: PayloadExtensions;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// General Usage
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
export type DataID = string;
export interface Variables {
[name: string]: any;
export interface LegacyObserver<T> {
onCompleted?: () => void;
onError?: (error: Error) => void;
onNext?: (data: T) => void;
export type Uploadable = File | Blob;
export interface UploadableMap {
[key: string]: Uploadable;
interface Network {
execute: ExecuteFunction;
export { Network as INetwork };
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// RelayNetworkTypes
// Version: Relay 1.3.0
// File:
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
export interface PayloadData {
[key: string]: unknown;
export interface LegacyObserver<T> {
onCompleted?(): void;
onError?(error: Error): void;
onNext?(data: T): void;
export interface PayloadError {
message: string;
locations?: Array<{
locations?: ReadonlyArray<{
line: number;
column: number;
severity?: 'CRITICAL' | 'ERROR' | 'WARNING'; // Not officially part of the spec, but used at Facebook
* A function that executes a GraphQL operation with request/response semantics.
* May return an Observable or Promise of a raw server response.
export type FetchFunction = (
operation: RequestNode,
variables: Variables,
cacheConfig: CacheConfig,
uploadables?: UploadableMap
) => ObservableFromValue<QueryPayload>;
* A function that executes a GraphQL subscription operation, returning one or
* more raw server responses over time.
* May return an Observable, otherwise must call the callbacks found in the
* fourth parameter.
export type SubscribeFunction = (
operation: RequestNode,
request: RequestParameters,
variables: Variables,
cacheConfig: CacheConfig,
observer: LegacyObserver<QueryPayload>
) => RelayObservable<QueryPayload> | Disposable;
observer?: LegacyObserver<GraphQLResponse>
) => RelayObservable<GraphQLResponse> | Disposable;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// RelayQueryResponseCache
// Version: Relay 1.3.0
// File:
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
export type Uploadable = File | Blob;
export interface UploadableMap {
[key: string]: Uploadable;
* A cache for storing query responses, featuring:
* - `get` with TTL
* - cache size limiting, with least-recently *updated* entries purged first
export class QueryResponseCache {
constructor(options: { size: number; ttl: number });
clear(): void;
get(queryID: string, variables: Variables): QueryPayload | null;
set(queryID: string, variables: Variables, payload: QueryPayload): void;
interface PayloadExtensions {
[key: string]: unknown;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// RelayStoreTypes
// Version: Relay 1.3.0
// File:
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* A function that receives a proxy over the store and may trigger side-effects
* (indirectly) by calling `set*` methods on the store or its record proxies.
export type StoreUpdater = (store: RecordSourceProxy) => void;
// ./network/RelayObservable
export type ObservableFromValue<T> = Subscribable<T> | Promise<T> | T;
* Similar to StoreUpdater, but accepts a proxy tied to a specific selector in
* order to easily access the root fields of a query/mutation as well as a
* second argument of the response object of the mutation.
export type SelectorStoreUpdater<T = any> = (
store: RecordSourceSelectorProxy,
// Actually RelayCombinedEnvironmentTypes#SelectorData, but mixed is
// inconvenient to access deeply in product code.
data: T
) => void;
export interface Observer<T> {
readonly start?: (subscription: Subscription) => void;
readonly next?: (value: T) => void;
readonly error?: (error: Error) => void;
readonly complete?: () => void;
readonly unsubscribe?: (subscription: Subscription) => void;
* Extends the RecordSourceProxy interface with methods for accessing the root
* fields of a Selector.
export interface RecordSourceSelectorProxy {
create(dataID: DataID, typeName: string): RecordProxy;
delete(dataID: DataID): void;
get(dataID: DataID): RecordProxy | null;
getRoot(): RecordProxy;
getRootField(fieldName: string): RecordProxy | null;
getPluralRootField(fieldName: string): RecordProxy[] | null;
export interface Subscribable<T> {
subscribe(observer: Observer<T> | Sink<T>): Subscription;
interface Sink<T> {
next(value: T): void;
error(error: Error, isUncaughtThrownError?: boolean): void;
complete(): void;
readonly closed: boolean;
type Source<T> = (sink: Sink<T>) => void | Subscription | (() => unknown);
export interface Subscription {
unsubscribe(): void;
readonly closed: boolean;
// ./network/createRelayNetworkLogger
export type GraphiQLPrinter = (request: RequestParameters, variables: Variables) => string;
// ./query/RelayModernGraphQLTag
export type GraphQLTaggedNode =
| ReaderFragment
| ConcreteRequest
| (() => ReaderFragment | ConcreteRequest)
| {
modern: () => ReaderFragment | ConcreteRequest;
// ./store/RelayRecordState
export type RecordState = 'EXISTENT' | 'NONEXISTENT' | 'UNKNOWN';
// ./store/RelayStoreTypes
interface Environment
extends CEnvironment<
> {
applyUpdate(optimisticUpdate: OptimisticUpdate): Disposable;
commitUpdate(updater: StoreUpdater): void;
commitPayload(operationDescriptor: OperationDescriptor, payload: PayloadData): void;
getStore(): Store;
lookup(selector: ReaderSelector, owner?: OperationDescriptor): CSnapshot<ReaderSelectableNode, OperationDescriptor>;
executeMutation(data: {
operation: OperationDescriptor;
optimisticUpdater?: SelectorStoreUpdater | null;
optimisticResponse?: object | null;
updater?: SelectorStoreUpdater | null;
uploadables?: UploadableMap | null;
}): RelayObservable<GraphQLResponse>;
export { Environment as IEnvironment };
export type FragmentMap = CFragmentMap<ReaderFragment>;
export type FragmentReference = never & { __tag: 'FragmentReference' };
export interface FragmentPointer {
__id: DataID;
__fragments: { [fragmentName: string]: Variables };
__fragmentOwner: OperationDescriptor | null;
export interface HandleFieldPayload {
readonly args: Variables;
readonly dataID: DataID;
readonly fieldKey: string;
readonly handle: string;
readonly handleKey: string;
export interface MatchPointer {
__id: DataID;
__fragments: { [fragmentName: string]: Variables };
__fragmentPropName: string;
__module: unknown;
export type MissingFieldHandler =
| {
kind: 'scalar';
handle: (
field: NormalizationScalarField,
record: Record | null | undefined,
args: Variables,
store: ReadonlyRecordSourceProxy
) => unknown;
| {
kind: 'linked';
handle: (
field: NormalizationLinkedField,
record: Record | null | undefined,
args: Variables,
store: ReadonlyRecordSourceProxy
) => DataID | null | undefined;
| {
kind: 'pluralLinked';
handle: (
field: NormalizationLinkedField,
record: Record | null | undefined,
args: Variables,
store: ReadonlyRecordSourceProxy
) => ReadonlyArray<DataID | null | undefined> | null | undefined;
export interface OperationLoader {
get(reference: unknown): NormalizationSplitOperation | null | undefined;
load(reference: unknown): Promise<NormalizationSplitOperation | null | undefined>;
export type OperationDescriptor = COperationDescriptor<
export type OptimisticUpdate =
| {
storeUpdater: StoreUpdater;
| {
selectorStoreUpdater: SelectorStoreUpdater | null | undefined;
operation: OperationDescriptor;
response: object | null | undefined;
| {
source: RecordSource;
fieldPayloads?: ReadonlyArray<HandleFieldPayload> | null;
export interface OwnedReaderSelector {
owner: OperationDescriptor | null;
selector: ReaderSelector;
export interface RecordProxy {
copyFieldsFrom(source: RecordProxy): void;
getDataID(): DataID;
getLinkedRecord(name: string, args?: Variables): RecordProxy | null;
getLinkedRecords(name: string, args?: Variables): ReadonlyArray<RecordProxy | null> | null;
getOrCreateLinkedRecord(name: string, typeName: string, args?: Variables): RecordProxy;
getLinkedRecord(name: string, args?: Variables | null): RecordProxy | null | undefined;
name: string,
args?: Variables | null
): ReadonlyArray<RecordProxy | null | undefined> | null | undefined;
getOrCreateLinkedRecord(name: string, typeName: string, args?: Variables | null): RecordProxy;
getType(): string;
getValue(name: string, args?: Variables): any;
setLinkedRecord(record: RecordProxy, name: string, args?: Variables): RecordProxy;
getValue(name: string, args?: Variables | null): unknown;
setLinkedRecord(record: RecordProxy, name: string, args?: Variables | null): RecordProxy;
records: Array<RecordProxy | null> | undefined | null,
records: Array<RecordProxy | null | undefined>,
name: string,
args?: Variables
args?: Variables | null
): RecordProxy;
setValue(value: any, name: string, args?: Variables): RecordProxy;
setValue(value: unknown, name: string, args?: Variables | null): RecordProxy;

@@ -214,889 +375,871 @@

delete(dataID: DataID): void;
get(dataID: DataID): RecordProxy | null;
get(dataID: DataID): RecordProxy | null | undefined;
getRoot(): RecordProxy;
export interface HandleFieldPayload {
// The arguments that were fetched.
args: Variables;
// The __id of the record containing the source/handle field.
dataID: DataID;
// The (storage) key at which the original server data was written.
fieldKey: string;
// The name of the handle
handle: string;
// The (storage) key at which the handle's data should be written by the
// handler
handleKey: string;
export interface RecordSourceSelectorProxy {
create(dataID: DataID, typeName: string): RecordProxy;
delete(dataID: DataID): void;
get(dataID: DataID): RecordProxy | null | undefined;
getRoot(): RecordProxy;
getRootField(fieldName: string): RecordProxy | null | undefined;
getPluralRootField(fieldName: string): ReadonlyArray<RecordProxy | null | undefined> | null | undefined;
export interface HandlerInterface {
update(store: RecordSourceProxy, fieldPayload: HandleFieldPayload): void;
[functionName: string]: (...args: any[]) => any;
export type RelayContext = CRelayContext<Environment>;
export type ReaderSelector = CReaderSelector<ReaderSelectableNode>;
export type NormalizationSelector = CNormalizationSelector<NormalizationSelectableNode>;
export type SelectorStoreUpdater<TData = unknown> = (store: RecordSourceSelectorProxy, data: TData) => void;
export type Snapshot = CSnapshot<ReaderSelectableNode, OperationDescriptor>;
export type StoreUpdater = (store: RecordSourceProxy) => void;
interface ReadonlyRecordSourceProxy {
get(dataID: DataID): ReadonlyRecordProxy | null | undefined;
getRoot(): ReadonlyRecordProxy;
export const ConnectionHandler: HandlerInterface;
export const ViewerHandler: HandlerInterface;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// RelayCombinedEnvironmentTypes
// Version: Relay 1.3.0
// File:
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* Settings for how a query response may be cached.
* - `force`: causes a query to be issued unconditionally, irrespective of the
* state of any configured response cache.
* - `poll`: causes a query to live update by polling at the specified interval
* in milliseconds. (This value will be passed to setTimeout.)
export interface CacheConfig {
force?: boolean;
poll?: number;
interface ReadonlyRecordProxy {
getDataID(): DataID;
getLinkedRecord(name: string, args?: Variables | null): RecordProxy | null | undefined;
name: string,
args?: Variables | null
): ReadonlyArray<RecordProxy | null | undefined> | null | undefined;
getType(): string;
getValue(name: string, args?: Variables | null): unknown;
* Represents any resource that must be explicitly disposed of. The most common
* use-case is as a return value for subscriptions, where calling `dispose()`
* would cancel the subscription.
export interface Disposable {
dispose(): void;
interface RecordSource {
get(dataID: DataID): Record | null | undefined;
getRecordIDs(): ReadonlyArray<DataID>;
getStatus(dataID: DataID): RecordState;
has(dataID: DataID): boolean;
load(dataID: DataID, callback: (error: Error | null | undefined, record: Record | null | undefined) => void): void;
size(): number;
export { RecordSource as IRecordSource };
* Arbitrary data e.g. received by a container as props.
export interface Props {
[key: string]: any;
interface Store {
getSource(): RecordSource;
check(selector: NormalizationSelector): boolean;
lookup(selector: ReaderSelector, owner?: OperationDescriptor): Snapshot;
notify(): void;
publish(source: RecordSource): void;
retain(selector: NormalizationSelector): Disposable;
subscribe(snapshot: Snapshot, callback: (snapshot: Snapshot) => void): Disposable;
holdGC(): Disposable;
* A selector defines the starting point for a traversal into the graph for the
* purposes of targeting a subgraph.
export interface CSelector<TNode> {
dataID: DataID;
node: TNode;
variables: Variables;
export interface MutableRecordSource extends RecordSource {
clear(): void;
delete(dataID: DataID): void;
remove(dataID: DataID): void;
set(dataID: DataID, record: Record): void;
* A representation of a selector and its results at a particular point in time.
export type CSnapshot<TNode> = CSelector<TNode> & {
data: SelectorData | null | undefined;
seenRecords: RecordMap;
type Scheduler = (callback: () => void) => void;
* The results of a selector given a store/RecordSource.
export interface SelectorData {
[key: string]: any;
// ./subscription/requestRelaySubscription
export interface GraphQLSubscriptionConfig<TSubscriptionPayload> {
configs?: ReadonlyArray<DeclarativeMutationConfig>;
subscription: GraphQLTaggedNode;
variables: Variables;
onCompleted?: () => void;
onError?: (error: Error) => void;
onNext?: (response: TSubscriptionPayload | null | undefined) => void;
updater?: SelectorStoreUpdater;
* The results of reading the results of a FragmentMap given some input
* `Props`.
export interface FragmentSpecResults {
[key: string]: any;
// ./util/NormalizationNode
export type NormalizationArgument = NormalizationLiteral | NormalizationVariable;
export type NormalizationArgumentDefinition = NormalizationLocalArgument | NormalizationRootArgument;
export interface NormalizationDefer {
readonly if: string | null;
readonly kind: 'Defer';
readonly label: string;
readonly metadata: { readonly [key: string]: unknown } | null | undefined;
readonly selections: ReadonlyArray<NormalizationSelection>;
* A utility for resolving and subscribing to the results of a fragment spec
* (key -> fragment mapping) given some "props" that determine the root ID
* and variables to use when reading each fragment. When props are changed via
* `setProps()`, the resolver will update its results and subscriptions
* accordingly. Internally, the resolver:
* - Converts the fragment map & props map into a map of `Selector`s.
* - Removes any resolvers for any props that became null.
* - Creates resolvers for any props that became non-null.
* - Updates resolvers with the latest props.
export interface FragmentSpecResolver {
* Stop watching for changes to the results of the fragments.
dispose(): void;
export type NormalizationField = NormalizationScalarField | NormalizationLinkedField | NormalizationMatchField;
* Get the current results.
resolve(): FragmentSpecResults;
export interface NormalizationLinkedField {
readonly kind: string; // 'LinkedField';
readonly alias: string | null | undefined;
readonly name: string;
readonly storageKey: string | null | undefined;
readonly args: ReadonlyArray<NormalizationArgument>;
readonly concreteType: string | null | undefined;
readonly plural: boolean;
readonly selections: ReadonlyArray<NormalizationSelection>;
* Update the resolver with new inputs. Call `resolve()` to get the updated
* results.
setProps(props: Props): void;
export interface NormalizationMatchField {
readonly kind: string; // 'MatchField';
readonly alias: string | null | undefined;
readonly name: string;
readonly storageKey: string | null | undefined;
readonly args: ReadonlyArray<NormalizationArgument>;
readonly matchesByType: {
readonly [key: string]: {
readonly fragmentPropName: string;
readonly fragmentName: string;
* Override the variables used to read the results of the fragments. Call
* `resolve()` to get the updated results.
setVariables(variables: Variables): void;
export interface NormalizationOperation {
readonly kind: string; // 'Operation';
readonly name: string;
readonly argumentDefinitions: ReadonlyArray<NormalizationLocalArgument>;
readonly selections: ReadonlyArray<NormalizationSelection>;
export interface CFragmentMap<TFragment> {
[key: string]: TFragment;
export interface NormalizationScalarField {
readonly kind: string; // 'ScalarField';
readonly alias: string | null | undefined;
readonly name: string;
readonly args: ReadonlyArray<NormalizationArgument> | null | undefined;
readonly storageKey: string | null | undefined;
* An operation selector describes a specific instance of a GraphQL operation
* with variables applied.
* - `root`: a selector intended for processing server results or retaining
* response data in the store.
* - `fragment`: a selector intended for use in reading or subscribing to
* the results of the the operation.
export interface COperationSelector<TNode, TOperation> {
fragment: CSelector<TNode>;
node: TOperation;
root: CSelector<TNode>;
variables: Variables;
export type NormalizationSelection =
| NormalizationCondition
| NormalizationField
| NormalizationHandle
| NormalizationInlineFragment
| NormalizationMatchField;
export interface NormalizationSplitOperation {
readonly kind: string; // 'SplitOperation';
readonly name: string;
readonly metadata: { readonly [key: string]: unknown } | null | undefined;
readonly selections: ReadonlyArray<NormalizationSelection>;
* The public API of Relay core. Represents an encapsulated environment with its
* own in-memory cache.
export interface CEnvironment<TEnvironment, TFragment, TGraphQLTaggedNode, TNode, TOperation, TPayload> {
* Read the results of a selector from in-memory records in the store.
lookup(selector: CSelector<TNode>): CSnapshot<TNode>;
export interface NormalizationStream {
readonly if: string | null;
readonly kind: string; // 'Stream';
readonly label: string;
readonly metadata: { readonly [key: string]: unknown } | null | undefined;
readonly selections: ReadonlyArray<NormalizationSelection>;
* Subscribe to changes to the results of a selector. The callback is called
* when data has been committed to the store that would cause the results of
* the snapshot's selector to change.
subscribe(snapshot: CSnapshot<TNode>, callback: (snapshot: CSnapshot<TNode>) => void): Disposable;
interface NormalizationLiteral {
readonly kind: string; // 'Literal';
readonly name: string;
readonly value: unknown;
* Ensure that all the records necessary to fulfill the given selector are
* retained in-memory. The records will not be eligible for garbage collection
* until the returned reference is disposed.
* Note: This is a no-op in the classic core.
retain(selector: CSelector<TNode>): Disposable;
interface NormalizationVariable {
readonly kind: string; // 'Variable';
readonly name: string;
readonly variableName: string;
* Send a query to the server with request/response semantics: the query will
* either complete successfully (calling `onNext` and `onCompleted`) or fail
* (calling `onError`).
* Note: Most applications should use `streamQuery` in order to
* optionally receive updated information over time, should that feature be
* supported by the network/server. A good rule of thumb is to use this method
* if you would otherwise immediately dispose the `streamQuery()`
* after receving the first `onNext` result.
sendQuery(config: {
cacheConfig?: CacheConfig;
onCompleted?(): void;
onError?(error: Error): void;
onNext?(payload: TPayload): void;
operation: COperationSelector<TNode, TOperation>;
}): Disposable;
interface NormalizationLocalArgument {
readonly kind: string; // 'LocalArgument';
readonly name: string;
readonly type: string;
readonly defaultValue: unknown;
* Send a query to the server with request/subscription semantics: one or more
* responses may be returned (via `onNext`) over time followed by either
* the request completing (`onCompleted`) or an error (`onError`).
* Networks/servers that support subscriptions may choose to hold the
* subscription open indefinitely such that `onCompleted` is not called.
streamQuery(config: {
cacheConfig?: CacheConfig;
onCompleted?(): void;
onError?(error: Error): void;
onNext?(payload: TPayload): void;
operation: COperationSelector<TNode, TOperation>;
}): Disposable;
interface NormalizationRootArgument {
readonly kind: string; // 'RootArgument';
readonly name: string;
readonly type: string | null | undefined;
unstable_internal: CUnstableEnvironmentCore<TEnvironment, TFragment, TGraphQLTaggedNode, TNode, TOperation>;
interface NormalizationCondition {
readonly kind: string; // 'Condition';
readonly passingValue: boolean;
readonly condition: string;
readonly selections: ReadonlyArray<NormalizationSelection>;
export interface CUnstableEnvironmentCore<TEnvironment, TFragment, TGraphQLTaggedNode, TNode, TOperation> {
* Create an instance of a FragmentSpecResolver.
* TODO: The FragmentSpecResolver *can* be implemented via the other methods
* defined here, so this could be moved out of core. It's convenient to have
* separate implementations until the experimental core is in OSS.
context: CRelayContext<TEnvironment>,
containerName: string,
fragments: CFragmentMap<TFragment>,
props: Props,
callback: () => void
): FragmentSpecResolver;
type NormalizationHandle = NormalizationScalarHandle | NormalizationLinkedHandle;
* Creates an instance of an OperationSelector given an operation definition
* (see `getOperation`) and the variables to apply. The input variables are
* filtered to exclude variables that do not matche defined arguments on the
* operation, and default values are populated for null values.
createOperationSelector(operation: TOperation, variables: Variables): COperationSelector<TNode, TOperation>;
interface NormalizationLinkedHandle {
readonly kind: string; // 'LinkedHandle';
readonly alias: string | null | undefined;
readonly name: string;
readonly args: ReadonlyArray<NormalizationArgument> | null | undefined;
readonly handle: string;
readonly key: string;
readonly filters: ReadonlyArray<string> | null | undefined;
* Given a graphql`...` tagged template, extract a fragment definition usable
* by this version of Relay core. Throws if the value is not a fragment.
getFragment(node: TGraphQLTaggedNode): TFragment;
interface NormalizationScalarHandle {
readonly kind: string; // 'ScalarHandle';
readonly alias: string | null | undefined;
readonly name: string;
readonly args: ReadonlyArray<NormalizationArgument> | null | undefined;
readonly handle: string;
readonly key: string;
readonly filters: ReadonlyArray<string> | null | undefined;
* Given a graphql`...` tagged template, extract an operation definition
* usable by this version of Relay core. Throws if the value is not an
* operation.
getOperation(node: TGraphQLTaggedNode): TOperation;
interface NormalizationInlineFragment {
readonly kind: string; // 'InlineFragment';
readonly selections: ReadonlyArray<NormalizationSelection>;
readonly type: string;
* Determine if two selectors are equal (represent the same selection). Note
* that this function returns `false` when the two queries/fragments are
* different objects, even if they select the same fields.
areEqualSelectors(a: CSelector<TNode>, b: CSelector<TNode>): boolean;
type NormalizationSelectableNode =
| NormalizationDefer
| NormalizationOperation
| NormalizationSplitOperation
| NormalizationStream;
* Given the result `item` from a parent that fetched `fragment`, creates a
* selector that can be used to read the results of that fragment for that item.
* Example:
* Given two fragments as follows:
* ```
* fragment Parent on User {
* id
* ...Child
* }
* fragment Child on User {
* name
* }
* ```
* And given some object `parent` that is the results of `Parent` for id "4",
* the results of `Child` can be accessed by first getting a selector and then
* using that selector to `lookup()` the results against the environment:
* ```
* const childSelector = getSelector(queryVariables, Child, parent);
* const childData = environment.lookup(childSelector).data;
* ```
getSelector(operationVariables: Variables, fragment: TFragment, prop: any): CSelector<TNode> | null;
// ./util/ReaderNode
export type ReaderArgument = ReaderLiteral | ReaderVariable;
* Given the result `items` from a parent that fetched `fragment`, creates a
* selector that can be used to read the results of that fragment on those
* items. This is similar to `getSelector` but for "plural" fragments that
* expect an array of results and therefore return an array of selectors.
getSelectorList(operationVariables: Variables, fragment: TFragment, props: any[]): Array<CSelector<TNode>> | null;
export type ReaderArgumentDefinition = ReaderLocalArgument | ReaderRootArgument;
* Given a mapping of keys -> results and a mapping of keys -> fragments,
* extracts the selectors for those fragments from the results.
* The canonical use-case for this function are Relay Containers, which
* use this function to convert (props, fragments) into selectors so that they
* can read the results to pass to the inner component.
operationVariables: Variables,
fragments: CFragmentMap<TFragment>,
props: Props
): {
[key: string]: CSelector<TNode> | Array<CSelector<TNode>> | null | undefined;
export type ReaderField = ReaderScalarField | ReaderLinkedField | ReaderMatchField;
* Given a mapping of keys -> results and a mapping of keys -> fragments,
* extracts a mapping of keys -> id(s) of the results.
* Similar to `getSelectorsFromObject()`, this function can be useful in
* determining the "identity" of the props passed to a component.
fragments: CFragmentMap<TFragment>,
props: Props
): { [key: string]: DataID | DataID[] | null | undefined };
export interface ReaderFragment {
readonly kind: string; // 'Fragment';
readonly name: string;
readonly type: string;
readonly metadata:
| {
readonly connection?: ReadonlyArray<ConnectionMetadata>;
readonly mask?: boolean;
readonly plural?: boolean;
readonly refetch?: ReaderRefetchMetadata;
| null
| undefined;
readonly argumentDefinitions: ReadonlyArray<ReaderArgumentDefinition>;
readonly selections: ReadonlyArray<ReaderSelection>;
* Given a mapping of keys -> results and a mapping of keys -> fragments,
* extracts the merged variables that would be in scope for those
* fragments/results.
* This can be useful in determing what varaibles were used to fetch the data
* for a Relay container, for example.
getVariablesFromObject(operationVariables: Variables, fragments: CFragmentMap<TFragment>, props: Props): Variables;
export interface ReaderLinkedField {
readonly kind: string; // 'LinkedField';
readonly alias: string | null | undefined;
readonly name: string;
readonly storageKey: string | null | undefined;
readonly args: ReadonlyArray<ReaderArgument>;
readonly concreteType: string | null | undefined;
readonly plural: boolean;
readonly selections: ReadonlyArray<ReaderSelection>;
* The type of the `relay` property set on React context by the React/Relay
* integration layer (e.g. QueryRenderer, FragmentContainer, etc).
export interface CRelayContext<TEnvironment> {
environment: TEnvironment;
variables: Variables;
export interface ReaderMatchField {
readonly kind: string; // 'MatchField';
readonly alias: string | null | undefined;
readonly name: string;
readonly storageKey: string | null | undefined;
readonly args: ReadonlyArray<ReaderArgument> | null | undefined;
readonly matchesByType: {
readonly [key: string]: {
readonly fragmentPropName: string;
readonly fragmentName: string;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// RelayTypes
* Version: Relay 1.3.0
* File:
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
export interface RerunParam {
param: string;
import: string;
max_runs: number;
export interface ReaderPaginationMetadata {
readonly backward: {
readonly count: string;
readonly cursor: string;
} | null;
readonly forward: {
readonly count: string;
readonly cursor: string;
} | null;
readonly path: ReadonlyArray<string>;
export interface FIELDS_CHANGE {
fieldIDs: { [fieldName: string]: DataID | DataID[] };
export interface ReaderRefetchableFragment extends ReaderFragment {
readonly metadata: {
readonly connection?: [ConnectionMetadata];
readonly refetch: ReaderRefetchMetadata;
export interface RANGE_ADD {
type: 'RANGE_ADD';
parentName?: string;
parentID?: string;
connectionInfo?: Array<{
key: string;
filters?: Variables;
rangeBehavior: string;
connectionName?: string;
edgeName: string;
rangeBehaviors?: RangeBehaviors;
export interface ReaderScalarField {
readonly kind: string; // 'ScalarField';
readonly alias: string | null | undefined;
readonly name: string;
readonly args: ReadonlyArray<ReaderArgument> | null | undefined;
readonly storageKey: string | null | undefined;
export interface NODE_DELETE {
type: 'NODE_DELETE';
parentName?: string;
parentID?: string;
connectionName?: string;
deletedIDFieldName: string;
export type ReaderSelection =
| ReaderCondition
| ReaderField
| ReaderFragmentSpread
| ReaderInlineFragment
| ReaderMatchField;
export interface ReaderSplitOperation {
readonly kind: string; // 'SplitOperation';
readonly name: string;
readonly metadata: { readonly [key: string]: unknown } | null | undefined;
readonly selections: ReadonlyArray<ReaderSelection>;
export interface RANGE_DELETE {
parentName?: string;
parentID?: string;
connectionKeys?: Array<{
key: string;
filters?: Variables;
connectionName?: string;
deletedIDFieldName: string | string[];
pathToConnection: string[];
interface ReaderLiteral {
readonly kind: string; // 'Literal';
readonly name: string;
readonly value: unknown;
export interface REQUIRED_CHILDREN {
children: RelayConcreteNode[];
interface ReaderVariable {
readonly kind: string; // 'Variable';
readonly name: string;
readonly variableName: string;
export interface RelayMutationTransactionCommitCallbacks {
onFailure?: RelayMutationTransactionCommitFailureCallback;
onSuccess?: RelayMutationTransactionCommitSuccessCallback;
interface ReaderLocalArgument {
readonly kind: string; // 'LocalArgument';
readonly name: string;
readonly type: string;
readonly defaultValue: unknown;
export type RelayMutationTransactionCommitFailureCallback = (
transaction: RelayMutationTransaction,
preventAutoRollback: () => void
) => void;
export type RelayMutationTransactionCommitSuccessCallback = (response: { [key: string]: any }) => void;
export interface NetworkLayer {
sendMutation(request: RelayMutationRequest): Promise<any> | null;
sendQueries(requests: RelayQueryRequest[]): Promise<any> | null;
supports(...options: string[]): boolean;
interface ReaderRootArgument {
readonly kind: string; // 'RootArgument';
readonly name: string;
readonly type: string | null | undefined;
export interface QueryResult {
error?: Error;
ref_params?: { [name: string]: any };
response: QueryPayload;
interface ReaderRefetchMetadata {
readonly connection: ReaderPaginationMetadata | null | undefined;
readonly operation: string | ConcreteRequest;
readonly fragmentPathInResult: ReadonlyArray<string>;
export interface ReadyState {
aborted: boolean;
done: boolean;
error: Error | null;
events: ReadyStateEvent[];
ready: boolean;
stale: boolean;
interface ReaderCondition {
readonly kind: string; // 'Condition';
readonly passingValue: boolean;
readonly condition: string;
readonly selections: ReadonlyArray<ReaderSelection>;
export type RelayContainerErrorEventType = 'CACHE_RESTORE_FAILED' | 'NETWORK_QUERY_ERROR';
export type RelayContainerLoadingEventType =
export type ReadyStateChangeCallback = (readyState: ReadyState) => void;
export interface ReadyStateEvent {
type: RelayContainerLoadingEventType | RelayContainerErrorEventType;
error?: Error;
interface ReaderFragmentSpread {
readonly kind: string; // 'FragmentSpread';
readonly name: string;
readonly args: ReadonlyArray<ReaderArgument> | null | undefined;
export interface Abortable {
abort(): void;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// RelayInternalTypes
* Version: Relay 1.3.0
* File:
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
export interface QueryPayload {
[key: string]: any;
interface ReaderInlineFragment {
readonly kind: string; // 'InlineFragment';
readonly selections: ReadonlyArray<ReaderSelection>;
readonly type: string;
export interface RelayQuerySet {
[queryName: string]: any;
export type RangeBehaviorsFunction = (connectionArgs: {
[argName: string]: any;
export interface RangeBehaviorsObject {
[key: string]: 'APPEND' | 'IGNORE' | 'PREPEND' | 'REFETCH' | 'REMOVE';
export type RangeBehaviors = RangeBehaviorsFunction | RangeBehaviorsObject;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Maybe Fix
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
export type RelayDebugger = any;
export type OptimisticUpdate = any;
export type OperationSelector = COperationSelector<any, any>;
export type Selector = CSelector<any>;
export type PayloadData = any;
export type Snapshot = CSnapshot<any>;
export type RelayResponsePayload = any;
export type MutableRecordSource = RecordSource;
type ReaderSelectableNode = ReaderFragment | ReaderSplitOperation;
* A function that returns an Observable representing the response of executing
* a GraphQL operation.
export type ExecuteFunction = (
operation: object,
variables: Variables,
cacheConfig: CacheConfig,
uploadables?: UploadableMap
) => Promise<any>;
export interface RelayNetwork {
execute: ExecuteFunction;
interface ReaderPaginationFragment extends ReaderFragment {
readonly metadata: {
readonly connection: [ConnectionMetadata];
readonly refetch: ReaderRefetchMetadata & {
connection: ReaderPaginationMetadata;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// RelayDefaultHandlerProvider
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
export type HandlerProvider = (name: string) => HandlerInterface | null;
// ./util/RelayCombinedEnvironmentTypes
export interface CEnvironment<
> {
check(selector: CNormalizationSelector<TNormalizationNode>): boolean;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// RelayModernEnvironment
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
export interface EnvironmentConfig {
configName?: string;
handlerProvider?: HandlerProvider;
network: Network;
store: Store;
export class Environment {
constructor(config: EnvironmentConfig);
getStore(): Store;
getDebugger(): RelayDebugger;
applyUpdate(optimisticUpdate: OptimisticUpdate): Disposable;
revertUpdate(update: OptimisticUpdate): void;
replaceUpdate(update: OptimisticUpdate, newUpdate: OptimisticUpdate): void;
applyMutation(config: {
operation: OperationSelector;
optimisticUpdater?: SelectorStoreUpdater;
optimisticResponse?: object;
}): Disposable;
check(readSelector: Selector): boolean;
commitPayload(operationSelector: OperationSelector, payload: PayloadData): void;
commitUpdate(updater: StoreUpdater): void;
lookup(readSelector: Selector): Snapshot;
subscribe(snapshot: Snapshot, callback: (snapshot: Snapshot) => void): Disposable;
retain(selector: Selector): Disposable;
selector: CReaderSelector<TReaderNode>
): CSnapshot<TReaderNode, COperationDescriptor<TReaderNode, TNormalizationNode, TRequest>>;
snapshot: CSnapshot<TReaderNode, COperationDescriptor<TReaderNode, TNormalizationNode, TRequest>>,
callback: (
snapshot: CSnapshot<TReaderNode, COperationDescriptor<TReaderNode, TNormalizationNode, TRequest>>
) => void
): Disposable;
retain(selector: CNormalizationSelector<TNormalizationNode>): Disposable;
execute(config: {
operation: OperationSelector;
cacheConfig?: CacheConfig;
updater?: SelectorStoreUpdater;
}): RelayObservable<RelayResponsePayload>;
executeMutation(config: {
operation: OperationSelector;
optimisticUpdater?: SelectorStoreUpdater;
optimisticResponse?: object;
updater?: SelectorStoreUpdater;
uploadables?: UploadableMap;
}): RelayObservable<RelayResponsePayload>;
operation: COperationDescriptor<TReaderNode, TNormalizationNode, TRequest>;
cacheConfig?: CacheConfig | null;
updater?: SelectorStoreUpdater | null;
}): RelayObservable<TPayload>;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// RelayInMemoryRecordSource
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
export interface RelayInMemoryRecordSource {
[key: string]: any;
export interface CFragmentMap<TFragment> {
[key: string]: TFragment;
export interface RecordMap {
[dataID: string]: RelayInMemoryRecordSource | null | undefined;
export interface CNormalizationSelector<TNormalizationNode> {
dataID: DataID;
node: TNormalizationNode;
variables: Variables;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Network
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
export class Network {
* Creates an implementation of the `Network` interface defined in
* `RelayNetworkTypes` given `fetch` and `subscribe` functions.
static create(fetchFn: FetchFunction, subscribeFn?: SubscribeFunction): RelayNetwork;
export interface COperationDescriptor<TReaderNode, TNormalizationNode, TRequest> {
fragment: CReaderSelector<TReaderNode>;
node: TRequest;
root: CNormalizationSelector<TNormalizationNode>;
variables: Variables;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Network
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
export class RecordSource {
constructor(records?: RecordMap);
clear(): void;
delete(dataID: DataID): void;
get(dataID: DataID): RelayInMemoryRecordSource | null;
getRecordIDs(): DataID[];
getStatus(dataID: DataID): 'EXISTENT' | 'NONEXISTENT' | 'UNKNOWN';
has(dataID: DataID): boolean;
load(dataID: DataID, callback: (error: Error | null, record: RelayInMemoryRecordSource | null) => void): void;
remove(dataID: DataID): void;
set(dataID: DataID, record: RelayInMemoryRecordSource): void;
size(): number;
toJSON(): RecordMap;
export interface CReaderSelector<TReaderNode> {
dataID: DataID;
node: TReaderNode;
variables: Variables;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// ModernStore
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
export class Store {
constructor(source: RecordSource);
getSource(): MutableRecordSource;
check(selector: Selector): boolean;
retain(selector: Selector): Disposable;
lookup(selector: Selector): Snapshot;
notify(): void;
publish(source: RecordSource): void;
subscribe(snapshot: Snapshot, callback: (snapshot: Snapshot) => void): Disposable;
export interface CRelayContext<TEnvironment> {
environment: TEnvironment;
variables: Variables;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// RelayRecordSourceInspector
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* An internal class to provide a console-friendly string representation of a
* RelayInMemoryRecordSource.
export class RecordSummary {
id: DataID;
type: string | null | undefined;
static createFromRecord(id: DataID, record: any): RecordSummary;
constructor(id: DataID, type: string | null | undefined);
toString(): string;
export interface CSnapshot<TReaderNode, TOwner> extends CReaderSelector<TReaderNode> {
data: SelectorData | null | undefined;
seenRecords: RecordMap;
isMissingData: boolean;
owner: TOwner | null;
* Internal class for inspecting a single RelayInMemoryRecordSource.
export class RecordInspector {
constructor(sourceInspector: RelayRecordSourceInspector, record: RelayInMemoryRecordSource);
* Get the cache id of the given record. For types that implement the `Node`
* interface (or that have an `id`) this will be `id`, for other types it will be
* a synthesized identifier based on the field path from the nearest ancestor
* record that does have an `id`.
getDataID(): DataID;
export interface FragmentSpecResolver {
* Returns a list of the fields that have been fetched on the current record.
* Stop watching for changes to the results of the fragments.
getFields(): string[];
dispose(): void;
* Returns the type of the record.
* Get the current results.
getType(): string;
resolve(): FragmentSpecResults;
* Returns a copy of the internal representation of the record.
* Update the resolver with new inputs. Call `resolve()` to get the updated
* results.
inspect(): any;
setProps(props: Props): void;
* Returns the value of a scalar field. May throw if the given field is
* present but not actually scalar.
* Override the variables used to read the results of the fragments. Call
* `resolve()` to get the updated results.
getValue(name: string, args?: Variables): any;
setVariables(variables: Variables, request?: ConcreteRequest): void;
* Returns an inspector for the given scalar "linked" field (a field whose
* value is another RelayInMemoryRecordSource instead of a scalar). May throw if the field is
* present but not a scalar linked record.
* Subscribe to resolver updates.
* Overrides existing callback (if one has been specified).
getLinkedRecord(name: string, args?: Variables): RecordInspector | null;
setCallback(callback: () => void): void;
* Returns an array of inspectors for the given plural "linked" field (a field
* whose value is an array of Records instead of a scalar). May throw if the
* field is present but not a plural linked record.
getLinkedRecords(name: string, args?: Variables): RecordInspector[] | null;
export interface FragmentSpecResults {
[key: string]: unknown;
export class RelayRecordSourceInspector {
constructor(source: RecordSource);
static getForEnvironment(environment: Environment): RelayRecordSourceInspector;
* Returns an inspector for the record with the given id, or null/undefined if
* that record is deleted/unfetched.
get(dataID: DataID): RecordInspector | null;
* Returns a list of "<id>: <type>" for each record in the store that has an
* `id`.
getNodes(): RecordSummary[];
* Returns a list of "<id>: <type>" for all records in the store including
* those that do not have an `id`.
getRecords(): RecordSummary[];
export interface Props {
[key: string]: unknown;
* Returns an inspector for the synthesized "root" object, allowing access to
* e.g. the `viewer` object or the results of other fields on the "Query"
* type.
getRoot(): RecordInspector;
interface RecordMap {
// theoretically, this should be `[dataID: DataID]`, but `DataID` is a string.
[dataID: string]: Record | undefined;
export interface SelectorData {
[key: string]: unknown;
// note RecordSourceInspector is only available in dev environment
export class RecordSourceInspector extends RelayRecordSourceInspector {}
// ./util/RelayConcreteNode
export interface ConcreteRequest {
readonly kind: string; // 'Request';
readonly fragment: ReaderFragment;
readonly operation: NormalizationOperation;
readonly params: RequestParameters;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// RelayObservable
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
export interface Subscription {
unsubscribe(): void;
readonly closed: boolean;
export type GeneratedNode = ConcreteRequest | ReaderFragment | NormalizationSplitOperation;
export interface RequestParameters {
readonly name: string;
readonly operationKind: string; // 'mutation' | 'query' | 'subscription';
readonly id: string | null | undefined;
readonly text: string | null | undefined;
readonly metadata: { [key: string]: unknown };
export interface Observer<T> {
start?(subscription: Subscription): any;
next?(nextThing: T): any;
error?(error: Error): any;
complete?(): any;
unsubscribe?(subscription: Subscription): any;
// ./util/RelayRuntimeTypes
export interface CacheConfig {
force?: boolean | null;
poll?: number | null;
liveConfigId?: string | null;
metadata?: { [key: string]: unknown };
transactionId?: string | null;
export type Source<T> = <T>() => any; // tslint:disable-line:no-unnecessary-generics
export interface Subscribable<T> {
subscribe(observer: Observer<T>): Subscription;
export type DataID = string;
export interface Disposable {
dispose(): void;
export type ObservableFromValue<T> = RelayObservable<T> | Promise<T> | T;
export class RelayObservable<T> implements Subscribable<T> {
_source: Source<T>;
constructor(source: Source<T>);
export interface OperationType {
readonly variables: Variables;
readonly response: unknown;
* When an unhandled error is detected, it is reported to the host environment
* (the ESObservable spec refers to this method as "HostReportErrors()").
* The default implementation in development builds re-throws errors in a
* separate frame, and from production builds does nothing (swallowing
* uncaught errors).
* Called during application initialization, this method allows
* application-specific handling of uncaught errors. Allowing, for example,
* integration with error logging or developer tools.
static onUnhandledError(callback: (error: Error) => any): void;
export interface Variables {
[name: string]: any;
* Accepts various kinds of data sources, and always returns a RelayObservable
* useful for accepting the result of a user-provided FetchFunction.
// Core API
// ./RelayModernEnvironment
interface EnvironmentConfig {
readonly configName?: string;
readonly handlerProvider?: HandlerProvider;
readonly operationLoader?: OperationLoader;
readonly network: Network;
readonly store: Store;
readonly missingFieldHandlers?: ReadonlyArray<MissingFieldHandler>;
declare class RelayModernEnvironment implements Environment {
readonly configName: string | null | undefined;
constructor(config: EnvironmentConfig);
getStore(): Store;
getNetwork(): Network;
applyUpdate(optimisticUpdate: OptimisticUpdate): Disposable;
revertUpdate(update: OptimisticUpdate): void;
replaceUpdate(update: OptimisticUpdate, newUpdate: OptimisticUpdate): void;
applyMutation(data: {
operation: OperationDescriptor;
optimisticUpdater?: SelectorStoreUpdater | null;
optimisticResponse?: object;
}): Disposable;
check(readSelector: NormalizationSelector): boolean;
commitPayload(operationDescriptor: OperationDescriptor, payload: PayloadData): void;
commitUpdate(updater: StoreUpdater): void;
lookup(readSelector: ReaderSelector, owner?: OperationDescriptor): Snapshot;
subscribe(snapshot: Snapshot, callback: (snapshot: Snapshot) => void): Disposable;
retain(selector: NormalizationSelector): Disposable;
execute(data: {
operation: OperationDescriptor;
cacheConfig?: CacheConfig | null;
updater?: SelectorStoreUpdater | null;
}): RelayObservable<GraphQLResponse>;
}: {
operation: OperationDescriptor;
optimisticUpdater?: SelectorStoreUpdater | null;
optimisticResponse?: object | null;
updater?: SelectorStoreUpdater | null;
uploadables?: UploadableMap | null;
}): RelayObservable<GraphQLResponse>;
export { RelayModernEnvironment as Environment };
type HandlerProvider = (name: string) => Handler | null | undefined;
// ./network/RelayNetwork
declare const RelayNetwork: {
create(fetchFn: FetchFunction, subscribeFn?: SubscribeFunction): Network;
export { RelayNetwork as Network };
// ./network/RelayObservable
declare class RelayObservable<T> implements Subscribable<T> {
// Use RelayObservable.create(source);
private constructor(source: never);
static create<V>(source: Source<V>): RelayObservable<V>;
static onUnhandledError(callback: (error: Error, isUncaughtThrownError: boolean) => void): void;
static from<V>(obj: ObservableFromValue<V>): RelayObservable<V>;
* Creates a RelayObservable, given a function which expects a legacy
* Relay Observer as the last argument and which returns a Disposable.
* To support migration to Observable, the function may ignore the
* legacy Relay observer and directly return an Observable instead.
static fromLegacy<V>(
callback: (legacyObserver: LegacyObserver<V>) => Disposable | RelayObservable<V>
callback: (observer: LegacyObserver<V>) => Disposable | RelayObservable<V>
): RelayObservable<V>;
* Returns a new Observable which returns the same values as this one, but
* modified so that the provided Observer is called to perform a side-effects
* for all events emitted by the source.
* Any errors that are thrown in the side-effect Observer are unhandled, and
* do not affect the source Observable or its Observer.
* This is useful for when debugging your Observables or performing other
* side-effects such as logging or performance monitoring.
catch<U>(fn: (error: Error) => RelayObservable<U>): RelayObservable<T | U>;
do(observer: Observer<T>): RelayObservable<T>;
* Returns a new Observable which returns the same values as this one, but
* modified so that the finally callback is performed after completion,
* whether normal or due to error or unsubscription.
* This is useful for cleanup such as resource finalization.
finally(fn: () => any): RelayObservable<T>;
finally(fn: () => unknown): RelayObservable<T>;
* Returns a new Observable which is identical to this one, unless this
* Observable completes before yielding any values, in which case the new
* Observable will yield the values from the alternate Observable.
* If this Observable does yield values, the alternate is never subscribed to.
* This is useful for scenarios where values may come from multiple sources
* which should be tried in order, i.e. from a cache before a network.
ifEmpty<U>(alternate: RelayObservable<U>): RelayObservable<T | U>;
* Observable's primary API: returns an unsubscribable Subscription to the
* source of this Observable.
subscribe(observer: Observer<T>): Subscription;
subscribe(observer: Observer<T> | Sink<T>): Subscription;
* Supports subscription of a legacy Relay Observer, returning a Disposable.
subscribeLegacy(legacyObserver: LegacyObserver<T>): Disposable;
* Returns a new Observerable where each value has been transformed by
* the mapping function.
map<U>(fn: (thing: T) => U): RelayObservable<U>;
map<U>(fn: (value: T) => U): RelayObservable<U>;
* Returns a new Observable where each value is replaced with a new Observable
* by the mapping function, the results of which returned as a single
* concattenated Observable.
concatMap<U>(fn: (thing: T) => ObservableFromValue<U>): RelayObservable<U>;
mergeMap<U>(fn: (value: T) => ObservableFromValue<U>): RelayObservable<U>;
* Returns a new Observable which first mirrors this Observable, then when it
* completes, waits for `pollInterval` milliseconds before re-subscribing to
* this Observable again, looping in this manner until unsubscribed.
* The returned Observable never completes.
poll(pollInterval: number): RelayObservable<T>;
* Returns a Promise which resolves when this Observable yields a first value
* or when it completes with no value.
toPromise(): Promise<T | null | undefined>;
toPromise(): Promise<T | undefined>;
export { RelayObservable as Observable };
export type Observable<T> = RelayObservable<T>;
// ./networks/RelayQueryResponseCache
declare class RelayQueryResponseCache {
constructor(config: { size: number; ttl: number });
clear(): void;
get(queryID: string, variables: Variables): GraphQLResponse | null;
set(queryID: string, variables: Variables, payload: GraphQLResponse): void;
export { RelayQueryResponseCache as QueryResponseCache };
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// commitLocalUpdate
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// exposed through RelayModern, not Runtime directly
export function commitLocalUpdate(environment: Environment, updater: StoreUpdater): void;
// ./store/RelayInMemoryRecordSource
declare class RelayInMemoryRecordSource implements MutableRecordSource {
constructor(records?: RecordMap);
clear(): void;
delete(dataID: DataID): void;
get(dataID: DataID): Record | null | undefined;
getRecordIDs(): ReadonlyArray<DataID>;
getStatus(dataID: DataID): RecordState;
has(dataID: DataID): boolean;
load(dataID: DataID, callback: (error: Error | null | undefined, record: Record | null | undefined) => void): void;
remove(dataID: DataID): void;
set(dataID: DataID, record: Record): void;
size(): number;
export { RelayInMemoryRecordSource as RecordSource };
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// commitRelayModernMutation
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// exposed through RelayModern, not Runtime directly
export interface MutationConfig<T extends OperationBase> {
configs?: RelayMutationConfig[];
mutation: GraphQLTaggedNode;
variables: T['variables'];
uploadables?: UploadableMap;
onCompleted?(response: T['response'], errors: PayloadError[] | null | undefined): void;
onError?(error?: Error): void;
optimisticUpdater?: SelectorStoreUpdater<T['response']>;
optimisticResponse?: T['response'];
updater?: SelectorStoreUpdater<T['response']>;
// ./store/RelayModernStore
declare class RelayModernStore implements Store {
constructor(source: MutableRecordSource, gcScheduler?: Scheduler, operationLoader?: OperationLoader | null);
getSource(): RecordSource;
check(selector: NormalizationSelector): boolean;
retain(selector: NormalizationSelector): Disposable;
lookup(selector: ReaderSelector, owner?: OperationDescriptor): Snapshot;
notify(): void;
publish(source: RecordSource): void;
subscribe(snapshot: Snapshot, callback: (snapshot: Snapshot) => void): Disposable;
holdGC(): Disposable;
export function commitRelayModernMutation<T extends OperationBase = OperationDefaults>(
export { RelayModernStore as Store };
// ./store/RelayModernSelector via ./store/RelayCore
export function areEqualSelectors(thisSelector: OwnedReaderSelector, thatSelector: OwnedReaderSelector): boolean;
export function getDataIDsFromObject(
fragments: { [key: string]: ReaderFragment },
object: { [key: string]: unknown }
): { [key: string]: DataID | ReadonlyArray<DataID> | null | undefined };
export function getSelector(
operationVariables: Variables,
fragment: ReaderFragment,
item: unknown
): OwnedReaderSelector | null | undefined;
export function getSelectorList(
operationVariables: Variables,
fragment: ReaderFragment,
items: ReadonlyArray<unknown>
): ReadonlyArray<OwnedReaderSelector> | null | undefined;
export function getSelectorsFromObject(
operationVariables: Variables,
fragments: { [key: string]: ReaderFragment },
object: { [key: string]: unknown }
): {
[key: string]: OwnedReaderSelector | ReadonlyArray<OwnedReaderSelector> | null | undefined;
export function getVariablesFromObject(
operationVariables: Variables,
fragments: { [key: string]: ReaderFragment },
object: { [key: string]: unknown }
): Variables;
// ./store/RelayModernOperationDescriptor via ./store/RelayCore
export function createOperationDescriptor(request: ConcreteRequest, variables: Variables): OperationDescriptor;
// ./store/RelayCore
export function createFragmentSpecResolver(
context: RelayContext,
containerName: string,
fragments: FragmentMap,
props: Props,
callback?: () => void
): FragmentSpecResolver;
// ./query/RelayModernGraphQLTag
export function getFragment(taggedNode: GraphQLTaggedNode): ReaderFragment;
export function getFragmentOwner(
fragmentNode: ReaderFragment,
fragmentRef: FragmentPointer | ReadonlyArray<FragmentPointer | null | undefined> | null | undefined
): OperationDescriptor | null;
export function getFragmentOwners(
fragmentNodes: { [key: string]: ReaderFragment },
fragmentRefs: {
[key: string]: FragmentPointer | ReadonlyArray<FragmentPointer | null | undefined> | null | undefined;
): { [key: string]: OperationDescriptor | null };
export function getPaginationFragment(taggedNode: GraphQLTaggedNode): ReaderPaginationFragment | null;
export function getRefetchableFragment(taggedNode: GraphQLTaggedNode): ReaderRefetchableFragment | null;
export function getRequest(taggedNode: GraphQLTaggedNode): ConcreteRequest;
export function graphql(strings: ReadonlyArray<string>): GraphQLTaggedNode;
// ./store/RelayStoreUtils
export function getStorageKey(
field: NormalizationField | NormalizationHandle | ReaderField,
variables: Variables
): string;
// Declarative mutation API
// ./mutations/RelayDeclarativeMutationConfig
export const MutationTypes: {
export const RangeOperations: {
APPEND: 'append';
IGNORE: 'ignore';
PREPEND: 'prepend';
REFETCH: 'refetch'; // legacy only
REMOVE: 'remove'; // legacy only
export const FRAGMENTS_KEY: string;
export const FRAGMENT_OWNER_KEY: string;
export const ID_KEY: string;
export const REF_KEY: string;
export const REFS_KEY: string;
export const ROOT_ID: string;
export const ROOT_TYPE: string;
export const TYPENAME_KEY: string;
// Extensions
// ./handlers/RelayDefaultHandlerProvider
declare function RelayDefaultHandlerProvider(handle: string): Handler;
export { RelayDefaultHandlerProvider as DefaultHandlerProvider };
// ./handlers/connection/RelayConnectionHandler
interface RelayConnectionHandler {
store: RecordSourceProxy,
connection: RecordProxy,
edge: RecordProxy | null | undefined
): RecordProxy | null | undefined;
createEdge(store: RecordSourceProxy, record: RecordProxy, node: RecordProxy, edgeType: string): RecordProxy;
deleteNode(record: RecordProxy, nodeID: DataID): void;
getConnection(record: ReadonlyRecordProxy, key: string, filters?: Variables | null): RecordProxy | null | undefined;
insertEdgeAfter(record: RecordProxy, newEdge: RecordProxy, cursor?: string | null): void;
insertEdgeBefore(record: RecordProxy, newEdge: RecordProxy, cursor?: string | null): void;
update(store: RecordSourceProxy, payload: HandleFieldPayload): void;
declare const RelayConnectionHandler: RelayConnectionHandler;
export { RelayConnectionHandler as ConnectionHandler };
// ./handlers/viewer/RelayViewerHandler
interface RelayViewerHandler {
readonly VIEWER_ID: string;
update(store: RecordSourceProxy, payload: HandleFieldPayload): void;
declare const RelayViewerHandler: RelayViewerHandler;
export { RelayViewerHandler as ViewerHandler };
// Helpers (can be implemented via the above API)
// ./mutations/applyRelayModernOptimisticMutation
declare function applyRelayModernOptimisticMutation(
environment: Environment,
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-generics
config: MutationConfig<T>
config: OptimisticMutationConfig
): Disposable;
export { applyRelayModernOptimisticMutation as applyOptimisticMutation };
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// applyRelayModernOptimisticMutation
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// exposed through RelayModern, not Runtime directly
export interface OptimisticMutationConfig {
configs?: RelayMutationConfig[];
mutation: GraphQLTaggedNode;
variables: Variables;
optimisticUpdater?: SelectorStoreUpdater;
optimisticResponse?: object;
// ./mutations/commitLocalUpdate
export function commitLocalUpdate(environment: Environment, updater: StoreUpdater): void;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// fetchRelayModernQuery
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// exposed through RelayModern, not Runtime directly
* A helper function to fetch the results of a query. Note that results for
* fragment spreads are masked: fields must be explicitly listed in the query in
* order to be accessible in the result object.
* NOTE: This module is primarily intended for integrating with classic APIs.
* Most product code should use a Renderer or Container.
* TODO(t16875667): The return type should be `Promise<?SelectorData>`, but
* that's not really helpful as `SelectorData` is essentially just `mixed`. We
* can probably leverage generated flow types here to return the real expected
* shape.
export function fetchRelayModernQuery(
environment: any, // FIXME - $FlowFixMe in facebook source code
// ./mutations/commitRelayModernMutation
declare function commitRelayModernMutation<TOperation extends OperationType = OperationType>(
environment: Environment,
// tslint:disable-next-line no-unnecessary-generics
config: MutationConfig<TOperation>
): Disposable;
export { commitRelayModernMutation as commitMutation };
// ./query/fetchRelayModernQuery
declare function fetchRelayModernQuery<T extends OperationType>(
environment: RelayModernEnvironment,
taggedNode: GraphQLTaggedNode,
variables: Variables,
cacheConfig?: CacheConfig
): Promise<any>; // FIXME - $FlowFixMe in facebook source code
variables: T['variables'],
cacheConfig?: CacheConfig | null
): Promise<T['response']>;
export { fetchRelayModernQuery as fetchQuery };
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// requestRelaySubscription
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// exposed through RelayModern, not Runtime directly
export interface GraphQLSubscriptionConfig {
configs?: RelayMutationConfig[];
subscription: GraphQLTaggedNode;
variables: Variables;
onCompleted?(): void;
onError?(error: Error): void;
onNext?(response: object | null | undefined): void;
updater?(store: RecordSourceSelectorProxy): void;
// ./store/isRelayModernEnvironment
export function isRelayModernEnvironment(environment: any): environment is RelayModernEnvironment;
// ./subscription/requestRelaySubscription
declare function requestRelaySubscription(environment: Environment, config: GraphQLSubscriptionConfig<{}>): Disposable;
export { requestRelaySubscription as requestSubscription };
// Configuration interface for legacy or special uses
// ./handlers/connection/RelayConnectionInterface
export const ConnectionInterface: {
get(): {
CLIENT_MUTATION_ID: 'clientMutationId';
CURSOR: 'cursor';
EDGES: 'edges';
END_CURSOR: 'endCursor';
HAS_NEXT_PAGE: 'hasNextPage';
HAS_PREV_PAGE: 'hasPreviousPage';
NODE: 'node';
PAGE_INFO: 'pageInfo';
START_CURSOR: 'startCursor';
// Utilities
interface Handler {
update: (store: RecordSourceProxy, fieldPayload: HandleFieldPayload) => void;
export function requestRelaySubscription(environment: Environment, config: GraphQLSubscriptionConfig): Disposable;
type ProfileHandler = (name: string, state?: any) => (error?: Error) => void;
export interface RelayProfiler {
instrumentMethods(object: object, names: { [key: string]: string }): void;
instrument<T extends (...args: any[]) => any>(name: string, originalFunction: T): T;
attachAggregateHandler(name: string, handler: Handler): void;
detachAggregateHandler(name: string, handler: Handler): void;
profile(name: string, state?: any): { stop: (error?: Error) => void };
attachProfileHandler(name: string, handler: ProfileHandler): void;
detachProfileHandler(name: string, handler: ProfileHandler): void;
export const RelayProfiler: RelayProfiler;
// Internal API
export function deepFreeze<T extends object>(value: T): T;
export const RelayFeatureFlags: {
"name": "@types/relay-runtime",
"version": "1.3.13",
"version": "4.0.0",
"description": "TypeScript definitions for relay-runtime",

@@ -16,2 +16,7 @@ "license": "MIT",

"githubUsername": "alloy"
"name": "Cameron Knight",
"url": "",
"githubUsername": "ckknight"

@@ -28,4 +33,4 @@ ],

"dependencies": {},
"typesPublisherContentHash": "4d89beb3c9cd5716eb88a0eb41a1fa2758ffea1d77131a6b8f4cf6937693158a",
"typeScriptVersion": "2.9"
"typesPublisherContentHash": "a583b3ed22737d91bfa99f23940ccd0c529b682208d8ca1e54feda9a9772899d",
"typeScriptVersion": "3.0"

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ # Installation

Additional Details
* Last updated: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 15:43:33 GMT
* Last updated: Tue, 18 Jun 2019 14:54:27 GMT
* Dependencies: none

@@ -17,2 +17,2 @@ * Global values: none

# Credits
These definitions were written by Matt Martin <>, Eloy Durán <>.
These definitions were written by Matt Martin <>, Eloy Durán <>, Cameron Knight <>.
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