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@types/twit - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.2.24 to 2.2.25



@@ -18,339 +18,364 @@ // Type definitions for twit 2.2

declare module 'twit' {
import { IncomingMessage } from 'http';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import { IncomingMessage } from 'http';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
namespace Twit {
export type StreamEndpoint = 'statuses/filter' | 'statuses/sample' | 'statuses/firehose' | 'user' | 'site';
namespace Twit {
export type StreamEndpoint = 'statuses/filter' | 'statuses/sample' | 'statuses/firehose' | 'user' | 'site';
export namespace Twitter {
export type ResultType = 'mixed' | 'popular' | 'recent';
export namespace Twitter {
export type ResultType = 'mixed' | 'popular' | 'recent';
* @see
export interface Contributors {
id: number,
id_str: string,
screen_name: string,
* @see
export interface Contributors {
id: number;
id_str: string;
screen_name: string;
* @see
export interface HashtagEntity {
indices: [number, number],
text: string,
export interface Size {
h: number,
w: number,
resize: 'crop' | 'fit',
export interface Sizes {
thumb: Size,
large: Size,
medium: Size,
small: Size,
export interface MediaEntity {
id: number,
id_str: string,
indices: [number, number],
url: string,
display_url: string,
expanded_url: string,
media_url: string,
media_url_https: string,
sizes: Sizes,
source_status_id: number,
source_status_id_str: string,
type: string,
export interface UrlEntity {
url: string,
display_url: string,
expanded_url: string,
indices: [number, number],
export interface UserMentionEntity {
id: number,
id_str: string,
indices: [number, number],
name: string,
screen_name: string,
export interface Entities {
hashtags: HashtagEntity[],
media: MediaEntity[],
urls: UrlEntity[],
user_mentions: UserMentionEntity[],
* @see
export interface MatchingRules {
tag: null;
id: number;
id_str: string;
* @see
export interface User {
contributors_enabled: boolean,
created_at: string,
default_profile: string,
default_profile_image: string,
description: string,
entities: Entities,
favourites_count: number,
follow_request_sent?: boolean,
following?: boolean,
followers_count: number,
friends_count: number,
geo_enabled?: boolean,
id: number,
id_str: string,
is_translator?: boolean,
lang: string,
listed_count: number,
location: string,
name: string,
notifications?: boolean,
profile_background_color: string,
profile_background_image_url: string,
profile_background_image_url_https: string,
profile_background_tile: boolean,
profile_banner_url: string,
profile_image_url: string,
profile_image_url_https: string,
profile_link_color: string,
profile_sidebar_border_color: string,
profile_sidebar_fill_color: string,
profile_text_color: string,
profile_use_background_image: boolean,
protected: boolean,
screen_name: string,
show_all_inline_media: boolean,
status?: Status,
statuses_count: number,
time_zone?: string,
url: string,
utc_offset?: number,
verified: boolean,
withheld_in_countries: string,
withheld_scope: string,
* @see
export interface HashtagEntity {
indices: [number, number];
text: string;
export interface Size {
h: number;
w: number;
resize: 'crop' | 'fit';
export interface Sizes {
thumb: Size;
large: Size;
medium: Size;
small: Size;
export interface MediaEntity {
id: number;
id_str: string;
indices: [number, number];
url: string;
display_url: string;
expanded_url: string;
media_url: string;
media_url_https: string;
sizes: Sizes;
source_status_id: number;
source_status_id_str: string;
type: string;
export interface UrlEntity {
url: string;
display_url: string;
expanded_url: string;
indices: [number, number];
export interface UserMentionEntity {
id: number;
id_str: string;
indices: [number, number];
name: string;
screen_name: string;
export interface SymbolEntity {
indices: [number, number];
text: string;
export interface PollOptions {
position: number;
text: string;
export interface PollEntity {
options: PollOptions[];
end_datetime: string;
duration_minutes: string;
export interface Entities {
hashtags: HashtagEntity[];
media: MediaEntity[];
urls: UrlEntity[];
user_mentions: UserMentionEntity[];
symbols: SymbolEntity[];
polls: PollEntity[];
* @see
export interface PlaceAttribute {
street_address: string,
locality: string,
region: string,
iso3: string,
postal_code: string,
phone: string,
twitter: string,
url: string,
'app:id': string,
export interface Place {
geometry: GeoJSON.Point,
attributes: PlaceAttribute,
bounding_box: GeoJSON.Polygon,
contained_within: Place[],
country: string,
country_code: string,
full_name: string,
id: string,
name: string,
place_type: string,
url: string,
* @see
export interface User {
contributors_enabled: boolean;
created_at: string;
default_profile: string;
default_profile_image: string;
description: string;
entities: Entities;
favourites_count: number;
follow_request_sent?: boolean;
following?: boolean;
followers_count: number;
friends_count: number;
geo_enabled?: boolean;
id: number;
id_str: string;
is_translator?: boolean;
lang: string;
listed_count: number;
location: string;
name: string;
notifications?: boolean;
profile_background_color: string;
profile_background_image_url: string;
profile_background_image_url_https: string;
profile_background_tile: boolean;
profile_banner_url: string;
profile_image_url: string;
profile_image_url_https: string;
profile_link_color: string;
profile_sidebar_border_color: string;
profile_sidebar_fill_color: string;
profile_text_color: string;
profile_use_background_image: boolean;
protected: boolean;
screen_name: string;
show_all_inline_media: boolean;
status?: Status;
statuses_count: number;
time_zone?: string;
url: string;
utc_offset?: number;
verified: boolean;
withheld_in_countries: string;
withheld_scope: string;
* @see
export interface Status {
id: number,
id_str: string,
annotations?: Object,
contributors?: Contributors[],
coordinates?: GeoJSON.Point,
created_at: string,
current_user_retweet?: {
id: number,
id_str: string,
entities: Entities,
favorite_count?: number,
favorited?: boolean,
filter_level: 'none' | 'low' | 'medium',
geo?: Object,
in_reply_to_screen_name?: string,
in_reply_to_status_id?: number,
in_reply_to_status_id_str?: string,
in_reply_to_user_id?: number,
in_reply_to_user_id_str?: string,
lang?: string,
place?: Place,
possibly_sensitive?: boolean,
quoted_status_id?: number,
quoted_status_id_str?: string,
quoted_status?: Status,
scopes?: Object,
retweet_count: number,
retweeted: boolean,
retweeted_status?: Status,
source?: string,
text?: string,
full_text?: string,
truncated: boolean,
user: User,
withheld_copyright?: boolean,
withheld_in_countries?: string[],
withheld_scope?: string,
display_text_range?: [number, number],
export interface Metadata {
max_id?: number,
since_id?: number,
refresh_url?: string,
next_results?: string,
count?: number,
completed_in?: number,
since_id_str?: string,
query?: string,
max_id_str?: string
* @see
export interface PlaceAttribute {
street_address: string;
locality: string;
region: string;
iso3: string;
postal_code: string;
phone: string;
twitter: string;
url: string;
'app:id': string;
export interface Place {
geometry: GeoJSON.Point;
attributes: PlaceAttribute;
bounding_box: GeoJSON.Polygon;
contained_within: Place[];
country: string;
country_code: string;
full_name: string;
id: string;
name: string;
place_type: string;
url: string;
export interface Errors {
errors: {
code: number
message: string
* @see
export interface Status {
id: number;
id_str: string;
annotations?: Object;
contributors?: Contributors[];
coordinates?: GeoJSON.Point;
created_at: string;
current_user_retweet?: {
id: number;
id_str: string;
display_text_range?: [number, number];
entities: Entities;
favorite_count?: number;
favorited?: boolean;
filter_level: 'none' | 'low' | 'medium';
full_text?: string;
in_reply_to_screen_name?: string;
in_reply_to_status_id?: number;
in_reply_to_status_id_str?: string;
in_reply_to_user_id?: number;
in_reply_to_user_id_str?: string;
is_quote_status: string;
lang?: string;
matching_rules?: MatchingRules[];
place?: Place;
possibly_sensitive?: boolean;
quoted_status_id?: number;
quoted_status_id_str?: string;
quoted_status?: Status;
retweet_count: number;
retweeted: boolean;
retweeted_status?: Status;
scopes?: Object;
source?: string;
text?: string;
truncated: boolean;
user: User;
withheld_copyright?: boolean;
withheld_in_countries?: string[];
withheld_scope?: string;
export interface Metadata {
max_id?: number;
since_id?: number;
refresh_url?: string;
next_results?: string;
count?: number;
completed_in?: number;
since_id_str?: string;
query?: string;
max_id_str?: string;
export interface SearchResults {
statuses: Twitter.Status[],
search_metadata: Twitter.Metadata,
export interface Errors {
errors: {
code: number;
message: string;
export type Response = object
export interface SearchResults {
statuses: Twitter.Status[];
search_metadata: Twitter.Metadata;
interface MediaParam {
file_path: string
interface Params {
// search/tweets
q?: string,
geocode?: string,
lang?: string,
locale?: string,
result_type?: Twitter.ResultType,
count?: number,
results_per_page?: number,
until?: string,
since_id?: string,
max_id?: string,
include_entities?: boolean,
export type Response = object;
source_id?: number,
source_screen_name?: string,
target_id?: number,
target_screen_name?: string,
interface MediaParam {
file_path: string;
interface Params {
// search/tweets
q?: string;
geocode?: string;
lang?: string;
locale?: string;
result_type?: Twitter.ResultType;
count?: number;
results_per_page?: number;
until?: string;
since_id?: string;
max_id?: string;
include_entities?: boolean;
// Other params from various endpoints
track?: string | string[],
media_id?: string,
media_ids?: string[],
alt_text?: {
text?: string
media_data?: Buffer | string,
screen_name?: string,
id?: string,
slug?: string,
owner_screen_name?: string,
status?: string,
user_id?: number | string,
lat?: number,
long?: number,
follow?: boolean | string | string[],
include_email?: boolean,
cursor?: number | string,
tweet_mode?: string,
trim_user?: boolean,
exclude_replies?: boolean,
include_rts?: boolean,
skip_status?: boolean,
url?: string,
include_user_entities?: boolean,
stringify_ids?: boolean,
in_reply_to_status_id?: number | string,
page?: number,
source_id?: number;
source_screen_name?: string;
target_id?: number;
target_screen_name?: string;
// Other params from various endpoints
track?: string | string[];
media_id?: string;
media_ids?: string[];
alt_text?: {
text?: string;
media_data?: Buffer | string;
screen_name?: string;
id?: string;
slug?: string;
owner_screen_name?: string;
status?: string;
user_id?: number | string;
lat?: number;
long?: number;
follow?: boolean | string | string[];
include_email?: boolean;
cursor?: number | string;
tweet_mode?: string;
trim_user?: boolean;
exclude_replies?: boolean;
include_rts?: boolean;
skip_status?: boolean;
url?: string;
include_user_entities?: boolean;
stringify_ids?: boolean;
in_reply_to_status_id?: number | string;
page?: number;
export interface PromiseResponse {
data: Response;
resp: IncomingMessage;
export interface Callback {
(err: Error, result: Response, response: IncomingMessage): void;
export interface ConfigKeys {
consumer_key: string;
consumer_secret: string;
access_token?: string;
access_token_secret?: string;
export interface Options extends ConfigKeys {
app_only_auth?: boolean;
timeout_ms?: number;
trusted_cert_fingerprints?: string[];
strictSSL?: boolean;
export interface Stream extends EventEmitter {
start(): void;
stop(): void;
export interface PromiseResponse {
data: Response,
resp: IncomingMessage,
export interface Callback {
(err: Error, result: Response, response: IncomingMessage): void
export interface ConfigKeys {
consumer_key: string,
consumer_secret: string,
access_token?: string,
access_token_secret?: string,
export interface Options extends ConfigKeys {
app_only_auth?: boolean,
timeout_ms?: number,
trusted_cert_fingerprints?: string[],
strictSSL?: boolean
export interface Stream extends EventEmitter {
start(): void;
stop(): void;
class Twit {
* @see
constructor(config: Twit.Options);
class Twit {
* @see
constructor(config: Twit.Options);
* @see
get(path: string, callback: Twit.Callback): void;
get(path: string, params: Twit.Params, callback: Twit.Callback): void;
get(path: string, params?: Twit.Params): Promise<Twit.PromiseResponse>;
* @see
get(path: string, callback: Twit.Callback): void;
get(path: string, params: Twit.Params, callback: Twit.Callback): void;
get(path: string, params?: Twit.Params): Promise<Twit.PromiseResponse>;
* @see
post(path: string, callback: Twit.Callback): void;
post(path: string, params: Twit.Params, callback: Twit.Callback): void;
post(path: string, params?: Twit.Params): Promise<Twit.PromiseResponse>;
* @see
post(path: string, callback: Twit.Callback): void;
post(path: string, params: Twit.Params, callback: Twit.Callback): void;
post(path: string, params?: Twit.Params): Promise<Twit.PromiseResponse>;
* @see
postMediaChunked(media: Twit.MediaParam, callback: Twit.Callback): void;
* @see
postMediaChunked(media: Twit.MediaParam, callback: Twit.Callback): void;
* @see
getAuth(): Twit.Options
* @see
getAuth(): Twit.Options;
* @see
setAuth(tokens: Twit.ConfigKeys): void
* @see
setAuth(tokens: Twit.ConfigKeys): void;
* @see
stream(path: Twit.StreamEndpoint, params?: Twit.Params): Twit.Stream;
* @see
stream(path: Twit.StreamEndpoint, params?: Twit.Params): Twit.Stream;
export = Twit;
export = Twit;
"name": "@types/twit",
"version": "2.2.24",
"version": "2.2.25",
"description": "TypeScript definitions for twit",

@@ -60,4 +60,4 @@ "license": "MIT",

"typesPublisherContentHash": "a3bf3c97d31ca517045b5c22f118fd5ba97e13f974e29802382da89b6561b76c",
"typeScriptVersion": "2.8"
"typesPublisherContentHash": "7a19df9990dd682357746a0e7e389def13733c36d0d5d20ff12774b93d5a4c9d",
"typeScriptVersion": "3.0"

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ # Installation

### Additional Details
* Last updated: Wed, 15 Apr 2020 03:34:13 GMT
* Last updated: Sat, 18 Jul 2020 15:47:22 GMT
* Dependencies: [@types/node](, [@types/geojson](

@@ -14,0 +14,0 @@ * Global values: none

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