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@uiw/react-card - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 5.0.0-bate-1 to 5.0.0-bate-10



"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault")["default"];
var _interopRequireWildcard = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireWildcard")["default"];
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {

@@ -12,11 +10,6 @@ value: true

exports["default"] = void 0;
var _objectSpread2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/objectSpread2"));
var _objectWithoutProperties2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/objectWithoutProperties"));
var _react = _interopRequireWildcard(require("react"));
var _style = require("./style");
Object.keys(_style).forEach(function (key) {

@@ -33,24 +26,21 @@ if (key === "default" || key === "__esModule") return;

var _jsxRuntime = require("react/jsx-runtime");
var _excluded = ["prefixCls", "className", "title", "extra", "footer", "bordered", "noHover", "active", "bodyStyle", "bodyClassName", "children"];
var _default = /*#__PURE__*/_react["default"].forwardRef(function (props, ref) {
var _props$prefixCls = props.prefixCls,
prefixCls = _props$prefixCls === void 0 ? 'w-card' : _props$prefixCls,
className = props.className,
title = props.title,
extra = props.extra,
footer = props.footer,
_props$bordered = props.bordered,
bordered = _props$bordered === void 0 ? true : _props$bordered,
_props$noHover = props.noHover,
noHover = _props$noHover === void 0 ? false : _props$noHover,
_props$active =,
active = _props$active === void 0 ? false : _props$active,
bodyStyle = props.bodyStyle,
bodyClassName = props.bodyClassName,
children = props.children,
resetProps = (0, _objectWithoutProperties2["default"])(props, _excluded);
prefixCls = _props$prefixCls === void 0 ? 'w-card' : _props$prefixCls,
className = props.className,
title = props.title,
extra = props.extra,
footer = props.footer,
_props$bordered = props.bordered,
bordered = _props$bordered === void 0 ? true : _props$bordered,
_props$noHover = props.noHover,
noHover = _props$noHover === void 0 ? false : _props$noHover,
_props$active =,
active = _props$active === void 0 ? false : _props$active,
bodyStyle = props.bodyStyle,
bodyClassName = props.bodyClassName,
children = props.children,
resetProps = (0, _objectWithoutProperties2["default"])(props, _excluded);
var cls = (0, _react.useMemo)(function () {

@@ -85,4 +75,3 @@ return [prefixCls, className, bordered ? "".concat(prefixCls, "-bordered") : null, noHover ? "".concat(prefixCls, "-no-hover") : null, active ? 'active' : null].filter(Boolean).join(' ').trim();

exports["default"] = _default;
import { ThemeVariantValueOptions } from '@uiw/utils';
import { CardStyleWarpProps } from './utils';
export declare const CardStyleTheme: {
borderRadiusLarge: string;
fontSizeDefault: string;
lineHeightDefault: number;
borderColorBaseActive: string;
borderColorBase: string;
backgroundColorBase: string;
heightCardStyleHead: string;
paddingVerticalCardStyleHead: number;
paddingHorizontalCardStyleHead: string;
borderRadius1CardStyleHead: string;
borderRadius2CardStyleHead: string;
borderRadius3CardStyleHead: number;
borderRadius4CardStyleHead: number;
colorBase: string;
rightCardStyleHeadExtra: string;
topCardStyleHeadExtra: number;
paddingCardBody: string;
borderTopCardBody: string;
paddingVerticalCardStyleFooter: string;
paddingHorizontalCardStyleFooter: string;
borderTopCardStyleFooter: string;
colorCardStyleFooter: string;
import { CardStyleTheme } from './theme';
export { CardStyleTheme };
declare type HTMLDivElements = React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>;

@@ -28,0 +6,0 @@ declare type ThemeVar = ThemeVariantValueOptions<typeof CardStyleTheme>;

"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault")["default"];
var _interopRequireWildcard = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireWildcard")["default"];
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.CardStyleWarp = exports.CardStyleTheme = exports.CardStyleHeadTitle = exports.CardStyleHeadExtra = exports.CardStyleHead = exports.CardStyleFooter = exports.CardBody = void 0;
exports.CardStyleHeadTitle = exports.CardStyleHeadExtra = exports.CardStyleHead = exports.CardStyleFooter = exports.CardBody = void 0;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "CardStyleTheme", {
enumerable: true,
get: function get() {
return _theme.CardStyleTheme;
exports.CardStyleWarp = void 0;
var _taggedTemplateLiteral2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/taggedTemplateLiteral"));
var _objectSpread2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/objectSpread2"));
var _styledComponents = _interopRequireWildcard(require("styled-components"));
var _utils = require("@uiw/utils");
var _utils2 = require("./utils");
var _theme = require("./theme");
var _templateObject, _templateObject2, _templateObject3, _templateObject4, _templateObject5, _templateObject6, _templateObject7;
var CardStyleTheme = {
borderRadiusLarge: '5px',
fontSizeDefault: '14px',
lineHeightDefault: 1.5,
borderColorBaseActive: '#CCCCCC',
borderColorBase: '#e9e9e9',
backgroundColorBase: '#fff',
heightCardStyleHead: '40px',
paddingVerticalCardStyleHead: 0,
paddingHorizontalCardStyleHead: '14px',
borderRadius1CardStyleHead: '2px',
borderRadius2CardStyleHead: '2px',
borderRadius3CardStyleHead: 0,
borderRadius4CardStyleHead: 0,
colorBase: '#393e48',
rightCardStyleHeadExtra: '16px',
topCardStyleHeadExtra: 0,
paddingCardBody: '14px',
borderTopCardBody: '1px solid #e9e9e9',
paddingVerticalCardStyleFooter: '8px',
paddingHorizontalCardStyleFooter: '10px',
borderTopCardStyleFooter: '1px solid #F2F2F2',
colorCardStyleFooter: '#999999'
exports.CardStyleTheme = CardStyleTheme;
var propsTheme = {
defaultTheme: (0, _objectSpread2["default"])({}, CardStyleTheme)
defaultTheme: (0, _objectSpread2["default"])({}, _theme.CardStyleTheme)
var CardStyleHead = _styledComponents["default"].div(_templateObject || (_templateObject = (0, _taggedTemplateLiteral2["default"])(["\n height: ", ";\n line-height: ", ";\n padding: ", ";\n border-radius: ", ";\n zoom: 1;\n"])), function (props) {

@@ -58,9 +31,7 @@ return (0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)((0, _objectSpread2["default"])((0, _objectSpread2["default"])({}, props), propsTheme), 'heightCardStyleHead');

}, function (props) {
return "\n ".concat((0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)((0, _objectSpread2["default"])((0, _objectSpread2["default"])({}, props), propsTheme), 'paddingVerticalCardStyleHead'), " ").concat((0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)(props, 'paddingHorizontalCardStyleHead'), "\n ");
return "\n ".concat((0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)((0, _objectSpread2["default"])((0, _objectSpread2["default"])({}, props), propsTheme), 'paddingVerticalCardStyleHead'), " ").concat((0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)((0, _objectSpread2["default"])((0, _objectSpread2["default"])({}, props), propsTheme), 'paddingHorizontalCardStyleHead'), "\n ");
}, function (props) {
return "\n ".concat((0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)((0, _objectSpread2["default"])((0, _objectSpread2["default"])({}, props), propsTheme), 'borderRadius1CardStyleHead'), " ").concat((0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)(props, 'borderRadius2CardStyleHead'), " ").concat((0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)((0, _objectSpread2["default"])((0, _objectSpread2["default"])({}, props), propsTheme), 'borderRadius3CardStyleHead'), " ").concat((0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)(props, 'borderRadius4CardStyleHead'), "\n ");
return "\n ".concat((0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)((0, _objectSpread2["default"])((0, _objectSpread2["default"])({}, props), propsTheme), 'borderRadius1CardStyleHead'), " ").concat((0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)(props, 'borderRadius2CardStyleHead'), " ").concat((0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)((0, _objectSpread2["default"])((0, _objectSpread2["default"])({}, props), propsTheme), 'borderRadius3CardStyleHead'), " ").concat((0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)((0, _objectSpread2["default"])((0, _objectSpread2["default"])({}, props), propsTheme), 'borderRadius4CardStyleHead'), "\n ");
exports.CardStyleHead = CardStyleHead;
var CardStyleHeadTitle = _styledComponents["default"].div(_templateObject2 || (_templateObject2 = (0, _taggedTemplateLiteral2["default"])(["\n font-size: ", ";\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n max-width: 100%;\n overflow: hidden;\n white-space: nowrap;\n color: ", ";\n font-weight: 500;\n display: inline-block;\n"])), function (props) {

@@ -71,5 +42,3 @@ return (0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)((0, _objectSpread2["default"])((0, _objectSpread2["default"])({}, props), propsTheme), 'fontSizeDefault');

exports.CardStyleHeadTitle = CardStyleHeadTitle;
var CardStyleHeadExtra = _styledComponents["default"].div(_templateObject3 || (_templateObject3 = (0, _taggedTemplateLiteral2["default"])(["\n position: absolute;\n right: ", ";\n top: ", ";\n"])), function (props) {

@@ -80,5 +49,3 @@ return (0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)((0, _objectSpread2["default"])((0, _objectSpread2["default"])({}, props), propsTheme), 'rightCardStyleHeadExtra');

exports.CardStyleHeadExtra = CardStyleHeadExtra;
var CardBody = _styledComponents["default"].div(_templateObject4 || (_templateObject4 = (0, _taggedTemplateLiteral2["default"])(["\n padding: ", ";\n ", " + & {\n border-top: ", ";\n }\n"])), function (props) {

@@ -89,5 +56,3 @@ return (0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)((0, _objectSpread2["default"])((0, _objectSpread2["default"])({}, props), propsTheme), 'paddingCardBody');

exports.CardBody = CardBody;
var CardStyleFooter = _styledComponents["default"].div(_templateObject5 || (_templateObject5 = (0, _taggedTemplateLiteral2["default"])(["\n padding: ", ";\n color: ", ";\n a {\n color: ", ";\n }\n ", " + & {\n border-top: ", ";\n }\n"])), function (props) {

@@ -102,5 +67,3 @@ return "\n ".concat((0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)((0, _objectSpread2["default"])((0, _objectSpread2["default"])({}, props), propsTheme), 'paddingVerticalCardStyleFooter'), " ").concat((0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)(props, 'paddingHorizontalCardStyleFooter'), " \n ");

exports.CardStyleFooter = CardStyleFooter;
var CardStyleWarp = _styledComponents["default"].div(_templateObject6 || (_templateObject6 = (0, _taggedTemplateLiteral2["default"])(["\n background: ", ";\n border-radius: ", ";\n font-size: ", ";\n line-height: ", ";\n position: relative;\n transition: all 0.3s;\n ", "\n ", "\n ", "\n"])), function (props) {

@@ -123,22 +86,3 @@ return (0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)((0, _objectSpread2["default"])((0, _objectSpread2["default"])({}, props), propsTheme), 'backgroundColorBase');

exports.CardStyleWarp = CardStyleWarp;
CardStyleWarp.defaultProps = {
defaultTheme: CardStyleTheme
CardStyleHead.defaultProps = {
defaultTheme: CardStyleTheme
CardStyleHeadTitle.defaultProps = {
defaultTheme: CardStyleTheme
CardStyleHeadExtra.defaultProps = {
defaultTheme: CardStyleTheme
CardBody.defaultProps = {
defaultTheme: CardStyleTheme
CardStyleFooter.defaultProps = {
defaultTheme: CardStyleTheme
import { ThemeVariantValueOptions } from '@uiw/utils';
import { CardStyleTheme } from './index';
import { CardStyleTheme } from './theme';
declare type ThemeVar = ThemeVariantValueOptions<typeof CardStyleTheme>;

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ export interface CardStyleWarpProps extends ThemeVar {

"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault")["default"];
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {

@@ -9,19 +8,11 @@ value: true

exports.getNoHover = exports.getActive = void 0;
var _taggedTemplateLiteral2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/taggedTemplateLiteral"));
var _objectSpread2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/objectSpread2"));
var _styledComponents = require("styled-components");
var _utils = require("@uiw/utils");
var _index = require("./index");
var _theme = require("./theme");
var _templateObject, _templateObject2, _templateObject3, _templateObject4;
var propsTheme = {
defaultTheme: (0, _objectSpread2["default"])({}, _index.CardStyleTheme)
defaultTheme: (0, _objectSpread2["default"])({}, _theme.CardStyleTheme)
var getHoverOrActive = function getHoverOrActive(props) {

@@ -34,3 +25,3 @@ return (0, _styledComponents.css)(_templateObject || (_templateObject = (0, _taggedTemplateLiteral2["default"])(["\n box-shadow: 0 1px 6px ", ";\n border-color: ", ";\n"])), function () {

console.log('333', _theme.CardStyleTheme, (0, _utils.getThemeVariantValue)((0, _objectSpread2["default"])({}, propsTheme), 'borderColorBaseActive'));
var getNoHover = function getNoHover(props) {

@@ -42,8 +33,5 @@ if (!props.noHover) {

return (0, _styledComponents.css)(_templateObject3 || (_templateObject3 = (0, _taggedTemplateLiteral2["default"])([""])));
exports.getNoHover = getNoHover;
var getActive = function getActive(props) {

@@ -53,7 +41,5 @@ if ( {

return "";
exports.getActive = getActive;

@@ -11,16 +11,15 @@ import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/extends";

var {
prefixCls = 'w-card',
bordered = true,
noHover = false,
active = false,
} = props,
resetProps = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(props, _excluded);
prefixCls = 'w-card',
bordered = true,
noHover = false,
active = false,
} = props,
resetProps = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(props, _excluded);
var cls = useMemo(() => [prefixCls, className, bordered ? prefixCls + "-bordered" : null, noHover ? prefixCls + "-no-hover" : null, active ? 'active' : null].filter(Boolean).join(' ').trim(), [prefixCls, className, bordered, noHover]);

@@ -27,0 +26,0 @@ return /*#__PURE__*/_jsxs(CardStyleWarp, _extends({}, resetProps, {

import { ThemeVariantValueOptions } from '@uiw/utils';
import { CardStyleWarpProps } from './utils';
export declare const CardStyleTheme: {
borderRadiusLarge: string;
fontSizeDefault: string;
lineHeightDefault: number;
borderColorBaseActive: string;
borderColorBase: string;
backgroundColorBase: string;
heightCardStyleHead: string;
paddingVerticalCardStyleHead: number;
paddingHorizontalCardStyleHead: string;
borderRadius1CardStyleHead: string;
borderRadius2CardStyleHead: string;
borderRadius3CardStyleHead: number;
borderRadius4CardStyleHead: number;
colorBase: string;
rightCardStyleHeadExtra: string;
topCardStyleHeadExtra: number;
paddingCardBody: string;
borderTopCardBody: string;
paddingVerticalCardStyleFooter: string;
paddingHorizontalCardStyleFooter: string;
borderTopCardStyleFooter: string;
colorCardStyleFooter: string;
import { CardStyleTheme } from './theme';
export { CardStyleTheme };
declare type HTMLDivElements = React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>;

@@ -28,0 +6,0 @@ declare type ThemeVar = ThemeVariantValueOptions<typeof CardStyleTheme>;

import _taggedTemplateLiteralLoose from "@babel/runtime/helpers/taggedTemplateLiteralLoose";
import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/extends";
var _templateObject, _templateObject2, _templateObject3, _templateObject4, _templateObject5, _templateObject6, _templateObject7;
import styled, { css } from 'styled-components';
import { getThemeVariantValue } from '@uiw/utils';
import { getActive, getNoHover } from './utils';
export var CardStyleTheme = {
borderRadiusLarge: '5px',
fontSizeDefault: '14px',
lineHeightDefault: 1.5,
borderColorBaseActive: '#CCCCCC',
borderColorBase: '#e9e9e9',
backgroundColorBase: '#fff',
heightCardStyleHead: '40px',
paddingVerticalCardStyleHead: 0,
paddingHorizontalCardStyleHead: '14px',
borderRadius1CardStyleHead: '2px',
borderRadius2CardStyleHead: '2px',
borderRadius3CardStyleHead: 0,
borderRadius4CardStyleHead: 0,
colorBase: '#393e48',
rightCardStyleHeadExtra: '16px',
topCardStyleHeadExtra: 0,
paddingCardBody: '14px',
borderTopCardBody: '1px solid #e9e9e9',
paddingVerticalCardStyleFooter: '8px',
paddingHorizontalCardStyleFooter: '10px',
borderTopCardStyleFooter: '1px solid #F2F2F2',
colorCardStyleFooter: '#999999'
import { CardStyleTheme } from './theme';
export { CardStyleTheme };
var propsTheme = {
defaultTheme: _extends({}, CardStyleTheme)
export var CardStyleHead = styled.div(_templateObject || (_templateObject = _taggedTemplateLiteralLoose(["\n height: ", ";\n line-height: ", ";\n padding: ", ";\n border-radius: ", ";\n zoom: 1;\n"])), props => getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'heightCardStyleHead'), props => getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'heightCardStyleHead'), props => "\n " + getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'paddingVerticalCardStyleHead') + " " + getThemeVariantValue(props, 'paddingHorizontalCardStyleHead') + "\n ", props => "\n " + getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'borderRadius1CardStyleHead') + " " + getThemeVariantValue(props, 'borderRadius2CardStyleHead') + " " + getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'borderRadius3CardStyleHead') + " " + getThemeVariantValue(props, 'borderRadius4CardStyleHead') + "\n ");
export var CardStyleHead = styled.div(_templateObject || (_templateObject = _taggedTemplateLiteralLoose(["\n height: ", ";\n line-height: ", ";\n padding: ", ";\n border-radius: ", ";\n zoom: 1;\n"])), props => getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'heightCardStyleHead'), props => getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'heightCardStyleHead'), props => "\n " + getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'paddingVerticalCardStyleHead') + " " + getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'paddingHorizontalCardStyleHead') + "\n ", props => "\n " + getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'borderRadius1CardStyleHead') + " " + getThemeVariantValue(props, 'borderRadius2CardStyleHead') + " " + getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'borderRadius3CardStyleHead') + " " + getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'borderRadius4CardStyleHead') + "\n ");
export var CardStyleHeadTitle = styled.div(_templateObject2 || (_templateObject2 = _taggedTemplateLiteralLoose(["\n font-size: ", ";\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n max-width: 100%;\n overflow: hidden;\n white-space: nowrap;\n color: ", ";\n font-weight: 500;\n display: inline-block;\n"])), props => getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'fontSizeDefault'), props => getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'colorBase'));

@@ -42,20 +18,2 @@ export var CardStyleHeadExtra = styled.div(_templateObject3 || (_templateObject3 = _taggedTemplateLiteralLoose(["\n position: absolute;\n right: ", ";\n top: ", ";\n"])), props => getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'rightCardStyleHeadExtra'), props => getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'topCardStyleHeadExtra'));

export var CardStyleWarp = styled.div(_templateObject6 || (_templateObject6 = _taggedTemplateLiteralLoose(["\n background: ", ";\n border-radius: ", ";\n font-size: ", ";\n line-height: ", ";\n position: relative;\n transition: all 0.3s;\n ", "\n ", "\n ", "\n"])), props => getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'backgroundColorBase'), props => getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'borderRadiusLarge'), props => getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'fontSizeDefault'), props => getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'lineHeightDefault'), props => props.bordered && css(_templateObject7 || (_templateObject7 = _taggedTemplateLiteralLoose(["\n border: 1px solid ", ";\n "])), props => getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'borderColorBase')), props => getNoHover(props), props => getActive(props));
CardStyleWarp.defaultProps = {
defaultTheme: CardStyleTheme
CardStyleHead.defaultProps = {
defaultTheme: CardStyleTheme
CardStyleHeadTitle.defaultProps = {
defaultTheme: CardStyleTheme
CardStyleHeadExtra.defaultProps = {
defaultTheme: CardStyleTheme
CardBody.defaultProps = {
defaultTheme: CardStyleTheme
CardStyleFooter.defaultProps = {
defaultTheme: CardStyleTheme
import { ThemeVariantValueOptions } from '@uiw/utils';
import { CardStyleTheme } from './index';
import { CardStyleTheme } from './theme';
declare type ThemeVar = ThemeVariantValueOptions<typeof CardStyleTheme>;

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ export interface CardStyleWarpProps extends ThemeVar {

import _taggedTemplateLiteralLoose from "@babel/runtime/helpers/taggedTemplateLiteralLoose";
import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/extends";
var _templateObject, _templateObject2, _templateObject3, _templateObject4;
import { css } from 'styled-components';
import { getThemeVariantValue } from '@uiw/utils';
import { CardStyleTheme } from './index';
import { CardStyleTheme } from './theme';
var propsTheme = {
defaultTheme: _extends({}, CardStyleTheme)
var getHoverOrActive = props => css(_templateObject || (_templateObject = _taggedTemplateLiteralLoose(["\n box-shadow: 0 1px 6px ", ";\n border-color: ", ";\n"])), () => getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'borderColorBaseActive'), () => getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, props, propsTheme), 'borderColorBaseActive'));
console.log('333', CardStyleTheme, getThemeVariantValue(_extends({}, propsTheme), 'borderColorBaseActive'));
export var getNoHover = props => {

@@ -19,3 +16,2 @@ if (!props.noHover) {

return css(_templateObject3 || (_templateObject3 = _taggedTemplateLiteralLoose([""])));

@@ -27,5 +23,4 @@ };

return "";
"name": "@uiw/react-card",
"version": "5.0.0-bate-1",
"version": "5.0.0-bate-10",
"description": "Card component",

@@ -48,3 +48,3 @@ "author": "Kenny Wong <>",

"dependencies": {
"@uiw/utils": "^5.0.0-bate-1"
"@uiw/utils": "^5.0.0-bate-10"

@@ -51,0 +51,0 @@ "devDependencies": {

import styled, { css } from 'styled-components';
import { getThemeVariantValue, ThemeVariantValueOptions } from '@uiw/utils';
import { CardStyleWarpProps, getActive, getNoHover } from './utils';
export const CardStyleTheme = {
borderRadiusLarge: '5px',
fontSizeDefault: '14px',
lineHeightDefault: 1.5,
borderColorBaseActive: '#CCCCCC',
borderColorBase: '#e9e9e9',
backgroundColorBase: '#fff',
heightCardStyleHead: '40px',
paddingVerticalCardStyleHead: 0,
paddingHorizontalCardStyleHead: '14px',
borderRadius1CardStyleHead: '2px',
borderRadius2CardStyleHead: '2px',
borderRadius3CardStyleHead: 0,
borderRadius4CardStyleHead: 0,
colorBase: '#393e48',
rightCardStyleHeadExtra: '16px',
topCardStyleHeadExtra: 0,
paddingCardBody: '14px',
borderTopCardBody: '1px solid #e9e9e9',
paddingVerticalCardStyleFooter: '8px',
paddingHorizontalCardStyleFooter: '10px',
borderTopCardStyleFooter: '1px solid #F2F2F2',
colorCardStyleFooter: '#999999',
import { CardStyleTheme } from './theme';
export { CardStyleTheme };
const propsTheme = {

@@ -48,3 +20,3 @@ defaultTheme: { ...CardStyleTheme },

${getThemeVariantValue({ ...props, ...propsTheme }, 'paddingVerticalCardStyleHead')} ${getThemeVariantValue(
{ ...props, ...propsTheme },

@@ -58,3 +30,3 @@ )}

)} ${getThemeVariantValue({ ...props, ...propsTheme }, 'borderRadius3CardStyleHead')} ${getThemeVariantValue(
{ ...props, ...propsTheme },

@@ -122,13 +94,1 @@ )}

CardStyleWarp.defaultProps = { defaultTheme: CardStyleTheme };
CardStyleHead.defaultProps = { defaultTheme: CardStyleTheme };
CardStyleHeadTitle.defaultProps = { defaultTheme: CardStyleTheme };
CardStyleHeadExtra.defaultProps = { defaultTheme: CardStyleTheme };
CardBody.defaultProps = { defaultTheme: CardStyleTheme };
CardStyleFooter.defaultProps = { defaultTheme: CardStyleTheme };
import { css } from 'styled-components';
import { ThemeVariantValueOptions, getThemeVariantValue } from '@uiw/utils';
import { CardStyleTheme } from './index';
import { CardStyleTheme } from './theme';
type ThemeVar = ThemeVariantValueOptions<typeof CardStyleTheme>;

@@ -17,2 +18,3 @@ const propsTheme = {

console.log('333', CardStyleTheme, getThemeVariantValue({ ...propsTheme }, 'borderColorBaseActive'));

@@ -19,0 +21,0 @@ export const getNoHover = (props: CardStyleWarpProps) => {

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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