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Comparing version 1.1.9 to 1.2.0



@@ -1,10 +0,565 @@

!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(t):(e="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:e||self).marmot=t()}(this,(function(){"use strict";function e(e){return e&&e.__esModule&&,"default")?e.default:e}
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
(global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, global.marmot = factory());
})(this, (function () { 'use strict';
function getDefaultExportFromCjs (x) {
return x && x.__esModule &&, 'default') ? x['default'] : x;
* [@uking/marmot]{@link}
* @namespace marmot
* @version 1.1.9
* @version 1.2.0
* @author uking []
* @copyright uking 2024
* @license MIT
*/const t="v-if",n="v-else-if",s="v-else",r="v-for",l={script:1,style:1,template:1,textarea:1,pre:1,code:1,noscript:1,noframes:1,iframe:1},i={area:1,base:1,br:1,col:1,embed:1,hr:1,img:1,input:1,link:1,meta:1,param:1,command:1,keygen:1,source:1,track:1,wbr:1,menuitem:1,frame:1},o=/\{\{(.*?)}}/g,a=["Template","Slot"],u=new Error("v-for must have source and value.");const c=(e,t,n,s,r)=>{let{s:l,v:i}=e;if(i.length)throw Error("not support dynamic value in template");return f(l[0].replace(/\s{2,}/g," ").replace(/[\r\t\n]/g,"").replace(/>(\s*)</g,"><").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""),t,n,s,r)};function f(e,t,n,s,r){let o="";r=r||{},s=s||{},t=t||{},n=n||{};let a=/<([A-Za-z!][A-Za-z0-9-]*)/g,c=a.exec(e);if(c){let h=null;for(;c;){if(c.index>0){let l=e.substring(0,c.index).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");l&&(o+=f(l,t,n,s,r)),e=e.substring(c.index),a.lastIndex=0,c=a.exec(e);continue}let O=c[1],y=-1,A="",I="",W=!1,k=!1;if(O.startsWith("!--")){A="--\x3e",y=e.indexOf(A)+A.length,o+=e.substring(0,y),e=e.substring(y),a.lastIndex=0,c=a.exec(e);continue}"!DOCTYPE"===O?(k=!1,A=">",y=e.indexOf(A)+A.length,I=e.substring(0,y),W=!0):(y=v(e),k=/^[A-Z]/.test(O),I=e.substring(0,y),W=!!i[O]||I.endsWith("/>"),A=W?"/>":">");let C=$(I),S=x(C.if,h,n,s);if(h=S.ifCondition,S.condition){if(W)if("Slot"===O){let"default";o+=r[e]||"",r[e]=""}else if(C.for){let e=g(C.for);if(!e.sourceExp||!e.valueExp)throw u;let l=n[e.sourceExp]||d(e.sourceExp);for(let i in l){let a={};e.indexExp&&(a[e.indexExp]=m(i)),a[e.valueExp]=l[i];let u=j(C.attrs,a,s);a=Object.assign(a,u),o+=k?b(O,t,a,s,r):w(O,C.attrs,A,Object.assign(n,a),s)}}else if(k){let e=j(C.attrs,n,s);o+=b(O,t,Object.assign({},n,e),s,r)}else o+=w(O,C.attrs,A,n,s);else{let i="Template"===O,a=`</${O}>`,c=E(e.substring(y),O);if(-1===c)throw new Error(`End tag ${a} not found.`);c+=y;let h=e.substring(y,c);if(k){let e=C.attrs.slot?C.attrs.slot.value:"default",l="";if(C.for){let e=g(C.for);if(!e.sourceExp||!e.valueExp)throw u;let i=n[e.sourceExp]||d(e.sourceExp);for(let o in i){let a={};e.indexExp&&(a[e.indexExp]=m(o)),a[e.valueExp]=i[o];let u=j(C.attrs,a,s);a=Object.assign(n,a,u),l+=f(h,t,a,s,r)}}else l=f(h,t,n,s,r);if(r[e]=l,!i){let e=j(C.attrs,n,s);o+=b(O,t,Object.assign({},n,e),s,r)}}else if(1===l[O])o+=w(O,C.attrs,A,n,s),o+=p(h,n,s),o+=`</${O}>`;else if(C.for){let e=g(C.for);if(!e.sourceExp||!e.valueExp)throw u;let l=n[e.sourceExp]||d(e.sourceExp);for(let n in l){let i={};e.indexExp&&(i[e.indexExp]=m(n)),i[e.valueExp]=l[n];let a=j(C.attrs,i,s);i=Object.assign(i,a),o+=w(O,C.attrs,A,i,s),o+=f(h,t,i,s,r),o+=`</${O}>`}}else o+=w(O,C.attrs,A,n,s),o+=f(h,t,n,s,r),o+=`</${O}>`;y=c+a.length}e=e.substring(y),a.lastIndex=0,c=a.exec(e),!c&&e&&(o+=f(e,t,n,s,r))}else e=e.substring(y),a.lastIndex=0,c=a.exec(e)}}else o+=p(e,n,s);return o}function p(e,t,n){return e.replace(o,((e,s)=>{try{return h(s,t,n)}catch(t){return e}}))}function h(e,t,n){let s={__c:n};s=Object.assign(t,s);let r=Object.keys(s),l=Object.values(s);return new Function(...r,`return ${e}`)(...l)}function x(e,s,r,l){let i=!0;if(e)if(,r,l);else if({if(null===s)throw new Error("previous node missing v-if");i=s?!s:s=h(e.value,r,l)}else{if(null===s)throw new Error("previous node missing v-if or v-else-if");i=!s}else s=null;return{ifCondition:s,condition:i}}function g(e){let t=/^\(|\)$/g,n=/,([^,}\]]*)(?:,([^,}\]]*))?$/,s=e.match(/([\s\S]*?)\s+(?:in|of)\s+([\s\S]*)/),r=null,l=null,i=null;if(s){r=s[2].trim(),l=s[1].trim().replace(t,"").trim();let e=l.match(n);e&&(l=l.replace(n,"").trim(),i=e[1].trim())}return{sourceExp:r,valueExp:l,indexExp:i}}function d(e){let t=parseInt(e);return isNaN(t)||t<1?[]:Array.from({length:t},((e,t)=>t+1))}function m(e){let t=parseInt(e);return isNaN(t)?e:t}function b(e,t,n,s,r){let l=t[e];if(!l)throw new Error(`Component ${e} not found.`);let i=new l(s),o=Object.assign({},,n);return c(i.render(),i.components(),o,i.context,r)}function E(e,t){let n=new RegExp(`<${t}(?![A-Za-z0-9-])`,"g"),s=new RegExp(`</${t}>`,"g"),r=new RegExp(`</${t}>`,"g"),l=s.exec(e);if(!l)return-1;for(;l;){let t=e.slice(0,l.index),i=t.match(n),o=t.match(r);if(!i&&(i=[]),!o&&(o=[]),i.length===o.length)return l.index;l=s.exec(e)}return-1}function v(e){let t=-1,n=/(\/)?>/g,s=/(")/g,r=/(')/g,l=n.exec(e);for(;l;){let i=e.substring(0,l.index+l[0].length),o=i.match(s),a=i.match(r);if(!o&&(o=[]),!a&&(a=[]),o.length%2==0&&a.length%2==0){t=l.index+l[0].length;break}l=n.exec(e)}if(-1===t)throw new Error("Invalid HTML");return t}function $(e){let t={hasExp:!1,if:null,for:null,attrs:{}},n=e.match(/([^\s"'<>\/=]+)(?:\s*(=)\s*(?:"([^"]*)"|'([^']*)'|([^\s"'=<>`]+)))?/g);for(let e=1;e<n.length;e++){let l=n[e],i=[],o=l.indexOf("=");-1===o?i.push(l):(i.push(l.substring(0,o)),i.push(l.substring(o+1)));let a=i[0],u=a===s?null:!(i.length>1)||i[1].slice(1,-1);a.startsWith(":")?(!t.hasExp&&(t.hasExp=!0),t.attrs[a]={value:u,isExp:!0}):a.startsWith("v-")?a===r?t.for=u:t.if={name:a,value:u}:t.attrs[a]={value:u,isExp:!1}}return t}function w(e,t,n,s,r){let l=[],i=[];l.push(`<${e}`);for(let e in t)if(e.includes("class"))if(e.startsWith(":")){let n=t[e].value,l="class"===n?"":h(n,s,r),;if("[object Object]"===o)for(let e in l)l[e]&&i.push(e);else if("[object Array]"===o)i.push(...l);else{let e=l.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"").split(/\s+/g);i.push(...e)}}else{let n=t[e].value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"").split(/\s+/g);i.push(...n)}else if(e.startsWith(":")){let n=t[e].value;e=e.slice(1);let i=h(n,s,r),;if("[object Boolean]"===o)i&&l.push(e);else if("[object Array]"===o)l.push(>`${e}="${t}"`)));else if("[object Object]"===o)for(let t in i)i[t]&&l.push(`${e}="${t}"`);else l.push(`${e}="${i}"`)}else{let n=t[e].value;"boolean"===typeof n?n&&l.push(e):l.push(`${e}="${n}"`)}return i.length&&l.push(`class="${i.join(" ")}"`),l.join(" ")+n}function j(e,t,n){let s={};for(let r in e){let l=e[r].value;r.startsWith(":")?s[r.slice(1)]=h(l,t,n):s[r]=l}return s}return e({render:c,Component:class{constructor(e={}){this.context=e||{};let;if(a.includes(t))throw new Error(`Component ${t} is a reserved keyword.`);||{},,this.functions()||{})}functions(){}data(){}components(){}render(){}},html:(e,...t)=>({s:e,v:t})})}));
var src;
var hasRequiredSrc;
function requireSrc () {
if (hasRequiredSrc) return src;
hasRequiredSrc = 1;
const ExpType = {
V_IF: 'v-if',
V_ELSE_IF: 'v-else-if',
V_ELSE: 'v-else',
V_FOR: 'v-for',
const notRenderTag = {
script: 1,
style: 1,
template: 1,
textarea: 1,
pre: 1,
code: 1,
noscript: 1,
noframes: 1,
iframe: 1,
const selfClosingTag = {
area: 1,
base: 1,
br: 1,
col: 1,
embed: 1,
hr: 1,
img: 1,
input: 1,
link: 1,
meta: 1,
param: 1,
command: 1,
keygen: 1,
source: 1,
track: 1,
wbr: 1,
menuitem: 1,
frame: 1
const varReg = /\{\{(.*?)}}/g;
const reservedKeys = ['Template', 'Slot'];
// const htmlTagRegex = /<\/?\w+(\s+("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^>])+)?>/g;
// const attributeRegex = /([^\s"'<>\/=]+)(?:\s*(=)\s*(?:"([^"]*)"|'([^']*)'|([^\s"'=<>`]+)))?/g;
const err = new Error(`v-for must have source and value.`);
class Component {
constructor(context = {}) {
this.context = context || {};
let name =;
if (reservedKeys.includes(name)) {
throw new Error(`Component ${name} is a reserved keyword.`)
} = || {}; = Object.assign(, this.functions() || {});
functions() {
data() {
components() {
render() {
const html = (s, ...v) => ({s, v});
const render = (node, components, data, context, slots) => {
let {s, v} = node;
if (v.length) throw Error(`not support dynamic value in template`)
let str = s[0].replace(/\s{2,}/g, " ")
.replace(/[\r\t\n]/g, "")
.replace(/>(\s*)</g, "><")
.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
return _renderToString(str, components, data, context, slots)
function _renderToString(strings, components, data, context, slots) {
let html = '';
slots = slots || {};
context = context || {};
components = components || {};
data = data || {};
let tagReg = /<([A-Za-z!][A-Za-z0-9-]*)/g;
// let componentReg = /<([A-Z]\w*)/g
let match = tagReg.exec(strings);
if (match) {
let ifCondition = null;
while (match) {
if (match.index > 0) {
let text = strings.substring(0, match.index).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
text&&(html += _renderToString(text, components, data, context, slots));
// if(text){
// html += _renderToString(text, components, data, context, slots)
// }
strings = strings.substring(match.index);
tagReg.lastIndex = 0;
match = tagReg.exec(strings);
// let node = {name: match[1], endTagMarkPosition: -1}
let nodeName = match[1];
let nodeTagEndMarkPosition = -1;
let nodeTagEndMark = '';
let nodeRaw = '';
let isCloseTag = false;
let isComponent = false;
if (nodeName.startsWith("!--")) {
// node.type = NodeType.COMMENT_NODE
nodeTagEndMark = '-->';
nodeTagEndMarkPosition = strings.indexOf(nodeTagEndMark) + nodeTagEndMark.length;
// nodeRaw = strings.substring(0, nodeTagEndMarkPosition)
// isCloseTag = true
html += strings.substring(0, nodeTagEndMarkPosition);
strings = strings.substring(nodeTagEndMarkPosition);
tagReg.lastIndex = 0;
match = tagReg.exec(strings);
} else if (nodeName === '!DOCTYPE') {
// node.type = NodeType.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE
isComponent = false;
nodeTagEndMark = '>';
nodeTagEndMarkPosition = strings.indexOf(nodeTagEndMark) + nodeTagEndMark.length;
nodeRaw = strings.substring(0, nodeTagEndMarkPosition);
isCloseTag = true;
} else {
nodeTagEndMarkPosition = findBeginTagMarkPosition(strings);
isComponent = /^[A-Z]/.test(nodeName);
nodeRaw = strings.substring(0, nodeTagEndMarkPosition);
isCloseTag = selfClosingTag[nodeName] ? true : nodeRaw.endsWith('/>');
nodeTagEndMark = isCloseTag ? '/>' : '>';
let prop = findHtmlAttributes(nodeRaw);
// node = Object.assign(node, prop)
let vif = buildIfCondition(prop.if, ifCondition, data, context);
ifCondition = vif.ifCondition;
if (!vif.condition) {
strings = strings.substring(nodeTagEndMarkPosition);
tagReg.lastIndex = 0;
match = tagReg.exec(strings);
if (isCloseTag) {
if (nodeName === 'Slot') {
let slotName = ? : 'default';
html += slots[slotName] || '';
slots[slotName] = '';
} else {
if (prop.for) {
let vFor = buildForCondition(prop.for);
if (!vFor.sourceExp || !vFor.valueExp) throw err
let d = data[vFor.sourceExp] || buildRange(vFor.sourceExp);
for (let key in d) {
let obj = {};
vFor.indexExp && (obj[vFor.indexExp] = transformIndex(key));
obj[vFor.valueExp] = d[key];
let attrs = buildAttributes(prop.attrs, obj, context);
obj = Object.assign(obj, attrs);
if (isComponent) {
html += _renderComponent(nodeName, components, obj, context, slots);
} else {
html += buildTagByProp(nodeName, prop.attrs, nodeTagEndMark, Object.assign(data,obj), context);
} else {
if (isComponent) {
let attrs = buildAttributes(prop.attrs, data, context);
let obj = Object.assign({}, data, attrs);
html += _renderComponent(nodeName, components, obj, context, slots);
} else {
html += buildTagByProp(nodeName, prop.attrs, nodeTagEndMark, data, context);
} else {
let isTemplate = nodeName === 'Template';
let endTag = `</${nodeName}>`;
let endIndex = findNodeEndTagPosition(strings.substring(nodeTagEndMarkPosition), nodeName);
if (endIndex === -1) {
throw new Error(`End tag ${endTag} not found.`)
endIndex += nodeTagEndMarkPosition;
let tmp = strings.substring(nodeTagEndMarkPosition, endIndex);
if (isComponent) {
let slotName = prop.attrs.slot ? prop.attrs.slot.value : 'default';
let tmpHtml = '';
if (prop.for) {
let vFor = buildForCondition(prop.for);
if (!vFor.sourceExp || !vFor.valueExp) throw err
let d = data[vFor.sourceExp] || buildRange(vFor.sourceExp);
for (let key in d) {
let obj = {};
vFor.indexExp && (obj[vFor.indexExp] = transformIndex(key));
obj[vFor.valueExp] = d[key];
let attrs = buildAttributes(prop.attrs, obj, context);
obj = Object.assign(data,obj, attrs);
tmpHtml += _renderToString(tmp, components, obj, context, slots);
} else {
tmpHtml = _renderToString(tmp, components, data, context, slots);
slots[slotName] = tmpHtml;
if (!isTemplate) { //如果是组件
let attrs = buildAttributes(prop.attrs, data, context);
let obj = Object.assign({}, data, attrs);
html += _renderComponent(nodeName, components, obj, context, slots);
} else {
if(notRenderTag[nodeName] === 1){
html += buildTagByProp(nodeName, prop.attrs, nodeTagEndMark, data, context);
html += tryEvaluateExp(tmp, data, context);
html += `</${nodeName}>`;
}else {
if (prop.for) {
let vFor = buildForCondition(prop.for);
if (!vFor.sourceExp || !vFor.valueExp) throw err
let d = data[vFor.sourceExp] || buildRange(vFor.sourceExp);
for (let key in d) {
let obj = {};
vFor.indexExp && (obj[vFor.indexExp] = transformIndex(key));
obj[vFor.valueExp] = d[key];
let attrs = buildAttributes(prop.attrs, obj, context);
obj = Object.assign(obj, attrs);
html += buildTagByProp(nodeName, prop.attrs, nodeTagEndMark, obj, context);
html += _renderToString(tmp, components, obj, context, slots);
html += `</${nodeName}>`;
} else {
html += buildTagByProp(nodeName, prop.attrs, nodeTagEndMark, data, context);
html += _renderToString(tmp, components, data, context, slots);
html += `</${nodeName}>`;
nodeTagEndMarkPosition = endIndex + endTag.length;
// strings = strings.substring(node.endTagMarkPosition)
strings = strings.substring(nodeTagEndMarkPosition);
tagReg.lastIndex = 0;
// componentReg.lastIndex = 0
match = tagReg.exec(strings);
if (!match && strings) {
html += _renderToString(strings, components, data, context, slots);
} else {
// let reg = /\{\{(.*?)}}/g;
html += tryEvaluateExp(strings, data, context);
return html
* try to evaluate expression, if error return original string
* @param str
* @param data
* @param context
* @returns {*}
function tryEvaluateExp(str,data,context){
return str.replace(varReg, (match, p1) => {
try {
return evaluateExp(p1, data, context)
}catch (e){
//console.error("rename class to className")
return match
function evaluateExp(exp, data, context) {
// data._c = context
let obj = {__c: context};
obj = Object.assign(data,obj);
let names = Object.keys(obj);
let vals = Object.values(obj);
// console.log(exp)
return new Function(...names, `return ${exp}`)(...vals)
function buildIfCondition(vExp, ifCondition, data, context) {
let condition = true;
if (vExp) {
if ( === ExpType.V_IF) {
ifCondition = evaluateExp(vExp.value, data, context);
condition = ifCondition;
} else if ( === ExpType.V_ELSE_IF) {
if (ifCondition === null) {
throw new Error(`previous node missing v-if`)
if (ifCondition) {
condition = !ifCondition;
} else {
ifCondition = evaluateExp(vExp.value, data, context);
condition = ifCondition;
} else {
if (ifCondition === null) {
throw new Error(`previous node missing v-if or v-else-if`)
condition = !ifCondition;
} else {
ifCondition = null;
return {ifCondition, condition}
function buildForCondition(vExp) {
let exp = vExp;
let forAliasRE = /([\s\S]*?)\s+(?:in|of)\s+([\s\S]*)/;
let stripParentRE = /^\(|\)$/g;
let forIteratorRE = /,([^,}\]]*)(?:,([^,}\]]*))?$/;
let match = exp.match(forAliasRE);
let sourceExp = null;
let valueExp = null;
let indexExp = null;
if (match) {
sourceExp = match[2].trim(); // 获取`(item, index) in value`中`value`
valueExp = match[1].trim().replace(stripParentRE, '').trim();
let indexMatch = valueExp.match(forIteratorRE);
if (indexMatch) {
valueExp = valueExp.replace(forIteratorRE, '').trim(); // 获取`item, index`中的item
indexExp = indexMatch[1].trim();
return {sourceExp, valueExp, indexExp}
function buildRange(end) {
let x = parseInt(end);
if (isNaN(x) || x < 1) {
return []
return Array.from({length: x}, (_, index) => index + 1)
function transformIndex(key) {
let x = parseInt(key);
if (isNaN(x)) {
return key
return x
function _renderComponent(name, components, props, context, slots) {
let MyComponent = components[name];
if (!MyComponent) throw new Error(`Component ${name} not found.`)
let myComponent = new MyComponent(context);
let obj = Object.assign({},,props);
return render(myComponent.render(), myComponent.components(), obj, myComponent.context, slots)
function findNodeEndTagPosition(html, tag) {
let beginTagReg = new RegExp(`<${tag}(?![A-Za-z0-9-])`, 'g');
let endTagReg = new RegExp(`</${tag}>`, 'g');
let endTagReg2 = new RegExp(`</${tag}>`, 'g');
let match = endTagReg.exec(html);
if (!match) return -1
while (match) {
let str = html.slice(0, match.index);
let beginMatch = str.match(beginTagReg);
let endMatch = str.match(endTagReg2);
!beginMatch && (beginMatch = []);
!endMatch && (endMatch = []);
if (beginMatch.length === endMatch.length) {
return match.index
match = endTagReg.exec(html);
return -1
function findBeginTagMarkPosition(html) {
let position = -1;
let endTag = /(\/)?>/g;
let doubleQuote = /(")/g;
let singleQuote = /(')/g;
let matches = endTag.exec(html);
while (matches) {
let str = html.substring(0, matches.index + matches[0].length);
let double = str.match(doubleQuote);
let single = str.match(singleQuote);
!double && (double = []);
!single && (single = []);
if (double.length % 2 === 0 && single.length % 2 === 0) {
position = matches.index + matches[0].length;
matches = endTag.exec(html);
if (position === -1) {
throw new Error("Invalid HTML")
return position
function findHtmlAttributes(node) {
let prop = {
hasExp: false,
// hasIf: false,
if: null,
// hasFor: false,
for: null,
attrs: {},
// endTagMark: '>',
// node.endsWith('/>') && (prop.endTagMark = '/>')
let attributeRegex = /([^\s"'<>\/=]+)(?:\s*(=)\s*(?:"([^"]*)"|'([^']*)'|([^\s"'=<>`]+)))?/g;
let matches = node.match(attributeRegex);
// = matches[0]
for (let i = 1; i < matches.length; i++) {
let str = matches[i];
let arr = [];
let index = str.indexOf('=');
if (index === -1) {
} else {
arr.push(str.substring(0, index));
arr.push(str.substring(index + 1));
// let arr = str.split('=')
let name = arr[0];
let value = name === ExpType.V_ELSE ? null : arr.length > 1 ? arr[1].slice(1, -1) : true;
if (name.startsWith(':')) {
!prop.hasExp && (prop.hasExp = true);
prop.attrs[name] = {value, isExp: true};
} else if (name.startsWith('v-')) {
if (name === ExpType.V_FOR) {
prop.for = value;
} else {
prop.if = {name, value};
} else {
prop.attrs[name] = {value, isExp: false};
return prop
function buildTagByProp(name, attrs, endTagMark, data, context) {
let arr = [];
let classArr = [];
for (let key in attrs) {
if (key.includes('class')) {
if (key.startsWith(":")) {
let val = attrs[key].value;
// if(val==='class') val = `''`
let res = val === 'class' ? '' : evaluateExp(val, data, context);
let type =;
// let t =
// console.log(t)
if (type === '[object Object]') {
for (let k in res) {
res[k] && (classArr.push(k));
} else if( type === '[object Array]' ){ //array
} else {
let tmp = res.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').split(/\s+/g);
} else {
let val = attrs[key].value;
let arr = val.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').split(/\s+/g);
} else {
if (key.startsWith(":")) {
let val = attrs[key].value;
key = key.slice(1);
let res = evaluateExp(val, data, context);
let type =;
if (type === '[object Boolean]') {
res && arr.push(key);
} else if( type === '[object Array]'){
arr.push(> `${key}="${v}"`));
} else if( type === '[object Object]' ){
for (let k in res) {
res[k] && (arr.push(`${key}="${k}"`));
} else {
} else {
let val = attrs[key].value;
let type = typeof val;
if (type === 'boolean') {
val && arr.push(key);
} else {
if (classArr.length) {
arr.push(`class="${classArr.join(' ')}"`);
return arr.join(' ') + endTagMark
function buildAttributes(attrs, data, context) {
let obj = {};
for (let key in attrs) {
let val = attrs[key].value;
if (key.startsWith(':')) {
obj[key.slice(1)] = evaluateExp(val, data, context);
} else {
obj[key] = val;
return obj
src = {
return src;
var srcExports = requireSrc();
var index = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(srcExports);
return index;


"name": "@uking/marmot",
"version": "1.1.9",
"version": "1.2.0",
"description": "A lightweight and fast javascript native template rendering engine that supports browsers, FibJS and NodeJS.",

@@ -24,6 +24,6 @@ "repository": "",

"devDependencies": {
"@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "^25.0.7",
"@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "^28.0.0",
"@rollup/plugin-terser": "^0.4.4",
"rollup": "^4.17.2",
"terser": "^5.31.0"
"rollup": "^4.24.0",
"terser": "^5.34.1"

@@ -30,0 +30,0 @@ "author": "uking <<>>",

@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@

plugins: [commonjs(), terser()],
plugins: [commonjs()],
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