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UXF Core

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UXF Core


  • common modifier classnames for interactive elements (eg. CLASSES.IS_HOVERABLE for is-hoverable classname)
    • focus-visible
    • is-active
    • is-busy
    • is-disabled
    • is-focused
    • is-hoverable
    • is-hovered
    • is-invalid
    • is-loading
    • is-not-hoverable
    • is-readonly
    • is-required
    • is-selected


!!! Required @uxf/resizer version >= 2.3.2 which supported quality parameter.


        "route": "/generated/static/:width(\\d+|x)_:height(\\d+|x)_:fit([a-z]+)_:position([a-z]+)_:background([a-z]+)_:trim([a-z]+)_:quality(\\d+|x)/:version/:filename(*).:extension.:toFormat",
        "source": ""
        "route": "/generated/:namespace/:p1/:p2/:filename([a-f0-9\\-]+)_:width(\\d+|x)_:height(\\d+|x)_:fit([a-z]+)_:position([a-z]+)_:background([a-z]+)_:trim([a-z]+)_:quality(\\d+|x)_:extension.:toFormat",
        "source": "${APP_NAME}-${APP_ENV}/:namespace/:p1/:p2/:filename.:extension"

Usage for generated images

import {resizerImageUrl} from "@uxf/core/utils/resizer";

<img src={resizerImageUrl(file, width, height, params)}/>

Usage for static images

import {resizerImageUrl} from "@uxf/core/utils/resizer";

import staticImage from "./path/to/static-image.png";

<img src={resizerImageUrl(staticImage, width, height, params)}/>
  • Cookie options
    • secure?: boolean;
    • httpOnly?: boolean;
    • path?: string;
import { Cookie } from "@uxf/core/cookie";

// on client
const cookie = Cookie.create();

// in getInitialProps
const cookie = Cookie.create(ctx);

cookie.set("cookie-name", "value", /* ttl in seconds (optional) */, /* options (optional) */)
cookie.delete("cookie-name", /* options (optional) */);

Hooks - @deprecated - will be moved to @uxf/core-react

import { useBodyScrollLock } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useBodyScrollLock";
import { useState } from "react";

const innerRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState<boolean>();

const clearAllOnclose = false;

useBodyScrollLock<HTMLDivElement>(innerRef, isOpen, {
  allowTouchMove: undefined, //
  clearAllOnClose: false, // optionally call clearAllBodyScrollLocks method on unmount
  reserveScrollBarGap: undefined, //

<div ref={innerRef}>Element which activates scroll lock on its parent elements.</div>
import { useIsMounted } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useIsMounted";

const isMounted = useIsMounted();
import { useIsomorphicLayoutEffect } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useIsomorphicLayoutEffect";

useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => {/* code */}, [/* deps */]);
import { useKey } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useKey";
import { useRef } from "react";

const targetRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const disabled = false; // eg. for passing disabled state

useKey<HTMLDivElement>("Enter", () => console.log("callback"), {
  targetRef, // if not provided, then `document` will be used
  type: "keydown"

<div ref={targetRef} tabIndex={0}>Element with callback triggerable by enter key.</div>
import { useMinWindowWidth } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useMinWindowWidth";

const isDesktop = useMinWindowWidth(1200);
const isDesktopWithDebounce = useMinWindowWidth(1200, 200); // will be updated every 200 ms

const example = isDesktop ? "desktop" : "tablet";
const debouncedExample = isDesktopWithDebounce ? "debouncedDesktop" : "debouncedTablet";
import { usePagination } from "@uxf/core/hooks/usePagination";

const paginationItems = usePagination({ page: 1, count: 10 })
import { useRafState } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useRafState";

const [state, setState] = useRafState<boolean>(false);
import { useOnUnmount } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useOnUnmount";

const exampleCallback = () => {};

import { useOnUpdate } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useOnUpdate";

useOnUpdate(() => {/* code */}, [/* deps */]);
import { useWindowScroll } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useWindowScroll";

const windowScroll = useWindowScroll();

const example = windowScroll && windowScroll.y > 100 ? "scroled" : "on top";
import { useWindowSize } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useWindowSize";

const windowSize = useWindowSize();

const example = windowSize && windowSize.width > 1200 ? "desktop" : "tablet";
import { useFocusTrap } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useFocusTrap";
import { useState } from "react";

const [active, setActive] = useState<boolean>();

const focusTrapRef = useFocusTrap(active);

<div ref={focusTrapRef}>Element which trap focus inside if `active` is truthy.</div>
import { useFocusReturn } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useFocusReturn";
import { useState } from "react";

const [active, setActive] = useState<boolean>();

// Returns focus to last active element, e.g. in Modal or Popover
import { useAnchorProps } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useAnchorProps";
import { AnchorHTMLAttributes } from "react";

// extends <a /> by `analyticsCallback`, `disabled`, `loading`, `submit` props
const anchorProps = useAnchorProps<AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>>({
  analyticsCallback: () => console.log("analytics"),
  disabled: false,
  href: "",
  loading: false,
  onClick: () => console.log("success"),
  type: "submit", // simulate <button type="submit" /> function

<a {...anchorProps}>Click me</a>

// example with generics
import { UseAnchorProps, useAnchorProps } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useAnchorProps";
import { AnchorHTMLAttributes } from "react";

interface Props extends UseAnchorProps, AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement> {
  customProp?: boolean;

const anchorProps = useAnchorProps<Props>({
  customProp: true,
  loading: false,
  href: "",

<a {...anchorProps}>Click me</a>

import { useButtonProps } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useButtonProps";
import { ButtonHTMLAttributes } from "react";

// extends <button /> by `analyticsCallback` and `loading` props
const buttonProps = useButtonProps<ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>>({
  analyticsCallback: () => console.log("analytics"),
  disabled: false,
  loading: false,
  onClick: () => console.log("success"),
  type: "submit",

<button {...buttonProps}>Click me</button>

// example with generics
import { UseButtonProps, useButtonProps } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useButtonProps";
import { ButtonHTMLAttributes } from "react";

interface Props extends UseButtonProps, ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement> {
  customProp?: boolean;

const buttonProps = useButtonProps<Props>({
  customProp: true,
  loading: false,
  type: "submit",

<button {...buttonProps}>Click me</button>
import { useClickableProps } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useClickableProps";
import { HTMLAttributes } from "react";

// extends any HTML element by `analyticsCallback`, `disabled`, `loading`, `submit` props
const clickableProps = useClickableProps<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>({
  analyticsCallback: () => console.log("analytics"),
  disabled: false,
  loading: false,
  onClick: () => console.log("success"),
  type: "submit", // simulate <button type="submit" /> function

<div {...clickableProps}>Click me</div>

// example with generics
import { UseClickableProps, useClickableProps } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useClickableProps";
import { HTMLAttributes } from "react";

interface Props extends UseClickableProps, HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> {
  customProp?: boolean;

const buttonProps = useClickableProps<Props>({
  customProp: true,
  hidden: false,
  loading: false,

<button {...buttonProps}>Click me</button>
import { useMouseDragToScroll } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useMouseDragToScroll";

const targetRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);

const style = useMouseDragToScroll(scrollRef);

<div style={style}>Drag to scroll</div>
import { useInputFocus } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useInputFocus";

const focusRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null); // or HTMLTextAreaElement
const { onBlur, onFocus } = props;

const input = useInputFocus(focusRef, onBlur, onFocus);

<div>Input is {input.focused}</div>
<button onClick={input.focus}>Focus input</button>
<input onBlur={input.onBlur} onFocus={input.onFocus} ref={focusRef} />
import { useLatest } from "@uxf/core/hooks/useLatest";

const latestState = useLatest(someUnstableWhatever);

useEffect(() => {
  latestState.current(); // use newest state of 'someUnstableWhatever' without affecting this effetct update
}, [latestState])
import { usePrevious } from "@uxf/core/hooks/usePrevious";

const previousState = usePrevious(someUnstableWhatever);

useEffect(() => {
  previousState.current(); // use state of 'someUnstableWhatever' from previous render without affecting this effetct update
}, [previousState])


import { queryParamToString, queryParamToNumber } from "@uxf/core/next";



cx, cxa

It is our fork of clsx library

We will mainly use cx, which is fork of clsx/lite – it accepts ONLY string values! Any non-string arguments are ignored!

import { cx } from "@uxf/core/utils/cx";

// string
cx("hello", true && "foo", false && "bar");
// => "hello foo"

// NOTE: Any non-string input(s) ignored
cx({ foo: true });
//=> ""

The cxa function is full fork of clsx and can take any number of arguments, each of which can be an Object, Array, Boolean, or String.

Important: Any falsy values are discarded! Standalone Boolean values are discarded as well.

import { cxa } from "@uxf/core/utils/cxa";

cxa(true, false, "", null, undefined, 0, NaN);
//=> ""

// Strings (variadic)
cxa("foo", true && "bar", "baz");
//=> "foo bar baz"

// Objects
cxa({ foo:true, bar:false, baz:isTrue() });
//=> "foo baz"

// Objects (variadic)
cxa({ foo:true }, { bar:false }, null, { "--foobar":"hello" });
//=> "foo --foobar"

// Arrays
cxa(["foo", 0, false, "bar"]);
//=> "foo bar"

// Arrays (variadic)
cxa(["foo"], ["", 0, false, "bar"], [["baz", [["hello"], "there"]]]);
//=> "foo bar baz hello there"

// Kitchen sink (with nesting)
cxa("foo", [1 && "bar", { baz:false, bat:null }, ["hello", ["world"]]], "cya");
//=> "foo bar hello world cya"


import { Validator } from "@uxf/core";



Last updated on 17 Jun 2024

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