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@vaadin/vaadin-combo-box - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 22.0.0-alpha6 to 22.0.0-alpha7


"name": "@vaadin/vaadin-combo-box",
"version": "22.0.0-alpha6",
"version": "22.0.0-alpha7",
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public"
"description": "Web Component for displaying a list of items with filtering",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "",
"directory": "packages/vaadin-combo-box"
"author": "Vaadin Ltd",
"homepage": "",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"main": "vaadin-combo-box.js",
"repository": "vaadin/vaadin-combo-box",
"files": [
"keywords": [

@@ -14,42 +33,6 @@ "Vaadin",

"author": "Vaadin Ltd",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"homepage": "",
"files": [
"dependencies": {
"@polymer/iron-a11y-announcer": "^3.0.0",
"@polymer/iron-resizable-behavior": "^3.0.0",
"@polymer/polymer": "^3.0.0",
"@vaadin/vaadin-control-state-mixin": "^22.0.0-alpha6",
"@vaadin/vaadin-element-mixin": "^22.0.0-alpha6",
"@vaadin/vaadin-item": "^22.0.0-alpha6",
"@vaadin/vaadin-lumo-styles": "^22.0.0-alpha6",
"@vaadin/vaadin-material-styles": "^22.0.0-alpha6",
"@vaadin/vaadin-overlay": "^22.0.0-alpha6",
"@vaadin/vaadin-text-field": "^22.0.0-alpha6",
"@vaadin/vaadin-themable-mixin": "^22.0.0-alpha6",
"@vaadin/vaadin-virtual-list": "^22.0.0-alpha6"
"@vaadin/combo-box": "22.0.0-alpha7"
"devDependencies": {
"@esm-bundle/chai": "^4.3.4",
"@polymer/iron-input": "^3.0.1",
"@polymer/paper-input": "^3.0.0",
"@vaadin/testing-helpers": "^0.3.0",
"@vaadin/vaadin-dialog": "^22.0.0-alpha6",
"@vaadin/vaadin-template-renderer": "^22.0.0-alpha6",
"lit": "^2.0.0-rc.1",
"sinon": "^9.2.0"
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public"
"gitHead": "4b136b1c7da8942960e7255f40c27859125b3a45"
"gitHead": "8e89419c6b44a1d225d5859e180d7b35e47ddb52"

@@ -1,71 +0,6 @@

import { ComboBoxElement } from './vaadin-combo-box';
export type ComboBoxDefaultItem = any;
export interface ComboBoxItemModel<TItem> {
index: number;
item: TItem;
export type ComboBoxRenderer<TItem> = (
root: HTMLElement,
comboBox: ComboBoxElement<TItem>,
model: ComboBoxItemModel<TItem>
) => void;
export type ComboBoxDataProviderCallback<TItem> = (items: Array<TItem>, size: number) => void;
export interface ComboBoxDataProviderParams {
page: number;
pageSize: number;
filter: string;
export type ComboBoxDataProvider<TItem> = (
params: ComboBoxDataProviderParams,
callback: ComboBoxDataProviderCallback<TItem>
) => void;
* Fired when the user sets a custom value.
* @license
* Copyright (c) 2021 Vaadin Ltd.
* This program is available under Apache License Version 2.0, available at
export type ComboBoxCustomValueSetEvent = CustomEvent<string>;
* Fired when the `opened` property changes.
export type ComboBoxOpenedChangedEvent = CustomEvent<{ value: boolean }>;
* Fired when the `invalid` property changes.
export type ComboBoxInvalidChangedEvent = CustomEvent<{ value: boolean }>;
* Fired when the `value` property changes.
export type ComboBoxValueChangedEvent = CustomEvent<{ value: string }>;
* Fired when the `filter` property changes.
export type ComboBoxFilterChangedEvent = CustomEvent<{ value: string }>;
* Fired when the `selectedItem` property changes.
export type ComboBoxSelectedItemChangedEvent<TItem> = CustomEvent<{ value: TItem | null | undefined }>;
export interface ComboBoxEventMap<TItem> extends HTMLElementEventMap {
'custom-value-set': ComboBoxCustomValueSetEvent;
'opened-changed': ComboBoxOpenedChangedEvent;
'filter-changed': ComboBoxFilterChangedEvent;
'invalid-changed': ComboBoxInvalidChangedEvent;
'value-changed': ComboBoxValueChangedEvent;
'selected-item-changed': ComboBoxSelectedItemChangedEvent<TItem>;
export * from '@vaadin/combo-box/src/interfaces';

@@ -1,100 +0,19 @@

import { ThemableMixin } from '@vaadin/vaadin-themable-mixin/vaadin-themable-mixin';
* @license
* Copyright (c) 2021 Vaadin Ltd.
* This program is available under Apache License Version 2.0, available at
import { ComboBoxDefaultItem } from '@vaadin/combo-box';
import { ComboBoxLight } from '@vaadin/combo-box/src/vaadin-combo-box-light.js';
import { ComboBoxMixin } from './vaadin-combo-box-mixin';
* @deprecated Import `ComboBoxLight` from `@vaadin/combo-box/vaadin-combo-box-light` instead.
export type ComboBoxLightElement<TItem = ComboBoxDefaultItem> = ComboBoxLight<TItem>;
import { ComboBoxDataProviderMixin } from './vaadin-combo-box-data-provider-mixin';
import { ComboBoxDefaultItem, ComboBoxEventMap } from './interfaces';
* `<vaadin-combo-box-light>` is a customizable version of the `<vaadin-combo-box>` providing
* only the dropdown functionality and leaving the input field definition to the user.
* The element has the same API as `<vaadin-combo-box>`.
* To create a custom input field, you need to add a child element which has a two-way
* data-bindable property representing the input value. The property name is expected
* to be `value` by default. See the example below for a simplest possible example
* using a `<vaadin-text-field>` element.
* ```html
* <vaadin-combo-box-light>
* <vaadin-text-field>
* </vaadin-text-field>
* </vaadin-combo-box-light>
* ```
* If you are using other custom input fields like `<iron-input>`, you
* need to define the name of the bindable property with the `attrForValue` attribute.
* ```html
* <vaadin-combo-box-light attr-for-value="bind-value">
* <iron-input>
* <input>
* </iron-input>
* </vaadin-combo-box-light>
* ```
* In the next example you can see how to create a custom input field based
* on a `<paper-input>` decorated with a custom `<iron-icon>` and
* two `<paper-button>`s to act as the clear and toggle controls.
* ```html
* <vaadin-combo-box-light>
* <paper-input label="Elements" class="input">
* <iron-icon icon="toll" slot="prefix"></iron-icon>
* <paper-button slot="suffix" class="clear-button">Clear</paper-button>
* <paper-button slot="suffix" class="toggle-button">Toggle</paper-button>
* </paper-input>
* </vaadin-combo-box-light>
* ```
* @fires {Event} change - Fired when the user commits a value change.
* @fires {CustomEvent} custom-value-set - Fired when the user sets a custom value.
* @fires {CustomEvent} filter-changed - Fired when the `filter` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} invalid-changed - Fired when the `invalid` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} opened-changed - Fired when the `opened` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} selected-item-changed - Fired when the `selectedItem` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} value-changed - Fired when the `value` property changes.
* @deprecated Import `ComboBoxLight` from `@vaadin/combo-box/vaadin-combo-box-light` instead.
declare class ComboBoxLightElement<TItem = ComboBoxDefaultItem> extends HTMLElement {
readonly _propertyForValue: string;
export const ComboBoxLightElement: typeof ComboBoxLight;
_inputElementValue: string;
readonly focused: boolean;
* Name of the two-way data-bindable property representing the
* value of the custom input field.
* @attr {string} attr-for-value
attrForValue: string;
readonly inputElement: Element | undefined;
addEventListener<K extends keyof ComboBoxEventMap<TItem>>(
type: K,
listener: (this: ComboBoxLightElement<TItem>, ev: ComboBoxEventMap<TItem>[K]) => void,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions
): void;
removeEventListener<K extends keyof ComboBoxEventMap<TItem>>(
type: K,
listener: (this: ComboBoxLightElement<TItem>, ev: ComboBoxEventMap<TItem>[K]) => void,
options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions
): void;
interface ComboBoxLightElement<TItem = ComboBoxDefaultItem>
extends ComboBoxDataProviderMixin<TItem>,
ThemableMixin {}
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'vaadin-combo-box-light': ComboBoxLightElement;
export { ComboBoxLightElement };
export * from '@vaadin/combo-box/src/vaadin-combo-box-light.js';

@@ -6,202 +6,9 @@ /**

import { PolymerElement, html } from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';
import { dashToCamelCase } from '@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/case-map.js';
import { ThemableMixin } from '@vaadin/vaadin-themable-mixin/vaadin-themable-mixin.js';
import { ComboBoxMixin } from './vaadin-combo-box-mixin.js';
import { ComboBoxDataProviderMixin } from './vaadin-combo-box-data-provider-mixin.js';
import './vaadin-combo-box-dropdown.js';
import { ComboBoxLight } from '@vaadin/combo-box/src/vaadin-combo-box-light.js';
* `<vaadin-combo-box-light>` is a customizable version of the `<vaadin-combo-box>` providing
* only the dropdown functionality and leaving the input field definition to the user.
* The element has the same API as `<vaadin-combo-box>`.
* To create a custom input field, you need to add a child element which has a two-way
* data-bindable property representing the input value. The property name is expected
* to be `value` by default. See the example below for a simplest possible example
* using a `<vaadin-text-field>` element.
* ```html
* <vaadin-combo-box-light>
* <vaadin-text-field>
* </vaadin-text-field>
* </vaadin-combo-box-light>
* ```
* If you are using other custom input fields like `<iron-input>`, you
* need to define the name of the bindable property with the `attrForValue` attribute.
* ```html
* <vaadin-combo-box-light attr-for-value="bind-value">
* <iron-input>
* <input>
* </iron-input>
* </vaadin-combo-box-light>
* ```
* In the next example you can see how to create a custom input field based
* on a `<paper-input>` decorated with a custom `<iron-icon>` and
* two `<paper-button>`s to act as the clear and toggle controls.
* ```html
* <vaadin-combo-box-light>
* <paper-input label="Elements" class="input">
* <iron-icon icon="toll" slot="prefix"></iron-icon>
* <paper-button slot="suffix" class="clear-button">Clear</paper-button>
* <paper-button slot="suffix" class="toggle-button">Toggle</paper-button>
* </paper-input>
* </vaadin-combo-box-light>
* ```
* @fires {Event} change - Fired when the user commits a value change.
* @fires {CustomEvent} custom-value-set - Fired when the user sets a custom value.
* @fires {CustomEvent} filter-changed - Fired when the `filter` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} invalid-changed - Fired when the `invalid` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} opened-changed - Fired when the `opened` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} selected-item-changed - Fired when the `selectedItem` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} value-changed - Fired when the `value` property changes.
* @extends HTMLElement
* @mixes ComboBoxDataProviderMixin
* @mixes ComboBoxMixin
* @mixes ThemableMixin
* @deprecated Import `ComboBoxLight` from `@vaadin/combo-box/vaadin-combo-box-light` instead.
class ComboBoxLightElement extends ThemableMixin(ComboBoxDataProviderMixin(ComboBoxMixin(PolymerElement))) {
static get template() {
return html`
:host([opened]) {
pointer-events: auto;
export const ComboBoxLightElement = ComboBoxLight;
static get is() {
return 'vaadin-combo-box-light';
static get properties() {
return {
* Name of the two-way data-bindable property representing the
* value of the custom input field.
* @attr {string} attr-for-value
* @type {string}
attrForValue: {
type: String,
value: 'value'
* @type {!Element | undefined}
inputElement: {
type: Element,
readOnly: true
constructor() {
this._boundInputValueChanged = this._inputValueChanged.bind(this);
this.__boundInputValueCommitted = this.__inputValueCommitted.bind(this);
/** @protected */
ready() {
this._toggleElement = this.querySelector('.toggle-button');
this._clearElement = this.querySelector('.clear-button');
if (this._clearElement) {
this._clearElement.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => {
e.preventDefault(); // Prevent native focus changes
// _focusableElement is needed for paper-input
(this.inputElement._focusableElement || this.inputElement).focus();
* @return {boolean}
get focused() {
return this.getRootNode().activeElement === this.inputElement;
/** @protected */
connectedCallback() {
const cssSelector = 'vaadin-text-field,iron-input,paper-input,.paper-input-input,.input';
this.inputElement.addEventListener('input', this._boundInputValueChanged);
this.inputElement.addEventListener('change', this.__boundInputValueCommitted);
/** @protected */
disconnectedCallback() {
this.inputElement.removeEventListener('input', this._boundInputValueChanged);
this.inputElement.removeEventListener('change', this.__boundInputValueCommitted);
/** @private */
__inputValueCommitted(e) {
// Detect if the input was cleared (by clicking the clear button on a vaadin-text-field)
// and propagate the value change to combo box value immediately.
if (e.__fromClearButton) {
* @return {string}
* @protected
get _propertyForValue() {
return dashToCamelCase(this.attrForValue);
* @return {string}
* @protected
get _inputElementValue() {
return this.inputElement && this.inputElement[this._propertyForValue];
* @param {string} value
* @protected
set _inputElementValue(value) {
if (this.inputElement) {
this.inputElement[this._propertyForValue] = value;
customElements.define(, ComboBoxLightElement);
export { ComboBoxLightElement };
export * from '@vaadin/combo-box/src/vaadin-combo-box-light.js';

@@ -1,249 +0,19 @@

import { TextFieldElement } from '@vaadin/vaadin-text-field/vaadin-text-field';
* @license
* Copyright (c) 2021 Vaadin Ltd.
* This program is available under Apache License Version 2.0, available at
import { ComboBoxDefaultItem } from '@vaadin/combo-box';
import { ComboBox } from '@vaadin/combo-box/src/vaadin-combo-box.js';
import { ControlStateMixin } from '@vaadin/vaadin-control-state-mixin/vaadin-control-state-mixin';
* @deprecated Import `ComboBox` from `@vaadin/combo-box` instead.
export type ComboBoxElement<TItem = ComboBoxDefaultItem> = ComboBox<TItem>;
import { ThemableMixin } from '@vaadin/vaadin-themable-mixin/vaadin-themable-mixin';
import { ComboBoxMixin } from './vaadin-combo-box-mixin';
import { ComboBoxDataProviderMixin } from './vaadin-combo-box-data-provider-mixin';
import { ElementMixin } from '@vaadin/vaadin-element-mixin/vaadin-element-mixin';
import { ComboBoxDefaultItem, ComboBoxEventMap } from './interfaces';
* `<vaadin-combo-box>` is a combo box element combining a dropdown list with an
* input field for filtering the list of items. If you want to replace the default
* input field with a custom implementation, you should use the
* [`<vaadin-combo-box-light>`](#/elements/vaadin-combo-box-light) element.
* Items in the dropdown list must be provided as a list of `String` values.
* Defining the items is done using the `items` property, which can be assigned
* with data-binding, using an attribute or directly with the JavaScript property.
* ```html
* <vaadin-combo-box
* label="Fruit"
* items="[[data]]">
* </vaadin-combo-box>
* ```
* ```js
* combobox.items = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana'];
* ```
* When the selected `value` is changed, a `value-changed` event is triggered.
* ### Item rendering
* `<vaadin-combo-box>` supports using custom renderer callback function for defining the
* content of `<vaadin-combo-box-item>`.
* The renderer function provides `root`, `comboBox`, `model` arguments when applicable.
* Generate DOM content by using `model` object properties if needed, append it to the `root`
* element and control the state of the host element by accessing `comboBox`. Before generating new
* content, users are able to check if there is already content in `root` for reusing it.
* ```html
* <vaadin-combo-box id="combo-box"></vaadin-combo-box>
* ```
* ```js
* const comboBox = document.querySelector('#combo-box');
* comboBox.items = [{'label': 'Hydrogen', 'value': 'H'}];
* comboBox.renderer = function(root, comboBox, model) {
* root.innerHTML = model.index + ': ' +
* model.item.label + ' ' +
* '<b>' + model.item.value + '</b>';
* };
* ```
* Renderer is called on the opening of the combo-box and each time the related model is updated.
* DOM generated during the renderer call can be reused
* in the next renderer call and will be provided with the `root` argument.
* On first call it will be empty.
* The following properties are available in the `model` argument:
* Property name | Type | Description
* --------------|------|------------
* `index`| Number | Index of the item in the `items` array
* `item` | String or Object | The item reference
* `selected` | Boolean | True when item is selected
* `focused` | Boolean | True when item is focused
* ### Lazy Loading with Function Data Provider
* In addition to assigning an array to the items property, you can alternatively
* provide the `<vaadin-combo-box>` data through the
* [`dataProvider`](#/elements/vaadin-combo-box#property-dataProvider) function property.
* The `<vaadin-combo-box>` calls this function lazily, only when it needs more data
* to be displayed.
* See the [`dataProvider`](#/elements/vaadin-combo-box#property-dataProvider) in
* the API reference below for the detailed data provider arguments description,
* and the “Lazy Loading“ example on “Basics” page in the demos.
* __Note that when using function data providers, the total number of items
* needs to be set manually. The total number of items can be returned
* in the second argument of the data provider callback:__
* ```javascript
* comboBox.dataProvider = function(params, callback) {
* var url = 'https://api.example/data' +
* '?page=' + + // the requested page index
* '&per_page=' + params.pageSize; // number of items on the page
* var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
* xhr.onload = function() {
* var response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
* callback(
* response.employees, // requested page of items
* response.totalSize // total number of items
* );
* };
*'GET', url, true);
* xhr.send();
* };
* ```
* ### Styling
* The following custom properties are available for styling:
* Custom property | Description | Default
* ----------------|-------------|-------------
* `--vaadin-combo-box-overlay-max-height` | Property that determines the max height of overlay | `65vh`
* The following shadow DOM parts are available for styling:
* Part name | Description
* ----------------|----------------
* `text-field` | The text field
* `toggle-button` | The toggle button
* The following state attributes are available for styling:
* Attribute | Description | Part name
* -------------|-------------|------------
* `opened` | Set when the combo box dropdown is open | :host
* `disabled` | Set to a disabled combo box | :host
* `readonly` | Set to a read only combo box | :host
* `has-value` | Set when the element has a value | :host
* `invalid` | Set when the element is invalid | :host
* `focused` | Set when the element is focused | :host
* `focus-ring` | Set when the element is keyboard focused | :host
* `loading` | Set when new items are expected | :host
* ### Internal components
* In addition to `<vaadin-combo-box>` itself, the following internal
* components are themable:
* - `<vaadin-combo-box-overlay>` - has the same API as [`<vaadin-overlay>`](#/elements/vaadin-overlay).
* - [`<vaadin-text-field>`](#/elements/vaadin-text-field)
* - `<vaadin-combo-box-item>`
* Note: the `theme` attribute value set on `<vaadin-combo-box>` is
* propagated to the internal components listed above.
* See [Styling Components]( documentation.
* @fires {Event} change - Fired when the user commits a value change.
* @fires {CustomEvent} custom-value-set - Fired when the user sets a custom value.
* @fires {CustomEvent} filter-changed - Fired when the `filter` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} invalid-changed - Fired when the `invalid` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} opened-changed - Fired when the `opened` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} selected-item-changed - Fired when the `selectedItem` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} value-changed - Fired when the `value` property changes.
* @deprecated Import `ComboBox` from `@vaadin/combo-box` instead.
declare class ComboBoxElement<TItem = ComboBoxDefaultItem> extends HTMLElement {
* Focusable element used by vaadin-control-state-mixin
readonly focusElement: HTMLElement;
export const ComboBoxElement: typeof ComboBox;
autofocus: boolean;
* Set to true to disable this input.
disabled: boolean;
* Set to true to prevent the user from picking a value or typing in the input.
readonly: boolean;
readonly inputElement: TextFieldElement | undefined;
* The label for this element.
label: string | null | undefined;
* Set to true to mark the input as required.
required: boolean;
* Set to true to prevent the user from entering invalid input.
* @attr {boolean} prevent-invalid-input
preventInvalidInput: boolean | null | undefined;
* A pattern to validate the `input` with.
pattern: string | null | undefined;
* The error message to display when the input is invalid.
* @attr {string} error-message
errorMessage: string | null | undefined;
* A placeholder string in addition to the label.
placeholder: string;
* String used for the helper text.
* @attr {string} helper-text
helperText: string | null | undefined;
* Set to true to display the clear icon which clears the input.
* @attr {boolean} clear-button-visible
clearButtonVisible: boolean;
addEventListener<K extends keyof ComboBoxEventMap<TItem>>(
type: K,
listener: (this: ComboBoxElement<TItem>, ev: ComboBoxEventMap<TItem>[K]) => void,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions
): void;
removeEventListener<K extends keyof ComboBoxEventMap<TItem>>(
type: K,
listener: (this: ComboBoxElement<TItem>, ev: ComboBoxEventMap<TItem>[K]) => void,
options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions
): void;
interface ComboBoxElement<TItem = ComboBoxDefaultItem>
extends ElementMixin,
ThemableMixin {}
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'vaadin-combo-box': ComboBoxElement;
export { ComboBoxElement };
export * from '@vaadin/combo-box/src/vaadin-combo-box.js';

@@ -6,415 +6,9 @@ /**

import { PolymerElement, html } from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';
import { ControlStateMixin } from '@vaadin/vaadin-control-state-mixin/vaadin-control-state-mixin.js';
import { ElementMixin } from '@vaadin/vaadin-element-mixin/vaadin-element-mixin.js';
import { ThemableMixin } from '@vaadin/vaadin-themable-mixin/vaadin-themable-mixin.js';
import { ComboBoxMixin } from './vaadin-combo-box-mixin.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-text-field/src/vaadin-text-field.js';
import './vaadin-combo-box-dropdown.js';
import { ComboBoxDataProviderMixin } from './vaadin-combo-box-data-provider-mixin.js';
import { ComboBox } from '@vaadin/combo-box/src/vaadin-combo-box.js';
* `<vaadin-combo-box>` is a combo box element combining a dropdown list with an
* input field for filtering the list of items. If you want to replace the default
* input field with a custom implementation, you should use the
* [`<vaadin-combo-box-light>`](#/elements/vaadin-combo-box-light) element.
* Items in the dropdown list must be provided as a list of `String` values.
* Defining the items is done using the `items` property, which can be assigned
* with data-binding, using an attribute or directly with the JavaScript property.
* ```html
* <vaadin-combo-box
* label="Fruit"
* items="[[data]]">
* </vaadin-combo-box>
* ```
* ```js
* combobox.items = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana'];
* ```
* When the selected `value` is changed, a `value-changed` event is triggered.
* ### Item rendering
* `<vaadin-combo-box>` supports using custom renderer callback function for defining the
* content of `<vaadin-combo-box-item>`.
* The renderer function provides `root`, `comboBox`, `model` arguments when applicable.
* Generate DOM content by using `model` object properties if needed, append it to the `root`
* element and control the state of the host element by accessing `comboBox`. Before generating new
* content, users are able to check if there is already content in `root` for reusing it.
* ```html
* <vaadin-combo-box id="combo-box"></vaadin-combo-box>
* ```
* ```js
* const comboBox = document.querySelector('#combo-box');
* comboBox.items = [{'label': 'Hydrogen', 'value': 'H'}];
* comboBox.renderer = function(root, comboBox, model) {
* root.innerHTML = model.index + ': ' +
* model.item.label + ' ' +
* '<b>' + model.item.value + '</b>';
* };
* ```
* Renderer is called on the opening of the combo-box and each time the related model is updated.
* DOM generated during the renderer call can be reused
* in the next renderer call and will be provided with the `root` argument.
* On first call it will be empty.
* The following properties are available in the `model` argument:
* Property name | Type | Description
* --------------|------|------------
* `index`| Number | Index of the item in the `items` array
* `item` | String or Object | The item reference
* `selected` | Boolean | True when item is selected
* `focused` | Boolean | True when item is focused
* ### Lazy Loading with Function Data Provider
* In addition to assigning an array to the items property, you can alternatively
* provide the `<vaadin-combo-box>` data through the
* [`dataProvider`](#/elements/vaadin-combo-box#property-dataProvider) function property.
* The `<vaadin-combo-box>` calls this function lazily, only when it needs more data
* to be displayed.
* See the [`dataProvider`](#/elements/vaadin-combo-box#property-dataProvider) in
* the API reference below for the detailed data provider arguments description,
* and the “Lazy Loading“ example on “Basics” page in the demos.
* __Note that when using function data providers, the total number of items
* needs to be set manually. The total number of items can be returned
* in the second argument of the data provider callback:__
* ```javascript
* comboBox.dataProvider = function(params, callback) {
* var url = 'https://api.example/data' +
* '?page=' + + // the requested page index
* '&per_page=' + params.pageSize; // number of items on the page
* var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
* xhr.onload = function() {
* var response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
* callback(
* response.employees, // requested page of items
* response.totalSize // total number of items
* );
* };
*'GET', url, true);
* xhr.send();
* };
* ```
* ### Styling
* The following custom properties are available for styling:
* Custom property | Description | Default
* ----------------|-------------|-------------
* `--vaadin-combo-box-overlay-max-height` | Property that determines the max height of overlay | `65vh`
* The following shadow DOM parts are available for styling:
* Part name | Description
* ----------------|----------------
* `text-field` | The text field
* `toggle-button` | The toggle button
* The following state attributes are available for styling:
* Attribute | Description | Part name
* -------------|-------------|------------
* `opened` | Set when the combo box dropdown is open | :host
* `disabled` | Set to a disabled combo box | :host
* `readonly` | Set to a read only combo box | :host
* `has-value` | Set when the element has a value | :host
* `invalid` | Set when the element is invalid | :host
* `focused` | Set when the element is focused | :host
* `focus-ring` | Set when the element is keyboard focused | :host
* `loading` | Set when new items are expected | :host
* ### Internal components
* In addition to `<vaadin-combo-box>` itself, the following internal
* components are themable:
* - `<vaadin-combo-box-overlay>` - has the same API as [`<vaadin-overlay>`](#/elements/vaadin-overlay).
* - [`<vaadin-text-field>`](#/elements/vaadin-text-field)
* - `<vaadin-combo-box-item>`
* Note: the `theme` attribute value set on `<vaadin-combo-box>` is
* propagated to the internal components listed above.
* See [Styling Components]( documentation.
* @fires {Event} change - Fired when the user commits a value change.
* @fires {CustomEvent} custom-value-set - Fired when the user sets a custom value.
* @fires {CustomEvent} filter-changed - Fired when the `filter` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} invalid-changed - Fired when the `invalid` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} opened-changed - Fired when the `opened` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} selected-item-changed - Fired when the `selectedItem` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} value-changed - Fired when the `value` property changes.
* @extends HTMLElement
* @mixes ElementMixin
* @mixes ControlStateMixin
* @mixes ComboBoxDataProviderMixin
* @mixes ComboBoxMixin
* @mixes ThemableMixin
* @deprecated Import `ComboBox` from `@vaadin/combo-box` instead.
class ComboBoxElement extends ElementMixin(
) {
static get template() {
return html`
:host {
display: inline-block;
export const ComboBoxElement = ComboBox;
:host([hidden]) {
display: none !important;
:host([opened]) {
pointer-events: auto;
[part='text-field'] {
width: 100%;
min-width: 0;
<slot name="prefix" slot="prefix"></slot>
<slot name="helper" slot="helper">[[helperText]]</slot>
<div part="toggle-button" id="toggleButton" slot="suffix" role="button" aria-label="Toggle"></div>
constructor() {
* @property
static get is() {
return 'vaadin-combo-box';
static get properties() {
return {
* The label for this element.
label: {
type: String,
reflectToAttribute: true
* Set to true to mark the input as required.
* @type {boolean}
required: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
* Set to true to disable this input.
* @type {boolean}
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
* Set to true to prevent the user from entering invalid input.
* @attr {boolean} prevent-invalid-input
preventInvalidInput: {
type: Boolean
* A pattern to validate the `input` with.
pattern: {
type: String
* The error message to display when the input is invalid.
* @attr {string} error-message
errorMessage: {
type: String
/** @type {boolean} */
autofocus: {
type: Boolean
* A placeholder string in addition to the label.
* @type {string}
placeholder: {
type: String,
value: ''
* String used for the helper text.
* @attr {string} helper-text
helperText: {
type: String,
value: ''
* Set to true to prevent the user from picking a value or typing in the input.
* @type {boolean}
readonly: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
reflectToAttribute: true
* Set to true to display the clear icon which clears the input.
* @attr {boolean} clear-button-visible
* @type {boolean}
clearButtonVisible: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
static get observers() {
return ['_updateAriaExpanded(opened)'];
/** @protected */
ready() {
this._nativeInput = this.inputElement.focusElement;
this._toggleElement = this.$.toggleButton;
this._clearElement = this.inputElement.shadowRoot.querySelector('[part="clear-button"]');
// Stop propagation of Esc in capturing phase so that
// vaadin-text-field will not handle Esc as a shortcut
// to clear the value.
// We need to set this listener for "this.inputElement"
// instead of just "this", otherwise keyboard navigation behaviour
// breaks a bit on Safari and some related tests fail.
(e) => {
if (e.keyCode === 27) {
// Trigger _onEscape method of vaadin-combo-box-mixin because
// bubbling phase is not reached.
this._nativeInput.setAttribute('role', 'combobox');
this._nativeInput.setAttribute('aria-autocomplete', 'list');
/** @protected */
connectedCallback() {
/** @protected */
disconnectedCallback() {
/** @private */
_getPositionTarget() {
return this.$.input;
/** @private */
_updateAriaExpanded() {
if (this._nativeInput) {
this._nativeInput.setAttribute('aria-expanded', this.opened);
this._toggleElement.setAttribute('aria-expanded', this.opened);
/** @return {!TextFieldElement | undefined} */
get inputElement() {
return this.$.input;
* Focusable element used by vaadin-control-state-mixin
* @return {!HTMLElement}
get focusElement() {
// inputElement might not be defined on property changes before ready.
return this.inputElement || this;
customElements.define(, ComboBoxElement);
export { ComboBoxElement };
export * from '@vaadin/combo-box/src/vaadin-combo-box.js';

@@ -1,3 +0,1 @@

import './vaadin-combo-box-dropdown-styles.js';
import './vaadin-combo-box-item-styles.js';
import '../../src/vaadin-combo-box-light.js';
import '@vaadin/combo-box/theme/lumo/vaadin-combo-box-light.js';

@@ -1,4 +0,1 @@

import './vaadin-combo-box-dropdown-styles.js';
import './vaadin-combo-box-item-styles.js';
import './vaadin-combo-box-styles.js';
import '../../src/vaadin-combo-box.js';
import '@vaadin/combo-box/theme/lumo/vaadin-combo-box.js';

@@ -1,3 +0,1 @@

import './vaadin-combo-box-dropdown-styles.js';
import './vaadin-combo-box-item-styles.js';
import '../../src/vaadin-combo-box-light.js';
import '@vaadin/combo-box/theme/material/vaadin-combo-box.js';

@@ -1,4 +0,1 @@

import './vaadin-combo-box-dropdown-styles.js';
import './vaadin-combo-box-item-styles.js';
import './vaadin-combo-box-styles.js';
import '../../src/vaadin-combo-box.js';
import '@vaadin/combo-box/theme/material/vaadin-combo-box.js';
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