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@vaadin/vaadin-lumo-styles - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.0-pre.6 to 1.1.0-alpha2

icons/Lumo Icons.sketch



@@ -10,70 +10,36 @@ import './version.js';

<g id="angle-down"><path d="M283 391c-19-16-47-14-63 4-17 18-15 46 3 63l245 224c16 15 42 15 59 0l250-229c18-17 20-45 3-63-16-19-44-20-62-4l-221 203-214-198z"></path></g>
<g id="angle-left"><path d="M601 710c16 18 15 46-3 63-19 16-47 15-63-4l-224-244c-16-17-16-43 0-59l229-250c16-19 44-20 63-4 18 17 20 45 3 63l-203 220 198 215z"></path></g>
<g id="angle-right"><path d="M399 275c-16-18-15-46 3-63 19-16 47-15 63 4l224 244c16 17 16 42 0 59l-229 250c-16 19-44 20-63 4-18-17-19-45-3-63l203-220-198-215z"></path></g>
<g id="angle-up"><path d="M283 635c-19 17-47 15-63-3-17-19-15-47 3-63l245-224c16-16 42-16 59 0l250 229c18 16 20 44 3 63-16 18-44 20-62 3l-221-202-214 197z"></path></g>
<g id="arrow-down"><path d="M538 646l125-112c15-13 39-12 53 4 13 15 12 39-4 52l-187 167c0 0 0 0 0 0-15 13-36 13-50 0l-187-167c-16-13-17-37-3-52 13-16 37-17 52-4l126 112 0-334c0-20 16-37 37-37 21 0 38 17 38 37l0 334z"></path></g>
<g id="arrow-left"><path d="M375 537l111 126c14 15 13 39-3 52-15 14-39 13-53-3l-166-187c0 0 0 0 0 0-13-15-13-36 0-50l166-187c14-16 38-17 53-4 16 14 17 38 3 53l-111 125 333 0c21 0 38 17 38 38 0 21-17 37-38 37l-333 0z"></path></g>
<g id="arrow-right"><path d="M625 537l-333 0c-21 0-38-16-38-37 0-21 17-38 38-38l333 0-111-125c-14-15-13-39 3-53 15-13 39-12 53 4l166 187c13 14 13 35 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0l-166 187c-14 16-38 17-53 3-16-13-17-37-3-52l111-126z"></path></g>
<g id="arrow-up"><path d="M538 354l0 333c0 21-17 38-38 38-21 0-37-17-37-38l0-333-126 111c-15 14-39 13-52-3-14-15-13-39 3-53l187-166c14-13 35-13 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l187 166c16 14 17 38 4 53-14 16-38 17-53 3l-125-111z"></path></g>
<g id="bar-chart"><path d="M438 167l0 666c0 12 9 21 20 21l84 0c11 0 21-9 21-21l0-666c0-12-10-21-21-21l-84 0c-11 0-20 9-20 21z m-21-84l166 0c23 0 42 19 42 42l0 750c0 23-19 42-42 42l-166 0c-23 0-42-19-42-42l0-750c0-23 19-42 42-42z m333 771l83 0c12 0 21-9 21-21l0-458c0-12-9-21-21-21l-83 0c-11 0-21 9-21 21l0 458c0 12 10 21 21 21z m-42-562l167 0c23 0 42 18 42 41l0 542c0 23-19 42-42 42l-167 0c-23 0-41-19-41-42l0-542c0-23 18-41 41-41z m-541 562l83 0c12 0 21-9 21-21l0-250c0-11-9-21-21-21l-83 0c-12 0-21 10-21 21l0 250c0 12 9 21 21 21z m-42-354l167 0c23 0 41 19 41 42l0 333c0 23-18 42-41 42l-167 0c-23 0-42-19-42-42l0-333c0-23 19-42 42-42z"></path></g>
<g id="bell"><path d="M292 667l0-250c0-92 74-167 167-167l-1 0 0-42c0-23 19-41 42-41 23 0 42 18 42 41l0 42-1 0c93 0 167 74 167 167l0 250 42 0c23 0 42 18 42 41 0 23-19 42-42 42l-500 0c-23 0-42-19-42-42 0-23 19-41 42-41l42 0z m146 104l125 0 0 31c0 17-15 31-32 31l-62 0c-17 0-31-14-31-31l0-31z"></path></g>
<g id="calendar"><path d="M375 208l250 0 0-41 83 0 0 41 84 0c23 0 41 19 41 42l0 42c0 23-18 41-41 41l-584 0c-23 0-41-18-41-41l0-42c0-23 18-42 41-42l84 0 0-41 83 0 0 41z m-167 167l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z m125 0l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z m125 0l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z m-250 125l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z m125 0l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z m125 0l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z m-250 125l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z m125 0l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z m125 0l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z m125-250l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z m0 125l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z m0 125l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z m125 0l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z m-500 125l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z m125 0l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z m125 0l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z m125 0l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z m125 0l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z m0-250l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z m0-125l84 0 0 83-84 0 0-83z"></path></g>
<g id="checkmark"><path d="M318 493c-14-15-38-15-53 0-14 15-14 38 0 53l136 136c15 15 39 15 53 0l323-322c14-15 14-39 0-53-15-15-39-15-53 0l-296 295-110-109z"></path></g>
<g id="chevron-down"><path d="M533 654l210-199c9-9 9-23 0-32-4-4-10-6-17-6l-452 0c-13 0-24 10-24 22 0 6 3 12 7 16l210 199c18 17 48 17 66 0z"></path></g>
<g id="chevron-left"><path d="M346 533l199 210c9 9 23 9 32 0 4-4 6-10 6-17l0-452c0-13-10-24-22-24-6 0-12 2-16 7l-199 210c-17 18-17 48 0 66z"></path></g>
<g id="chevron-right"><path d="M654 533l-199 210c-9 9-23 9-32 0-4-4-6-10-6-17l0-452c0-13 10-24 22-24 6 0 12 2 16 7l199 210c17 18 17 48 0 66z"></path></g>
<g id="chevron-up"><path d="M533 346l210 199c9 9 9 23 0 32-4 4-10 6-17 6l-452 0c-13 0-24-10-24-22 0-6 3-12 7-16l210-199c18-17 48-17 66 0z"></path></g>
<g id="clock"><path d="M536 491c5 2 10 4 14 8l74 68c0 1 1 1 1 1 16 16 16 41 0 57 0 0-1 1-1 1-16 15-42 14-57-2l-68-74c-3-3-5-6-6-9-16-4-28-17-28-34l-6-195c0 0 0 0 0-1 0-22 19-40 41-40 0 0 1 0 1 0 23 0 40 19 40 41l-5 179z m-36 342c-184 0-333-149-333-333 0-184 149-333 333-333 184 0 333 149 333 333 0 184-149 333-333 333z m0-68c146 0 265-119 265-265 0-146-119-265-265-265-146 0-265 119-265 265 0 146 119 265 265 265z"></path></g>
<g id="cog"><path d="M833 542l0-84-70-25c-9-25-17-50-30-75l34-66-59-59-66 34c-21-13-46-25-75-30l-25-70-84 0-25 70c-25 9-50 17-70 30l-67-34-63 63 34 66c-13 21-21 46-29 71l-71 25 0 84 71 25c8 25 16 50 29 75l-34 66 59 59 66-34c21 13 46 25 75 29l25 71 84 0 25-71c25-8 50-16 75-29l66 34 59-59-34-66c13-21 25-46 30-75l70-25 0 0z m-333 125c-92 0-167-75-167-167 0-92 75-167 167-167 92 0 167 75 167 167 0 92-75 167-167 167z"></path></g>
<g id="cross"><path d="M445 500l-142-142c-15-15-15-40 0-55 15-15 40-15 56 0l141 142 142-142c15-15 40-15 55 0 15 15 15 40 0 55l-142 142 142 141c15 16 15 41 0 56-15 15-40 15-55 0l-142-142-141 142c-16 15-41 15-56 0-15-15-15-40 0-56l142-141z"></path></g>
<g id="download"><path d="M538 521l125-112c15-13 39-12 53 4 13 15 12 39-4 52l-187 167c0 0 0 0 0 0-15 13-36 13-50 0l-187-167c-16-13-17-37-3-52 13-16 37-17 52-4l126 112 0-334c0-20 16-37 37-37 21 0 38 17 38 37l0 334z m220 183c0-21 17-37 38-37 21 0 37 16 37 37l0 92c0 20-16 37-37 37l-592 0c-20 0-37-17-37-37l0-92c0-21 17-37 37-37 21 0 38 16 38 37l0 54 516 0 0-54z"></path></g>
<g id="dropdown"><path d="M317 393c-16-14-39-13-53 3-14 15-13 39 3 53l206 189c14 13 35 13 50 0l210-193c16-14 17-38 3-53-14-16-37-17-53-3l-185 171-181-167z"></path></g>
<g id="edit"><path d="M625 208c0 1 0 1 0 1l-74 83-218 0c-22 0-41 18-41 41l0 334c0 22 18 41 41 41l106 0c13 2 26 2 39 0l189 0c22 0 41-18 41-41l0-176 81-90 3 2 0 263c0 70-56 126-125 126l-333 0c-70 0-126-56-126-126l0-333c0-69 56-125 126-125l291 0z m53 68l56 62-204 232c-9 10-37 23-85 39-1 1-3 1-5 0-4-1-7-6-5-10l0 0c13-47 25-76 34-86l209-237z m27-32l57-64c15-17 41-18 58-2 17 15 18 42 3 59l-62 70-56-63z"></path></g>
<g id="error"><path d="M500 833c-184 0-333-149-333-333 0-184 149-333 333-333 184 0 333 149 333 333 0 184-149 333-333 333z m0-54c154 0 279-125 279-279 0-154-125-279-279-279-154 0-279 125-279 279 0 154 125 279 279 279z m-29-480l61 0-5 246-51 0-5-246z m31 373c-12 0-21-3-29-10-7-7-11-16-11-28 0-11 4-20 11-27 8-7 17-11 29-11 12 0 21 4 28 11 7 7 11 16 11 27 0 12-4 21-11 28-7 7-16 10-28 10z"></path></g>
<g id="eye-disabled"><path d="M386 733l59-59c18 3 37 4 55 4 89 0 178-34 258-90 31-22 58-47 78-69 7-7 12-14 16-19-4-6-9-12-16-19-20-22-47-47-78-69-10-7-21-14-31-20l50-51c82 52 140 115 140 159 0 87-230 250-417 250-37 0-76-6-114-17z m-162-74c-82-52-141-115-141-159 0-87 230-250 417-250 38 0 77 6 115 18l-58 58c-19-3-38-4-57-4-88 0-178 34-258 90-31 22-58 47-78 69-7 7-12 13-16 19 4 5 9 12 16 19 20 22 47 47 78 69 11 7 21 14 32 21l-50 50z m251-15l169-169c1 8 2 16 2 25 0 80-65 146-146 146-8 0-17-1-25-2z m-118-118c-2-8-3-17-3-26 0-81 66-146 146-146 9 0 18 1 27 3l-170 169z m-169 242l589-589c13-13 34-13 47 0 13 13 13 34 0 47l-589 589c-13 13-34 13-47 0-13-13-13-34 0-47z"></path></g>
<g id="eye"><path d="M500 750c-187 0-417-163-417-250 0-87 230-250 417-250 187 0 417 163 417 250 0 87-230 250-417 250z m-336-231c20 22 47 47 78 69 80 56 170 90 258 90 89 0 178-34 258-90 31-22 58-47 78-69 7-7 12-14 16-19-4-6-9-12-16-19-20-22-47-47-78-69-80-56-169-90-258-90-88 0-178 34-258 90-31 22-58 47-78 69-7 7-12 13-16 19 4 5 9 12 16 19z m336 127c-80 0-146-66-146-146 0-81 66-146 146-146 81 0 146 65 146 146 0 80-65 146-146 146z m0-84c35 0 63-28 63-62 0-35-28-63-63-63-34 0-62 28-62 63 0 34 28 62 62 62z"></path></g>
<g id="menu"><path d="M167 292c0-23 18-42 41-42l584 0c23 0 41 18 41 42 0 23-18 41-41 41l-584 0c-23 0-41-18-41-41z m0 208c0-23 18-42 41-42l584 0c23 0 41 19 41 42 0 23-18 42-41 42l-584 0c-23 0-41-19-41-42z m0 208c0-23 18-41 41-41l584 0c23 0 41 18 41 41 0 23-18 42-41 42l-584 0c-23 0-41-19-41-42z"></path></g>
<g id="minus"><path d="M261 461c-22 0-39 17-39 39 0 22 17 39 39 39l478 0c22 0 39-17 39-39 0-22-17-39-39-39l-278 0-200 0z"></path></g>
<g id="phone"><path d="M296 208l42-37c17-15 43-13 58 4 2 2 4 5 5 7l58 100c11 20 5 45-15 57l-7 4c-17 9-25 30-19 48l21 65c18 59 50 113 92 158l41 45c13 14 34 17 51 7l7-4c20-11 46-4 57 16l58 99c12 20 5 46-15 57-3 2-5 3-8 4l-52 17c-62 21-129 4-174-43l-50-52c-81-86-141-189-175-302l-24-78c-19-62 0-129 49-172z"></path></g>
<g id="play"><path d="M689 528l-298 175c-13 7-35 7-48 0-6-4-10-9-10-14l0-378c0-11 15-19 34-19 9 0 17 2 24 5l298 175c26 15 26 40 0 56z"></path></g>
<g id="plus"><path d="M461 461l-200 0c-22 0-39 17-39 39 0 22 17 39 39 39l200 0 0 200c0 22 17 39 39 39 22 0 39-17 39-39l0-200 200 0c22 0 39-17 39-39 0-22-17-39-39-39l-200 0 0-200c0-22-17-39-39-39-22 0-39 17-39 39l0 200 0 0z"></path></g>
<g id="search"><path d="M662 603l131 131c16 16 16 43 0 59-16 16-42 16-58 0l-132-131c-41 29-91 46-145 46-138 0-250-112-250-250 0-138 112-250 250-250 138 0 250 112 250 250 0 54-17 104-46 145z m-204 43c104 0 188-84 188-188 0-103-84-187-188-187-103 0-187 84-187 187 0 104 84 188 187 188z"></path></g>
<g id="user"><path d="M500 500c-69 0-125-56-125-125 0-69 56-125 125-125 69 0 125 56 125 125 0 69-56 125-125 125z m-292 292c0-115 131-209 292-209 161 0 292 94 292 209-292 0-292 0-584 0z"></path></g>
<g id="reload"><path d="M500 233l0-96c0-9 7-16 15-16 4 0 8 1 11 4l132 140c12 12 12 32 0 45l-132 140c-6 6-16 6-22 0-2-3-4-7-4-12l0-130c-117 0-212 95-212 213 0 117 95 212 212 212 117 0 213-95 213-212 0-21 16-38 37-38 21 0 38 17 38 38 0 159-129 287-288 287-159 0-287-128-287-287 0-159 128-288 287-288z"></path></g>
<g id="upload"><path d="M538 271l0 333c0 21-17 38-38 38-21 0-37-17-37-38l0-333-126 111c-15 14-39 13-52-3-14-15-13-39 3-53l187-166c14-13 35-13 50-1 0 1 0 1 0 1l187 166c16 14 17 38 4 53-14 16-38 17-53 3l-125-111z m220 433c0-21 17-37 38-37 21 0 37 16 37 37l0 92c0 20-16 37-37 37l-592 0c-20 0-37-17-37-37l0-92c0-21 17-37 37-37 21 0 38 16 38 37l0 54 516 0 0-54z"></path></g>
<g id="angle-down"><path d="M283 391c-18-16-46-15-63 4-16 18-15 46 3 63l244 224c17 15 43 15 60 0l250-229c18-16 20-45 3-63-16-18-45-20-63-4l-220 203-214-198z"></path></g>
<g id="angle-left"><path d="M601 710c16 18 15 46-3 63-18 16-46 15-63-4l-224-244c-15-17-15-43 0-59l229-250c16-18 45-20 63-4 18 16 20 45 3 63l-203 220 198 215z"></path></g>
<g id="angle-right"><path d="M399 275c-16-18-15-46 3-63 18-16 46-15 63 4l224 244c15 17 15 43 0 59l-229 250c-16 18-45 20-63 4-18-16-20-45-3-63l203-220-198-215z"></path></g>
<g id="angle-up"><path d="M283 635c-18 16-46 15-63-3-16-18-15-46 3-63l244-224c17-15 43-15 60 0l250 229c18 16 20 45 3 63-16 18-45 20-63 3l-220-202L283 635z"></path></g>
<g id="arrow-down"><path d="M538 646l125-112c15-14 39-12 53 4 14 15 12 39-4 53l-187 166c0 0 0 0 0 0-14 13-36 12-50 0l-187-166c-15-14-17-37-4-53 14-15 37-17 53-4L462 646V312c0-21 17-38 38-37s38 17 37 37v334z"></path></g>
<g id="arrow-left"><path d="M375 538l111 125c14 15 12 39-3 53-15 14-39 12-53-4l-166-187c0 0 0 0 0 0-13-14-12-36 0-50l166-187c14-15 37-17 53-4 15 14 17 37 3 53L375 463h333c21 0 38 17 38 37 0 21-17 38-38 38h-333z"></path></g>
<g id="arrow-right"><path d="M625 538h-333c-21 0-38-17-38-38 0-21 17-38 38-37h333l-111-126c-14-15-12-39 3-53 15-14 39-12 53 4l166 187c13 14 13 36 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0l-166 187c-14 15-37 17-53 4-15-14-17-37-3-53l111-125z"></path></g>
<g id="arrow-up"><path d="M538 354V688c0 21-17 38-38 37s-38-17-38-38V354l-125 112c-15 14-39 12-53-4-14-15-12-39 4-53l187-166c14-13 36-13 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l187 166c15 14 17 37 4 53-14 15-37 17-53 4L538 354z"></path></g>
<g id="bar-chart"><path d="M175 500h108c28 0 50 22 50 50v233c0 28-22 50-50 50H175c-28 0-50-22-50-50v-233c0-28 22-50 50-50z m33 67c-9 0-17 7-16 16v167c0 9 7 17 16 17h42c9 0 17-7 17-17v-167c0-9-7-17-17-16H208zM446 167h108c28 0 50 22 50 50v566c0 28-22 50-50 50h-108c-28 0-50-22-50-50V217c0-28 22-50 50-50z m33 66c-9 0-17 7-17 17v500c0 9 7 17 17 17h42c9 0 17-7 16-17V250c0-9-7-17-16-17h-42zM717 333h108c28 0 50 22 50 50v400c0 28-22 50-50 50h-108c-28 0-50-22-50-50V383c0-28 22-50 50-50z m33 67c-9 0-17 7-17 17v333c0 9 7 17 17 17h42c9 0 17-7 16-17v-333c0-9-7-17-16-17h-42z"></path></g>
<g id="bell"><path d="M367 675H292v-258C292 325 366 250 459 250H458V208c0-23 18-42 42-41 23 0 42 18 42 41v42h-1C634 250 708 325 708 417V675h-75v-258c0-51-41-92-91-92h-84C408 325 367 366 367 417V675z m-159 37c0-21 17-38 38-37h508c21 0 37 17 38 37 0 21-17 38-38 38H246C225 750 208 733 208 713z m230 71h125v32c0 17-14 31-32 31h-62c-17 0-32-14-31-31v-32z"></path></g>
<g id="calendar"><path d="M375 208h250v-20C625 176 634 167 646 167h41C699 167 708 176 708 188V208h74c23 0 41 19 41 42v42C823 315 804 333 782 333H218C196 333 177 315 177 292V250C177 227 196 208 218 208H292v-20C292 176 301 167 313 167h41C366 167 375 176 375 188V208zM229 375h42C283 375 292 384 292 396v41C292 449 282 458 271 458h-42C217 458 208 449 208 437v-41C208 384 218 375 229 375z m125 0h42C408 375 417 384 417 396v41C417 449 407 458 396 458h-42C342 458 333 449 333 437v-41C333 384 343 375 354 375z m125 0h42C533 375 542 384 542 396v41C542 449 532 458 521 458h-42C467 458 458 449 458 437v-41C458 384 468 375 479 375z m-250 125h42C283 500 292 509 292 521v41C292 574 282 583 271 583h-42C217 583 208 574 208 562v-41C208 509 218 500 229 500z m125 0h42C408 500 417 509 417 521v41C417 574 407 583 396 583h-42C342 583 333 574 333 562v-41C333 509 343 500 354 500z m125 0h42c12 0 21 9 21 21v41C542 574 532 583 521 583h-42C467 583 458 574 458 562v-41C458 509 468 500 479 500z m-250 125h42C283 625 292 634 292 646v41C292 699 282 708 271 708h-42C217 708 208 699 208 687v-41C208 634 218 625 229 625z m125 0h42C408 625 417 634 417 646v41C417 699 407 708 396 708h-42C342 708 333 699 333 687v-41C333 634 343 625 354 625z m125 0h42c12 0 21 9 21 21v41C542 699 532 708 521 708h-42C467 708 458 699 458 687v-41C458 634 468 625 479 625z m125-250h42C658 375 667 384 667 396v41C667 449 657 458 646 458h-42C592 458 583 449 583 437v-41C583 384 593 375 604 375z m0 125h42c12 0 21 9 21 21v41C667 574 657 583 646 583h-42C592 583 583 574 583 562v-41C583 509 593 500 604 500z m0 125h42c12 0 21 9 21 21v41C667 699 657 708 646 708h-42C592 708 583 699 583 687v-41C583 634 593 625 604 625z m125 0h42c12 0 21 9 21 21v41C792 699 782 708 771 708h-42C717 708 708 699 708 687v-41C708 634 718 625 729 625z m-500 125h42C283 750 292 759 292 771v41C292 824 282 833 271 833h-42C217 833 208 824 208 812v-41C208 759 218 750 229 750z m125 0h42C408 750 417 759 417 771v41C417 824 407 833 396 833h-42C342 833 333 824 333 812v-41C333 759 343 750 354 750z m125 0h42c12 0 21 9 21 21v41C542 824 532 833 521 833h-42C467 833 458 824 458 812v-41C458 759 468 750 479 750z m125 0h42c12 0 21 9 21 21v41C667 824 657 833 646 833h-42C592 833 583 824 583 812v-41C583 759 593 750 604 750z m125 0h42c12 0 21 9 21 21v41C792 824 782 833 771 833h-42C717 833 708 824 708 812v-41C708 759 718 750 729 750z m0-250h42c12 0 21 9 21 21v41C792 574 782 583 771 583h-42C717 583 708 574 708 562v-41C708 509 718 500 729 500z m0-125h42C783 375 792 384 792 396v41C792 449 782 458 771 458h-42C717 458 708 449 708 437v-41C708 384 718 375 729 375z"></path></g>
<g id="checkmark"><path d="M318 493c-15-15-38-15-53 0-15 15-15 38 0 53l136 136c15 15 38 15 53 0l323-322c15-15 15-38 0-53-15-15-38-15-54 0l-295 296-110-110z"></path></g>
<g id="chevron-down"><path d="M533 654l210-199c9-9 9-23 0-32C739 419 733 417 726 417H274C261 417 250 427 250 439c0 6 2 12 7 16l210 199c18 17 48 17 66 0z"></path></g>
<g id="chevron-left"><path d="M346 533l199 210c9 9 23 9 32 0 4-4 7-10 6-17V274C583 261 573 250 561 250c-6 0-12 2-16 7l-199 210c-17 18-17 48 0 66z"></path></g>
<g id="chevron-right"><path d="M654 533L455 743c-9 9-23 9-32 0C419 739 417 733 417 726V274C417 261 427 250 439 250c6 0 12 2 16 7l199 210c17 18 17 48 0 66z"></path></g>
<g id="chevron-up"><path d="M533 346l210 199c9 9 9 23 0 32-4 4-10 7-17 6H274C261 583 250 573 250 561c0-6 2-12 7-16l210-199c18-17 48-17 66 0z"></path></g>
<g id="clock"><path d="M538 489l85 85c15 15 15 38 0 53-15 15-38 15-53 0l-93-93a38 38 0 0 1-2-2C467 525 462 515 462 504V308c0-21 17-38 38-37 21 0 38 17 37 37v181zM500 833c-184 0-333-149-333-333s149-333 333-333 333 149 333 333-149 333-333 333z m0-68c146 0 265-118 265-265 0-146-118-265-265-265-146 0-265 118-265 265 0 146 118 265 265 265z"></path></g>
<g id="cog"><path d="M833 458l-81-18c-8-25-17-50-29-75L767 292 708 233l-72 49c-21-12-46-25-75-30L542 167h-84l-19 79c-25 8-50 17-71 30L296 233 233 296l47 69c-12 21-21 46-29 71L167 458v84l84 25c8 25 17 50 29 75L233 708 292 767l76-44c21 12 46 25 75 29L458 833h84l19-81c25-8 50-17 75-29L708 767l59-59-44-66c12-21 25-46 29-75L833 542v-84z m-333 217c-96 0-175-79-175-175 0-96 79-175 175-175 96 0 175 79 175 175 0 96-79 175-175 175z"></path></g>
<g id="cross"><path d="M445 500l-142-141c-15-15-15-40 0-56 15-15 40-15 56 0L500 445l141-142c15-15 40-15 56 0 15 15 15 40 0 56L555 500l142 141c15 15 15 40 0 56-15 15-40 15-56 0L500 555l-141 142c-15 15-40 15-56 0-15-15-15-40 0-56L445 500z"></path></g>
<g id="download"><path d="M538 521l125-112c15-14 39-12 53 4 14 15 12 39-4 53l-187 166a38 38 0 0 1 0 0c-14 13-36 12-50 0l-187-166c-15-14-17-37-4-53 14-15 37-17 53-4L462 521V188c0-21 17-38 38-38s38 17 37 38v333zM758 704c0-21 17-38 38-37 21 0 38 17 37 37v92c0 21-17 38-37 37H204c-21 0-38-17-37-37v-92c0-21 17-38 37-37s38 17 38 37v54h516v-54z"></path></g>
<g id="dropdown"><path d="M317 393c-15-14-39-13-53 3-14 15-13 39 3 53l206 189c14 13 36 13 50 0l210-193c15-14 17-38 3-53-14-15-38-17-53-3l-185 171L317 393z"></path></g>
<g id="edit"><path d="M673 281l62 56-205 233c-9 10-38 24-85 39a8 8 0 0 1-5 0c-4-1-7-6-6-10l0 0c14-47 25-76 35-86l204-232z m37-42l52-59c15-17 41-18 58-2 17 16 18 42 3 59L772 295l-62-56zM626 208l-67 75h-226C305 283 283 306 283 333v334C283 695 306 717 333 717h334c28 0 50-22 50-50v-185L792 398v269C792 736 736 792 667 792H333C264 792 208 736 208 667V333C208 264 264 208 333 208h293z"></path></g>
<g id="error"><path d="M500 833c-184 0-333-149-333-333s149-333 333-333 333 149 333 333-149 333-333 333z m0-68c146 0 265-118 265-265 0-146-118-265-265-265-146 0-265 118-265 265 0 146 118 265 265 265zM479 292h42c12 0 21 9 20 20l-11 217c0 8-6 13-13 13h-34c-7 0-13-6-13-13l-11-217C459 301 468 292 479 292zM483 608h34c12 0 21 9 20 21v33c0 12-9 21-20 21h-34c-12 0-21-9-21-21v-33c0-12 9-21 21-21z"></path></g>
<g id="eye-disabled"><path d="M396 735l60-60c15 2 30 3 44 3 89 0 178-34 258-90 31-22 59-46 78-69 6-7 12-14 16-19-4-6-9-12-16-19-20-22-47-46-78-69-8-5-15-11-23-15l50-51C862 397 917 458 917 500c0 87-230 250-417 250-34 0-69-5-104-15zM215 654C138 603 83 542 83 500c0-87 230-250 417-250 34 0 69 5 104 15l-59 60c-15-2-30-3-45-3-89 0-178 34-258 90-31 22-59 46-78 69-6 7-12 14-16 19 4 6 9 12 16 19 20 22 47 46 78 69 8 5 16 11 24 16L215 654z m271-9l159-159c0 5 1 9 1 14 0 81-65 146-146 146-5 0-9 0-14-1z m-131-131C354 510 354 505 354 500c0-81 65-146 146-146 5 0 10 0 14 1l-159 159z m-167 257L780 179c12-12 32-12 44 0 12 12 12 32 0 44L232 815c-12 12-32 12-44 0s-12-32 0-44z"></path></g>
<g id="eye"><path d="M500 750c-187 0-417-163-417-250s230-250 417-250 417 163 417 250-230 250-417 250z m-336-231c20 22 47 46 78 69C322 644 411 678 500 678s178-34 258-90c31-22 59-46 78-69 6-7 12-14 16-19-4-6-9-12-16-19-20-22-47-46-78-69C678 356 589 322 500 322s-178 34-258 90c-31 22-59 46-78 69-6 7-12 14-16 19 4 6 9 12 16 19zM500 646c-81 0-146-65-146-146s65-146 146-146 146 65 146 146-65 146-146 146z m0-75c39 0 71-32 71-71 0-39-32-71-71-71-39 0-71 32-71 71 0 39 32 71 71 71z"></path></g>
<g id="menu"><path d="M167 292c0-23 19-42 41-42h584C815 250 833 268 833 292c0 23-19 42-41 41H208C185 333 167 315 167 292z m0 208c0-23 19-42 41-42h584C815 458 833 477 833 500c0 23-19 42-41 42H208C185 542 167 523 167 500z m0 208c0-23 19-42 41-41h584C815 667 833 685 833 708c0 23-19 42-41 42H208C185 750 167 732 167 708z"></path></g>
<g id="minus"><path d="M261 461c-22 0-39 18-39 39 0 22 18 39 39 39h478c22 0 39-18 39-39 0-22-18-39-39-39H261z"></path></g>
<g id="phone"><path d="M296 208l42-37c17-15 44-13 58 4a42 42 0 0 1 5 7L459 282c12 20 5 45-15 57l-7 4c-17 10-25 30-19 48l20 66a420 420 0 0 0 93 157l41 45c13 14 35 17 51 8l7-5c20-12 45-5 57 16L745 777c12 20 5 45-15 57a42 42 0 0 1-8 4l-52 17c-61 21-129 4-174-43l-50-52c-81-85-141-189-175-302l-24-78c-19-62 0-129 49-172z"></path></g>
<g id="play"><path d="M689 528l-298 175c-13 8-34 8-48 0-6-4-10-9-10-14V311C333 300 348 292 367 292c9 0 17 2 24 5l298 175c26 15 26 40 0 56z"></path></g>
<g id="plus"><path d="M461 461H261c-22 0-39 18-39 39 0 22 18 39 39 39h200v200c0 22 18 39 39 39 22 0 39-18 39-39v-200h200c22 0 39-18 39-39 0-22-18-39-39-39h-200V261c0-22-18-39-39-39-22 0-39 18-39 39v200z"></path></g>
<g id="reload"><path d="M500 233V137c0-9 7-16 15-16 4 0 8 2 10 4l133 140c12 12 12 32 0 45l-133 140c-6 6-15 6-21 0C502 447 500 443 500 438V308c-117 0-212 95-212 213 0 117 95 212 212 212 117 0 212-95 212-212 0-21 17-38 38-38s38 17 37 38c0 159-129 288-287 287-159 0-288-129-288-287 0-159 129-288 288-288z"></path></g>
<g id="search"><path d="M662 603l131 131c16 16 16 42 0 59-16 16-43 16-59 0l-131-131C562 691 512 708 458 708c-138 0-250-112-250-250 0-138 112-250 250-250 138 0 250 112 250 250 0 54-17 104-46 145zM458 646c104 0 188-84 188-188S562 271 458 271 271 355 271 458s84 188 187 188z"></path></g>
<g id="upload"><path d="M454 271V604c0 21-17 38-37 38s-38-17-38-38V271L254 382c-15 14-39 12-53-3-14-15-12-39 3-53L391 160c14-13 36-13 51-1 0 0 0 0 0 1l187 166c15 14 17 37 3 53-14 15-37 17-53 3L454 271zM675 704c0-21 17-38 37-37 21 0 38 17 38 37v92c0 21-17 38-38 37H121c-21 0-38-17-38-37v-92c0-21 17-38 38-37s38 17 37 37v54h517v-54z"></path></g>
<g id="user"><path d="M500 500c-69 0-125-56-125-125s56-125 125-125 125 56 125 125-56 125-125 125z m-292 292c0-115 131-208 292-209s292 93 292 209H208z"></path></g>

@@ -85,24 +51,4 @@ </svg>

/* NOTICE: Generated with 'gulp icons' */
An iron-iconset-svg generated by PolyIcon.
Example usage:
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/vaadin-lumo-styles/icons.html">
To use an icon from this sets, first prefix your `iron-icon` with the iconset name "lumo",
followed by a colon, ":", and then the icon id.
<iron-icon icon="lumo:clock"></iron-icon>
### PolyIcon
The fonts in these iconsets were generated by PolyIcon, which is derived from Fontello.
Copyright (C) 2017 by original authors @,
FIXME(polymer-modulizer): the above comments were extracted

@@ -109,0 +55,0 @@ from HTML and may be out of place here. Review them and

@@ -14,3 +14,3 @@ {

"name": "@vaadin/vaadin-lumo-styles",
"version": "1.0.0-pre.6",
"version": "1.1.0-alpha2",
"main": "lumo.js",

@@ -17,0 +17,0 @@ "author": "Vaadin Ltd",

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ ![Bower version](

*Lumo – ✨ enchantment (Finnish) and 🔆 light (Esperanto)*
> Lumo – ✨ enchantment (Finnish) and 🔆 light (Esperanto)

@@ -14,3 +14,3 @@ **Lumo is a design system foundation** for modern, beautiful and accessible web applications.

The implementation of Lumo is based on CSS custom properties, and [Polymer 2.0 style modules]( Note, that you don’t need to use Polymer to build your application in order to use Lumo, though it is recommended.
The implementation of Lumo is based on CSS custom properties, and [Polymer style modules]( Note, that you don’t need to use Polymer to build your application in order to use Lumo.

@@ -20,3 +20,3 @@

*🚧 Documentation will eventually be deployed at 🚧*
*🚧 Documentation will eventually be deployed at 🚧*

@@ -33,9 +33,2 @@ For documentation and instructions how to get started, use the “Documentation” link in the latest [release notes](

## Roadmap
Currently, Lumo is perhaps just a glorified visual style guide. The intention, however, is to gradually grow it to contain design guidelines and patterns as well, with a focus on enterprise/business application use cases. The vision is that you could use Lumo as a starting point for creating your own design system.
Also, the technical implementation is expected to evolve together with Vaadin components and Polymer, with Polymer 3 around the corner.
## Contributing

@@ -61,2 +54,13 @@

## Adding or updating icons
1. Open `icons/Lumo Icons.sketch` using [Sketch](
1. Follow the instructions in the Sketch document
1. Run `npm install` to install dependencies
1. Run `gulp icons` to generate new versions of `icons.html` and `font-icons.html`
## Following the coding style

@@ -63,0 +67,0 @@

@@ -0,5 +1,36 @@

import '@vaadin/vaadin-button/vaadin-button.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-checkbox/vaadin-checkbox.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-combo-box/vaadin-combo-box.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-context-menu/vaadin-context-menu.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-date-picker/vaadin-date-picker.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-dialog/vaadin-dialog.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-dropdown-menu/vaadin-dropdown-menu.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-form-layout/vaadin-form-layout.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-form-layout/vaadin-form-item.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-grid/vaadin-grid.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-grid/vaadin-grid-column-group.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-grid/vaadin-grid-filter.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-grid/vaadin-grid-sorter.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-grid/vaadin-grid-selection-column.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-grid/vaadin-grid-tree-toggle.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-icons/vaadin-icons.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-item/vaadin-item.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-list-box/vaadin-list-box.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-notification/vaadin-notification.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-ordered-layout/vaadin-horizontal-layout.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-ordered-layout/vaadin-vertical-layout.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-progress-bar/vaadin-progress-bar.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-radio-button/vaadin-radio-button.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-radio-button/vaadin-radio-group.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-split-layout/vaadin-split-layout.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-tabs/vaadin-tab.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-tabs/vaadin-tabs.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-text-field/vaadin-text-field.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-text-field/vaadin-text-area.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-text-field/vaadin-password-field.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-upload/vaadin-upload.js';
import '@polymer/polymer/lib/elements/custom-style.js';
import '@polymer/polymer/lib/elements/dom-bind.js';
import '@polymer/iron-ajax/iron-ajax.js';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-grid/demo/x-data-provider.js';
import '../icons.js';

@@ -6,0 +37,0 @@ import '../badge.js';

@@ -1,9 +0,1 @@

class Lumo extends HTMLElement {
static get version() {
return '1.0.0-pre.6';
customElements.define('vaadin-lumo-styles', Lumo);
export { Lumo };
export const Lumo = {version: '1.0.0'};

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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