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@vaadin/vaadin-select - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 22.0.0-alpha3 to 22.0.0-alpha4


"name": "@vaadin/vaadin-select",
"version": "22.0.0-alpha3",
"version": "22.0.0-alpha4",
"description": "vaadin-select",

@@ -28,27 +28,8 @@ "main": "vaadin-select.js",

"dependencies": {
"@polymer/iron-media-query": "^3.0.0",
"@polymer/iron-resizable-behavior": "^3.0.0",
"@polymer/polymer": "^3.2.0",
"@vaadin/vaadin-control-state-mixin": "^22.0.0-alpha3",
"@vaadin/vaadin-element-mixin": "^22.0.0-alpha3",
"@vaadin/vaadin-item": "^22.0.0-alpha3",
"@vaadin/vaadin-list-box": "^22.0.0-alpha3",
"@vaadin/vaadin-list-mixin": "^22.0.0-alpha3",
"@vaadin/vaadin-lumo-styles": "^22.0.0-alpha3",
"@vaadin/vaadin-material-styles": "^22.0.0-alpha3",
"@vaadin/vaadin-overlay": "^22.0.0-alpha3",
"@vaadin/vaadin-text-field": "^22.0.0-alpha3",
"@vaadin/vaadin-themable-mixin": "^22.0.0-alpha3"
"@vaadin/select": "^22.0.0-alpha4"
"devDependencies": {
"@esm-bundle/chai": "^4.3.4",
"@vaadin/testing-helpers": "^0.2.1",
"@vaadin/vaadin-template-renderer": "^22.0.0-alpha3",
"lit": "^2.0.0-rc.1",
"sinon": "^9.2.0"
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public"
"gitHead": "efd855b1c0a7c4998f43670a17b0c7fdfe14ff9d"
"gitHead": "86c025abd605d5a4a3c0ae36eb07c34704cee1f2"

@@ -1,216 +0,6 @@

import { ThemableMixin } from '@vaadin/vaadin-themable-mixin/vaadin-themable-mixin.js';
import { ControlStateMixin } from '@vaadin/vaadin-control-state-mixin/vaadin-control-state-mixin.js';
import { ElementMixin } from '@vaadin/vaadin-element-mixin/vaadin-element-mixin.js';
import { SelectEventMap, SelectRenderer } from './interfaces';
* `<vaadin-select>` is a Web Component for selecting values from a list of items.
* ### Rendering
* The content of the select can be populated by using the renderer callback function.
* The renderer function provides `root`, `select` arguments.
* Generate DOM content, append it to the `root` element and control the state
* of the host element by accessing `select`.
* ```html
* <vaadin-select id="select"></vaadin-select>
* ```
* ```js
* const select = document.querySelector('#select');
* select.renderer = function(root, select) {
* const listBox = document.createElement('vaadin-list-box');
* // append 3 <vaadin-item> elements
* ['Jose', 'Manolo', 'Pedro'].forEach(function(name) {
* const item = document.createElement('vaadin-item');
* item.textContent = name;
* item.setAttribute('label', name)
* listBox.appendChild(item);
* });
* // update the content
* root.appendChild(listBox);
* };
* ```
* Renderer is called on initialization of new select and on its opening.
* DOM generated during the renderer call can be reused
* in the next renderer call and will be provided with the `root` argument.
* On first call it will be empty.
* * Hint: By setting the `label` property of inner vaadin-items you will
* be able to change the visual representation of the selected value in the input part.
* ### Styling
* The following shadow DOM parts are available for styling:
* Part name | Description
* ----------------|----------------
* `toggle-button` | The toggle button
* The following state attributes are available for styling:
* Attribute | Description | Part name
* -------------|-------------|------------
* `opened` | Set when the select is open | :host
* `invalid` | Set when the element is invalid | :host
* `focused` | Set when the element is focused | :host
* `focus-ring` | Set when the element is keyboard focused | :host
* `readonly` | Set when the select is read only | :host
* `<vaadin-select>` element sets these custom CSS properties:
* Property name | Description | Theme for element
* --- | --- | ---
* `--vaadin-select-text-field-width` | Width of the select text field | `vaadin-select-overlay`
* See [Styling Components]( documentation.
* ### Internal components
* In addition to `<vaadin-select>` itself, the following internal
* components are themable:
* - `<vaadin-select-text-field>` - has the same API as [`<vaadin-text-field>`](#/elements/vaadin-text-field).
* - `<vaadin-select-overlay>` - has the same API as [`<vaadin-overlay>`](#/elements/vaadin-overlay).
* Note: the `theme` attribute value set on `<vaadin-select>` is
* propagated to the internal components listed above.
* @fires {Event} change - Fired when the user commits a value change.
* @fires {CustomEvent} invalid-changed - Fired when the `invalid` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} opened-changed - Fired when the `opened` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} value-changed - Fired when the `value` property changes.
* @license
* Copyright (c) 2021 Vaadin Ltd.
* This program is available under Apache License Version 2.0, available at
declare class SelectElement extends ElementMixin(ControlStateMixin(ThemableMixin(HTMLElement))) {
readonly focusElement: HTMLElement;
* Set when the select is open
opened: boolean;
* Custom function for rendering the content of the `<vaadin-select>`.
* Receives two arguments:
* - `root` The `<vaadin-select-overlay>` internal container
* DOM element. Append your content to it.
* - `select` The reference to the `<vaadin-select>` element.
renderer: SelectRenderer | undefined;
* The error message to display when the select value is invalid
errorMessage: string;
* String used for the label element.
label: string | null | undefined;
* It stores the the `value` property of the selected item, providing the
* value for iron-form.
* When there’s an item selected, it's the value of that item, otherwise
* it's an empty string.
* On change or initialization, the component finds the item which matches the
* value and displays it.
* If no value is provided to the component, it selects the first item without
* value or empty value.
* Hint: If you do not want to select any item by default, you can either set all
* the values of inner vaadin-items, or set the vaadin-select value to
* an inexistent value in the items list.
value: string;
* The current required state of the select. True if required.
required: boolean | null | undefined;
* Set to true if the value is invalid.
invalid: boolean;
* The name of this element.
name: string | null | undefined;
* A hint to the user of what can be entered in the control.
* The placeholder will be displayed in the case that there
* is no item selected, or the selected item has an empty
* string label, or the selected item has no label and it's
* DOM content is empty.
placeholder: string | null | undefined;
* String used for the helper text.
helperText: string | null | undefined;
* When present, it specifies that the element is read-only.
readonly: boolean;
_setFocused(focused: boolean): void;
ready(): void;
* Requests an update for the content of the select.
* While performing the update, it invokes the renderer passed in the `renderer` property.
* It is not guaranteed that the update happens immediately (synchronously) after it is requested.
requestContentUpdate(): void;
* Manually invoke existing renderer.
* @deprecated Since Vaadin 21, `render()` is deprecated. Please use `requestContentUpdate()` instead.
render(): void;
_onKeyDown(e: KeyboardEvent): void;
_onKeyDownInside(e: KeyboardEvent): void;
* Returns true if `value` is valid, and sets the `invalid` flag appropriately.
* @returns True if the value is valid and sets the `invalid` flag appropriately
validate(): boolean;
addEventListener<K extends keyof SelectEventMap>(
type: K,
listener: (this: SelectElement, ev: SelectEventMap[K]) => void,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions
): void;
removeEventListener<K extends keyof SelectEventMap>(
type: K,
listener: (this: SelectElement, ev: SelectEventMap[K]) => void,
options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions
): void;
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'vaadin-select': SelectElement;
export { SelectElement };
export * from '@vaadin/select/src/vaadin-select.js';

@@ -6,660 +6,2 @@ /**

import { PolymerElement, html } from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';
import { mixinBehaviors } from '@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/class.js';
import { ThemableMixin } from '@vaadin/vaadin-themable-mixin/vaadin-themable-mixin.js';
import { ControlStateMixin } from '@vaadin/vaadin-control-state-mixin/vaadin-control-state-mixin.js';
import { IronResizableBehavior } from '@polymer/iron-resizable-behavior/iron-resizable-behavior.js';
import '@polymer/iron-media-query/iron-media-query.js';
import { ElementMixin } from '@vaadin/vaadin-element-mixin/vaadin-element-mixin.js';
import { processTemplates } from '@vaadin/vaadin-element-mixin/templates.js';
import './vaadin-select-overlay.js';
import './vaadin-select-text-field.js';
const $_documentContainer = document.createElement('template');
$_documentContainer.innerHTML = `
@font-face {
font-family: "vaadin-select-icons";
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
* `<vaadin-select>` is a Web Component for selecting values from a list of items.
* ### Rendering
* The content of the select can be populated by using the renderer callback function.
* The renderer function provides `root`, `select` arguments.
* Generate DOM content, append it to the `root` element and control the state
* of the host element by accessing `select`.
* ```html
* <vaadin-select id="select"></vaadin-select>
* ```
* ```js
* const select = document.querySelector('#select');
* select.renderer = function(root, select) {
* const listBox = document.createElement('vaadin-list-box');
* // append 3 <vaadin-item> elements
* ['Jose', 'Manolo', 'Pedro'].forEach(function(name) {
* const item = document.createElement('vaadin-item');
* item.textContent = name;
* item.setAttribute('label', name)
* listBox.appendChild(item);
* });
* // update the content
* root.appendChild(listBox);
* };
* ```
* Renderer is called on initialization of new select and on its opening.
* DOM generated during the renderer call can be reused
* in the next renderer call and will be provided with the `root` argument.
* On first call it will be empty.
* * Hint: By setting the `label` property of inner vaadin-items you will
* be able to change the visual representation of the selected value in the input part.
* ### Styling
* The following shadow DOM parts are available for styling:
* Part name | Description
* ----------------|----------------
* `toggle-button` | The toggle button
* The following state attributes are available for styling:
* Attribute | Description | Part name
* -------------|-------------|------------
* `opened` | Set when the select is open | :host
* `invalid` | Set when the element is invalid | :host
* `focused` | Set when the element is focused | :host
* `focus-ring` | Set when the element is keyboard focused | :host
* `readonly` | Set when the select is read only | :host
* `<vaadin-select>` element sets these custom CSS properties:
* Property name | Description | Theme for element
* --- | --- | ---
* `--vaadin-select-text-field-width` | Width of the select text field | `vaadin-select-overlay`
* See [Styling Components]( documentation.
* ### Internal components
* In addition to `<vaadin-select>` itself, the following internal
* components are themable:
* - `<vaadin-select-text-field>` - has the same API as [`<vaadin-text-field>`](#/elements/vaadin-text-field).
* - `<vaadin-select-overlay>` - has the same API as [`<vaadin-overlay>`](#/elements/vaadin-overlay).
* Note: the `theme` attribute value set on `<vaadin-select>` is
* propagated to the internal components listed above.
* @fires {Event} change - Fired when the user commits a value change.
* @fires {CustomEvent} invalid-changed - Fired when the `invalid` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} opened-changed - Fired when the `opened` property changes.
* @fires {CustomEvent} value-changed - Fired when the `value` property changes.
* @extends HTMLElement
* @mixes ElementMixin
* @mixes ControlStateMixin
* @mixes ThemableMixin
class SelectElement extends ElementMixin(
ControlStateMixin(ThemableMixin(mixinBehaviors(IronResizableBehavior, PolymerElement)))
) {
static get template() {
return html`
:host {
display: inline-block;
vaadin-select-text-field {
width: 100%;
min-width: 0;
:host([hidden]) {
display: none !important;
[part='toggle-button'] {
font-family: 'vaadin-select-icons';
[part='toggle-button']::before {
content: '\\e900';
<slot name="prefix" slot="prefix"></slot>
<slot name="helper" slot="helper">[[helperText]]</slot>
<div part="value"></div>
<div part="toggle-button" slot="suffix" role="button" aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-label="Toggle"></div>
<iron-media-query query="[[_phoneMediaQuery]]" query-matches="{{_phone}}"></iron-media-query>
static get is() {
return 'vaadin-select';
static get properties() {
return {
* Set when the select is open
* @type {boolean}
opened: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
notify: true,
reflectToAttribute: true,
observer: '_openedChanged'
* Custom function for rendering the content of the `<vaadin-select>`.
* Receives two arguments:
* - `root` The `<vaadin-select-overlay>` internal container
* DOM element. Append your content to it.
* - `select` The reference to the `<vaadin-select>` element.
* @type {!SelectRenderer | undefined}
renderer: Function,
* The error message to display when the select value is invalid
* @attr {string} error-message
* @type {string}
errorMessage: {
type: String,
value: ''
* String used for the label element.
label: {
type: String
* It stores the the `value` property of the selected item, providing the
* value for iron-form.
* When there’s an item selected, it's the value of that item, otherwise
* it's an empty string.
* On change or initialization, the component finds the item which matches the
* value and displays it.
* If no value is provided to the component, it selects the first item without
* value or empty value.
* Hint: If you do not want to select any item by default, you can either set all
* the values of inner vaadin-items, or set the vaadin-select value to
* an inexistent value in the items list.
* @type {string}
value: {
type: String,
value: '',
notify: true,
observer: '_valueChanged'
* The current required state of the select. True if required.
required: {
type: Boolean,
reflectToAttribute: true,
observer: '_requiredChanged'
* Set to true if the value is invalid.
* @type {boolean}
invalid: {
type: Boolean,
reflectToAttribute: true,
notify: true,
value: false
* The name of this element.
name: {
type: String,
reflectToAttribute: true
* A hint to the user of what can be entered in the control.
* The placeholder will be displayed in the case that there
* is no item selected, or the selected item has an empty
* string label, or the selected item has no label and it's
* DOM content is empty.
placeholder: {
type: String
* String used for the helper text.
* @attr {string} helper-text
helperText: {
type: String,
value: ''
* When present, it specifies that the element is read-only.
* @type {boolean}
readonly: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
reflectToAttribute: true
/** @private */
_phone: Boolean,
/** @private */
_phoneMediaQuery: {
value: '(max-width: 420px), (max-height: 420px)'
/** @private */
_overlayElement: Object,
/** @private */
_inputElement: Object,
/** @private */
_toggleElement: Object,
/** @private */
_items: Object
static get observers() {
return [
'_updateSelectedItem(value, _items)',
'_updateAriaExpanded(opened, _toggleElement, _inputElement)',
'_rendererChanged(renderer, _overlayElement)'
constructor() {
this._boundSetPosition = this._setPosition.bind(this);
/** @protected */
connectedCallback() {
this.addEventListener('iron-resize', this._boundSetPosition);
/** @protected */
disconnectedCallback() {
this.removeEventListener('iron-resize', this._boundSetPosition);
// Making sure the select is closed and removed from DOM after detaching the select.
this.opened = false;
/** @protected */
ready() {
this._overlayElement = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('vaadin-select-overlay');
this._valueElement = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('[part="value"]');
this._toggleElement = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('[part="toggle-button"]');
this._nativeInput = this.focusElement.shadowRoot.querySelector('input');
this._nativeInput.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true);
this._nativeInput.setAttribute('tabindex', -1); = 'none';
this.focusElement.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
const isHelperClick = Array.from(e.composedPath()).some((node) => {
return node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.getAttribute('slot') === 'helper';
this.opened = !this.readonly && !isHelperClick;
this.focusElement.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => this._onKeyDown(e));
* Requests an update for the content of the select.
* While performing the update, it invokes the renderer passed in the `renderer` property.
* It is not guaranteed that the update happens immediately (synchronously) after it is requested.
requestContentUpdate() {
if (this._menuElement && this._menuElement.items) {
this._updateSelectedItem(this.value, this._menuElement.items);
* Manually invoke existing renderer.
* @deprecated Since Vaadin 21, `render()` is deprecated. Please use `requestContentUpdate()` instead.
render() {
console.warn('WARNING: Since Vaadin 21, render() is deprecated. Please use requestContentUpdate() instead.');
/** @private */
_rendererChanged(renderer, overlay) {
if (!overlay) {
overlay.setProperties({ owner: this, renderer });
if (renderer) {
/** @private */
_assignMenuElement() {
this._menuElement = Array.from(this._overlayElement.content.children).find(
(element) => element.localName !== 'style'
if (this._menuElement) {
this._menuElement.addEventListener('items-changed', () => {
this._items = this._menuElement.items;
this._items.forEach((item) => item.setAttribute('role', 'option'));
this._menuElement.addEventListener('selected-changed', () => this._updateValueSlot());
this._menuElement.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => this._onKeyDownInside(e));
() => {
this.__userInteraction = true;
this.opened = false;
this._menuElement.setAttribute('role', 'listbox');
* @return {!HTMLElement}
* @protected
get focusElement() {
return this._inputElement || (this._inputElement = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('vaadin-select-text-field'));
/** @private */
_requiredChanged(required) {
this.setAttribute('aria-required', required);
/** @private */
_valueChanged(value, oldValue) {
if (value === '') {
} else {
this.focusElement.setAttribute('has-value', '');
// Skip validation for the initial empty string value
if (value === '' && oldValue === undefined) {
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e
* @protected
_onKeyDown(e) {
if (!this.readonly && !this.opened) {
if (/^(Enter|SpaceBar|\s|ArrowDown|Down|ArrowUp|Up)$/.test(e.key)) {
this.opened = true;
} else if (/[a-zA-Z0-9]/.test(e.key) && e.key.length === 1) {
const selected = this._menuElement.selected;
const currentIdx = selected !== undefined ? selected : -1;
const newIdx = this._menuElement._searchKey(currentIdx, e.key);
if (newIdx >= 0) {
this.__userInteraction = true;
this._updateSelectedItem(this._items[newIdx].value, this._items);
* @param {!KeyboardEvent} e
* @protected
_onKeyDownInside(e) {
if (/^(Tab)$/.test(e.key)) {
this.opened = false;
/** @private */
_openedChanged(opened, wasOpened) {
if (opened) {
if (
!this._overlayElement ||
!this._menuElement ||
!this._toggleElement ||
!this.focusElement ||
this.disabled ||
) {
this.opened = false;
this._openedWithFocusRing = this.hasAttribute('focus-ring') || this.focusElement.hasAttribute('focus-ring');
window.addEventListener('scroll', this._boundSetPosition, true);
} else if (wasOpened) {
if (this._phone) {
} else {
if (this._openedWithFocusRing) {
this.focusElement.setAttribute('focus-ring', '');
window.removeEventListener('scroll', this._boundSetPosition, true);
/** @private */
_hasContent(selected) {
if (!selected) {
return false;
return Boolean(
? selected.getAttribute('label')
: selected.textContent.trim() || selected.children.length
/** @private */
_attachSelectedItem(selected) {
if (!selected) {
let labelItem;
if (selected.hasAttribute('label')) {
labelItem = document.createElement('vaadin-item');
labelItem.textContent = selected.getAttribute('label');
} else {
labelItem = selected.cloneNode(true);
// store reference to the original item
labelItem._sourceItem = selected;
labelItem.selected = true;
/** @private */
_updateAriaExpanded(opened, toggleElement, inputElement) {
toggleElement && toggleElement.setAttribute('aria-expanded', opened);
if (inputElement && inputElement.focusElement) {
inputElement.focusElement.setAttribute('aria-expanded', opened);
/** @private */
_updateValueSlot() {
this.opened = false;
this._valueElement.innerHTML = '';
const selected = this._items[this._menuElement.selected];
const hasContent = this._hasContent(selected);
// Toggle visibility of _valueElement vs fallback input with placeholder
this._valueElement.slot = hasContent ? 'input' : '';
if (!this._valueChanging && selected) {
this._selectedChanging = true;
this.value = selected.value || '';
if (this.__userInteraction) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('change', { bubbles: true }));
this.__userInteraction = false;
delete this._selectedChanging;
/** @private */
_updateSelectedItem(value, items) {
if (items) {
this._menuElement.selected = items.reduce((prev, item, idx) => {
return prev === undefined && item.value === value ? idx : prev;
}, undefined);
if (!this._selectedChanging) {
this._valueChanging = true;
delete this._valueChanging;
* @param {boolean} focused
* @protected
_setFocused(focused) {
// Keep `focused` state when opening the overlay for styling purpose.
super._setFocused(this.opened || focused);
!this.hasAttribute('focused') && this.validate();
/** @private */
_setPosition() {
const inputRect = this._inputElement.shadowRoot.querySelector('[part~="input-field"]').getBoundingClientRect();
const viewportHeight = Math.min(window.innerHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight);
const bottomAlign = > (viewportHeight - inputRect.height) / 2;
const isRtl = this.getAttribute('dir') === 'rtl';
if (isRtl) { = document.documentElement.clientWidth - inputRect.right + 'px';
} else { = inputRect.left + 'px';
if (bottomAlign) {
this._overlayElement.setAttribute('bottom-aligned', '');'top'); = viewportHeight - inputRect.bottom + 'px';
} else {
this._overlayElement.removeAttribute('bottom-aligned');'bottom'); = + 'px';
this._overlayElement.updateStyles({ '--vaadin-select-text-field-width': inputRect.width + 'px' });
* Returns true if `value` is valid, and sets the `invalid` flag appropriately.
* @return {boolean} True if the value is valid and sets the `invalid` flag appropriately
validate() {
return !(this.invalid = !(this.disabled || !this.required || this.value));
* Fired when the user commits a value change.
* @event change
customElements.define(, SelectElement);
export { SelectElement };
export * from '@vaadin/select/src/vaadin-select.js';



@@ -1,2 +0,6 @@

import './vaadin-select-styles.js';
import '../../src/vaadin-select.js';
* @license
* Copyright (c) 2021 Vaadin Ltd.
* This program is available under Apache License Version 2.0, available at
import '@vaadin/select/theme/lumo/vaadin-select.js';

@@ -1,2 +0,6 @@

import './vaadin-select-styles.js';
import '../../src/vaadin-select.js';
* @license
* Copyright (c) 2021 Vaadin Ltd.
* This program is available under Apache License Version 2.0, available at
import '@vaadin/select/theme/material/vaadin-select.js';
export * from './src/vaadin-select.js';
export * from './src/interfaces';
export * from '@vaadin/select/src/interfaces';
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