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@vanilla-extract/css - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.0-get-crackling-202281935912 to 0.0.0-get-crackling-202281955846



@@ -1,4 +0,188 @@

import { A as Adapter } from '../dist/types-c84744cf.js';
import 'csstype';
import { AtRule, Properties } from 'csstype';
declare type CSSVarFunction = `var(--${string})` | `var(--${string}, ${string | number})`;
declare const simplePseudoMap: {
readonly ':-moz-any-link': true;
readonly ':-moz-full-screen': true;
readonly ':-moz-placeholder': true;
readonly ':-moz-read-only': true;
readonly ':-moz-read-write': true;
readonly ':-ms-fullscreen': true;
readonly ':-ms-input-placeholder': true;
readonly ':-webkit-any-link': true;
readonly ':-webkit-full-screen': true;
readonly '::-moz-placeholder': true;
readonly '::-moz-progress-bar': true;
readonly '::-moz-range-progress': true;
readonly '::-moz-range-thumb': true;
readonly '::-moz-range-track': true;
readonly '::-moz-selection': true;
readonly '::-ms-backdrop': true;
readonly '::-ms-browse': true;
readonly '::-ms-check': true;
readonly '::-ms-clear': true;
readonly '::-ms-fill': true;
readonly '::-ms-fill-lower': true;
readonly '::-ms-fill-upper': true;
readonly '::-ms-reveal': true;
readonly '::-ms-thumb': true;
readonly '::-ms-ticks-after': true;
readonly '::-ms-ticks-before': true;
readonly '::-ms-tooltip': true;
readonly '::-ms-track': true;
readonly '::-ms-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-backdrop': true;
readonly '::-webkit-input-placeholder': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-bar': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-inner-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-resizer': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-button': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-corner': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-track': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar': true;
readonly '::-webkit-slider-runnable-track': true;
readonly '::-webkit-slider-thumb': true;
readonly '::after': true;
readonly '::backdrop': true;
readonly '::before': true;
readonly '::cue': true;
readonly '::first-letter': true;
readonly '::first-line': true;
readonly '::grammar-error': true;
readonly '::placeholder': true;
readonly '::selection': true;
readonly '::spelling-error': true;
readonly ':active': true;
readonly ':after': true;
readonly ':any-link': true;
readonly ':before': true;
readonly ':blank': true;
readonly ':checked': true;
readonly ':default': true;
readonly ':defined': true;
readonly ':disabled': true;
readonly ':empty': true;
readonly ':enabled': true;
readonly ':first': true;
readonly ':first-child': true;
readonly ':first-letter': true;
readonly ':first-line': true;
readonly ':first-of-type': true;
readonly ':focus': true;
readonly ':focus-visible': true;
readonly ':focus-within': true;
readonly ':fullscreen': true;
readonly ':hover': true;
readonly ':in-range': true;
readonly ':indeterminate': true;
readonly ':invalid': true;
readonly ':last-child': true;
readonly ':last-of-type': true;
readonly ':left': true;
readonly ':link': true;
readonly ':only-child': true;
readonly ':only-of-type': true;
readonly ':optional': true;
readonly ':out-of-range': true;
readonly ':placeholder-shown': true;
readonly ':read-only': true;
readonly ':read-write': true;
readonly ':required': true;
readonly ':right': true;
readonly ':root': true;
readonly ':scope': true;
readonly ':target': true;
readonly ':valid': true;
readonly ':visited': true;
declare type SimplePseudos = keyof typeof simplePseudoMap;
interface ContainerProperties {
container?: string;
containerType?: 'size' | 'inline-size' | (string & {});
containerName?: string;
declare type CSSTypeProperties = Properties<number | (string & {})> & ContainerProperties;
declare type CSSProperties = {
[Property in keyof CSSTypeProperties]: CSSTypeProperties[Property] | CSSVarFunction | Array<CSSVarFunction | CSSTypeProperties[Property]>;
interface CSSKeyframes {
[time: string]: CSSProperties;
declare type CSSPropertiesWithVars = CSSProperties & {
vars?: {
[key: string]: string;
declare type PseudoProperties = {
[key in SimplePseudos]?: CSSPropertiesWithVars;
declare type CSSPropertiesAndPseudos = CSSPropertiesWithVars & PseudoProperties;
interface MediaQueries<StyleType> {
'@media'?: {
[query: string]: StyleType;
interface FeatureQueries<StyleType> {
'@supports'?: {
[query: string]: StyleType;
interface ContainerQueries<StyleType> {
'@container'?: {
[query: string]: StyleType;
declare type WithQueries<StyleType> = MediaQueries<StyleType & FeatureQueries<StyleType & ContainerQueries<StyleType>> & ContainerQueries<StyleType & FeatureQueries<StyleType>>> & FeatureQueries<StyleType & MediaQueries<StyleType & ContainerQueries<StyleType>> & ContainerQueries<StyleType & MediaQueries<StyleType>>> & ContainerQueries<StyleType & MediaQueries<StyleType & FeatureQueries<StyleType>> & FeatureQueries<StyleType & MediaQueries<StyleType>>>;
interface SelectorMap {
[selector: string]: CSSPropertiesWithVars & WithQueries<CSSPropertiesWithVars>;
interface StyleWithSelectors extends CSSPropertiesAndPseudos {
selectors?: SelectorMap;
declare type StyleRule = StyleWithSelectors & WithQueries<StyleWithSelectors>;
declare type GlobalStyleRule = CSSPropertiesWithVars & WithQueries<CSSPropertiesWithVars>;
declare type GlobalFontFaceRule = Omit<AtRule.FontFaceFallback, 'src'> & Required<Pick<AtRule.FontFaceFallback, 'src'>>;
declare type CSSStyleBlock = {
type: 'local';
selector: string;
rule: StyleRule;
declare type CSSFontFaceBlock = {
type: 'fontFace';
rule: GlobalFontFaceRule;
declare type CSSKeyframesBlock = {
type: 'keyframes';
name: string;
rule: CSSKeyframes;
declare type CSSSelectorBlock = {
type: 'selector' | 'global';
selector: string;
rule: GlobalStyleRule;
declare type CSS = CSSStyleBlock | CSSFontFaceBlock | CSSKeyframesBlock | CSSSelectorBlock;
declare type FileScope = {
packageName?: string;
filePath: string;
interface Composition {
identifier: string;
classList: string;
declare type IdentOption = 'short' | 'debug';
interface Adapter {
appendCss: (css: CSS, fileScope: FileScope) => void;
registerClassName: (className: string) => void;
registerComposition: (composition: Composition) => void;
markCompositionUsed: (identifier: string) => void;
onEndFileScope: (fileScope: FileScope) => void;
getIdentOption: () => IdentOption;
declare const mockAdapter: Adapter;

@@ -5,0 +189,0 @@ declare const setAdapterIfNotSet: (newAdapter: Adapter) => void;

@@ -1,5 +0,205 @@

import { T as Tokens, a as ThemeVars, C as Contract, M as MapLeafNodes, b as ComplexStyleRule, c as ClassNames, G as GlobalStyleRule, F as FontFaceRule, d as CSSKeyframes, e as CSSVarFunction, N as NullableTokens } from './types-c84744cf.js';
export { A as Adapter, g as CSSProperties, b as ComplexStyleRule, f as FileScope, G as GlobalStyleRule, S as StyleRule } from './types-c84744cf.js';
import 'csstype';
import { Properties, AtRule } from 'csstype';
declare type CSSVarFunction = `var(--${string})` | `var(--${string}, ${string | number})`;
declare type Contract = {
[key: string]: CSSVarFunction | null | Contract;
declare type Primitive$1 = string | boolean | number | null | undefined;
declare type MapLeafNodes<Obj, LeafType> = {
[Prop in keyof Obj]: Obj[Prop] extends Primitive$1 ? LeafType : Obj[Prop] extends Record<string | number, any> ? MapLeafNodes<Obj[Prop], LeafType> : never;
declare const simplePseudoMap: {
readonly ':-moz-any-link': true;
readonly ':-moz-full-screen': true;
readonly ':-moz-placeholder': true;
readonly ':-moz-read-only': true;
readonly ':-moz-read-write': true;
readonly ':-ms-fullscreen': true;
readonly ':-ms-input-placeholder': true;
readonly ':-webkit-any-link': true;
readonly ':-webkit-full-screen': true;
readonly '::-moz-placeholder': true;
readonly '::-moz-progress-bar': true;
readonly '::-moz-range-progress': true;
readonly '::-moz-range-thumb': true;
readonly '::-moz-range-track': true;
readonly '::-moz-selection': true;
readonly '::-ms-backdrop': true;
readonly '::-ms-browse': true;
readonly '::-ms-check': true;
readonly '::-ms-clear': true;
readonly '::-ms-fill': true;
readonly '::-ms-fill-lower': true;
readonly '::-ms-fill-upper': true;
readonly '::-ms-reveal': true;
readonly '::-ms-thumb': true;
readonly '::-ms-ticks-after': true;
readonly '::-ms-ticks-before': true;
readonly '::-ms-tooltip': true;
readonly '::-ms-track': true;
readonly '::-ms-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-backdrop': true;
readonly '::-webkit-input-placeholder': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-bar': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-inner-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-resizer': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-button': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-corner': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-track': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar': true;
readonly '::-webkit-slider-runnable-track': true;
readonly '::-webkit-slider-thumb': true;
readonly '::after': true;
readonly '::backdrop': true;
readonly '::before': true;
readonly '::cue': true;
readonly '::first-letter': true;
readonly '::first-line': true;
readonly '::grammar-error': true;
readonly '::placeholder': true;
readonly '::selection': true;
readonly '::spelling-error': true;
readonly ':active': true;
readonly ':after': true;
readonly ':any-link': true;
readonly ':before': true;
readonly ':blank': true;
readonly ':checked': true;
readonly ':default': true;
readonly ':defined': true;
readonly ':disabled': true;
readonly ':empty': true;
readonly ':enabled': true;
readonly ':first': true;
readonly ':first-child': true;
readonly ':first-letter': true;
readonly ':first-line': true;
readonly ':first-of-type': true;
readonly ':focus': true;
readonly ':focus-visible': true;
readonly ':focus-within': true;
readonly ':fullscreen': true;
readonly ':hover': true;
readonly ':in-range': true;
readonly ':indeterminate': true;
readonly ':invalid': true;
readonly ':last-child': true;
readonly ':last-of-type': true;
readonly ':left': true;
readonly ':link': true;
readonly ':only-child': true;
readonly ':only-of-type': true;
readonly ':optional': true;
readonly ':out-of-range': true;
readonly ':placeholder-shown': true;
readonly ':read-only': true;
readonly ':read-write': true;
readonly ':required': true;
readonly ':right': true;
readonly ':root': true;
readonly ':scope': true;
readonly ':target': true;
readonly ':valid': true;
readonly ':visited': true;
declare type SimplePseudos = keyof typeof simplePseudoMap;
interface ContainerProperties {
container?: string;
containerType?: 'size' | 'inline-size' | (string & {});
containerName?: string;
declare type CSSTypeProperties = Properties<number | (string & {})> & ContainerProperties;
declare type CSSProperties = {
[Property in keyof CSSTypeProperties]: CSSTypeProperties[Property] | CSSVarFunction | Array<CSSVarFunction | CSSTypeProperties[Property]>;
interface CSSKeyframes {
[time: string]: CSSProperties;
declare type CSSPropertiesWithVars = CSSProperties & {
vars?: {
[key: string]: string;
declare type PseudoProperties = {
[key in SimplePseudos]?: CSSPropertiesWithVars;
declare type CSSPropertiesAndPseudos = CSSPropertiesWithVars & PseudoProperties;
interface MediaQueries<StyleType> {
'@media'?: {
[query: string]: StyleType;
interface FeatureQueries<StyleType> {
'@supports'?: {
[query: string]: StyleType;
interface ContainerQueries<StyleType> {
'@container'?: {
[query: string]: StyleType;
declare type WithQueries<StyleType> = MediaQueries<StyleType & FeatureQueries<StyleType & ContainerQueries<StyleType>> & ContainerQueries<StyleType & FeatureQueries<StyleType>>> & FeatureQueries<StyleType & MediaQueries<StyleType & ContainerQueries<StyleType>> & ContainerQueries<StyleType & MediaQueries<StyleType>>> & ContainerQueries<StyleType & MediaQueries<StyleType & FeatureQueries<StyleType>> & FeatureQueries<StyleType & MediaQueries<StyleType>>>;
interface SelectorMap {
[selector: string]: CSSPropertiesWithVars & WithQueries<CSSPropertiesWithVars>;
interface StyleWithSelectors extends CSSPropertiesAndPseudos {
selectors?: SelectorMap;
declare type StyleRule = StyleWithSelectors & WithQueries<StyleWithSelectors>;
declare type GlobalStyleRule = CSSPropertiesWithVars & WithQueries<CSSPropertiesWithVars>;
declare type GlobalFontFaceRule = Omit<AtRule.FontFaceFallback, 'src'> & Required<Pick<AtRule.FontFaceFallback, 'src'>>;
declare type FontFaceRule = Omit<GlobalFontFaceRule, 'fontFamily'>;
declare type CSSStyleBlock = {
type: 'local';
selector: string;
rule: StyleRule;
declare type CSSFontFaceBlock = {
type: 'fontFace';
rule: GlobalFontFaceRule;
declare type CSSKeyframesBlock = {
type: 'keyframes';
name: string;
rule: CSSKeyframes;
declare type CSSSelectorBlock = {
type: 'selector' | 'global';
selector: string;
rule: GlobalStyleRule;
declare type CSS = CSSStyleBlock | CSSFontFaceBlock | CSSKeyframesBlock | CSSSelectorBlock;
declare type FileScope = {
packageName?: string;
filePath: string;
interface Composition {
identifier: string;
classList: string;
declare type IdentOption = 'short' | 'debug';
interface Adapter {
appendCss: (css: CSS, fileScope: FileScope) => void;
registerClassName: (className: string) => void;
registerComposition: (composition: Composition) => void;
markCompositionUsed: (identifier: string) => void;
onEndFileScope: (fileScope: FileScope) => void;
getIdentOption: () => IdentOption;
declare type NullableTokens = {
[key: string]: string | NullableTokens | null;
declare type Tokens = {
[key: string]: string | Tokens;
declare type ThemeVars<ThemeContract extends NullableTokens> = MapLeafNodes<ThemeContract, CSSVarFunction>;
declare type ClassNames = string | Array<ClassNames>;
declare type ComplexStyleRule = StyleRule | Array<StyleRule | ClassNames>;
interface GenerateIdentifierOptions {

@@ -39,2 +239,2 @@ debugId?: string;

export { assignVars, composeStyles, createContainer, createGlobalTheme, createGlobalThemeContract, createTheme, createThemeContract, createVar, fallbackVar, fontFace, generateIdentifier, globalFontFace, globalKeyframes, globalStyle, keyframes, style, styleVariants };
export { Adapter, CSSProperties, ComplexStyleRule, FileScope, GlobalStyleRule, StyleRule, assignVars, composeStyles, createContainer, createGlobalTheme, createGlobalThemeContract, createTheme, createThemeContract, createVar, fallbackVar, fontFace, generateIdentifier, globalFontFace, globalKeyframes, globalStyle, keyframes, style, styleVariants };



@@ -1,3 +0,5 @@

import { f as FileScope } from '../dist/types-c84744cf.js';
import 'csstype';
declare type FileScope = {
packageName?: string;
filePath: string;

@@ -4,0 +6,0 @@ declare function setFileScope(filePath: string, packageName?: string): void;

@@ -1,3 +0,5 @@

import { f as FileScope } from '../dist/types-c84744cf.js';
import 'csstype';
declare type FileScope = {
packageName?: string;
filePath: string;

@@ -4,0 +6,0 @@ interface InjectStylesOptions {

"name": "@vanilla-extract/css",
"version": "0.0.0-get-crackling-202281935912",
"version": "0.0.0-get-crackling-202281955846",
"description": "Zero-runtime Stylesheets-in-TypeScript",

@@ -126,3 +126,3 @@ "repository": {

"@crackle/cli": "^0.8.0",
"@vanilla-extract/private": "^0.0.0-get-crackling-202281935912",
"@vanilla-extract/private": "^0.0.0-get-crackling-202281955846",
"@types/cssesc": "^3.0.0"

@@ -129,0 +129,0 @@ },

@@ -1,2 +0,11 @@

import { addFunctionSerializer } from '../functionSerializer/index.cjs.js';
declare type Primitive = string | number | boolean | null | undefined;
declare type Serializable = {
[Key in string | number]: Primitive | Serializable;
} | ReadonlyArray<Primitive | Serializable>;
interface SerializerConfig {
importPath: string;
importName: string;
args: ReadonlyArray<Serializable>;
declare function addFunctionSerializer<Target extends object>(target: Target, recipe: SerializerConfig): Target;

@@ -3,0 +12,0 @@ /**

@@ -1,4 +0,175 @@

import { h as Composition, i as CSS } from '../dist/types-c84744cf.js';
import 'csstype';
import { AtRule, Properties } from 'csstype';
declare type CSSVarFunction = `var(--${string})` | `var(--${string}, ${string | number})`;
declare const simplePseudoMap: {
readonly ':-moz-any-link': true;
readonly ':-moz-full-screen': true;
readonly ':-moz-placeholder': true;
readonly ':-moz-read-only': true;
readonly ':-moz-read-write': true;
readonly ':-ms-fullscreen': true;
readonly ':-ms-input-placeholder': true;
readonly ':-webkit-any-link': true;
readonly ':-webkit-full-screen': true;
readonly '::-moz-placeholder': true;
readonly '::-moz-progress-bar': true;
readonly '::-moz-range-progress': true;
readonly '::-moz-range-thumb': true;
readonly '::-moz-range-track': true;
readonly '::-moz-selection': true;
readonly '::-ms-backdrop': true;
readonly '::-ms-browse': true;
readonly '::-ms-check': true;
readonly '::-ms-clear': true;
readonly '::-ms-fill': true;
readonly '::-ms-fill-lower': true;
readonly '::-ms-fill-upper': true;
readonly '::-ms-reveal': true;
readonly '::-ms-thumb': true;
readonly '::-ms-ticks-after': true;
readonly '::-ms-ticks-before': true;
readonly '::-ms-tooltip': true;
readonly '::-ms-track': true;
readonly '::-ms-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-backdrop': true;
readonly '::-webkit-input-placeholder': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-bar': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-inner-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-progress-value': true;
readonly '::-webkit-resizer': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-button': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-corner': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar-track': true;
readonly '::-webkit-scrollbar': true;
readonly '::-webkit-slider-runnable-track': true;
readonly '::-webkit-slider-thumb': true;
readonly '::after': true;
readonly '::backdrop': true;
readonly '::before': true;
readonly '::cue': true;
readonly '::first-letter': true;
readonly '::first-line': true;
readonly '::grammar-error': true;
readonly '::placeholder': true;
readonly '::selection': true;
readonly '::spelling-error': true;
readonly ':active': true;
readonly ':after': true;
readonly ':any-link': true;
readonly ':before': true;
readonly ':blank': true;
readonly ':checked': true;
readonly ':default': true;
readonly ':defined': true;
readonly ':disabled': true;
readonly ':empty': true;
readonly ':enabled': true;
readonly ':first': true;
readonly ':first-child': true;
readonly ':first-letter': true;
readonly ':first-line': true;
readonly ':first-of-type': true;
readonly ':focus': true;
readonly ':focus-visible': true;
readonly ':focus-within': true;
readonly ':fullscreen': true;
readonly ':hover': true;
readonly ':in-range': true;
readonly ':indeterminate': true;
readonly ':invalid': true;
readonly ':last-child': true;
readonly ':last-of-type': true;
readonly ':left': true;
readonly ':link': true;
readonly ':only-child': true;
readonly ':only-of-type': true;
readonly ':optional': true;
readonly ':out-of-range': true;
readonly ':placeholder-shown': true;
readonly ':read-only': true;
readonly ':read-write': true;
readonly ':required': true;
readonly ':right': true;
readonly ':root': true;
readonly ':scope': true;
readonly ':target': true;
readonly ':valid': true;
readonly ':visited': true;
declare type SimplePseudos = keyof typeof simplePseudoMap;
interface ContainerProperties {
container?: string;
containerType?: 'size' | 'inline-size' | (string & {});
containerName?: string;
declare type CSSTypeProperties = Properties<number | (string & {})> & ContainerProperties;
declare type CSSProperties = {
[Property in keyof CSSTypeProperties]: CSSTypeProperties[Property] | CSSVarFunction | Array<CSSVarFunction | CSSTypeProperties[Property]>;
interface CSSKeyframes {
[time: string]: CSSProperties;
declare type CSSPropertiesWithVars = CSSProperties & {
vars?: {
[key: string]: string;
declare type PseudoProperties = {
[key in SimplePseudos]?: CSSPropertiesWithVars;
declare type CSSPropertiesAndPseudos = CSSPropertiesWithVars & PseudoProperties;
interface MediaQueries<StyleType> {
'@media'?: {
[query: string]: StyleType;
interface FeatureQueries<StyleType> {
'@supports'?: {
[query: string]: StyleType;
interface ContainerQueries<StyleType> {
'@container'?: {
[query: string]: StyleType;
declare type WithQueries<StyleType> = MediaQueries<StyleType & FeatureQueries<StyleType & ContainerQueries<StyleType>> & ContainerQueries<StyleType & FeatureQueries<StyleType>>> & FeatureQueries<StyleType & MediaQueries<StyleType & ContainerQueries<StyleType>> & ContainerQueries<StyleType & MediaQueries<StyleType>>> & ContainerQueries<StyleType & MediaQueries<StyleType & FeatureQueries<StyleType>> & FeatureQueries<StyleType & MediaQueries<StyleType>>>;
interface SelectorMap {
[selector: string]: CSSPropertiesWithVars & WithQueries<CSSPropertiesWithVars>;
interface StyleWithSelectors extends CSSPropertiesAndPseudos {
selectors?: SelectorMap;
declare type StyleRule = StyleWithSelectors & WithQueries<StyleWithSelectors>;
declare type GlobalStyleRule = CSSPropertiesWithVars & WithQueries<CSSPropertiesWithVars>;
declare type GlobalFontFaceRule = Omit<AtRule.FontFaceFallback, 'src'> & Required<Pick<AtRule.FontFaceFallback, 'src'>>;
declare type CSSStyleBlock = {
type: 'local';
selector: string;
rule: StyleRule;
declare type CSSFontFaceBlock = {
type: 'fontFace';
rule: GlobalFontFaceRule;
declare type CSSKeyframesBlock = {
type: 'keyframes';
name: string;
rule: CSSKeyframes;
declare type CSSSelectorBlock = {
type: 'selector' | 'global';
selector: string;
rule: GlobalStyleRule;
declare type CSS = CSSStyleBlock | CSSFontFaceBlock | CSSKeyframesBlock | CSSSelectorBlock;
interface Composition {
identifier: string;
classList: string;
interface TransformCSSParams {

@@ -5,0 +176,0 @@ localClassNames: Array<string>;

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