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@vercel/redwood - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.1 to 2.0.2


"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.prepareCache = = exports.version = void 0;
const path_1 = require("path");
const fs_1 = require("fs");
const semver_1 = require("semver");
const build_utils_1 = require("@vercel/build-utils");
const nft_1 = require("@vercel/nft");
const routing_utils_1 = require("@vercel/routing-utils");
// Do not change this version for RW specific config,
// it refers to Vercels builder version
exports.version = 2;
const build = async ({ workPath, files, entrypoint, meta = {}, config = {}, }) => {
await (0,, workPath, meta);
const prefixedEnvs = (0, build_utils_1.getPrefixedEnvVars)({
envPrefix: 'REDWOOD_ENV_',
envs: process.env,
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
// src/index.ts
var src_exports = {};
__export(src_exports, {
build: () => build,
prepareCache: () => prepareCache,
version: () => version
module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports);
var import_path = require("path");
var import_fs = require("fs");
var import_semver = require("semver");
var import_build_utils = require("@vercel/build-utils");
var import_nft = require("@vercel/nft");
var import_routing_utils = require("@vercel/routing-utils");
var version = 2;
var build = async ({
meta = {},
config = {}
}) => {
await (0,, workPath, meta);
const prefixedEnvs = (0, import_build_utils.getPrefixedEnvVars)({
envPrefix: "REDWOOD_ENV_",
envs: process.env
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(prefixedEnvs)) {
process.env[key] = value;
const { installCommand, buildCommand } = config;
const mountpoint = (0, import_path.dirname)(entrypoint);
const entrypointFsDirname = (0, import_path.join)(workPath, mountpoint);
const nodeVersion = await (0, import_build_utils.getNodeVersion)(
void 0,
const spawnOpts = (0, import_build_utils.getSpawnOptions)(meta, nodeVersion);
if (!spawnOpts.env) {
spawnOpts.env = {};
const { cliType, lockfileVersion } = await (0, import_build_utils.scanParentDirs)(
spawnOpts.env = (0, import_build_utils.getEnvForPackageManager)({
env: spawnOpts.env || {}
if (typeof installCommand === "string") {
if (installCommand.trim()) {
console.log(`Running "install" command: \`${installCommand}\`...`);
await (0, import_build_utils.execCommand)(installCommand, {
cwd: entrypointFsDirname
} else {
console.log(`Skipping "install" command...`);
} else {
await (0, import_build_utils.runNpmInstall)(entrypointFsDirname, [], spawnOpts, meta, nodeVersion);
if (meta.isDev) {
throw new Error("Detected `@vercel/redwood` dev but this is not supported");
const pkg = await (0, import_build_utils.readConfigFile)((0, import_path.join)(workPath, "package.json"));
const toml = await (0, import_build_utils.readConfigFile)(
(0, import_path.join)(workPath, "redwood.toml")
if (buildCommand) {
(0, import_build_utils.debug)(`Executing build command "${buildCommand}"`);
await (0, import_build_utils.execCommand)(buildCommand, {
cwd: workPath
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(prefixedEnvs)) {
process.env[key] = value;
} else if (hasScript("vercel-build", pkg)) {
(0, import_build_utils.debug)(`Executing "yarn vercel-build"`);
await (0, import_build_utils.runPackageJsonScript)(workPath, "vercel-build", spawnOpts);
} else if (hasScript("build", pkg)) {
(0, import_build_utils.debug)(`Executing "yarn build"`);
await (0, import_build_utils.runPackageJsonScript)(workPath, "build", spawnOpts);
} else {
const { devDependencies = {} } = pkg || {};
const versionRange = devDependencies["@redwoodjs/core"];
let cmd;
if (!versionRange || !(0, import_semver.validRange)(versionRange)) {
"WARNING: Unable to detect RedwoodJS version in package.json devDependencies"
cmd = "yarn rw deploy vercel";
} else if ((0, import_semver.intersects)(versionRange, "<0.25.0")) {
cmd = "yarn rw build && yarn rw db up --no-db-client --auto-approve && yarn rw dataMigrate up";
} else {
cmd = "yarn rw deploy vercel";
const { installCommand, buildCommand } = config;
const mountpoint = (0, path_1.dirname)(entrypoint);
const entrypointFsDirname = (0, path_1.join)(workPath, mountpoint);
const nodeVersion = await (0, build_utils_1.getNodeVersion)(entrypointFsDirname, undefined, config, meta);
const spawnOpts = (0, build_utils_1.getSpawnOptions)(meta, nodeVersion);
if (!spawnOpts.env) {
spawnOpts.env = {};
const { cliType, lockfileVersion } = await (0, build_utils_1.scanParentDirs)(entrypointFsDirname);
spawnOpts.env = (0, build_utils_1.getEnvForPackageManager)({
env: spawnOpts.env || {},
await (0, import_build_utils.execCommand)(cmd, {
cwd: workPath
if (typeof installCommand === 'string') {
if (installCommand.trim()) {
console.log(`Running "install" command: \`${installCommand}\`...`);
await (0, build_utils_1.execCommand)(installCommand, {
cwd: entrypointFsDirname,
else {
console.log(`Skipping "install" command...`);
const apiDir = toml?.web?.apiProxyPath?.replace(/^\//, "") ?? "api";
const apiDistPath = (0, import_path.join)(workPath, "api", "dist", "functions");
const webDistPath = (0, import_path.join)(workPath, "web", "dist");
const lambdaOutputs = {};
const webDistFiles = await (0, import_build_utils.glob)("**", webDistPath);
const staticOutputs = {};
for (const [fileName, fileFsRef] of Object.entries(webDistFiles)) {
const parsedPath = (0, import_path.parse)(fileFsRef.fsPath);
if (parsedPath.ext !== ".html") {
staticOutputs[fileName] = fileFsRef;
} else {
const fileNameWithoutExtension = (0, import_path.basename)(fileName, ".html");
const pathWithoutHtmlExtension = (0, import_path.join)(
fileFsRef.contentType = "text/html; charset=utf-8";
staticOutputs[(0, import_path.relative)(webDistPath, pathWithoutHtmlExtension)] = fileFsRef;
else {
await (0, build_utils_1.runNpmInstall)(entrypointFsDirname, [], spawnOpts, meta, nodeVersion);
if (meta.isDev) {
throw new Error('Detected `@vercel/redwood` dev but this is not supported');
const pkg = await (0, build_utils_1.readConfigFile)((0, path_1.join)(workPath, 'package.json'));
const toml = await (0, build_utils_1.readConfigFile)((0, path_1.join)(workPath, 'redwood.toml'));
if (buildCommand) {
(0, build_utils_1.debug)(`Executing build command "${buildCommand}"`);
await (0, build_utils_1.execCommand)(buildCommand, {
cwd: workPath,
else if (hasScript('vercel-build', pkg)) {
(0, build_utils_1.debug)(`Executing "yarn vercel-build"`);
await (0, build_utils_1.runPackageJsonScript)(workPath, 'vercel-build', spawnOpts);
else if (hasScript('build', pkg)) {
(0, build_utils_1.debug)(`Executing "yarn build"`);
await (0, build_utils_1.runPackageJsonScript)(workPath, 'build', spawnOpts);
else {
const { devDependencies = {} } = pkg || {};
const versionRange = devDependencies['@redwoodjs/core'];
let cmd;
if (!versionRange || !(0, semver_1.validRange)(versionRange)) {
console.log('WARNING: Unable to detect RedwoodJS version in package.json devDependencies');
cmd = 'yarn rw deploy vercel'; // Assume 0.25.0 and newer
const functionFiles = {
...await (0, import_build_utils.glob)("*.js", apiDistPath),
// top-level
...await (0, import_build_utils.glob)("*/*.js", apiDistPath)
// one-level deep
const sourceCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
const fsCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
for (const [funcName, fileFsRef] of Object.entries(functionFiles)) {
const outputName = (0, import_path.join)(apiDir, (0, import_path.parse)(funcName).name);
const absEntrypoint = fileFsRef.fsPath;
const relativeEntrypoint = (0, import_path.relative)(workPath, absEntrypoint);
const awsLambdaHandler = getAWSLambdaHandler(relativeEntrypoint, "handler");
const sourceFile = relativeEntrypoint.replace("/dist/", "/src/");
const { fileList, esmFileList, warnings } = await (0, import_nft.nodeFileTrace)(
base: workPath,
processCwd: workPath,
ts: true,
mixedModules: true,
ignore: config.excludeFiles,
async readFile(fsPath) {
const relPath = (0, import_path.relative)(workPath, fsPath);
const cached = sourceCache.get(relPath);
if (cached)
return cached.toString();
if (cached === null)
return null;
try {
const source = (0, import_fs.readFileSync)(fsPath);
const { mode } = (0, import_fs.lstatSync)(fsPath);
let entry;
if ((0, import_build_utils.isSymbolicLink)(mode)) {
entry = new import_build_utils.FileFsRef({ fsPath, mode });
} else {
entry = new import_build_utils.FileBlob({ data: source, mode });
fsCache.set(relPath, entry);
sourceCache.set(relPath, source);
return source.toString();
} catch (e) {
if (e.code === "ENOENT" || e.code === "EISDIR") {
sourceCache.set(relPath, null);
return null;
throw e;
else if ((0, semver_1.intersects)(versionRange, '<0.25.0')) {
// older than 0.25.0
cmd =
'yarn rw build && yarn rw db up --no-db-client --auto-approve && yarn rw dataMigrate up';
else {
// 0.25.0 and newer
cmd = 'yarn rw deploy vercel';
await (0, build_utils_1.execCommand)(cmd, {
cwd: workPath,
for (const warning of warnings) {
(0, import_build_utils.debug)(`Warning from trace: ${warning.message}`);
const apiDir = toml?.web?.apiProxyPath?.replace(/^\//, '') ?? 'api';
const apiDistPath = (0, path_1.join)(workPath, 'api', 'dist', 'functions');
const webDistPath = (0, path_1.join)(workPath, 'web', 'dist');
const lambdaOutputs = {};
// Strip out the .html extensions
// And populate staticOutputs map with updated paths and contentType
const webDistFiles = await (0, build_utils_1.glob)('**', webDistPath);
const staticOutputs = {};
for (const [fileName, fileFsRef] of Object.entries(webDistFiles)) {
const parsedPath = (0, path_1.parse)(fileFsRef.fsPath);
if (parsedPath.ext !== '.html') {
// No need to transform non-html files
staticOutputs[fileName] = fileFsRef;
else {
const fileNameWithoutExtension = (0, path_1.basename)(fileName, '.html');
const pathWithoutHtmlExtension = (0, path_1.join)(parsedPath.dir, fileNameWithoutExtension);
fileFsRef.contentType = 'text/html; charset=utf-8';
// @NOTE: Filename is relative to webDistPath
// e.g. {'./200': fsRef}
staticOutputs[(0, path_1.relative)(webDistPath, pathWithoutHtmlExtension)] =
const lambdaFiles = {};
const allFiles = [...fileList, ...esmFileList];
for (const filePath of allFiles) {
lambdaFiles[filePath] = await import_build_utils.FileFsRef.fromFsPath({
fsPath: (0, import_path.join)(workPath, filePath)
// Each file in the `functions` dir will become a lambda
// Also supports nested functions like:
// ├── functions
// │ ├── bazinga
// │ │ ├── bazinga.js
// │ ├── graphql.js
const functionFiles = {
...(await (0, build_utils_1.glob)('*.js', apiDistPath)),
...(await (0, build_utils_1.glob)('*/*.js', apiDistPath)), // one-level deep
const sourceCache = new Map();
const fsCache = new Map();
for (const [funcName, fileFsRef] of Object.entries(functionFiles)) {
const outputName = (0, path_1.join)(apiDir, (0, path_1.parse)(funcName).name); // remove `.js` extension
const absEntrypoint = fileFsRef.fsPath;
const relativeEntrypoint = (0, path_1.relative)(workPath, absEntrypoint);
const awsLambdaHandler = getAWSLambdaHandler(relativeEntrypoint, 'handler');
const sourceFile = relativeEntrypoint.replace('/dist/', '/src/');
const { fileList, esmFileList, warnings } = await (0, nft_1.nodeFileTrace)([absEntrypoint], {
base: workPath,
processCwd: workPath,
ts: true,
mixedModules: true,
ignore: config.excludeFiles,
async readFile(fsPath) {
const relPath = (0, path_1.relative)(workPath, fsPath);
const cached = sourceCache.get(relPath);
if (cached)
return cached.toString();
// null represents a not found
if (cached === null)
return null;
try {
const source = (0, fs_1.readFileSync)(fsPath);
const { mode } = (0, fs_1.lstatSync)(fsPath);
let entry;
if ((0, build_utils_1.isSymbolicLink)(mode)) {
entry = new build_utils_1.FileFsRef({ fsPath, mode });
else {
entry = new build_utils_1.FileBlob({ data: source, mode });
fsCache.set(relPath, entry);
sourceCache.set(relPath, source);
return source.toString();
catch (e) {
if (e.code === 'ENOENT' || e.code === 'EISDIR') {
sourceCache.set(relPath, null);
return null;
throw e;
for (const warning of warnings) {
(0, build_utils_1.debug)(`Warning from trace: ${warning.message}`);
const lambdaFiles = {};
const allFiles = [...fileList, ...esmFileList];
for (const filePath of allFiles) {
lambdaFiles[filePath] = await build_utils_1.FileFsRef.fromFsPath({
fsPath: (0, path_1.join)(workPath, filePath),
lambdaFiles[(0, path_1.relative)(workPath, fileFsRef.fsPath)] = fileFsRef;
const lambdaOptions = await (0, build_utils_1.getLambdaOptionsFromFunction)({
const lambda = new build_utils_1.NodejsLambda({
files: lambdaFiles,
handler: relativeEntrypoint,
runtime: nodeVersion.runtime,
shouldAddHelpers: false,
shouldAddSourcemapSupport: false,
lambdaOutputs[outputName] = lambda;
// Older versions of redwood did not create 200.html automatically
// From v0.50.0+ 200.html is always generated as part of web build
// Note that in builder post-processing, we remove the .html extension
const fallbackHtmlPage = (0, fs_1.existsSync)((0, path_1.join)(webDistPath, '200.html'))
? '/200'
: '/index';
const defaultRoutesConfig = (0, routing_utils_1.getTransformedRoutes)({
// this makes sure we send back 200.html for unprerendered pages
rewrites: [{ source: '/(.*)', destination: fallbackHtmlPage }],
cleanUrls: true,
trailingSlash: false,
lambdaFiles[(0, import_path.relative)(workPath, fileFsRef.fsPath)] = fileFsRef;
const lambdaOptions = await (0, import_build_utils.getLambdaOptionsFromFunction)({
if (defaultRoutesConfig.error) {
throw new Error(defaultRoutesConfig.error.message);
return {
output: { ...staticOutputs, ...lambdaOutputs },
routes: defaultRoutesConfig.routes,
const lambda = new import_build_utils.NodejsLambda({
files: lambdaFiles,
handler: relativeEntrypoint,
runtime: nodeVersion.runtime,
shouldAddHelpers: false,
shouldAddSourcemapSupport: false,
lambdaOutputs[outputName] = lambda;
const fallbackHtmlPage = (0, import_fs.existsSync)((0, import_path.join)(webDistPath, "200.html")) ? "/200" : "/index";
const defaultRoutesConfig = (0, import_routing_utils.getTransformedRoutes)({
// this makes sure we send back 200.html for unprerendered pages
rewrites: [{ source: "/(.*)", destination: fallbackHtmlPage }],
cleanUrls: true,
trailingSlash: false
if (defaultRoutesConfig.error) {
throw new Error(defaultRoutesConfig.error.message);
return {
output: { ...staticOutputs, ...lambdaOutputs },
routes: defaultRoutesConfig.routes
}; = build;
function getAWSLambdaHandler(filePath, handlerName) {
const { dir, name } = (0, path_1.parse)(filePath);
return `${dir}${dir ? path_1.sep : ''}${name}.${handlerName}`;
const { dir, name } = (0, import_path.parse)(filePath);
return `${dir}${dir ? import_path.sep : ""}${name}.${handlerName}`;
function hasScript(scriptName, pkg) {
const scripts = (pkg && pkg.scripts) || {};
return typeof scripts[scriptName] === 'string';
const scripts = pkg && pkg.scripts || {};
return typeof scripts[scriptName] === "string";
const prepareCache = ({ repoRootPath, workPath }) => {
return (0, build_utils_1.glob)('**/node_modules/**', repoRootPath || workPath);
var prepareCache = ({ repoRootPath, workPath }) => {
return (0, import_build_utils.glob)("**/node_modules/**", repoRootPath || workPath);
exports.prepareCache = prepareCache;
// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:
0 && (module.exports = {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.prepareCache = = exports.version = void 0;
const path_1 = require("path");
const fs_1 = require("fs");
const semver_1 = require("semver");
const build_utils_1 = require("@vercel/build-utils");
const nft_1 = require("@vercel/nft");
const routing_utils_1 = require("@vercel/routing-utils");
// Do not change this version for RW specific config,
// it refers to Vercels builder version
exports.version = 2;
const build = async ({ workPath, files, entrypoint, meta = {}, config = {}, }) => {
await (0,, workPath, meta);
const prefixedEnvs = (0, build_utils_1.getPrefixedEnvVars)({
envPrefix: 'REDWOOD_ENV_',
envs: process.env,
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
// src/index.ts
var src_exports = {};
__export(src_exports, {
build: () => build,
prepareCache: () => prepareCache,
version: () => version
module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports);
var import_path = require("path");
var import_fs = require("fs");
var import_semver = require("semver");
var import_build_utils = require("@vercel/build-utils");
var import_nft = require("@vercel/nft");
var import_routing_utils = require("@vercel/routing-utils");
var version = 2;
var build = async ({
meta = {},
config = {}
}) => {
await (0,, workPath, meta);
const prefixedEnvs = (0, import_build_utils.getPrefixedEnvVars)({
envPrefix: "REDWOOD_ENV_",
envs: process.env
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(prefixedEnvs)) {
process.env[key] = value;
const { installCommand, buildCommand } = config;
const mountpoint = (0, import_path.dirname)(entrypoint);
const entrypointFsDirname = (0, import_path.join)(workPath, mountpoint);
const nodeVersion = await (0, import_build_utils.getNodeVersion)(
void 0,
const spawnOpts = (0, import_build_utils.getSpawnOptions)(meta, nodeVersion);
if (!spawnOpts.env) {
spawnOpts.env = {};
const { cliType, lockfileVersion } = await (0, import_build_utils.scanParentDirs)(
spawnOpts.env = (0, import_build_utils.getEnvForPackageManager)({
env: spawnOpts.env || {}
if (typeof installCommand === "string") {
if (installCommand.trim()) {
console.log(`Running "install" command: \`${installCommand}\`...`);
await (0, import_build_utils.execCommand)(installCommand, {
cwd: entrypointFsDirname
} else {
console.log(`Skipping "install" command...`);
} else {
await (0, import_build_utils.runNpmInstall)(entrypointFsDirname, [], spawnOpts, meta, nodeVersion);
if (meta.isDev) {
throw new Error("Detected `@vercel/redwood` dev but this is not supported");
const pkg = await (0, import_build_utils.readConfigFile)((0, import_path.join)(workPath, "package.json"));
const toml = await (0, import_build_utils.readConfigFile)(
(0, import_path.join)(workPath, "redwood.toml")
if (buildCommand) {
(0, import_build_utils.debug)(`Executing build command "${buildCommand}"`);
await (0, import_build_utils.execCommand)(buildCommand, {
cwd: workPath
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(prefixedEnvs)) {
process.env[key] = value;
} else if (hasScript("vercel-build", pkg)) {
(0, import_build_utils.debug)(`Executing "yarn vercel-build"`);
await (0, import_build_utils.runPackageJsonScript)(workPath, "vercel-build", spawnOpts);
} else if (hasScript("build", pkg)) {
(0, import_build_utils.debug)(`Executing "yarn build"`);
await (0, import_build_utils.runPackageJsonScript)(workPath, "build", spawnOpts);
} else {
const { devDependencies = {} } = pkg || {};
const versionRange = devDependencies["@redwoodjs/core"];
let cmd;
if (!versionRange || !(0, import_semver.validRange)(versionRange)) {
"WARNING: Unable to detect RedwoodJS version in package.json devDependencies"
cmd = "yarn rw deploy vercel";
} else if ((0, import_semver.intersects)(versionRange, "<0.25.0")) {
cmd = "yarn rw build && yarn rw db up --no-db-client --auto-approve && yarn rw dataMigrate up";
} else {
cmd = "yarn rw deploy vercel";
const { installCommand, buildCommand } = config;
const mountpoint = (0, path_1.dirname)(entrypoint);
const entrypointFsDirname = (0, path_1.join)(workPath, mountpoint);
const nodeVersion = await (0, build_utils_1.getNodeVersion)(entrypointFsDirname, undefined, config, meta);
const spawnOpts = (0, build_utils_1.getSpawnOptions)(meta, nodeVersion);
if (!spawnOpts.env) {
spawnOpts.env = {};
const { cliType, lockfileVersion } = await (0, build_utils_1.scanParentDirs)(entrypointFsDirname);
spawnOpts.env = (0, build_utils_1.getEnvForPackageManager)({
env: spawnOpts.env || {},
await (0, import_build_utils.execCommand)(cmd, {
cwd: workPath
if (typeof installCommand === 'string') {
if (installCommand.trim()) {
console.log(`Running "install" command: \`${installCommand}\`...`);
await (0, build_utils_1.execCommand)(installCommand, {
cwd: entrypointFsDirname,
else {
console.log(`Skipping "install" command...`);
const apiDir = toml?.web?.apiProxyPath?.replace(/^\//, "") ?? "api";
const apiDistPath = (0, import_path.join)(workPath, "api", "dist", "functions");
const webDistPath = (0, import_path.join)(workPath, "web", "dist");
const lambdaOutputs = {};
const webDistFiles = await (0, import_build_utils.glob)("**", webDistPath);
const staticOutputs = {};
for (const [fileName, fileFsRef] of Object.entries(webDistFiles)) {
const parsedPath = (0, import_path.parse)(fileFsRef.fsPath);
if (parsedPath.ext !== ".html") {
staticOutputs[fileName] = fileFsRef;
} else {
const fileNameWithoutExtension = (0, import_path.basename)(fileName, ".html");
const pathWithoutHtmlExtension = (0, import_path.join)(
fileFsRef.contentType = "text/html; charset=utf-8";
staticOutputs[(0, import_path.relative)(webDistPath, pathWithoutHtmlExtension)] = fileFsRef;
else {
await (0, build_utils_1.runNpmInstall)(entrypointFsDirname, [], spawnOpts, meta, nodeVersion);
if (meta.isDev) {
throw new Error('Detected `@vercel/redwood` dev but this is not supported');
const pkg = await (0, build_utils_1.readConfigFile)((0, path_1.join)(workPath, 'package.json'));
const toml = await (0, build_utils_1.readConfigFile)((0, path_1.join)(workPath, 'redwood.toml'));
if (buildCommand) {
(0, build_utils_1.debug)(`Executing build command "${buildCommand}"`);
await (0, build_utils_1.execCommand)(buildCommand, {
cwd: workPath,
else if (hasScript('vercel-build', pkg)) {
(0, build_utils_1.debug)(`Executing "yarn vercel-build"`);
await (0, build_utils_1.runPackageJsonScript)(workPath, 'vercel-build', spawnOpts);
else if (hasScript('build', pkg)) {
(0, build_utils_1.debug)(`Executing "yarn build"`);
await (0, build_utils_1.runPackageJsonScript)(workPath, 'build', spawnOpts);
else {
const { devDependencies = {} } = pkg || {};
const versionRange = devDependencies['@redwoodjs/core'];
let cmd;
if (!versionRange || !(0, semver_1.validRange)(versionRange)) {
console.log('WARNING: Unable to detect RedwoodJS version in package.json devDependencies');
cmd = 'yarn rw deploy vercel'; // Assume 0.25.0 and newer
const functionFiles = {
...await (0, import_build_utils.glob)("*.js", apiDistPath),
// top-level
...await (0, import_build_utils.glob)("*/*.js", apiDistPath)
// one-level deep
const sourceCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
const fsCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
for (const [funcName, fileFsRef] of Object.entries(functionFiles)) {
const outputName = (0, import_path.join)(apiDir, (0, import_path.parse)(funcName).name);
const absEntrypoint = fileFsRef.fsPath;
const relativeEntrypoint = (0, import_path.relative)(workPath, absEntrypoint);
const awsLambdaHandler = getAWSLambdaHandler(relativeEntrypoint, "handler");
const sourceFile = relativeEntrypoint.replace("/dist/", "/src/");
const { fileList, esmFileList, warnings } = await (0, import_nft.nodeFileTrace)(
base: workPath,
processCwd: workPath,
ts: true,
mixedModules: true,
ignore: config.excludeFiles,
async readFile(fsPath) {
const relPath = (0, import_path.relative)(workPath, fsPath);
const cached = sourceCache.get(relPath);
if (cached)
return cached.toString();
if (cached === null)
return null;
try {
const source = (0, import_fs.readFileSync)(fsPath);
const { mode } = (0, import_fs.lstatSync)(fsPath);
let entry;
if ((0, import_build_utils.isSymbolicLink)(mode)) {
entry = new import_build_utils.FileFsRef({ fsPath, mode });
} else {
entry = new import_build_utils.FileBlob({ data: source, mode });
fsCache.set(relPath, entry);
sourceCache.set(relPath, source);
return source.toString();
} catch (e) {
if (e.code === "ENOENT" || e.code === "EISDIR") {
sourceCache.set(relPath, null);
return null;
throw e;
else if ((0, semver_1.intersects)(versionRange, '<0.25.0')) {
// older than 0.25.0
cmd =
'yarn rw build && yarn rw db up --no-db-client --auto-approve && yarn rw dataMigrate up';
else {
// 0.25.0 and newer
cmd = 'yarn rw deploy vercel';
await (0, build_utils_1.execCommand)(cmd, {
cwd: workPath,
for (const warning of warnings) {
(0, import_build_utils.debug)(`Warning from trace: ${warning.message}`);
const apiDir = toml?.web?.apiProxyPath?.replace(/^\//, '') ?? 'api';
const apiDistPath = (0, path_1.join)(workPath, 'api', 'dist', 'functions');
const webDistPath = (0, path_1.join)(workPath, 'web', 'dist');
const lambdaOutputs = {};
// Strip out the .html extensions
// And populate staticOutputs map with updated paths and contentType
const webDistFiles = await (0, build_utils_1.glob)('**', webDistPath);
const staticOutputs = {};
for (const [fileName, fileFsRef] of Object.entries(webDistFiles)) {
const parsedPath = (0, path_1.parse)(fileFsRef.fsPath);
if (parsedPath.ext !== '.html') {
// No need to transform non-html files
staticOutputs[fileName] = fileFsRef;
else {
const fileNameWithoutExtension = (0, path_1.basename)(fileName, '.html');
const pathWithoutHtmlExtension = (0, path_1.join)(parsedPath.dir, fileNameWithoutExtension);
fileFsRef.contentType = 'text/html; charset=utf-8';
// @NOTE: Filename is relative to webDistPath
// e.g. {'./200': fsRef}
staticOutputs[(0, path_1.relative)(webDistPath, pathWithoutHtmlExtension)] =
const lambdaFiles = {};
const allFiles = [...fileList, ...esmFileList];
for (const filePath of allFiles) {
lambdaFiles[filePath] = await import_build_utils.FileFsRef.fromFsPath({
fsPath: (0, import_path.join)(workPath, filePath)
// Each file in the `functions` dir will become a lambda
// Also supports nested functions like:
// ├── functions
// │ ├── bazinga
// │ │ ├── bazinga.js
// │ ├── graphql.js
const functionFiles = {
...(await (0, build_utils_1.glob)('*.js', apiDistPath)),
...(await (0, build_utils_1.glob)('*/*.js', apiDistPath)), // one-level deep
const sourceCache = new Map();
const fsCache = new Map();
for (const [funcName, fileFsRef] of Object.entries(functionFiles)) {
const outputName = (0, path_1.join)(apiDir, (0, path_1.parse)(funcName).name); // remove `.js` extension
const absEntrypoint = fileFsRef.fsPath;
const relativeEntrypoint = (0, path_1.relative)(workPath, absEntrypoint);
const awsLambdaHandler = getAWSLambdaHandler(relativeEntrypoint, 'handler');
const sourceFile = relativeEntrypoint.replace('/dist/', '/src/');
const { fileList, esmFileList, warnings } = await (0, nft_1.nodeFileTrace)([absEntrypoint], {
base: workPath,
processCwd: workPath,
ts: true,
mixedModules: true,
ignore: config.excludeFiles,
async readFile(fsPath) {
const relPath = (0, path_1.relative)(workPath, fsPath);
const cached = sourceCache.get(relPath);
if (cached)
return cached.toString();
// null represents a not found
if (cached === null)
return null;
try {
const source = (0, fs_1.readFileSync)(fsPath);
const { mode } = (0, fs_1.lstatSync)(fsPath);
let entry;
if ((0, build_utils_1.isSymbolicLink)(mode)) {
entry = new build_utils_1.FileFsRef({ fsPath, mode });
else {
entry = new build_utils_1.FileBlob({ data: source, mode });
fsCache.set(relPath, entry);
sourceCache.set(relPath, source);
return source.toString();
catch (e) {
if (e.code === 'ENOENT' || e.code === 'EISDIR') {
sourceCache.set(relPath, null);
return null;
throw e;
for (const warning of warnings) {
(0, build_utils_1.debug)(`Warning from trace: ${warning.message}`);
const lambdaFiles = {};
const allFiles = [...fileList, ...esmFileList];
for (const filePath of allFiles) {
lambdaFiles[filePath] = await build_utils_1.FileFsRef.fromFsPath({
fsPath: (0, path_1.join)(workPath, filePath),
lambdaFiles[(0, path_1.relative)(workPath, fileFsRef.fsPath)] = fileFsRef;
const lambdaOptions = await (0, build_utils_1.getLambdaOptionsFromFunction)({
const lambda = new build_utils_1.NodejsLambda({
files: lambdaFiles,
handler: relativeEntrypoint,
runtime: nodeVersion.runtime,
shouldAddHelpers: false,
shouldAddSourcemapSupport: false,
lambdaOutputs[outputName] = lambda;
// Older versions of redwood did not create 200.html automatically
// From v0.50.0+ 200.html is always generated as part of web build
// Note that in builder post-processing, we remove the .html extension
const fallbackHtmlPage = (0, fs_1.existsSync)((0, path_1.join)(webDistPath, '200.html'))
? '/200'
: '/index';
const defaultRoutesConfig = (0, routing_utils_1.getTransformedRoutes)({
// this makes sure we send back 200.html for unprerendered pages
rewrites: [{ source: '/(.*)', destination: fallbackHtmlPage }],
cleanUrls: true,
trailingSlash: false,
lambdaFiles[(0, import_path.relative)(workPath, fileFsRef.fsPath)] = fileFsRef;
const lambdaOptions = await (0, import_build_utils.getLambdaOptionsFromFunction)({
if (defaultRoutesConfig.error) {
throw new Error(defaultRoutesConfig.error.message);
return {
output: { ...staticOutputs, ...lambdaOutputs },
routes: defaultRoutesConfig.routes,
const lambda = new import_build_utils.NodejsLambda({
files: lambdaFiles,
handler: relativeEntrypoint,
runtime: nodeVersion.runtime,
shouldAddHelpers: false,
shouldAddSourcemapSupport: false,
lambdaOutputs[outputName] = lambda;
const fallbackHtmlPage = (0, import_fs.existsSync)((0, import_path.join)(webDistPath, "200.html")) ? "/200" : "/index";
const defaultRoutesConfig = (0, import_routing_utils.getTransformedRoutes)({
// this makes sure we send back 200.html for unprerendered pages
rewrites: [{ source: "/(.*)", destination: fallbackHtmlPage }],
cleanUrls: true,
trailingSlash: false
if (defaultRoutesConfig.error) {
throw new Error(defaultRoutesConfig.error.message);
return {
output: { ...staticOutputs, ...lambdaOutputs },
routes: defaultRoutesConfig.routes
}; = build;
function getAWSLambdaHandler(filePath, handlerName) {
const { dir, name } = (0, path_1.parse)(filePath);
return `${dir}${dir ? path_1.sep : ''}${name}.${handlerName}`;
const { dir, name } = (0, import_path.parse)(filePath);
return `${dir}${dir ? import_path.sep : ""}${name}.${handlerName}`;
function hasScript(scriptName, pkg) {
const scripts = (pkg && pkg.scripts) || {};
return typeof scripts[scriptName] === 'string';
const scripts = pkg && pkg.scripts || {};
return typeof scripts[scriptName] === "string";
const prepareCache = ({ repoRootPath, workPath }) => {
return (0, build_utils_1.glob)('**/node_modules/**', repoRootPath || workPath);
var prepareCache = ({ repoRootPath, workPath }) => {
return (0, import_build_utils.glob)("**/node_modules/**", repoRootPath || workPath);
exports.prepareCache = prepareCache;
// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:
0 && (module.exports = {
"name": "@vercel/redwood",
"version": "2.0.1",
"version": "2.0.2",
"main": "./dist/index.js",

@@ -24,3 +24,3 @@ "license": "Apache-2.0",

"@types/semver": "6.0.0",
"@vercel/build-utils": "7.1.1",
"@vercel/build-utils": "7.2.0",
"execa": "3.2.0",

@@ -31,3 +31,3 @@ "fs-extra": "11.1.0",

"scripts": {
"build": "node build.js",
"build": "node ../../utils/build-builder.mjs",
"test-e2e": "pnpm test test/test.js",

@@ -34,0 +34,0 @@ "test": "jest --reporters=default --reporters=jest-junit --env node --verbose --bail --runInBand",

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