Library installation
// npm
npm i @viclen/vue-month-event-calendar --save
// yarn
yarn add @viclen/vue-month-event-calendar
Basic Usage
<div id="app">
<event-calendar :events="eventList" />
export default {
name: "app",
components: {
data() {
return {
eventList: [
date: new Date(2019,11,12,10,10,10),
title: "First event",
desc: "We can set date as a date object or as a string, like the next one."
date: "2019-12-25 10:00",
title: "Christmas",
desc: "An annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ... (<a href=''>Wikipedia</a>)"
date: new Date(2019,11,10,10,10,0),
title: "HTML Description",
desc: "I can create <a href=''>links</a> within the <b>description</b>."
You may choose the language of the calendar by changing the :language property.
The current available languages are en and pt.
If your language is none of the above, or you just want to change which words are displayed, there is also the :translation property.
You may create your own translation to what appears to the calendar.
See code below. All available options are there.
<event-calendar :events="eventList" :language="'pt'" :translation="translation" />
export default {
data() {
return {
translation: {
noEvent: "No events today.",
months: [
weekDays: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
event: "Event", // singular
events: "Events", // plural
day: "Day",
You may also change the main color of the calendar.
Available colors
To customize the color, you may just write them into the :color property as a string.
See the code for more.
<event-calendar :events="eventList" :color="'normal'" />
<event-calendar :events="eventList" :color="'blue'" />
<event-calendar :events="eventList" :color="'black'" />
<event-calendar :events="eventList" :color="'red'" />
<event-calendar :events="eventList" :color="'green'" />
Event Deletion
For each event shown in the calendar, there is an '×' button for deleting that event.
If you don't want events to be deletable, use the :showDelete property:
<event-calendar :showDelete="false" />
onDeleteEvent function
If you want to make it possible to delete an event, you shoud inform the onDeleteEvent property.
The parameters of that function are:
- e -> the event to be deleted, which comes from the :events array;
- callback -> this is the function that will remove the event from the calendar. You must call this if you want to update the events in the calendar after you delete it.
<event-calendar :onDeleteEvent="(e, callback) => myDeleteFunction(e, callback)" />
export default {
methods: {
// the event (e) here is exactly the same from the events array.
myDeleteFunction(e, callback){
// do some async requests
axios.get('/delete').then(() => {
// if the event was successfully deleted and the callback exists
if(eventDeleted && callback){
// executes the callback
Vue JS configuration reference
See Configuration Reference.