Advanced tools
Comparing version 2.15.4 to 2.15.5
@@ -21,3 +21,3 @@ /** | ||
export declare const VivliostyleViewportScreenCss = "\n@media screen {\n [data-vivliostyle-viewer-viewport] {\n background: #aaaaaa;\n }\n\n [data-vivliostyle-page-container] {\n background: white;\n z-index: 0;\n }\n\n [data-vivliostyle-viewer-viewport] {\n display: flex;\n overflow: auto;\n position: relative;\n }\n\n [data-vivliostyle-outer-zoom-box] {\n margin: auto;\n overflow: hidden;\n flex: none;\n }\n\n [data-vivliostyle-viewer-viewport] [data-vivliostyle-spread-container] {\n display: -webkit-flex;\n display: flex;\n flex: none;\n justify-content: center;\n transform-origin: left top;\n }\n\n [data-vivliostyle-viewer-viewport][data-vivliostyle-page-progression=\"ltr\"]\n [data-vivliostyle-spread-container] {\n flex-direction: row;\n }\n\n [data-vivliostyle-viewer-viewport][data-vivliostyle-page-progression=\"rtl\"]\n [data-vivliostyle-spread-container] {\n flex-direction: row-reverse;\n }\n\n [data-vivliostyle-viewer-viewport] [data-vivliostyle-page-container] {\n margin: 0 auto;\n flex: none;\n transform-origin: center top;\n }\n\n [data-vivliostyle-viewer-viewport][data-vivliostyle-spread-view=\"true\"]\n [data-vivliostyle-page-container][data-vivliostyle-page-side=\"left\"] {\n margin-right: 1px;\n transform-origin: right top;\n }\n\n [data-vivliostyle-viewer-viewport][data-vivliostyle-spread-view=\"true\"]\n [data-vivliostyle-page-container][data-vivliostyle-page-side=\"right\"] {\n margin-left: 1px;\n transform-origin: left top;\n }\n\n [data-vivliostyle-viewer-viewport][data-vivliostyle-spread-view=\"true\"]\n [data-vivliostyle-page-container][data-vivliostyle-unpaired-page=\"true\"] {\n margin-left: auto;\n margin-right: auto;\n transform-origin: center top;\n }\n}\n"; | ||
export declare const VivliostyleViewportCss = "\n[data-vivliostyle-layout-box] {\n position: absolute;\n left: 0;\n top: 0;\n right: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n overflow: hidden;\n z-index: -1;\n}\n\n[data-vivliostyle-debug] [data-vivliostyle-layout-box] {\n right: auto;\n bottom: auto;\n overflow: visible;\n z-index: auto;\n}\n\n[data-vivliostyle-page-container] {\n position: relative;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n[data-vivliostyle-bleed-box] {\n position: absolute;\n overflow: hidden;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n}\n\n[data-vivliostyle-page-box] ~ [data-vivliostyle-page-box] {\n display: none;\n}\n\n[data-vivliostyle-toc-box] {\n position: absolute;\n left: 3px;\n top: 3px;\n overflow: scroll;\n overflow-x: hidden;\n background: rgba(248, 248, 248, 0.9);\n border-radius: 2px;\n box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);\n}\n\n@media print {\n [data-vivliostyle-toc-box] {\n display: none;\n }\n\n [data-vivliostyle-outer-zoom-box],\n [data-vivliostyle-spread-container] {\n width: 100% !important;\n height: 100% !important;\n }\n\n [data-vivliostyle-spread-container],\n [data-vivliostyle-page-container] {\n transform: none !important;\n }\n\n [data-vivliostyle-page-container] {\n display: block !important;\n max-height: 100vh;\n break-after: page;\n }\n\n [data-vivliostyle-bleed-box] > div > div::before {\n display: block;\n content: \"\";\n padding-top: 0.015625px;\n margin-bottom: -0.015625px;\n }\n\n /* Gecko-only hack, see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=267029#c17 */\n @-moz-document url-prefix() {\n [data-vivliostyle-page-container]:nth-last-child(n + 2) {\n top: -1px;\n margin-top: 1px;\n margin-bottom: -1px;\n }\n /* Workaround Gecko problem on page break */\n [data-vivliostyle-page-container] {\n break-after: auto;\n height: 100% !important;\n }\n }\n}\n"; | ||
export declare const VivliostyleViewportCss = "\n[data-vivliostyle-layout-box] {\n position: absolute;\n left: 0;\n top: 0;\n right: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n overflow: hidden;\n z-index: -1;\n}\n\n[data-vivliostyle-debug] [data-vivliostyle-layout-box] {\n right: auto;\n bottom: auto;\n overflow: visible;\n z-index: auto;\n}\n\n[data-vivliostyle-page-container] {\n position: relative;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n[data-vivliostyle-bleed-box] {\n position: absolute;\n overflow: hidden;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n}\n\n[data-vivliostyle-page-box] ~ [data-vivliostyle-page-box] {\n display: none;\n}\n\n[data-vivliostyle-toc-box] {\n position: absolute;\n left: 3px;\n top: 3px;\n overflow: scroll;\n overflow-x: hidden;\n background: rgba(248, 248, 248, 0.9);\n border-radius: 2px;\n box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);\n}\n\n@media print {\n [data-vivliostyle-toc-box] {\n display: none;\n }\n\n [data-vivliostyle-outer-zoom-box],\n [data-vivliostyle-spread-container] {\n width: 100% !important;\n height: 100% !important;\n }\n\n [data-vivliostyle-spread-container],\n [data-vivliostyle-page-container] {\n transform: none !important;\n }\n\n [data-vivliostyle-page-container] {\n display: block !important;\n max-height: 100vh;\n break-after: page;\n }\n\n [data-vivliostyle-bleed-box] > div > div::before {\n display: block;\n content: \"\";\n padding-top: 0.015625px;\n margin-bottom: -0.015625px;\n }\n\n /* Gecko-only hack, see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=267029#c17 */\n @-moz-document url-prefix() {\n [data-vivliostyle-page-container]:nth-last-child(n + 2) {\n top: -1px;\n margin-top: 1px;\n margin-bottom: -1px;\n }\n /* Workaround Gecko problem on page break */\n [data-vivliostyle-page-container] {\n break-after: auto;\n height: 100% !important;\n }\n }\n}\n/* Workaround for Chromium problem (issue #758, #793, #896). */\n/* Force Chromium legacy layout */\n/* (Remove this when https://crbug.com/1121942 is resolved) */\n[data-vivliostyle-page-container] {\n column-count: 1;\n height: 99999999px;\n}\n[data-vivliostyle-bleed-box] {\n display: table;\n}\n"; | ||
export declare const ValidationTxt = "\n/*\n * Copyright 2013 Google, Inc.\n * Copyright 2015 Trim-marks Inc.\n * Copyright 2019 Vivliostyle Foundation\n *\n * CSS property validation.\n */\nNUM = POS_NUM | ZERO | NEGATIVE;\nNNEG_NUM = POS_NUM | ZERO;\nINT = POS_INT | ZERO | NEGATIVE;\nNNEG_INT = POS_INT | ZERO;\nPERCENTAGE = POS_PERCENTAGE | ZERO | NEGATIVE;\nSTRICT_PERCENTAGE = POS_PERCENTAGE | ZERO_PERCENTAGE | NEGATIVE;\nNNEG_PERCENTAGE = POS_PERCENTAGE | ZERO;\nLENGTH = POS_LENGTH | ZERO | NEGATIVE;\nNNEG_LENGTH = POS_LENGTH | ZERO | NEGATIVE;\nPLENGTH = LENGTH | PERCENTAGE;\nPPLENGTH = POS_LENGTH | ZERO | POS_PERCENTAGE;\nALENGTH = LENGTH | auto;\nAPLENGTH = PLENGTH | auto;\nPAPLENGTH = PPLENGTH | auto;\nANGLE = POS_ANGLE | ZERO | NEGATIVE;\nLENGTH_OR_NUM = LENGTH | NUM;\nANGLE_OR_NUM = ANGLE | NUM;\nMIN_MAX_FIT_CONTENT = min-content | max-content | fit-content;\nSCOLOR = HASHCOLOR | aliceblue: #F0F8FF | antiquewhite: #FAEBD7 | aqua: #00FFFF | aquamarine: #7FFFD4 | azure: #F0FFFF |\n beige: #F5F5DC | bisque: #FFE4C4 | black: #000000 | blanchedalmond: #FFEBCD | blue: #0000FF | blueviolet: #8A2BE2 | brown: #A52A2A |\n burlywood: #DEB887 | cadetblue: #5F9EA0 | chartreuse: #7FFF00 | chocolate: #D2691E | coral: #FF7F50 | cornflowerblue: #6495ED |\n cornsilk: #FFF8DC | crimson: #DC143C | cyan: #00FFFF | darkblue: #00008B | darkcyan: #008B8B | darkgoldenrod: #B8860B |\n darkgray: #A9A9A9 | darkgreen: #006400 | darkgrey: #A9A9A9 | darkkhaki: #BDB76B | darkmagenta: #8B008B | darkolivegreen: #556B2F |\n darkorange: #FF8C00 | darkorchid: #9932CC | darkred: #8B0000 | darksalmon: #E9967A | darkseagreen: #8FBC8F | darkslateblue: #483D8B |\n darkslategray: #2F4F4F | darkslategrey: #2F4F4F | darkturquoise: #00CED1 | darkviolet: #9400D3 | deeppink: #FF1493 |\n deepskyblue: #00BFFF | dimgray: #696969 | dimgrey: #696969 | dodgerblue: #1E90FF | firebrick: #B22222 | floralwhite: #FFFAF0 |\n forestgreen: #228B22 | fuchsia: #FF00FF | gainsboro: #DCDCDC | ghostwhite: #F8F8FF | gold: #FFD700 | goldenrod: #DAA520 |\n gray: #808080 | green: #008000 | greenyellow: #ADFF2F | grey: #808080 | honeydew: #F0FFF0 | hotpink: #FF69B4 | indianred: #CD5C5C |\n indigo: #4B0082 | ivory: #FFFFF0 | khaki: #F0E68C | lavender: #E6E6FA | lavenderblush: #FFF0F5 | lawngreen: #7CFC00 |\n lemonchiffon: #FFFACD | lightblue: #ADD8E6 | lightcoral: #F08080 | lightcyan: #E0FFFF | lightgoldenrodyellow: #FAFAD2 |\n lightgray: #D3D3D3 | lightgreen: #90EE90 | lightgrey: #D3D3D3 | lightpink: #FFB6C1 | lightsalmon: #FFA07A | lightseagreen: #20B2AA |\n lightskyblue: #87CEFA | lightslategray: #778899 | lightslategrey: #778899 | lightsteelblue: #B0C4DE | lightyellow: #FFFFE0 |\n lime: #00FF00 | limegreen: #32CD32 | linen: #FAF0E6 | magenta: #FF00FF | maroon: #800000 | mediumaquamarine: #66CDAA |\n mediumblue: #0000CD | mediumorchid: #BA55D3 | mediumpurple: #9370DB | mediumseagreen: #3CB371 | mediumslateblue: #7B68EE |\n mediumspringgreen: #00FA9A | mediumturquoise: #48D1CC | mediumvioletred: #C71585 | midnightblue: #191970 | mintcream: #F5FFFA |\n mistyrose: #FFE4E1 | moccasin: #FFE4B5 | navajowhite: #FFDEAD | navy: #000080 | oldlace: #FDF5E6 | olive: #808000 |\n olivedrab: #6B8E23 | orange: #FFA500 | orangered: #FF4500 | orchid: #DA70D6 | palegoldenrod: #EEE8AA | palegreen: #98FB98 |\n paleturquoise: #AFEEEE | palevioletred: #DB7093 | papayawhip: #FFEFD5 | peachpuff: #FFDAB9 | peru: #CD853F | pink: #FFC0CB |\n plum: #DDA0DD | powderblue: #B0E0E6 | purple: #800080 | rebeccapurple: #663399 | red: #FF0000 | rosybrown: #BC8F8F | royalblue: #4169E1 |\n saddlebrown: #8B4513 | salmon: #FA8072 | sandybrown: #F4A460 | seagreen: #2E8B57 | seashell: #FFF5EE | sienna: #A0522D |\n silver: #C0C0C0 | skyblue: #87CEEB | slateblue: #6A5ACD | slategray: #708090 | slategrey: #708090 | snow: #FFFAFA |\n springgreen: #00FF7F | steelblue: #4682B4 | tan: #D2B48C | teal: #008080 | thistle: #D8BFD8 | tomato: #FF6347 |\n turquoise: #40E0D0 | violet: #EE82EE | wheat: #F5DEB3 | white: #FFFFFF | whitesmoke: #F5F5F5 | yellow: #FFFF00 |\n yellowgreen: #9ACD32 | transparent | currentcolor;\nRGBCOLOR = rgb(INT{3}) | rgb(STRICT_PERCENTAGE{3});\nRGBACOLOR = rgba(NUM{4}) | rgba(STRICT_PERCENTAGE{3} NUM);\nHSLCOLOR = hsl(NUM PERCENTAGE{2});\nHSLACOLOR = hsl(NUM PERCENTAGE{2} NUM);\nCOLOR = SCOLOR | RGBCOLOR | RGBACOLOR | HSLCOLOR | HSLACOLOR;\nBG_POSITION_TERM = PLENGTH | left | center | right | top | bottom;\nSIDE_OR_CORNER = [left | right] || [top | bottom];\nCOLOR_STOP = SPACE(COLOR [PERCENTAGE | LENGTH]?);\nLINEAR_GRADIENT = linear-gradient([ANGLE | SPACE(to SIDE_OR_CORNER)]? COLOR_STOP+) |\n repeating-linear-gradient([ANGLE | SPACE(to SIDE_OR_CORNER)]? COLOR_STOP+) |;\nGRADIENT_EXTENT = closest-corner | closest-side | farthest-corner | farthest-side;\nGRADIENT_POSITION = at BG_POSITION_TERM{1,4};\nGRADIENT_SHAPE = SPACE(circle LENGTH? GRADIENT_POSITION?) | SPACE(ellipse PLENGTH{2}? GRADIENT_POSITION?)| SPACE([circle | ellipse] GRADIENT_EXTENT? GRADIENT_POSITION?);\nRADIAL_GRADIENT = radial-gradient([GRADIENT_SHAPE | SPACE(GRADIENT_POSITION)]? COLOR_STOP+) |\n repeating-radial-gradient([GRADIENT_SHAPE | SPACE(GRADIENT_POSITION)]? COLOR_STOP+);\nURI_OR_NONE = URI | none;\nIMAGE = URI | LINEAR_GRADIENT | RADIAL_GRADIENT | none;\nbackground-attachment = COMMA( [scroll | fixed | local]+ );\nbackground-color = COLOR;\nbackground-image = COMMA( IMAGE+ );\nbackground-position = COMMA( SPACE(BG_POSITION_TERM{1,4})+ ); /* relaxed */\nbackground-repeat = COMMA( [repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat]+ );\nborder-collapse = collapse | separate;\nBORDER_SIDE_COLOR = COLOR;\nBORDER_SIDE_STYLE = none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset;\nBORDER_SIDE_WIDTH = thin: 1px | medium: 3px | thick: 5px | NNEG_LENGTH;\nborder-spacing = LENGTH LENGTH?;\nborder-top-color = BORDER_SIDE_COLOR;\nborder-right-color = BORDER_SIDE_COLOR;\nborder-bottom-color = BORDER_SIDE_COLOR;\nborder-left-color = BORDER_SIDE_COLOR;\nborder-top-style = BORDER_SIDE_STYLE;\nborder-right-style = BORDER_SIDE_STYLE;\nborder-bottom-style = BORDER_SIDE_STYLE;\nborder-left-style = BORDER_SIDE_STYLE;\nborder-top-width = BORDER_SIDE_WIDTH;\nborder-right-width = BORDER_SIDE_WIDTH;\nborder-bottom-width = BORDER_SIDE_WIDTH;\nborder-left-width = BORDER_SIDE_WIDTH;\nBORDER_RADIUS = PLENGTH{1,2};\nborder-top-left-radius = BORDER_RADIUS;\nborder-top-right-radius = BORDER_RADIUS;\nborder-bottom-right-radius = BORDER_RADIUS;\nborder-bottom-left-radius = BORDER_RADIUS;\nborder-image-source = IMAGE;\nborder-image-slice = [NUM | PERCENTAGE]{1,4} || fill; /* relaxed */\nborder-image-width = [NUM | PLENGTH | auto]{1,4};\nborder-image-outset = [NUM | LENGTH]{1,4};\nborder-image-repeat = [ stretch | repeat | round | space ]{1,2};\nbottom = APLENGTH;\ncaption-side = top | bottom;\nclear = none | left | right | top | bottom | both | all | same;\nclip = rect(ALENGTH{4}) | rect(SPACE(ALENGTH{4})) | auto;\ncolor = COLOR;\nLIST_STYLE_TYPE = disc | circle | square | decimal | decimal-leading-zero | lower-roman |\n upper-roman | lower-greek | lower-latin | upper-latin | armenian | georgian | lower-alpha |\n upper-alpha | russian | upper-russian | lower-russian | cjk-ideographic | trad-chinese-informal |\n hebrew | none;\nTYPE_OR_UNIT_IN_ATTR = string | color | url | integer | number | length | angle | time | frequency;\nATTR = attr(SPACE(IDENT TYPE_OR_UNIT_IN_ATTR?) [ STRING | IDENT | COLOR | INT | NUM | PLENGTH | ANGLE | POS_TIME | FREQUENCY]?);\nCONTENT_LIST = [ STRING | URI | counter(IDENT LIST_STYLE_TYPE?) |\n counters(IDENT STRING LIST_STYLE_TYPE?) | ATTR |\n target-counter([ STRING | URI ] IDENT LIST_STYLE_TYPE?) |\n target-counter(ATTR IDENT LIST_STYLE_TYPE?) |\n target-counters([ STRING | URI ] IDENT STRING LIST_STYLE_TYPE?) |\n target-counters(ATTR IDENT STRING LIST_STYLE_TYPE?) |\n open-quote | close-quote | no-open-quote | no-close-quote |\n content([ text | before | after | first-letter ]?) |\n string(IDENT [first | start | last | first-except]?) ]+;\nCONTENT = normal | none | CONTENT_LIST;\ncontent = CONTENT;\nCOUNTER = [ IDENT INT? ]+ | none;\ncounter-increment = COUNTER;\ncounter-reset = COUNTER;\ncounter-set = COUNTER;\ncursor = COMMA(URI* [ auto | crosshair | default | pointer | move | e-resize | ne-resize | nw-resize |\n n-resize | se-resize | sw-resize | s-resize | w-resize | text | wait | help | progress ]);\ndirection = ltr | rtl;\ndisplay = inline | block | list-item | inline-block | table | inline-table | table-row-group |\n table-header-group | table-footer-group | table-row | table-column-group | table-column |\n table-cell | table-caption | none | oeb-page-head | oeb-page-foot | flex | inline-flex |\n ruby | ruby-base | ruby-text | ruby-base-container | ruby-text-container | run-in | compact | marker;\nempty-cells = show | hide;\nFAMILY = SPACE(IDENT+) | STRING;\nFAMILY_LIST = COMMA( FAMILY+ );\nfont-family = FAMILY_LIST;\nfont-size = xx-small | x-small | small | medium | large | x-large | xx-large | larger | smaller | PPLENGTH | POS_NUM;\nfont-style = normal | italic | oblique;\nfont-weight = normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900;\nheight = PAPLENGTH | POS_NUM | MIN_MAX_FIT_CONTENT;\nleft = APLENGTH;\nletter-spacing = normal | LENGTH_OR_NUM;\nline-height = normal | POS_NUM | PPLENGTH;\nlist-style-image = IMAGE;\nlist-style-position = inside | outside;\nlist-style-type = LIST_STYLE_TYPE;\nmargin-right = APLENGTH;\nmargin-left = APLENGTH;\nmargin-top = APLENGTH;\nmargin-bottom = APLENGTH;\nNPLENGTH = none | PLENGTH;\nmax-height = NPLENGTH | MIN_MAX_FIT_CONTENT;\nmax-width = NPLENGTH | MIN_MAX_FIT_CONTENT;\nmin-height = APLENGTH | MIN_MAX_FIT_CONTENT;\nmin-width = APLENGTH | MIN_MAX_FIT_CONTENT;\norphans = POS_INT;\noutline-offset = LENGTH;\noutline-color = COLOR | invert;\noutline-style = BORDER_SIDE_STYLE;\noutline-width = BORDER_SIDE_WIDTH;\noverflow = visible | hidden | scroll | auto;\npadding-right = PPLENGTH;\npadding-left = PPLENGTH;\npadding-top = PPLENGTH;\npadding-bottom = PPLENGTH;\nPAGE_BREAK = auto | always | avoid | left | right | recto | verso;\npage-break-after = PAGE_BREAK;\npage-break-before = PAGE_BREAK;\npage-break-inside = avoid | auto;\nposition = static | relative | absolute | fixed;\nquotes = [STRING STRING]+ | none;\nright = APLENGTH;\ntable-layout = auto | fixed;\ntext-align = left | right | center | justify | start | end;\ntext-decoration = none | [ underline || overline || line-through || blink ];\ntext-indent = PLENGTH;\ntext-transform = capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none;\ntop = APLENGTH;\nvertical-align = baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | middle | bottom | text-bottom | PLENGTH;\nvisibility = visible | hidden | collapse;\nwhite-space = normal | pre | nowrap | pre-wrap | pre-line | break-spaces;\nwidows = POS_INT;\nwidth = PAPLENGTH | POS_NUM | MIN_MAX_FIT_CONTENT;\nword-spacing = normal | LENGTH_OR_NUM;\nz-index = auto | INT;\n\n[epub,moz,webkit]hyphens = auto | manual | none;\n[webkit]hyphenate-character = auto | STRING;\n\n/* css-logical */\nmargin-block-start = APLENGTH;\nmargin-block-end = APLENGTH;\nmargin-inline-start = APLENGTH;\nmargin-inline-end = APLENGTH;\npadding-block-start = APLENGTH;\npadding-block-end = APLENGTH;\npadding-inline-start = APLENGTH;\npadding-inline-end = APLENGTH;\nborder-block-start-color = BORDER_SIDE_COLOR;\nborder-block-end-color = BORDER_SIDE_COLOR;\nborder-inline-start-color = BORDER_SIDE_COLOR;\nborder-inline-end-color = BORDER_SIDE_COLOR;\nborder-block-start-style = BORDER_SIDE_STYLE;\nborder-block-end-style = BORDER_SIDE_STYLE;\nborder-inline-start-style = BORDER_SIDE_STYLE;\nborder-inline-end-style = BORDER_SIDE_STYLE;\nborder-block-start-width = BORDER_SIDE_WIDTH;\nborder-block-end-width = BORDER_SIDE_WIDTH;\nborder-inline-start-width = BORDER_SIDE_WIDTH;\nborder-inline-end-width = BORDER_SIDE_WIDTH;\nblock-start = APLENGTH;\nblock-end = APLENGTH;\ninline-start = APLENGTH;\ninline-end = APLENGTH;\nblock-size = PAPLENGTH | MIN_MAX_FIT_CONTENT;\ninline-size = PAPLENGTH | MIN_MAX_FIT_CONTENT;\nmax-block-size = NPLENGTH | MIN_MAX_FIT_CONTENT;\nmax-inline-size = NPLENGTH | MIN_MAX_FIT_CONTENT;\nmin-block-size = APLENGTH | MIN_MAX_FIT_CONTENT;\nmin-inline-size = APLENGTH | MIN_MAX_FIT_CONTENT;\n\nSHAPE = auto | rectangle( PLENGTH{4} ) | ellipse( PLENGTH{4} ) | circle( PLENGTH{3} ) |\n polygon( SPACE(PLENGTH+)+ );\n[epubx]shape-inside = SHAPE;\n[epubx,webkit]shape-outside = SHAPE;\n[epubx]wrap-flow = auto | both | start | end | maximum | clear | around /* epub al */;\n\nTRANSFORM_FUNCTION = matrix(NUM{6}) | translate(PLENGTH{1,2}) | translateX(PLENGTH) | translateY(PLENGTH) |\n scale(NUM{1,2}) | scaleX(NUM) | scaleY(NUM) | rotate(ANGLE) | skewX(ANGLE) | skewY(ANGLE);\n[epub]transform = none | TRANSFORM_FUNCTION+;\n[epub]transform-origin = [[[ top | bottom | left | right] PLENGTH?] | center | PLENGTH]{1,2}; /* relaxed */\n\nBOX = border-box | padding-box | content-box;\nSHADOW = SPACE(inset || LENGTH{2,4} || COLOR); /* relaxed */\n[webkit]background-size = COMMA( SPACE( [PLENGTH | auto ]{1,2} | cover | contain)+ );\n[webkit]background-origin = COMMA( BOX+ );\n[webkit]background-clip = COMMA( BOX+ );\n[webkit]box-shadow = none | COMMA( SHADOW+ );\ntext-shadow = none | COMMA( SHADOW+ );\n[webkit]box-decoration-break = slice | clone;\nFILTER_FUNCTION = blur(LENGTH) | brightness(NUM | PERCENTAGE) | contrast(NUM | PERCENTAGE) | drop-shadow(SPACE(LENGTH{2,3} COLOR?))\n | grayscale(NUM | PERCENTAGE) | hue-rotate(ANGLE) | invert(NUM | PERCENTAGE) | opacity(NUM | PERCENTAGE)\n | saturate(NUM | PERCENTAGE) | sepia(NUM | PERCENTAGE);\nFILTER_FUNCTION_LIST = FILTER_FUNCTION+;\n[webkit]filter = none | FILTER_FUNCTION_LIST;\n\nopacity = NUM;\n\n[moz,webkit]column-width = LENGTH | auto;\n[moz,webkit]column-count = INT | auto;\n[moz,webkit]column-gap = LENGTH | normal;\n[moz,webkit]column-rule-color = COLOR;\n[moz,webkit]column-rule-style = BORDER_SIDE_STYLE;\n[moz,webkit]column-rule-width = BORDER_SIDE_WIDTH;\nBREAK = auto | avoid | avoid-page | page | left | right | recto | verso | avoid-column | column | avoid-region | region;\nbreak-before = BREAK;\nbreak-after = BREAK;\nbreak-inside = auto | avoid | avoid-page | avoid-column | avoid-region;\n[webkit]column-span = none | auto | all;\n[moz]column-fill = auto | balance | balance-all;\n\nsrc = COMMA([SPACE(URI format(STRING+)?) | local(FAMILY)]+); /* for font-face */\n\n[epubx,webkit]flow-from = IDENT;\n[epubx,webkit]flow-into = IDENT;\n[epubx]flow-linger = INT | none;\n[epubx]flow-priority = INT;\n[epubx]flow-options = none | [ exclusive || last || static ];\n[epubx]page = INT | auto | IDENT; /* page: IDENT is for CSS Paged Media */\n[epubx]min-page-width = LENGTH;\n[epubx]min-page-height = LENGTH;\n[epubx]required = true | false;\n[epubx]enabled = true | false;\n[epubx]conflicting-partitions = COMMA(IDENT+);\n[epubx]required-partitions = COMMA(IDENT+);\n[epubx]snap-height = LENGTH | none;\n[epubx]snap-width = LENGTH | none;\n[epubx]flow-consume = all | some;\n[epubx]utilization = NUM;\n[epubx]text-zoom = font-size | scale;\n\n[adapt]template = URI_OR_NONE;\n[adapt]behavior = IDENT;\n\n/* CSS Fonts */\nCOMMON_LIG_VALUES = [ common-ligatures | no-common-ligatures ];\nDISCRETIONARY_LIG_VALUES = [ discretionary-ligatures | no-discretionary-ligatures ];\nHISTORICAL_LIG_VALUES = [ historical-ligatures | no-historical-ligatures ];\nCONTEXTUAL_ALT_VALUES = [ contextual | no-contextual ];\nfont-variant-ligatures = normal | none | [ COMMON_LIG_VALUES || DISCRETIONARY_LIG_VALUES || HISTORICAL_LIG_VALUES || CONTEXTUAL_ALT_VALUES ];\nfont-variant-caps = normal | small-caps | all-small-caps | petite-caps | all-petite-caps | unicase | titling-caps;\nNUMERIC_FIGURE_VALUES = [ lining-nums | oldstyle-nums ];\nNUMERIC_SPACING_VALUES = [ proportional-nums | tabular-nums ];\nNUMERIC_FRACTION_VALUES = [ diagonal-fractions | stacked-fractions ];\nfont-variant-numeric = normal | [ NUMERIC_FIGURE_VALUES || NUMERIC_SPACING_VALUES || NUMERIC_FRACTION_VALUES || ordinal || slashed-zero ];\nEAST_ASIAN_VARIANT_VALUES = [ jis78 | jis83 | jis90 | jis04 | simplified | traditional ];\nEAST_ASIAN_WIDTH_VALUES = [ full-width | proportional-width ];\nfont-variant-east-asian = normal | [ EAST_ASIAN_VARIANT_VALUES || EAST_ASIAN_WIDTH_VALUES || ruby ];\nfont-variant_css2 = normal | small-caps; /* for font shorthand */\nfont-size-adjust = none | NNEG_NUM;\n[webkit]font-kerning = auto | normal | none;\nfont-feature-settings = COMMA( normal | SPACE( STRING [ on | off | INT ]? )+ );\nFONT_STRETCH_CSS3_VALUES = normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded;\nfont-stretch = FONT_STRETCH_CSS3_VALUES | PERCENTAGE;\nfont-stretch_css3 = FONT_STRETCH_CSS3_VALUES; /* for font shorthand */\nfont-display = [ auto | block | swap | fallback | optional ];\nunicode-range = COMMA( URANGE+ );\n\n/* CSS Images */\nimage-resolution = RESOLUTION;\nobject-fit = fill | contain | cover | none | scale-down;\nobject-position = COMMA( SPACE(BG_POSITION_TERM{1,4})+ ); /* relaxed */\n\n/* CSS Paged Media */\nPAGE_SIZE = a10 | a9 | a8 | a7 | a6 | a5 | a4 | a3 | a2 | a1 | a0\n | b10 | b9 | b8 | b7 | b6 | b5 | b4 | b3 | b2 | b1 | b0\n | c10 | c9 | c8 | c7 | c6 | c5 | c4 | c3 | c2 | c1 | c0\n | jis-b10 | jis-b9 | jis-b8 | jis-b7 | jis-b6 | jis-b5 | jis-b4 | jis-b3 | jis-b2 | jis-b1 | jis-b0\n | letter | legal | ledger;\nbleed = auto | LENGTH;\nmarks = none | [ crop || cross ];\nsize = POS_LENGTH{1,2} | auto | [ PAGE_SIZE || [ portrait | landscape ] ];\ncrop-offset = auto | LENGTH;\n\n/* CSS Page Floats */\nfloat-reference = inline | column | region | page;\nfloat = block-start | block-end | inline-start | inline-end | snap-block | snap-inline | left | right | top | bottom | none | footnote;\nfloat-min-wrap-block = PPLENGTH;\n\n/* CSS Ruby */\nruby-align = start | center | space-between | space-around;\nruby-position = over | under | inter-character;\n\n/* CSS Size Adjust */\n[moz]text-size-adjust = auto | none | POS_PERCENTAGE;\n\n/* CSS Text */\n[webkit]line-break = auto | loose | normal | strict | anywhere;\noverflow-wrap = normal | break-word | anywhere;\n[moz]tab-size = NNEG_INT | NNEG_LENGTH;\n[moz]text-align-last = auto | start | end | left | right | center | justify;\ntext-justify = auto | none | inter-word | inter-character;\nword-break = normal | keep-all | break-all | break-word;\ntext-spacing = normal | none | auto | [[ trim-start | space-start | space-first ] ||\n [ trim-end | space-end | allow-end ] || [ trim-adjacent | space-adjacent ] ||\n no-compress || ideograph-alpha || ideograph-numeric || punctuation];\nhanging-punctuation = none | [ first || [ force-end | allow-end ] || last ];\n\n/* CSS Text Decoration */\n[webkit]text-decoration-color = COLOR;\n[webkit]text-decoration-line = none | [ underline || overline || line-through || blink ];\n[webkit]text-decoration-skip = none | [ objects || spaces || ink || edges || box-decoration ];\n[webkit]text-decoration-style = solid | double | dotted | dashed | wavy;\n[epub,webkit]text-emphasis-color = COLOR;\n[webkit]text-emphasis-position = [ over | under ] [ right | left ];\n[epub,webkit]text-emphasis-style = none | [[ filled | open ] || [ dot | circle | double-circle | triangle | sesame ]] | STRING;\n[webkit]text-underline-position = auto | [ under || [ left | right ]];\n\n/* CSS Transforms */\n[webkit]backface-visibility = visible | hidden;\n\n/* CSS UI */\nbox-sizing = content-box | padding-box | border-box;\ntext-overflow = [clip | ellipsis | STRING]{1,2};\n\n/* CSS Writing Modes */\n[epub,webkit]text-combine = none | horizontal;\ntext-combine-upright = none | all; /* relaxed */\n[epub,webkit]text-orientation = mixed | upright | sideways-right | sideways-left | sideways | use-glyph-orientation /* the following values are kept for backward-compatibility */ | vertical-right | rotate-right | rotate-left | rotate-normal | auto;\nunicode-bidi = normal | embed | isolate | bidi-override | isolate-override | plaintext;\n[epub,webkit]writing-mode = horizontal-tb | vertical-rl | lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb;\n\n/* CSS Flex box */\nFLEX_BASIS = content | PAPLENGTH;\nflex-direction = row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse;\nflex-wrap = nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse;\norder = INT;\nflex-grow = NNEG_NUM;\nflex-shrink = NNEG_NUM;\nflex-basis = FLEX_BASIS;\nflex = none | [ [ NNEG_NUM NNEG_NUM? ] || FLEX_BASIS ];\njustify-content = flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around;\nalign-items = flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch;\nalign-self = auto | flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch;\nalign-content = flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around | stretch;\n\n/* Pointer Events */\ntouch-action = auto | none | [ pan-x || pan-y ] | manipulation;\n\n/* SVG 2 */\nOPACITY_VALUE = NUM | PERCENTAGE;\nDASH_ARRAY = COMMA( SPACE( [ LENGTH | PERCENTAGE | NUM ]+ )+ );\nPAINT = none | child | child(INT) | COLOR | SPACE( URI [none | COLOR]? ) | context-fill | context-stroke;\ncolor-interpolation = auto | sRGB | linearRGB;\ncolor-rendering = auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality;\nfill = PAINT;\nfill-opacity = OPACITY_VALUE;\nfill-rule = nonzero | evenodd;\nglyph-orientation-vertical = auto | NUM | ANGLE;\nimage-rendering = auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality | crisp-edges | pixelated;\nmarker-start = none | URI;\nmarker-mid = none | URI;\nmarker-end = none | URI;\npointer-events = bounding-box | visiblePainted | visibleFill | visibleStroke | visible | painted | fill | stroke | all | none;\npaint-order = normal | [ fill || stroke || markers ];\nshape-rendering = auto | optimizeSpeed | crispEdges | geometricPrecision;\nstop-color = COLOR;\nstop-opacity = OPACITY_VALUE;\nstroke = PAINT;\nstroke-dasharray = none | DASH_ARRAY;\nstroke-dashoffset = PERCENTAGE | LENGTH_OR_NUM;\nstroke-linecap = butt | round | square;\nstroke-linejoin = miter | round | bevel;\nstroke-miterlimit = NUM;\nstroke-opacity = OPACITY_VALUE;\nstroke-width = PERCENTAGE | LENGTH_OR_NUM;\ntext-anchor = start | middle | end;\ntext-rendering = auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeLegibility | geometricPrecision;\nvector-effect = none | SPACE( [ non-scaling-stroke | non-scaling-size | non-rotation | fixed-position ]+ [ viewport | screen ]? );\n\n/* SVG 1.1 */\nalignment-baseline = auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical;\nbaseline-shift = baseline | sub | super | PERCENTAGE | LENGTH_OR_NUM;\ndominant-baseline = auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge;\nmask = none | URI;\n\n/* css-masking-1 */\nSHAPE_RADIUS = PLENGTH | closest-side | farthest-side;\nFILL_RULE = nonzero | evenodd;\nSHAPE_BOX = BOX | margin-box;\nGEOMETRY_BOX = SHAPE_BOX | fill-box | stroke-box | view-box;\nBASIC_SHAPE =\n inset( SPACE( PLENGTH{1,4} [ round PLENGTH{1,4} [ SLASH PLENGTH{1,4} ]? ]? ) )\n | circle( SPACE( [SHAPE_RADIUS]? [at BG_POSITION_TERM{1,4}]? ) )\n | ellipse( SPACE( SHAPE_RADIUS{2}? [at BG_POSITION_TERM{1,4}]? ) )\n | polygon( FILL_RULE? COMMA( SPACE( PLENGTH{2} )+ )+ );\n[webkit]clip-path = none | URI | [ BASIC_SHAPE || GEOMETRY_BOX ];\nclip-rule = nonzero | evenodd;\n\n/* filters */\nflood-color = COLOR;\nflood-opacity = OPACITY_VALUE;\nlighting-color = COLOR;\n\n/* compositing-1 */\nBLEND_MODE = normal | multiply | screen | overlay | darken | lighten | color-dodge | color-burn | hard-light | soft-light | difference | exclusion | hue | saturation | color | luminosity;\nmix-blend-mode = BLEND_MODE;\nisolation = auto | isolate;\nbackground-blend-mode = COMMA( BLEND_MODE+ );\n\n/* CSS GCPM */\nstring-set = COMMA( SPACE( IDENT CONTENT_LIST )+ | none );\nfootnote-policy = auto | line;\n\n/* CSS Repeated Headers and Footers */\n[viv]repeat-on-break = auto | none | header | footer;\n\nDEFAULTS\n\nbackground-attachment: scroll;\nbackground-color: transparent;\nbackground-image: none;\nbackground-repeat: repeat;\nbackground-position: 0% 0%;\nbackground-clip: border-box;\nbackground-origin: padding-box;\nbackground-size: auto;\nborder-top-color: currentColor;\nborder-right-color: currentColor;\nborder-bottom-color: currentColor;\nborder-left-color: currentColor;\nborder-top-style: none;\nborder-right-style: none;\nborder-bottom-style: none;\nborder-left-style: none;\nborder-top-width: 3px;\nborder-right-width: 3px;\nborder-bottom-width: 3px;\nborder-left-width: 3px;\nborder-top-left-radius: 0;\nborder-top-right-radius: 0;\nborder-bottom-right-radius: 0;\nborder-bottom-left-radius: 0;\nborder-image-source: none;\nborder-image-slice: 100%;\nborder-image-width: 1;\nborder-image-outset: 0;\nborder-image-repeat: stretch;\ncolumn-count: auto;\ncolumn-gap: normal;\ncolumn-width: auto;\ncolumn-rule-color: currentColor;\ncolumn-rule-style: none;\ncolumn-rule-width: 3px;\ncolumn-fill: balance;\noutline-color: currentColor;\noutline-style: none;\noutline-width: 3px;\nflex-direction: row;\nflex-wrap: nowrap;\nfont-family: serif;\nfont-style: normal;\nfont-size: medium;\nfont-size-adjust: none;\nfont-kerning: auto;\nfont-feature-settings: normal;\nfont-variant-ligatures: normal;\nfont-variant-caps: normal;\nfont-variant-numeric: normal;\nfont-variant-east-asian: normal;\nfont-weight: normal;\nfont-stretch: normal;\nline-height: normal;\nlist-style-image: none;\nlist-style-position: outside;\nlist-style-type: disc;\nmargin-bottom: auto;\nmargin-left: auto;\nmargin-right: auto;\nmargin-top: auto;\npadding-bottom: auto;\npadding-left: auto;\npadding-right: auto;\npadding-top: auto;\ntext-emphasis-color: currentColor;\ntext-emphasis-style: none;\nmarker-start: none;\nmarker-mid: none;\nmarker-end: none;\n\n/* css-logical */\nborder-block-start-color: currentColor;\nborder-block-end-color: currentColor;\nborder-inline-start-color: currentColor;\nborder-inline-end-color: currentColor;\nborder-block-start-style: none;\nborder-block-end-style: none;\nborder-inline-start-style: none;\nborder-inline-end-style: none;\nborder-block-start-width: 3px;\nborder-block-end-width: 3px;\nborder-inline-start-width: 3px;\nborder-inline-end-width: 3px;\n\nSHORTHANDS\n\nbackground = COMMA background-image [background-position [ / background-size ]] background-repeat\n background-attachment [background-origin background-clip] background-color; /* background-color is a special case, see the code */\nborder-top = border-top-width border-top-style border-top-color;\nborder-right = border-right-width border-right-style border-right-color;\nborder-bottom = border-bottom-width border-bottom-style border-bottom-color;\nborder-left = border-left-width border-left-style border-left-color;\nborder-width = INSETS border-top-width border-right-width border-bottom-width border-left-width;\nborder-style = INSETS border-top-style border-right-style border-bottom-style border-left-style;\nborder-color = INSETS border-top-color border-right-color border-bottom-color border-left-color;\nborder = border-width border-style border-color;\nborder-image = border-image-source border-image-slice [ / border-image-width [ / border-image-outset ] ]\n border-image-repeat;\nborder-radius = INSETS_SLASH border-top-left-radius border-top-right-radius\n border-bottom-right-radius border-bottom-left-radius;\n[moz,webkit]columns = column-width column-count;\n[moz,webkit]column-rule = column-rule-width column-rule-style column-rule-color;\nflex-flow = flex-direction flex-wrap;\noeb-column-number = column-count;\noutline = outline-width outline-style outline-color;\nlist-style = list-style-type list-style-position list-style-image;\nmargin = INSETS margin-top margin-right margin-bottom margin-left;\npadding = INSETS padding-top padding-right padding-bottom padding-left;\nfont = FONT font-style font-variant_css2 font-weight font-stretch_css3 /* font-size line-height font-family are special-cased */;\nfont-variant = font-variant-ligatures font-variant-caps font-variant-numeric font-variant-east-asian;\n[epub,webkit]text-emphasis = text-emphasis-style text-emphasis-color;\nmarker = INSETS marker-start marker-mid marker-end;\n\n/* css-logical */\nmargin-block = INSETS margin-block-start margin-block-end;\nmargin-inline = INSETS margin-inline-start margin-inline-end;\npadding-block = INSETS padding-block-start padding-block-end;\npadding-inline = INSETS padding-inline-start padding-inline-end;\nborder-block-width = INSETS border-block-start-width border-block-end-width;\nborder-block-style = INSETS border-block-start-style border-block-end-style;\nborder-block-color = INSETS border-block-start-color border-block-end-color;\nborder-inline-width = INSETS border-inline-start-width border-inline-end-width;\nborder-inline-style = INSETS border-inline-start-style border-inline-end-style;\nborder-inline-color = INSETS border-inline-start-color border-inline-end-color;\nborder-block = border-block-width border-block-style border-block-color;\nborder-inline = border-inline-width border-inline-style border-inline-color;\nborder-block-start = border-block-start-width border-block-start-style border-block-start-color;\nborder-block-end = border-block-end-width border-block-end-style border-block-end-color;\nborder-inline-start = border-inline-start-width border-inline-start-style border-inline-start-color;\nborder-inline-end = border-inline-end-width border-inline-end-style border-inline-end-color;\ninset-block-start = block-start;\ninset-block-end = block-end;\ninset-inline-start = inline-start;\ninset-inline-end = inline-end;\ninset-block = INSETS block-start block-end;\ninset-inline = INSETS inline-start inline-end;\n\n/* old names */\nword-wrap = overflow-wrap;\n[adapt,webkit]margin-before = margin-block-start;\n[adapt,webkit]margin-after = margin-block-end;\n[adapt,webkit]margin-start = margin-inline-start;\n[adapt,webkit]margin-end = margin-inline-end;\n[adapt,webkit]padding-before = padding-block-start;\n[adapt,webkit]padding-after = padding-block-end;\n[adapt,webkit]padding-start = padding-inline-start;\n[adapt,webkit]padding-end = padding-inline-end;\n[adapt,webkit]border-before-color = border-block-start-color;\n[adapt,webkit]border-after-color = border-block-end-color;\n[adapt,webkit]border-start-color = border-inline-start-color;\n[adapt,webkit]border-end-color = border-inline-end-color;\n[adapt,webkit]border-before-style = border-block-start-style;\n[adapt,webkit]border-after-style = border-block-end-style;\n[adapt,webkit]border-start-style = border-inline-start-style;\n[adapt,webkit]border-end-style = border-inline-end-style;\n[adapt,webkit]border-before-width = border-block-start-width;\n[adapt,webkit]border-after-width = border-block-end-width;\n[adapt,webkit]border-start-width = border-inline-start-width;\n[adapt,webkit]border-end-width = border-inline-end-width;\n[adapt,webkit]before = block-start;\n[adapt,webkit]after = block-end;\n[adapt,webkit]start = inline-start;\n[adapt,webkit]end = inline-end;\n\n"; | ||
@@ -24,0 +24,0 @@ export declare const UserAgentXml = "\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xmlns:s=\"http://www.pyroxy.com/ns/shadow\">\n<head>\n<style><![CDATA[\n\n.footnote-content {\n float: footnote;\n}\n\n.table-cell-container {\n display: block;\n}\n\n]]></style>\n</head>\n<body>\n\n<s:template id=\"footnote\"><s:content/><s:include class=\"footnote-content\"/></s:template>\n\n<s:template id=\"table-cell\"><div data-vivliostyle-flow-root=\"true\" class=\"table-cell-container\"><s:content/></div></s:template>\n\n</body>\n</html>"; |
{ | ||
"name": "@vivliostyle/core", | ||
"description": "Vivliostyle Core library for HTML+CSS typesetting with EPUB/Web publications support", | ||
"version": "2.15.4", | ||
"version": "2.15.5", | ||
"author": "Vivliostyle Foundation", | ||
@@ -58,3 +58,3 @@ "scripts": { | ||
}, | ||
"gitHead": "73bcf323adcad80126b0175630609451ccd09d8a" | ||
"gitHead": "95b12e765d213a5a267b01846bfb473d3a3d7327" | ||
} |
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Long strings
Supply chain riskContains long string literals, which may be a sign of obfuscated or packed code.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
Long strings
Supply chain riskContains long string literals, which may be a sign of obfuscated or packed code.
Found 1 instance in 1 package