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@voiceflow/natural-language-commander - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.3.2 to 0.4.2



@@ -1,4 +0,1 @@

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ANONYMOUS = "anonymous";



@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ import { ISlotType, IIntent } from "./nlcInterfaces";

private replaceCommonMispellings(utterance);
private replaceCommonMispellings;
/** Replace runs of spaces with the space character, for better matching. */
private replaceSpacesForRegexp(utterance);
private replaceSpacesForRegexp;
/** Escape braces that would cause a problem with regular expressions. */
private replaceBracesForRegexp(utterance);
private replaceBracesForRegexp;
* Replace a solt with a regex capture group.
private repaceSlotWithCaptureGroup(utterance, slotType, matchIndex, matchLength);
private repaceSlotWithCaptureGroup;

@@ -51,19 +51,19 @@ * Check text for a slotType match.

private checkSlotMatch(slotText, slotTypeName);
private checkSlotMatch;
* Check the slot text against the slot regular expression, and return the text if it matches.
private getRegexpSlot(slotText, slotType);
private getRegexpSlot;
* Check if the string matches the slotType, and return the type's string if it does.
private getStringSlot(slotText, slotType);
private getStringSlot;
* Check if the string matches the slotType function, and return the function's return value if it does.
private getFunctionSlotType(slotText, slotType);
private getFunctionSlotType;
* Check if the string is contained in the string array, and return it if it does.
private getListSlotType(slotText, slotType);
private getListSlotType;

@@ -74,4 +74,4 @@ * Get the slot values in the order specified by an intent.

private getOrderedSlots(slotMapping);
private getOrderedSlots;
export default Matcher;

@@ -91,3 +91,2 @@ "use strict";

const matchedSlots = {};
console.log(matches, this.slotMapping);
// Check each slot to see if it matches.

@@ -94,0 +93,0 @@ _.forEach(this.slotMapping, (slot, i) => {

@@ -20,2 +20,8 @@ export interface SlotTypeFunction {

type: string;
dialog?: {
prompt: string[];
confirm: string[];
utterances: string[];
required?: boolean;

@@ -35,49 +41,3 @@ /** An intent, to be passed to NLC. */

utterances: string[];
/** The callback to run when the intent matches. */
callback: ((...slotValues: any[]) => void) | ((data: any, ...slotValues: any[]) => void);
export interface IQuestion {
/** The question intent name. */
name: string;
/** The slot type the question is asking for. */
slotType: string;
* Array of utterances to match. Slots must be named {Slot}.
* Defaults to checking for just the slot.
utterances?: string[];
* Asks the question. Called before setting up the answer listener.
* @param data - Any arbitrary data passed to nlc.ask(). Defaults to the userId.
* @param slotValue - The transformed value of the answer's slot.
questionCallback: (data: any) => void;
* Called on sucessful match.
* @param data - Any arbitrary data passed to nlc.ask(). Defaults to the userId.
* @param slotValue - The transformed value of the answer's slot.
successCallback: (userId: any, slotValue: any) => void;
* Called when the slot didn't match.
* @param data - Any arbitrary data passed to nlc.ask(). Defaults to the userId.
failCallback: (userId: any) => void;
* If specified, NLC will listen for commands like "nevermind" or "cancel",
* and call this if the command matches them.
* @param data - Any arbitrary data passed to nlc.ask(). Defaults to the userId.
cancelCallback?: (userId: any) => void;
export interface IHandleCommandOptions {
command: string;
data?: any;
userId?: string;
export interface IAskOptions {
question: string;
data?: any;
userId?: string;
export interface ISlotFullfilment {

@@ -90,2 +50,3 @@ name: string;

slots: ISlotFullfilment[];
required?: IIntentSlot[];

@@ -0,4 +1,6 @@

* Standard slot types for the NaturalLanguageCommander
* @module standardSlots
import { ISlotType } from "./nlcInterfaces";
/** Commands to cancel a question. */
export declare const NEVERMIND: ISlotType;
/** A string of any length. */

@@ -5,0 +7,0 @@ export declare const STRING: ISlotType;

@@ -21,7 +21,2 @@ "use strict";

/** Commands to cancel a question. */
exports.NEVERMIND = {
type: "NEVERMIND",
matcher: ["nevermind", "never mind", "cancel", "exit", "back", "quit"]
/** A string of any length. */

@@ -28,0 +23,0 @@ exports.STRING = {

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { ISlotType, IHandleCommandOptions, IAskOptions, IIntent, IQuestion } from "./lib/nlcInterfaces";
import { ISlotType, IIntent, IIntentFullfilment } from "./lib/nlcInterfaces";
/** Holds registered natural language commands. */

@@ -8,4 +8,2 @@ declare class NaturalLanguageCommander {

private intents;
private questions;
private activeQuestions;
private matchers;

@@ -41,14 +39,2 @@ private notFoundCallback;

* Register a question. Bound to this.
* @param intent
* @returns true if added, false if the intent name already exists.
registerQuestion: (questionData: IQuestion) => boolean;
* De-register a question. Bound to this.
* @param questionName
* @returns true if removed, false if the question doesn't exist.
deregisterQuestion: (questionName: string) => boolean;
* Register a callback to be called when a command doesn't match.

@@ -81,47 +67,12 @@ * Isn't called when an answer command doesn't match, since that is handled

removeUtterance(intentName: string, utterance: string): boolean;
handleDialog(match: IIntentFullfilment, command: string): IIntentFullfilment;
* Handle a user's command by checking for a matching intent, and calling that intent's callback.
* @param data - Arbitrary data to pass to the callback.
* @param command - The command to match against.
* @param userId - any unqiue identifier for a user.
* @returns a promise resolved with the name of the matched intent, or rejected if no match.
* If the user had an active question, resolved or rejected with the name of the question intent.
handleCommand(data: any, command: string): Promise<string>;
handleCommand(command: string): Promise<string>;
handleCommand(options: IHandleCommandOptions): Promise<string>;
* Have NLC listen ask a question and listen for an answer for a given user.
* Calling this while a question is active for the user replace the old question.
* @param question - An intent name from a question intent.
* @param - arbitrary data to pass along.
* @param options.userId - any unqiue identifier for a user.
* @param options.question - An intent name from a question intent.
* @returns false if questionName not found, true otherwise.
ask(options: IAskOptions): Promise<boolean>;
ask(question: string): Promise<boolean>;
* Cleans up a command for processing.
* @param command - the user's command.
private cleanCommand(command);
private doesIntentExist(intentName);
* Look up the active question for a user (if any). If the userId is undefined,
* check the anonymous user.
private getActiveQuestion(userId);
* Set the active question for a user.
private setActiveQuestion(userId, question);
* Deactive a question once the user has answered it.
private finishQuestion(userId);
/** Handle a command for an active question. */
private handleQuestionAnswer(deferred, data, command, userId);
private cleanCommand;
private doesIntentExist;
/** Handle a command normally. */
private handleNormalCommand(data, command);
handleCommand(command: string): IIntentFullfilment | null;
getIntent(name: string): IIntent | null;
getIntents(): IIntent[];

@@ -132,2 +83,3 @@ getSlotTypes(): {

export = NaturalLanguageCommander;
export * from "./lib/nlcInterfaces";
export default NaturalLanguageCommander;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const _ = require("lodash");
const Deferred_1 = require("./lib/Deferred");
const immer_1 = require("immer");
const Matcher_1 = require("./lib/Matcher");
const Question_1 = require("./lib/Question");
const constants_1 = require("./lib/constants");
// Use setImmediate in node and FF, or the slower setTimeout otherwise,
// to delay a resolve so it is always async.
const delay = typeof setImmediate === "function" ? setImmediate : setTimeout;
/** Holds registered natural language commands. */

@@ -89,38 +85,5 @@ class NaturalLanguageCommander {

* Register a question. Bound to this.
* @param intent
* @returns true if added, false if the intent name already exists.
this.registerQuestion = (questionData) => {
// Don't allow duplicate intents.
if (this.doesIntentExist( {
return false;
// Record the question name for checking for duplicates.
// Set up the question.
this.questions[] = new Question_1.default(this, questionData);
return true;
* De-register a question. Bound to this.
* @param questionName
* @returns true if removed, false if the question doesn't exist.
this.deregisterQuestion = (questionName) => {
if (!this.doesIntentExist(questionName)) {
return false;
// Remove from the namelist.
this.intentNames = _.reject(this.intentNames, name => name === questionName);
// Remove from the questions dictionary.
delete this.questions[questionName];
return true;
this.slotTypes = {};
this.intentNames = [];
this.intents = [];
this.questions = {};
this.activeQuestions = {};
this.matchers = [];

@@ -196,85 +159,19 @@ // Noop the notFoundCallback.

handleCommand(dataOrCommandOrOptions, command) {
const deferred = new Deferred_1.default();
// Handle overload.
let data;
let userId;
if (_.isString(dataOrCommandOrOptions) && !command) {
// 2nd signature.
command = dataOrCommandOrOptions;
else if (command) {
// 1st signature.
data = dataOrCommandOrOptions;
else {
// 3rd signature.
command = dataOrCommandOrOptions.command;
data =;
userId = dataOrCommandOrOptions.userId;
if (!_.isString(command)) {
throw new Error(`NLC: ${command} must be a string!`);
// Clean up the input.
command = this.cleanCommand(command);
// Delay to ensure this is async.
delay(() => {
const commandResult = this.handleNormalCommand(data, command);
// If the command was successful:
if (commandResult) {
// Resolve with the intent name, for logging.
// If not successful, check if there's an active question for the user.
if (this.getActiveQuestion(userId)) {
// If there is one, answer it and handle the deferred in there.
this.handleQuestionAnswer(deferred, data, command, userId);
else {
// Otherwise call the not found handler, since there was no match.
// Also reject the promise for logging.
handleDialog(match, command) {
const intent = this.getIntent(match.intent);
if (!intent || !match.required.length)
throw new Error(`NLC: unable to handle dialog ${match.intent}`);
// If no dialog matched,
const otherIntent = this.handleCommand(command);
if (otherIntent)
return otherIntent;
// if nothing matches, take the raw string as the next required slot
return immer_1.default(match, (draft) => {
const required = draft.required.shift();
value: command
return deferred.promise;
ask(optionsOrQuestion) {
const deferred = new Deferred_1.default();
// Handle overload.
let data;
let userId;
let questionName;
if (_.isString(optionsOrQuestion)) {
questionName = optionsOrQuestion;
else {
userId = optionsOrQuestion.userId;
data =;
questionName = optionsOrQuestion.question;
// Pull the question from the list of registered questions.
const question = this.questions[questionName];
// If the question exists, make it active.
if (question) {
// Make the question active.
this.setActiveQuestion(userId, question);
// Delay for async.
delay(() => {
if (question) {
// Ask the question after a delay.
question.ask(data || userId);
// Resolve.
else {
// Reject the promise if the question isn't set up.
return deferred.promise;

@@ -295,49 +192,9 @@ * Cleans up a command for processing.

* Look up the active question for a user (if any). If the userId is undefined,
* check the anonymous user.
getActiveQuestion(userId) {
return this.activeQuestions[userId || constants_1.ANONYMOUS];
* Set the active question for a user.
setActiveQuestion(userId, question) {
this.activeQuestions[userId || constants_1.ANONYMOUS] = question;
* Deactive a question once the user has answered it.
finishQuestion(userId) {
this.setActiveQuestion(userId, undefined);
/** Handle a command for an active question. */
handleQuestionAnswer(deferred, data, command, userId) {
// If this user has an active question, grab it.
const question = this.getActiveQuestion(userId);
const questionName =;
// Finish the question before the answer is processed, in case the answer
// kicks off another question.
// Try to answer the question with the command.
.answer(command, data || userId)
.then(() => {
// If the answer matched, resolve with the question name.
.catch(() => {
// If the answer failed, reject with the question name, so any
// logger knows what question failed.
/** Handle a command normally. */
handleNormalCommand(data, command) {
handleCommand(command) {
/** Flag if there was a match */
let foundMatch;
let foundMatch = null;
// Handle a normal command.
_.forEach(this.matchers, (matcher) => {
var _a;
/** The slots from the match or [], if the match was found. */

@@ -350,10 +207,5 @@ const orderedSlots = matcher.check(command);

slots: orderedSlots,
// slots in intent that are required and not part of orderedSlots
required: ((_a = matcher.intent.slots) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.filter(({ required, name }) => required && !orderedSlots.some((m) => === name))) || []
const callSlots = => slot.value);
if (data) {
// Add the data as the first arg, if specified.
// Call the callback with the slot values in order.
matcher.intent.callback.apply(null, callSlots);
// Flag that a match was found.

@@ -365,4 +217,21 @@ // Exit early.

// if the command is exactly the intent name
if (!foundMatch) {
_.forEach(this.intents, (intent) => {
var _a;
if (intent.intent === command) {
foundMatch = {
intent: intent.intent,
slots: [],
required: ((_a = intent.slots) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.filter(({ required }) => required)) || [],
return false;
return foundMatch;
getIntent(name) {
return this.intents.find((intent) => intent.intent === name);
getIntents() {

@@ -375,3 +244,3 @@ return this.intents;

module.exports = NaturalLanguageCommander;
exports.default = NaturalLanguageCommander;
"name": "@voiceflow/natural-language-commander",
"version": "0.3.2",
"version": "0.4.2",
"description": "A tool for connecting natural language commands with callbacks.",

@@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ "homepage": "",

"devDependencies": {
"@types/chai": "^4.1.2",
"@types/chai-spies": "^0.0.0",
"@types/chai": "^4.1.2",
"@types/mocha": "^5.0.0",

@@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ "babel-plugin-transform-runtime": "^6.9.0",

"browserify": "^13.0.1",
"chai": "^4.1.2",
"chai-spies": "^1.0.0",
"chai": "^4.1.2",
"derequire": "^2.0.3",

@@ -50,6 +50,6 @@ "mkdirp": "^0.5.1",

"tsify": "^3.0.4",
"tslint": "^5.9.1",
"tslint-config-airbnb": "^5.8.0",
"tslint-config-prettier": "^1.10.0",
"tslint": "^5.9.1",
"typescript": "^2.8.1",
"typescript": "^3.8.3",
"uglify-js": "^2.6.2",

@@ -61,5 +61,6 @@ "uglifyify": "^3.0.1"

"babel-runtime": "^6.9.2",
"immer": "^6.0.2",
"lodash": "^4.17.5",
"moment-timezone": "^0.5.14",
"moment": "^2.22.0"
"moment": "^2.22.0",
"moment-timezone": "^0.5.14"

@@ -66,0 +67,0 @@ "typings": "./dist/NaturalLanguageCommander.d.ts",

@@ -70,10 +70,2 @@ # natural-language-commander

### Ask questions
Sometimes you may want to ask a user a specific question, and get back a
specific type of answer. Maybe the user didn't provide you enough information to work with,
or maybe you want them to go through a complex dialog. NLC helps you ask a
specific user a specific question, and decide if their answer is a valid answer,
is just a different command, is cancelling the question, or is invalid.
## Installation

@@ -121,7 +113,2 @@

### Questions
A _question_ is a named question you can register. When you later ask the question,
NLC will handle asking the user and validating their answer.
### Utterances

@@ -350,28 +337,2 @@

## Asking Questions
To register a question, call `nlc.registerQuestion` with a Question object with the attributes:
* `name` {string} - The name of the question. Used to ask the question later.
* `slotType` {string} - The name of a registered slot type. This is the type of answer that the question is looking for.
* `utterances?` {string[]} - An optional list of utterances to match the answer against.
These should include the slot as `{Slot}`. If not specified, the utterance is simply `'{Slot}'`.
* `questionCallback` {(data: any) => void} - Called when `nlc.ask()` is called. Used to ask the user the question.
* `successCallback` {(data: any, slot: any) => void} - Called when the answer matches.
* `cancelCallback?` {(data: any) => void} - Called when the answer was something like "cancel". If not specified,
handle "cancel" as a normal answer.
* `failCallback` {(data: any) => void} - Called when the answer does not match. Could be used to re-ask the question.
After registering a question, to actually ask that question, call `nlc.ask()` with the signatures:
* `nlc.ask(question: string)` - Just ask the question. The next `nlc.handleCommand()` that doesn't include
a userId will be treated as the answer. Used if the NLC instance only supports one user.
* `nlc.ask(data)` - Data should be an object with the attribtes:
* userId? {string} - A unique identifier for the user. The next `nlc.handleCommand()` that specifies this
userId will be treated as the answer.
* question {string} - The question name. If this is not found, the function will return false.
Note that if the user's next response is a valid command, the associated intent will handle
it, since the user is probably giving up on answering the question.
### Examples

@@ -378,0 +339,0 @@

@@ -138,4 +138,2 @@ import _ = require("lodash");

console.log(matches, this.slotMapping);
// Check each slot to see if it matches.

@@ -142,0 +140,0 @@ _.forEach(this.slotMapping, (slot: IIntentSlot, i: number) => {

@@ -23,2 +23,8 @@ export interface SlotTypeFunction {

type: string;
dialog?: {
prompt: string[];
confirm: string[];
utterances: string[];
required?: boolean;

@@ -39,55 +45,4 @@

utterances: string[];
/** The callback to run when the intent matches. */
| ((...slotValues: any[]) => void)
| ((data: any, ...slotValues: any[]) => void);
export interface IQuestion {
/** The question intent name. */
name: string;
/** The slot type the question is asking for. */
slotType: string;
* Array of utterances to match. Slots must be named {Slot}.
* Defaults to checking for just the slot.
utterances?: string[];
* Asks the question. Called before setting up the answer listener.
* @param data - Any arbitrary data passed to nlc.ask(). Defaults to the userId.
* @param slotValue - The transformed value of the answer's slot.
questionCallback: (data: any) => void;
* Called on sucessful match.
* @param data - Any arbitrary data passed to nlc.ask(). Defaults to the userId.
* @param slotValue - The transformed value of the answer's slot.
successCallback: (userId: any, slotValue: any) => void;
* Called when the slot didn't match.
* @param data - Any arbitrary data passed to nlc.ask(). Defaults to the userId.
failCallback: (userId: any) => void;
* If specified, NLC will listen for commands like "nevermind" or "cancel",
* and call this if the command matches them.
* @param data - Any arbitrary data passed to nlc.ask(). Defaults to the userId.
cancelCallback?: (userId: any) => void;
export interface IHandleCommandOptions {
command: string;
data?: any;
userId?: string;
export interface IAskOptions {
question: string;
data?: any;
userId?: string;
export interface ISlotFullfilment {

@@ -101,2 +56,3 @@ name: string;

slots: ISlotFullfilment[];
required?: IIntentSlot[];

@@ -25,8 +25,2 @@ /**

/** Commands to cancel a question. */
export const NEVERMIND: ISlotType = {
type: "NEVERMIND",
matcher: ["nevermind", "never mind", "cancel", "exit", "back", "quit"]
/** A string of any length. */

@@ -33,0 +27,0 @@ export const STRING: ISlotType = {

import _ = require("lodash");
import Deferred from "./lib/Deferred";
import produce from 'immer';
import {

@@ -14,14 +11,3 @@ IIntentFullfilment,

import Matcher from "./lib/Matcher";
import Question from "./lib/Question";
import { ANONYMOUS } from "./lib/constants";
interface IDelay {
(callback: () => void): number;
// Use setImmediate in node and FF, or the slower setTimeout otherwise,
// to delay a resolve so it is always async.
const delay: IDelay =
typeof setImmediate === "function" ? setImmediate : setTimeout;
/** Holds registered natural language commands. */

@@ -33,6 +19,4 @@ class NaturalLanguageCommander {

private intents: IIntent[];
private questions: { [name: string]: Question };
private activeQuestions: { [userId: string]: Question };
private matchers: Matcher[];
private notFoundCallback: (data: any) => void;
private notFoundCallback: () => void;

@@ -46,4 +30,2 @@ /**

this.intents = [];
this.questions = {};
this.activeQuestions = {};
this.matchers = [];

@@ -153,44 +135,2 @@ // Noop the notFoundCallback.

* Register a question. Bound to this.
* @param intent
* @returns true if added, false if the intent name already exists.
public registerQuestion = (questionData: IQuestion): boolean => {
// Don't allow duplicate intents.
if (this.doesIntentExist( {
return false;
// Record the question name for checking for duplicates.
// Set up the question.
this.questions[] = new Question(this, questionData);
return true;
* De-register a question. Bound to this.
* @param questionName
* @returns true if removed, false if the question doesn't exist.
public deregisterQuestion = (questionName: string): boolean => {
if (!this.doesIntentExist(questionName)) {
return false;
// Remove from the namelist.
this.intentNames = _.reject(
name => name === questionName
// Remove from the questions dictionary.
delete this.questions[questionName];
return true;
* Register a callback to be called when a command doesn't match.

@@ -287,121 +227,21 @@ * Isn't called when an answer command doesn't match, since that is handled

* Handle a user's command by checking for a matching intent, and calling that intent's callback.
* @param data - Arbitrary data to pass to the callback.
* @param command - The command to match against.
* @param userId - any unqiue identifier for a user.
* @returns a promise resolved with the name of the matched intent, or rejected if no match.
* If the user had an active question, resolved or rejected with the name of the question intent.
public handleCommand(data: any, command: string): Promise<string>;
public handleCommand(command: string): Promise<string>;
public handleCommand(options: IHandleCommandOptions): Promise<string>;
public handleCommand(
dataOrCommandOrOptions: IHandleCommandOptions | string | any,
command?: string
): Promise<string> {
const deferred = new Deferred();
public handleDialog(match: IIntentFullfilment, command: string): IIntentFullfilment {
const intent = this.getIntent(match.intent);
if (!intent || !match.required.length) throw new Error(`NLC: unable to handle dialog ${match.intent}`);
// Handle overload.
let data: any;
let userId: string;
if (_.isString(dataOrCommandOrOptions) && !command) {
// 2nd signature.
command = dataOrCommandOrOptions;
} else if (command) {
// 1st signature.
data = dataOrCommandOrOptions;
} else {
// 3rd signature.
command = dataOrCommandOrOptions.command;
data =;
userId = dataOrCommandOrOptions.userId;
// If no dialog matched,
const otherIntent = this.handleCommand(command);
if (otherIntent) return otherIntent;
if (!_.isString(command)) {
throw new Error(`NLC: ${command} must be a string!`);
// Clean up the input.
command = this.cleanCommand(command);
// Delay to ensure this is async.
delay(() => {
const commandResult: IIntentFullfilment = this.handleNormalCommand(data, command);
// If the command was successful:
if (commandResult) {
// Resolve with the intent name, for logging.
// If not successful, check if there's an active question for the user.
if (this.getActiveQuestion(userId)) {
// If there is one, answer it and handle the deferred in there.
this.handleQuestionAnswer(deferred, data, command, userId);
} else {
// Otherwise call the not found handler, since there was no match.
// Also reject the promise for logging.
// if nothing matches, take the raw string as the next required slot
return produce(match, (draft) => {
const required = draft.required.shift();
value: command
return deferred.promise;
* Have NLC listen ask a question and listen for an answer for a given user.
* Calling this while a question is active for the user replace the old question.
* @param question - An intent name from a question intent.
* @param - arbitrary data to pass along.
* @param options.userId - any unqiue identifier for a user.
* @param options.question - An intent name from a question intent.
* @returns false if questionName not found, true otherwise.
public ask(options: IAskOptions): Promise<boolean>;
public ask(question: string): Promise<boolean>;
public ask(optionsOrQuestion: IAskOptions | string): Promise<boolean> {
const deferred = new Deferred();
// Handle overload.
let data: any;
let userId: string;
let questionName: string;
if (_.isString(optionsOrQuestion)) {
questionName = optionsOrQuestion;
} else {
userId = optionsOrQuestion.userId;
data =;
questionName = optionsOrQuestion.question;
// Pull the question from the list of registered questions.
const question: Question = this.questions[questionName];
// If the question exists, make it active.
if (question) {
// Make the question active.
this.setActiveQuestion(userId, question);
// Delay for async.
delay(() => {
if (question) {
// Ask the question after a delay.
question.ask(data || userId);
// Resolve.
} else {
// Reject the promise if the question isn't set up.
return deferred.promise;
* Cleans up a command for processing.

@@ -425,58 +265,6 @@ * @param command - the user's command.

* Look up the active question for a user (if any). If the userId is undefined,
* check the anonymous user.
private getActiveQuestion(userId: string): Question {
return this.activeQuestions[userId || ANONYMOUS];
* Set the active question for a user.
private setActiveQuestion(userId: string, question: Question): void {
this.activeQuestions[userId || ANONYMOUS] = question;
* Deactive a question once the user has answered it.
private finishQuestion(userId: string): void {
this.setActiveQuestion(userId, undefined);
/** Handle a command for an active question. */
private handleQuestionAnswer(
deferred: Deferred,
data: any,
command: string,
userId: string
): void {
// If this user has an active question, grab it.
const question: Question = this.getActiveQuestion(userId);
const questionName: string =;
// Finish the question before the answer is processed, in case the answer
// kicks off another question.
// Try to answer the question with the command.
.answer(command, data || userId)
.then(() => {
// If the answer matched, resolve with the question name.
.catch(() => {
// If the answer failed, reject with the question name, so any
// logger knows what question failed.
/** Handle a command normally. */
private handleNormalCommand(data: any, command: string): IIntentFullfilment {
public handleCommand(command: string): IIntentFullfilment | null {
/** Flag if there was a match */
let foundMatch: IIntentFullfilment;
let foundMatch: IIntentFullfilment | null = null;

@@ -493,15 +281,7 @@ // Handle a normal command.

slots: orderedSlots,
// slots in intent that are required and not part of orderedSlots
required: matcher.intent.slots?.filter(({ required, name }) => required && !orderedSlots.some((m) => === name)) || []
const callSlots: any[] =>slot.value);
if (data) {
// Add the data as the first arg, if specified.
// Call the callback with the slot values in order.
matcher.intent.callback.apply(null, callSlots);
// Flag that a match was found.
// Exit early.

@@ -512,5 +292,23 @@ if (!(/^{(\w+?)}$/.test(matcher.originalUtterance))) return false;

// if the command is exactly the intent name
if (!foundMatch) {
_.forEach(this.intents, (intent) => {
if (intent.intent === command) {
foundMatch = {
intent: intent.intent,
slots: [],
required: intent.slots?.filter(({ required }) => required) || [],
return false;
return foundMatch;
public getIntent(name: string): IIntent | null {
return this.intents.find((intent) => intent.intent === name);
public getIntents() {

@@ -525,3 +323,3 @@ return this.intents;

// Use a standard npm export for post-transpile node compatibility.
export = NaturalLanguageCommander;
export * from "./lib/nlcInterfaces";
export default NaturalLanguageCommander;

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