svelte-baidumaps components
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Svelte components based on Baidu Map JavaScript Api package.
npm install --save @vulcangz/svelte-baidumaps
To use within a Svelte application:
1. First you need to request and obtain the map api key:
The key can be applied to the official website of Baidu map open platform
2. Basic Usage (Map)
The container component is the map, and there are a variety of components which go on the map.
<Map apiKey="your_api_key" options={ baseMapConfig } withCenterMarker={ true } >
<Marker lat={someLat} lng={someLng} label="text label" />
<NavigationControl />
<ScaleControl />
import { Map, Marker, NavigationControl, ScaleControl } from '@vulcangz/svelte-baidumaps'
let baseMapConfig = {
label: "this is a map base demo",
address: "china beijing",
lng: "116.404",
lat: "39.915",
zoom: 15
3. Basic Usage (PointCollection)
See PointCollection for more information on API.
<Map apiKey="your_api_key" options={ pointCollectionMapConfig }>
<PointCollection markers={ data } />
<NavigationControl />
<ScalingControl />
import { Map, PointCollection, NavigationControl, GeolocationControl } from '@vulcangz/svelte-baidumaps'
import { data } from './your-marker-points-data.js';
let pointCollectionMapConfig = {
label: "this is map point collection demo",
address: "china beijing",
lng: "105.000",
lat: "38.000",
zoom: 12
Core component
Control components
Overlay components
Service components
Credits and Inspiration