w6s cli
A CLI for scaffolding starter projects.
Check here for older versions
Prerequisites: Node.js (>=6.x preferred) and Git.
[sudo] npm install -g @w6s/cli
1. Create a new project
$ w6s clone <template-name> <project-name>
$ w6s clone webpack-framework7 my-project
The above command pulls the template from workplus-templates/webpack-framework7, prompts for some information, and generates the project at ./my-project/.
2. Templates list
$ w6s list
All official project templates are repos in the workplus-templates organization. When a new template is added to the organization, you will be able to run workplus start to use that template. You can also run workplus list to see all available official templates.
Current available templates include:
- f7-vue Framework7 Vue Webpack starter app template.
- rollup-starter Sample project for packages built using rollup.!
- single-page Single-page starter project, include webpack, less, babel.
- multiple-pages Multiple pages starter project.
3. Start a 'http-server' local static server
$ w6s server
w6s server base on 'http-server', http-server is a simple, zero-configuration command-line http server. It is powerful enough for production usage, but it's simple and hackable enough to be used for testing, local development, and learning.
Available Options:
- -p Port to use (defaults to 8080)
- -a Address to use (defaults to
- -P or --proxy Proxies all requests which can't be resolved locally to the given url. e.g.: -P http://someurl.com
Writing Custom Template
A template repo must have a template
directory that holds the template files, and may have a metadata file for the template which can be a template.json
"name": "webpack-framework7",
"description": "A starter project for using Framework7 with Webpack via Babel!",
"bash": ["npm install", "npm run dev"],
"readme": "https://github.com/workplus-template/webpack-framework7#readme"
- name: default value of the project name. It use for prompt process.
- description: default value of the project description. It use for prompt process.
- bash: log starter message after project generated.
- readme: log documentation link after project generated.
All files inside template
will be rendered using underscore
, with the prompt results as the data.
<title><%= name %></title>
npm install
bin/w6s clone <template-name> [project-name]
bin/w6s list
bin/w6s server