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@wallet-standard/features - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.0 to 1.0.1


import type { WalletAccount } from '@wallet-standard/base';
/** TODO: docs */
* `standard:connect` is a {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet.features | feature} that may be implemented by a
* {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet} to allow the app to obtain authorization to use
* {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet.accounts}.
* @group Connect
export declare type ConnectFeature = {
/** Namespace for the feature. */
'standard:connect': {
/** Version of the feature API. */
version: ConnectVersion;
* Connect to accounts in the wallet.
* @param input Input for connecting.
* @return Output of connecting.
connect: ConnectMethod;
/** Name of the feature. */
readonly 'standard:connect': {
/** Version of the feature implemented by the Wallet. */
readonly version: ConnectVersion;
/** Method to call to use the feature. */
readonly connect: ConnectMethod;
/** TODO: docs */
* Version of the {@link ConnectFeature} implemented by a {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet}.
* @group Connect
export declare type ConnectVersion = '1.0.0';
/** TODO: docs */
* Method to call to use the {@link ConnectFeature}.
* @group Connect
export declare type ConnectMethod = (input?: ConnectInput) => Promise<ConnectOutput>;
/** Input for connecting. */
* Input for the {@link ConnectMethod}.
* @group Connect
export interface ConnectInput {
* Set to true to request the authorized accounts without prompting the user.
* The wallet should return only the accounts that the app is already authorized to connect to.
* By default, using the {@link ConnectFeature} should prompt the user to request authorization to accounts.
* Set the `silent` flag to `true` to request accounts that have already been authorized without prompting.
* This flag may or may not be used by the Wallet and the app should not depend on it being used.
* If this flag is used by the Wallet, the Wallet should not prompt the user, and should return only the accounts
* that the app is authorized to use.
silent?: boolean;
readonly silent?: boolean;
/** Output of connecting. */
* Output of the {@link ConnectMethod}.
* @group Connect
export interface ConnectOutput {
/** List of accounts in the wallet that the app has been authorized to use. */
accounts: ReadonlyArray<WalletAccount>;
/** List of accounts in the {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet} that the app has been authorized to use. */
readonly accounts: readonly WalletAccount[];
* The disconnect feature is an optional feature that may be implemented by
* wallets to perform any cleanup-related work.
* This feature may not be invoked by dapps and should not be depended on.
* This feature should not remove any permissions previously granted through ConnectFeature.
* `standard:disconnect` is a {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet.features | feature} that may be implemented by a
* {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet} to allow the app to perform any cleanup work.
* This feature may or may not be used by the app and the Wallet should not depend on it being used.
* If this feature is used by the app, the Wallet should perform any cleanup work, but should not revoke authorization
* to use accounts previously granted through the {@link ConnectFeature}.
* @group Disconnect
export declare type DisconnectFeature = {
/** Namespace for the feature. */
'standard:disconnect': {
/** Version of the feature API. */
version: DisconnectVersion;
* Disconnect from the wallet.
disconnect: DisconnectMethod;
/** Name of the feature. */
readonly 'standard:disconnect': {
/** Version of the feature implemented by the Wallet. */
readonly version: DisconnectVersion;
/** Method to call to use the feature. */
readonly disconnect: DisconnectMethod;
/** TODO: docs */
* Version of the {@link DisconnectFeature} implemented by a Wallet.
* @group Disconnect
export declare type DisconnectVersion = '1.0.0';
/** TODO: docs */
* Method to call to use the {@link DisconnectFeature}.
* @group Disconnect
export declare type DisconnectMethod = () => Promise<void>;
import type { Wallet } from '@wallet-standard/base';
/** TODO: docs */
* `standard:events` is a {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet.features | feature} that may be implemented by a
* {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet} to allow the app to add an event listener and subscribe to events emitted by
* the Wallet when properties of the Wallet {@link EventsListeners.change}.
* @group Events
export declare type EventsFeature = {
/** Namespace for the feature. */
'standard:events': {
/** Version of the feature API. */
version: EventsVersion;
/** TODO: docs */
on: EventsOnMethod;
/** Name of the feature. */
readonly 'standard:events': {
/** Version of the feature implemented by the {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet}. */
readonly version: EventsVersion;
/** Method to call to use the feature. */
readonly on: EventsOnMethod;
/** TODO: docs */
* Version of the {@link EventsFeature} implemented by a {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet}.
* @group Events
export declare type EventsVersion = '1.0.0';
* Add an event listener to subscribe to events.
* Method to call to use the {@link EventsFeature}.
* @param event Event name to listen for.
* @param listener Function that will be called when the event is emitted.
* @param event Event type to listen for. {@link EventsListeners.change | `change`} is the only event type.
* @param listener Function that will be called when an event of the type is emitted.
* @return Function to remove the event listener and unsubscribe.
* @return
* `off` function which may be called to remove the event listener and unsubscribe from events.
* As with all event listeners, be careful to avoid memory leaks.
* @group Events
export declare type EventsOnMethod = <E extends EventsNames>(event: E, listener: EventsListeners[E]) => () => void;
/** Events emitted by wallets. */
* Types of event listeners of the {@link EventsFeature}.
* @group Events
export interface EventsListeners {
* Emitted when properties of the wallet have changed.
* Listener that will be called when {@link EventsChangeProperties | properties} of the
* {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet} have changed.
* @param properties Properties that changed with their new values.
* @param properties Properties that changed with their **new** values.
change(properties: EventsChangeProperties): void;
/** TODO: docs */
* Names of {@link EventsListeners} that can be listened for.
* @group Events
export declare type EventsNames = keyof EventsListeners;
/** TODO: docs */
* Properties of a {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet} that {@link EventsListeners.change | changed} with their
* **new** values.
* @group Events
export interface EventsChangeProperties {
chains?: Wallet['chains'];
features?: Wallet['features'];
accounts?: Wallet['accounts'];
* {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet.chains | Chains} supported by the Wallet.
* The Wallet should only define this field if the value of the property has changed.
* The value must be the **new** value of the property.
readonly chains?: Wallet['chains'];
* {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet.features | Features} supported by the Wallet.
* The Wallet should only define this field if the value of the property has changed.
* The value must be the **new** value of the property.
readonly features?: Wallet['features'];
* {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet.accounts | Accounts} that the app is authorized to use.
* The Wallet should only define this field if the value of the property has changed.
* The value must be the **new** value of the property.
readonly accounts?: Wallet['accounts'];

@@ -5,5 +5,14 @@ import type { WalletWithFeatures } from '@wallet-standard/base';

import type { EventsFeature } from './events.js';
/** TODO: docs */
* Type alias for some or all {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet.features} implemented within the reserved `standard`
* namespace.
* @group Features
export declare type StandardFeatures = ConnectFeature | DisconnectFeature | EventsFeature;
/** TODO: docs */
* Type alias for a {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet} that implements some or all {@link StandardFeatures}.
* @group Features
export declare type WalletWithStandardFeatures = WalletWithFeatures<StandardFeatures>;

@@ -10,0 +19,0 @@ export * from './connect.js';

"name": "@wallet-standard/features",
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "1.0.1",
"author": "Solana Maintainers <>",

@@ -29,3 +29,3 @@ "repository": "",

"dependencies": {
"@wallet-standard/base": "^1.0.0"
"@wallet-standard/base": "^1.0.1"

@@ -32,0 +32,0 @@ "devDependencies": {

import type { WalletAccount } from '@wallet-standard/base';
/** TODO: docs */
* `standard:connect` is a {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet.features | feature} that may be implemented by a
* {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet} to allow the app to obtain authorization to use
* {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet.accounts}.
* @group Connect
export type ConnectFeature = {
/** Namespace for the feature. */
'standard:connect': {
/** Version of the feature API. */
version: ConnectVersion;
* Connect to accounts in the wallet.
* @param input Input for connecting.
* @return Output of connecting.
connect: ConnectMethod;
/** Name of the feature. */
readonly 'standard:connect': {
/** Version of the feature implemented by the Wallet. */
readonly version: ConnectVersion;
/** Method to call to use the feature. */
readonly connect: ConnectMethod;
/** TODO: docs */
* Version of the {@link ConnectFeature} implemented by a {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet}.
* @group Connect
export type ConnectVersion = '1.0.0';
/** TODO: docs */
* Method to call to use the {@link ConnectFeature}.
* @group Connect
export type ConnectMethod = (input?: ConnectInput) => Promise<ConnectOutput>;
/** Input for connecting. */
* Input for the {@link ConnectMethod}.
* @group Connect
export interface ConnectInput {
* Set to true to request the authorized accounts without prompting the user.
* The wallet should return only the accounts that the app is already authorized to connect to.
* By default, using the {@link ConnectFeature} should prompt the user to request authorization to accounts.
* Set the `silent` flag to `true` to request accounts that have already been authorized without prompting.
* This flag may or may not be used by the Wallet and the app should not depend on it being used.
* If this flag is used by the Wallet, the Wallet should not prompt the user, and should return only the accounts
* that the app is authorized to use.
silent?: boolean;
readonly silent?: boolean;
/** Output of connecting. */
* Output of the {@link ConnectMethod}.
* @group Connect
export interface ConnectOutput {
/** List of accounts in the wallet that the app has been authorized to use. */
accounts: ReadonlyArray<WalletAccount>;
/** List of accounts in the {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet} that the app has been authorized to use. */
readonly accounts: readonly WalletAccount[];
* The disconnect feature is an optional feature that may be implemented by
* wallets to perform any cleanup-related work.
* This feature may not be invoked by dapps and should not be depended on.
* This feature should not remove any permissions previously granted through ConnectFeature.
* `standard:disconnect` is a {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet.features | feature} that may be implemented by a
* {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet} to allow the app to perform any cleanup work.
* This feature may or may not be used by the app and the Wallet should not depend on it being used.
* If this feature is used by the app, the Wallet should perform any cleanup work, but should not revoke authorization
* to use accounts previously granted through the {@link ConnectFeature}.
* @group Disconnect
export type DisconnectFeature = {
/** Namespace for the feature. */
'standard:disconnect': {
/** Version of the feature API. */
version: DisconnectVersion;
* Disconnect from the wallet.
disconnect: DisconnectMethod;
/** Name of the feature. */
readonly 'standard:disconnect': {
/** Version of the feature implemented by the Wallet. */
readonly version: DisconnectVersion;
/** Method to call to use the feature. */
readonly disconnect: DisconnectMethod;
/** TODO: docs */
* Version of the {@link DisconnectFeature} implemented by a Wallet.
* @group Disconnect
export type DisconnectVersion = '1.0.0';
/** TODO: docs */
* Method to call to use the {@link DisconnectFeature}.
* @group Disconnect
export type DisconnectMethod = () => Promise<void>;
import type { Wallet } from '@wallet-standard/base';
/** TODO: docs */
* `standard:events` is a {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet.features | feature} that may be implemented by a
* {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet} to allow the app to add an event listener and subscribe to events emitted by
* the Wallet when properties of the Wallet {@link EventsListeners.change}.
* @group Events
export type EventsFeature = {
/** Namespace for the feature. */
'standard:events': {
/** Version of the feature API. */
version: EventsVersion;
/** TODO: docs */
on: EventsOnMethod;
/** Name of the feature. */
readonly 'standard:events': {
/** Version of the feature implemented by the {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet}. */
readonly version: EventsVersion;
/** Method to call to use the feature. */
readonly on: EventsOnMethod;
/** TODO: docs */
* Version of the {@link EventsFeature} implemented by a {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet}.
* @group Events
export type EventsVersion = '1.0.0';
* Add an event listener to subscribe to events.
* Method to call to use the {@link EventsFeature}.
* @param event Event name to listen for.
* @param listener Function that will be called when the event is emitted.
* @param event Event type to listen for. {@link EventsListeners.change | `change`} is the only event type.
* @param listener Function that will be called when an event of the type is emitted.
* @return Function to remove the event listener and unsubscribe.
* @return
* `off` function which may be called to remove the event listener and unsubscribe from events.
* As with all event listeners, be careful to avoid memory leaks.
* @group Events
export type EventsOnMethod = <E extends EventsNames>(event: E, listener: EventsListeners[E]) => () => void;
/** Events emitted by wallets. */
* Types of event listeners of the {@link EventsFeature}.
* @group Events
export interface EventsListeners {
* Emitted when properties of the wallet have changed.
* Listener that will be called when {@link EventsChangeProperties | properties} of the
* {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet} have changed.
* @param properties Properties that changed with their new values.
* @param properties Properties that changed with their **new** values.

@@ -38,10 +57,40 @@ change(properties: EventsChangeProperties): void;

/** TODO: docs */
* Names of {@link EventsListeners} that can be listened for.
* @group Events
export type EventsNames = keyof EventsListeners;
/** TODO: docs */
* Properties of a {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet} that {@link EventsListeners.change | changed} with their
* **new** values.
* @group Events
export interface EventsChangeProperties {
chains?: Wallet['chains'];
features?: Wallet['features'];
accounts?: Wallet['accounts'];
* {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet.chains | Chains} supported by the Wallet.
* The Wallet should only define this field if the value of the property has changed.
* The value must be the **new** value of the property.
readonly chains?: Wallet['chains'];
* {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet.features | Features} supported by the Wallet.
* The Wallet should only define this field if the value of the property has changed.
* The value must be the **new** value of the property.
readonly features?: Wallet['features'];
* {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet.accounts | Accounts} that the app is authorized to use.
* The Wallet should only define this field if the value of the property has changed.
* The value must be the **new** value of the property.
readonly accounts?: Wallet['accounts'];

@@ -6,6 +6,15 @@ import type { WalletWithFeatures } from '@wallet-standard/base';

/** TODO: docs */
* Type alias for some or all {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet.features} implemented within the reserved `standard`
* namespace.
* @group Features
export type StandardFeatures = ConnectFeature | DisconnectFeature | EventsFeature;
/** TODO: docs */
* Type alias for a {@link "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet} that implements some or all {@link StandardFeatures}.
* @group Features
export type WalletWithStandardFeatures = WalletWithFeatures<StandardFeatures>;

@@ -12,0 +21,0 @@

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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