5.31.0-beta.0 (2022-08-16)
Bug Fixes
- api-file-manager: handle download of large files without using s3.getObject (#2577) (2d5413f)
- cwp-template-aws: pass context into path checking (4733439)
- cwp-template-aws: set PUPPETEER_SKIP_CHROMIUM_DOWNLOAD variable (#2584) (41d3bec)
- handler-aws: create event handler export (644a831)
- pulumi-aws: assign proper Lambda execution roles in prod setup (#2585) (7b232c7)
- pulumi-sdk: set GODEBUG variable for M1 (#2581) (1116fd0)
- puppeteer: use puppeteer-core to skip chromium download (#2587) (e4eddfd)
- serverless-cms-aws: disable cache control on website preview index.html (#2575) (cff4a62)
- improve setup-project script (#2571) (6c010d9)
- ci-cd scaffold: use repository secrets instead of environments (7eb6f77)
- handler: export ContextPlugin (7263725)
- handler-fastify: add fastify as handler into the system (#2546) (8d258aa)
- add support for custom React apps (#2569) (f7af516)
- make all buckets private (#2558) (6e84b04)