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Wechaty is a Bot SDK for Wechat Personal Account

  • 0.23.42
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  • npm
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Wechaty is a Bot SDK for Wechat Individual Account which can help you create a bot in 6 lines of javascript, with cross-platform support including Linux, Windows, Darwin(OSX/Mac) and Docker.

NPM Version Downloads GitHub stars Docker Pulls TypeScript Greenkeeper badge



"Wechaty is a great solution, I believe there would be much more users recognize it." link
-- @Gcaufy, Tencent Engineer, Author of WePY

-- @xinbenlv, Google Engineer, Founder of

"最好的微信开发库" link
-- @Jarvis, Baidu Engineer

"Wechaty让运营人员更多的时间思考如何进行活动策划、留存用户,商业变现" link
-- @lijiarui, CEO of BotOrange.

"If you know js ... try Chatie/wechaty, it's easy to use."
-- @Urinx Uri Lee, Author of WeixinBot(Python)

See more at Wiki:Voice Of Developer

The World's Shortest ChatBot Code: 6 lines of JavaScript

const { Wechaty } = require('wechaty') // import { Wechaty } from 'wechaty'

Wechaty.instance() // Global Instance
.on('scan', (qrcode, status) => console.log(`Scan QR Code to login: ${status}\n${encodeURIComponent(qrcode)}`))
.on('login',            user => console.log(`User ${user} logined`))
.on('message',       message => console.log(`Message: ${message}`))

Notice: Wechaty requires Node.js version >= 10

This bot can log all messages to the console after login by scan.

You can find more examples from Wiki and Example Directory.


  1. Node.js 10 or above
  2. Global Network Connection



We have a Wechaty starter repository for beginners with the simplest setting. It will be just work out-of-the-box after you clone & npm install & npm start.

If you are new to Wechaty and want to try it the first time, we'd like to strong recommend you starting from this repository, and using it as your starter template for your project.

Otherwise, please saved the above The World's Shortest ChatBot Code: 6 lines of JavaScript example to a file named mybot.js before you can use either NPM or Docker to run it.

1. NPM

NPM Version npm (tag) Downloads install size

npm init
npm install wechaty

# create your first mybot.js file, you can copy/paste from the above "The World's Shortest ChatBot Code: 6 lines of JavaScript"
# then:
node mybot.js

2. Docker

Docker Pulls Docker Layers

Wechaty Docker supports both JavaScript and TypeScript. To use TypeScript just write in TypeScript and save with extension name .ts, no need to compile because we use ts-node to run it.

2.1. Run JavaScript

# for JavaScript
docker run -ti --rm --volume="$(pwd)":/bot zixia/wechaty mybot.js

2.2. Run TypeScript

# for TypeScript
docker run -ti --rm --volume="$(pwd)":/bot zixia/wechaty mybot.ts

Learn more about Wechaty Docker at Wiki:Docker.

3. Switch Protocol(Puppet)

Wechaty is very powerful that it can run with different protocols. You can specify the protocol by set the environment variable WECHATY_PUPPET to different puppet provider.

Currently we support the following puppet providers:

ProtocolPuppet ProviderEnvironment Variable
WebPuppetPuppeteerexport WECHATY_PUPPET=wechaty-puppet-puppeteer
iPadPuppetPadchatexport WECHATY_PUPPET=wechaty-puppet-padchat
MockPuppetMockexport WECHATY_PUPPET=wechaty-puppet-mock
WebPuppetWechat4uexport WECHATY_PUPPET=wechaty-puppet-wechat4u

Learn more about Wechaty Puppet from the Puppet Wiki:

  1. Puppet Directory:
  2. Puppet Compatibility:


Read the Full Documentation at Wechaty Official API Reference

1 Class Wechaty

Main bot class.

A Bot is a Wechaty instance that control a specific wechaty-puppet.

eventloginemit after bot login full successful
eventlogoutemit after the bot log out
eventfriendshipemit when someone sends bot a friend request
eventmessageemit when there's a new message
eventroom-joinemit when anyone join any room
eventroom-topicemit when someone change room topic
eventroom-leaveemit when anyone leave the room
eventroom-inviteemit when there is a room invitation
eventscanemit when the bot needs to show you a QR Code for scanning
methodstart(): Promise<void>start the bot
methodstop(): Promise<void>stop the bot
methodlogonoff(): booleanbot login status
methodlogout(): Promise<void>logout the bot
methoduserSelf(): ContactSelfget the login-ed bot contact
methodsay(text: string): Promise<void>let bot say text to itself

2 Class Contact

All wechat contacts(friends/non-friends) will be encapsulated as a Contact.

staticfind(query: string): Promise<null | Contact>find contact by name or alias, if the result more than one, return the first one.
staticfindAll(query: string): Promise<Contact[]>find contact by name or alias
staticload(query: string): Contactget contact by id
propertyid: readonly stringget contact id
methodsync(): Promise<void>force reload data for contact , sync data from lowlevel API again
methodsay(text: string): Promise<void>send text, Contact, or file to contact
methodself(): booleancheck if contact is self
methodname(): stringget the name from a contact
methodalias(): Promise<string>get the alias for a contact
methodalias(newAlias: string): Promise<void>set or delete the alias for a contact
methodfriend(): booleancheck if contact is friend
methodtype(): ContactTypereturn the type of the Contact
methodprovince(): stringget the region 'province' from a contact
methodcity(): stringget the region 'city' from a contact
methodavatar(): Promise<FileBox>get avatar picture file stream
methodgender(): ContactGenderget gender from a contact
2.1 Class ContactSelf

Class ContactSelf is extended from Contact.

methodavatar(file: FileBox): Promise<void>set avatar for bot
methodqrcode(): Promise<string>get qrcode for bot
methodsignature(text: string): Promise<void>set signature for bot
2.2 Class Friendship

Send, receive friend request, and friend confirmation events.

staticadd(contact: Contact, hello?: string): Promise<void>send a friend invitation to contact
methodaccept(): Promise<void>accept Friend Request
methodhello(): stringget the hello string from a friendship invitation
methodcontact(): Contactget the contact from friendship
methodtype(): FriendshipTypereturn the Friendship Type(unknown, confirm, receive, verify)

3 Class Message

All wechat messages will be encapsulated as a Message.

staticfind(query: string): Promise<null | Message>find message in cache and return the first one
staticfindAll(query: string): Promise<Message[]>find messages in cache, return a message list
methodfrom(): Contactget the sender from a message
methodto(): Contactget the destination of the message
methodroom(): null | Roomget the room from the message.(If the message is not in a room, then will return null)
methodtext(): stringget the text content of the message
methodsay(text: string): Promise<void>reply a Text, Media File , or contact message to the sender.
methodtype(): MessageTypeget the type from the message
methodself(): booleancheck if a message is sent by self
methodmention(): Contact[]get message mentioned contactList.
methodmentionSelf(): booleancheck if a message is mention self
methodforward(to: Contact): Promise<void>Forward the received message
methodage(): numberthe number of seconds since it has been created
methoddate(): Datethe time it was created
methodtoFileBox(): Promise<FileBox>extract the Media File from the Message, and put it into the FileBox.
methodtoContact(): Promise<Contact>get Share Card of the Message

4 Class Room

All wechat rooms(groups) will be encapsulated as a Room.

staticcreate(contactList: Contact[], topic?: string): Promise<Room>create a new room
staticfind(query: string): Promise<null | Room>Try to find a room by filter. If get many, return the first one.
staticfindAll(query: string): Promise<Room[]>Find all contacts in a room
staticload(query: string): Roomload room by room id
propertyid: readonly string
eventjoinemit when anyone join any room
eventtopicemit when someone change room topic
eventleaveemit when anyone leave the room
eventinviteemit when receive a room invitation
methodsync(): <Promise<void>force reload data for room, sync data from lowlevel API again.
methodsay(text: string): Promise<void>Send text,media file, contact card, or text with mention @mention contact inside Room
methodadd(contact: Contact): Promise<void>Add contact in a room
methoddel(contact: Contact): Promise<void>Delete a contact from the room
methodquit(): Promise<void>Bot quit the room itself
methodtopic(): Promise<string>GET topic from the room
methodtopic(newTopic: string): Promise<void>SET topic from the room
methodannounce(text: string): Promise<void>SET/GET announce from the room
methodqrcode(): Promise<string>Get QR Code of the Room from the room, which can be used as scan and join the room.
methodalias(contact: Contact): Promise<string>Return contact's roomAlias in the room
methodroomAlias(contact: Contact): Promise<string | null>Same as function alias
methodhas(contact: Contact): Promise<boolean>Check if the room has member contact
methodmemberAll(query?: string): Promise<Contact[]>Find all contacts or with specific name in a room
methodmember(query: string): Promise<null | Contact>Find all contacts in a room, if get many, return the first one.
methodmemberList():Promise<Contact[]>get all room member from the room
methodowner(): null | ContactGet room's owner from the room.
4.1 Class RoomInvitation

Accept room invitation

methodaccept(): Promise<void>accept Room Invitation
methodinviter(): Contactget the inviter from room invitation
methodroomTopic(): Promise<string>get the room topic from room invitation
methoddate(): Promise<Date>the time it was created
methodage(): Promise<number>the number of seconds since it has been created


Ubuntu Linux/Mac Build Status Travis CentOS Linux Build Status CircleCI Windows Build Status Docker Build Status

Coverage Status Known Vulnerabilities

Wechaty is fully automatically tested by unit and integration tests, with Continious Integration & Continious Deliver(CI/CD) support powered by CI like Travis, Shippable and Appveyor.

To test Wechaty, run:

npm test

Get to know more about the tests from Wiki:Tests


Views Since Feb 15, 2019



Powered by Wechaty Donate Wechaty

Wechaty Badge

[![Powered by Wechaty](](

Get more embed html/markdown code from Wiki:PoweredByWechaty

Projects Using Wechaty

  1. 一个用CNN深度神剧网络给图片评分的wechaty项目
  2. Relay between Telegram and WeChat
  3. A chat bot managing the HaoShiYou wechat groups run by volunteers of
  4. An interactive chat bot to manage a TODO list
  5. Forward WeChat messages to telegram

Pull Request is welcome to add yours!

Learn more about Projects Using Wechaty at Wiki:PoweredByWechaty


The best practice for running Wechaty Docker/NPM is using a VPS(Virtual Private Server) outside of China, which can save you hours of time because npm install and docker pull will run smoothly without any problem.

The following VPS providers are used by the Wechaty team, and they worked perfectly in production. You can use the following link to get one in minutes. Also, doing this can support Wechaty because you are referred by us.

Korea$101GBAlipay, PaypalNetdedi
Singapore$3.5512MBAlipay, WechatVultr



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How to contribute

Why contribute?

As an open source product, Chatie thrives from contributions of community members. Whatever your skill set is, there is a lot you can do to help us make Chatie better! So start forking!

Not sure where to start?

It's a myth that writing code is the only way to contribute to open source. Chatie community is open to new ideas and there are so many different ways to make valuable contributions. We have some ideas of how you can get started!

1. Contribute Code
  • Check out GitHub issues with the tags good first issue, pull request welcome or help wanted
  • Write code examples for documentation
  • Report a bug and work on resolving it
  • Collaborate with others on building new features

Tips: If you want to add new features or change the API, please submit an issue first to make sure no one else is already working on the same thing and discuss the implementation and API details with maintainers and users by creating an issue. When everything is settled down, you can submit a pull request.

Make sure to add tests for your features and bugfixes and update the documentation (see below) before submitting your code!

2. Contribute Support
  • Fix typos in documentation
  • Translate documentation to your local language
  • Write tutorials and blog posts, see more:
  • Answer questions on the Wechaty Developers Home or Github issues
  • Organize Chatie meetups or user groups in your area

Contact to learn more

Contributors List

Join Us

Wechaty is used in many ChatBot projects by hundreds of developers. If you want to talk with other developers, just scan the following QR Code in WeChat with secret code wechaty, join our Wechaty Developers' Home.

Wechaty Developers' Home

Scan now, because other Wechaty developers want to talk with you too! (secret code: wechaty)


  1. Huan LI (李卓桓) <>
  2. Grace @lijiarui
profile for zixia on Stack Exchange, a network of free, community-driven Q&A sites

The Story

In 2017 ...

Huan's daily life/work depends on too much chat on wechat.

  • Almost 14,000 wechat friends in May 2014, before wechat restricts a total number of friends to 5,000.
  • Almost 400 wechat rooms, and most of them have more than 400 members.

Can you imagine that? He was dying...

So a tireless bot working for me 24x7 on wechat, monitoring/filtering the most important message is badly needed. For example, it highlights discussion which contains the KEYWORDS which he want to follow up(especially in a noisy room). ;-)

At last, It's built for huan's personal study purpose of Automatically Testing.

  • Code & Docs © 2016-2018 Huan LI <>
  • Code released under the Apache-2.0 License
  • Docs released under Creative Commons



Package last updated on 17 Mar 2019

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