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@wltech/follow-record-card - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.35 to 1.0.36



@@ -1,19 +0,19 @@

import { getCurrentScope as Jt, onScopeDispose as en, unref as he, watch as k, defineComponent as Y, createVNode as l, createTextVNode as ke, computed as S, ref as b, onUnmounted as St, onDeactivated as pe, isRef as tn, reactive as oe, getCurrentInstance as Me, onMounted as ce, nextTick as ae, onActivated as De, inject as Qe, provide as qe, isVNode as nn, onBeforeUnmount as ze, watchEffect as on, mergeProps as we, Transition as Je, withDirectives as ye, vShow as Be, Teleport as Ct, Fragment as an, resolveDirective as rn, markRaw as it, effectScope as sn, shallowRef as ln } from "vue";
const cn = /-(\w)/g, un = (e) => e.replace(cn, (t, n) => n.toUpperCase()), dn = (e) => e === null || e === "" || e === void 0 || e === "null" || e === "undefined" || e === "0" ? !0 : !(e + "").trim(), fn = (e) => {
if (dn(e))
import { getCurrentScope as qt, onScopeDispose as Jt, unref as he, watch as A, defineComponent as Y, createVNode as l, createTextVNode as ke, computed as $, ref as y, onUnmounted as $t, onDeactivated as pe, isRef as en, reactive as ae, getCurrentInstance as Me, onMounted as ie, nextTick as te, onActivated as De, inject as Qe, provide as qe, isVNode as tn, onBeforeUnmount as ze, watchEffect as nn, mergeProps as we, Transition as Je, withDirectives as ye, vShow as Ae, Teleport as St, Fragment as on, resolveDirective as an, markRaw as it, effectScope as rn, shallowRef as sn } from "vue";
const ln = /-(\w)/g, cn = (e) => e.replace(ln, (t, o) => o.toUpperCase()), un = (e) => e === null || e === "" || e === void 0 || e === "null" || e === "undefined" || e === "0" ? !0 : !(e + "").trim(), dn = (e) => {
if (un(e))
return "0 B";
const t = 1024, n = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"], o = Math.floor(Math.log(e) / Math.log(t));
return (e / Math.pow(t, o)).toPrecision(3) + " " + n[o];
const t = 1024, o = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"], n = Math.floor(Math.log(e) / Math.log(t));
return (e / Math.pow(t, n)).toPrecision(3) + " " + o[n];
function ue(e) {
return e.install = (t) => {
const { name: n } = e;
t.component(n, e), t.component(un(`-${n}`), e);
const { name: o } = e;
t.component(o, e), t.component(cn(`-${o}`), e);
}, e;
const vn = (e) => {
const fn = (e) => {
console.log("file", e);
const t = /(iphone|ipad|ipod|ios|android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent), n = /macintosh|mac os x/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
let o = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), i = o.match(/MicroMessenger/i) == "micromessenger" && o.match(/wxwork/i) == "wxwork";
if (e.type == "pdf" || t || i && n) {
const t = /(iphone|ipad|ipod|ios|android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent), o = /macintosh|mac os x/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
let n = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), i = n.match(/MicroMessenger/i) == "micromessenger" && n.match(/wxwork/i) == "wxwork";
if (e.type == "pdf" || t || i && o) {
let a = document.createElement("a");

@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ a.href = e.url, =, = "_blank",;

if (a.status === 200) {
let r = document.createElement("a"), u = [];
u.push(a.response), window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL, r.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(u)), =,;
let s = document.createElement("a"), u = [];
u.push(a.response), window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL, s.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(u)), =,;
}, a.send();
}, Pt = (e) => `/h5/sliderbar/${}&need_auth=false#/companyDetail?company_id=${e}`;
}, Pt = (e, t) => `/h5/sliderbar/${}&need_auth=false&theme=${t}#/companyDetail?company_id=${e}`;
var rt;
const et = typeof window < "u", _t = (e) => typeof e == "number", mn = (e) => typeof e == "string", je = () => {
const et = typeof window < "u", Ct = (e) => typeof e == "number", vn = (e) => typeof e == "string", mn = () => {

@@ -43,23 +43,23 @@ et && ((rt = window == null ? void 0 : window.navigator) == null ? void 0 : rt.userAgent) && /iP(ad|hone|od)/.test(window.navigator.userAgent);

function wn(e) {
return Jt() ? (en(e), !0) : !1;
return qt() ? (Jt(e), !0) : !1;
function yn(e) {
var t;
const n = gn(e);
return (t = n == null ? void 0 : n.$el) != null ? t : n;
const o = gn(e);
return (t = o == null ? void 0 : o.$el) != null ? t : o;
const bn = et ? window : void 0;
function Ee(...e) {
let t, n, o, i;
if (mn(e[0]) ? ([n, o, i] = e, t = bn) : [t, n, o, i] = e, !t)
return je;
let a = je;
const r = k(() => yn(t), (d) => {
a(), d && (d.addEventListener(n, o, i), a = () => {
d.removeEventListener(n, o, i), a = je;
}, { immediate: !0, flush: "post" }), u = () => {
r(), a();
function Ie(...e) {
let t, o, n, i;
if (vn(e[0]) || Array.isArray(e[0]) ? ([o, n, i] = e, t = bn) : [t, o, n, i] = e, !t)
return mn;
Array.isArray(o) || (o = [o]), Array.isArray(n) || (n = [n]);
const a = [], s = () => {
a.forEach((d) => d()), a.length = 0;
}, u = (d, v, m) => (d.addEventListener(v, m, i), () => d.removeEventListener(v, m, i)), f = A(() => yn(t), (d) => {
s(), d && a.push(...o.flatMap((v) => => u(d, v, m))));
}, { immediate: !0, flush: "post" }), c = () => {
f(), s();
return wn(u), u;
return wn(c), c;

@@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ const Ve = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {}, Ze = "__vueuse_ssr_handlers__";

})(st || (st = {}));
var pn = Object.defineProperty, lt = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, In = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, Tn = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, ct = (e, t, n) => t in e ? pn(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: n }) : e[t] = n, En = (e, t) => {
for (var n in t || (t = {})), n) && ct(e, n, t[n]);
var pn = Object.defineProperty, lt = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, En = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, Tn = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, ct = (e, t, o) => t in e ? pn(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: o }) : e[t] = o, In = (e, t) => {
for (var o in t || (t = {})), o) && ct(e, o, t[o]);
if (lt)
for (var n of lt(t)), n) && ct(e, n, t[n]);
for (var o of lt(t)), o) && ct(e, o, t[o]);
return e;
const xn = {
const On = {
easeInSine: [0.12, 0, 0.39, 0],

@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ easeOutSine: [0.61, 1, 0.88, 1],

linear: hn
}, xn);
const On = () => et && /firefox/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent), $n = () => !navigator.userAgent.match(/(phone|pad|pod|iPhone|iPod|ios|iPad|Android|Mobile|BlackBerry|IEMobile|MQQBrowser|JUC|Fennec|wOSBrowser|BrowserNG|WebOS|Symbian|Windows Phone)/i), Sn = (e) => Object.keys(e), Cn = {}, Pn = {
}, On);
const xn = () => et && /firefox/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent), $n = () => !navigator.userAgent.match(/(phone|pad|pod|iPhone|iPod|ios|iPad|Android|Mobile|BlackBerry|IEMobile|MQQBrowser|JUC|Fennec|wOSBrowser|BrowserNG|WebOS|Symbian|Windows Phone)/i), Sn = (e) => Object.keys(e), Pn = {}, Cn = {
envir: String,
location: String,
needDataFormat: Boolean,
data: Cn
data: Pn

@@ -121,18 +121,18 @@ console.log("2222");

name: "RecordComment",
props: Pn,
props: Cn,
emits: {},
setup(e, {
emit: t,
slots: n
slots: o
}) {
return () => l("div", null, [ke("222222222222222")]);
}), kt = ue(_n);
console.log("1111", kt);
const xe = "", ut = "", kn = {
ppt: xe,
pdf: xe,
excel: xe,
word: xe
}, Bn = "", Rn = "", An = "", Ln = "", Mn = {
}), _t = ue(_n);
console.log("1111", _t);
const Oe = "", ut = "", kn = {
ppt: Oe,
pdf: Oe,
excel: Oe,
word: Oe
}, An = "", Rn = "", Bn = "", Ln = "", Mn = {
template_name: String,

@@ -144,3 +144,4 @@ element_content_list: Array

needDataFormat: Boolean,
data: Mn
data: Mn,
theme: String
}, zn = Y({

@@ -152,15 +153,15 @@ name: "RecordTemplateDetail",

emit: t,
slots: n
slots: o
}) {
const o = `record-template-${e.location}-${e.envir}`, i = `${o}-title`, a = `${o}-intro`, r = `${a}-corp`, u = S(() => {
const n = `record-template-${e.location}-${e.envir}`, i = `${n}-title`, a = `${n}-intro`, s = `${a}-corp`, u = $(() => {
const {
element_content_list: s
element_content_list: r
} =;
return e.location === "detail" && e.envir === "pc" && s.length > 2;
}), d = b(!1), c = S(() => {
let s =;
return e.location === "detail" && e.envir === "mobile" || d.value ? s : s.slice(0, 2);
}), f = () => {
d.value = !d.value;
}, h = (s) => s ? l("div", {
return e.location === "detail" && e.envir === "pc" && r.length > 2;
}), f = y(!1), c = $(() => {
let r =;
return e.location === "detail" && e.envir === "mobile" || f.value ? r : r.slice(0, 2);
}), d = () => {
f.value = !f.value;
}, v = (r) => r ? l("div", {
class: `${i}`

@@ -171,43 +172,43 @@ }, [l("div", {

class: `${i}-span`
}, [s]), l("div", {
}, [r]), l("div", {
class: `${i}-line`
}, null)]) : "", m = (s) => s ? l("div", {
class: `${o}-label`
}, [s]) : "", E = (s) => s ? l("div", {
class: `${r}`,
onClick: () => O(s)
}, null)]) : "", m = (r) => r ? l("div", {
class: `${n}-label`
}, [r]) : "", T = (r) => r ? l("div", {
class: `${s}`,
onClick: () => I(r)
}, [l("img", {
class: `${r}-icon`,
src: s.company_image_url || Ln
class: `${s}-icon`,
src: r.company_image_url || Ln
}, null), l("div", {
class: `${r}-name`
}, [s.element_content])]) : "", O = (s) => {
let g = Pt(s.company_id);
t("toCorp", g);
}, y = (s) => l("div", {
innerHTML: s || "--",
class: `${s}-name`
}, [r.element_content])]) : "", I = (r) => {
let h = Pt(r.company_id, e.theme);
t("toCorp", h);
}, C = (r) => l("div", {
innerHTML: r || "--",
class: `${a}-text`
}, null);
return () => l("div", {
class: `${o}-wrapper`
}, [h(, (c.value || []).map((s) => l("div", null, [m(s.element_title), s != null && s.company_id ? E(s) : y(s.element_content)])), u.value ? l("div", {
class: `${o}-showmore`,
onClick: () => f()
}, [d.value ? "\u6536\u8D77" : "\u5C55\u5F00\u5168\u90E8"]) : null]);
class: `${n}-wrapper`
}, [v(, (c.value || []).map((r) => l("div", null, [m(r.element_title), r != null && r.company_id ? T(r) : C(r.element_content)])), u.value ? l("div", {
class: `${n}-showmore`,
onClick: () => d()
}, [f.value ? "\u6536\u8D77" : "\u5C55\u5F00\u5168\u90E8"]) : null]);
}), Nn = ue(zn);
const te = (e) => e != null, Ge = (e) => typeof e == "function", tt = (e) => e !== null && typeof e == "object", Yn = (e) => tt(e) && Ge(e.then) && Ge(e.catch), Bt = (e) => typeof e == "number" || /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/.test(e), Fn = () => nt ? /ios|iphone|ipad|ipod/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) : !1;
const ne = (e) => e != null, Ge = (e) => typeof e == "function", tt = (e) => e !== null && typeof e == "object", Yn = (e) => tt(e) && Ge(e.then) && Ge(e.catch), kt = (e) => typeof e == "number" || /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/.test(e), Fn = () => nt ? /ios|iphone|ipad|ipod/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) : !1;
function jn() {
const Ie = Object.assign, nt = typeof window < "u";
const Ee = Object.assign, nt = typeof window < "u";
function dt(e, t) {
const n = t.split(".");
let o = e;
return n.forEach((i) => {
const o = t.split(".");
let n = e;
return o.forEach((i) => {
var a;
o = tt(o) && (a = o[i]) != null ? a : "";
}), o;
n = tt(n) && (a = n[i]) != null ? a : "";
}), n;
function Xn(e, t, n) {
return t.reduce((o, i) => ((!n || e[i] !== void 0) && (o[i] = e[i]), o), {});
function Xn(e, t, o) {
return t.reduce((n, i) => ((!o || e[i] !== void 0) && (n[i] = e[i]), n), {});

@@ -217,12 +218,12 @@ const Re = null, D = [Number, String], N = {

default: !0
}, Oe = (e) => ({
}, xe = (e) => ({
type: e,
required: !0
}), Hn = () => ({
}), Wn = () => ({
type: Array,
default: () => []
}), ne = (e) => ({
}), oe = (e) => ({
type: D,
default: e
}), H = (e) => ({
}), V = (e) => ({
type: String,

@@ -238,3 +239,3 @@ default: e

var Wn = (e) => e === window, vt = (e, t) => ({
var Hn = (e) => e === window, vt = (e, t) => ({
top: 0,

@@ -248,5 +249,5 @@ left: 0,

const t = he(e);
if (Wn(t)) {
const n = t.innerWidth, o = t.innerHeight;
return vt(n, o);
if (Hn(t)) {
const o = t.innerWidth, n = t.innerHeight;
return vt(o, n);

@@ -258,8 +259,8 @@ return t != null && t.getBoundingClientRect ? t.getBoundingClientRect() : vt(0, 0);

if (t) {
const n = Me(), { link: o, unlink: i, internalChildren: a } = t;
o(n), St(() => i(n));
const r = S(() => a.indexOf(n));
const o = Me(), { link: n, unlink: i, internalChildren: a } = t;
n(o), $t(() => i(o));
const s = $(() => a.indexOf(o));
return {
parent: t,
index: r
index: s

@@ -269,27 +270,27 @@ }

parent: null,
index: b(-1)
index: y(-1)
function Zn(e) {
const t = [], n = (o) => {
Array.isArray(o) && o.forEach((i) => {
const t = [], o = (n) => {
Array.isArray(n) && n.forEach((i) => {
var a;
nn(i) && (t.push(i), (a = i.component) != null && a.subTree && (t.push(i.component.subTree), n(i.component.subTree.children)), i.children && n(i.children));
tn(i) && (t.push(i), (a = i.component) != null && a.subTree && (t.push(i.component.subTree), o(i.component.subTree.children)), i.children && o(i.children));
return n(e), t;
return o(e), t;
function Gn(e, t, n) {
const o = Zn(e.subTree.children);
(a, r) => o.indexOf(a.vnode) - o.indexOf(r.vnode)
function Gn(e, t, o) {
const n = Zn(e.subTree.children);
(a, s) => n.indexOf(a.vnode) - n.indexOf(s.vnode)
const i = => a.proxy);
t.sort((a, r) => {
const u = i.indexOf(a), d = i.indexOf(r);
return u - d;
const i = => a.proxy);
t.sort((a, s) => {
const u = i.indexOf(a), f = i.indexOf(s);
return u - f;
function Kn(e) {
const t = oe([]), n = oe([]), o = Me();
const t = ae([]), o = ae([]), n = Me();
return {

@@ -302,11 +303,11 @@ children: t,

link: (d) => {
d.proxy && (n.push(d), t.push(d.proxy), Gn(o, t, n));
link: (f) => {
f.proxy && (o.push(f), t.push(f.proxy), Gn(n, t, o));
unlink: (d) => {
const c = n.indexOf(d);
t.splice(c, 1), n.splice(c, 1);
unlink: (f) => {
const c = o.indexOf(f);
t.splice(c, 1), o.splice(c, 1);
children: t,
internalChildren: n
internalChildren: o

@@ -319,6 +320,6 @@ a

function Rt(e) {
function At(e) {
let t;
ce(() => {
e(), ae(() => {
ie(() => {
e(), te(() => {
t = !0;

@@ -330,30 +331,30 @@ });

function Ne(e, t, n = {}) {
function Ne(e, t, o = {}) {
if (!Te)
const { target: o = window, passive: i = !1, capture: a = !1 } = n;
let r;
const { target: n = window, passive: i = !1, capture: a = !1 } = o;
let s;
const u = (c) => {
const f = he(c);
f && !r && (f.addEventListener(e, t, {
const d = he(c);
d && !s && (d.addEventListener(e, t, {
capture: a,
passive: i
}), r = !0);
}, d = (c) => {
const f = he(c);
f && r && (f.removeEventListener(e, t, a), r = !1);
}), s = !0);
}, f = (c) => {
const d = he(c);
d && s && (d.removeEventListener(e, t, a), s = !1);
St(() => d(o)), pe(() => d(o)), Rt(() => u(o)), tn(o) && k(o, (c, f) => {
d(f), u(c);
$t(() => f(n)), pe(() => f(n)), At(() => u(n)), en(n) && A(n, (c, d) => {
f(d), u(c);
var Se, Xe;
var Se, je;
function Qn() {
if (!Se && (Se = b(0), Xe = b(0), Te)) {
if (!Se && (Se = y(0), je = y(0), Te)) {
const e = () => {
Se.value = window.innerWidth, Xe.value = window.innerHeight;
Se.value = window.innerWidth, je.value = window.innerHeight;
e(), window.addEventListener("resize", e, { passive: !0 }), window.addEventListener("orientationchange", e, { passive: !0 });
return { width: Se, height: Xe };
return { width: Se, height: je };

@@ -365,20 +366,20 @@ var qn = /scroll|auto|overlay/i, Jn = Te ? window : void 0;

function to(e, t = Jn) {
let n = e;
for (; n && n !== t && eo(n); ) {
const { overflowY: o } = window.getComputedStyle(n);
if (qn.test(o))
return n;
n = n.parentNode;
let o = e;
for (; o && o !== t && eo(o); ) {
const { overflowY: n } = window.getComputedStyle(o);
if (qn.test(n))
return o;
o = o.parentNode;
return t;
var Ce;
var Pe;
function no() {
if (!Ce && (Ce = b("visible"), Te)) {
if (!Pe && (Pe = y("visible"), Te)) {
const e = () => {
Ce.value = document.hidden ? "hidden" : "visible";
Pe.value = document.hidden ? "hidden" : "visible";
e(), window.addEventListener("visibilitychange", e);
return Ce;
return Pe;

@@ -394,18 +395,18 @@ Fn();

return !1;
const n = window.getComputedStyle(t), o = n.display === "none", i = t.offsetParent === null && n.position !== "fixed";
return o || i;
const o = window.getComputedStyle(t), n = o.display === "none", i = t.offsetParent === null && o.position !== "fixed";
return n || i;
const { width: At, height: Lt } = Qn();
function V(e) {
if (te(e))
return Bt(e) ? `${e}px` : String(e);
const { width: Rt, height: Bt } = Qn();
function H(e) {
if (ne(e))
return kt(e) ? `${e}px` : String(e);
function ao(e) {
if (te(e)) {
if (ne(e)) {
if (Array.isArray(e))
return {
width: V(e[0]),
height: V(e[1])
width: H(e[0]),
height: H(e[1])
const t = V(e);
const t = H(e);
return {

@@ -421,10 +422,10 @@ width: t,

const ro = /-(\w)/g, Mt = (e) => e.replace(ro, (t, n) => n.toUpperCase()), so = (e) => e.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase().replace(/^-/, ""), J = (e, t, n) => Math.min(Math.max(e, t), n), { hasOwnProperty: lo } = Object.prototype;
function co(e, t, n) {
const o = t[n];
!te(o) || (!, n) || !tt(o) ? e[n] = o : e[n] = Dt(Object(e[n]), o));
const ro = /-(\w)/g, Lt = (e) => e.replace(ro, (t, o) => o.toUpperCase()), so = (e) => e.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase().replace(/^-/, ""), J = (e, t, o) => Math.min(Math.max(e, t), o), { hasOwnProperty: lo } = Object.prototype;
function co(e, t, o) {
const n = t[o];
!ne(n) || (!, o) || !tt(n) ? e[o] = n : e[o] = Mt(Object(e[o]), n));
function Dt(e, t) {
return Object.keys(t).forEach((n) => {
co(e, t, n);
function Mt(e, t) {
return Object.keys(t).forEach((o) => {
co(e, t, o);
}), e;

@@ -493,3 +494,3 @@ }

const gt = b("zh-CN"), ht = oe({
const gt = y("zh-CN"), ht = ae({
"zh-CN": uo

@@ -504,3 +505,3 @@ }), fo = {

add(e = {}) {
Dt(ht, e);
Mt(ht, e);

@@ -510,6 +511,6 @@ };

function mo(e) {
const t = Mt(e) + ".";
return (n, ...o) => {
const i = vo.messages(), a = dt(i, t + n) || dt(i, n);
return Ge(a) ? a(...o) : a;
const t = Lt(e) + ".";
return (o, ...n) => {
const i = vo.messages(), a = dt(i, t + o) || dt(i, o);
return Ge(a) ? a(...n) : a;

@@ -519,6 +520,6 @@ }

return t ? typeof t == "string" ? ` ${e}--${t}` : Array.isArray(t) ? t.reduce(
(n, o) => n + Ke(e, o),
(o, n) => o + Ke(e, n),
) : Object.keys(t).reduce(
(n, o) => n + (t[o] ? Ke(e, o) : ""),
(o, n) => o + (t[n] ? Ke(e, n) : ""),

@@ -528,3 +529,3 @@ ) : "";

function go(e) {
return (t, n) => (t && typeof t != "string" && (n = t, t = ""), t = t ? `${e}__${t}` : e, `${t}${Ke(t, n)}`);
return (t, o) => (t && typeof t != "string" && (o = t, t = ""), t = t ? `${e}__${t}` : e, `${t}${Ke(t, o)}`);

@@ -539,7 +540,7 @@ function Z(e) {

const zt = "van-haptics-feedback";
function Nt(e, {
const Dt = "van-haptics-feedback", ho = 500;
function zt(e, {
args: t = [],
done: n,
canceled: o
done: o,
canceled: n
}) {

@@ -549,18 +550,18 @@ if (e) {

Yn(i) ? i.then((a) => {
a ? n() : o && o();
}).catch(jn) : i ? n() : o && o();
a ? o() : n && n();
}).catch(jn) : i ? o() : n && n();
} else
function q(e) {
return e.install = (t) => {
const { name: n } = e;
n && (t.component(n, e), t.component(Mt(`-${n}`), e));
const { name: o } = e;
o && (t.component(o, e), t.component(Lt(`-${o}`), e));
}, e;
const Yt = Symbol();
function ho(e) {
const t = Qe(Yt, null);
t && k(t, (n) => {
n && e();
const Nt = Symbol();
function wo(e) {
const t = Qe(Nt, null);
t && A(t, (o) => {
o && e();

@@ -570,8 +571,8 @@ }

const t = Me();
t && Ie(t.proxy, e);
t && Ee(t.proxy, e);
const [wo, wt] = Z("badge"), yo = {
const [yo, wt] = Z("badge"), bo = {
dot: Boolean,
max: D,
tag: H("div"),
tag: V("div"),
color: String,

@@ -581,37 +582,39 @@ offset: Array,

showZero: N,
position: H("top-right")
position: V("top-right")
var bo = Y({
name: wo,
props: yo,
var po = Y({
name: yo,
props: bo,
setup(e, {
slots: t
}) {
const n = () => {
const o = () => {
if (t.content)
return !0;
const {
content: r,
showZero: u
content: u,
showZero: f
} = e;
return te(r) && r !== "" && (u || r !== 0 && r !== "0");
}, o = () => {
return ne(u) && u !== "" && (f || u !== 0 && u !== "0");
}, n = () => {
const {
dot: r,
max: u,
content: d
dot: u,
max: f,
content: c
} = e;
if (!r && n())
return t.content ? t.content() : te(u) && Bt(d) && +d > u ? `${u}+` : d;
}, i = S(() => {
const r = {
if (!u && o())
return t.content ? t.content() : ne(f) && kt(c) && +c > f ? `${f}+` : c;
}, i = (u) => u.startsWith("-") ? u.replace("-", "") : `-${u}`, a = $(() => {
const u = {
background: e.color
if (e.offset) {
const [u, d] = e.offset;
t.default ? ( = V(d), typeof u == "number" ? r.right = V(-u) : r.right = u.startsWith("-") ? u.replace("-", "") : `-${u}`) : (r.marginTop = V(d), r.marginLeft = V(u));
const [f, c] = e.offset, {
position: d
} = e, [v, m] = d.split("-");
t.default ? (typeof c == "number" ? u[v] = H(v === "top" ? c : -c) : u[v] = v === "top" ? H(c) : i(c), typeof f == "number" ? u[m] = H(m === "left" ? f : -f) : u[m] = m === "left" ? H(f) : i(f)) : (u.marginTop = H(c), u.marginLeft = H(f));
return r;
}), a = () => {
if (n() ||
return u;
}), s = () => {
if (o() ||
return l("div", {

@@ -622,4 +625,4 @@ class: wt([e.position, {

style: i.value
}, [o()]);
style: a.value
}, [n()]);

@@ -629,21 +632,21 @@ return () => {

const {
tag: r
tag: u
} = e;
return l(r, {
return l(u, {
class: wt("wrapper")
}, {
default: () => [t.default(), a()]
default: () => [t.default(), s()]
return a();
return s();
const po = q(bo);
let Ft = 2e3;
const Io = () => ++Ft, To = (e) => {
Ft = e;
}, [jt, Eo] = Z("config-provider"), Xt = Symbol(jt), xo = {
tag: H("div"),
theme: H("light"),
const Eo = q(po);
let Yt = 2e3;
const To = () => ++Yt, Io = (e) => {
Yt = e;
}, [Ft, Oo] = Z("config-provider"), jt = Symbol(Ft), xo = {
tag: V("div"),
theme: V("light"),
zIndex: Number,

@@ -655,10 +658,10 @@ themeVars: Object,

function Oo(e) {
function $o(e) {
const t = {};
return Object.keys(e).forEach((n) => {
t[`--van-${so(n)}`] = e[n];
return Object.keys(e).forEach((o) => {
t[`--van-${so(o)}`] = e[o];
}), t;
name: jt,
name: Ft,
props: xo,

@@ -668,5 +671,5 @@ setup(e, {

}) {
const n = S(() => Oo(Ie({}, e.themeVars, e.theme === "dark" ? e.themeVarsDark : e.themeVarsLight)));
const o = $(() => $o(Ee({}, e.themeVars, e.theme === "dark" ? e.themeVarsDark : e.themeVarsLight)));
if (nt) {
const o = () => {
const n = () => {

@@ -676,17 +679,17 @@ }, i = (a = e.theme) => {

k(() => e.theme, (a, r) => {
r && i(r), o();
A(() => e.theme, (a, s) => {
s && i(s), n();
}, {
immediate: !0
}), De(o), pe(i), ze(i);
}), De(n), pe(i), ze(i);
return qe(Xt, e), on(() => {
e.zIndex !== void 0 && To(e.zIndex);
return qe(jt, e), nn(() => {
e.zIndex !== void 0 && Io(e.zIndex);
}), () => l(e.tag, {
class: Eo(),
style: n.value
class: Oo(),
style: o.value
}, {
default: () => {
var o;
return [(o = t.default) == null ? void 0 :];
var n;
return [(n = t.default) == null ? void 0 :];

@@ -696,5 +699,5 @@ });

const [$o, yt] = Z("icon"), So = (e) => e == null ? void 0 : e.includes("/"), Co = {
const [So, yt] = Z("icon"), Po = (e) => e == null ? void 0 : e.includes("/"), Co = {
dot: Boolean,
tag: H("i"),
tag: V("i"),
name: String,

@@ -707,4 +710,4 @@ size: D,

var Po = Y({
name: $o,
var _o = Y({
name: So,
props: Co,

@@ -714,3 +717,3 @@ setup(e, {

}) {
const n = Qe(Xt, null), o = S(() => e.classPrefix || (n == null ? void 0 : n.iconPrefix) || yt());
const o = Qe(jt, null), n = $(() => e.classPrefix || (o == null ? void 0 : o.iconPrefix) || yt());
return () => {

@@ -720,22 +723,22 @@ const {

dot: a,
name: r,
name: s,
size: u,
badge: d,
badge: f,
color: c
} = e, f = So(r);
return l(po, we({
} = e, d = Po(s);
return l(Eo, we({
dot: a,
tag: i,
class: [o.value, f ? "" : `${o.value}-${r}`],
class: [n.value, d ? "" : `${n.value}-${s}`],
style: {
color: c,
fontSize: V(u)
fontSize: H(u)
content: d
content: f
}, e.badgeProps), {
default: () => {
var h;
return [(h = t.default) == null ? void 0 :, f && l("img", {
var v;
return [(v = t.default) == null ? void 0 :, d && l("img", {
class: yt("image"),
src: r
src: s
}, null)];

@@ -747,5 +750,5 @@ }

const ot = q(Po), [_o, ge] = Z("loading"), ko = Array(12).fill(null).map((e, t) => l("i", {
const ot = q(_o), [ko, ge] = Z("loading"), Ao = Array(12).fill(null).map((e, t) => l("i", {
class: ge("line", String(t + 1))
}, null)), Bo = l("svg", {
}, null)), Ro = l("svg", {
class: ge("circular"),

@@ -758,5 +761,5 @@ viewBox: "25 25 50 50"

fill: "none"
}, null)]), Ro = {
}, null)]), Bo = {
size: D,
type: H("circular"),
type: V("circular"),
color: String,

@@ -767,15 +770,15 @@ vertical: Boolean,

var Ao = Y({
name: _o,
props: Ro,
var Lo = Y({
name: ko,
props: Bo,
setup(e, {
slots: t
}) {
const n = S(() => Ie({
const o = $(() => Ee({
color: e.color
}, ao(e.size))), o = () => {
const a = e.type === "spinner" ? ko : Bo;
}, ao(e.size))), n = () => {
const a = e.type === "spinner" ? Ao : Ro;
return l("span", {
class: ge("spinner", e.type),
style: n.value
style: o.value
}, [t.icon ? t.icon() : a]);

@@ -788,3 +791,3 @@ }, i = () => {

style: {
fontSize: V(e.textSize),
fontSize: H(e.textSize),
color: (a = e.textColor) != null ? a : e.color

@@ -797,15 +800,15 @@ }

type: a,
vertical: r
vertical: s
} = e;
return l("div", {
class: ge([a, {
vertical: r
vertical: s
"aria-live": "polite",
"aria-busy": !0
}, [o(), i()]);
}, [n(), i()]);
const Lo = q(Ao), Mo = {
const Mo = q(Lo), Do = {
show: Boolean,

@@ -824,15 +827,15 @@ zIndex: D,

function Do(e, t) {
function zo(e, t) {
return e > t ? "horizontal" : t > e ? "vertical" : "";
function at() {
const e = b(0), t = b(0), n = b(0), o = b(0), i = b(0), a = b(0), r = b(""), u = () => r.value === "vertical", d = () => r.value === "horizontal", c = () => {
n.value = 0, o.value = 0, i.value = 0, a.value = 0, r.value = "";
const e = y(0), t = y(0), o = y(0), n = y(0), i = y(0), a = y(0), s = y(""), u = () => s.value === "vertical", f = () => s.value === "horizontal", c = () => {
o.value = 0, n.value = 0, i.value = 0, a.value = 0, s.value = "";
return {
move: (m) => {
const E = m.touches[0];
n.value = (E.clientX < 0 ? 0 : E.clientX) - e.value, o.value = E.clientY - t.value, i.value = Math.abs(n.value), a.value = Math.abs(o.value);
const O = 10;
(!r.value || i.value < O && a.value < O) && (r.value = Do(i.value, a.value));
const T = m.touches[0];
o.value = (T.clientX < 0 ? 0 : T.clientX) - e.value, n.value = T.clientY - t.value, i.value = Math.abs(o.value), a.value = Math.abs(n.value);
const I = 10;
(!s.value || i.value < I && a.value < I) && (s.value = zo(i.value, a.value));

@@ -845,9 +848,9 @@ start: (m) => {

startY: t,
deltaX: n,
deltaY: o,
deltaX: o,
deltaY: n,
offsetX: i,
offsetY: a,
direction: r,
direction: s,
isVertical: u,
isHorizontal: d
isHorizontal: f

@@ -857,31 +860,31 @@ }

const bt = "van-overflow-hidden";
function zo(e, t) {
const n = at(), o = "01", i = "10", a = (f) => {
const h = n.deltaY.value > 0 ? i : o, m = to(,
function No(e, t) {
const o = at(), n = "01", i = "10", a = (d) => {
const v = o.deltaY.value > 0 ? i : n, m = to(,
), { scrollHeight: E, offsetHeight: O, scrollTop: y } = m;
let s = "11";
y === 0 ? s = O >= E ? "00" : "01" : y + O >= E && (s = "10"), s !== "11" && n.isVertical() && !(parseInt(s, 2) & parseInt(h, 2)) && be(f, !0);
}, r = () => {
document.addEventListener("touchstart", n.start), document.addEventListener("touchmove", a, { passive: !1 }), ve || document.body.classList.add(bt), ve++;
), { scrollHeight: T, offsetHeight: I, scrollTop: C } = m;
let r = "11";
C === 0 ? r = I >= T ? "00" : "01" : C + I >= T && (r = "10"), r !== "11" && o.isVertical() && !(parseInt(r, 2) & parseInt(v, 2)) && be(d, !0);
}, s = () => {
document.addEventListener("touchstart", o.start), document.addEventListener("touchmove", a, { passive: !1 }), ve || document.body.classList.add(bt), ve++;
}, u = () => {
ve && (document.removeEventListener("touchstart", n.start), document.removeEventListener("touchmove", a), ve--, ve || document.body.classList.remove(bt));
}, d = () => t() && r(), c = () => t() && u();
Rt(d), pe(c), ze(c), k(t, (f) => {
f ? r() : u();
ve && (document.removeEventListener("touchstart", o.start), document.removeEventListener("touchmove", a), ve--, ve || document.body.classList.remove(bt));
}, f = () => t() && s(), c = () => t() && u();
At(f), pe(c), ze(c), A(t, (d) => {
d ? s() : u();
function Ht(e) {
const t = b(!1);
return k(
function Xt(e) {
const t = y(!1);
return A(
(n) => {
n && (t.value = n);
(o) => {
o && (t.value = o);
{ immediate: !0 }
), (n) => () => t.value ? n() : null;
), (o) => () => t.value ? o() : null;
const [No, Yo] = Z("overlay"), Fo = {
const [Yo, Fo] = Z("overlay"), jo = {
show: Boolean,

@@ -895,21 +898,21 @@ zIndex: D,

var jo = Y({
name: No,
props: Fo,
var Xo = Y({
name: Yo,
props: jo,
setup(e, {
slots: t
}) {
const n = b(), o = Ht(() => || !e.lazyRender), i = (r) => {
e.lockScroll && be(r, !0);
}, a = o(() => {
var r;
const u = Ie(io(e.zIndex), e.customStyle);
return te(e.duration) && (u.animationDuration = `${e.duration}s`), ye(l("div", {
ref: n,
const o = y(), n = Xt(() => || !e.lazyRender), i = (s) => {
e.lockScroll && be(s, !0);
}, a = n(() => {
var s;
const u = Ee(io(e.zIndex), e.customStyle);
return ne(e.duration) && (u.animationDuration = `${e.duration}s`), ye(l("div", {
ref: o,
style: u,
class: [Yo(), e.className]
}, [(r = t.default) == null ? void 0 :]), [[Be,]]);
class: [Fo(), e.className]
}, [(s = t.default) == null ? void 0 :]), [[Ae,]]);
return Ne("touchmove", i, {
target: n
target: o
}), () => l(Je, {

@@ -923,6 +926,6 @@ name: "van-fade",

const Xo = q(jo), Ho = Ie({}, Mo, {
const Wo = q(Xo), Ho = Ee({}, Do, {
round: Boolean,
position: H("center"),
closeIcon: H("cross"),
position: V("center"),
closeIcon: V("cross"),
closeable: Boolean,

@@ -932,8 +935,8 @@ transition: String,

closeOnPopstate: Boolean,
closeIconPosition: H("top-right"),
closeIconPosition: V("top-right"),
safeAreaInsetTop: Boolean,
safeAreaInsetBottom: Boolean
}), [Wo, pt] = Z("popup");
var Uo = Y({
name: Wo,
}), [Uo, pt] = Z("popup");
var Vo = Y({
name: Uo,
inheritAttrs: !1,

@@ -944,19 +947,19 @@ props: Ho,

emit: t,
attrs: n,
slots: o
attrs: o,
slots: n
}) {
let i, a;
const r = b(), u = b(), d = Ht(() => || !e.lazyRender), c = S(() => {
const x = {
zIndex: r.value
const s = y(), u = y(), f = Xt(() => || !e.lazyRender), c = $(() => {
const E = {
zIndex: s.value
if (te(e.duration)) {
const I = e.position === "center" ? "animationDuration" : "transitionDuration";
x[I] = `${e.duration}s`;
if (ne(e.duration)) {
const p = e.position === "center" ? "animationDuration" : "transitionDuration";
E[p] = `${e.duration}s`;
return x;
}), f = () => {
i || (i = !0, r.value = e.zIndex !== void 0 ? +e.zIndex : Io(), t("open"));
}, h = () => {
i && Nt(e.beforeClose, {
return E;
}), d = () => {
i || (i = !0, s.value = e.zIndex !== void 0 ? +e.zIndex : To(), t("open"));
}, v = () => {
i && zt(e.beforeClose, {
done() {

@@ -966,10 +969,10 @@ i = !1, t("close"), t("update:show", !1);

}, m = (x) => {
t("clickOverlay", x), e.closeOnClickOverlay && h();
}, E = () => {
}, m = (E) => {
t("clickOverlay", E), e.closeOnClickOverlay && v();
}, T = () => {
if (e.overlay)
return l(Xo, {
return l(Wo, {
class: e.overlayClass,
zIndex: r.value,
zIndex: s.value,
duration: e.duration,

@@ -981,7 +984,7 @@ customStyle: e.overlayStyle,

}, {
default: o["overlay-content"]
default: n["overlay-content"]
}, O = (x) => {
t("clickCloseIcon", x), h();
}, y = () => {
}, I = (E) => {
t("clickCloseIcon", E), v();
}, C = () => {
if (e.closeable)

@@ -992,13 +995,13 @@ return l(ot, {

name: e.closeIcon,
class: [pt("close-icon", e.closeIconPosition), zt],
class: [pt("close-icon", e.closeIconPosition), Dt],
classPrefix: e.iconPrefix,
onClick: O
onClick: I
}, null);
}, s = () => t("opened"), g = () => t("closed"), B = (x) => t("keydown", x), F = d(() => {
var x;
}, r = () => t("opened"), h = () => t("closed"), S = (E) => t("keydown", E), j = f(() => {
var E;
const {
round: I,
position: P,
safeAreaInsetTop: v,
safeAreaInsetBottom: T
round: p,
position: _,
safeAreaInsetTop: z,
safeAreaInsetBottom: g
} = e;

@@ -1011,48 +1014,48 @@ return ye(l("div", we({

class: [pt({
round: I,
[P]: P
round: p,
[_]: _
}), {
"van-safe-area-top": v,
"van-safe-area-bottom": T
"van-safe-area-top": z,
"van-safe-area-bottom": g
onKeydown: B
}, n), [(x = o.default) == null ? void 0 :, y()]), [[Be,]]);
onKeydown: S
}, o), [(E = n.default) == null ? void 0 :, C()]), [[Ae,]]);
}), L = () => {
const {
position: x,
transition: I,
transitionAppear: P
} = e, v = x === "center" ? "van-fade" : `van-popup-slide-${x}`;
position: E,
transition: p,
transitionAppear: _
} = e, z = E === "center" ? "van-fade" : `van-popup-slide-${E}`;
return l(Je, {
name: I || v,
appear: P,
onAfterEnter: s,
onAfterLeave: g
name: p || z,
appear: _,
onAfterEnter: r,
onAfterLeave: h
}, {
default: F
default: j
return k(() =>, (x) => {
x && !i && (f(), n.tabindex === 0 && ae(() => {
var I;
(I = u.value) == null || I.focus();
})), !x && i && (i = !1, t("close"));
return A(() =>, (E) => {
E && !i && (d(), o.tabindex === 0 && te(() => {
var p;
(p = u.value) == null || p.focus();
})), !E && i && (i = !1, t("close"));
}), Ye({
popupRef: u
}), zo(u, () => && e.lockScroll), Ne("popstate", () => {
e.closeOnPopstate && (h(), a = !1);
}), ce(() => { && f();
}), No(u, () => && e.lockScroll), Ne("popstate", () => {
e.closeOnPopstate && (v(), a = !1);
}), ie(() => { && d();
}), De(() => {
a && (t("update:show", !0), a = !1);
}), pe(() => { && e.teleport && (h(), a = !0);
}), qe(Yt, () =>, () => e.teleport ? l(Ct, { && e.teleport && (v(), a = !0);
}), qe(Nt, () =>, () => e.teleport ? l(St, {
to: e.teleport
}, {
default: () => [E(), L()]
}) : l(an, null, [E(), L()]);
default: () => [T(), L()]
}) : l(on, null, [T(), L()]);
const Vo = q(Uo), [Wt, Pe] = Z("swipe"), Zo = {
const Zo = q(Vo), [Wt, Ce] = Z("swipe"), Go = {
loop: N,

@@ -1062,20 +1065,20 @@ width: D,

vertical: Boolean,
autoplay: ne(0),
duration: ne(500),
autoplay: oe(0),
duration: oe(500),
touchable: N,
lazyRender: Boolean,
initialSwipe: ne(0),
initialSwipe: oe(0),
indicatorColor: String,
showIndicators: N,
stopPropagation: N
}, Ut = Symbol(Wt);
var Go = Y({
}, Ht = Symbol(Wt);
var Ko = Y({
name: Wt,
props: Zo,
props: Go,
emits: ["change"],
setup(e, {
emit: t,
slots: n
slots: o
}) {
const o = b(), i = b(), a = oe({
const n = y(), i = y(), a = ae({
rect: null,

@@ -1087,9 +1090,9 @@ width: 0,

swiping: !1
}), r = at(), {
}), s = at(), {
children: u,
linkChildren: d
} = Kn(Ut), c = S(() => u.length), f = S(() => a[e.vertical ? "height" : "width"]), h = S(() => e.vertical ? r.deltaY.value : r.deltaX.value), m = S(() => a.rect ? (e.vertical ? a.rect.height : a.rect.width) - f.value * c.value : 0), E = S(() => Math.ceil(Math.abs(m.value) / f.value)), O = S(() => c.value * f.value), y = S(() => ( + c.value) % c.value), s = S(() => {
linkChildren: f
} = Kn(Ht), c = $(() => u.length), d = $(() => a[e.vertical ? "height" : "width"]), v = $(() => e.vertical ? s.deltaY.value : s.deltaX.value), m = $(() => a.rect ? (e.vertical ? a.rect.height : a.rect.width) - d.value * c.value : 0), T = $(() => d.value ? Math.ceil(Math.abs(m.value) / d.value) : c.value), I = $(() => c.value * d.value), C = $(() => ( + c.value) % c.value), r = $(() => {
const w = e.vertical ? "vertical" : "horizontal";
return r.direction.value === w;
}), g = S(() => {
return s.direction.value === w;
}), h = $(() => {
const w = {

@@ -1099,21 +1102,21 @@ transitionDuration: `${a.swiping ? 0 : e.duration}ms`,

if (f.value) {
const $ = e.vertical ? "height" : "width", C = e.vertical ? "width" : "height";
w[$] = `${O.value}px`, w[C] = e[C] ? `${e[C]}px` : "";
if (d.value) {
const x = e.vertical ? "height" : "width", P = e.vertical ? "width" : "height";
w[x] = `${I.value}px`, w[P] = e[P] ? `${e[P]}px` : "";
return w;
}), B = (w) => {
}), S = (w) => {
const {
active: $
active: x
} = a;
return w ? e.loop ? J($ + w, -1, c.value) : J($ + w, 0, E.value) : $;
}, F = (w, $ = 0) => {
let C = w * f.value;
e.loop || (C = Math.min(C, -m.value));
let M = $ - C;
return w ? e.loop ? J(x + w, -1, c.value) : J(x + w, 0, T.value) : x;
}, j = (w, x = 0) => {
let P = w * d.value;
e.loop || (P = Math.min(P, -m.value));
let M = x - P;
return e.loop || (M = J(M, m.value, 0)), M;
}, L = ({
pace: w = 0,
offset: $ = 0,
emitChange: C
offset: x = 0,
emitChange: P
}) => {

@@ -1124,15 +1127,15 @@ if (c.value <= 1)

active: M
} = a, X = B(w), fe = F(X, $);
} = a, U = S(w), fe = j(U, x);
if (e.loop) {
if (u[0] && fe !== m.value) {
const Fe = fe < m.value;
u[0].setOffset(Fe ? O.value : 0);
u[0].setOffset(Fe ? I.value : 0);
if (u[c.value - 1] && fe !== 0) {
const Fe = fe > 0;
u[c.value - 1].setOffset(Fe ? -O.value : 0);
u[c.value - 1].setOffset(Fe ? -I.value : 0);
} = X, a.offset = fe, C && X !== M && t("change", y.value);
}, x = () => { = U, a.offset = fe, P && U !== M && t("change", C.value);
}, E = () => {
a.swiping = !0, <= -1 ? L({

@@ -1143,4 +1146,4 @@ pace: c.value

}, I = () => {
x(), r.reset(), $e(() => {
}, p = () => {
E(), s.reset(), $e(() => {
a.swiping = !1, L({

@@ -1151,4 +1154,4 @@ pace: -1,

}, P = () => {
x(), r.reset(), $e(() => {
}, _ = () => {
E(), s.reset(), $e(() => {
a.swiping = !1, L({

@@ -1160,60 +1163,60 @@ pace: 1,

let v;
const T = () => clearTimeout(v), _ = () => {
T(), e.autoplay > 0 && c.value > 1 && (v = setTimeout(() => {
P(), _();
let z;
const g = () => clearTimeout(z), O = () => {
g(), e.autoplay > 0 && c.value > 1 && (z = setTimeout(() => {
_(), O();
}, +e.autoplay));
}, z = (w = +e.initialSwipe) => {
if (!o.value)
}, k = (w = +e.initialSwipe) => {
if (!n.value)
const $ = () => {
var C, M;
if (!mt(o)) {
const X = {
width: o.value.offsetWidth,
height: o.value.offsetHeight
const x = () => {
var P, M;
if (!mt(n)) {
const U = {
width: n.value.offsetWidth,
height: n.value.offsetHeight
a.rect = X, a.width = +((C = e.width) != null ? C : X.width), a.height = +((M = e.height) != null ? M : X.height);
a.rect = U, a.width = +((P = e.width) != null ? P : U.width), a.height = +((M = e.height) != null ? M : U.height);
c.value && (w = Math.min(c.value - 1, w)), = w, a.swiping = !0, a.offset = F(w), u.forEach((X) => {
}), _();
c.value && (w = Math.min(c.value - 1, w), w === -1 && (w = c.value - 1)), = w, a.swiping = !0, a.offset = j(w), u.forEach((U) => {
}), O();
mt(o) ? ae().then($) : $();
}, W = () => z(;
let U;
const j = (w) => {
!e.touchable || (r.start(w), U =, T(), x());
mt(n) ? te().then(x) : x();
}, X = () => k(;
let W;
const F = (w) => {
!e.touchable || (s.start(w), W =, g(), E());
}, de = (w) => {
e.touchable && a.swiping && (r.move(w), s.value && (!e.loop && ( === 0 && h.value > 0 || === c.value - 1 && h.value < 0) || (be(w, e.stopPropagation), L({
offset: h.value
e.touchable && a.swiping && (s.move(w), r.value && (!e.loop && ( === 0 && v.value > 0 || === c.value - 1 && v.value < 0) || (be(w, e.stopPropagation), L({
offset: v.value
}, p = () => {
}, b = () => {
if (!e.touchable || !a.swiping)
const w = - U, $ = h.value / w;
if ((Math.abs($) > 0.25 || Math.abs(h.value) > f.value / 2) && s.value) {
const M = e.vertical ? r.offsetY.value : r.offsetX.value;
let X = 0;
e.loop ? X = M > 0 ? h.value > 0 ? -1 : 1 : 0 : X = -Math[h.value > 0 ? "ceil" : "floor"](h.value / f.value), L({
pace: X,
const w = - W, x = v.value / w;
if ((Math.abs(x) > 0.25 || Math.abs(v.value) > d.value / 2) && r.value) {
const M = e.vertical ? s.offsetY.value : s.offsetX.value;
let U = 0;
e.loop ? U = M > 0 ? v.value > 0 ? -1 : 1 : 0 : U = -Math[v.value > 0 ? "ceil" : "floor"](v.value / d.value), L({
pace: U,
emitChange: !0
} else
h.value && L({
v.value && L({
pace: 0
a.swiping = !1, _();
}, R = (w, $ = {}) => {
x(), r.reset(), $e(() => {
let C;
e.loop && w === c.value ? C = === 0 ? 0 : w : C = w % c.value, $.immediate ? $e(() => {
a.swiping = !1, O();
}, R = (w, x = {}) => {
E(), s.reset(), $e(() => {
let P;
e.loop && w === c.value ? P = === 0 ? 0 : w : P = w % c.value, x.immediate ? $e(() => {
a.swiping = !1;
}) : a.swiping = !1, L({
pace: C -,
pace: P -,
emitChange: !0
}, A = (w, $) => {
const C = $ === y.value, M = C ? {
}, B = (w, x) => {
const P = x === C.value, M = P ? {
backgroundColor: e.indicatorColor

@@ -1223,10 +1226,10 @@ } : void 0;

style: M,
class: Pe("indicator", {
active: C
class: Ce("indicator", {
active: P
}, null);
}, G = () => {
if (n.indicator)
return n.indicator({
active: y.value,
if (o.indicator)
return o.indicator({
active: C.value,
total: c.value

@@ -1236,21 +1239,21 @@ });

return l("div", {
class: Pe("indicators", {
class: Ce("indicators", {
vertical: e.vertical
}, [Array(c.value).fill("").map(A)]);
}, [Array(c.value).fill("").map(B)]);
return Ye({
prev: I,
next: P,
prev: p,
next: _,
state: a,
resize: W,
resize: X,
swipeTo: R
}), d({
size: f,
}), f({
size: d,
props: e,
count: c,
activeIndicator: y
}), k(() => e.initialSwipe, (w) => z(+w)), k(c, () => z(, k(() => e.autoplay, _), k([At, Lt], W), k(no(), (w) => {
w === "visible" ? _() : T();
}), ce(z), De(() => z(, ho(() => z(, pe(T), ze(T), Ne("touchmove", de, {
activeIndicator: C
}), A(() => e.initialSwipe, (w) => k(+w)), A(c, () => k(, A(() => e.autoplay, O), A([Rt, Bt], X), A(no(), (w) => {
w === "visible" ? O() : g();
}), ie(k), De(() => k(, wo(() => k(, pe(g), ze(g), Ne("touchmove", de, {
target: i

@@ -1260,25 +1263,25 @@ }), () => {

return l("div", {
ref: o,
class: Pe()
ref: n,
class: Ce()
}, [l("div", {
ref: i,
style: g.value,
class: Pe("track", {
style: h.value,
class: Ce("track", {
vertical: e.vertical
onTouchstartPassive: j,
onTouchend: p,
onTouchcancel: p
}, [(w = n.default) == null ? void 0 :]), G()]);
onTouchstartPassive: F,
onTouchend: b,
onTouchcancel: b
}, [(w = o.default) == null ? void 0 :]), G()]);
const Ko = q(Go), [Qo, qo] = Z("swipe-item");
var Jo = Y({
name: Qo,
const Qo = q(Ko), [qo, Jo] = Z("swipe-item");
var ea = Y({
name: qo,
setup(e, {
slots: t
}) {
let n;
const o = oe({
let o;
const n = ae({
offset: 0,

@@ -1290,3 +1293,3 @@ inited: !1,

index: a
} = Vn(Ut);
} = Vn(Ht);
if (!i) {

@@ -1296,32 +1299,32 @@ process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && console.error("[Vant] <SwipeItem> must be a child component of <Swipe>.");

const r = S(() => {
const s = $(() => {
const c = {}, {
vertical: f
vertical: d
} = i.props;
return i.size.value && (c[f ? "height" : "width"] = `${i.size.value}px`), o.offset && (c.transform = `translate${f ? "Y" : "X"}(${o.offset}px)`), c;
}), u = S(() => {
return i.size.value && (c[d ? "height" : "width"] = `${i.size.value}px`), n.offset && (c.transform = `translate${d ? "Y" : "X"}(${n.offset}px)`), c;
}), u = $(() => {
const {
loop: c,
lazyRender: f
lazyRender: d
} = i.props;
if (!f || n)
if (!d || o)
return !0;
if (!o.mounted)
if (!n.mounted)
return !1;
const h = i.activeIndicator.value, m = i.count.value - 1, E = h === 0 && c ? m : h - 1, O = h === m && c ? 0 : h + 1;
return n = a.value === h || a.value === E || a.value === O, n;
}), d = (c) => {
o.offset = c;
const v = i.activeIndicator.value, m = i.count.value - 1, T = v === 0 && c ? m : v - 1, I = v === m && c ? 0 : v + 1;
return o = a.value === v || a.value === T || a.value === I, o;
}), f = (c) => {
n.offset = c;
return ce(() => {
ae(() => {
o.mounted = !0;
return ie(() => {
te(() => {
n.mounted = !0;
}), Ye({
setOffset: d
setOffset: f
}), () => {
var c;
return l("div", {
class: qo(),
style: r.value
class: Jo(),
style: s.value
}, [u.value ? (c = t.default) == null ? void 0 : : null]);

@@ -1331,3 +1334,3 @@ };

const ea = q(Jo), [ta, ie] = Z("image"), na = {
const ta = q(ea), [na, re] = Z("image"), oa = {
src: String,

@@ -1345,51 +1348,57 @@ alt: String,

showError: N,
errorIcon: H("photo-fail"),
errorIcon: V("photo-fail"),
iconPrefix: String,
showLoading: N,
loadingIcon: H("photo")
loadingIcon: V("photo")
var oa = Y({
name: ta,
props: na,
var aa = Y({
name: na,
props: oa,
emits: ["load", "error"],
setup(e, {
emit: t,
slots: n
slots: o
}) {
const o = b(!1), i = b(!0), a = b(), {
$Lazyload: r
} = Me().proxy, u = S(() => {
const y = {
width: V(e.width),
height: V(e.height)
const n = y(!1), i = y(!0), a = y(), {
$Lazyload: s
} = Me().proxy, u = $(() => {
const r = {
width: H(e.width),
height: H(e.height)
return te(e.radius) && (y.overflow = "hidden", y.borderRadius = V(e.radius)), y;
return ne(e.radius) && (r.overflow = "hidden", r.borderRadius = H(e.radius)), r;
k(() => e.src, () => {
o.value = !1, i.value = !0;
A(() => e.src, () => {
n.value = !1, i.value = !0;
const d = (y) => {
i.value = !1, t("load", y);
}, c = (y) => {
o.value = !0, i.value = !1, t("error", y);
}, f = (y, s, g) => g ? g() : l(ot, {
name: y,
const f = (r) => {
i.value && (i.value = !1, t("load", r));
}, c = () => {
const r = new Event("load");
Object.defineProperty(r, "target", {
value: a.value,
enumerable: !0
}), f(r);
}, d = (r) => {
n.value = !0, i.value = !1, t("error", r);
}, v = (r, h, S) => S ? S() : l(ot, {
name: r,
size: e.iconSize,
class: s,
class: h,
classPrefix: e.iconPrefix
}, null), h = () => {
}, null), m = () => {
if (i.value && e.showLoading)
return l("div", {
class: ie("loading")
}, [f(e.loadingIcon, ie("loading-icon"), n.loading)]);
if (o.value && e.showError)
class: re("loading")
}, [v(e.loadingIcon, re("loading-icon"), o.loading)]);
if (n.value && e.showError)
return l("div", {
class: ie("error")
}, [f(e.errorIcon, ie("error-icon"), n.error)]);
}, m = () => {
if (o.value || !e.src)
class: re("error")
}, [v(e.errorIcon, re("error-icon"), o.error)]);
}, T = () => {
if (n.value || !e.src)
const y = {
const r = {
alt: e.alt,
class: ie("img"),
class: re("img"),
style: {

@@ -1402,25 +1411,31 @@ objectFit:,

ref: a
}, y), null), [[rn("lazy"), e.src]]) : l("img", we({
}, r), null), [[an("lazy"), e.src]]) : l("img", we({
ref: a,
src: e.src,
onLoad: d,
onError: c
}, y), null);
}, E = ({
el: y
onLoad: f,
onError: d
}, r), null);
}, I = ({
el: r
}) => {
const s = () => {
y === a.value && i.value && d();
const h = () => {
r === a.value && i.value && c();
a.value ? s() : ae(s);
}, O = ({
el: y
a.value ? h() : te(h);
}, C = ({
el: r
}) => {
y === a.value && !o.value && c();
r === a.value && !n.value && d();
return r && nt && (r.$on("loaded", E), r.$on("error", O), ze(() => {
r.$off("loaded", E), r.$off("error", O);
})), () => {
var y;
return s && nt && (s.$on("loaded", I), s.$on("error", C), ze(() => {
s.$off("loaded", I), s.$off("error", C);
})), ie(() => {
te(() => {
var r;
(r = a.value) != null && r.complete && c();
}), () => {
var r;
return l("div", {
class: ie({
class: re({
round: e.round,

@@ -1430,8 +1445,8 @@ block: e.block

style: u.value
}, [m(), h(), (y = n.default) == null ? void 0 :]);
}, [T(), m(), (r = o.default) == null ? void 0 :]);
const aa = q(oa), It = (e) => Math.sqrt((e[0].clientX - e[1].clientX) ** 2 + (e[0].clientY - e[1].clientY) ** 2), Tt = Z("image-preview")[1];
var ia = Y({
const ia = q(aa), Et = (e) => Math.sqrt((e[0].clientX - e[1].clientX) ** 2 + (e[0].clientY - e[1].clientY) ** 2), Xe = Z("image-preview")[1];
var ra = Y({
props: {

@@ -1441,12 +1456,13 @@ src: String,

active: Number,
minZoom: Oe(D),
maxZoom: Oe(D),
rootWidth: Oe(Number),
rootHeight: Oe(Number)
minZoom: xe(D),
maxZoom: xe(D),
rootWidth: xe(Number),
rootHeight: xe(Number)
emits: ["scale", "close"],
emits: ["scale", "close", "longPress"],
setup(e, {
emit: t
emit: t,
slots: o
}) {
const n = oe({
const n = ae({
scale: 1,

@@ -1460,124 +1476,128 @@ moveX: 0,

displayHeight: 0
}), o = at(), i = b(), a = S(() => {
}), i = at(), a = y(), s = $(() => {
const {
rootWidth: v,
rootHeight: T
} = e, _ = T / v;
return n.imageRatio > _;
}), r = S(() => {
rootWidth: g,
rootHeight: O
} = e, k = O / g;
return n.imageRatio > k;
}), u = $(() => {
const {
scale: v,
moveX: T,
moveY: _,
moving: z,
scale: g,
moveX: O,
moveY: k,
moving: X,
zooming: W
} = n, U = {
transitionDuration: W || z ? "0s" : ".3s"
} = n, F = {
transitionDuration: W || X ? "0s" : ".3s"
if (v !== 1) {
const j = T / v, de = _ / v;
U.transform = `scale(${v}, ${v}) translate(${j}px, ${de}px)`;
if (g !== 1) {
const de = O / g, b = k / g;
F.transform = `scale(${g}, ${g}) translate(${de}px, ${b}px)`;
return U;
}), u = S(() => {
return F;
}), f = $(() => {
if (n.imageRatio) {
const {
rootWidth: v,
rootHeight: T
} = e, _ = a.value ? T / n.imageRatio : v;
return Math.max(0, (n.scale * _ - v) / 2);
rootWidth: g,
rootHeight: O
} = e, k = s.value ? O / n.imageRatio : g;
return Math.max(0, (n.scale * k - g) / 2);
return 0;
}), d = S(() => {
}), c = $(() => {
if (n.imageRatio) {
const {
rootWidth: v,
rootHeight: T
} = e, _ = a.value ? T : v * n.imageRatio;
return Math.max(0, (n.scale * _ - T) / 2);
rootWidth: g,
rootHeight: O
} = e, k = s.value ? O : g * n.imageRatio;
return Math.max(0, (n.scale * k - O) / 2);
return 0;
}), c = (v) => {
v = J(v, +e.minZoom, +e.maxZoom + 1), v !== n.scale && (n.scale = v, t("scale", {
scale: v,
}), d = (g) => {
g = J(g, +e.minZoom, +e.maxZoom + 1), g !== n.scale && (n.scale = g, t("scale", {
scale: g,
}, f = () => {
c(1), n.moveX = 0, n.moveY = 0;
}, h = () => {
const v = n.scale > 1 ? 1 : 2;
c(v), n.moveX = 0, n.moveY = 0;
}, v = () => {
d(1), n.moveX = 0, n.moveY = 0;
}, m = () => {
const g = n.scale > 1 ? 1 : 2;
d(g), n.moveX = 0, n.moveY = 0;
let m, E, O, y, s, g, B;
const F = (v) => {
let T, I, C, r, h, S, j;
const L = (g) => {
const {
touches: T
} = v, {
offsetX: _
} = o;
o.start(v), m = T.length, E = n.moveX, O = n.moveY, B =, n.moving = m === 1 && n.scale !== 1, n.zooming = m === 2 && !_.value, n.zooming && (y = n.scale, s = It(v.touches));
}, L = (v) => {
touches: O
} = g, {
offsetX: k
} = i;
i.start(g), T = O.length, I = n.moveX, C = n.moveY, j =, n.moving = T === 1 && n.scale !== 1, n.zooming = T === 2 && !k.value, n.zooming && (r = n.scale, h = Et(g.touches));
}, E = (g) => {
const {
touches: T
} = v;
if (o.move(v), (n.moving || n.zooming) && be(v, !0), n.moving) {
touches: O
} = g;
if (i.move(g), (n.moving || n.zooming) && be(g, !0), n.moving) {
const {
deltaX: _,
deltaY: z
} = o, W = _.value + E, U = z.value + O;
n.moveX = J(W, -u.value, u.value), n.moveY = J(U, -d.value, d.value);
deltaX: k,
deltaY: X
} = i, W = k.value + I, F = X.value + C;
n.moveX = J(W, -f.value, f.value), n.moveY = J(F, -c.value, c.value);
if (n.zooming && T.length === 2) {
const _ = It(T), z = y * _ / s;
if (n.zooming && O.length === 2) {
const k = Et(O), X = r * k / h;
}, x = () => {
if (m > 1)
}, p = () => {
if (T > 1)
const {
offsetX: v,
offsetY: T
} = o, _ = - B, z = 250, W = 5;
v.value < W && T.value < W && _ < z && (g ? (clearTimeout(g), g = null, h()) : g = setTimeout(() => {
t("close"), g = null;
}, z));
}, I = (v) => {
let T = !1;
(n.moving || n.zooming) && (T = !0, n.moving && E === n.moveX && O === n.moveY && (T = !1), v.touches.length || (n.zooming && (n.moveX = J(n.moveX, -u.value, u.value), n.moveY = J(n.moveY, -d.value, d.value), n.zooming = !1), n.moving = !1, E = 0, O = 0, y = 1, n.scale < 1 && f(), n.scale > e.maxZoom && (n.scale = +e.maxZoom))), be(v, T), x(), o.reset();
}, P = (v) => {
offsetX: g,
offsetY: O
} = i, k = - j, X = 250, W = 5;
g.value < W && O.value < W && (k < X ? S ? (clearTimeout(S), S = null, m()) : S = setTimeout(() => {
t("close"), S = null;
}, X) : k > ho && t("longPress"));
}, _ = (g) => {
let O = !1;
(n.moving || n.zooming) && (O = !0, n.moving && I === n.moveX && C === n.moveY && (O = !1), g.touches.length || (n.zooming && (n.moveX = J(n.moveX, -f.value, f.value), n.moveY = J(n.moveY, -c.value, c.value), n.zooming = !1), n.moving = !1, I = 0, C = 0, r = 1, n.scale < 1 && v(), n.scale > e.maxZoom && (n.scale = +e.maxZoom))), be(g, O), p(), i.reset();
}, z = (g) => {
const {
naturalWidth: T,
naturalHeight: _
} =;
n.imageRatio = _ / T;
naturalWidth: O,
naturalHeight: k
} =;
n.imageRatio = k / O;
return k(() =>, f), k(() =>, (v) => {
v || f();
}), Ne("touchmove", L, {
target: S(() => {
var v;
return (v = i.value) == null ? void 0 : v.$el;
return A(() =>, v), A(() =>, (g) => {
g || v();
}), Ne("touchmove", E, {
target: $(() => {
var g;
return (g = a.value) == null ? void 0 : g.$el;
}), () => {
const v = {
loading: () => l(Lo, {
const g = {
loading: () => l(Mo, {
type: "spinner"
}, null)
return l(ea, {
ref: i,
class: Tt("swipe-item"),
onTouchstartPassive: F,
onTouchend: I,
onTouchcancel: I
return l(ta, {
ref: a,
class: Xe("swipe-item"),
onTouchstartPassive: L,
onTouchend: _,
onTouchcancel: _
}, {
default: () => [l(aa, {
default: () => [o.image ? l("div", {
class: Xe("image-wrap")
}, [o.image({
src: e.src
})]) : l(ia, {
src: e.src,
fit: "contain",
class: Tt("image", {
vertical: a.value
class: Xe("image", {
vertical: s.value
style: r.value,
onLoad: P
}, v)]
style: u.value,
onLoad: z
}, g)]

@@ -1587,8 +1607,8 @@ };

const [ra, re] = Z("image-preview"), sa = ["show", "transition", "overlayStyle", "closeOnPopstate"], la = {
const [sa, se] = Z("image-preview"), la = ["show", "transition", "overlayStyle", "closeOnPopstate", "teleport"], ca = {
show: Boolean,
loop: N,
images: Hn(),
minZoom: ne(1 / 3),
maxZoom: ne(3),
images: Wn(),
minZoom: oe(1 / 3),
maxZoom: oe(3),
overlay: N,

@@ -1598,3 +1618,3 @@ closeable: Boolean,

className: Re,
closeIcon: H("clear"),
closeIcon: V("clear"),
transition: String,

@@ -1604,17 +1624,18 @@ beforeClose: Function,

overlayStyle: Object,
swipeDuration: ne(300),
startPosition: ne(0),
swipeDuration: oe(300),
startPosition: oe(0),
showIndicators: Boolean,
closeOnPopstate: N,
closeIconPosition: H("top-right")
closeIconPosition: V("top-right"),
teleport: [String, Object]
var ca = Y({
name: ra,
props: la,
emits: ["scale", "close", "closed", "change", "update:show"],
var ua = Y({
name: sa,
props: ca,
emits: ["scale", "close", "closed", "change", "longPress", "update:show"],
setup(e, {
emit: t,
slots: n
slots: o
}) {
const o = b(), i = oe({
const n = y(), i = ae({
active: 0,

@@ -1624,30 +1645,30 @@ rootWidth: 0,

}), a = () => {
if (o.value) {
const s = Un(o.value.$el);
i.rootWidth = s.width, i.rootHeight = s.height, o.value.resize();
if (n.value) {
const r = Un(n.value.$el);
i.rootWidth = r.width, i.rootHeight = r.height, n.value.resize();
}, r = (s) => t("scale", s), u = (s) => t("update:show", s), d = () => {
Nt(e.beforeClose, {
}, s = (r) => t("scale", r), u = (r) => t("update:show", r), f = () => {
zt(e.beforeClose, {
args: [],
done: () => u(!1)
}, c = (s) => {
s !== && ( = s, t("change", s));
}, f = () => {
}, c = (r) => {
r !== && ( = r, t("change", r));
}, d = () => {
if (e.showIndex)
return l("div", {
class: re("index")
}, [n.index ? n.index({
class: se("index")
}, [o.index ? o.index({
}) : `${ + 1} / ${e.images.length}`]);
}, h = () => {
if (n.cover)
}, v = () => {
if (o.cover)
return l("div", {
class: re("cover")
}, [n.cover()]);
}, m = () => l(Ko, {
ref: o,
class: se("cover")
}, [o.cover()]);
}, m = () => l(Qo, {
ref: n,
lazyRender: !0,
loop: e.loop,
class: re("swipe"),
class: se("swipe"),
duration: e.swipeDuration,

@@ -1659,4 +1680,4 @@ initialSwipe: e.startPosition,

}, {
default: () => [ => l(ia, {
src: s,
default: () => [, h) => l(ra, {
src: r,

@@ -1668,6 +1689,11 @@ active:,

rootHeight: i.rootHeight,
onScale: r,
onClose: d
}, null))]
}), E = () => {
onScale: s,
onClose: f,
onLongPress: () => t("longPress", {
index: h
}, {
image: o.image
}), T = () => {
if (e.closeable)

@@ -1677,18 +1703,18 @@ return l(ot, {

name: e.closeIcon,
class: [re("close-icon", e.closeIconPosition), zt],
onClick: d
class: [se("close-icon", e.closeIconPosition), Dt],
onClick: f
}, null);
}, O = () => t("closed"), y = (s, g) => {
var B;
return (B = o.value) == null ? void 0 : B.swipeTo(s, g);
}, I = () => t("closed"), C = (r, h) => {
var S;
return (S = n.value) == null ? void 0 : S.swipeTo(r, h);
return Ye({
swipeTo: y
}), ce(a), k([At, Lt], a), k(() => e.startPosition, (s) => c(+s)), k(() =>, (s) => {
swipeTo: C
}), ie(a), A([Rt, Bt], a), A(() => e.startPosition, (r) => c(+r)), A(() =>, (r) => {
const {
images: g,
startPosition: B
images: h,
startPosition: S
} = e;
s ? (c(+B), ae(() => {
a(), y(+B, {
r ? (c(+S), te(() => {
a(), C(+S, {
immediate: !0

@@ -1698,33 +1724,33 @@ });

url: g[]
url: h[]
}), () => l(Vo, we({
class: [re(), e.className],
overlayClass: [re("overlay"), e.overlayClass],
onClosed: O,
}), () => l(Zo, we({
class: [se(), e.className],
overlayClass: [se("overlay"), e.overlayClass],
onClosed: I,
"onUpdate:show": u
}, Xn(e, sa)), {
default: () => [E(), m(), f(), h()]
}, Xn(e, la)), {
default: () => [T(), m(), d(), v()]
const ua = q(ca), da = {
const da = q(ua), fa = {
images: Array,
showModel: Boolean,
imageIndex: Number
}, fa = Y({
}, va = Y({
name: "preview-images",
props: da,
props: fa,
emits: ["update:imageIndex", "update:showModel"],
setup(e, {
emit: t,
slots: n
slots: o
}) {
const o = b(), i = b(e.showModel);
return k(() => e.showModel, (a) => {
const n = y(), i = y(e.showModel);
return A(() => e.showModel, (a) => {
i.value = a;
}), k(() => i.value, (a) => {
}), A(() => i.value, (a) => {
t("update:showModel", a);
}), () => l(ua, {
ref: o,
}), () => l(da, {
ref: n,
show: i.value,

@@ -1741,4 +1767,4 @@ "onUpdate:show": (a) => i.value = a,

}), va = ue(fa);
const ma = {
}), ma = ue(va);
const ga = {
urlList: {

@@ -1775,48 +1801,48 @@ type: Array,

}, ga = {
}, ha = {
close: () => !0,
switch: (e) => _t(e),
switch: (e) => Ct(e),
"update:showViewer": () => !1
var ha = typeof global == "object" && global && global.Object === Object && global;
const wa = ha;
var ya = typeof self == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self, ba = wa || ya || Function("return this")();
const Vt = ba;
var pa = Vt.Symbol;
const Ae = pa;
var Zt = Object.prototype, Ia = Zt.hasOwnProperty, Ta = Zt.toString, me = Ae ? Ae.toStringTag : void 0;
function Ea(e) {
var t =, me), n = e[me];
var wa = typeof global == "object" && global && global.Object === Object && global;
const ya = wa;
var ba = typeof self == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self, pa = ya || ba || Function("return this")();
const Ut = pa;
var Ea = Ut.Symbol;
const Be = Ea;
var Vt = Object.prototype, Ta = Vt.hasOwnProperty, Ia = Vt.toString, me = Be ? Be.toStringTag : void 0;
function Oa(e) {
var t =, me), o = e[me];
try {
e[me] = void 0;
var o = !0;
var n = !0;
} catch {
var i =;
return o && (t ? e[me] = n : delete e[me]), i;
var i =;
return n && (t ? e[me] = o : delete e[me]), i;
var xa = Object.prototype, Oa = xa.toString;
function $a(e) {
var xa = Object.prototype, $a = xa.toString;
function Sa(e) {
return $;
var Sa = "[object Null]", Ca = "[object Undefined]", Et = Ae ? Ae.toStringTag : void 0;
function Pa(e) {
return e == null ? e === void 0 ? Ca : Sa : Et && Et in Object(e) ? Ea(e) : $a(e);
var Pa = "[object Null]", Ca = "[object Undefined]", Tt = Be ? Be.toStringTag : void 0;
function _a(e) {
return e == null ? e === void 0 ? Ca : Pa : Tt && Tt in Object(e) ? Oa(e) : Sa(e);
function _a(e) {
function ka(e) {
return e != null && typeof e == "object";
var ka = "[object Symbol]";
function Ba(e) {
return typeof e == "symbol" || _a(e) && Pa(e) == ka;
var Aa = "[object Symbol]";
function Ra(e) {
return typeof e == "symbol" || ka(e) && _a(e) == Aa;
var Ra = /\s/;
function Aa(e) {
for (var t = e.length; t-- && Ra.test(e.charAt(t)); )
var Ba = /\s/;
function La(e) {
for (var t = e.length; t-- && Ba.test(e.charAt(t)); )
return t;
var La = /^\s+/;
function Ma(e) {
return e && e.slice(0, Aa(e) + 1).replace(La, "");
var Ma = /^\s+/;
function Da(e) {
return e && e.slice(0, La(e) + 1).replace(Ma, "");

@@ -1827,8 +1853,8 @@ function Le(e) {

var xt = 0 / 0, Da = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i, za = /^0b[01]+$/i, Na = /^0o[0-7]+$/i, Ya = parseInt;
var It = 0 / 0, za = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i, Na = /^0b[01]+$/i, Ya = /^0o[0-7]+$/i, Fa = parseInt;
function Ot(e) {
if (typeof e == "number")
return e;
if (Ba(e))
return xt;
if (Ra(e))
return It;
if (Le(e)) {

@@ -1840,65 +1866,65 @@ var t = typeof e.valueOf == "function" ? e.valueOf() : e;

return e === 0 ? e : +e;
e = Ma(e);
var n = za.test(e);
return n || Na.test(e) ? Ya(e.slice(2), n ? 2 : 8) : Da.test(e) ? xt : +e;
e = Da(e);
var o = Na.test(e);
return o || Ya.test(e) ? Fa(e.slice(2), o ? 2 : 8) : za.test(e) ? It : +e;
var Fa = function() {
var ja = function() {
const He = Fa;
var ja = "Expected a function", Xa = Math.max, Ha = Math.min;
function Wa(e, t, n) {
var o, i, a, r, u, d, c = 0, f = !1, h = !1, m = !0;
const We = ja;
var Xa = "Expected a function", Wa = Math.max, Ha = Math.min;
function Ua(e, t, o) {
var n, i, a, s, u, f, c = 0, d = !1, v = !1, m = !0;
if (typeof e != "function")
throw new TypeError(ja);
t = Ot(t) || 0, Le(n) && (f = !!n.leading, h = "maxWait" in n, a = h ? Xa(Ot(n.maxWait) || 0, t) : a, m = "trailing" in n ? !!n.trailing : m);
function E(I) {
var P = o, v = i;
return o = i = void 0, c = I, r = e.apply(v, P), r;
throw new TypeError(Xa);
t = Ot(t) || 0, Le(o) && (d = !!o.leading, v = "maxWait" in o, a = v ? Wa(Ot(o.maxWait) || 0, t) : a, m = "trailing" in o ? !!o.trailing : m);
function T(p) {
var _ = n, z = i;
return n = i = void 0, c = p, s = e.apply(z, _), s;
function O(I) {
return c = I, u = setTimeout(g, t), f ? E(I) : r;
function I(p) {
return c = p, u = setTimeout(h, t), d ? T(p) : s;
function y(I) {
var P = I - d, v = I - c, T = t - P;
return h ? Ha(T, a - v) : T;
function C(p) {
var _ = p - f, z = p - c, g = t - _;
return v ? Ha(g, a - z) : g;
function s(I) {
var P = I - d, v = I - c;
return d === void 0 || P >= t || P < 0 || h && v >= a;
function r(p) {
var _ = p - f, z = p - c;
return f === void 0 || _ >= t || _ < 0 || v && z >= a;
function g() {
var I = He();
if (s(I))
return B(I);
u = setTimeout(g, y(I));
function h() {
var p = We();
if (r(p))
return S(p);
u = setTimeout(h, C(p));
function B(I) {
return u = void 0, m && o ? E(I) : (o = i = void 0, r);
function S(p) {
return u = void 0, m && n ? T(p) : (n = i = void 0, s);
function F() {
u !== void 0 && clearTimeout(u), c = 0, o = d = i = u = void 0;
function j() {
u !== void 0 && clearTimeout(u), c = 0, n = f = i = u = void 0;
function L() {
return u === void 0 ? r : B(He());
return u === void 0 ? s : S(We());
function x() {
var I = He(), P = s(I);
if (o = arguments, i = this, d = I, P) {
function E() {
var p = We(), _ = r(p);
if (n = arguments, i = this, f = p, _) {
if (u === void 0)
return O(d);
if (h)
return clearTimeout(u), u = setTimeout(g, t), E(d);
return I(f);
if (v)
return clearTimeout(u), u = setTimeout(h, t), T(f);
return u === void 0 && (u = setTimeout(g, t)), r;
return u === void 0 && (u = setTimeout(h, t)), s;
return x.cancel = F, x.flush = L, x;
return E.cancel = j, E.flush = L, E;
var Ua = "Expected a function";
function We(e, t, n) {
var o = !0, i = !0;
var Va = "Expected a function";
function He(e, t, o) {
var n = !0, i = !0;
if (typeof e != "function")
throw new TypeError(Ua);
return Le(n) && (o = "leading" in n ? !!n.leading : o, i = "trailing" in n ? !!n.trailing : i), Wa(e, t, {
leading: o,
throw new TypeError(Va);
return Le(o) && (n = "leading" in o ? !!o.leading : n, i = "trailing" in o ? !!o.trailing : i), Ua(e, t, {
leading: n,
maxWait: t,

@@ -1908,3 +1934,3 @@ trailing: i

const se = {
const le = {
tab: "Tab",

@@ -1926,19 +1952,19 @@ enter: "Enter",

}, K = "";
const Va = b(K);
const Za = b(K);
const Ga = Y({
const Za = y(K);
const Ga = y(K);
const Ka = Y({
name: "RecordImagePreviewPc",
props: ma,
emits: ga,
props: ga,
emits: ha,
setup(e, {
emit: t,
slots: n,
expose: o
slots: o,
expose: n
}) {

@@ -1948,13 +1974,13 @@ const i = {

name: "contain",
icon: it(Va)
icon: it(Za)
name: "original",
icon: it(Za)
icon: it(Ga)
}, a = On() ? "DOMMouseScroll" : "mousewheel", r = b(), u = b([]), d = sn(), c = b(!0), f = b(e.initialIndex);
k(() => e.initialIndex, (p) => {
f.value = p;
}, a = xn() ? "DOMMouseScroll" : "mousewheel", s = y(), u = y([]), f = rn(), c = y(!0), d = y(e.initialIndex);
A(() => e.initialIndex, (b) => {
d.value = b;
const h = ln(i.CONTAIN), m = b({
const v = sn(i.CONTAIN), m = y({
scale: 1,

@@ -1965,67 +1991,67 @@ deg: 0,

enableTransition: !1
}), E = S(() => {
}), T = $(() => {
const {
urlList: p
urlList: b
} = e;
return console.log(p.length <= 1, "urlList"), p.length <= 1;
}), O = S(() => f.value === 0), y = S(() => f.value === e.urlList.length - 1), s = S(() => e.urlList[f.value]), g = S(() => {
return console.log(b.length <= 1, "urlList"), b.length <= 1;
}), I = $(() => d.value === 0), C = $(() => d.value === e.urlList.length - 1), r = $(() => e.urlList[d.value]), h = $(() => {
const {
scale: p,
scale: b,
deg: R,
offsetX: A,
offsetX: B,
offsetY: G,
enableTransition: w
} = m.value;
let $ = A / p, C = G / p;
let x = B / b, P = G / b;
switch (R % 360) {
case 90:
case -270:
[$, C] = [C, -$];
[x, P] = [P, -x];
case 180:
case -180:
[$, C] = [-$, -C];
[x, P] = [-x, -P];
case 270:
case -90:
[$, C] = [-C, $];
[x, P] = [-P, x];
const M = {
transform: `scale(${p}) rotate(${R}deg) translate(${$}px, ${C}px)`,
transform: `scale(${b}) rotate(${R}deg) translate(${x}px, ${P}px)`,
transition: w ? "transform .3s" : ""
return === && (M.maxWidth = M.maxHeight = "100%"), M;
return === && (M.maxWidth = M.maxHeight = "100%"), M;
S(() => _t(e.zIndex) ? e.zIndex : 2e3);
function B() {
$(() => Ct(e.zIndex) ? e.zIndex : 2e3);
function S() {
console.log("hiden"), L(), t("update:showViewer"), t("close");
function F() {
const p = We((A) => {
switch (A.code) {
case se.esc:
e.closeOnPressEscape && B();
function j() {
const b = He((B) => {
switch (B.code) {
case le.esc:
e.closeOnPressEscape && S();
case se.left:
case le.left:
case se.up:
case le.up:
case se.right:
case le.right:
case se.down:
case le.down:
}), R = We((A) => {
(A.wheelDelta ? A.wheelDelta : -A.detail) > 0 ? U("zoomIn", {
}), R = He((B) => {
(B.wheelDelta ? B.wheelDelta : -B.detail) > 0 ? W("zoomIn", {
zoomRate: 1.2,
enableTransition: !1
}) : U("zoomOut", {
}) : W("zoomOut", {
zoomRate: 1.2,

@@ -2035,17 +2061,17 @@ enableTransition: !1

}); => {
Ee(document, "keydown", p), Ee(document, a, R); => {
Ie(document, "keydown", b), Ie(document, a, R);
function L() {
function x() {
function E() {
c.value = !1;
function I(p) {
c.value = !1, = K;
function p(b) {
c.value = !1, = K;
function P(p) {
if (c.value || p.button !== 0 || !r.value)
function _(b) {
if (c.value || b.button !== 0 || !s.value)

@@ -2055,15 +2081,15 @@ m.value.enableTransition = !1;

offsetX: R,
offsetY: A
} = m.value, G = p.pageX, w = p.pageY, $ = We((M) => {
offsetY: B
} = m.value, G = b.pageX, w = b.pageY, x = He((M) => {
m.value = {
offsetX: R + M.pageX - G,
offsetY: A + M.pageY - w
offsetY: B + M.pageY - w
}), C = Ee(document, "mousemove", $);
Ee(document, "mouseup", () => {
}), p.preventDefault();
}), P = Ie(document, "mousemove", x);
Ie(document, "mouseup", () => {
}), b.preventDefault();
function v() {
function z() {
m.value = {

@@ -2077,23 +2103,23 @@ scale: 1,

function T() {
function g() {
if (c.value)
const p = Sn(i), R = Object.values(i), A =, w = (R.findIndex(($) => $.name === A) + 1) % p.length;
h.value = i[p[w]], v();
const b = Sn(i), R = Object.values(i), B =, w = (R.findIndex((x) => === B) + 1) % b.length;
v.value = i[b[w]], z();
function _(p) {
function O(b) {
const R = e.urlList.length;
f.value = (p + R) % R;
d.value = (b + R) % R;
function z() {
O.value && !e.infinite || _(f.value - 1);
function k() {
I.value && !e.infinite || O(d.value - 1);
function W() {
y.value && !e.infinite || _(f.value + 1);
function X() {
C.value && !e.infinite || O(d.value + 1);
function U(p, R = {}) {
function W(b, R = {}) {
if (c.value)
const {
zoomRate: A,
zoomRate: B,
rotateDeg: G,

@@ -2107,8 +2133,8 @@ enableTransition: w

switch (p) {
switch (b) {
case "zoomOut":
m.value.scale > 0.2 && (m.value.scale = Number.parseFloat((m.value.scale / A).toFixed(3)));
m.value.scale > 0.2 && (m.value.scale = Number.parseFloat((m.value.scale / B).toFixed(3)));
case "zoomIn":
m.value.scale < 7 && (m.value.scale = Number.parseFloat((m.value.scale * A).toFixed(3)));
m.value.scale < 7 && (m.value.scale = Number.parseFloat((m.value.scale * B).toFixed(3)));

@@ -2124,27 +2150,27 @@ case "clockwise":

k(s, () => {
ae(() => {
const p = u.value[0];
p != null && p.complete || (c.value = !0);
A(r, () => {
te(() => {
const b = u.value[0];
b != null && b.complete || (c.value = !0);
}), k(f, (p) => {
v(), t("switch", p);
}), ce(() => {
var p, R;
F(), (R = (p = r.value) == null ? void 0 : p.focus) == null ||;
}), o({
setActiveItem: _
}), A(d, (b) => {
z(), t("switch", b);
}), ie(() => {
var b, R;
j(), (R = (b = s.value) == null ? void 0 : b.focus) == null ||;
}), n({
setActiveItem: O
const j = "record-image-preview-pc", de = () => E.value ? null : [l("img", {
const F = "record-image-preview-pc", de = () => T.value ? null : [l("img", {
src: Rn,
alt: "",
onClick: () => z()
onClick: () => k()
}, null), l("span", {
class: `${j}-location`
}, [f.value + 1, ke("/"), e.urlList.length]), l("img", {
src: An,
class: `${F}-location`
}, [d.value + 1, ke("/"), e.urlList.length]), l("img", {
src: Bn,
alt: "",
onClick: () => W()
onClick: () => X()
}, null)];
return () => l(Ct, {
return () => l(St, {
to: "body",

@@ -2158,33 +2184,33 @@ disabled: !e.teleported

default: () => [ye(l("div", {
ref: r,
ref: s,
tabindex: -1,
class: `${j}-wrapper`
class: `${F}-wrapper`
}, [l("div", {
class: `${j}-mask`,
onClick: () => B()
class: `${F}-mask`,
onClick: () => S()
}, null), l("span", {
onClick: () => B(),
class: `${j}-btn ${j}-close`
onClick: () => S(),
class: `${F}-btn ${F}-close`
}, [l("img", {
src: Bn,
src: An,
alt: ""
}, null)]), l("div", {
class: `${j}-btn ${j}-actions`
class: `${F}-btn ${F}-actions`
}, [l("div", {
class: `${j}-actions-inner`
class: `${F}-actions-inner`
}, [de()])]), l("div", {
class: `${j}-canvas`
}, [, R) => ye(l("img", {
ref: (A) => u.value[R] = A,
key: p + "" + R,
src: p + "",
style: g.value,
onLoad: () => x(),
onError: (A) => I(A),
onMousedown: (A) => P(A)
}, null), [[Be, R === f.value]]))]), l("slot", null, null)]), [[Be, e.showViewer]])]
class: `${F}-canvas`
}, [, R) => ye(l("img", {
ref: (B) => u.value[R] = B,
key: b + "" + R,
src: b + "",
style: h.value,
onLoad: () => E(),
onError: (B) => p(B),
onMousedown: (B) => _(B)
}, null), [[Ae, R === d.value]]))]), l("slot", null, null)]), [[Ae, e.showViewer]])]
}), Ka = ue(Ga), Qa = {
}), Qa = ue(Ka), qa = {
images: Array,

@@ -2194,31 +2220,31 @@ showModel: Boolean,

hideOnClickModal: Boolean
}, qa = Y({
}, Ja = Y({
name: "RecordImagePreview",
props: Qa,
props: qa,
emits: ["update:showModel", "update:imageIndex"],
setup(e, {
emit: t,
slots: n
slots: o
}) {
const o = b(e.showModel), i = b(e.imageIndex);
k(() => o.value, (r) => {
t("update:showModel", r);
}), k(() => e.showModel, (r) => {
o.value = r;
}), k(() => i.value, (r) => {
t("update:imageIndex", r);
}), k(() => e.imageIndex, (r) => {
i.value = r;
const n = y(e.showModel), i = y(e.imageIndex);
A(() => n.value, (s) => {
t("update:showModel", s);
}), A(() => e.showModel, (s) => {
n.value = s;
}), A(() => i.value, (s) => {
t("update:imageIndex", s);
}), A(() => e.imageIndex, (s) => {
i.value = s;
const a = () => e.images.length ? $n() ? o.value ? l(Ka, {
const a = () => e.images.length ? $n() ? n.value ? l(Qa, {
hideOnClickModal: e.hideOnClickModal,
urlList: e.images,
initialIndex: i.value,
showViewer: o.value,
"onUpdate:showViewer": (r) => o.value = r
}, null) : null : l(va, {
showViewer: n.value,
"onUpdate:showViewer": (s) => n.value = s
}, null) : null : l(ma, {
imageIndex: i.value,
"onUpdate:imageIndex": (r) => i.value = r,
showModel: o.value,
"onUpdate:showModel": (r) => o.value = r,
"onUpdate:imageIndex": (s) => i.value = s,
showModel: n.value,
"onUpdate:showModel": (s) => n.value = s,
images: e.images

@@ -2228,3 +2254,3 @@ }, null) : "";

}), Gt = ue(qa), Ja = {
}), Zt = ue(Ja), ei = {
templateTitle: String,

@@ -2235,17 +2261,18 @@ remark: String,

chat: Object,
attachment_files: Array
}, ee = "buss-preview", _e = `${ee}-title`, Kt = `${ee}-intro`, Ue = `${Kt}-corp`, $t = `${ee}-images`, Q = `${ee}-chat`, le = `${ee}-attachments`, ei = {
attachment_files: Array,
theme: String
}, ee = "buss-preview", _e = `${ee}-title`, Gt = `${ee}-intro`, Ue = `${Gt}-corp`, xt = `${ee}-images`, Q = `${ee}-chat`, ce = `${ee}-attachments`, ti = {
envir: String,
location: String,
needDataFormat: Boolean,
data: Ja
}, ti = Y({
data: ei
}, ni = Y({
name: "RecordPreview",
props: ei,
props: ti,
emits: ["toCorp"],
setup(e, {
emit: t,
slots: n
slots: o
}) {
const o = b(!1), i = b(-1), a = (s) => s ? l("div", {
const n = y(!1), i = y(-1), a = (r) => r ? l("div", {
class: `${_e}`

@@ -2256,34 +2283,34 @@ }, [l("div", {

class: `${_e}-span`
}, [s]), l("div", {
}, [r]), l("div", {
class: `${_e}-line`
}, null)]) : "", r = (s) => {
var g;
if (!((g = != null && g.template_detail))
return s ? l("div", {
}, null)]) : "", s = (r) => {
var h;
if (!((h = != null && h.template_detail))
return r ? l("div", {
class: `${ee}-remark`
}, [s]) : "";
}, u = (s) => s ? l("div", {
}, [r]) : "";
}, u = (r) => r ? l("div", {
class: `${ee}-label`
}, [s]) : "", d = (s) => s ? l("div", {
}, [r]) : "", f = (r) => r ? l("div", {
class: `${Ue}`,
onClick: () => c(s)
onClick: () => c(r)
}, [l("img", {
class: `${Ue}-icon`,
src: s.company_image_url || ut
src: r.company_image_url || ut
}, null), l("div", {
class: `${Ue}-name`
}, [s.element_content])]) : "", c = (s) => {
let g = Pt(s.company_id);
t("toCorp", g);
}, f = (s) => s ? l("div", {
class: `${Kt}-text`
}, [s]) : "", h = (s) => {
o.value = !0, i.value = s, console.log("i", s, o.value);
}, m = (s) => s ? l("div", {
class: `${$t}`
}, [, B) => l("img", {
onClick: () => h(B),
class: `${$t}-image`,
src: g
}, null))]) : "", E = (s) => s ? l("div", {
}, [r.element_content])]) : "", c = (r) => {
let h = Pt(r.company_id, e.theme);
t("toCorp", h);
}, d = (r) => r ? l("div", {
class: `${Gt}-text`
}, [r]) : "", v = (r) => {
n.value = !0, i.value = r, console.log("i", r, n.value);
}, m = (r) => r ? l("div", {
class: `${xt}`
}, [, S) => l("img", {
onClick: () => v(S),
class: `${xt}-image`,
src: h
}, null))]) : "", T = (r) => r ? l("div", {
class: `${Q}`

@@ -2294,11 +2321,11 @@ }, [l("div", {

class: `${Q}-top-title`
}, [s.title]), l("div", {
}, [r.title]), l("div", {
class: `${Q}-top-count`
}, [s.count, ke("\u6761")])]), l("div", {
}, [r.count, ke("\u6761")])]), l("div", {
class: `${Q}-detail`
}, [l("div", {
class: `${Q}-detail-left`
}, [ => l("div", {
}, [ => l("div", {
class: `${Q}-detail-left-line`
}, [, ke("\uFF1A"), g.msg_details]))]), l("div", {
}, [, ke("\uFF1A"), h.msg_details]))]), l("div", {
class: `${Q}-detail-right`

@@ -2309,49 +2336,49 @@ }, [l("img", {

src: ut
}, null)])])]) : "", O = (s) => s ? l("div", {
class: le
}, [ => l("div", {
class: `${le}-item`,
onClick: () => vn(g)
}, null)])])]) : "", I = (r) => r ? l("div", {
class: ce
}, [ => l("div", {
class: `${ce}-item`,
onClick: () => fn(h)
}, [l("img", {
src: kn[g.type],
src: kn[h.type],
alt: "",
class: `${le}-item-img`
class: `${ce}-item-img`
}, null), l("div", {
class: `${le}-item-content`
class: `${ce}-item-content`
}, [l("div", {
class: `${le}-item-content-top`
}, []), l("div", {
class: `${le}-item-content-bottom`
}, [fn(g.size)])])]))]) : "", y = (s) => s ? l(Gt, {
class: `${ce}-item-content-top`
}, []), l("div", {
class: `${ce}-item-content-bottom`
}, [dn(h.size)])])]))]) : "", C = (r) => r ? l(Zt, {
imageIndex: i.value,
"onUpdate:imageIndex": (g) => i.value = g,
showModel: o.value,
"onUpdate:showModel": (g) => o.value = g,
"onUpdate:imageIndex": (h) => i.value = h,
showModel: n.value,
"onUpdate:showModel": (h) => n.value = h,
hideOnClickModal: !0,
images: s
images: r
}, null) : "";
return () => {
var s, g, B, F, L, x, I;
var r, h, S, j, L, E, p;
return l("div", {
class: `${ee}-wrapper`
}, [r((s = == null ? void 0 : s.remark), a((g = == null ? void 0 : g.template_detail.template_name), (((B = == null ? void 0 : B.template_detail.element_content_list) || []).map((P) => l("div", null, [u(P.element_title), P != null && P.company_id ? d(P) : f(P.element_content)])), m((F = == null ? void 0 : F.images), E((L = == null ? void 0 :, O((x = == null ? void 0 : x.attachment_files), y((I = == null ? void 0 : I.images)]);
}, [s((r = == null ? void 0 : r.remark), a((h = == null ? void 0 : h.template_detail.template_name), (((S = == null ? void 0 : S.template_detail.element_content_list) || []).map((_) => l("div", null, [u(_.element_title), _ != null && _.company_id ? f(_) : d(_.element_content)])), m((j = == null ? void 0 : j.images), T((L = == null ? void 0 :, I((E = == null ? void 0 : E.attachment_files), C((p = == null ? void 0 : p.images)]);
}), ni = ue(ti), Qt = [kt, Nn, ni, Gt], qt = function(e) {
Qt.forEach((t) => {
}), oi = ue(ni), Kt = [_t, Nn, oi, Zt], Qt = function(e) {
Kt.forEach((t) => {
e.component(, t);
typeof window < "u" && (window || {}).vue && qt((window || {}).vue);
const ai = {
install: qt,
typeof window < "u" && (window || {}).vue && Qt((window || {}).vue);
const ii = {
install: Qt,
export {
kt as RecordComment,
Gt as RecordImagePreview,
ni as RecordPreview,
_t as RecordComment,
Zt as RecordImagePreview,
oi as RecordPreview,
Nn as RecordTemplateDetail,
ai as default,
qt as install
ii as default,
Qt as install
"name": "@wltech/follow-record-card",
"private": false,
"version": "1.0.35",
"version": "1.0.36",
"author": "gamdrag <>",

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "type": "module",

const getCorpDetailUrl = (
company_id: string,
theme: string
) => {
return `/h5/sliderbar/${}&need_auth=false#/companyDetail?company_id=${company_id}`
return `/h5/sliderbar/${}&need_auth=false&theme=${theme}#/companyDetail?company_id=${company_id}`

@@ -7,0 +8,0 @@ // credit_code=state.companyDetail.credit_code

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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