Admin E2E Tests
An end-to-end test suite for WooCommerce setup, onboarding, home screen/task list, and analytics.
Install the module
pnpm install @woocommerce/admin-e2e-tests --save
Create a E2E test specification file under /tests/e2e/specs/example.test.js
const { testAdminBasicSetup } = require( '@woocommerce/admin-e2e-tests' );
See the wooCommerce E2E Boilerplate for instructions on setting up an E2E test environment.
Add the following entries to tests/e2e/config/default.json
"onboardingwizard": {
"industry": "Test industry",
"numberofproducts": "1 - 10",
"sellingelsewhere": "No"
"settings": {
"shipping": {
"zonename": "United States",
"zoneregions": "United States (US)",
"shippingmethod": "Free shipping"
Available tests
The following test functions are included in the package:
Function | Description |
testAdminBasicSetup | Test that WooCommerce can be activated with pretty permalinks |
testAdminOnboardingWizard | Complete the onboarding wizard with US merchant |
testAdminNonUSRecommendedFeatures | Complete the onboarding wizard with non-US merchant |
testSelectiveBundleWCPay | Ensure onboarding wizard offers WC Payments in appropriate contexts |
testAdminAnalyticsPages | Test that the React App is functional on Analytics pages |
testAdminCouponsPage | Test that the Coupons is functional |
testAdminPaymentSetupTask | Test that payment methods can be configured |