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@xstate/graph - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.2 to 0.1.0


import { StateNode, State } from 'xstate';
import { StateValue, Edge, PathMap, PathItem, PathsItem, PathsMap, AdjacencyMap, DefaultContext, ValueAdjacencyMap, EventObject, StateMachine } from 'xstate/lib/types';
import { StateValue, Edge, PathMap, PathsItem, PathsMap, AdjacencyMap, DefaultContext, ValueAdjacencyMap, EventObject, StateMachine } from 'xstate/lib/types';
export declare function getNodes(node: StateNode): StateNode[];

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ export declare function getEventEdges<TContext = DefaultContext, TEvent extends EventObject = EventObject>(node: StateNode<TContext>, event: string): Array<Edge<TContext, TEvent>>;

}): Array<Edge<TContext, TEvent>>;
export declare function getAdjacencyMap<TContext = DefaultContext>(node: StateNode<TContext>, context?: TContext): AdjacencyMap;
export declare function adjacencyMap<TContext = DefaultContext>(node: StateNode<TContext>, context?: TContext): AdjacencyMap;
export declare function deserializeStateString(valueContextString: string): {

@@ -35,5 +35,4 @@ value: StateValue;

export declare function getValueAdjacencyMap<TContext = DefaultContext, TEvent extends EventObject = EventObject>(node: StateNode<TContext, any, TEvent>, options?: Partial<ValueAdjMapOptions<TContext, TEvent>>): ValueAdjacencyMap<TContext, TEvent>;
export declare function getShortestValuePaths<TContext = DefaultContext, TEvent extends EventObject = EventObject>(machine: StateNode<TContext, any, TEvent>, options?: ValueAdjMapOptions<TContext, TEvent>): PathMap<TContext, TEvent>;
export declare function getShortestPathsAsArray<TContext = DefaultContext, TEvent extends EventObject = EventObject>(machine: StateNode<TContext, any, TEvent>): Array<PathItem<TContext, TEvent>>;
export declare function getShortestPaths<TContext = DefaultContext, TEvent extends EventObject = EventObject>(machine: StateNode<TContext, any, TEvent>, options?: Partial<ValueAdjMapOptions<TContext, TEvent>>): PathMap<TContext, TEvent>;
export declare function getSimplePaths<TContext = DefaultContext, TEvent extends EventObject = EventObject>(machine: StateNode<TContext>, options?: Partial<ValueAdjMapOptions<TContext, TEvent>>): PathsMap<TContext, TEvent>;
export declare function getSimplePathsAsArray<TContext = DefaultContext, TEvent extends EventObject = EventObject>(machine: StateNode<TContext>, options?: ValueAdjMapOptions<TContext, TEvent>): Array<PathsItem<TContext, TEvent>>;

@@ -98,3 +98,3 @@ "use strict";

// tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
console.warn("Target '" + target + "' not found on '" + + "'");
utils_1.warn(e, "Target '" + target + "' not found on '" + + "'");
return undefined;

@@ -108,25 +108,56 @@ }

function getEdges(node, options) {
var _a = (options || {}).depth, depth = _a === void 0 ? null : _a;
var e_1, _a, e_2, _b, e_3, _c;
var _d = (options || {}).depth, depth = _d === void 0 ? null : _d;
var edges = [];
if (node.states && depth === null) {
utils_1.keys(node.states).forEach(function (stateKey) {
edges.push.apply(edges, __spread(getEdges(node.states[stateKey])));
try {
for (var _e = __values(utils_1.keys(node.states)), _f =; !_f.done; _f = {
var stateKey = _f.value;
edges.push.apply(edges, __spread(getEdges(node.states[stateKey])));
catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (_f && !_f.done && (_a = _e.return));
finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
else if (depth && depth > 0) {
utils_1.keys(node.states).forEach(function (stateKey) {
edges.push.apply(edges, __spread(getEdges(node.states[stateKey], { depth: depth - 1 })));
try {
for (var _g = __values(utils_1.keys(node.states)), _h =; !_h.done; _h = {
var stateKey = _h.value;
edges.push.apply(edges, __spread(getEdges(node.states[stateKey], { depth: depth - 1 })));
catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (_h && !_h.done && (_b = _g.return));
finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }
utils_1.keys(node.on).forEach(function (event) {
edges.push.apply(edges, __spread(getEventEdges(node, event)));
try {
for (var _j = __values(utils_1.keys(node.on)), _k =; !_k.done; _k = {
var event_1 = _k.value;
edges.push.apply(edges, __spread(getEventEdges(node, event_1)));
catch (e_3_1) { e_3 = { error: e_3_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (_k && !_k.done && (_c = _j.return));
finally { if (e_3) throw e_3.error; }
return edges;
exports.getEdges = getEdges;
function getAdjacencyMap(node, context) {
function adjacencyMap(node, context) {
var adjacency = {};
var events =;
function findAdjacencies(stateValue) {
var e_1, _a;
var e_4, _a;
var stateKey = JSON.stringify(stateValue);

@@ -139,9 +170,9 @@ if (adjacency[stateKey]) {

for (var events_1 = __values(events), events_1_1 =; !events_1_1.done; events_1_1 = {
var event_1 = events_1_1.value;
var nextState = node.transition(stateValue, event_1, context);
adjacency[stateKey][event_1] = { state: nextState.value };
var event_2 = events_1_1.value;
var nextState = node.transition(stateValue, event_2, context);
adjacency[stateKey][event_2] = { state: nextState.value };
catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
catch (e_4_1) { e_4 = { error: e_4_1 }; }
finally {

@@ -151,3 +182,3 @@ try {

finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
finally { if (e_4) throw e_4.error; }

@@ -158,3 +189,3 @@ }

exports.getAdjacencyMap = getAdjacencyMap;
exports.adjacencyMap = adjacencyMap;
function deserializeStateString(valueContextString) {

@@ -204,12 +235,23 @@ var _a = __read(valueContextString.split(' | '), 2), valueString = _a[0], contextString = _a[1];

function getValueAdjacencyMap(node, options) {
var optionsWithDefaults = __assign({ events: {}, stateSerializer: serializeState, eventSerializer: serializeEvent }, options);
var e_5, _a;
var optionsWithDefaults = __assign({}, defaultValueAdjMapOptions, options);
var filter = optionsWithDefaults.filter, stateSerializer = optionsWithDefaults.stateSerializer, eventSerializer = optionsWithDefaults.eventSerializer;
var events = {}; (event) {
events[event] = [event];
try {
for (var _b = __values(, _c =; !_c.done; _c = {
var event_3 = _c.value;
events[event_3] = [event_3];
catch (e_5_1) { e_5 = { error: e_5_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return));
finally { if (e_5) throw e_5.error; }
var adjacency = {};
function findAdjacencies(state) {
var e_2, _a;
var e_6, _a;
var nextEvents = state.nextEvents;

@@ -224,7 +266,13 @@ var stateHash = stateSerializer(state);

for (var potentialEvents_1 = __values(potentialEvents), potentialEvents_1_1 =; !potentialEvents_1_1.done; potentialEvents_1_1 = {
var event_2 = potentialEvents_1_1.value;
var nextState = node.transition(state, event_2);
var event_4 = potentialEvents_1_1.value;
var nextState = void 0;
try {
nextState = node.transition(state, event_4);
catch (e) {
throw new Error("Unable to transition from state " + stateSerializer(state) + " on event " + eventSerializer(event_4) + ": " + e.message);
if ((!filter || filter(nextState)) &&
stateHash !== stateSerializer(nextState)) {
adjacency[stateHash][eventSerializer(event_2)] = nextState;
adjacency[stateHash][eventSerializer(event_4)] = nextState;

@@ -234,3 +282,3 @@ }

catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; }
catch (e_6_1) { e_6 = { error: e_6_1 }; }
finally {

@@ -240,3 +288,3 @@ try {

finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }
finally { if (e_6) throw e_6.error; }

@@ -248,79 +296,142 @@ }

exports.getValueAdjacencyMap = getValueAdjacencyMap;
function getShortestValuePaths(machine, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = defaultValueAdjMapOptions; }
function getShortestPaths(machine, options) {
var e_7, _a, e_8, _b;
if (!machine.states) {
// return EMPTY_MAP;
return EMPTY_MAP;
var adjacency = getValueAdjacencyMap(machine, options);
var pathMap = {};
var optionsWithDefaults = __assign({ events: {}, stateSerializer: serializeState, eventSerializer: serializeEvent }, options);
var adjacency = getValueAdjacencyMap(machine, optionsWithDefaults);
// weight, state, event
var weightMap = new Map();
var initialVertex = optionsWithDefaults.stateSerializer(machine.initialState);
weightMap.set(initialVertex, [0, undefined, undefined]);
var unvisited = new Set();
var visited = new Set();
function util(state) {
var e_3, _a, e_4, _b;
var stateKey = serializeState(state);
var eventMap = adjacency[stateKey];
while (unvisited.size > 0) {
try {
for (var _c = __values(utils_1.keys(eventMap)), _d =; !_d.done; _d = {
var eventType = _d.value;
var _e = eventMap[eventType], value = _e.value, context_1 = _e.context;
if (!value) {
var nextState = xstate_1.State.from(value, context_1);
var nextStateId = serializeState(nextState);
if (!pathMap[nextStateId] ||
pathMap[nextStateId].length > pathMap[stateKey].length + 1) {
pathMap[nextStateId] = __spread((pathMap[stateKey] || []), [
state: { value: value, context: state.context },
event: deserializeEventString(eventType)
for (var unvisited_1 = __values(unvisited), unvisited_1_1 =; !unvisited_1_1.done; unvisited_1_1 = {
var vertex = unvisited_1_1.value;
var _c = __read(weightMap.get(vertex), 1), weight = _c[0];
try {
for (var _d = __values(utils_1.keys(adjacency[vertex])), _e =; !_e.done; _e = {
var event_5 = _e.value;
var nextVertex = optionsWithDefaults.stateSerializer(adjacency[vertex][event_5]);
if (!weightMap.has(nextVertex)) {
weightMap.set(nextVertex, [weight + 1, vertex, event_5]);
else {
var _f = __read(weightMap.get(nextVertex), 1), nextWeight = _f[0];
if (nextWeight > weight + 1) {
weightMap.set(nextVertex, [weight + 1, vertex, event_5]);
if (!visited.has(nextVertex)) {
catch (e_3_1) { e_3 = { error: e_3_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (_d && !_d.done && (_a = _c.return));
finally { if (e_3) throw e_3.error; }
try {
for (var _f = __values(utils_1.keys(eventMap)), _g =; !_g.done; _g = {
var event_3 = _g.value;
var _h = eventMap[event_3], value = _h.value, context_2 = _h.context;
if (!value) {
catch (e_8_1) { e_8 = { error: e_8_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (_e && !_e.done && (_b = _d.return));
finally { if (e_8) throw e_8.error; }
var nextState = xstate_1.State.from(value, context_2);
var nextStateId = serializeState(xstate_1.State.from(value, context_2));
if (visited.has(nextStateId)) {
catch (e_4_1) { e_4 = { error: e_4_1 }; }
catch (e_7_1) { e_7 = { error: e_7_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (_g && !_g.done && (_b = _f.return));
if (unvisited_1_1 && !unvisited_1_1.done && (_a = unvisited_1.return));
finally { if (e_4) throw e_4.error; }
finally { if (e_7) throw e_7.error; }
return pathMap;
var pathMap = {};
weightMap.forEach(function (_a, stateSerial) {
var _b = __read(_a, 3), weight = _b[0], fromState = _b[1], fromEvent = _b[2];
pathMap[stateSerial] = {
state: deserializeStateString(stateSerial),
weight: weight,
path: (function () {
if (!fromState) {
return [];
return pathMap[fromState].path.concat({
state: deserializeStateString(fromState),
event: deserializeEventString(fromEvent)
return pathMap;
exports.getShortestValuePaths = getShortestValuePaths;
function getShortestPathsAsArray(machine) {
var result = getShortestValuePaths(machine, defaultValueAdjMapOptions);
return utils_1.keys(result).map(function (key) { return ({
state: JSON.parse(key),
path: result[key]
}); });
exports.getShortestPathsAsArray = getShortestPathsAsArray;
exports.getShortestPaths = getShortestPaths;
// export function getShortestValuePaths<
// TContext = DefaultContext,
// TEvent extends EventObject = EventObject
// >(
// machine: StateNode<TContext, any, TEvent>,
// options: ValueAdjMapOptions<TContext, TEvent> = defaultValueAdjMapOptions
// ): PathMap<TContext, TEvent> {
// if (!machine.states) {
// return EMPTY_MAP;
// }
// const adjacency = getValueAdjacencyMap<TContext, TEvent>(machine, options);
// const pathMap: PathMap<TContext, TEvent> = {};
// const visited: Set<string> = new Set();
// function util(state: State<TContext>): PathMap<TContext, TEvent> {
// const stateKey = serializeState(state);
// visited.add(stateKey);
// const eventMap = adjacency[stateKey];
// for (const eventType of keys(eventMap)) {
// const { value, context } = eventMap[eventType];
// if (!value) {
// continue;
// }
// const nextState = State.from(value, context);
// const nextStateId = serializeState(nextState);
// if (
// !pathMap[nextStateId] ||
// pathMap[nextStateId].length > pathMap[stateKey].length + 1
// ) {
// pathMap[nextStateId] = [
// ...(pathMap[stateKey] || []),
// {
// state: { value, context: state.context },
// event: deserializeEventString(eventType) as TEvent
// }
// ];
// }
// if (visited.has(nextStateId)) {
// continue;
// }
// util(nextState);
// }
// return pathMap;
// }
// util(machine.initialState);
// return pathMap;
// }
// export function getShortestPathsAsArray<
// TContext = DefaultContext,
// TEvent extends EventObject = EventObject
// >(
// machine: StateNode<TContext, any, TEvent>
// ): Array<PathItem<TContext, TEvent>> {
// const result = getShortestValuePaths<TContext, TEvent>(
// machine,
// defaultValueAdjMapOptions
// );
// return keys(result).map(key => ({
// state: JSON.parse(key),
// path: result[key]
// }));
// }
function getSimplePaths(machine, options) {
var e_9, _a;
if (!machine.states) {

@@ -334,3 +445,3 @@ return EMPTY_MAP;

function util(fromStateSerial, toStateSerial) {
var e_5, _a;
var e_10, _a;

@@ -364,3 +475,3 @@ if (fromStateSerial === toStateSerial) {

catch (e_5_1) { e_5 = { error: e_5_1 }; }
catch (e_10_1) { e_10 = { error: e_10_1 }; }
finally {

@@ -370,3 +481,3 @@ try {

finally { if (e_5) throw e_5.error; }
finally { if (e_10) throw e_10.error; }

@@ -378,5 +489,15 @@ }

var initialStateSerial = serializeState(machine.initialState);
utils_1.keys(adjacency).forEach(function (nextStateSerial) {
util(initialStateSerial, nextStateSerial);
try {
for (var _b = __values(utils_1.keys(adjacency)), _c =; !_c.done; _c = {
var nextStateSerial = _c.value;
util(initialStateSerial, nextStateSerial);
catch (e_9_1) { e_9 = { error: e_9_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return));
finally { if (e_9) throw e_9.error; }
return paths;

@@ -383,0 +504,0 @@ }

@@ -1,1 +0,2 @@

export { getNodes, getAdjacencyMap, getSimplePaths, serializeEvent, serializeState, deserializeEventString, deserializeStateString } from './graph';
import { getNodes, getEdges, getSimplePaths, getShortestPaths, serializeEvent, serializeState, deserializeEventString, deserializeStateString, adjacencyMap } from './graph';
export { adjacencyMap, getNodes, getEdges, getSimplePaths, getShortestPaths, serializeEvent, serializeState, deserializeEventString, deserializeStateString };

@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ "use strict";

exports.getNodes = graph_1.getNodes;
exports.getAdjacencyMap = graph_1.getAdjacencyMap;
exports.getEdges = graph_1.getEdges;
exports.getSimplePaths = graph_1.getSimplePaths;
exports.getShortestPaths = graph_1.getShortestPaths;
exports.serializeEvent = graph_1.serializeEvent;

@@ -12,1 +13,2 @@ exports.serializeState = graph_1.serializeState;

exports.deserializeStateString = graph_1.deserializeStateString;
exports.adjacencyMap = graph_1.adjacencyMap;
"name": "@xstate/graph",
"version": "0.0.2",
"version": "0.1.0",
"description": "XState graph utilities",

@@ -25,3 +25,4 @@ "keywords": [

"scripts": {
"test": "tsc && mocha --require ts-node/register test/**.ts test/**/*.test.ts"
"test": "tsc && mocha --require ts-node/register test/**.ts test/**/*.test.ts",
"prepublish": "tsc && npm run test"

@@ -32,3 +33,4 @@ "bugs": {

"dependencies": {
"xstate": "4.3.3"
"immer": "^2.1.5",
"xstate": "^4.5.0"

@@ -35,0 +37,0 @@ "devDependencies": {

@@ -1,1 +0,380 @@

# XState Graph
# @xstate/graph
This package contains graph algorithms and utilities for XState machines.
## Quick Start
1. Install `xstate` and `@xstate/graph`:
npm install xstate @xstate/graph
2. Import the graph utilities. Example:
import { Machine } from 'xstate';
import { simplePaths } from '@xstate/graph';
const machine = Machine(/* ... */);
const paths = simplePaths(machine);
## API
### `getShortestPaths(machine, options?)`
- `machine` - the [`Machine`]( to traverse
- `options` (optional) - [options](#options) that customize how the algorithm will traverse the machine
Returns the [shortest paths (Dijkstra's algorithm)]( of a [machine]( from the initial state to every other state as a mapped object, where the:
- **key** is the stringified state
- **value** is an object with the properties:
- `state` - the target state
- `path` - the shortest path to get from the initial state to the target state
The `path` is an array of segments, where each segment is an object with the properties:
- `state` - the state of the segment
- `weight` - the total [weight](<>) of the path
- Currently, each transition from one state to another has a weight of 1. This will be customizable in the future.
- `event` - the event object that transitions the `machine` from the state to the next state in the path
Every path starts with the initial state.
The overall object structure looks like this:
"state": { "value": "<state.value>", "context": "<state.context>" },
"path": [
"state": {
"value": "<initialState.value>",
"context": "<initialState.context>"
"event": { "type": "<event.type>", "<PROP>": "<event.PROP>" }
"state": {
"value": "<state.value>",
"context": "<state.context>"
"event": { "type": "<event.type>", "<PROP>": "<event.PROP>" }
import { Machine } from 'xstate';
import { getShortestPaths } from '@xstate/graph';
const feedbackMachine = Machine({
id: 'feedback',
initial: 'question',
states: {
question: {
on: {
CLICK_GOOD: 'thanks',
CLICK_BAD: 'form',
CLOSE: 'closed',
ESC: 'closed'
form: {
on: {
SUBMIT: 'thanks',
CLOSE: 'closed',
ESC: 'closed'
thanks: {
on: {
CLOSE: 'closed',
ESC: 'closed'
closed: {
type: 'final'
const shortestPaths = getShortestPaths(feedbackMachine);
// => {
// '"question"': {
// state: { value: 'question', context: undefined },
// weight: 0,
// path: []
// },
// '"thanks"': {
// state: { value: 'thanks', context: undefined },
// weight: 1,
// path: [
// {
// state: { value: 'question', context: undefined },
// event: { type: 'CLICK_GOOD' }
// }
// ]
// },
// '"form"': {
// state: { value: 'form', context: undefined },
// weight: 1,
// path: [
// {
// state: { value: 'question', context: undefined },
// event: { type: 'CLICK_BAD' }
// }
// ]
// },
// '"closed"': {
// state: { value: 'closed', context: undefined },
// weight: 1,
// path: [
// {
// state: { value: 'question', context: undefined },
// event: { type: 'CLOSE' }
// }
// ]
// }
// };
### `getSimplePaths(machine, options?)`
- `machine` - the [`Machine`]( to traverse
- `options` (optional) - [options](#options) that customize how the algorithm will traverse the machine
Returns the [simple paths](<>) of a [machine]( as a mapped object, where the:
- **key** is the stringified state
- **value** is an object with the properties:
- `state` - the target state
- `paths` - the array of paths to get from the initial state to the target state
Each `path` in `paths` is an array of segments, where each segment of the path is an object with the properties:
- `state` - the state of the segment
- `event` - the event object that transitions the `machine` from the state to the next state in the path
Every path starts with the initial state.
The overall object structure looks like this:
"state": { "value": "<state.value>", "context": "<state.context>" },
"paths": [
"state": {
"value": "<initialState.value>",
"context": "<initialState.context>"
"event": { "type": "<event.type>", "<PROP>": "<event.PROP>" }
"state": {
"value": "<state.value>",
"context": "<state.context>"
"event": { "type": "<event.type>", "<PROP>": "<event.PROP>" }
import { Machine } from 'xstate';
import { getSimplePaths } from '@xstate/graph';
const feedbackMachine = Machine({
id: 'feedback',
initial: 'question',
states: {
question: {
on: {
CLICK_GOOD: 'thanks',
CLICK_BAD: 'form',
CLOSE: 'closed',
ESC: 'closed'
form: {
on: {
SUBMIT: 'thanks',
CLOSE: 'closed',
ESC: 'closed'
thanks: {
on: {
CLOSE: 'closed',
ESC: 'closed'
closed: {
type: 'final'
const simplePaths = getSimplePaths(feedbackMachine);
// => {
// '"question"': {
// state: { value: 'question', context: undefined },
// paths: [[]]
// },
// '"thanks"': {
// state: { value: 'thanks', context: undefined },
// paths: [
// [
// {
// state: { value: 'question', context: undefined },
// event: { type: 'CLICK_GOOD' }
// }
// ],
// [
// {
// state: { value: 'question', context: undefined },
// event: { type: 'CLICK_BAD' }
// },
// {
// state: { value: 'form', context: undefined },
// event: { type: 'SUBMIT' }
// }
// ]
// ]
// },
// '"closed"': {
// state: { value: 'closed', context: undefined },
// paths: [
// [
// {
// state: { value: 'question', context: undefined },
// event: { type: 'CLICK_GOOD' }
// },
// {
// state: { value: 'thanks', context: undefined },
// event: { type: 'CLOSE' }
// }
// ],
// [
// {
// state: { value: 'question', context: undefined },
// event: { type: 'CLICK_GOOD' }
// },
// {
// state: { value: 'thanks', context: undefined },
// event: { type: 'ESC' }
// }
// ],
// ...
// ]
// },
// ...
// };
## Options
Options can be passed into `getShortestPaths` or `getSimplePaths` to customize how the graph represented by the machine should be traversed:
- `events` - a mapping of event types to an array of event objects to be used for those events
- `filter` - a function that determines whether a `state` should be traversed. If `false`, the traversal algorithm(s) will assume the state was "seen" and ignore traversing it.
In the below example, the `INC` event is expanded to include two possible events, with `value: 1` and `value: 2` as the payload. It also ensures that the `state.context.count <= 5`; otherwise, this machine would be traversed infinitely.
const counterMachine = Machine({
id: 'counter',
initial: 'active',
context: { count: 0 },
states: {
active: {
on: {
INC: {
actions: assign({ count: (ctx, e) => ctx.count + e.value })
const shortestPaths = getShortestPaths(counterMachine, {
events: {
INC: [{ type: 'INC', value: 1 }, { type: 'INC', value: 2 }]
filter: state => state.context.count <= 5
// => {
// '"active" | {"count":0}': {
// state: { value: 'active', context: { count: 0 } },
// weight: 0,
// path: []
// },
// '"active" | {"count":1}': {
// state: { value: 'active', context: { count: 1 } },
// weight: 1,
// path: [
// {
// state: { value: 'active', context: { count: 0 } },
// event: { type: 'INC', value: 1 }
// }
// ]
// },
// '"active" | {"count":2}': {
// state: { value: 'active', context: { count: 2 } },
// weight: 1,
// path: [
// {
// state: { value: 'active', context: { count: 0 } },
// event: { type: 'INC', value: 2 }
// }
// ]
// },
// '"active" | {"count":3}': {
// state: { value: 'active', context: { count: 3 } },
// weight: 2,
// path: [
// {
// state: { value: 'active', context: { count: 0 } },
// event: { type: 'INC', value: 1 }
// },
// {
// state: { value: 'active', context: { count: 1 } },
// event: { type: 'INC', value: 2 }
// }
// ]
// },
// ...
// };
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