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@zag-js/core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.0-dev-20221228102655 to 0.0.0-dev-20221228121448



export { proxy, ref, snapshot, subscribe } from '@zag-js/store';
declare function deepMerge<T extends Record<string, any>>(source: T, ...objects: T[]): T;
type Dict<T = any> = Record<string, T>;
type MaybeArray<T> = T | T[];
type VoidFunction = () => void;
type IfEquals<X, Y, A, B> = (<T>() => T extends X ? 1 : 2) extends <T>() => T extends Y ? 1 : 2 ? A : B;
type WritableKey<T> = {
[P in keyof T]: IfEquals<{
[Q in P]: T[P];
}, {
-readonly [Q in P]: T[P];
}, P, never>;
}[keyof T];
type Writable<T> = Pick<T, WritableKey<T>>;
type Computed<T> = Omit<T, WritableKey<T>>;
declare namespace StateMachine {
type Context<V, C> = V & Readonly<C>;
type TComputedContext<T> = {
[K in keyof Computed<T>]: (ctx: T) => T[K];
type UserContext<TContext> = Partial<Writable<TContext>>;
type ContextListener<TContext extends Dict> = (context: TContext) => void;
type EventObject = {
type: string;
type Event<TEvent extends EventObject = EventObject> = TEvent["type"] | TEvent;
interface AnyEventObject extends EventObject {
[key: string]: any;
type Send<TEvent extends EventObject = AnyEventObject> = (event: Event<TEvent>) => void;
type EventListener<TEvent extends EventObject = AnyEventObject> = (event: TEvent) => void;
type ExtractEvent<TEvent extends EventObject, K> = K extends TEvent["type"] ? Extract<TEvent, {
type: K;
}> : EventObject;
type Expression<TContext extends Dict, TEvent extends EventObject, TReturn> = (context: TContext, event: TEvent) => TReturn;
type Meta<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = {
state: State<TContext, TState>;
guards: Dict;
send: Send<TEvent>;
self: Self<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
getState: () => State<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
getAction: (key: string) => ExpressionWithMeta<TContext, TState, TEvent, void>;
getGuard: (key: string) => GuardExpression<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
type ExpressionWithMeta<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject, TReturn> = (context: TContext, event: TEvent, meta: Meta<TContext, TState, TEvent>) => TReturn;
type Action<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = string | ExpressionWithMeta<TContext, TState, TEvent, void>;
type Actions<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = ChooseHelper<TContext, TState, TEvent> | MaybeArray<Action<TContext, TState, TEvent>>;
type PureActions<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = MaybeArray<Action<TContext, TState, TEvent>>;
type ActionMap<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = {
[action: string]: ExpressionWithMeta<TContext, TState, TEvent, void>;
type Activity<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = string | ExpressionWithMeta<TContext, TState, TEvent, VoidFunction | void | undefined>;
type Activities<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = MaybeArray<Activity<TContext, TState, TEvent>>;
type ActivityMap<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = {
[activity: string]: ExpressionWithMeta<TContext, TState, TEvent, VoidFunction | void | undefined>;
type TransitionDefinition<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = {
target?: TState["value"];
actions?: Actions<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
guard?: Guard<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
internal?: boolean;
type DelayExpression<TContext extends Dict, TEvent extends EventObject> = Expression<TContext, TEvent, number>;
type Delay<TContext extends Dict, TEvent extends EventObject> = string | number | DelayExpression<TContext, TEvent>;
type DelayMap<TContext extends Dict, TEvent extends EventObject> = {
[delay: string]: number | DelayExpression<TContext, TEvent>;
type DelayedTransition<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = TransitionDefinition<TContext, TState, TEvent> & {
* The time to delay the event, in milliseconds.
delay?: Delay<TContext, TEvent>;
type DelayedTransitions<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = Record<string | number, TState["value"] | MaybeArray<TransitionDefinition<TContext, TState, TEvent>>> | Array<DelayedTransition<TContext, TState, TEvent>>;
* a transition can be a string (e.g "off") or a full definition object
* { target: "off", actions: [...], guard: "isEmpty" }
type Transition<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = TState["value"] | TransitionDefinition<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
* Transition can be a string (representing the `target`), an object or an array of possible
* transitions with `guard` to determine the selected transition
type Transitions<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = Transition<TContext, TState, TEvent> | Array<TransitionDefinition<TContext, TState, TEvent>>;
type TransitionDefinitionMap<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = {
[K in TEvent["type"]]?: TState["value"] | MaybeArray<TransitionDefinition<TContext, TState, ExtractEvent<TEvent, K>>>;
interface StateNode<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> {
* The type of this state node.
type?: "final";
* The tags for the state node.
tags?: MaybeArray<TState["tags"] extends string ? TState["tags"] : string>;
* The activities to be started upon entering the state node,
* and stopped upon exiting the state node.
activities?: Activities<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
* The mapping of event types to their potential transition(s).
on?: TransitionDefinitionMap<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
* The action(s) to be executed upon entering the state node.
entry?: Actions<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
* The action(s) to be executed upon exiting the state node.
exit?: Actions<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
* The meta data associated with this state node.
meta?: string | Dict;
* The mapping (or array) of delays (in `ms`) to their potential transition(s) to run after
* the specified delay. Uses `setTimeout` under the hood.
after?: DelayedTransitions<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
* The mapping (or array) of intervals (in `ms`) to their potential actions(s) to run at interval.
* Uses `setInterval` under the hood.
every?: Record<string | number, Actions<TContext, TState, TEvent>> | Array<{
delay?: number | string | Expression<TContext, TEvent, number>;
actions: Actions<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
guard?: Guard<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
type GuardMeta<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = {
state: Pick<State<TContext, TState, TEvent>, "matches">;
type GuardExpression<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject, TReturn = boolean> = (context: TContext, event: TEvent, guardMeta: GuardMeta<TContext, TState, TEvent>) => TReturn;
type GuardHelper<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = {
predicate: (guards: Dict) => GuardExpression<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
type ChooseHelper<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = {
predicate: (guards: Dict) => GuardExpression<TContext, TState, TEvent, PureActions<TContext, TState, TEvent> | undefined>;
type Guard<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = string | GuardExpression<TContext, TState, TEvent> | GuardHelper<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
type GuardMap<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = {
[guard: string]: GuardExpression<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
type StateSchema = {
value: string;
tags?: string;
type StateInitObject<TContext, TState extends StateSchema> = {
context: TContext;
value: TState["value"];
type StateInit<TContext, TState extends StateSchema> = TState["value"] | StateInitObject<TContext, TState>;
type StateListener<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject = EventObject> = (state: State<TContext, TState, TEvent>) => void;
interface StateInfo<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> {
reenter: boolean;
changed: boolean;
transition: TransitionDefinition<TContext, TState, TEvent> | undefined;
stateNode: StateNode<TContext, TState, TEvent> | undefined;
target: TState["value"];
interface MachineConfig<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> {
* Function called whenever the state receives an event through its send method
onEvent?: Actions<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
* Function called synchronously after the machine has been instantiated,
* before it is started.
created?: Actions<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
* The actions to run when the machine has started. This is usually
* called in the `beforeMount`, `onMount` or `useLayoutEffect` lifecycle methods.
entry?: Actions<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
* The actions to run when the machine has stopped. This is usually
* called in the `onUnmount` or `useLayoutEffect` cleanup lifecycle methods.
exit?: Actions<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
* The root level activities to run when the machine is started
activities?: Activities<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
* The unique identifier for the invoked machine.
id?: string;
* The extended state used to store `data` for your machine
context?: Writable<TContext>;
* A generic way to react to context value changes
watch?: {
[K in keyof TContext]?: PureActions<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
* The computed properties based on the state
computed?: Partial<TComputedContext<TContext>>;
* The initial state to start with
initial?: TState["value"];
* The mapping of state node keys to their state node configurations (recursive).
states?: Partial<Record<TState["value"], StateNode<TContext, TState, TEvent>>>;
* Mapping events to transitions
on?: TransitionDefinitionMap<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
interface State<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema = StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject = EventObject> {
value: TState["value"] | null;
previousValue: TState["value"] | null;
event: TEvent;
previousEvent: TEvent;
context: TContext;
done: boolean;
can(event: string): boolean;
matches(...value: TState["value"][]): boolean;
hasTag(value: TState["tags"]): boolean;
nextEvents: string[];
changed: boolean;
tags: TState["tags"][];
interface MachineOptions<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> {
debug?: boolean;
guards?: GuardMap<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
actions?: ActionMap<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
delays?: DelayMap<TContext, TEvent>;
activities?: ActivityMap<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
sync?: boolean;
compareFns?: {
[K in keyof TContext]: CompareFn<TContext[K], K>;
type HookOptions<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = {
actions?: ActionMap<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
state?: StateInit<TContext, TState>;
context?: UserContext<TContext>;
type Self<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateSchema, TEvent extends EventObject> = {
id: string;
send: (event: Event<TEvent>) => void;
sendParent: (evt: AnyEventObject) => void;
sendChild: (evt: Event<TEvent>, to: string | ((ctx: TContext) => string)) => void;
stop: VoidFunction;
stopChild: (id: string) => void;
spawn<T>(src: T | (() => T), id?: string): T;
state: State<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
declare enum MachineStatus {
NotStarted = "Not Started",
Running = "Running",
Stopped = "Stopped"
declare enum MachineType {
Machine = "machine",
Actor = ""
type CompareFn<T = any, K = string> = (prev: T, next: T, key: K) => boolean;
declare function or<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateMachine.StateSchema, TEvent extends StateMachine.EventObject>(...conditions: Array<StateMachine.Guard<TContext, TState, TEvent>>): StateMachine.GuardHelper<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
declare function and<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateMachine.StateSchema, TEvent extends StateMachine.EventObject>(...conditions: Array<StateMachine.Guard<TContext, TState, TEvent>>): StateMachine.GuardHelper<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
declare function not<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateMachine.StateSchema, TEvent extends StateMachine.EventObject>(condition: StateMachine.Guard<TContext, TState, TEvent>): StateMachine.GuardHelper<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
declare function stateIn<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateMachine.StateSchema, TEvent extends StateMachine.EventObject>(...values: TState["value"][]): StateMachine.GuardExpression<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
declare const guards: {
or: typeof or;
and: typeof and;
not: typeof not;
stateIn: typeof stateIn;
declare function choose<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateMachine.StateSchema, TEvent extends StateMachine.EventObject = StateMachine.AnyEventObject>(actions: Array<{
guard?: StateMachine.Guard<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
actions: StateMachine.PureActions<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
}>): StateMachine.ChooseHelper<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
declare class Machine<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateMachine.StateSchema, TEvent extends StateMachine.EventObject = StateMachine.AnyEventObject> {
status: MachineStatus;
readonly state: StateMachine.State<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
initialState: StateMachine.StateInfo<TContext, TState, TEvent> | undefined;
id: string;
type: MachineType;
private activityEvents;
private delayedEvents;
private stateListeners;
private contextListeners;
private eventListeners;
private doneListeners;
private contextWatchers;
private removeStateListener;
private removeEventListener;
private removeContextListener;
private parent?;
private children;
private guardMap;
private actionMap;
private delayMap;
private activityMap;
private sync;
options: StateMachine.MachineOptions<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
config: StateMachine.MachineConfig<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
constructor(config: StateMachine.MachineConfig<TContext, TState, TEvent>, options?: StateMachine.MachineOptions<TContext, TState, TEvent>);
private get stateSnapshot();
getState(): StateMachine.State<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
private get contextSnapshot();
start: (init?: StateMachine.StateInit<TContext, TState>) => this;
private setupContextWatchers;
stop: () => this | undefined;
private stopEventListeners;
private stopContextListeners;
private stopStateListeners;
private stopContextWatchers;
private stopDelayedEvents;
private stopActivities;
* Function to send event to spawned child machine or actor
sendChild: (evt: StateMachine.Event<StateMachine.AnyEventObject>, to: string | ((ctx: TContext) => string)) => void;
* Function to stop a running child machine or actor
stopChild: (id: string) => void;
removeChild: (id: string) => void;
private stopChildren;
private setParent;
spawn: <TContext_1 extends Dict<any>, TState_1 extends StateMachine.StateSchema, TEvent_1 extends StateMachine.EventObject = StateMachine.AnyEventObject>(src: MachineSrc<TContext_1, TState_1, TEvent_1>, id?: string) => Machine<TContext_1, TState_1, TEvent_1>;
private addActivityCleanup;
private setState;
* To used within side effects for React or Vue to update context
setContext: (context: Partial<Writable<TContext>> | undefined) => void;
withContext: (context: Partial<Writable<TContext>>) => Machine<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
setOptions: (options: Partial<StateMachine.MachineOptions<TContext, TState, TEvent>>) => void;
private getStateNode;
private getNextStateInfo;
private getActionFromDelayedTransition;
* All `after` events leverage `setTimeout` and `clearTimeout`,
* we invoke the `clearTimeout` on exit and `setTimeout` on entry.
* To achieve this, we split the `after` defintion into `entry` and `exit`
* functions and append them to the state's `entry` and `exit` actions
private getDelayedEventActions;
* A reference to the instance methods of the machine.
* Useful when spawning child machines and managing the communication between them.
private get self();
private get meta();
private get guardMeta();
* Function to executes defined actions. It can accept actions as string
* (referencing `options.actions`) or actual functions.
private executeActions;
* Function to execute running activities and registers
* their cleanup function internally (to be called later on when we exit the state)
private executeActivities;
* Normalizes the `every` definition to transition. `every` can be:
* - An array of possible actions to run (we need to pick the first match based on guard)
* - An object of intervals and actions
private createEveryActivities;
private setEvent;
private performExitEffects;
private performEntryEffects;
private performTransitionEffects;
* Performs all the requires side-effects or reactions when
* we move from state A => state B.
* The Effect order:
* Exit actions (current state) => Transition actions => Go to state => Entry actions (next state)
private performStateChangeEffects;
private determineTransition;
* Function to send event to parent machine from spawned child
sendParent: (evt: StateMachine.Event<StateMachine.AnyEventObject>) => void;
private log;
* Function to send an event to current machine
send: (evt: StateMachine.Event<TEvent>) => void;
transition: (state: TState["value"] | StateMachine.StateInfo<TContext, TState, TEvent> | null, evt: StateMachine.Event<TEvent>) => StateMachine.StateNode<TContext, TState, TEvent> | undefined;
subscribe: (listener: StateMachine.StateListener<TContext, TState, TEvent>) => () => void;
onDone: (listener: StateMachine.StateListener<TContext, TState, TEvent>) => this;
onTransition: (listener: StateMachine.StateListener<TContext, TState, TEvent>) => this;
onChange: (listener: StateMachine.ContextListener<TContext>) => this;
onEvent: (listener: StateMachine.EventListener<TEvent>) => this;
get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string;
type MachineSrc<TContext extends Dict, TState extends StateMachine.StateSchema, TEvent extends StateMachine.EventObject = StateMachine.AnyEventObject> = Machine<TContext, TState, TEvent> | (() => Machine<TContext, TState, TEvent>);
type AnyMachine = Machine<Dict, StateMachine.StateSchema, StateMachine.AnyEventObject>;
declare const createMachine: <TContext extends Dict<any>, TState extends StateMachine.StateSchema = StateMachine.StateSchema, TEvent extends StateMachine.EventObject = StateMachine.AnyEventObject>(config: StateMachine.MachineConfig<TContext, TState, TEvent>, options?: StateMachine.MachineOptions<TContext, TState, TEvent> | undefined) => Machine<TContext, TState, TEvent>;
interface Props {
[key: string]: any;
type TupleTypes<T extends any[]> = T[number];
type UnionToIntersection<U> = (U extends any ? (k: U) => void : never) extends (k: infer I) => void ? I : never;
declare function mergeProps<T extends Props>(...args: T[]): UnionToIntersection<TupleTypes<T[]>>;
type AnyFunction = (...args: any[]) => any;
type ReturnTypeOrValue<T> = T extends AnyFunction ? ReturnType<T> : T;
type StateFrom<T> = ReturnTypeOrValue<T> extends infer R ? R extends Machine<infer TContext, infer TState, infer TEvent> ? StateMachine.State<TContext, TState, TEvent> : never : never;
type ContextFrom<T> = ReturnTypeOrValue<T> extends infer R ? R extends Machine<infer TContext, any, any> ? TContext : never : never;
type EventFrom<T> = ReturnTypeOrValue<T> extends infer R ? R extends Machine<any, any, infer TEvent> ? TEvent : never : never;
export { AnyMachine, ContextFrom, EventFrom, Machine, MachineSrc, StateFrom, StateMachine, choose, createMachine, deepMerge, guards, mergeProps };
export { deepMerge } from './deep-merge.js';
export { choose, guards } from './guard-utils.js';
export { AnyMachine, Machine, MachineSrc, createMachine } from './machine.js';
export { mergeProps } from './merge-props.js';
export { ContextFrom, EventFrom, StateFrom } from './type-utils.js';
export { StateMachine } from './types.js';

@@ -42,3 +42,3 @@ "use strict";

// ../utilities/core/dist/index.mjs
// ../utilities/core/src/array.ts
function clear(v) {

@@ -49,2 +49,4 @@ while (v.length > 0)

// ../utilities/core/src/functions.ts
var runIfFn = (v, ...a) => {

@@ -69,2 +71,4 @@ const res = typeof v === "function" ? v(...a) : v;

// ../utilities/core/src/guard.ts
var isDev = () => process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production";

@@ -76,2 +80,4 @@ var isArray = (v) => Array.isArray(v);

var isFunction = (v) => typeof v === "function";
// ../utilities/core/src/object.ts
function compact(obj) {

@@ -84,2 +90,4 @@ if (obj === void 0)

// ../utilities/core/src/warning.ts
function warn(...a) {

@@ -120,2 +128,10 @@ const m = a.length === 1 ? a[0] : a[1];

var import_store = require("@zag-js/store");
var import_full = require("klona/full");
var import_json = require("klona/json");
function cloneJson(v) {
return (0, import_json.klona)(v);
function cloneFull(v) {
return (0, import_full.klona)(v);
function toEvent(event) {

@@ -221,3 +237,2 @@ const obj = isString(event) ? { type: event } : event;

var import_store3 = require("@zag-js/store");
var import_json = require("klona/json");

@@ -793,4 +808,4 @@ // src/create-proxy.ts

var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _i, _j, _k, _l;
this.config = (0, import_json.klona)(config);
this.options = (0, import_json.klona)(options != null ? options : {});
this.config = cloneFull(config);
this.options = cloneFull(options != null ? options : {}); = (_a = != null ? _a : `machine-${uuid()}`;

@@ -810,3 +825,3 @@ this.guardMap = (_c = (_b = this.options) == null ? void 0 : _b.guards) != null ? _c : {};

getState() {
return (0, import_json.klona)(this.stateSnapshot);
return cloneJson(this.stateSnapshot);

@@ -813,0 +828,0 @@ get contextSnapshot() {

"name": "@zag-js/core",
"version": "0.0.0-dev-20221228102655",
"version": "0.0.0-dev-20221228121448",
"description": "A minimal implementation of xstate fsm for UI machines",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"module": "dist/index.mjs",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"keywords": [

@@ -32,11 +29,24 @@ "ui-machines",

"klona": "2.0.5",
"@zag-js/store": "0.2.1"
"@zag-js/store": "0.0.0-dev-20221228121448"
"devDependencies": {
"@zag-js/utils": "0.3.1"
"clean-package": "2.2.0",
"@zag-js/utils": "0.0.0-dev-20221228121448"
"clean-package": "../../clean-package.config.json",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"module": "dist/index.mjs",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"exports": {
".": {
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/index.mjs",
"require": "./dist/index.js"
"./package.json": "./package.json"
"scripts": {
"build-fast": "tsup src/index.ts --format=esm,cjs",
"build-fast": "tsup src",
"start": "pnpm build --watch",
"build": "tsup src/index.ts --format=esm,cjs --dts",
"build": "tsup src --dts",
"test": "jest --config ../../jest.config.js --rootDir . --passWithNoTests",

@@ -43,0 +53,0 @@ "lint": "eslint src --ext .ts,.tsx",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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